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03x20 - Unhooking Henry

Posted: 02/18/22 08:44
by bunniefuu

One, two, three...

You did it again, Punky.

You landed on
Brandon's property.

St. Charles Place,
with a hotel and two houses.

I owe you bucks.

Okay, .

I hate the way
he always hides his money.


One, two, three,
four, five, six.

Reading Railroad.
I'll buy it.

Okay, but it's Redding Railroad.

No, it isn't.
It's Reading.

But it's pronounced Redding.

Like the town in Pennsylvania.

The town in Pennsylvania
is pronounced Pittsburgh.

Not that town.

Look, it's spelt

Doesn't that spell Reading?

Yeah, but you can also
pronounce it Redding.

Well, I vote for Reading.

Cherie, it's English.

You don't vote on English.
English just... is.

Punky, did you
take out the trash?

In a minute.

Punky, I've asked you a hundred
times to take out the trash

and every time you say,
"In a minute."

Now, I don't want
to hear that anymore.

So take out this trash.

In a second.

Now, Punky.


Go ahead, Punky.
I have homework anyway.

I have a lot of redding to do.

Here you go.

I trust you still remember
the way to the chute?

It's burned in my memory.

Careful, the bag might...


I told you not to buy
these cheap old bags.

You should have bought
the Tom Bosley bags.

Oh, balderdash.

Even a Bosley bag would break
if it's brutally abused.

Now, rebag it, Bunky.
I mean, Punky.

Yes, sir.


what was in this
medicine bottle?

Oh, that.
Sleeping pills.

That reminds me,
I have to get a refill.

Since when have you
been taking sleeping pills?

Oh, since that time I sprained
my back and, uh, couldn't sleep.


Henry, that was six months ago.

How often do you take these?

Well, I never thought about it.

Uh, not often, once a night.

For six months?

Henry, you're hooked.

I am not hooked.

I just take them
to help me sleep.

And what happens
if you don't take them?

Well, I have trouble
sleeping and...

You're hooked.

Punky, this is not
a "Just say no" meeting

and don't create a problem
where none exists.

Yello! Everybody decent?

Hi, Betty.

Henry, I went by Food Giants

and picked up
that brown sugar you wanted.

Thank you, Betty.

You know, it's kind of ironical,

'cause that was
my nickname in high school.

Food Giant?


Brown Sugar.

That's what all
the boys used to call me.

'Course, these days,
a lot of that sugar

has settled to the bottom
of the sack.

Sit down, Betty. You've come
at the perfect moment.

I need your help
to put Punky's mind at ease.

She's worried because
I'm taking a few sleeping pills.

Well, how many is a few?

Just one a night for six months.

Punky, Mrs. Johnson
is a registered nurse

and a medical expert.

Will you accept her opinion?


What do you think?

You're hooked.

Ignore her, she's a quack.

Henry, the manufacturer of this
drug said you shouldn't take 'em

longer than four months.

And some doctors believe you
shouldn't take 'em any longer

than three or four weeks.

But it's very low dosage.

True, but over
a long period of time,

these pills
can cause side effects.

Like what?


clouded thinking,

memory lapses.

Have you had any trouble
remembering things lately?

I don't recall.

This is nothing to kid around
about, Henry.

You should stop
taking these pills.

I'll think about it, okay?

Please, Henry.

Our teacher said that people
can get hooked on sleeping pills

without even realizing it.

One last time,

I am not hooked!

- Then why don't you stop?
- I will.


Right now.

If it's so important to you,
I won't take any more pills.

Alright, Henry, way to go.

It's no biggie.

Don't take it so lightly.

It may be tougher to quit
than you think.

Horse petunias.

You're looking at Mr. Willpower.

I said I won't take
any more pills.

That means
I won't take any more pills.

Al's Discount dr*gs?

Thank God you're still open.

Do you deliver this late?

Great, and what's
the delivery charge?


That's highway robbery.
Forget it.


Al's Discount dr*gs?

I'd like
a prescription refilled.

Yes, the number is " - - - - ."

Oh, yes, I'm aware
of the deliver charge.

It's most reasonable.

Th... That's correct.
Henry Warnimont.

Oh, I'm Mrs. Warnimont...

but you may call me Bernice.

No, I don't fool around.

You be quiet, Brandon.
I'll be back in two seconds.


No time for a chat.

Waitin' in the hall, huh?

Well, either you're
a very friendly guy

or you want these real bad.

- Just hand it over.
- Here you go.

Here's your money,
plus a nice tip.

Ooh, a quarter.


Goodnight, Bernice.

Oh, no.

This can't be happening to me.

I'm gonna try this door again

and it will open right up.

Brandon, ssh!


Open the door, boy.

What am I?
An idiot?

The dog can't open the door.

I owe you one.

- Henry.
- Punky!

You bought some more pills,
didn't you?

Well, yes, but, you see...

You said you were
Mr. Willpower.

- Yes, but, I'll tell...
- Goodnight, Henry.


I honestly thought
it would be easy to quit.

But it's not.

It's hard.

Very hard.

Maybe I do have a problem.

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.

Do you want me to go and get you
another nice glass of warm milk?

I'm so full of milk,
I'm getting an urge to moo.

Well, maybe that will be

the glass that
gets you to sleep.

Punky, it's been hours.

Owls sleep more than I do.

Bats sleep more than I do.

Electricity sleeps
more than I do.

Well, maybe you should
go back to bed.

