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22x10 - Timelash - part 1

Posted: 11/17/04 13:36
by bunniefuu


Written by Glen McCoy

Original air date: 09th March, 1985
Run time: 45:00


Peri: Lost?

The Doctor: I am never, ever lost.

Peri: Ha! Wish I could have that on tape.

The Doctor: I was contemplating taking you to the constellation of Andromeda.

Peri: Why?

The Doctor: I haven't been there recently, that's why.

Peri: Well, what about me? Don't I ever get a say in our destination?

The Doctor: Oh. Where would the First Lady suggest?

Peri: Well, I don't mind.

The Doctor: Ha.

Peri: What I mean, Doctor, is I don't mind where we go so long as when we get there, we spend some time and relax.

The Doctor: You want a holiday! Why didn't you say so before? I know the very place.

Peri: Doctor, if you're about to suggest the Eye of Orion, don't. I've heard all about that elusive place once too often. No one lives there and few visit, apart from you.

The Doctor: Oh, but such a beautiful moonset. Ideal tonic for the weary time traveller. But, if that doesn't appeal, as I've said, there is always Andromeda.

Peri: Oh, really. And what's out there?

The Doctor: Some of the most magical sights in the entire universe. Astral starbursts creating a myriad celestial bodies against a timeless royal blue backdrop.

Peri: Very poetic, but that's the exact description you always give of the Eye of Orion.

The Doctor: It is?

Peri: Word for word.

The Doctor: Does nothing please you?

Peri: Yes. Purposeful travel, not aimless wanderings.

The Doctor: Aimless? You see our time together as aimless?

Peri: No, not exactly. I guess not.

The Doctor: I should hope not. Or perhaps you're trying to tell me you've had enough. In that case I can easily set the coordinates for Earth, 1985.

Peri: No, no, that won't be necessary.


Aram: We'll have to split up. If just one of us can get out of the Citadel and make it as far as the rebel encampment...

Tyheer: Fat chance. There's got to be another way to defeat the Borad from within the Citadel.

Aram: You please yourself, Tyheer, but I'm getting out. Gazak?

Gazak: I'm with you. If we stay here and are caught, they'll throw in the Timelash. Shush.

Aram: Let's go. Good luck.


The Doctor: That is a Kontron tunnel. Put more colloquially, it's a time corridor in space.

Peri: Didn't the Daleks have one of those?

The Doctor: It doesn't matter whose tunnel it is, we're heading straight for it and there's nothing we can do about it.

Peri: So? You've always said the TARDIS is indestructible.

The Doctor: Well, that's beside the point. Colliding with a time corridor something one tries to avoid.

Peri: Well, what will it do to us?

The Doctor: You can never tell with a time tunnel. Ah!

Peri: Are you in pain?

The Doctor: I've found out where the corridor's going. You're in luck. It's Earth. It's a period you call 1179AD.

Peri: Oh, I've never been to twelfth century Earth.

The Doctor: As I seem to keep saying, that's beside the point. Once inside a time tunnel, the TARDIS may undergo an adverse Kontron effect.

Peri: Is that bad?

The Doctor: Bad? Bad? Doh. Bad? You don't seem to realise the effect that time particles colliding within a multi-dimensional implosion field can have.

Peri: Hardly.

The Doctor: Well, the short answer is Pow!


Guard: Right, loop him up.

Gazak: No!

Borad's vault

Borad: So, you nearly got away.

Aram: What are you?

Borad: The Borad, your master.

Aram: You can't be.

Borad: And you have betrayed me.

Inner Sanctum

Brunner: Apparently the rebels att*cked a storage chamber last night.

Kendron: Why? Surely they know they can't win?

Brunner: As surely as they know the punishment that awaits their failure.

Mykros: They're bringing up Gazak and Tyheer.

Vena: Tyheer? But Tyheer is a councillor. Mykros, what is going on?

Mykros: I don't know. Things can't be allowed to continue like this. We are tearing the fabric of our society apart.

Vena: The Borad has promised all of us a better place in which to live. We must trust him.

