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04x09 - Pinkie Apple Pie

Posted: 02/18/22 08:51
by bunniefuu
Whatcha doing?


AAAAA yourself! But that doesn't answer my question, silly.

Just some genealogical research.

I don't know what that is.

Genealogy is the study of family history.

Y'know, where ponies come from and who they're related to.

Ooh, fascinating.

M-Maybe you should pick one from the…



I see...

That makes sense...

Not much of a surprise there...


This is the most amazing thing ever!!

Why didn't you tell me how amazing this is?!?

Genealogy is better than cotton candy on top of a fountain of chocolate!

You'll never believe who it says I'm related to!

Hey, cousin!

This is just so exciting I can hardly believe it!

I know! Isn't it the best!

I have another sister! I have another sister!

Well, you actually have a fourth cousin twice removed by a fifth cousin, but that's like

exactly like a sister!

I try to tone it down a little bit around non-family members,

because I don't wanna make them jealous, but…

This is the best family ever!

It really is! You are gonna love being an Apple!

I mean, you've got the playful one.

The strong one.


And, of course, there's Granny Smith, who knows everything about everything!

A ponyville snail can hybernate for up to forty-eight moons.

Who knew?!

And then, there's me.

You smell that sweet apple air, Pinkie Pie?

That was rhetorical.

Of course, you smell it! You're an Apple now!

And Applejack is the one responsible for it!

Oh, Apple Bloom, that it is sweet, but…

It's true!

I mean, she keeps us all organized, all on schedule, and does her own part on top of it all!

I was already super happy as a Pie,

and now I get to be a part of this amazing family too!

It seems even more amazing now that you're in it!

We're family, we're family, you and me are family!

Best family twirl ever!

I just can't believe we've never heard anything about this before!

What's wrong, sis?

I'm not seeing where exactly it says we're family.

It's ri-i-i-i-i--i-i-i-i-ght


It… is?

Apple Sauce of the Apple family lineage is a fourth cousine twice removed of the Pie family!

I see the part about our great-grand auntie Apple Sauce and fourth cousine twice removed part,

but that last bit's awful smudged.

Are you sure it says "Pie"?

I guess it is a li-i-ittle smudged, but I see most of it there

and when I read it, I knew in my heart it was true!

Well, ain't it just the sweetest thing?

It is, it is, I'd just hate for us to get all excited before we found out for sure.

So how are we supposed to find out for sure?

Cousine Goldie Delicious!

Her cabin is practically an Apple Family history museum!

If anypony has the records to back up Pinkie's theory, it's her!

I suppose we could always

— I mean, Goldie Delicious does not live all that far away —

and we haven't been on one as a family for a real long time…

Are y'all thinking what I'm thinking?

Family road trip!

Did anypony see my travelling bonnet?

Isn't that it on your head?


It looks an awful lot like…

Well it ain't, and that's final!

Hey, everypony? Since Pinkie Pie is back home getting her stuff for the trip, can y'all gather round?

I just wanted to say something real quick.

I've had something in my teeth this whole time, haven't I?

Darnsnickety, what a way to welcome a family member!

No, Granny, your… teeth are fine.

I just wanted to be sure that we're all on the same page about showing Pinkie Pie how

awesome a family we really are.

We want her to get to know family she's been born into,

but, like, the best version of it, you know?

Oh! Don't you worry, honey,

we're a great family and she can't help but see it!

I'll bet my future cutiemark is gonna be a picture of me being the best-behaving pony ever!

That's how good I'm gonna be!

Big Mac?


Are you all ready to go? Because I am ready to go-go-go!

Big Mac, are you sure we really need all that stuff?


Are you sure you're strong enough to really pull all that stuff?


Are you sure the wagon's strong enough to hold it all?


Then let's get this show on the road!

Come on, Apples, y'all know this one!

