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04x20 - The Dilemma

Posted: 02/20/22 08:58
by bunniefuu
- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Henry, what are you doing
tomorrow afternoon?

Mm... it's Saturday.

I'm either having tea
with Lady Di

or I'm taking you and Cherie
to the movies.

- Uh-oh.
- What's uh-oh mean?

Oh, nothing. Just uh-oh.

Henry, do you mind doing
something different Saturday?

Not at all.

We can go to the zoo
or to the museum.

N... no, we still wanna go
to the movies.

We just wanted you
to do something different.

Oh, I see.

Don't feel bad.

You could still drop us off.

Gee, thanks.

In other words,
you want his chauffeuring

but not his company?

Yes, exactly. Thanks, guys.

Wait a minute.

Girls, don't you think you're
being just a little unkind?

We're sorry, Henry.

We'd just rather see the movie
alone this week.

We go to the movies together
every Saturday.

Why suddenly do you want
to go alone?

It's nothing personal, honest.

Yeah, it's just embarrassing.

All my friends are there

and I'm the only one
with a parent.

Oh, come on. I try to fit in.

When something exciting happens,
I say, "Oh, wow. Rad, man!"

Please, Henry.
Say you understand.

Okay, okay, I understand.

- Great!
- Great!

Stop sulking.

It makes you look
like you have three lips.

That's the thanks I get.

I try to be a pal to Punky

and I turn out
to be an embarrassment.

Henry, don't you see
what those girls are up to?

Of course, I do.

What do you think they're up to?

They're meeting boys
at the movies.

Boys? They have dates?

No, they don't have dates.
They have seating arrangements.


It's simple.

If a boy likes a girl
or a girl likes the boy,

they sit together at the movies.

No big deal.

How do you know about this?

I was once a -year-old girl
myself, you know.

That's amazing.

What, that I was ?


That there were movies
way back then.

Come on, Punky.
It's now or never.

You're right,
I'm gonna call Brian

and ask him if he'll sit with me
at the movies.

He'll say yes
and it'll be great.

Right, piece of cake.

I'm so nervous,
I hate telephones.

Me, too, but it's tough
to make a call without one.

I'll do it.

I'm dialing.

It's ringing.


His mom answered.


Now try it again,

but this time say hello back.



Hello, M... Mrs. Culpeper?

I... is Brian there?

Yes, he is.
Hold the line.

Brian, stop torturing your
brother and pick up the phone.




Hi, Brian.

How are you?

- Fine. How are you?
- Fine.

Uh... s... so are you going
to the movies Saturday?

- Sure, are you?
- Uh, yeah.

I was wondering if maybe

w... we could sit together
if you want to?

- Sure, that'd be great.
- Great.

By the way, who is this?

Punky Brewster.

Oh, great.
See you there.


Well, it's official.

Brian and I are sitting together
at the movies.

Way to go!

- Yes!
- Yes!

Are you sure you don't want me
to stay with you?

- Positive.
- Oh.

Wow, check out the line
at the candy counter.

A person could starve
to death here.

Oh, look. They're showing
Classic Cartoons.

Wouldn't you rather see that?

Get real, Henry.


It's not nice to kick people.

Quite a little comedian,
aren't you?

I'm getting worried.
Where's Brian?

Trust me, Brian is coming.

- Are you Punky?
- Yeah.

Brian's not coming.

Who are you
and why isn't Brian coming?

I am his brother
and he can't come

'cause he has a sore throat.

Or a flat tire.

Or his cat died.

Which one is it?

I don't know. He said pick
whichever one sounds best. Bye.

Gee, I'm sorry, Punky.

I can't believe it.
He stood me up.

I better run along now
before I embarrass someone.

It's okay, Henry.
You can stay.

Oh, wonderful.

I'll get the seats,
you get the popcorn.

Oh, let's see, I'll start off
with some Raisinets,

a Goo Goo Cluster,
large popcorn: double butter,

and are those gummy bears fresh?

I'm so unhappy,
miserable and depressed.

- Hi, Punky.
- Hi, Tom.

Cherie, it's Tom Locklear.

Hi, Tom, where's Cindy?

We kind of don't see
each other anymore.

Really? Why not?

Well, she's totally
into Michael Jackson

and I'm really
a Springsteen fan.

We were doomed from the start.

- Oh.
- Oh.

And an ice cream sandwich,
a medium soft drink,

two bags of peanuts,
one hot dog: extra relish.

So, Punky,
are you sitting with anyone?

No, not really.

Mind if I sit with you?

Oh, that would be great.

- Can you two give me a hand?
- Okay.

Aren't you guys
gonna eat anything?


Do you stay open
during the entire movie?

Go, shoo, bye.

And so what happened when I left
to go to the candy counter?

W... which time?

The time I came back
with the pastrami sandwich.

Oh, yeah.

By the way,
does the candy counter

sell pastrami sandwiches?

No, I bought it
from the manager.

It was his lunch.

So then, what did Tom say?

Just how lucky it was
we happened to see each other.

And would I sit with him again
next Saturday.

I don't believe it!
I can't stand it.

I'm so excited.


Tom is so cute

and so sweet and so nice.

I guess you're over Brian.

Brian who?



I was just talking about you.

Punky, look, I'm really sorry
about this afternoon.

So I guess
you're over your sore throat.

Or flat tire
or was it a cat funeral?

Okay. I lied about
why I didn't show up.


The truth is I was grounded.

I was too embarrassed
to tell you.

Really? Why were you grounded?

I was practicing karate
on my little brother.

- Oh.
- Look, Punky.

I came over
because I really like you

and I didn't want you
to think that I stood you up.

Don't be silly.
I never thought you stood me up.

