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04x14 - Devi

Posted: 02/19/22 09:15
by bunniefuu
India is so different,
and yet there's this connection too.

You know, It's so exotic,
so mysterious, so-- Look.

Maybe that's India's way
of rolling out the red carpet.

That's gotta hurt.

India is completely different.

It's such a strange place.

Well, it ain't Greece.


Now, do you see why
I do yoga every day?

So you don't end up like that?

Xena, he's a master.

I can only hope to achieve
that kind of power.

Don't get me wrong. The gods
know I've done stranger things,

but yoga's just not me.

It's all right.

When you're crippled and old

and I'm doing headstands,
I'll remind you of this.

Oh.. I bet you will.

No tricks here, people.
True magic!

Come on.

Now for the ultimate test--

so dangerous that few...

have ever dared to attempt it.

Maya, the rope and basket, please.

Good people,
prepare to be astonished...

as I send my brave
assistant Maya...

into the land...

of the spirits.

How did he do that?

My guess is the coiled end
supports the rope.

Any skeptics are welcome to join
me and prove it's but an illusion.

Here's one.

Since you ask.



Come along, Maya. Up you go.
Mustn't keep the spirits waiting.

There she goes, people, up to
that land beyond this earthly veil,

a place known only
in songs and legends,

a region completely
uncharted by humans until now.

Wish her luck, folks!

Ladies and gentlemen, if it's
true that seeing is believing,

then you have just
witnessed a miracle.

But, please,
don't take my word for it.

Ask her yourself.

Maya, return to us.

Maya, return to us.


By the gods,
what's happened?


There's still a chance
I can save her,

but I will require
complete silence.

Thank the gods you're all right.

For a moment, I thought
something went wrong.

Maya, what's wrong?

This isn't part of the act.
Maya, stop!

Be careful.
Something's wrong.

In a time of ancient gods...


...and kings...

A land in turmoil
cried out for a hero...

She was Xena...

a mighty princess,
forged in the heat of battle...

...The power...

...The passion...

...The danger...

Her courage will
change the world...

She's possessed.

Abba, help me!

Are you okay?

Fear not!

A higher power has prevailed

and driven the demon from her.

It's her!

She has the higher power!

He's right!
She beat the demon!

She's a Devi.
The girl's a Devi!

Praise her!

Devi. Devi. Devi.

- What's a Devi?
- It's a healing deity.

They're saying you cured her,
that you exorcised the demon.

Devi or not,
there are spirits at work here.

Spirits that you have brought to us.

Wait a minute.

I'm just a magician.
I don't have any spiritual powers.

Even if I did, I'd use them to
help people, not to hurt them.

I just do illusions.
That's all-- just illusions.

What about Aja the baker?

That's right.

Burned alive the day
you got here.

And Chandra the seamstress--
blinded by her own hand.

- k*ll him!
- I don't like the sound of this.

I'm gonna get him out of here.

I'll handle the crowd.

k*ll the Devil monger!

Wait! You can't k*ll him because
you think that he's evil.

You see, you need proof.



Devi. Devi. Devi.

Devi. Devi. Devi.

No, no, no. You're wrong.
I'm not a Devi.

Look, I appreciate your help,
but I can't hide in here.

Sure, you can.
Why not?

You saw that priest.
He wants me dead.


He won't look here.


The name's Eli.


My friend's name is Gabrielle.

I guess I really owe you two.

Not only did you save my life
and everyone else's,

but your friend saved
my assistant's soul.

I'm glad we could help.

If I were you, I'd lay low
till things calmed down

and then get out of town fast.

So is she?


Your friend, Gabrielle.

Is she really a Devi?

Not last time
I looked.

Well, then how'd she do it?

The demon.
How'd she cast it out?

I don't know.


You tell me she's not a Devi,
and yet the demon just...

popped out at her touch.

That's some trick.

You think so?

Oh, I know it is.

What I don't know
is how she did it.

But I will.

- Devi. Devi. Devi. Devi.
- No.

No. No.

- No. No. No. No. I'm not.
- Devi. Devi. Devi.

- Devi. Devi. Devi. Devi.
- I'm not what you think I am.

I'm not a Devi.

I wish I could help you.
I can't.

You drove out the demon.

Praise to our Devi.
Praise her.

My eye!
I can see!

I can see!

Look! Come on.
I can see you!

You did it!
You cured me!

Your servant and defender, Devi.

My sword for you.

Very, very heavy.

So heavy you can
hardly keep them open.

Don't try.

Close your eyes, Xena.


hearing only the sound of my voice.

- Your voice.
- That's it.


Now, tell me.

Was it real what your friend did,
saving someone possessed?

Devi! Devi! Devi!
Devi! Devi!

- My sword for you, Devi.
- Devi! Devi!