Mykros: When we're losing our own friends? What sort of leader never appears in public, only on a screen?

Vena: You know that is a security measure.

Mykros: Don't be so naive. We never see him because he doesn't care. The only thing that interests the Borad are these endless time experiments.

Vena: He is experimenting for the good of us all. He's a fine leader.

Mykros: Not only is our planet divided, we are under imminent threat of invasion from our former allies, the Bandrils. Is that good leadership? Why aren't we preparing to defend ourselves? Why are we having a w*r at all?

Tekker: Maylin Renis.

Renis: Have the prisoners brought forward.

Tyheer: Renis, please, I'm not guilty. I led you to the conspirators.

Gazak: You traitor!

Tyheer: I'm not a traitor, I'm one of you.

Renis: Be quiet. For organising rebellious acts against our honoured ruler, the Borad, the people of Karfel condemn Gazak and Tyheer to the Timelash.

Gazak: No!

Tyheer: But I helped you! You can't execute me. Maylin, listen to me, please.

Renis: Silence him. The Timelash will banish you. The Borad has spared your miserable life.

Mykros: (quietly) I think I prefer death.

Vena: (quietly) What do you mean?

Mykros: (quietly) Who knows where that time corridor ends?

Gazak: Let me say my last words, Maylin. Please.

Malyin: Let him speak.

Gazak: I'm no rebel. I love this planet. My crime is merely a concern for our world, our people, our loss of freedom, and the growing danger of an interplanetary w*r.

Tekker: Nonsense. The boy is a self-confessed rebel. Banish him.

Gazak: No, Maylin, you can't do this. Please!

Renis: Quiet, quiet. Sentence will be carried out.

Tyheer: Tekker, you must believe me.

Tyheer: Spare me the Timelash and I'll help you fight the rebels, Maylin. Please!

Renis: Too late, Tyheer.

Tyheer: No, you're making a big mistake. No, I won't go!

Borad (on screen): Let this be a further lesson. I will not tolerate any attempt to interfere with my plans. Furthermore, may I remind you that I'm working for the benefit of all Karfelons. That is all.

Mykros: (quietly) If you believe that, you'll believe anything.


Peri: Doctor?

The Doctor: Hmm?

Peri: That curve on the screen you told me to keep an eye on?

The Doctor: Hmm?

Peri: It's now a straight. Is that bad?

The Doctor: Bad? No, it's disastrous.

Inner Sanctum

Renis: That is all.

Android: Maylin.

Renis: I haven't forgotten.

Vena: Father, is that what you now call a fair trial?

Renis: That is not your concern.

Vena: To the contrary, I think that it is very much...

Renis: Enough. I hope you're taking great care of my only daughter.

Mykros: Of course. As my future wife, I could hardly do anything else.

Renis: Then cure her of her stubbornness. She has a foolish commitment to a way of life that is passed.

Mykros: I hope that she will soon believe as I do.

Renis: I'm pleased to hear it. Young noblewomen seem to have so much free will nowadays.

Vena: Father...

Mykros: Speaking of noblewomen, Vena tells me that Tola is recovering.

Renis: My wife is as well as can be expected after such major surgery.

Mykros: Is there anything that I can do?

Renis: No, Mykros, but I appreciate your concern. Now, if you will excuse me, I have some urgent business to attend to.

Mykros: Of course.


The Doctor: How's that line?

Peri: It's starting to break up.

The Doctor: Is it still on the screen?

Peri: Just about.

The Doctor: If any part of it leaves the screen, let me know immediately.

Power vault

Malyin: What are you doing in here? You know it's forbidden.

Mykros: Yes, I'm sorry, Maylin, but I'm afraid my curiosity got the better of me.

Renis: You do of course realise the penalty if you are caught in here.

Mykros: Oh, I'm past caring. I want some answers.

Renis: No one is monitoring us in here. The delta configuration rays would harm delicate instrumentation when I switch power through to the Borad's personal vault.

Mykros: It's a strange feeling, not being monitored. Wait a minute. Wait a minutes. What would happen if you refuse to make that power switch?