No, I read somewhere, that if
you have trouble going to sleep,

the best thing to do
is to get out of bed

and do something else.

Uh, why don't you do your taxes?

I wanna get sleepy,
not suicidal.

Actually, if anybody
should go to bed, it's you.

No, I wanna stay up
and keep you company, okay?

Absolutely not.

You cannot stay up
on a school night.

That's that.

Henry, tomorrow's Saturday.

Oh, right.

Is losing your mind
a withdrawal symptom?

I don't think so.

Wonderful, then I'm
cracking up on my own.

I'll go warm you up
some more milk.

Now I'm having hallucinations.

Yo, is everybody decent?

Everybody except you.

Well, it's obvious
you haven't gotten any sleep.

Not a wink.

But don't you worry.

I got the answer right here.

A relaxation tape.


It's one of my old
nursing tricks.

I use it for patients
who get violent.

If you were my nurse,
I'd get violent too.

Careful, Henry.

My other old nursing trick
is to drop this on your head.



What do you want me to do?

Sit down on the couch.

And put a pillow
behind your head.

Put your feet up
on the coffee table.

Now... close your eyes.

Do I have to?

It's either that
or stare straight at my face.

Now, relax your feet and say,

"Feet, go to sleep,

feet, go to sleep."

Just do it, Henry.

It's important that
your whole body be relaxed.

Oh, you can skip that part,
I'm a speed relaxer.

Now, make believe
you're on the beach.

Sun is shining.

You're real happy.

Oh, look at the waves.

Do you see the beautiful ocean?


I have to admit,
this is really relaxing.

I told you.

Ah, the sounds are so real.

I think this might do the trick
if I listen to it long enough.

Thanks, Betty.

I really appreciate this.



Are you cooling off any?

A little.

Why can't I sleep?

Look, Henry, I have an idea.

You used to tell me
bedtime stories

to get me to go to sleep.

I'll tell you one.

I'm not in the mood
for "Mother Goose."

No, I'll tell you something
a little more grown-up.

- Come on, close your eyes.
- Oh, okay.

Once upon a time,

there was a photographer
named Happy Henry.

And Happy Henry was loved
by everyone in the village.

When do we get
to the grown-up part?

Happy Henry was having lunch

with Bubbles,
the gorgeous model.


When all of a sudden,
they were att*cked

by aliens from outer space.

Aliens with four heads
and six arms.

They pulled out their phasers
and start firing

zap, zap, zap!

And then, Henry and Bubbles
were helpless.

Then they unzip their bodies

and out came ugly millions
of icky, ugly snakes.

- Millions...
- Hold it.

- What?
- Huh.

Even if I could go to sleep...

this story would give me
nightmares for a month.

Too grown-up, huh?


Now what?

Now, I think the time has come
to throw in the towel.

- What do you mean?
- I've got to get some sleep.

I'm gonna take a sleeping pill.

- Wait, you're giving up.
- No, only for tonight.

Honey, I have to sh**t
a wedding tomorrow.

It's not easy to photograph
a cake when your face is in it.

But you don't have to take
a sleeping pill.

Come on, we'll watch some TV.

It'll take your mind off
how exhausted you are.

Come on, I bet something's
real good on.

Welcome to Lapland.

Home of the Lapps.

Our ice fishing expedition takes
place during the winter months,

when the Nordic sun
goes "Bye bye."

And since television lights
scare the fishes, our guides,

Svingeu and Norm, will be
fishing in complete darkness.

There is no need
to adjust your sets.

And now, we bid
a fond farewell to Lapland.

See you next winter
when maybe we catch something.

Bye bye, Svingeu.

Beat it, Norm.

Oh, it's over.

Let's turn to Channel .

"Night Of The Living Dead"
is on.

If I wanna see that,
I'll look in the mirror.


Sounds like Happy Henry
just turned into Gloomy Gus.

Not for long.

Because I'm going to take a pill
and turn into Sleepy Sam.

No, Henry, wait.

I'm through discussing
this with you.

You've expressed your opinions,
I've considered them,

now I'm ignoring them.

But it's been over hours.

If you take a pill now, you'll
have to start all over again.

I'll worry about that after
I've had a good night's sleep.

Oh, these stupid
child-proof caps.

- Here.
- Thank you.

Now give me the bottle.

I don't want the cotton.
Give me the bottle.


Give me the bottle!

Please, Henry, don't do this.

Don't argue with me,
hand it over.


- Hold still.
- Let go of me.

- I'm warning you.
- You promised.

- I'm wa...
- No!


Why are you being
so difficult about this?

Mrs. Johnson says you've been
taking these pills for too long

and that can be bad for you.

I'm afraid that if you keep
taking them,

you might, you might...

Might what?



Henry, you're the most important
person in the whole world to me.

I want you to be around
for a long, long time.

Thanks, Henry.

I can't sleep...

but I want you to.

And don't worry about my health.

I may creak...

but I'm a long way from croak.

- Punky?
- Morning, Henry.

- Did I actually sleep?
- Uh-huh.

How long?

Six hours and ten minutes.

You've been sitting like that
for six hours?

Why didn't you move?

I didn't wanna wake you.


Punky, thank you.

Forget it, Henry.
We're a team.

Six hours sleep, with no pill.

That's wonderful.

I think I'll shower
and go to work.


- Uh, Henry.
- Mm, yes?

Can you help me up?

My whole body's asleep.