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05x21 - Eve

Posted: 02/20/22 07:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on Xena…

-Beg pardon, but…

…Ares hasn't been seen in these parts
since the legendary Xena died…

…about years ago.


Is that you?

Where's my daughter, Octavius?

All hail Livia!

-You don't know the first thing about me!
-But I do.

I know your first laugh,
your first tears.

I know your first breath.

I'm your mother.

We've gotta go after her, Gabrielle.

We've gotta save her from herself…

…and the gods.

We'll find Eve, Xena.

Yeah, look at all these tracks.
Even I could follow 'em.

I mean, you know, judging
from the the hoofprints…

…chances are a large group of men
passed through here.

Most likely they were on…
horseback, I think.

Good eye, Joxer.

She's at least got a company.
Roman troops still loyal to her.

They can't be more than half a day
ahead of us.

Don't worry, Xena.
We'll find Eve.

You keep saying Eve.

The woman we're tracking is Livia,
champion of Rome.

I'm not sure that my daughter
even exists anymore.

It doesn't matter
what she calls herself, Xena.

A lifetime serving Rome doesn't change
the fact that she's your daughter.

When she looks inside herself,
she'll see you there. She'll be Eve again.

Sure, with a mother like you,
how bad can she be?

Followers of Eli!
Don't forget to turn the other cheek.

Traitors! Do you like train?

Why Xena is determined to protect
you sheep is beyond me.

Livia, we can't find
a temple to Eli in the village.

There's no proof these people
were even part of Eli's cult.

And I should care? Why?

Eli's followers are vermin.

They hide amongst true romans,
spreading like a sickness.

If a few innocents must die
to stop their heresy…

…so be it.

And if it vexes Xena, so much the better.

You can't destroy our spirit!

We've seen worse than you.

We've lived through Callisto's raids.


She did some good work,
but I'm not Callisto.

My daughter did this.

In the time of ancient gods,…


…and kings…

…a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena.

A mighty princess…

…forged in the heat of battle.

The power…

The passion…

The danger…

Her courage will change the world.

I can't believe Eve could do this.

"Rome needs no mother."


It's Titus.

These were my friends.

Get 'em down. Get 'em all down.

Xena, you know
this isn't your fault.


You're Xena?

That's right.

She k*lled them all!

My husband,… my children!

I asked her, why?!

She said "Ask Xena.".

"Ask my mother."

Tell me why, Xena!

Why?! Why?! Why?!

She's something, isn't she?

Looks like Livia's nearly racked up
the body count you had at her age.

She's my daughter, you sick bastard.

Why do you think it was so easy
to turn her?


This is all blood under the bridge.

You give me a child…

…the other gods will never find out
that Eve is still alive.

I'd rather go to Hell.

Damn it, I'm not asking you,
I'm telling you!

You give me what I want!

Or I will bring all of Olympus
down on your daughter's head!

The thought of being with you…

…or of having your child…

That sickens me.

We'll set up camp here.

It's about time we get a break!

Kinda early for hard stuff, huh?

Down, girl, we got some business.

Take your business to my mother.

Your long-lost love.
We've got nothing!

Oh, grow up.

I had a thing for Xena once,
but no longer.

So get over it… and get even.

-Wouldn't you like that?
-What do you think?

I was supposed to marry Augustus.

I was destined
to be the empress of the empire…

…till she came back.

So what's changed?
We have an arrangement.

You destroythe cult of Eli for me…

…I run a little divine intervention
for you,…

…get you to be empress of Rome.

-Where's Xena fit into all this?
-She doesn't.

But you're gonna have to k*ll her
to keep her from stopping you.

And the twilight?

Aren't you afraid?

Aren't you afraid I'll bring about
the end of your gods?

When you were born,
there was panic on Olympus.

It cost Zeus his life.
Hera vanished.

And then…
we thought you were dead…

…for years.

And do you know what happened?


So the only power
you have over us…

…is our own fear.

Reclaim your destiny, Livia.

k*ll Xena.

It must feel great
to be on the road again…

…leading Xena and Gabrielle
into battle again after all these years.

Yeah, well, you know, you never lose
a warrior instinct, you know?

These tracks are fresh.

I can't believe that it's my
daughter we're tracking,…

…that it's Eve who's doing
these terrible things.