Renis: Are you mad?

Mykros: You'd cr*pple him, surely.

Renis: You're talking of mass su1c1de. If we tampered with his power supply, he'd wipe us out within seconds.

Mykros: Let him try. Look, I know we'd sustain losses, but we'd win through in the end. We must!

Renis: Do you think I haven't thought of all this already?

Mykros: Then why haven't you acted? Look, I'd help you. Many would. You wouldn't be alone.

Renis: It wouldn't work. Not yet.

Mykros: You're afraid, aren't you. Afraid of some power-crazed old man. That's all he is.

Renis: You don't know what you're talking about. I am in command.

Mykros: You're only a figurehead. If you had any real authority, you wouldn't allow loyal citizens to be cast into the Timelash.

Renis: They were rebels.

Mykros: They were no more rebels than you or I. Why can't you see what's happening? Karfel is being driven to total destruction and you will not lift a finger to stop it.

Renis: All I know is that I must continue my role as Maylin. My function is to switch power to the Borad. Either you stay and promise not to interfere, or leave now and let me get on with my duty.

Mykros: Just what does your duty entail?

Renis: There are two amulets.

Mykros: That's a mirror!

Renis: Yes.

Mykros: I thought the Borad had banned all mirrors.

Renis: Only this one remains. The two amulets must be places simultaneously to open the power panels.

Mykros: What happens next?

Malyin: We make the necessary power switches according to these instructions.

Mykros: What's wrong?

Renis: He wants me to divert all subsidiary energy supplies to his vault.

Mykros: Everything?

Renis: All except power for the Timelash.

Mykros: He's mad!

Renis: I've no other choice but to obey.

Mykros: What about those in the hospital? Good heavens, man, your own wife is there on a life support system. You can't! It's m*rder!

Renis: Rebelling is useless. We both know that. Perhaps my wife will be strong enough to survive on her own.

Mykros: I'm going to destroy this madman.

Renis: All right, I won't stop you.

Borad's vault

Renis (O.C.): But don't involve me or my daughter.

Mykros (O.C.): I suggest you think about your own wife.

Renis (O.C.): If you think of yourself.

Power vault

Renis: Dead, you're of no use to anyone. Alive, you might just succeed.

Renis: Good luck.

Outside the power vault

Renis: Android. It's all right, he was just assisting me.

Android: Mykros. Return immediately to the Inner Sanctum for an emergency meeting.

Renis: But shouldn't I have been informed?

Android: Maylin. You are requested to attend the Borad.


The Doctor: Belt up.

Peri: Where did you get these?

The Doctor: Does it matter?

Peri: Well, we've never had to use belts before.

The Doctor: We've never had to negotiate a Kontron tunnel before.

Peri: Doctor!

The Doctor: Peri, it's started.

Borad's vault

Borad: Maylin Renis, how nice of you to accept my invitation.

Renis: The pleasure and honour is mine, Borad.

Borad: I was pleased to see that you dealt firmly with the rebels.

Renis: Thank you.

Borad: Personally, I would have preferred to see them dangling at the end of a rope.

Renis: Did I do wrong?

Borad: Well, perhaps you should have consulted me first.

Renis: I'm sorry I misunderstood your wishes. I simply went ahead on my own authority.

Borad: You have no authority. You act entirely under my explicit instructions.

Renis: But I am the Maylin!

Borad: From this moment, you are nothing.

Renis: I don't understand.

Borad: You think me a fool?

Renis: But, Borad.

Renis (O.C.): All right, I won't stop you, but don't involve me or my daughter.

Borad: Have you heard enough? You must be wondering how I learnt of your treason. A microphone fitted into the black scented amulet. When inserted into the power panel, it's shielded from delta configuration rays.

Borad: You look pale, Maylin.

Renis: You are...

Borad: Repulsive? Perhaps, but I have a hundred times your intellect, the strength of twenty Guardoliers, and a life spanning a dozen centuries.

Renis: What, what's happening? Where's the Borad?

Borad: Imbecile. I am the Borad and I do not tolerate disloyalty.

