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04x02 - Adventures in the Sin Trade: Part 2

Posted: 02/19/22 08:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on Xena...

My friend, Gabrielle...
Where is she?

If she's dead,
she didn't come to me.

Gabrielle... I'm entering
a world of darkness...

I promised myself
I'd never return to.

Help me...

and I'll make you...

"Destroyer of Nations".

It's the only way
I can see you again.

Now you, too,
are in the Land of the Dead.

I'm looking for a friend.

We're gonna let her accomplish
what she must there.

I'm going back to stop Alti.

If we move directly on Alti,
she'll send him after us.

- Who's him?
- Berserker...

Xena's coming!

Do you idiots think
I didn't know that already?

- Can we beat her?
- We've got to.


Nice job.

What is it?

Be patient.
You'll find out soon enough.

This is good for me, right?

That's right.

Now just relax.

That felt great!

A little more pressure and you
can k*ll someone with that move.


So, what do we do now?

The ancient Amazons used to use
this time to purge their spirits

like the steam purges their bodies.

To beat Alti and to learn
the new holy word

we have to have spiritual
powers of our own.

So you spent time in the Bonyas
with the Amazons?



Her name was Cyane.
She was the Amazon Queen.

In a time of ancient gods...


...and kings...

A land in turmoil
cried out for a hero...

She was Xena...

a mighty princess,
forged in the heat of battle...

...The power...

...The passion...

...The danger...

Her courage will
change the world...


I am Borias.

You must be Cyane,
the Queen of the Amazons.


That woman you're
trying to k*ll...

She's with me.

You sent word
that you wanted to talk peace.

That's true. But peace would be
impossible if you k*ll her.

She tried to k*ll me.

Is that true, Xena?

I understand your
anger with her, Cyane.

But Xena's not like you and me.

She thinks with her will,
not her reason.

You must have warriors in your camp
with the same weakness.

It would be terrible to let the peace
be destroyed by one vild act.

If one of my warriors were
to do something like this,

she'd be punished.

And Xena will be punished.

My instincts tell me
to trust you.

Thank you.

I promise to never
violate your trust.

That was some nice talking, Borias.
I'll give you that.

Oh, come on.

You don't really think I'm going to
let you punish me, do you?

You went directly against my plan.
You almost ruined everything.

Trying to assassinate
her was idiotic.

You're right.
She's much too tough to die.

We should definitely
hang with her for a while.

Besides, she's got some fighting
techniques I just gotta learn.



There's something you may not
remember, that I've been wanting...

Your father died defending
his village against my army.

You must feel a lot
of anger toward me.


But in some strange way,
I owe you something.

I mean, you taught me
how to stay alive.


No, Otere.

If you learned anything
from that monster

I used to be, it was
how to stay dead,

how to be numb to
anything that is beautiful

or meaningful.

And I can never ask
your forgiveness.

But I do ask that you let me
help you build a new life.

That's what my friend
Gabrielle did for me.

All right.

Thank you.

I've got a lot of work to do.

Meet your new shamaness!

In order to defeat Alti, we must
leave the prison of our own bodies.

How do we do that?

By the dance of the spirits.

We must prepare for Alti.

Will of the universe...

Don't let the spirits
escape your grasp.

Close the gates to eternity...

and send those
enslaved souls to me

so that I can lead them
against the forces of light.

Know your mission.


and I will free you from
this spiritual bondage,

let you pass on into eternity.

But fail...

and you will live forever
in the Land of the Dead.


attack the spirits
of Xena and her friends...

Enter the deepest
recesses of their minds

and drive them to their deaths!

Amazons, arise.

Bring your spirits to me.

We must be ready
to make a spiritual w*r.

Come on!
You can do it.

- Are we dead?
- No, you're just in a trance.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on, you can do it.
Fight them!

Yakut, fight them!

Come on, you gotta believe it!

Will it to happen, get 'em out!

Come on!

Fight them!


Good, Yakut.
Good girl.

Otere, you did it.

You're gonna be all right now.

Come on.

We're going the wrong way.

Alti's stronghold lies
towards the buttes.

- That's not the way to the canyons...
- That's the way to the...

- The Amazon place of rest.
- Yes.

Her power lies where the Amazon dead
ascend to the Land of the Dead!

We make camp here tonight.

Set up a charm ring
around the camp.

That ought to keep Alti and her
demon friends busy for a while.

It's done.

Xena, are you all right?

They asked me to join them.


You know, you have the potential to
be the greatest of women warriors.

At heart, you're an Amazon,
whether you believe it or not.

It's not for me, Cyane.

What is for you then?
Life with Borias?

You think I deserve better
than that, huh?

No... I think he deserves
better than that.

He's trying to change, Xena.
Let him.

If you two stay together,
you're just gonna end up k*lling him.

And you don't want that
baby inside of you to

grow up with a m*rder*r
for a mother, do you?

I'm already a m*rder, Cyane.

Becoming an Amazon
won't change that.

