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Horse Camp: A Love Tail (2020)

Posted: 02/20/22 15:28
by bunniefuu
♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

Look, look at that!

Almost , hits in the few

since we first posted the video.

That's amazing.

I've got emails pouring
in from all over the place.

Heck, I've even got
reservations for next season.

And companies are asking

how they can sponsor the next

Does this mean what I
think this means, Mr. C?

Yes, it worked, you did it.

Black River Ranch is back
in business.

High fives.

Don't leave me hangin', girls.

I love these first days of

You know, there's no campers

and it's just us staff girls.

Me, too.

Lisa, I'm really looking forward

to hanging out with you this

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

I'm gonna be a whole new Stacey.

College has really changed me.

Okay, but
I like the old Stacey.

Just try to be the best
you that you can be.

Did you know that I raised
$ , for Africa last year?

- Africa?
- Mm-hmm.

It's this huge country.

It's a place where lots and
lots of poor people live.

Yeah, I am aware of Africa,

and it's actually a continent.

But, wow, that is amazing.

I am just expressing admiration
and envy.

How did you raise the money
and what'd you do with it?

Well, my dad donated the first

and then four of his
friends matched the rest.

Raising money for poor
people is so simple.

You just post it online.

Yeah, I wonder why poor
people don't post online more.

I know.

- Go on.
- What?

What did you do with the
$ , ?

I went to Africa.

Stacey, I'm just curious,

how does you going to Africa
help Africa?

It raises awareness,

When popular and pretty
people, like myself,

go to places like that,
people just tend to notice.

You have no idea how many
likes, comments, and shares

my photos got.

I can only imagine.

Ooh, and did you know that I

Campus Warriors for Social

It's so fun!

We made cardboard shelters

and we slept in them the entire

- The entire night, huh?
- Mm-hmm.

I totally understand the
homeless now,

and I only went inside my dorm
room once

and that was just to use the

and to charge my iPhone.

- Hey, Stacey?
- Yeah.

You remember when I said, last

that we could be friends
and even maybe like sisters,

but sometimes it would probably
be better

if we rode in silence?

Yeah, do you wanna do that

- Yes, please.
- 'Kay.

Yeah, we can do that.

Kimberly, are you sure about

Dad, yes, for the th time,

You could've taken a
lifeguard job at the club

if you wanted to earn some

Come here for a week or so,
then join the real world.

That's not how Horse
Camp works, remember?

I can't believe it.

It's been four years
since you've been here.

How'd I get so old so

You're not that old, Daddy.

And I'm looking forward
to seeing old friends.

It is nice being back in

It's been a long time since I

Why'd your company
make you leave anyways?

We went over this a
hundred times, beautiful.

I have to go where my job sends

It's not my call.

I'm just a small guy.

I'm not the boss.

I think you're great.

- Well.
- I do.

Thank you, beautiful.

I just want you to work
on your resume, you know?

A good college, a good job,

it'll give you opportunities I
never had.

There's a lot more to Black
River than just horses, Dad.

- You saw that on the website.
- Maybe.

Maybe it's just girls riding

I don't know.

Well, here we are.

Listen, Kimbie, things change.

Your old friends, they
just may not be here.

And this may not be
everything you're expecting.

If you want out at any time,

I mean any time, just call.

I think they confiscate
our phones for a reason.

There's no good reason
when you're my daughter

and I miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too.

Okay, kiddo, you're the boss.

I just work here.

Are you gonna be okay without

Sure, I'm a tough guy,

Gonna put some flowers on
your mother's monument,

gonna go home, eat some

and watch reruns of "Mister Ed."

That's my version of Horse Camp.

You're such a nut.

This is your last chance,

You say the word and we're outta

I need this, Dad, please?

I'm gonna miss you.

You need some help?

No, that's okay.

Good bye, honey, I love you.

Love you, Daddy.

Welcome, Kimberly?

Wow, have you gotten tall
since I saw you last.

Happens to the best of us, Mr.

Where is Miss Jessica?

Miss Jessica is now Mrs.

She got married last year
and moved on with her life,

so she won't be with us this

Oh, she was always so nice to

You see, little ones,
Black River Farm and Ranch

will live within you forever.

This place is your sanctuary.

I love it here, Miss Jessica.

And I love my horse, Lord Byron.

And he loves you, too.

And if you ever come back,
he'll be here for you.

Only if you're here, Miss

I'll never leave Black River.

- She was the best.
- Yes, she was,

but you're gonna like all
of our new counselors, too.

This is Miss Lisa, our new head

Let's grab your bags.

We'll drop 'em in the dining
hall for Jerry to grab

and I'll show you to your
bunkhouse, okay?


Let's go.

Oh, Riley B, right here.

You're kidding, right?

What's wrong?

Well, for one, it
looks like it's infested

with Lyme ticks.

- And two?
- Two?

I've seen jail barracks
that are more accommodating.

Well, I guess we like to
keep things simple around here.

Simple, I get.

This is primitive.

Look, Riley,
just try to enjoy yourself

while you're here, okay?

Hey, we have great horses, a
petting zoo.

We even have an opera house.

I hate opera.

Yeah, me, too.

- Dude.
- What?

You're so, so nice.

I didn't always
used to be,

but this place grows on you, you

But now I get to act nicely a
whole lot.

I don't, I'm not a nice girl.

I don't have it in me.

I'll bet you do.

Are you looking at the horses?

I'm looking at my horse.