Borad: Time for another election. Inform Tekker that I have elected him to be the next Maylin.

Android: Yes, Borad.


The Doctor: Hang on, Peri, we're seconds from impact.

Inner Sanctum

Brunner: Fellow council members, may I introduce you to our new Maylin, Maylin Tekker.

Vena: Where's my father?

Tekker: Oh, please be seated, my dear Vena. Accept the condolences of the entire council of the Inner Sanctum. It appears your father has suffered a fatal seizure.

Vena: No! Why wasn't I told before about this?

Tekker: My dear Vena, the news grows worse.

Mykros: Tekker!

Vena: This is madness! What's happening?

Tekker: It's called treason. And he is the traitor.

Vena: No!

Tekker: Prepare the Timelash.

Vena: No. No.

Mykros: (quietly) Vena, be brave. It's up to you now. The Borad must be stopped. His strength is in the amulet. The amulet.

Tekker: My dear Vena, do not distress yourself unduly.

Vena: What has he done?

Tekker: Conspired with your father to bring about the downfall of the Borad. Get rid of the rebel.

Tekker: Stop her!

Vena: It must go! Let him go!

Tekker: Get the amulet!

Mykros: Vena! Vena!


The Doctor: It worked. We're still in one piece.

Peri: I feel as though I've been put through a blender.

Peri: What was that? Or did I imagine her?

The Doctor: No. No, she was real enough.

Peri: Anyone important?

The Doctor: Didn't get a chance to ask.

Peri: Great. Do you expect any more uninvited guests?

The Doctor: No. Both the TARDIS and the time corridor have now fully stabilised.

Peri: Was she travelling down the time corridor?

The Doctor: Yes. I only hope she wasn't banking on reaching twelfth century Earth. The TARDIS is bound to have deflected her path.

Peri: Well then, we must help her.

The Doctor: We can hardly help ourselves.

The Doctor: Velocity override!

Peri: I thought you said the worst was over.

The Doctor: Did I? She's attempting to materialise.

Peri: Great.

The Doctor: We must be near the source of the time tunnel.

Inner Sanctum

Tekker: The Borad is very angry and can you blame him? It's only out of his innate kindness that he hasn't demanded immediate retribution.

Kendron: How do you mean?

Tekker: If we don't get the amulet back, he will destroy every Karfelon in the Citadel.

Brunner: All five hundred of us?

Tekker: The androids have already sealed the complex.

Brunner: But what will k*lling us achieve?

Tekker: Revenge.

Kendron: What if we blast our way through to the power cells?

Tekker: And risk triggering an energy chain expl*si*n?

Guard: Maylin, I'm tracking a moving object in the Timelash vortex.

Tekker: Could it be Vena?

Guard: It's some sort of craft, coming up the corridor in reverse.

Brunner: But what object can penetrate the Timelash?

Tekker: The sort we need to retrieve the amulet.

Borad's vault

Borad: It appears the Doctor is attempting a return visit to our planet. I look forward to our reunion.

Inner Sanctum

Tekker: This could be the answer to our prayers.

Kendron: My father always talked of the Doctor's return. That is, before the story of the Doctor's visit was ordered erased from our history books.

Tekker: All that matters now is that the Doctor has arrived.

Kendron: And he can retrieve the amulet.

Brunner: But will he agree?

Tekker: I'm sure we'll be able to persuade him.


Peri: A reception committee. Well, they look friendly enough.

The Doctor: So they should be. I've been here before.

Peri: And where's here?

The Doctor: Karfel. I was here a regeneration or three back.

Peri: Well, if you've been here before, no problem.

The Doctor: Except that time corridor. Karfel should be centuries from such technology.

Peri: Doctor...

The Doctor: No. Now don't go wandering off until I'm certain this place is clear.

Peri: Yes, sir.

Inner Sanctum

Tekker: I will do the talking.

Tekker: Welcome, Time Lord.

The Doctor: Hello, I'm the Doctor.

Tekker: And I am Tekker. Maylin Tekker. We are honoured that you have decided to visit us again after all this time.

