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04x05 - Flight to the Finish

Posted: 02/18/22 08:49
by bunniefuu
Today we have two special guests with a very special announcement!

Everypony, welcome the head of the Equestria Games,

Miss Harshwhinny.

Thank you.

Now, I'm sure, you all know about Equestria Games,

where ponies from all over the land compete for glory

in various athletic pursuits.


now you littlest ones will have the chance to compete

for a weighty responsibility of your very own.

Oh, come on!

Tell them the fun part!

That's right!

All you gotta do is show Miss Harshwhinny

the coolest, most spectacular, most rocking routine

and you're going to the Games!

So, who's going to be the lucky ponies?

It's gotta be me!

Maybe it's me!

Maybe it's us!

Maybe it's us!

Hey, it could happen!

So, the winning team gets to carry the Ponyville flag in the Equestria games!

Oh, you are gonna love this!

Miss Dash, will you please curb your overenthusiastic outbursts?!

Now then, let me be clear on the rules.

You, ponies, will form teams.

Each team will create their own flag carrying routine.

Everypony will be judged on grace,

style and originality.

There's a most complicated scoring system which I will elaborate on about now.


Aw, get to the nitty-gritty later.

Tell 'em the important stuff!

Like who's the coach!

That's right,


And you know why I'm qualified to coach you?

Guess who carried the Cloudsdale flag in the Games when she was a little filly?


I'll never forget it.

I burst into the stadium,

spreading my wings, the flag flapping in the breeze.

I did tricks with that flag the likes of which nopony saw before

and nopony's seen since!

Professionalism, Ms. Dash. I must insist.

If you want to keep your job as coach of these ponies,

you must maintain a professional attitude

and keep your emotions in check!

Am I making myself absolutely, one hundred percent crystal clear?

Yes, Miss Hearshwhinny. You know, "professionalism" is my middle name,

Rainbow Professionalism Dash.

Well, in three days time, Ms. Dash

will accompany anypony competing to the Crystal Empire,

where you will demonstrate your routines for me and the other judges,

who will judge you very professionally.

Yes. Quite, quite correct.

In the meantime, get ready to train, and train hard,

because I know this opening ceremony is the single most important thing

that will ever happen in your young lives!

But I know you're up for the challenge.

And so am I!

Meet me after school tomorrow at fifteen hundred hours.


And show me your flag-carrying skills.

I am outta here.


See how professionally.

Ponies! The most important thing is this:

Your routine is to show what your town means to you.

So, do Ponyville proud.

Work hard, be bold.

Wow me.

That is all!

So what do you say we come up with the perfect routine and win this thing?

I'd say that's rootin'-tootin' terrific!

But there's one problem!

I bet every pony in class is planning to compete!

Listen. Some pony in our class is gonna carry that flag,

so it might as well be us!

Crusaders, are you in or are you in?

Cause I'm in!

Me too!

Me three!

All right, the winning routine needs to show what's important about Ponyville, right?


So, what's special about Ponyville?

It's… It's…

I got it!

It's a place where different kinds of pomnies live together as friends!

Earth ponies like me!

Unicorns like me!

And pegasi like me!

So somehow we've gotta figure out a way to show that in the act.

We're gonna need a plan.

And lotta hard work!

And whole bunch of practice!

But take it from me.

We just be little ponies, but

we have hearts as strong as horses!

We're the toughest little ponies in town

Got the moves, got the mojo, no harder working ponies around

We are a trio, work as a team

We'll be the first ponies out on the flag-waving scene

We get going when the going gets tough

We know our very best is just never enough

We're kinda short, but so what? We don't get defeated

We could take a little break, but we don't need it

We've got hearts as strong as horses

We've got hea-a-a-arts, hearts strong as horses

When we put our minds together, we can achieve

We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and you should believe

We've got determination to represent the nation

For the win

We've got hearts as strong as horses

And we're flying to win as we gallop to glory

We can conquer any challenge we're in

We've got hearts, hearts strong as horses

Hearts strong as horses

If that's the best you've got, we're going to win for sure.

We alrady have the most refined routine planned.

That's absolutely sure to crush everyone else and I mean crash.