Lord Byron, he's still here.

Come on, let's go show you
your bunk.

Now, you can keep your cell

but we urge restricted
use here at Black River,

so it's kind of like a sanctuary

and a peaceful place away
from all the craziness

in the outside world.

- You have no idea...
- Hey, girls.

How much I want that, Miss

Hey, ladies.

Oh, that's nice.

Wait, where's the old opera

It's behind us, on the other
side of the general store.

Why do I remember it
being near the dining hall?

I don't know, but I promise
you we did not move it.


Wait, was this always here?

No, this bunkhouse was built
last year.


Things aren't always gonna be
the way

that you remember them.

Should I walk you in?

No, that's okay.

I already know all the girls.

Are you sure?

Of course, okay,


Riley B, I'll
take those car keys now.

You can keep your phone.

No way, my wheels are my

No go on the key thing.

It's the rules, B.

Or you're horse history, get it?

Just do it, Ry.

I had to give up mine, too.

Look, the keys are
kept in Mr. C's office.

They'll be safe there.

And should you find that Horse
Camp isn't to your liking,

they'll be there for you
when you're ready to go.

Come on.

Thank you.


Taylor, Georgie, Macey.

Who the heck are you?

It's me, Kimberly.

- Who?
- Kimberly.

Yeah, I heard you.

- I have no idea who you are.
- Kimberly.

So that's three times now
that you've said your name.

Still nothing.

We were best friends five
summers ago.

Oh, well, okay, welcome back.

I think I sort of remember

Okay, whatever.

So here's the , I'm only
here because my dad knows Mr. C,

and thinks I need to be more
spiritual and less snotty.

I don't think this is
gonna work,

but he promised to buy me a

if I lasted the summer, so.

What are we doing this summer?

At least we get to keep
our cell phones this summer.


Let's go take selfies
on the Wishing Bridge.

Wow, she changed.

Just be patient with
her, Kim.

We're all made of imperfect

Yeah, I still remember what
Miss Jessica always told us.

What's that?

The most important thing in
the world,

next to love, is kindness.

If you can help someone else out

without any expectation of

you've become someone magical.

Ain't that the

I just wish more people
practiced that.

Don't worry about it, I'm new

so wanna go look at the horses?

- Sure.
- Cool, let's go.

- Bye, girls.
- Bye.

A man should be an oak
of strength and discipline.

Exercise in the morning, hard
work at night, and prayer.

Hardworking all day and prayer
at night.


I'm sorry, I didn't mean
to sneak up on you like that.

No, it's okay.

I've been mumbling.

I've been listening to a

Can I help you?

Yes, I'm looking
for the head riding instructor.

- Her name's Stacey, I think.
- Yeah, that's her.

That's our Stacey.

Fine rider, good rider.

She's excellent rider.

So maybe you could point
me in the right direction?

Even better, I'll take you to

Right straight, I...

- Miss?
- Bonnie Lightyear.

Beautiful name.

Right this way.

Oh, I'm Jerry, by the way.

Oh, my goodness, I got
this hammer in my hand.

Pleasure to meet you, Jerry.

And it's Bonnie.

Just plain old Bonnie, nothing

All evidence to the contrary.

Well, aren't you
the charmer.

I heard that in the tapes.

I'm sorry, you heard what in
the tapes?

The all evidence to the
contrary line that I...

Oh, well, I won't
tell anyone.

I still have this hammer in my

Mm-hmm, yes, you do, Jerry.

- I'll put it down here.
- Okay.

- It should be okay here.
- Yeah.

- I'll put it down here.
- Okay.

- It should be okay here.
- Yeah, I think.

I think so.

Another summer, old boy.

I should've been head counselor
this year and not Lisa.

It's not fair.

Hi, there.

Hi, he's so pretty.

He's a champion.

In his day, Baron won more
than just a few shows.

He's mine and I belong to him.

Do you wanna brush him?

- Really?
- Yeah.

You're really nice.

Oh, you should see me ride.

I bet you're really


I'm the best.

I am the best rider that
Black River ever produced.

Everyone says so.

I'd love to watch you

I would look forward
to that, too, young lady.

I hear you have potential.

Potential, excuse me, who are

- I'm Bonnie Lightyear.
- The Bonnie Lightyear?

Good, you've heard of me.

That should make things much,
much easier.

I mean, I did win National
Championships ' , ' , ' .

Well, Ms. Lightyear,
welcome to the st century.

You must be Stacey.

Mr. C did tell me you were
the head riding instructor

last year.

Don't see me as someone
trying to take your job

because I'm here for one
year and one year only.

Actually, if I were you, I'd
look at it

as an opportunity to learn.

But I'm the head rider.

Not this year, sweetheart.

Not this year.

So I was told to check in with

you'd tend to my horse,
and show me my quarters.

- But...
- Oh, and by the way,

Mr. Feathers here, he's a very
good judge of human nature,

- and he only likes nice people.
- But.

- But...
- Stacey, you'll be

our head riding instructor
again next year,

but this year is an excellent

for you and the other girls to

from a really top-end

- But...
- Have you seen

their videos online?

They're really remarkable.

She's really quite amazing,
isn't she?



That lady sure is nice.

She sure is.

I better get my hammer.

♪ Boring ♪

♪ It's not so boring ♪

♪ Boring ♪

- Hello, everyone.
- Hi.

If I can have your
attention really quick,

I just wanna say a few words.