The Doctor: Indeed you are. This is Peri, my assistant.

Peri: Hi.

Tekker: Only the two of you?

The Doctor: Yes, travelling light this time. Besides, so difficult to recruit good staff these days, don't you agree? Maylin, about this time corridor in space.

Tekker: All in good time, Doctor. All in good time. Please enjoy our hospitality first. Have you been travelling long?

Peri: Well, it's hard to say, really. Time just flies when you're in the TARDIS.

Hospitality room

Tekker: Please come in, Doctor.

Tekker: Oh, our security system. There have been a lot of changes since you were last here.

The Doctor: So I see.

Peri: Oh, what unusual plants.

The Doctor: Peri is a bit of a botanist.

Tekker: Indeed.

Peri: Oh, most unusual.

The Doctor: Maylin, I'd like to talk to you about...

Peri: Ow! Hey, that's mine! What's all that about?

Tekker: I'm terribly sorry about that. I do hope it didn't frighten you too much.

Peri: I'm more concerned about losing my Saint Christopher.

Tekker: Yes. I think the android was trying to warn you away from this plant. Although it is a very beautiful specimen, it has the nasty habit of ejecting an acidic fluid into the face of the admirer.

Peri: Well, I'm surprised you have them on display.

The Doctor: I think perhaps a little re-potting and reprogramming is in order. Don't you, Maylin?

Tekker: Yes. You could be right.

Tekker: Ah. Excuse me for a moment, will you?

The Doctor: Charming fellow.

Inner Sanctum

Kendron: The Bandril ambassador, Maylin. He has issued an ultimatum.

Tekker: Has he indeed? Greetings, Ambassador.

Bandril (on screen): I am commanded by the President's Circle to give you a final opportunity to re-establish the grain supply to Bandril. Food which is rightfully ours.

Tekker: By what right?

Bandril (on screen): The Treaty of Cooperation.

Tekker: That was revoked by the Borad.

Bandril (on screen): You can't just revoke an intergalactic treaty.

Tekker: The Borad can, and he has done.

Bandril (on screen): Tekker...

Tekker: Maylin Tekker.

Bandril (on screen): We don't want w*r. We are peaceful people. Our planet is on the verge of famine. Do not give us reason to come and take the grain.

Tekker: Oh, I assure you, Ambassador, you will find that extremely difficult.

Bandril (on screen): It appears that diplomacy has failed.

Tekker: Yes, indeed. Rather like you and your starving planet, Ambassador. (laughs)

Bandril (on screen): Then it seems that we are at w*r.

Tekker: Good.

Kendron: Maylin, you have deliberately provoked an attack!

Tekker: Of course I have. Do you think the Borad could ever be defeated? Mark my words, soon our planet will rule this corner of the universe with the power of a giant ocean.

Kendron: With you on the crest of the wave.

Tekker: You see nothing and you understand less. The Borad wants to defeat them. Their bombs won't even penetrate our solar system, let alone enter our atmosphere. I must find Brunner.

Hospitality room

The Doctor: The place has certainly changed. There's something missing. What is it?

Peri: It's so dull.

The Doctor: Bored already?

Peri: No. It lacks sparkle. There's no reflection. It's all so matt and lifeless. Even the goblets don't shine.

The Doctor: Hello.

Peri: Hey.

The Doctor: Hey, wait a minute.

Peri: (reads) Sezon at the Falchian Rocks.

The Doctor: I beg your pardon?

Peri: Sezon at the Falchian Rocks. A message.

Tekker: I have arranged a short tour of the Citadel.

The Doctor: Splendid.

Tekker: For your assistant.

Peri: Oh, sounds great, but I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you.

Tekker: Oh, but it's all arranged. Counsellor Brunner is waiting outside to escort you, and I have so much to talk to you about, Doctor. The time corridor was a brilliant stroke of luck.

The Doctor: Oh. The Maylin is absolutely right. You go and have a look around. We'll join you when we've had a little chat.

Peri: Doctor, in the TARDIS you distinctly said...

