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07x07 - Snarfer Image

Posted: 02/19/22 08:16
by bunniefuu
[Thunder crashes]

[Laughs evilly]


[Electricity crackles]

It's alive!

[Thunder crashes]

[Laughs evilly]


[Laughs evilly]

Robeast, dead ahead!

Better form Voltron!

[Energy crackling]

[Lisping] Hey, guys!
Mind if I get in on this action?

Uh, this isn't really that
kind of party, Pink Lion.

[Energy crackling]

Aw, damn it. Pink Lion!

Okay, guys, I'm backing up!

[Beep! Beep! Beep!]

Uh, uh, uh, negative, Pink Lion.



Never mind that!

Eyes up here, Robeast!

This is it!
It's go... oh, no!

I haven't even had Sex Ed
in school yet!

All right! We lured him in!

Launching acidic plasma!



We've all been there, buddy.

To give you a better
sense of what

being on a sl*ve ship
would have been like,

everyone lie down on the floor

so I can duct tape your
hands and feet together.

Then, I'm going to choose five
of you to be the sl*ve masters.







No, Clark. Stay back.







Ah, shit, a f*ckin' bear?!

Ow, it's got my head!

Clark, get the hell over here!

No, no. Go back!

You can't... ahhh! f*ck!

Come back. Come rescue me!

This bear is deep into my skull!

No, Clark.
Don't listen to me.

I'm not thinking straight!



This was the only way, Clark.

People can't know
that you have superpowers.

[Crowd murmurs]

Aw, damn.
My bad, Clark!

It's time for my
check-up, Bones.

Let's make this fast.

Sorry, Jim.

Starfleet just handed
me the orders.

I'm to give every male
crew member a prostate exam.


Which one of these gizmos
do I... blow?

I have to insert my finger
into your rectum

and examine the prostate gland.

This... isn't fair.

It's routine, Jim.

I was talking about your
walnut-sized knuckles.

I'm going to get hollowed out.

Are you ready, Jim?

Just go, Bones.
Boldly go.

Where no man has gone before.

Not while I was sober.


Don't be nervous, Spock.

"Nervous," doctor?

Vulcans are not emotional.

Ah, God!

Do you trim your fingernails?!

f*ck it!


Aye, mommy, if you can see me
from heaven, shut your eyes.

I'll be with you soon.

Damn it, Scotty!

It's a rectal examination,
not an execution!

Aye, it is, Bones...

A butt execution.


Who's around to
beam up old Scotty?

If you feel any discomfort...

This ain't my first rodeo, Doc.

Mount up.

Bush league.

So, uh...



Captain's log.
Stardate .

McCoy... touched my...

After "The Bell Jar," I cannot
seem to write another word.

I, Sylvia Plath,
must end it all.

There, that should
be hot enough.


Oh, goodness, that's painful!

How do people do this?!


Oh, my god.
Oh, my f*cking god.

Okay. Okay.
Don't puss out.

This is a time-tested way
to k*ll oneself.

Trust the process.


f*ck this!

"The Bell Jar :
A good bell to jar hard."


Writing sure is a lot easier

when the alternative is
sticking your head

in the f*ckin' oven.

I really don't think this is
going to work, your grace.

Well, he f*cked the Queen,
so hang that giraffe!

Category Kaiju approaching.

All pilots report
to jeagers now!

First, we drift
our memories together.

Then we fight. Got it?

Not really.

Let's just gloss over this part

and hope the monster
fights are cool, all right?

Let's do it.


This is incredible.

Your whole life,
laid out in front of me.


You stupid f*cking dog!
I hate you!

Oh, my God!

You abuse your dog?!

H-He ate my TVguide!

Now focus!

Ooooh, yeah. Aaaaah.

It's okay, Dave.

E-Everyone does it.

But cows in top hats are
a St. Olaf tradition!


Rose, you're so stupid!


"Golden Girls"?!

The drift goes deep, rookie.

[Toilet flushes]

Wait, is this one of
my memories?



Oh, you're sick!

I've always loved you!

Go eat a toilet sandwich, freak!

[Alarm blares]


My Queen, you...
you son of a bitch!



The escaped animal
is a polar bear

with the ability to survive
in the arctic and antarctic.

It exhibits massive mood swings
like that of a manic-depressive

and has equal sexual desires for
both males and females.

Dear God, are you suggesting
what I think you're suggesting?

That's right.

A bi-polar, bipolar,
bi polar bear.

That is very stupid.


Time travel has not been
invented yet...

[g*n cocks]

...but in years, it will be.