First off, I would like to
welcome back

our old friends once again.

- Whoa!
- Welcome home!

And, secondly, I'd like
to welcome our new arrivals.

Ladies, if this is your
first year, please stand up.

And, lastly, I would
like to remind you all

that this place is for you.

It's not for us, the counselors.

It's not for the people who run
the ranch.

We can thank Jerry and Mr. C for

I'd like to say a few words
that my head counselor,

Miss Jessica, used to say
on our first days of camp.

BR Horse Camp is kind of
like a place called Oz.

It is a place of.

Safety, learning,
and fun.

Not only for you, but
for the horses, as well.

Most importantly, through
all the fun and the riding,

it is a place of learning.

Not like in school or in

but more like life lessons.

Lessons that you will carry with

for the rest of your lives.

I create every program at
BR with that goal in mind.

We wanna create a kind
of paradise.

And I hope that, at
the end of this summer,

you take away with you
the invaluable lesson

and gift of friendship.

Welcome, all.

Everyone, have a great time.

And, tomorrow, we'll ride!

- Woo-ooh!
- Woo!

Now, is the time for
the first announcements.

It will be Lisa's first time
doing it.

I should've given her notes.

She's been watching you
for several years, Jess.

I'm sure she's got it handled.

I hope she doesn't
change any of the rules.

There are reasons behind
all of my rules, you know?


People can get hurt around
horses, Dave.

I rode bulls and bareback
broncos for seven years, Jess.

I know the dangers.

Oh, my goodness, bareback

We don't allow any bareback
riding at the yard.

It's so dangerous.

I hope Lisa hasn't convinced Mr.

to change his mind about it.

It's a very safe camp, dear.

I'm sorry.

What about your job?

Doing anything important?

Oh, you know, just busy
protecting the whole county.

- Nothing big.
- Good.

Oh, no, Dave!

Dave, tonight's the Ice Cream

What if Lisa didn't order
any of the sprinkles?

It would be ruined.

♪ From coast to coast ♪

♪ From coast to coast ♪

♪ BR girls are the most ♪

♪ BR girls are the most ♪

♪ I said from coast to coast ♪

♪ I said from coast to coast ♪

♪ BR girls are the most ♪

♪ BR girls are the most ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ Mm, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ Mm, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah,
nah ♪

♪ Mm, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah,
nah ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah,
nah ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah,
nah ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

What you thinkin' about?

About the last time I was

- Has it changed that much?
- Kinda.

You know, it changes every

And we want it to always stay
the same,

but sometimes the changes
we're resistant to most

are actually for the better.

A lot of my old friends aren't

Well, four years is a long

but you'll make new friends.

And the ones that are here,

they've more or less forgotten
about me.

Give it time.

There's a lot of summer left.

Can I make a confession?

This is all new to me, too.

I mean, this is my first
year as head counselor

and it's a lot of

and it's honestly not that fun.

I'm sure you're gonna do a
great job.

Thank you.

This is so boring.

Seriously, an entire summer
with no boys, no wheels,

and bad wifi?

Maybe it's fun for you girls,

but I'm a little more exciting
than that.

Hey, who wants to take a
joyride into town with me?

We're not allowed to leave the

We're gonna get in trouble.


I'm gonna go by myself.

Don't wait up.

I am so outta here.

Can't take it, Riley B?

What do you mean?

You are bailing.

I'm not bailing, I'm bored.

No, you are bailing.

You came here with an attitude

and you don't have the horse
sense to stick with it.

You don't know anything about

You don't think I
know anything about you?

I know everything about you.

Really, how?

Because I am you.

I'm spoiled and nobody likes me.

I used to have a ton of
girls that would follow me,

but they only followed me
because they were scared of me.

They were scared that I
would destroy them socially

if they ever crossed me.

I'm stuck-up.

I think I'm Queen of the Hill.

I'm too good for everything

Well, I'm not that bad.

Oh, sure you are.

You haven't even been
on a horse this year.

I just really
haven't felt like it yet.

I remember you from last year.

You're the girl that's
too afraid to ride horses.

I'm not afraid of anything.

Okay, prove it.

Take one ride from Bonnie today

and after a ride or two,
if you're still bored,

I will give you the keys myself.

That's a dare, right?

Yeah, you betcha.

I'm daring you.

You up to it?

Up to it?

I welcome it.

I'm ready to ride.

You ever trotted on
a horse before, honey?

No, it can't be that hard.

All right, go ahead.

Give it a little try.

Piece of cake.

It's not as easy as it

Just get me on the
saddle, then I'll be okay.


All right, now hold the
reins loosely in your hands.

Been on a horse before, you

Well, sweetie, I teach
from the ground up.

We have a lotta work today.

But first thing's first,
you need to lose your fear.

Now, go ahead, give him a little

- Go, Riley!
- Go, Riley!

- Go, Riley!
- You got this.

- Way to go, Riley!
- Good job, Riley!

Miss Lightyear?

Stacey, what's on your mind?

Well, Riley cantered
for the first time today.

And I thought if she's brave

to do something that scares her,

then maybe I'm brave enough to
say this,

I don't want to be the
best rider at Black River.

I want to be the best rider

Well, looks like we better get

- How 'bout right now?
- Stacey.

When is the last time

you rode just for the fun of it?

What does that mean?

Exactly what I just said.

Don't you remember a time
where you didn't care

about being the best?

You just rode because you loved
to ride?