The Doctor: Oh, never mind what I said in the TARDIS. Off you go. The Maylin and I have important things to discuss, don't we, Maylin.

Tekker: Yes, Doctor.


Brunner: When you've k*lled the girl, dispose of the body.

Guard: But where, Counsellor?

Brunner: Imbecile. The caves, of course. No doubt the Morlox will make a meal of her.

Hospitality room

The Doctor: And you seriously expect me to believe this preposterous story? That a lady of the Inner Sanctum just happened to fall into a time vortex with a vitally important key to your power vault?

Tekker: Yes, Doctor, and there's very little time left.

The Doctor: For what?

Tekker: For you to retrieve it.

The Doctor: Retrieve it? You seriously expect me to go through space and time looking for a lost girl and her trinket? Give me one good reason why I should.

Tekker: Peri.


Brunner: This is the west corridor of the central Citadel.

Peri: All these corridors look the same to me. Are these plants indigenous to Karfel?

Brunner: Most of them are from Bandril. That's our neighbouring planet. It's also why they require so much special attention.

Peri: They're beautiful.

Brunner: Dracowlis. Known as the flower of many faces.

Peri: I can see why.

Brunner: Would you excuse me, Peri? I'm summoned away. I'll be back shortly.

Peri: Sure.

Peri: I take it you're not the resident gardener come to do some pruning, huh? Doctor!

Android: The girl has escaped.

Brunner: So I see. Still, there's nothing that way but rebels, dank tunnels, and the Morlox. Pity, really. She was an attractive young woman.

Android: Yes, indeed she was.

Brunner: On the other hand, perhaps I know where to find her. Come on.


Peri: Beautiful fragrance.

Hospitality room

Tekker: The Doctor is about to leave. Escort him to the TARDIS and see that he does.

Guard: Yes, Maylin.

Tekker: Good luck, Doctor. For Peri's sake, don't come back empty handed.

The Doctor: The reason I am doing this, Maylin, is not only to ensure Peri's safety, but the safety and well-being of all on this planet. Something furthest from your mind, I fancy.

Guard: Move.


Herbert: What did I say?

Vena: Please, help me.


Peri: Help! Help!

Katz: What is it?

Sezon: Android. Quick, away from here.

Borad's vault

Borad: A plucky creature who knows how to take care of herself. If she's still alive, I want her brought to me completely unharmed.

Rebel hideout

Sezon: Who are you?

Peri: I could ask you the same question.

Katz: She doesn't look like a spy.

Peri: Spy? I've only been on this planet a few minutes.

Sezon: I say we k*ll her. She must be working for those in the Citadel. She came here to trap us. You saw the android.

Katz: I also saw that it was on fire.

Sezon: So their plan went wrong. k*ll her!

Peri: No! Look, I'm innocent. I haven't done anything to hurt you.

Sezon: Katz, we're wasting time.

Katz: Wait! You're going to have to tell us everything you know, or he'll insist on k*lling you. Look, I don't want any v*olence. I would be willing to let you live if you just told us who sent you.

Sezon: You've got fifteen seconds.

Katz: Look, if you're not from the Citadel, where are you from?

Peri: You'd never believe me.

Katz: Well, try me.

Peri: Earth. I came with the Doctor in the TARDIS.

Sezon: The Doctor?

Peri: That's right.

Sezon: She must think we're fools. Five seconds.

Katz: This was given to my grandfather by the Doctor. Do you know who she is?

Peri: I've seen photographs of her, but I've never met her.

Sezon: What's her name?

Peri: Jo Grant. She used to travel with the Doctor.

Katz: You're right. You still want to k*ll her?


The Doctor: 1179 AD. Add a time deflection coefficient of seven hundred and six years, that is 1885 AD.


Herbert: The talisman's in a purse under your pillow.

Vena: Where am I? And who are you?

Herbert: My name is Herbert. From your sudden materialisation, I presume you are a spirit from the other side.

Vena: My name is Vena. Thank you for looking after me.

Herbert: No, the pleasure's all mine. Although I do assume you are from up there, rather than down there.