We travel the road of generations

Joined by a common bond

We sing our song 'cross the pony nation

From Equestria and beyond

We're Apples forever, Apples together

We're family, but so much more

No matter what comes, we will face the weather

We're Apples to the core

There's no place that I'd rather be

Than travelin' with my family

Friends all around come to join and see

As we sing out across the land

We're Apples forever, Apples together

We're family, but so much more

No matter what comes, we will face the weather

We're Apples to the core

We're peas in a pod, we're thick as thieves

Any cliché you can throw at me

We're here for each other, through thick and thin

You're always welcome if you're Apple kin

You're more fun than the color pink

Or balloons flying over your favorite drink

The love I feel here is swim, not sink

As we party across this land

All right!
As we party across this land

We're Apples forever, Apples together

We're family, but so much more

No matter what comes, we will face the weather

We're Apples to the core!

Big Mac! I thought you said…

I thought… I mean… Not that I'm blaming you, because we don't blame in this family, but

I thought you said all this stuff wasn't gonna be too heavy.

How are we supposed to get to Goldie Delicious now?

I don't know, but I don't see how we can go back now either.

We're closer to the cousin Goldie's than we are to home.

I have the best idea ever!

Family river trip!

Just one problem.

We haven't got a raft. About the only thing that didn't get packed.

Well, back in the old days we used to use a sap from a sugarpine tree to glue things together.

That is… fascinating.

Don't know if it's helpful, but it is fascinating.

Not helpful, my patootie?

We're gonna build ourselves a raft out of these here jalopy parts

and keep it held together with sugarpine sap!

Worth a shot.

Could be worse. I guess.

Now remember. This time we're only packing the necessities.

Wait a second!

This one is for the scrapbook.

Pinkie Pie, when did you have time to make these?

Applejack, when you're family, you make the time!

We did it.

Say "soaked"!

So what you're saying is, if I had the courage to jump,

the parachute will open?

That is deep!

All right, y'all. Please tell me that the map didn' get wet.

Cause it looks like I'm gonna need it right about now.

Found it! Who's got the map? I got the map!

M to the A to the yeah, that's right, P.

Ain't no other pony found a map like me. I'm Applel

All you had to do is bring it to me.

No singing, no dancing, no games, just walk it over.


Say "best siblings ever"!

that's another keeper!

It's ok, y'all!

I travelled down this river as a filly, and I know it like the back of my hoof.

Are you sure you know which way to go?

Does a dewbug likes to hide inside tree?

I don't know.

Well, I do know.

And I also know we wanna head southeast.

Now step aside, youngin'.


Are we supposed to go through a cave?

Meh, don't worry, child,

the scariest cave in Equestria was down that other way.

The scariest cave in Equestria?

Oh, it's a fright allright. Filled with creatures that'll eat ya as soon as look at ya.

Oooh, sounds scary.

Tell us more!

Ponies go in, but they never come out!

And you're sure it's not that cave?

The one we're heading staright for?

Now, Applejack, I taught you better than to question your elder ponies!

You sure did!

Alrighty then.

Now everypony just sit all back and leave the steering to your old Granny Smith.

See now. Told you this.

Got it!

Best scary unidentifiable creature ever!

Say "terrified"!

Guess that was the scariest cave in Equestria.

Of course I meant to take us through it.

Unexpected adventure is good for the soul.

Best granny wisdom ever!

Why don't you just scouch on over there, Granny?

Think I'll take it from here on out.

Is that how I told you to treat your elder ponies?

Is it?

You taught me to trust my common sense.

And my common sense says we should get to Goldie Delicious'es cabin in one piece.

And that is exactly what I'm going to do!

That is mighty generous of you, but I think you've done enough for one day.

And how exactly are you gonna know which way to go?

It would be easier if the map hadn't gone overboard.

Hey! There wouldn't have been an overboard if Big Mac hadn't overpacked all the jalopy.


So I think we can all agree that from here on out,

I should be in charge of everything.

