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04x16 - The Way

Posted: 02/19/22 09:20
by bunniefuu
I love rivers.

They're all right, if you don't
have to get to the other side.

There's a certain
inevitability to a river.

Nothing stops it
from finding its way.

You ever hear of a dam?

- Why do you do that?
- What?

You sh**t me down while I'm doing
my philosophical stuff.

What do you mean?

Xena... Since I met you
I've been on this spiritual quest.

I've been looking for
the meaning to it all.

Why don't you ever ask
those questions?

As a matter of fact, I've been
thinking a lot about reincarnation

since we came to India.

You see? Maybe being a warrior
isn't the right karma for you.

Maybe you should look to peace.

Maybe v*olence isn't
the answer to anything.

Why are you following us?

We were ordered to stop you
from reaching the avatar.

Who's "we"?


All right, who's tryin' to stop
us from reaching the avatar?

Indrujid, the king of demons!

The prince of darkness!

I get it.

He's a bad guy.

We've gotta beat Indrujid to
this avatar, whatever that is.

An avatar is a deity in human form.

They're usually destined to save
humanity from a great evil.

What's the matter?

It's this wound.

That demon should never
have gotten a blade on me.

Xena, you're only human.
Everybody loses focus sometimes.

It's not just that I lost focus.

It's why.

A few days ago, I saw my future life.
You saw it, too.

I'm destined to be reborn
as some kind of a saint.

But that's wonderful, isn't it?


but if I already
earned that karma...

can I still mess it up?

Maybe I was shown
my future life for a reason.

Maybe I'm supposed to change the way
that I'm living this life, here and now.

But either way a warrior cannot ask
these questions in the heat of battle.

When the k*ll is there,
you have to take it.

If I can't do that...

I can't be a warrior anymore.

In a time of ancient gods...


...and kings...

A land in turmoil
cried out for a hero...

She was Xena...

a mighty princess,
forged in the heat of battle...

...The power...

...The passion...

...The danger...

Her courage will
change the world...

What's the attraction?

The avatar.

And so, you must cast all hate
and v*olence from your heart.

- It's Eli.
- I have heard that...

you're a healer.

Is this true?

I have been given a gift.

My daughter... is very ill.

She fell into a feverish sleep
three days ago.

I cannot awaken her.


Heal her.

Have you treated her
with the proper herbs?

I have done all that I can.


She'll die if you don't heal her.

Come on, Eli.

She wakes!
He's a real avatar.

Thank you. Thank you.


Eli, wait up!
What's the matter with you?

Hello, old friends.
You're a sight for sore eyes.

Eli... You healed that little girl.


So you really are the avatar...

- Yes.
- That's wonderful.

It's not as wonderful
as you might think.

People suffer so, Gabrielle,
it breaks my heart.

And they look to me for salvation.

That must be an awesome

You wanna know what
the scariest part is?

- It's that I know the truth.
- The truth?

No, not the "truth".
The Truth.

I've seen it. It's as real to me
as these trees are to you.

You know, I was
jealous of you.


When I thought you were a devi...

you seemed to have
the power to heal people.

That thing I sought
after all my life.

I envy that.

Now I have this power to heal
people and cast out demons,...

give people hope.

And it terrifies me.

Something's out there watching us.

- Maybe it's one of your followers.
- It's not human.

- Eli, have you heard of Indrujid?
- The king of demons?

- He's coming after you.
- I heard that, too.

If he comes, he comes.
There's nothing I can do about that.

- You can let us travel with you.
- No.

I can't let you put yourselves
in danger for me again.

Besides, I have to
make this trip on my own.

What trip?

I'm goin' to the coast
to catch a ship.

I'm going home.

Well, that's great,
'cause we were thinking

of going to the coast ourselves.

Xena, I don't want you
fighting in my defense.

What are you gonna do to stop us?

Come on then.

Please, don't hurt me.
I meant no harm.

- Put me down.
- Of course.

What do you think you're doing
prowling around our camp?

I wanted to get a closer
look at the avatar.

My name is Hanuman.

You've been following us
for some time.

Yes. I thought perhaps
I could be of some help to Eli.

Indrujid is coming for him.

I don't need any help, really.

Most young avatars say that.

- You've known others?
- Only one.

If I were you, I would take
Eli to the great temple...

and ask for Krishna's help.


The supreme personality
of the godhood.

He will know how to handle Indrujid.

And as long as Eli stays in
the temple, he'll be safe.

Great temple it is, then.