You and your horse free in the

That's the love I want you
to find again, all right?


Go get yourself a horse and go

You got it.

♪ Announcements,
announcements, announcements ♪

♪ The counselors have another
one ♪

♪ Another one, another one ♪

♪ The counselors have another
one ♪

♪ They have 'em all the time ♪

♪ Announcements,
announcements, announcements ♪

♪ Here's the counselors ♪

♪ Dah, dun, tah, duh, charge ♪

Good morning,

Good morning.

It's another beautiful
day here at Black River.


Today's morning announcements
will be brought to you

by Camper Riley.

- Yeah!
- Woo-hoo!

- Woo-woo!
- Let's go, Riley!

Today is Trail Riding Day.

Whoop, whoop, woo-hoo!

Then tonight's night activity

Camp Water Balloon Fight!

- Woo-hoo-hoo!
- Yay!


Great, Riley.

Good job.


Hey, Gwen, can we talk?

Who are you?

Lisa, you've known me for like

Don't tell me what I know.

I'd really appreciate
it if you could just

tone down the yelling this year.


Gwen, I'm the head counselor
this year.

Head counselor?

There's a new one of you every

I have not called seconds.

And why are you in my kitchen?

Gwen, this is the camp's

This is not the
camp's kitchen.

This is my kitchen.


- Jessica, Dave.
- Mr. C!

It's so good to see you.

- Dave?
- Mike.

Thank you.

Well, what are you two
newlyweds doing here?

Aren't you off doing your
marriage thing?

Oh, well, we have been.

You know, we're building
the house and talking kids.

- You know, we've been busy.
- Excellent.

We have a favor to ask.

Anything for the legendary
Miss Jessica.

Oh, stop, flattery
will get you everywhere.

Well, so here's the deal.

Her kindergarten job has
her only working part time.

It's in the mornings from eight
to noon.

And the rest of the day...

The rest of the time,
I'm driving Dave crazy.

I didn't say that.

What we came here to ask was,

can she help you guys out here
part time?

Kind of like old

Well, of course.

You know we can always use
extra help around here.

All right, great, then it's

Now, oh, where's Lisa?

We have a lot of work to do

to make sure this summer runs

Jessica, you know, Lisa is
very capable.

I think she has things
pretty much under control.

Well, yeah, of course, she

Lisa's great.

I'm just gonna make a very few
adjustments here and there.

A couple of changes to make
sure we stay on course.

Thanks, Mr. C.

That's gonna be an issue,
isn't it?

Yes, it is.

And she is driving me crazy.

Don't even think about changing
your mind.

She's fantastic.

She's a star and so humble.

So why don't you go talk to

Jerry, how come you never got

I was married for years.

Wait, what?

Only girl I ever kissed.

We met in middle school.

I lost her to cancer years

Jerry, I'm so sorry.

Oh, no, it's okay.

It's all right.

You just never said anything.

Ah, it's not a subject I'm
fond of.

I told, Mike, Mr. C, when he
hired me,

but we haven't discussed it

And you haven't dated
or anything since then.


Well, it's been...

I think Emma would understand.

And you now have your eye on

Who wouldn't?

But I don't know.

What would I even say to her?

Just tell her about
things that you like.

I believe in you.

What do I like?

I told ya!

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

Hey, Sam.

Hey, Lisa.

Can I take a look at your food

and the expenses for the area?

Also, I'll take your vet
reports for small animals.

Yeah, of course.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Appreciate it.

- Hello, Miss Lisa.
- Hey, Jessica.

What are you doing here?

Oh, well, wait.

We'll work on that.

I say, "Hello, Miss Lisa,"

and you say, "Hello, Miss


We're not really doing that this

- It's...
- Oh, wait, oh!

No cell phones, I'll take that.

You and I are gonna have
to really watch these girls

this year, Lisa.

They're gonna wanna try to take
advantage of you.

So many things to do.

I have to make sure everything
is up and running smoothly.

Onto the next area.

Oh, there's a fence.

What the heck was that?

I think that was Miss Jessica.

Thank you, Sam.

- That was very helpful.
- Mm-hmm.

Looks like Macey's getting
into the swing of things.

Yeah, it looks like.

I think our Mr. Jerry might be

Yeah, he's got the goo-goo
eyes going.

- Too bad.
- Why?

He's so shy, he's never
gonna do anything about it.

Maybe we can help out.

That's not a bad idea, Kimbie.

You remember my

So how are the Wonder Twins
gonna get these two together?

Let's get to it.

Wonder Twins ignite.

So what's it like being

Yeah, must be romantic, right?

Everything is fantastic.

Dave, that's Sheriff Dave to you

Dave and I went to Orlando,

and he made me promise not to

but he wore mouse ears
with me all weekend.

Aww, he is so cute.

- He is so cute.
- That's so cute.

Oh, hey, what's going on here?

Staff meeting.

Okay, sure.

- All right.
- Great.

So I've been going through
all of your changes.

You've been very ambitious.

Some of them are, well,
you know, interesting.

Others, I just don't think we
can do.

- For example...
- Yeah.

I'm just gonna pause you
right there for a moment.

Girls, this meeting is over.

So, Jessica, I need to talk to
you outside

and you guys can go back to your

Thank you.

That means now.

Jessica, I love you.

Aww, I love you, too, Lisa.

Yes, but you are welcome
back here part time

as a junior counselor.

My changes are my changes.