- Did I, Cherie?
- No!

- So you're not mad at me?
- Of course not.


Look, my soccer team's
having a picnic next Saturday.

- Will you come with me?
- Sure, sounds like fun.

Great. I'll pick you up at noon.
See you there.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Brian is so cute.

And so sweet

and so nice.

And so is Tom.

Remember him?

Oh, my gosh.
I forgot about Tom.

I have a date with two guys
for the same day.

This is awful.

Doesn't sound too awful to me.

What have I done?

You've made dates with two boys
for the same time.

I know what I've done.
I mean, what am I gonna do?

- This is terrible.
- Oh, yeah.

I really feel sorry
for you, Punky.

What a problem.

You've got two guys,
I've got Milk Duds.

Cherie, give me some help here.

You have to tell one of them
that you can't go.

But I can't tell Brian
I'm gonna be with Tom.

He might dump me.

And I can't tell Tom
I'm gonna be with Brian.

He might dump me.

And you can't be at two places
at once.

You have to choose.


I like them both.

You must like one
more than the other.

Oh, I don't know.

Tom is so good-looking and fun

and Brian is so good-looking
and fun.

I just can't decide.

Why not?

They're both so different.

- Hello.
- Hi. Brian?

- Yeah.
- It's Punky.

I... I'm really sorry,

but I won't be able
to make your picnic

because, um,
my Aunt Flo's flying in

for a hallmark convention.

Oh, that's too bad.

Yeah, but let's meet
after school on Monday

and do our homework together,

- Okay.
- Great, bye.

That was a whole lot
easier than telling the truth.

Right, Brandon?

What are you seeing today?

"Plastic Break-Dancers
From Pluto."

Hm. Sounds socially relevant.

You know, if you'd like,
I could hang out with you.

Sorry, Henry.

I'll see you girls
after the show.

- See Tom anywhere?
- Not yet.

Cherie, you brought a camera
to the movies?

In case anything goes on
between you and Tom,

I'll get it on film.

Put that thing away.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Why don't I get us some snacks
before the movie starts?


- Hi.
- Brian?

Hi, Brian.
What are you doing here?

Why aren't you at your picnic?

It's raining.

Right. Rain. Of course.

Cherie, it's raining.

Why didn't you tell me
it was raining?

People don't picnic in the rain.

I figured
since we were sopping wet,

you noticed it was raining.

What are you doing here?

Uh... uh, the weather was so bad,
Aunt Flo couldn't fly in.

- So here we are.
- What luck.

Now we can sit together
after all.


What movie do you have
a ticket for?

"Heads Roll In Slime House."

Oh, too bad, we're seeing

"Plastic Break-Dancers
From Pluto."

Oh, well, "Heads Roll"
is a much better movie.

I'll just go get you
another ticket.

What a guy.


You're in terrible trouble.

Man, oh, man, I wouldn't be you
right now for a bucks.

I'm just sorry
I didn't rent a video camera.

What am I gonna do?

I haven't a clue.

But I'll have it on film
in case there's bloodshed.

- Shall we go in?
- Yes.

Down there.

Are you excited about the movie?

- I'm at the edge of my seat.
- Me too.

So what'd you get for snacks?

Two buttered popcorn
and a Good & Plenty.

Oh, buttered popcorn.
I have to watch my cholesterol.

I'll go get us some unbuttered.

Excuse me, excuse me,
excuse me, excuse me.


Excuse me, excuse me.

- Hi.
- Oh, let's get some food.

Oh, no, no, I'm on a diet.

Okay. Well, then let's get
some good seats.

I'm dying to see "Heads Roll."

I think you'll get your wish.

Where should we sit?

- Over there.
- Okay.

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.


You know what,
I've changed my mind.

I hate diets.
I'll go get us some snacks.

- Well, I'll get it.
- No, no, I insist.

- Excuse me, excuse me.
- Ow!

- Ow.
- Excuse me.

This is great.


More Milk Duds!

- Excuse me, excuse me.
- Ow!


- I'm back, Brian.
- Brian?

I mean Tom.

Brian, Tom, they're so close.

I'll say.

Where is...

where is the unbuttered popcorn?

Unbuttered popcorn?

Your cholesterol. Remember?

Oh, right, I paid for it

and then left it at the counter.
I'll go get it.

- Excuse me, excuse me.
- Ow!

- What am I gonna do? This...
- I can't...

- Where were you guys?
- Ladies' room.

Well, come on,
our movie just started.



Hi, Brian, what's going on?

Not much, but look,
we have to get back.

- Our movie started.
- What do you mean we?

- I'm here with Punky.
- No, you're not.

- I am.
- No, you're not!

Punky, tell him.

You're sort of both right.

- What?
- What?

You're here with both of us?

It's a complicated story.

Yeah, I'll bet,
and I'll bet there's no Aunt Flo

coming in
for a hallmark convention.

You're so smart.

You lied to me.
What a dirty stunt.

And all this time, I was worried
about your cholesterol problem.

You're so sweet.

You're both so sweet.

- Shall we?
- Why not?

- Ready?
- Ready.

- Let's go catch a movie.
- You're on.

I can't believe this.
I lost them both.

After this, the movies
are gonna be a letdown.

And this is where she told Tom
she had bad cholesterol.

Why did she say that?

It was an excuse to leave
and get unbuttered popcorn.

And this is where
Brian accused her

of not having an Aunt Flo.

Aunt Flo! Punky.

Okay, okay.
I've learned my lesson.

I'll never make two dates
for the same day again.

Of course, I'll probably never
have to worry about that.

I won't even be able
to get one date.

This next one is my favorite.

This is the one
where she got dumped.