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03x21 - Open Door, Broken Heart: Part 1

Posted: 02/18/22 08:45
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You may be lonely and then

♪ One day you're smiling again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl
who turns my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be?

♪ Guess we'll just
wait and see ♪♪

[instrumental music]

Here, Margaux,
want your shower cap back?

Uh, feel free to burn it.

No, I already boiled it
before I let Brandon use it.

I would've never lent you
my imported Almond Cream Rinse

if I knew you were gonna
use it on a lower-life form.

Sorry, Margaux, I didn't see
the warning label

"For snobs only."

You used it all!

This rinse costs $ a bottle.

That's half of my
weekly allowance.

Come on, boy.


you get $ a week?


I'll be happy if I get $
in my lifetime.

Hold still, Brandon,
while I give you

a shot of this deodorant.


- Aftershave?
- Here you are.

There, now you're
an Aqua Velva dog.

Guess what?

Punky, you'll never
believe this.

You know Lee Stucker,
the new boy at school?

Oh, he's such a babe.

He's okay, if you're into ears
the size of Frisbees.

Get this.

He asked me
for my history notes.

- No.
- Yes.

- No.
- Yes!

I can't believe this.
I'm in that class, too.

- No.
- Yes.

Why didn't he ask me
for the notes?

What could I be doing wrong?

Want a list?

What do you mean "A list?"

Punky: Of the things
you're doing wrong.

Oh, never mind.

Cherie, give me
the whole Stucker story.

Every detail.
Leave out nothing.

Okay, I was standing
by my locker...


How what?

I'm talking body language.

Were you standing like Madonna?

Or was it more like
Tina Turner?

It was more like
Cherie Johnson.

Boy, that took guts.

Margaux, you know what
would make us real happy?

No, what?

To see your face
on a milk carton.


Brandon, time to put
on your collar.


Where is he?

- Brandon!
- Brandon?

- Where are you, boy?
- Brandon.

Margaux: Hey, Brandon.
- Brandon.

Who left the door open?

Oh, uh, I guess
it could've been me.

Come on, guys.
Let's go find him.

Relax, Punky.

Brandon's gotten out before.
He'll come back.

Give the poor dog
a little privacy.

I don't like him out there
without his tags.

If he tries to call me,
he won't have the number.

He's been living here
for a year.

He should have
memorized the number.

[instrumental music]

Guys, we can't quit now.

Punky, we've looked
every place

Brandon could possibly be.


Parking lots...



There must have been
some place we haven't looked.

Punky, we've looked everywhere.

And I've got the holes
in my Ferragamos to prove it.

Did anybody check
Clarence Street?

I did, several times.

And I've got the holes
in my Hush Puppies to prove it.

Ixnay on the uppypay.

Sorry, but my dogs
are k*lling me.

I can't believe this!

Brandon's lost,
and it's all my fault.

He's not lost.

We just, um,
can't find him right now.

Excuse me,
but if he's not lost,

why have we been searching this
lower middle-class neighborhood

for the last five-and-one-half
miserable hours?

There could have been
lots of reasons

we haven't found him yet.

- Such as?
- Well...

- Maybe he had a date.
- Come on, Henry.

- Let's go check the drive-in.
- Punky.

They're playing
"Lady And The Tramp."


We're tired.

I know, but everyone's
had a chance to rest.

Come on, everybody,
let's go.

Break's over. Please?

Punky, we'd love
to look some more.

But it's very, very late.

We have to get some sleep.

We have to look for Brandon.

Uh, honey,
I'll be back in the morning.

With bright eyes
and roller skates.

Come on, Margaux,
I'll take you home.

Punky, I'll help you
look tomorrow, too.

But I'll be doing it from
the backseat of our town car.

- See you tomorrow.
- Thanks, Betty.

[instrumental music]

We'll find him.

I know.

[upbeat music]

[dial tone]

Hello, uh, Mr. Abbott?

Sorry to wake you up, sir.

My name's Punky Brewster.

And I'm looking for my dog,
Brandon. Have you seen him?

[dial tone]

Guess not.

[dialer beeping]

Hello, Mr. Abelman?

Hi, my name's Punky Brewster.

And I'm looking for my dog...

[dial tone]


Punky, who on Earth are you
calling at this time of night?

Hello, Mr. Abernathy,
please don't hang up,

I'm looking for my...

[dial tone]

Boy, these "A"
people are rude.

Punky, that's not the way
to find Brandon.

Get off that frog.

Henry, I was just
kidding myself

when I said that Brandon
might be at the drive-in.

I'm scared he might
really be lost.

Well, that's possible.

If he's out there
alone, scared,

hungry, cold...

Well, now,
Brandon's a very smart dog.

He can take care of himself.
In fact...

I wouldn't be a bit surprised
if tomorrow morning

he was scratching at the door.

If he is,
I'm gonna hug him and kiss him

and then I'm gonna k*ll him.

You're getting to understand
what it's like to be a parent.

What if he's not back
tomorrow morning? Then what?

Well, one of our options

is to check
with the animal shelter.

Maybe he hitched
a ride there.

Yeah, I bet he's there right
now. Come on, let's go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, hold it.

The animal shelter is long
closed for the evening.

We'll call them
tomorrow morning.

Right now, I'd like you
to get some sleep.

I don't think I can.

Well, at least try.

- Okay?
- Okay.

- Oh, and Henry?
- Yes.

Could you turn on
Brandon's porch light?

I wanna keep it burning
till he gets home.

I certainly will.

Thanks, Henry. Goodnight.

Goodnight, sweetheart.

[door closes]

Hello, God?

Sorry to call so late

but I need your help.

Brandon's lost.

Please, please

bring him back to me.

Thank you.


Hello, Buddha?