Vena: It would be more accurate to assume that I am from beyond the stars.

Herbert: Incredible.

Vena: This is a strange and beautiful land.

Herbert: Yes, I come up here every summer. The cottage belongs to my uncle. I'm a teacher, or will be next term. I use the place for a bit of peace and quiet. I fancy myself as a bit of a writer, actually, but nothing published yet, of course. When the weather's nice I do the odd bit of fishing on the loch. Perhaps you'd care to join me? But then on the other hand, perhaps spirits from the other side might find fishing a bit mundane.

Herbert: What on Earth's that?

Vena: They must not get the amulet.

Herbert: Who mustn't? You mean there's someone else about to materialise? I didn't summon them.

Vena: You must help me.

Herbert: I'll do all I can.

Herbert: Right, ridding unwanted spirits. Right, here it is. Right, now stay there.

Outside the cottage

Herbert: It's a blue monolith!

The Doctor: Hello! Have you seen a rather surprised young lady?

Herbert: Avaunt thee...


Herbert: Foul fanged fiend.

The Doctor: I can assure you I'm not that long in the tooth, and neat blood brings me out in a rash.

Herbert: Back from where you came, spirit of the glass.

The Doctor: Not just yet, if you don't mind.

The Doctor: Ah! Now you must be Vena.

Vena: Yes, my name is Vena.

The Doctor: I'm afraid we left you rather up in the air on our last fleeting encounter.

Vena: It was you in the Timelash?

Herbert: No, Vena, don't talk to him.

Vena: Why not?

The Doctor: Yes, why not? I'm the Doctor. Delighted to meet you.

Vena: The Doctor?

The Doctor: I think you have something...

The Doctor: Which your Maylin would like returned.

Rebel's hideout

Peri: This stuff tastes okay.

Sezon: Enjoy it. It may be our last for some time.

Peri: Why do you hide down here?

Katz: Because of our ruler, the Borad.

Sezon: Through his lackey, Maylin Tekker, he's provoked w*r with the Bandrils.

Peri: Why?

Katz: I don't know.

Sezon: If the Bandrils use a bendalypse warhead, I shudder to think of the consequences. It's a m*ssile so powerful it can destroy anything with a central nervous system, yet leave all buildings standing.

Peri: Sounds familiar.

Sezon: Ironically, it won't k*ll the Morlox.

Peri: Well, it sort of makes him king of the desolation, won't it?

Katz: That's the irony.

Sezon: Do you think the Doctor would help us?

Peri: Well, of course, if we could get to him.

Katz: Sezon, you've got to find a way.

Peri: Are you Sezon? Is this place Falchian Rocks?

Katz: Yes.

Peri: Well, I had a message. Sezon at the Falchian Rocks.

Sezon: It must be from one of our people in the Citadel.

Katz: That's right.

Peri: Oh, I didn't understand why he gave it to me. Where did I put it.

Guard: I wouldn't do that.

Peri: I must have dropped it.

Sezon: Obviously.


The Doctor: I'm glad you accept my explanation, Herbert.

Herbert: It's fantastical. A machine that transcends time itself. Can I see it?

The Doctor: Er, some other time, perhaps. Our first priority is to return the amulet.

Vena: No! The amulet stays here. Mykros warned me the Borad's power depends upon it.

The Doctor: So do the lives of everyone on Karfel. It must be returned. Trust me. It's the only way to help your people and defeat this Borad of whom you speak.

Vena: I know you saved our planet once before, Doctor, and so I do trust you. Very well, when do we leave?

The Doctor: I leave immediately. You'll be safer here with Herbert. As soon as Karfel is free again, I promise I'll return for you.

Vena: Doctor, it is my planet, and they are my people. Either you take me back with you now, or the amulet stays here.

The Doctor: You sound as irritatingly resolute as another young lady I know. Very well, but we must hurry. Goodbye, Herbert. Perhaps I'll allow you to exorcise me another time.

Herbert: Oh, Doctor, you can't leave me behind after all this.