But we are winners and we have our hearts!

Sure. But you know what you don't have?

Your cutie-marks!

Blank-flanks! Blank-flanks! Blank-flanks!

What does have that to do with flag-carrying?

Having cutie-mark-less ponies represent Ponyville would be unthinkable.

And we, of course, already have our cutie-marks,

so we know who's gonna be in a winners circle.

Listen, you two! Cutie-marks or no cutie-marks, you'll see,

the Crusaders are gonna carry that flag in the Games!

May the best ponies win!

Game on!

Show me what you've got, Cutie-Mark Crusaders! And make it good!

Don't worry, we will!

Now, that's just a little something that we threw together.

It's not perfect yet, not even close.

Let's watch the Cutie-Mark Goofsaders do their sad little routing.

There's gonna be a hot mess!

Since the dawn of recorded time

in one town of amazing amazingness

three types of pony coesxist!

We are earth ponies!

We are unicorns!

We are pegasi!

And the town where friendship reigns is our home!

Now welcome to the stadium the flag of the place we love best!

Ponyville forever!
Ponyville forever!
Ponyville forever!

It's kind of work in progress.

So, what did you think?

That! Was! Amazi…

Wait. Hold on now. Gotta stay calm, cool, and collected.

To give a calm clear analysis…

Wait. You whipped that act together just yesterday?!

That is…

Professionalism, Dash. Keep those emotions in check.

Overall, it was kinda sorta…

Overall, it was okay.

Keep working hard, and who knows, you might have a shot!

Gotta go!

Do y'all think she liked it?

I'm not really sure…

You heard her.

If we keep working hard, we might have a shot.

So let's keep working.

Trot to it, ponies!

Dit you see that?

I can't believe I'm saying this,

they could win!

But how do we stop them?!

We already called them blank flanks!

Then we need to find a new way to get under their skin.

Or, maybe, get under their wings…

Girls, we just wanted to say your act is quite impressive!

Wait… What?

Um… Thanks?

Oh, but of course.

As a matter of fact, we think you're very brave.

Brave? Why?

Isn't it obvious? It is to us.

In fact, it's obvious to everypony.

You're showing all three types of Ponyville ponies,

yet you have a Pegasus pony…

…who can't even fly!

What in tarnation does that have to do with anything?

I'd say not even being able to fly has everything to do with everything.

Doesn't it?

I mean, a Pegasus pony at your age?

You should've been flying long ago.

So what if my wings can't get me off the ground?

Your career as a flag carrier isn't getting off the ground either.

Ms. Harshwhinny will never pick a Pegasus pony

who can't fly to represent Ponyville in front of all of Equestria.

Ms. Harshwhinny never said anything about that!

I would've thought that was obvious.

Well, have fun practicing anyway,

even if your routine will never—how shall I say—take off!

Don't listen to them, Scootaloo.

Scootaloo? You okay?

This routine isn't working how it is.

We've gotta rethink my part in the whole thing.



If we wanna win, I'm gonna have to fly!

Is that even possible?

And by tomorrow?

Maybe I can win if I work twice as hard.

See? Ah!

Maybe… three times as hard.

Golly, I don't know, Scootaloo,

I don't think that's the problem.

Well I know this for sure – flying is the only way we're gonna win,

so it's back to practice!

Is this a good idea?

I'll just work four times as hard!

Probably not.

Guys, guys, guys! Try it again!

But we've been rehearsin' all the live long day!

We're gettin' tired!

Fine! We'll skip to my big impressive flying entrance.

So you've done the doseydo to the left,

then to the right, and then there's the hoop.

Then I come in-

Not quite what I had in mind.

We'll just… try that part again.

I liked the routine the way it was!

Me too! But all she cares about now is flying!

Don't worry, I'll be flying high tomorrow on our final run-through for Rainbow Dash.

I'm gonna get this, you'll see.

Okay, Cutie Mark Crusaders,

this is your final run before you show it at the stadium tomorrow.

I know you're gonna absolutely, positively…

have a lot of fun, heheh.

Okay, go!

Ponyville! Home of the…


Ah, friendship, right!

Uh, therefore- no, three kinds of ponies.