As long as you stay with
my schedule and my budget,

I would love to have you here,

but it's a yes or a no.

A junior counselor after
all I've done for Black River.

Lisa's the senior
counselor this year, babe.

You gotta respect that.

Whose side are you on?

Yours, you're % right,
she's wrong.

Would you like me to call her a
name now?

No, don't you dare.

Lisa is pure and good
and, oh, my goodness.

She was right, wasn't she?

I went right in there

and I disrespected her in
front of her entire staff.

In front of her staff, Dave.

I am a horrible person.

No, no, you're not.

Are you sure?

I'm positive.

How'd you get to be so smart?

I listen to you for two years

and I learn what you want me to

That was a good plan.

I think so, junior.

Ow, mean.

♪ River bred and when I die ♪

♪ I'll be Black River dead ♪

♪ Rah, rah, Black River, River ♪

♪ Rah, rah, Black River, River ♪

♪ Rah, rah, Black River Ranch,
rah ♪

Tater tots!

Okay, let's start by having
Jerry give her a flower.

Then, he'll tell her that
she looks pretty today.

And that he had to talk to

And if he didn't, he'd be
upset with himself all day.

So romantic.

And he wants to know about

The real her, more than just her

Do you really think Jerry
can remember all of that?

Of course, he can.

It's not that hard to talk to

- Hi, Jerry.
- Oh!

Hi, Miss Lightyear.

Just Bonnie.

Right, Bonnie.

I'm Jerry.

Yes, I remember.


I need a break, you
wanna take a ride with me?

- On a horse?
- Yes, on a horse.

I've never been on a horse.

You've never?

How many years have you
worked at a horse camp?

years, years.

Well, then I say it's about

I like chicken.

'Kay, why don't you
go get yourself a horse

and live a little.

How you doin' up there, Jerry?

I'm just getting my horse

Well, don't worry.

I'll make sure you get home

I'm not worried.

So where you from, Jerry?

You talk, I'll listen.

Jerry, you're clearly a man of

Me, a man of

Yeah, well, that's what they

I'm sure they do.


How's it going?

Mostly well.


That girl, Zoey, how
is she getting along

with her cabin mates?

Not that well.

She eats lunch by herself.

She walks around camp by herself

I've seen this sort of thing

- Would you mind if I...
- Jess,

I'm sorry if I was harsh

No, no, it was my

It really was.

If you can help Zoey
have a great summer,

I would really appreciate it,

Go ahead, thank you.

No, thank you.

She walks around camp without
any friends.

And I looked into it and...

Honey, look, I don't mean to
be short,

but I've got a hundred
things to do for work today.

Look, you and Lisa are amazing.

I'm sure you will figure out
a way to help this girl out.

- Zoey.
- Fine.

And I think I have a plan to
help her.

Well, see, there you go.

I want you to mentor her.

- What?
- Yeah.

No, no, no.

Look, Black River is a fantastic

but it's your place.

I mean, you're the one that
wanted to work part time there.

You know, this is your thing.

Her father was a Detroit

She lost him this year.

You're so good with horses

and I think she might
respond better to a man.

Especially, a man in uniform.


- Okay?
- Yeah.

Yeah, thank you.

You owe me.

Okay, paid in full.

- Oh, wow, great.
- Finally, returned!

- Oh, that's out.
- Sorry!


- Now take a step.
- Breathe!

Okay, so what are we gonna do

Just hit the birdie.

It's not like we're keeping

No, I mean about Bonnie and

- Oh.
- Seriously, they've gone

on five walks together,
eat lunch together,

but he won't even hold her hand.

He's so shy.

I have an idea.

I liked a boy once,

but my sister stole him and
it just made me so angry.

So what's your idea?

Come on.

Girls, Jerry's love life
is none of your business.

It's none of my business.

I don't even think I should
be saying the words love life

in front of you girls.

We're years old, Mr. C.

And Jerry is a grown man.

If he wants to ask a woman out
on a date,

I'm sure he can do it on his

He really can't.

I want his brother's phone

If I can call him, then
our plan will work.

- Girls.
- Just look at the situation

for yourself, Mr. C.

You'll see that I'm right.



What are you working on?

Oh, pretty well.

Jerry, maybe you need a break?

I was
gonna get that painted.

Jerry, I'm gonna go to Mexico

and let Stacey run the ranch.

How do you feel about that,

Yeah, sure.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

Caribbean is nice.

The Caribbean is nice.

Hey, we don't have to
talk if you don't want to.

I get it.

I know right now it seems

like nobody in this whole
world understands you,

but I do.

You see, my father, he was in
the Army.

He went out one day.

My mom and I, we would
look at the calendar,

and we'd mark off all the
days until he would return,

but he never returned.

You see, I work for the
sheriff's department.

I don't really know any
of the firemen in Detroit.

But here, in Sanilac
County, I know all of 'em.

And I'll tell you this,
all firemen are heroes.

You never forget that.

All right, favorite camp song.

And, go.

"Head, Shoulders, Knees, and

♪ Head ♪
♪ Head ♪

♪ Shoulders, knees, and toes ♪

♪ Knees and toes ♪


- "Baby Shark."
- Yes!

♪ Baby shark, doo, doo,
doo, doo, doo, doo ♪


♪ Oh, they built the ship ♪

- ♪ Titanic ♪
- That song's terrible.

Everyone drowns.
♪ To sail the ocean blue ♪

What are they thinking
having us sing that song?


Oh, I don't really know
any of the songs yet, so.