Xena, this isn't the Eve that you
would've raised. Ares did this.

Ares might have opened the door,
but Eve had to walk through.

-How do you know that?
-You said it yourself.

Eve finally took a good look inside herself,
and she found me there.

-That's not what I meant.
-I know her rage.

It's in Eve's blood, Gabrielle.
I made her who she was.

-I was her.
-Then there's hope…

…because you changed.

On your feet, sheep!

Get outside! Go on! Move!

You too! Get going! You heard me!

-It's Xena!
-All right, boys…

That's enough arts and crafts for today.

Now you'll taste
the steel of Joxer, the Mighty!

-I got it, Dad.

Get 'em, boy!
Like I taught ya!

Where is she?

Oh, Mommy…


-I told you, my name is Livia!

All right, Livia.

You've got a bone to pick with me.

Here I am, but let Joxer go.

It's time for some payback, Xena.
I think I'll start with this loser.


-You ok?
-Yeah, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

You can get past this anger, Eve.

Don't listen to her, Livia!
She's just jealous of your strength!

I'm glad you came back.
k*lling you must be part of my destiny.

No, your destiny isn't to k*ll.

Your destiny is to find
a new way beyond the k*lling!

Shut up and fight me!

Fight me! Fight me!

Do it! She's all that stands
between you and Rome!

He's lying to you, Eve.

He'd say anything to keep you
from your true path.

That's why I came back,
to show you who you truly are.

Come on. Do it.

Listen to your heart.

My heart is a traitor.


Die, butcher!

Hey… It's all right.


Get down!

How does it feel, Xena, knowing
the person you love despises you?

Trying to reach her but…
knowing in the end it'll either be her…

…or you?

Why did you stop me?
She m*rder*d my wife, my daughter.

What about the next family she butchers?
And the next?

Their blood's on your hands now!

All better now?

She could have let
that peasant k*ll me.

She could have ended it
right there.

She laved my life.

The same reason
she didn't k*ll you in the arean.

She wants you to buy into all the
touchy-feely garbage, like love and mercy.

She came all this way.

She survived in an ice cave
for years to find me.

She came to destroy you!
Now, who are you gonna listen to?

The mother who abondoned you
years ago?

Or the god
who's gonna make you an empress?

-Why Austia?

It's near the coast.
Eli's largest temple's there.

Word has it, that the last of Eli's
faithful are gathering…

…to pray for a miracle
to help save 'em from Livia.

Well, let's hope that they get one.

Why don't you guys get some rest?

We're heading out at first light.

Xena, you were getting
through to Eve today.

All you need…
All you need is another chance.

Chances run out, Gabrielle,
for all of us.

If that's true…

If Eve can't be changed…

…could you k*ll
your own daughter?

If I had to…

…yes, I could.

-Virgil… About today…
-Forget about today, Dad.

You were just tired.
-Listen. Let me finish.

I always wanted to be
a great warrior.

It didn't work out.

I tried to join every army
from here to Egypt…

…but nobody ever wanted me.


Well, that's all.

So you never battled the dryads?

That was Xena.

-What about the harpies?
-Xena too.

-Sent Callisto to Hell?

-Got Callisto out of Hell?


Sounds like you and Xena had
some real adventures together, Dad.

We sure did, son.

We sure did.

If this plan is going to work…

…I have to get to Austia
before Eve's forces dig in.

-It'll work.
-See you there.


Virgil, I have something I have to do.

If I'm not back by dawn…

…I need you to meet Xena in Austia,
like we planned.

Where are you going?

-Promise me.
-I will, but what are you gonna do?

I'm gonna try to keep Xena from doing
something that she'd never forgive herself for.


Have the preparations
been made for the attack?

Yes, but there's a complication.

She just walked into camp…

Leave us.

Auntie Gabrielle…

-I've come here…
-No, please, let me.

You thought if you could just
talk to me heart to heart?

You could convince me
that Xena wants only to help me…

…and if I could find it within myself
to give her a chance…

…and Mommy would make it all better.

The gods wanted you dead.

Xena risked her life to save you.
Does that mean anything to you?

It means she's as stupid
as she is sentimental.

-Your mother loves you.
-Then why is she trying to destroy me?

Xena wnats to protect you.
She will not fight you.

Maybe… she hasn't been
properly motivated.