Indrujid's demons...

Is "His Badness" with them?

If he is, he won't be
leaving any tracks.

Quick, take cover.

I'll keep watch!

Go, come on.

How wonderful.

You can climb trees
just like one of us.

You must have
learned from monkeys.

- Nope, Amazons.
- Amazons?

It's a long story.

What did you mean when you said
that Indrujid wouldn't leave tracks?

Indrujid att*cks from the sky.

You seem to know
a lot about Indrujid.

I know a lot about
his entire family.

I assisted Rama,
when Rama k*lled Indrujid's father.


I've heard people speak of Rama
since I've been in India.

But, didn't he live
a long time ago?

- Yes, centuries.
- Then you're immortal?

Not quite.

There is one being
that could k*ll me.

Let me guess.

What is the truth?

So you really wanna know?

- Yeah.
- It's life.

That we must revere it,
wherever we find it.

To bring peace to this world...

I have to teach mankind
a reverence for life.

So... If someone were
to walk up to you

- and knock you down...
- Then I'd get up.

But if they knocked
you down again...

Then I'd get up again,
if I could.

But under no circumstances
would I fight back.

If I did, I would simply be
perpetuating the cycle of v*olence

that has ravaged the Earth
for centuries.

That cycle has to
be broken, Gabrielle.

And the truth is that that can
only be done through nonviolence.

So that's the truth...

Hanuman, you've been walking
the Earth for centuries, now.

How do you know what is
the right code, or lifestyle, or...?



How do you know what's
the right way for you?

My way is the way of
obedience and loyalty.

I can see it's
not your way.

You're too proud.

What happens when a person
gets stuck between two ways?

That is not good.

For each person there
can only be one way.

- What's that?
- Indrujid.

He's north of us.

We may still have time
to reach the temple.

Let's go.

Look! It's the avatar!

Heal me, avatar!

Take away my pain!

He's close.

Indrujid is coming!

Go to your homes.

Take the trail behind the temple!


We know who he has come for.

We must stay and
fight for the avatar!

No, no, no, no, no!
Listen to me, please! Listen!

Listen to me!

Thank you for your concern.

It means a great deal to me, but I will
not have you fighting in my defense.

The only reason I've been
able to help you...

is that because in your hearts...

you're as innocent as children.

If you were to do battle with Indrujid,
it would harm not only your bodies,

but your souls as well.

I'll be all right.

He's right.
You must go to safety.



Get Eli inside the temple.

I'm gonna make sure everyone
gets gone before Indrujid comes.

Be careful.
Come on, Eli.

The statue with the flute,
is that Krishna?

Yes, though he can appear
in whatever shape he chooses.

He's the ultimate manifestation
of the supreme deity.

Hanuman, no offense...

You see, Xena and I aren't
used to waiting around

for the gods to bail us out.

Eli's words have troubled you,
haven't they, Gabrielle?

How did you know
what he said to me?

I have been following him for weeks.

I know his words touch
anyone with an open heart.

So, what do you think
of his message?

His way is the ultimate way.

Few can follow it.

Those that do...

truly walk with the spirit.

Come on, move it!
Get out!

It is not safe to be here.
Danger is approaching.

We must leave.

Xena's in trouble.

Eli, come back!



Come, child.

Here, take her to safety.

- Eli, no!
- Please, stop!


Let go!



Go back!
Run, Gabrielle! He's coming!







Where did he take them?

He went to the demon land of Lanka.

Then that's where we're headed next.

You saw how powerful he is.

In Lanka, he has hundreds
of demons to help him.

We can't beat him.

- Your friend Krishna didn't show.
- We need to get his attention.

And how do we do that?

With these gods, sometimes
you've got to try something unusual.

Like what?

I pray to him all the time.

What Krishna needs is
for someone to call upon him.

Who doesn't respect gods,
doesn't trust them,...

doesn't like them.

Someone who thinks
she doesn't need them.

You want me to pray...


Eli, I think if we put
both our weights

against this door, we
can probably just...

You're not gonna do anything
to try to get outta here, are you?


Open the door!

Be patient.
We'll be all right.

I don't think that's very realistic.
This is an evil man!

He's not a man at all, Gabrielle.

He's the incarnation of evil itself.

Is that supposed to
make me feel better?

He and I may be here
in mortal bodies

but our w*r is a spiritual one.

I'm sure that if I can stay
faithful to my way,

I can defeat him.

His is the way of evil.

- Mine is the way of...
- Love!

I know that.

I know that.