I just wanna say that I think you're all super-duper,

and I cannot wait to make a page of my scrapbook about the amazing waterfall we went down!

Told you that sugarpine sap would hold this thing together.

We're here, we're here! We made it to Golden Deliciouseseses!

You guys! There's a note!

Pinkie Pie? Maybe you could read that one out loud?

Right, sorry! I haven't even read it yet. I was just looking at how pretty the paper is.

Okay. It says that she ran off to run some errands but will be home soon.

That's perfect!

Why is that perfect?

Because it'll give me enough time to get more scrapbook paper.

See ya!

Worst family road-trip. Ever.


I can't believe she witnessed our family falling apart like this.

I can't believe I was arguing with you so much

that I've tore the wheel right off the raft!

It's like I wasn't myself at all.

Ooh, that wasn't your fault.

My stubborn streak got a hold of me somethin' fierce.

Should've let you take the wheel long before that.

It was my fault that map gone all wet.

I was the pony who…

Now, now, Big Mac,

you gotta know we forgive you for packing the jalopy so much that it collapsed.

You was just eager to please Pinkie Pie like the rest of us.


I think we have to let Pinkie Pie know that even is she does discover that she's an Apple,

she does not have to feel obliged to consider herself one.

Sure is apple sauce.

Are you kidding me?

You guys are the best family ever.

How can you said that?

We started out as one big unit, and now look at us.

Yeah! Now look at you!

You're all here still in one big unit, loving each other and owning up to what went wrong,

ou never gave up, even when things got tough.

She does make a pretty good point.

You aren't just family, you're best friends!

And now I wanna be an Apple more than ever!

And we want you to be one too!

Now that's how you run an errand!


Hello yourself.

You must be Goldie Delicious.

So nice to meet you.

And who exactly are you?

We're Apples!

Well, we think we're all Apples.

But we need your help finding out if Pinkie Pie is our fourth cousine twice removed.

Oh, why didn't you say so?

If anypony can solve this geneology mystery, it's me!

Oh, I am sorry about mess,

I wasn't exactly expectin' company.

Lemme try to squeeze in here...


the hinges are...

Get out of there, Mister Fluffy.

Come on, Rufus. Come in, Sweetheart.

Come on in!

Sorry about the mess.

Careful now, those belong to your great-great-great-great-uncle Apple Tart!

Whose was this?

Well, that's my lunch.

A couple weeks ago.

And this here is a complete record of our family tree.

It's not here, or here, or here…

It's certainly isn't here, is it.

Ooh, here it is.

Oh dear.

Oh dear. What is it?

Am I not an Apple after all?

But that's just it, I don't know.

The page is all smudged.

I so am sorry, but I don't think I can help you after all.

Don't be sorry. It's okay.

I'm just a little disappointed that I'll never know for sure if I'm the part of this family.

Well, I know for sure.

What do you mean? You can't know.

I can know for sure that it doesn't matter what the book says or doesn't say.

After all you've been through with us and all you put up with

it's obvious you're an Apple to the core.

Darn tootin'!

Yes siree!


Say "best family hug ever"!

Best family hug ever!

Thanks again for the wagon, Goldie.

I'll see you soon.

Y'all sure you don't wanna take one of these Apple family heirlooms home with you?


We're Apples forever, Apples together

We're family, but so much more

No matter what comes, we will face the weather

We're Apples to the core!

Twilight agreed this was definitely an experience worth putting in the journal.

Think I'll write about how being a good family isn't about being perfect

as much as it is about being able to get through the rough patches together.

About being able to forgive each other for mistakes.

Don't forget to mention how really good friends can also feel like they're family.


You know what? Maybe I should write it.

I'm gonna make it sound excitin'.

I have a history of excellent storytellin'.

I should probably do it.

Where in the haystack do you think you're going with that there pen?!

Look at me! I'm part of the Apple family too!

I'm arguing! Argue-argue-argue!

Bicker, bicker!