Devi! Devi! Devi!
Devi! Devi! Devi!

My sword for you, Devi.

Devi! Devi! Devi!

Suffer not, demonizer among you.

Where haven't I looked?

Tell me.

Has she found the power?
Tell me.

I got a better idea.

You tell me.

The power to work
a miracle-- no tricks.

What kind of miracle?

When I was , my father's
best friend collapsed.

He had chronic convulsions,

and I was left with him while
my father went for help.

And all I could do
was stand there, helpless.

So I reached out,

trying to calm him, I guess.

I felt this kind of...

white-hot surge
go through me.

And when I touched him...

it stopped.

Whoever gripped him, let go.

He never convulsed again.

I'm sorry if I tried to trick you,

but I've searched so long,
I just thought that

if your friend had found a way
to ease people's suffering,

that maybe she could
share it with me.


What are you doing here?

I thought the temples
welcomed everyone.

Not those who help the dark ones.

Come on. He's just
a guy who does tricks.

Your friend?
What is she?

A Devi or a harbinger of evil?

Some people see evil everywhere.

A priest is trained to be vigilant.

Well, that's good,

'cause you're gonna
need to watch your back.

A man like you must
have many enemies.

Oh, yeah.
That's great.

Maybe you are a Devi after all, huh?

Maybe I am.

Xena, something
happened to me,

and I've been trying to
think of how to tell you.


What happened?

I did it. Xena,
I healed someone.

A man came to me.

He had lost his eye.

Xena, I brought back his sight.


I can't explain it.

It was real, Xena.

I'm wondering.

I know that you
had a spirit inside you.

What does that feel like?

Is that what's

'Cause, Gabrielle,
there are spirits that are

good and bad,
but they're smart.

And sometimes you can't
tell one from another.

Whatever this is wasn't bad, Xena.

How could it be?
It was beautiful.

I healed.

That is all I have
ever wanted to do.

That is all I've ever
dreamed about doing.

Now that I have this ability...

I think I understand that power,

the power to control life...

and death.

Gabrielle, you asleep?

Not anymore.

What's up?

Us. At least, we should be.

Come on. Get up.

We can go do some yoga,
get somethin' to eat.

We can be on the road by noon.


We're gonna do yoga,

as in you and me?


Who are you and what
have you done with Xena?

I know what you're doing.

You're checking to see if
I'm the same Gabrielle as always.

Admit it, Xena. You're afraid
the power I have is bad.

When it comes to special powers,
I've learned you can't be too careful.

You're right.

I bet-- I bet it was a fluke.

Most people have
probably forgotten it.

Well-- maybe you're right.

Look! There she is!
The Devi!

Devi! Devi! Devi!


I thought you were leaving town.

I was as soon as it's safe.

That's why I was about to duck out.
I thought you might be trouble.

What makes you think I'm not?

You don't think I had
anything to do with that?

Nobody else here.

There doesn't have to be.
The man k*lled himself.

Look. The man was
a suicidal zealot.

That priest did not
k*ll himself.

Sure, he did.

He tied up the rope and climbed up
on the altar and jumped down.


If he jumped down from the altar,

why is he hanging above it?

On second thought, leaving town
right now does have its advantages.

You're not going anywhere until
we get to the bottom of this.

Make way for the Devi.

Keep back!

- What's with all the muscle?
- Don't let 'em throw you.

Let the bodyguards go.

- They're gone.
- I'm gonna go check it out.

You stay here.
I'll come back for you later.

- It's the Devi!
- Out of my way!

Hey, big fella.


Nice doggie.


Come on.

Come on!
The wagon!

Thank you for the pearls.
They're beautiful.

My pearls!

Please. Save me, Devi.

The demons have me.
Please free me.


Bless you.
Bless you, Devi.

Bless you.
Bless you.

Thank you, Devi.
Bless you.

She did it.

She healed me.

She lifted me up.
You saw!

Praise the Devi!
Praise the Devi!

What's going on here?

You witnessed it.
I plead again.

Praise the Devi! Praise the Devi!

- Xena, I didn't heal anything.
- Praise the Devi!

Praise the Devi!
Praise the Devi!

Why'd you bolt?

I told you I was coming back.
Why'd you leave?

You kidding?

The way her bodyguards
vanish the moment I show up?

And then those demon dogs just
happen to attack me? Come on.

It doesn't take much to
make the connection

or figure out who
k*lled the old priest.

'Cause he was right.
There's evil here.

- So why'd you come back, huh?
- Can I--


It's sacred water from the Ganges.

It pays to be prepared.

The old man wasn't the only
priest in the province,

and if I can get that into the
right hands, it'll work against--

- Against who?
- Against any demon you name.

Take your pick.
They're all here.

It's evil incarnate.

Who is that?