All right, what's he into?
Chanting? Sacrifices?

You doesn't understand
who Krishna is.

He's not like other gods.

He is in everyone,
every living being.

So, to find him,
you need only to look within.

Hello, Eli.

Don't be afraid.
I come in love.


Can't you have
compassion for me, Eli?

I've suffered, too.

Didn't I love my father?

Who was k*lled by another avatar.

The one they call Rama.

What do you
want, Indrujid?

I want to be
your friend...

and ally.

We both know that's impossible.


You're not afraid of me,
are you, Eli?

I know you can't hurt me.


like her, don't you?


Congratulations, Eli.

You have your first real disciple.

How passive and serene
will you remain...

while she's being tortured?

How am I doing, Hanuman?



Thank you for coming.

- Where's Hanuman?
- I asked him to step outside.

I thought it best
we be alone for this.

For what?

We are going after
Gabrielle and Eli, right?

How do you expect
to defeat Indrujid?

I can't without your help.

But I can't help you...

- unless you let me.
- I'm not one for cryptic talk.

- Get to the point.
- You must open up your heart to me

if you're going to tap
into the strength

that will allow you
to defeat Indrujid.

I thought that's what
the prayers were for.

That got my attention.

Now, you have to go
one step further.

You have to embrace the way.

The way?

I've heard about the way in Greece,
Chin, Anatoli and now India.

I don't get it.

The way is not for people like me.

You're wrong.

You're very close to the way now.

However missing it
by the width of a hair

is the same as missing it
by the height of a mountain.

I'm close?
I don't think so.

I don't have the patience
of Gabrielle, the love of Eli

or the serenity of
my mentor, Lao Ma.

- I'm just an angry, ass-kicking...
- Warrior.

Yes, a warrior.

You say that with disgust.

Well, it doesn't rank up there
with the saints, does it?


You have seen what
you're destined to be.

In your next life,
you will walk the way of the saint.

However, you will never
achieve that life

if you don't follow
the way you're on now.

- The way of the warrior?
- Yes.

You must not be hesitant
to fight in a just cause.

It is better to die
following your own way

than to live following
someone else's.

When you ride into combat...

act without attachment,
and carry with you the confidence...

that you are fulfilling
your calling in this life.

Then you will know the way.

I understand.

Then go.

Rise up like fire,
and burn all that oppose you.

And if you're following
the path of the way...

call my name...

and the strength to defeat Indrujid
will be given to you.

Are you ready?

I'm ready.

I'm ready, too.



Help me.

Gabrielle, be careful.

Won't you help me?


No, no, don't!


There now, that wasn't
so hard, was it?

You're in my world now, little girl.

I got her to cave
with a simple illusion.

Your disciple gave
into the first temptation.

Let's see how you do, Eli.

You feel her pain, don't you?
That's your curse.

You feel everyone's pain.

Eli, I could arrange
it so you may never

have to look on human suffering.

I could surround you
with joyous, happy people.

Save yourself and this girl.

Join me.



she dies.




Thank you, Krishna.


I failed my first test.

It's hard the way of love.

It may not be right for you.

But if you choose to follow it...

you must do so
with all your heart.

You'll fail more than once.

But don't give up hope.

In the end,

you'll redeem the world.

Where are you going?


I need to take the message
to my own people.

I believe they'll be
the most receptive.

Thank you, Gabrielle.

You were the first one
to understand me.

I won't forget you.

So it's the way of love
for you, huh?


Yours is the way of the warrior.

I think I've always known that.

And I've always known
that it was wrong for you.

I'm sorry I took you so far
from your truth.

Don't be sorry.


Do you think I could have understood
the power of selfless love

if it weren't for our friendship?

Still, I think maybe you should
travel with Eli for a while.


You and I stay together.

Gabrielle, we're headed in
opposite directions in life.

All rivers run to the sea.

We'll end up in the same place,
I'm sure of it.

Thank you.

For what?

For not mentioning dams.

You're welcome.

In today's episode Xena prayed to Krishna,
the supreme godhead of Hinduism.

We hope that we have portrayed it
in a revered and respectful way.

My name is Sunil Aghi.
I am the community activist

and president of the Hindu
American Political Foundation.

More than a billion people throughout
the world practice the Hindu religion.

An accurate portrayal
of our deity is important to us,

but an even more important goal
is to enlighten people

of other faith about Hinduism.

With understanding
comes tolerance.

If you would like to learn more
about this great religion

please visit your local library
or Internet web site.