First year, you can get

- Blythe.
- "Junior Birdman."

♪ Up in the air ♪
♪ In the air ♪

♪ Junior birdman ♪

♪ Up in the air, upside down ♪

You're doing great, Stacey!

I'm not taking lessons from
you, Amber.

Baron wants you to use
the left lead, Stacey.

Don't fight him.

Become one with your horse.

When his feet touch down,

it should feel like your
feet are touching the earth.

When his lungs fill, you
should feel the oxygen.

Good, now, listen to me.

This is gonna be new and scary
for ya,

but I want you to loosen up on
the reins.

Soon, you're going to drop them

and ride without them.

Your body and mind will jell
with his.

You will think a command
and your horse will move.

- Hey.
- Hey.

First year blues?

No, I'm okay.

I just have a hard time
making friends sometimes.

Yeah, it's definitely not easy
coming in

as a first-time camper.

I remember when I was and
we had a brand new girl, Kathy.

And, unfortunately, I wasn't
very nice to her at first.

Why not?

I wanted to be popular.

So you were just mean to her
all summer

so you could be popular?

Well, no, she ended
up being super popular

and, as you could guess,
I started being really nice to her.

Wait, so you were mean to
her so you could become popular

and then you were nice to
her after she became popular?

I'm sorry, that's just really

Yeah, you're absolutely right.

And it gets worse.


Well, when Kathy became
the brand new Queen B,

we all started being
really mean to Stacey.

You mean Miss Stacey,
like the really good rider?

Yeah, that's the one.

And I'm not saying I'm proud it.

What I am trying to
say is, with some time,

we all became really good

and maybe that'll happen for

Thanks, think I really
needed to hear that.

- Yeah.
- I really am okay, though.

Okay, all right, I just
wanted to check on you.

Thank you.

Stacey, you're really doing a
great job.

Thank you.

I really feel myself improving.

I didn't think that was

I want you to start riding at

- At night, but that's...
- Dangerous?

Only if you don't trust your

You think it's dangerous
because you can't see as well.

See, you're still thinking
with your human senses.

Become one with your horse.

Horses run on their own
at night all the time.

If you can live through
your horse, Stacey,

you can ride at night.

Okay, Baron, I'm trusting you.

Let's go ride.

One piece of cake each!

It's horrible.

I wish I could get like...

- Girls?
- Hi.

Can I talk to Riley
for just a moment, please?

- Yeah.
- Thank you.

No problem.

- Riley.
- Hi, Miss Lisa.

How do you think your summer's

I think everything's a-okay.

- That is great to hear.
- Yeppers.

Do you think that it
is for everybody else?

What do you mean?

Do you remember your first
year at camp?

I was still a camper with you.

Yeah, I'll never forget

how nice you were to me that

Do you think you've
been nice to Rebecca?

I haven't been mean to

I didn't ask if you've
been mean to Rebecca.

I asked if you were nice to

It's her first year.

It's not easy.

Hi, brother.

How's it goin', Larry?

Right as rain.

What are you doing here?

Came to see my brother,

but ended up talking to
this lovely lady instead.

I can see that your brother's
also quite the charmer.


How's your first month
on Horse Camp been, Bonnie?

So far, I'd say rather

You two know each other?

We just met.

Getting along well, though.


I was just telling Bonnie,

how I'm the head handyman
and groundskeeper

at the golf course here in town.

Bit more money in it
than the head handyman

at the Black River.

But that isn't important, is it,

Not to me, Larry.

You can definitely

the two of you are brothers.

I don't like this.

She's funny and beautiful and

and I saw her first!

- So you fancy her, then?
- Yes, I do.

- You do?
- Yes, I do.

I like you very much!

Why are you yelling?

Larry got me upset.

Hey, I got a phone call
from some of the campers.

They thought you needed a good
kick in the seat, brother.

Jerry, I like you, too.

- You do?
- Yes.

Even better now that you're not

♪ Announcements, announcements ♪

♪ The counselors have another
one ♪

♪ Another one, another one ♪

♪ The counselors have another
one ♪

♪ They have 'em all the time ♪

♪ Announcements,
announcements, announcements ♪

♪ Here's the counselors ♪

♪ Dah, dun, tah, duh, charge ♪

Good morning, campers.

Good morning!

We've had a wonderful first
week here at Black River.


It's another beautiful day,

and it's full of new friends,
old friends, and new memories.

We're expecting great things

from each and every one of you
all summer.

Today's morning announcements
will be brought to you

by Camper Sydney.

- Yeah!
- Woo!

This morning, the Cherokee

will be going to the lakefront,
Crees to arts and crafts,

and the Sioux will be going to
the barn.

Today's lunch is grilled
cheese sandwiches.

- Ooh, yeah!
- Woo!

Way to go!

♪ Boom, boom, ain't it great to
be crazy ♪

♪ Boom, boom, ain't it great to
be crazy ♪

♪ Silly and foolish
the whole day through ♪

♪ Boom, boom, ain't it great to
be crazy ♪

♪ Way down South where bananas
grow ♪

♪ A flea stepped on an
elephant's toe ♪

♪ The elephant cried
with tears in his eyes ♪

♪ Why don't you pick
on someone your size ♪

♪ Boom, boom, ain't it great to
be crazy ♪

♪ Boom, boom, ain't it great to
be crazy ♪

♪ Silly and foolish
the whole day through ♪

♪ Boom, boom, ain't it great to
be crazy ♪

♪ Boom, boom, ain't it great to
be crazy ♪

♪ Boom, boom, ain't it great to
be crazy ♪

♪ Silly and foolish
the whole day through ♪

♪ Boom, boom, ain't it great to
be crazy ♪

♪ Boom, boom, ain't it great to
be crazy ♪

I told ya!