Sorry to call so late,
but I need your help.

Okay, boy,
you're leading ten to nine.

But you have to win by two.

Ready? Go!


That's awesome.
You win.

Do you know
you're a great dog?


Mrs. Deaton: Joey?
- Quick, get into the closet.

Come on, come on, come on.


- Joey?
- What? Huh? Who's that?

What was that noise, son?

What noise?

It sounded like a dog bark.

Oh, that must have been me.

I was having
a terrible nightmare.

An evil magician
turned me into a dog.

First, I was hunting
for ducks.

[imitates dog]

Then all of a sudden,
I found myself

on the David Letterman Show,

trying to do
a stupid pet trick.

They had me barking
The Star Spangled Banner.

♪ Ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff

- Joe.
- Yeah?

- Where's the dog?
- In the closet.

Joey, what is this dog
doing in your bedroom?

The pledge of allegiance.


Start explaining, son.


I was sh**t' hoops
this afternoon at the park.

I go for a jumper

and out of nowhere,
out comes this paw

blocking my shot.

Whoa, a Larry Bird dog.

Larry Bird. Celtics.
Tall guy.

Then what happened, son?

Me and the dog
got along great together.

He didn't have any tags,

so I brought him home.

Can I keep him?

Well, it's okay by me, but--

- Michael!
- What?

Now, you know Joey is not gonna
take proper care of him.

Sure, he will.

He probably has fleas.

Nah, Joey's a clean kid.

- A little humor.
- Very little.

Come on, Donna,
this is a great dog.

Even wears the same
aftershave I do.

And what about
the food bill?

He's gonna eat us
out of house and home.

Look on the bright side.

We'll finally have someone
willing to eat your meat loaf.

Come on, honey,
every boy needs a dog.

I think it's in
the Bill of Rights.


- You can keep him.
- Yeah!

Do you hear that, boy?

You belong to me now.

[intense music]

That's right,
Brandon Brewster.

How soon can you get
this ad in the paper?

Tomorrow will be great.

Hold on.

Henry, the paper man
needs to know

how much reward
we're offering.



Is $ , enough?

I think it's best to leave it
to their imagination.

After all,
Brandon is priceless.


Hello, sir.

Just say "Reward."

That way we can go
over $ , .

Thanks a lot. Goodbye.

Henry, you must be hungry.

I noticed you were
eating a poster.

Well, I am feeling
a little shaky.

I'll go and whip us up
something to eat.

Oh, and Henry...

Thanks for making
these pictures.

I know how expensive they are.

Hey, you know
how I feel about Brandon.

He's family.

Okay, we're putting
an ad in the paper,

we're hanging up posters
in all the stores.

This afternoon,
we'll go in to the mall

to put flyers
in people's windshields.

There's gotta be
something else we can do.

- Punky?
- Yeah.

Brandon's been gone
a long time.

Three days.

Three days and six hours.

Have you been able to sleep?


Me neith...

Cherie, what's wrong?

I'm so sorry.

I'm so, so sorry.

It's all my fault.

- No, it isn't.
- It is.

I'm the one
that left the door open.

Now Brandon's gone.

We're gonna find him.

I'm supposed to be
your best friend.

Best friends
don't leave doors open.

I'm pig dirt.

Cherrie, the reason
you left the door open

is 'cause you were all excited
about Lee Stucker, but--

That's no excuse.

I'm a selfish,
slimy tree slug.

- Cherie...
- I gotta go.

Punky: Cherie...
- I'm really, really sorry.

I know that's not enough,
but I'm really, really sorry.


I have to hand
these out, grandma.

[door closes]

What's wrong with Cherie?

She thinks it's her fault
that Brandon's lost

'cause she left
the door open.


she didn't do it
on purpose.

It was an accident.

I know, I told her that.
But it didn't help.

I hate to see Cherie upset.

But I'm so worried
about Brandon

that there's not enough room
to worry about Cherie, too.

Does that make me
a mean person?

No, honey, that makes you
a normal person.

But I am getting a little
worried about you girls.

- You are?
- Mm-hmm.

Now, I know you love Brandon.

But he's a pet.

And people with pets
have to face the fact

they could get lost.

I know, but he's not
just a pet.

He's more important
than that to me.

He's all I have from...


Before what?

Before my mom left me.

Everyone I've ever loved
has left me.

Punky, we all love you.

And none of us
are going anywhere.


But I'd sure feel
a lot better if you all

started carrying beepers.


Can we take
a one-minute hug break?


[instrumental music]

Oh, come on, dude,
you gotta eat.

Here comes the airplane
heading for the hangar.

Come on.

You need food, dude.


That's the name
I picked out for him. "Dude."

Nice, got a ring to it.

So, he's still not eating, huh?

- No.
- Huh.

- Think he could be sick?
- No.

The vet says
he's in great shape.

[clicks fingers]

Listen up, Dude.

Like you gotta chow down, guy,
'cause there's this hot lookin'

Airedale down the block.

I mean I'm talking
hubba, hubba, Dude.

And like she's
panting about you.

I mean like, cowabunga, Dude.

So take it from me, pal.

You are gonna need
your strength.

Well, struck out there.

What else you got?


Look, if we leave
his food here,

he'll eat when he's hungry.

But right now,
I want you to hit the sack.

But, dad,
I'm worried about Dude.

Ah, he's fine. He just needs
the time to get use to us.

Are you sure that's all it is?

Absotively, posilutely.

- Night, champ.
- Goodnight, dad.


Hey, I almost forgot
the good news.

My boss okayed the transfer
to California.

A week from now, we'll be
baggin' rays and hangin' ten.

That is good news.

Sleep tight.

Did you hear that, Dude?

California, here we come.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]


where are you?

[instrumental music]

[theme music]

[music continues]