I can't believe you let
Gabrielle go alone.

She wanted us to wait for Xena.

-What are you doing?
-She could be in trouble.

-Dad, you don't have proof…!

You get Xena
and you bring her back.

-But Dad!
-Do what I tell you, boy.

I hate…!

, , , … to .

Good odds.

Come on! Come on, you scurvy dogs!
Let's move out!


Put that on the fire!

Today… we wipe out
the remnants of Eli's cult…

…and I take my revenge
on their champion, Xena.

It's not too late
to stop this, Eve.

Don't call me Eve.

-Tie her up.

Xena, where are you?

Hit your mark, baby.

Do you think that Xena will still want
that mother-daughter reunion…

…after she finds your bloodless corpse,
Auntie Gabrielle?



Spill that infidel's blood!

Personally, I never like
to k*ll infidels before noon.

Though, in your cases, I'll make an excep.
Hey, that is sharp.

Oh, good. Mom's here.

About time.


This will be much more effective
with an audience.


Joxer, get down!








Can you help him?

Hey… Are you ok?



-What were you doing?

I didn't want…
didn't want to disappoint you.

You could never disappoint me.


What's the matter with you guys?

I'm gonna be fine. Come on.

I'm a little cold but…
it doesn't hurt anymore.

We should take him home.
He would do the same for us.

I'll take him…
after we deal with Livia.

Virgil, you should be with Meg.
This isn't your fight.

Look… You have my respect,
because you had his.

But don't tell me
this isn't my fight.

Not now.

Is this what it means to follow Eli?

I knew my faith would be tested,
but never like this.

Eli always says it takes courage
to walk his path.

How can I love when my heart
is filled with vengeance?

I know that it's hard. When you're pushed,
you just wanna push back.

But you have to ask yourself,
is that want Eli would want?

I don't care what Eli wants.

I just know what I have to do.

That Virgil is one angry guy.
I can't say I blame him.

Get lost.

But he shouldn't hate Livia, should he?

You're the one he should hate.
You could have prevented all of this.

But no.

Joxer is dead…

…because the thought of me
made you sick.


But if I sicken your soul…

…stopping Livia will k*ll it.

-I never thought it would be my friend.
-It's not your fault, Xena.

-Isn't it?

I spared Eve.

I thought I could save her
and now Joxer is dead.

-What part of that isn't my fault?
-You had to try.

That's cold comfort
to Virgil and Meg.

How many more innocents will die
before I end this?


Xena, I went to Livia.

I tried to tell her that we love her.
She didn't care.

-You called her Livia.
-That's who she is.

Eve is dead.

She's not your daughter anymore, Xena.
She's Rome's.

Eli, wherever you are,
I know you can hear me.

I'm having a little trouble
understanding your message, Eli.

I'm a warrior.
I have a warrior's heart.

And yet, you told me to…

…to fight my enemies
with compassion instead of the sword.

Well, now I find
I have to k*ll my own daughter.

My own flesh and blood.

Is this what you meant
when you said I must love my enemy?

Show me another way.

Where's your infinite love?

Good. The sheep are all here.

Aren't you afraid of me?
You think Eli's gonna save you?

Glad you could make it, Xena.

I hope you're not going to ruin my day…

…with more of your
excrutiating mother-daughter platitudes.


I'm done talking, Livia.

-This ends here, Livia.
-You finally get it.

-Eve is dead.
-That's right.

I'm here to avenge her.

-Time to put you out of my misery.
-Give it your best shot.

Oh, yeah. Who's my girl?!

Who's my girl?! You are!

Oh, nice.


What is this?

You didn't think Augustus was just going to
sit back and let you take his throne, did you?

He was more than happy
to lend me a few reinforcements…

…and Eli's followers
had to take a little holiday.


Come on, Mother… Do it.

Ares was right. You're weak.

Eli, save my daughter.

I couldn't.

I love you.

It's a little girl.

We're gonna be together now, Eve.

You and me…

Hush now, my little one.

Please, don't you cry.

Lay your head down…

…on my shoulder and sigh.

Sun's gone away…

…and Mama will pray.

Silence will keep all…

…where you sleep.


What have I done?!



I had her! Why'd you stop me?!


Xena, what happened?

I think Eli's followers got
that miracle they were praying for.

What did she say to you?

She said her name was Eve.