I want more!

No, no!

So what's the plan?

I don't know.

We have to do something to help

Kimbie's right, Mr. Jerry's
too bashful.

Seriously, the water balloon
fight was the first time

he even held her hand.

It's almost painful to watch.

Two adults acting like,
well, like one of us.

I think they just need some
help, Riley.

Right, I love the picnic idea.

I think it's lame and they're
gonna know it's a setup.

Who cares?

By the time they figure it out,

they'll have to go through with

What do you think, Rebecca,
you in?

Oh, yeah, I think it's a great

I'm totally in.

Well, that settles it then.

Let's plan the most romantic
picnic ever.

See, I started riding
when I was real young.

One time, we had this old mule.

I was ridin' on him.

I couldn't have weighed
more than pounds.

He decided he wanted to ride
right into the center of town.

There was nothing I could
do about it, except hold on.

And, you know, it's a small town

and everybody's used to
seeing horses, but not mules.

That guy was so smart.

You know what he did?

He walked right up to the
grocery store

and he stood there in front
of the door until they opened.

As soon as they opened
the doors, in he walked.

- Really?
- Yeah.

There was nothing I could do,
except duck.

I'm sitting there with my
little feet kickin' him

and yellin', "Whoa," and
pullin' on the reins,

tryin' to get him to stop,

but that guy was too smart, man.

He walked right up to the
produce section,

started eatin' all the carrots.

You're funny.

It's a true story, kid.

- You ready to go?
- Yep.

You ready, Mark?

All right, let's go.

Come on, buddy.

Come on.

I got your note.


I would love to have a
romantic dinner

with you tomorrow night.


I will see you in the west

I'll be there at eight.




They've known each other
for, what, two weeks?

Hey, campers.

Okay, I have a long list
of stuff that we need.

Okay, fire away.

- Real plates and silverware.
- Huh?

Twinkling romantic lights.

- We don't have those.
- Wine?

We definitely don't
sell wine to campers.

You're only one year
older than me, Sara.

Miss Sara, and nobody
sells me wine, either.

Miss Keilah, can you help out

Mm-hmm, basically, we just
sell candy.

Ugh, Kimbie, we can just
go buy everything online.

Ooh, ooh, I know.

How about a happy camper



Stacey, you look like you
have something on your mind.

I just...

Dear Bonnie, I wanted to thank

for helping me this summer.

I've been on six night rides so

and I know that I'm growing
in my horse skills every day

because of your teachings.

I didn't even know that it was

to ride without reins, but I'm
doing it.

At first, I did not want you

I knew you were a better rider
than I am

and I was jealous of you,

but I'm really glad that you

You've taught me so much and
I just wanted to let you know

how very much it means to me.

So thank you.

Thank you, Stacey.

That was really nice to hear.

You're welcome.

- Stacey?
- Yeah?

You know, when we first met,

I was jealous of you, too.

Because of my youth and good

You reminded me of me.

I was always the best rider.

Every camp, every show, every

always the best rider.

I was always the prettiest.

And I was meaner than a snake.

I spent years hurting
other girl's feelings

and I actually enjoyed it.

So, yeah, when we first
met, I was jealous.

I was jealous because you still
have time to change, Stacey.

Thank you for this.

Thank you.

- Uncle Dave?
- Yeah?

Do you believe in heaven?

I don't know.

I think so.

I mean, I'd like to think
that all the people we've lost

are looking down on us, you

And a lot of people with
the near-death experiences

that say they see a bright light

and feel real peaceful, really

you know, maybe that's heaven.

Do you think there'll be
horses there?

- Absolutely.
- Will my father be there?

Sweetie, all firemen go to

That, I'm sure of.

♪ Badoom, badoom ♪

♪ Let's all go down to
Washington D.C. ♪

♪ Badoom, badoom ♪

♪ That's where they play the
sweetest ragtime melody ♪

♪ Baboom, baboom ♪

♪ Let's all begin with lesson
number one ♪

♪ Where you waddle and you
waddle ♪

♪ 'Til the day is done ♪

♪ It's the Washington Waddle ♪

♪ Get the tune in your noddle ♪

♪ Let's all go have fun, yeah ♪

♪ Waddle with me ♪

♪ My honey, waddle with me ♪

♪ Like a ragtime ship on a
ragtime sea ♪

♪ Waddle, waddle, waddle, waddle ♪

♪ Come on and waddle with me ♪

I wanna say thank you, Stacey.

Thank me, what for?

I know it wasn't easy for you

in the beginnlng of the summer.

You know, with me becoming head

and Mr. C bringing in a ringer
to lead the horse program.

Probably felt like
people forgot about you.

It did.

But you hung in there
and didn't quit on me,

and I wanna say thank you for

because BR needs you and I need

And you may not ride at Bonnie's

but, technically, no one
in the world actually does.

But you are an excellent

Thank you.

And you're even better now.

I mean, Bonnie's gonna leave us

and you're gonna be our
head riding instructor

again next summer.

And you are really good.

That means a lot to me.

Thank you.