Her name's Tataka--

a conniving little demon
who converted hundreds

with her sweet face and
deceptive good works.

Deceptive how?

She cured the sick and
deformed only to send them

to the slaughter against
the great god Rama.

Oh, she's a real gem,
duping people who need her.

Yeah. She's a real pearl.



That bad, huh?

Okay. It's a bit much.
I know.

What can I do?

These are all gifts from
the people that I've healed.

How can I refuse that?


I think the more I dress like them,
the more they seem to turn to me...

for my help.

I mean, underneath
all this, I'm still me.

Thank goodness. For a moment there,
you had me worried.

What's this?

A little insurance I took out.

Sacred water from the Ganges.


Against what?

- Against me?
- Gabrielle.

- Against my being a demon?
- That's ridiculous.

Is it?

Why else would you have it?

This is a test.


You wanna test me, let's do it.

Let's see if sacred water
eats through my skin, shall we?

Am I sizzling now?

Am I burning?

Am I still evil incarnate, Xena?

It was not a test.
It couldn't be.

Ganges water only burns in
the hands of a priest or an exorcist.

I took all the holy water,
'cause I knew

Eli wouldn't leave
town without some.

I'm sorry.

I just know you have
doubts about me.

And I tell you that this
power is good,

that it's my calling.

And instead of being happy for me,
you think that I'm evil.


- Eli told me about the picture--
- Eli?

You're taking the word of
a street magician over mine?

It's not that.

Why is this so hard
for you to accept?

Xena, I do not hurt people.

I heal them.

Hey. No, no. Don't--
Don't cry. Don't cry now.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


You back?

I guess not.

Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?

That's not nice.


Eli! Sacred water!
Use it!

What was that about?

I guess Tataka figured it out.


- Figured what out?
- Same thing I did.

Gabrielle's not the Devi, Eli.
You are.


Think about it.

I pushed your assistant,
Maya, into you,

but in the chaos, all anybody
saw was Gabrielle pull her up.

The burning water just proves it.

She didn't cast the demon out.
You did.

Straight into Gabrielle.

Gabrielle. Gabrielle.

- Wake up.
- What? What is it?

Eli's been att*cked.

If I hadn't shown up and scared away
whoever did it, he'd be dead by now.

- As it is--
- He's alive?

Barely. I need you
to come and heal him.

If he dies, so does our best chance of
finding out who's behind all of this.

Take me to him.
I should probably tell Ravi.

He might send out a search
party or-- Ravi? Ravi?

Forgive me, Devi, but Ravi's
not back. May I be of service?

- He's not back?
- No.


Thank you.

So Eli's hurt, is he, Xena?

Not as bad as Ravi, Tataka.


it's a good thing I sent backup.

I thought we had an agreement:

I saved your life;
you save Gabrielle's.

I can't do it. Believe me.
I wanna help you, but I can't.

Then there's no other choice.
We have to have an exorcism.


It's either that or k*ll her,
and I won't k*ll Gabrielle.

I can't do an exorcism!

Then I'll do it.


If you don't have the guts,
I'll have to.

What do I need to know?

You need an icon from Gabrielle.

First, I eliminate Xena,

and then Eli won't have a prayer.

Icon. Icon.

Her quill.

Forgive them.
I know they're rough,

but we're all in danger
until we find Xena.

Looking for me?

Not anymore.

An exorcism?

Really, Xena.

Now, don't you think that's
the pot calling the kettle?

You want me out?

You're gonna have to k*ll this
sweet little body to do it.

- I don't think you can.
- Watch me.

I'm warning you, Tataka.
Get out while you still can.

And give up this face?

And this firm, strong body?

Fat chance.

I think your time in
this life is over, Xena.

Think again.

- Give Gabrielle back.
- Come and get her.







Let me try and save her.

We have seconds.

Charlatan! Fraud!
Who are you to challenge me?

The power you seek--

It's a lie.

- I've failed.
- Eli, don't believe her.

Keep going.

Eli, you find that power
and you save my friend.

Abba, help me.


- Xena.
- Gabrielle.

It's all right. It's all right.
You're gonna be all right.

I guess this is where
we part company.

Why don't you come
with us for a while?

I'd like to, but I think I've had
my share of adventure for a bit.

Where will you go?

Somewhere I can just sit and think.

Some things don't bear
too much thinking about.

Some things you've just
gotta take on faith.

She's right. I know the power
I had with my healing.

And I know it was bad.

But I think that
because it exists,

there has to be another
power out there,

maybe for good.

And stronger.



Why don't we travel
with you for a while?

No. Really.
I'll be fine.

I don't think you should be alone.

You know, I don't think I am.

Good-bye, Gabrielle.
Take care.

- Xena.
- Eli.

Thank you.

Thank you.

What do you think he meant?

He's not alone?

I don't think even
Eli knows that yet.