Left, left!

I'm sorry! I'm just tired!

And then I dip, and then we turn, and…


So? What'cha think?

That's… y'know… good and all…

I just thought… maybe possibly you might wanna go back to, say,

the first version of the act, which was,

I dunno, what's the word, better?

Just do the routine as it was!

Don't mess with success, right?

Seriously. Now I need to…

go coach these other ponies!

And don't forget, we've got to catch the early train for the Crystal Empire.

See you in the morning!

What are we gonna do?!

We're competing tomorrow, and I still can't fly!


I'm just too tired!

I can't keep going!

Me too! I'm tired, I'm hungry, and now I hate this routine!

It feels like it's all about you now!

She's right. It's like you don't even need us anymore.

Of course, I need you!

Without you two, who's gonna hold up the hoop?

Ugh! You don't listen to yourself!

Forget it!

I'm going home to get some sleep.

So, are you gonna leave me too?

We've gotta catch the early train to the Crystal Empire.

I better get some rest.

See you in the morning, Scootaloo.

Come on, Scootaloo! Do it for Poniville!

Just gotta try twenty times as hard!

Thirty!.. times… as hard…

Just… a little… harder…

I can't fly.

I just… can't.

Crystal Empire, all aboard!


Where is she?

She better get here soon.

This here train is about to leave!

Here I am.

We were scared you were gonna miss the train!

I… I'm not going.



I'm the weak link.

If I go, and fall, flop, or do anything but fly, I'm gonna blow it for you two.

I can't believe you're quitting on us!

But you're better off without me!

But that's not true, Scootaloo!

You know what, Sweety Belle? Forget it.

If she's gonna quit, we don't want her, and we don't need her!




All aboard!

How's my favourite routine going today?

Oh, I just can't keep it in! I want you to win so bad!

…then Scootaloo does that…

through the hoop!

Well there ain't gonna be a Scootaloo.

She's staying home!

She is what?

She got in her head that the only way for her to represent Ponyville

is by flying in her routine!

When she couldn't do it, she told us that she was quitting.

And then you tried to stop her from doing that, right?

Well, actually we kinda told her…

Well, we didn't want a quitter.

Hang on. Are you nuts?

You're a team! And a team never leaves a friend behind!

Come on!

Sorry you can't make it!

We'll take a picture for you from the winner's circle!

I do not like them one bit.

Put on some speed, girls!

Throwing away your scooter?!

Rainbow Dash?

Yep! But not just me.

I don't wanna see them.

And what are they doing here anyway?

They're supposed to be on the train.

We're not going!

Not without you, Scootaloo.

What's gotten into you, Scootaloo?

I didn't wanna ruin their chance to win just because I couldn't fly!

And who said you had to?

But flying is what pegasus ponies are supposed to do!

You flew when you carried the flag in the games.

But that was me.

You are you!

And it just doesn't matter if you can fly or not.

Your routine was amazing cause it represented exactly what makes Ponyville special.

You do still know what that is, right?


Three kinds of ponies living together as friends. Just like us!

Earth ponies,


and pegasi!

But Rainbow Dash!

What if…

what if my wings never grow?

What if I never fly?

Listen, Scootaloo.

Maybe you'll fly someday, or maybe you won't.

You're all kinds of awesome anyway.

Who's the toughest little pony in town?

Got the moves, got the mojo…

No harder working pony around.

We are a trio,

work as a team

We'll be the first ponies out on the flag-waving scene

So let's get to the Crystal Empire and let's do the routine as it was!

And let's win this thing!

We've got hearts as strong as horses

And we're flying to win as we gallop to glory

We can conquer any challenge we're in

We've got hearts, hearts strong as horses

Hearts strong as horses

Ponyville forever! Yaaay!

In the Equestria Games the Ponyville flag will be carried by…

Cutie Mark Crusaders!


What you three did was… Acceptable.

Acceptable? Acceptable?!

Why, it was totally, stupendously the single most amazing thing I've ever seen!

Contain your excitement, Miss Harshwhinny.

Remember – professionalism.

Yes, well, I…

You know what this means, right?


We're totally gonna get cutie marks in flag carrying!