And I have to admit,
I was a little nervous

about your abilities
to be a cabin counselor

in the beginning of the summer.

But you were pretty good.

Was I the best cabin
counselor that you had?

You were pretty good.

I think head riding instructor's
gonna be the best spot

for you next summer,

but you were better than I

Lisa, Mr. C made the right

You're the best person for head

I couldn't have done it

and none of the other
girls could've either.

Thank you, Stacey.

Do you remember at the
beginning of the summer

when you asked me if any
of the projects I worked on

actually helped anyone?

Flying first class to
Africa is not charity, Stacey.

I'm not going to fly coach,

Have you seen it back there?

- It's barbaric.
- Mm-hmm, Stacey.

Okay, but I was thinking,
if you'll have me,

I'd really like to work
on one of your projects,

like an actual charity.

Well, if you actually mean

then I would love to have you.

Okay, we should go

We could wear matching outfits.

I will pick them out just
because I have the better style,

but I'll do you a favor.

We'll buy blue

because blue is gonna
really compliment your eyes.

But I think I should pick you up

because I do need to valet,

and I don't know what
kind of car you have.

I can't be seen in rust.

Do you wanna get lunch?

I know this is new to you.

Wow, Jerry, you really outdid

I did?

Yeah, you sure did.

I mean, look at this.

Yeah, I did.

This is really nice,
isn't it?

It is, it is.


Thank you, this is so great.

It's great because you're here
with me.

Did you hear something?

No, me?

- Look, chicken.
- Yes.

I think I remember you saying
you like chicken, Jerry.

I do, I like chicken.

I think I like you more.

More than chicken?

Even more than chicken.


Come on.


Mission accomplished, ladies.

I could get used to this
whole matchmaking thing.

It was an amazing team effort.

I wonder if anyone will
ever love us like that.

Of course, somebody will.

He'll be handsome.

But not cocky.

And a perfect smile.

And a castle.

Or maybe just a really
nice house on a lake.

And he'll be older, like
really old.

Like maybe even .

Good night, Kimbie.

Good night, Wonder

♪ Born and Black River bred ♪

♪ And when I die, I'll
be Black River dead ♪

♪ Rah, rah, Black River, River ♪

♪ Rah, rah, Black River, River ♪

♪ Rah, rah, Black River Ranch,
rah ♪

♪ I may never march in the Army ♪

♪ Ride in the Calvary ♪

♪ sh**t the a*tillery ♪

♪ But I'm at a camp called BR ♪

♪ One more time ♪

I cannot
express how pleased I am

with all of you, and I mean all
of you.

Our theme this year was
"The Kindness Quest"

and it was a overwhelming

and it's entirely due to all of

I know it may seem that what
we did here at BR this summer

may have only impacted us.

But, please, take these
lessons you learned here

at Black River Farm and Ranch

and share them with the world.

I know we all love horses.

But at its core, BR is not about

We build strong female
leaders, women of confidence,

who spread kindness into the

And I wanna say thank you
to my friend, Miss Jessica.

You have taught me so much each
and every summer of my life

and I wouldn't be the woman
that I am today without you.

Oh, thank you, Lisa.

You are all very special to

And from what I can see,

you all learned something about
being nice to one another.

So, please, when you go
back into the real world,

take the gift of BR with you

and spread that magic into the

And I know I'm probably taking a

but I was hoping my good friend
Miss Stacey has something

that she can add to this.

So, if you would, please
give a round of applause

to next year's head riding
instructor, Miss Stacey?

- Woo-woo-woo!
- Woo-woo!

Thank you.

Wow, that's gonna be a
really hard speech to follow

after Miss Lisa's act.

But I only have this to say,

I've been at BR for quite a few
years now

and this is the first year
that my eyes were opened

to, well, to myself.

I was always Queen of the Hill

and I never cared about
what anybody else thought.

Even when I went to Africa
to help feed the poor,

it was just an outward,
kind of, play acting.

I just wanted to show
the world how cool I was.

But it wasn't real kindness

because it didn't come from the

True kindness is when you give

and you expect nothing in

And I think I finally understand
that now

thanks to my good friend, Miss

and to my new friends
to whom I owe so much.

I love you all.

Aww, I love you.

♪ Make new friends ♪

♪ But keep the old ♪

♪ One is silver and the other's
gold ♪

♪ Circle's round ♪

♪ It has no end ♪

♪ That's how long I
want to be your friend ♪

♪ A fire burns bright ♪

♪ It warms the heart ♪

♪ We've been friends from the
very start ♪

♪ You have one and I have the
other ♪

♪ Put them together and
we have each other ♪

♪ Silver is precious and gold
is, too ♪

♪ I am precious and so are you ♪

♪ You help me and I help you ♪

♪ And, together, we will see it
through ♪

♪ The sky is blue ♪

♪ The earth is green ♪

♪ I can help to keep it clean ♪

♪ Across the land ♪

♪ Across the sea ♪

♪ Friends forever we will always
be ♪

♪ I may never march in the Army ♪

♪ Ride in the Calvary ♪

♪ sh**t the a*tillery ♪

♪ But I'm at a camp called BR ♪

♪ We are, we are, we are, we are ♪

♪ We are the BR girls ♪

♪ We can, we can, we can, we can ♪

♪ We can ride any horse ♪

♪ Have fun, have fun, have fun,
have fun ♪

♪ And come along with us ♪

♪ For riding every day on
every single horse, hey ♪

- B!
- R!

Tater tots!