The Doctor: We're not going on some joy ride, you know.

Herbert: But Doctor, I don't care about the risk. I just want to travel in your time ship. Please, you must take me.

The Doctor: Absolutely not.

Herbert: Please.

The Doctor: No.

Herbert: Oh, very well, then. Then goodbye, Vena. I wish we could have got better acquainted.

Vena: Goodbye, Herbert, and good luck.

The Doctor: Nice enough young fellow, but we must hurry. Have you got the amulet? Good. Remind me to return this mirror to Herbert sometime. Come along.

Borad's vault

Android: We have captured the Doctor's companion and some of the rebels at Falchian Rocks.

Borad: Excellent. Prepare her as ordered and dispose of the others in the Timelash.

Android: It will be done.

Borad: And when the Doctor returns, make sure you have the Maylin's amulet in your grasp before committing him to the same fate.


Vena: Until recently, our schools taught of your first visit to our planet and your promise to return.

The Doctor: Promise?

Vena: You do remember?

The Doctor: Yes, of course. Never like to forget a promise.

Vena: But the Borad's changed everything. Gradually, he's taking over the entire planet. I was misled like the rest of our leaders. It has already cost my father his life. And Mykros, the man I was to marry, is probably floating in the Timelash now.

The Doctor: Don't worry about the Borad. I'll deal with him, make no mistake. I show little mercy to time meddlers.

Herbert: Incredible. It's just incredible.

The Doctor: What are you doing here?

Herbert: Just look at this place. I can't believe it. Do you know it's actually bigger inside...

The Doctor: I know.

Herbert: Than it is on the outside.

The Doctor: I know! I know!

Herbert: Do we travel above or below water?

The Doctor: Do you realise there is an intergalactic law expressly forbidding stowaways?

Herbert: They'll never believe me. I'm sorry, Doctor. Sorry I tricked you. But I'm not sorry I'm here.

The Doctor: Since there's no time to take you back, it looks as if we're stuck with you.

Herbert: I can't believe this is actually happening.

The Doctor: If you so much as breathe when you shouldn't, or get in my way, I'll lock you up until all this is over, is that understood?

Herbert: Yes, Doctor, whatever you say.

Vena: It is nice to see you again, Herbert.

Vena: Is it always like this, Doctor?

The Doctor: We're transcending the time vortex. Brace yourselves.

Outside the Inner Sanctum

Tekker: Ah, welcome back, Doctor. Oh, and I'm so pleased to see you again, Vena. Have you got the amulet?

The Doctor: Where's the Borad? I demand to see him.

Tekker: Impossible.

The Doctor: No Borad, no amulet.

Tekker: Come along, Doctor. Hand over the amulet or I shall be obliged to retrieve it by force.

The Doctor: Do you realise with whom you're dealing?

Tekker: Your bravado is all very well, but it won't do much to help you assistant, Peri. I would hate to have to have her put to death.

Vena: Now stop this madness, Tekker. You cannot hope to defeat a Time Lord.

Mykros: Vena!

Tekker: Brunner. Prepare the Timelash.

Inner Sanctum

The Doctor: Where's Peri? You promised her safe return.

Tekker: Ah, yes. Well, you shouldn't believe everything that people tell you, Doctor.

The Doctor: You gave me your word, you microcephalic apostate. I demand to see the Borad immediately.

Tekker: Admit defeat, Doctor.

The Doctor: Never!

Tekker: The stories I've heard about you. The great Doctor, all knowing and all powerful. You're about as powerful as a burnt out android. Our ruler has finished with you once and for all.

Kendron: We can't do this, Tekker.

Tekker: Shut up, or you'll be joining him.

The Doctor: You're as warped as your dictator friend.

Tekker: Save your breath for the Timelash, Doctor. Most people depart with a scream.

Brunner: The vortex is ready, Maylin.

Tekker: Despatch the Doctor first.

Tekker: Goodbye, Doctor. Unpleasant journey. Bwahahahahahaha!

The Doctor


The Borad / Megelen

Old Man



Maylin Renis












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d*ck MILLS

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