You're a m*rder*r because
you still think and act like one.

Join us.

We can teach you
a new way...

A new code to live by.

We live for each other,
not ourselves.

We'll be seeing a lot more of you now
that we're allied with you and Borias.

Think about my offer.

So you decided to
become an Amazon.


Xena never became an Amazon.

It wasn't long after that
that Borias left me with Cyane.

Then I know what happened.

No, you don't.

You can't join them.

Relax, Alti.
It was just a proposal.


You and I...

love the same things.

- I don't think so, Alti.
- Yes...

We both live for power.

But so far your power's been
limited to the world of blood

and sweat.

- I've done quite well in that world.
- Yes. But imagine...

what you'd do if you
had the spiritual force

to match the power
of your army.

You'd be unstoppable!

Anything could be in your reach.




You talk a good show, Alti,...

but all I've seen so far
is a few disappearing acts.

That's why we have to destroy
the Amazons. I must...

Don't put your soul
in her hands, Xena.

She'll destroy it.

You won a spiritual duel.
How'd you do that?

Your choices are simple, Xena.

Side with us and find life...

or side with Alti and find death.

Alti's close tonight.

I want you to sleep in a circle,

I'll keep watch.

But remember, any living thing
can hold her spirit.

So, are you gonna finish
telling us about...?

No, you've heard
enough for now.





Tell me who she is!
Tell me who the blonde one is!

Tell me who she is!
Tell me who the blonde one is!

Tell me who she is!

She's goodness and innocence, Alti!

And she'll live inside me forever!

She frightens you 'cause she
represents what can defeat you!

Don't underestimate me, Xena!

You don't know what I'm capable of!

I'm gonna take you back to your
past and show you something!

Son of darkness,
enemy of the land...

Come and curse the child
that Xena carries within her.

Make sure that he never experiences
the love of either of his parents.

This must be what
the prophecy was.

She's lost all her powers.

Maybe they've passed over to you!
Do you feel any different?

A little.

Nope... That couldn't have been it.

If you had her powers,
I'd never have got that punch in.

Xena's awake!

How you feeling?


She cursed my son.

She cursed him!

Well, did her curse work?


Solan knew the love of
neither Borias nor me.

Why would Alti do that?

Because she knew.

She knew that the light
from a child's face

would turn me away
from her darkness.

She couldn't afford that.

When we get to the resting place,
that's the source of all Alti's power.

Come on.

It's what's left of Cyane.

This is where they all died.

We should honor them somehow.

Do you know a tribute
we can pay them?


We're ready to avenge
their deaths, Xena.


Xena has proven herself
to be our friend.

Let's give her the Amazon tribute.


Don't do that.
You can't give me that tribute.

Before you follow me into
combat against pure evil...

you have to hear everything
that happened so long ago.


This is a sacred place for Amazons.

Only leaders of our tribe
are allowed to see this.

You mean,
I'm not welcome?

I thought you said
I could become an Amazon.

Well, yes, that's true,
after an initiation.

But until then...

Who's this? Who died?

A young warrior.

We found her in the woods.

It's so strange...
She must have fallen from a tree.

A little redhead?

- Yeah.
- She didn't fall.

I pushed her.

Yeah... See, I k*lled your
little friend for sport!

And now I'm gonna show you
how I can out-Amazon the Amazons!

Get her!



No tricks for you.

I'm gonna beat you
fair and square.


Alti offered me a better deal.

All right, I delivered.

You did indeed.

Is that what you wanted?
Her blood?

It will give me great power.

You better deliver on
your part of the bargain.


Your destiny will be fulfilled,
just as I promised.

I k*lled all the Amazon leaders.

Without them, the Amazons
were easy prey.

They were all but wiped out...

except for you.

I didn't know it then...

but what Alti took from Cyane...

allowed her to keep their
spirits in the Land of the Dead.

I believe that Alti's great power
is derived from their spirits.

She's a spiritual parasite...

She lives off their strength...

and turns their light into darness.

And I am responsible for it all.

Alti's forces are close at hand.

We don't have time to work up
to releasing our spirits.

What are you doing?

k*lling us...

Sort of.

In spiritual time
we can get a lot done

and still get back to our bodies
before we're dead.

Join me.

Wondering what that was?

That was a piece of your future.

Do you know why I'm taking
you into your future?

You wanna k*ll me by making me
experience my death?

Oh, you're so clever...

What was that all about, huh?

They almost got you!

Just a little further and
we may get to the real thing!

That was interesting, huh, Xena?


You're the best thing in my life.

I love you, Xena.

You little friend is
dying with you, Xena.

How does that make you feel?

- Good...
- Good?

'Cause if she's dying in my future

that means she's alive!

Now you know your future.





Oh, Yakut...


The new holy word that the shamaness
must give the Amazon dead...

It's "love".



- What is it?
- She did it!

Xena's released us!

We can cross over!



Tonight, your destiny is fulfilled.

You take my power
as leader of the Amazons.

Where are you going?


She's alive!