In the future, TV networks don't
awwow cartoons to have g*ns,

so if they want to k*ll someone,
they send them back here to me.

My name is Elmer Fudd,
and I'm a Wooper.

The only wule is never let
your target escape,

even if your target...
is you.

What are you waiting for?

sh**t me!


In the future, they don't
let me have a g*n!

That was my one
dimension as a character!

Know what I did yesterday?

I slept for hours

and then beat it
to a Weader's Digest!

Help me!

I can't.

Come on. Give it to me.


I'll have what he's having.


Blee... blee... blee...
That's all, folks!


Can I listen to this tape in
Teddy Ruxpin, mommy?

Of course, Jessie.

[Tape clicking]

Do I wish I could just
leave my wife?


If she'd take Jessie with her
and get out of my life,

that would be ideal.

I just don't see that happening.

Sometimes I just think
m*rder is the only option.

Honey, I'm missing the tape
from my therapy session.

Oh, shit.

My wife, Melissa, and I have
decided to adopt.

That's wonderful.

Why don't I bring out
the first child?


I'm little orphan Annie!

Leapin' lizards, I sure am cute!

How adorable.

And this is Pippi Longstocking!

I'm Pippi Longstocking!

Gee whiz, I sure am cute!

You sure are, Pippi!

Let's do our dance for them!

Pippi Longstocking is one of
Annie's multiple personalities.

She's had a hard-knock life.

You know, uh...
sex sl*very.

Are all her personalities
plucky singing orphans?

She's not that creative.

My daddy's a pirate!

Sure, he is.

He's not.

[English accent]

I'm Harry Potter.

This poor dear's parents were
k*lled in front of him,

and his aunt and uncle
kept him in a cupboard

until child services came.

Uh, you should know
he has night terrors.

A lot of kids have nightmares.

Well, I'm a wizard,

so my night terrors
manifest themselves

into actual creatures that try
to claw me to death in my sleep.


What else is on the table?

I'm Oliver Twist!

♪ Food is great ♪

♪ Another helping
would be swell ♪

♪ I'm poor ♪

Go to bed, Annie.

Where is the love?

Are you my mommy?!

Oh, say hello to Bruce Wayne.

His parents were k*lled
in front of him, too.

My favorite story is
"Goodnight Moon."

Remember to do the voices.

Yes, He-Man is nigh
unbeatable now,

but what if we use this spell
to travel back in time

and k*ll his mother
before he is born?!


- I've stopped pretending

my opinion is taken into

Yeah, well, you're right.

We're traveling back in time
to k*ll He-Man's mother and...

Beep beep beep
beep ba-boop boop.

This just in... I don't give a
shit what you think about it.

Want to get some hot wings?

[Energy crackles]

Ha ha!

The perfect plan!


Is that a berry blue
jelly belly?

Oh, no, man, no!

That's my d*ck!

My body's gone back
in time, as well!

Beast Man?

Beast Man?

They call these hot?

I-I should have ordered
the atomic!

We ordered the mild.

f*ck you we ordered the mild!

Can I drink your blue cheese?!

Ah, what did I do to
deserve this?!

How am I going to k*ll
He-Man's mom now?!

MAN: Is that a baby
alone in the street?

Wait, perhaps I can use
my diminutive stature

to my advantage.

Waaah! Waaah! Waaah!

Dear God! A wild dog bit
this baby's face off!

I'm a widdle baby!

It's still alive in defiance
of nature itself!

k*ll it! k*ll it!

No one stomps a baby
in King Randor's kingdom!


Wuv me.

Sorry, everyone. Carry on.

Ah, they're gone.

What luck!

He-Man's father will
take me to his wife!

I'll smother her in her
sleep and be a hero...

to myself, not to society
or God, natch.

[Cellphone rings, beeps]

Whoops, sorry, little buddy.

Got to make a quick detour.

And, uh, what say
we keep this a secret

from old Mrs. Randor?

So, King Randor has
a piece on the side.

Well, that's cool.
You know, I get it.

But what if this woman is
He-Man's mother?

No, this won't do at all!

[Beep! Beep! Beep!]

Now, let's get a look
at this harpy!


That means King Randor was my

father, which means...

Avenge me, Beast Man!

Avenge me!

Wet nap?

Wet nap?!

I'm gonna have to shave
this out!

Oh, first time eating
buffalo wings?

What if it is?!

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk-a-wawk wawk
bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk-a-wawk wawk
bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk-a-wawk wawk
bawk bawk ♪

Ba-gawk! Bawk.

Stupid monkey!