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03x19 - Remember When

Posted: 02/18/22 08:44
by bunniefuu
Thank goodness.
That was a close call.

What was?

I almost got a snowflake
in my hair.

Come on, Brandon.
Mush! Mush!

Boy, Brandon,
you're a great sled dog.

I bet you're just dying to go
right back out.

Won't your father get mad if he
sees filthy snow in his freezer?

Henry will never see them.

I'll just hide it
behind the green chicken.

Anyway, Henry loves snow.


I hate snow.

Well, the only thing I hate more

is drivin' through it
with Mario Andretti here.

Are the groceries in the hall?

We never got to the market.

We spun out and slid backward
into a snow bank.

We had to abandon
my beautiful automobile.

It's a DeSoto.

You should've abandoned it
years ago.

You should be in as good a shape
as that automobile.

Come to think of it, you are
the shape of that automobile.



I'll tell her.

Margaux, that was
your chauffeur.

He totaled your limo.


He skidded on a patch
of ice and...

crashed into an old DeSoto.


Don't worry, Henry.
It was a ' .


This is terrible!

Yeah, limos are expensive.

It's not that.

I'm upset
'cause I'm stuck in this dump.

Oh, I'm sorry.

That was uncalled for.

Actually, I love it at Levitz.


It's really snowing hard now.

And already seven deaths

have been attributed
to the worst blizzard

Chicago has experienced
in decades.

We expect to inches
of snow in the next few hours

with winds
up to miles an hour

and a wind chill factor
of degrees below zero.

Snowplows are already
in the streets.

And speaking of streets,
don't forget

it's only six weeks
to the Chicago Marathon.

You must sign up
for registration by calling...

Henry, a blizzard.

We gonna be okay?

Of course.

Who cares what the weather's
like outside?

We're all together here
in a nice warm apartment.

Well, either the furnace is out

or there's a idiot trapped
in the heatin' duct.

We're gonna freeze.

- We're gonna starve.
- We're gonna die.

One at a time here.

Let's not panic.

We have an electric heater,

some electric blankets

and an electric hot plate.

Oh, Lord.

Trouble is we can't see
where to plug the things in.

Honey, you're freezin'.

You wanna put on my coat?

Thanks, but it's out of style.

Boy, you've really gotta be

good friends with somebody
to do this.

Oh, you all look warm and cozy.

And you look fuzzy and stupid.

Well, this coat
is a family heirloom.

I hope you're not thinking
of passing it on to me.

We all look so ridiculous.

Cherie, I can remember
other times

that we've looked
sillier than this.

Hey, look,
here comes the North Wind.


What do I say?

You just blow.

Oh, okay.

Boy, feel that wind blow.

It's really strong.

Yeah, somebody ought to give
the North Wind a breath mint.

Introducing the Queen
of the Nile, Cleopatra!

And now, the greatest adventurer
of them all,

Indiana Punky!

Now, the mystical,
the magnificent,

Merlin the Magician!

Need any help... standing up?

No thanks.
I got Punky power!


Comin', I'm comin'.
Hold your horses.



Well, let's see.

We got mustard, and olives...

And snowballs.


Gee, wonder how those
got in there.

Is there anything
behind the snowballs?


Green chicken.

Well, wait a minute.

Green chicken isn't that bad.

- It isn't?
- It isn't?

Not compared to some
of the other icky foods

we've had before.

What's this?
Grey jello?

No, dear.

These are raw oysters.

Ugh... Ah...

So, how do you
like oysters, Punky?


They don't bite, do they?


And what's this crunchy topping?


Oh, sorry, g*ng,

this chicken is green

all the way through.

- Eww.
- Ew.

This is the worst situation
I have ever been in.


I can think of a situation
far worse than this one.

Remember when I got an ulcer
and had to go into the hospital?

- Sure.
- Yeah.

Sit down, Punky. There's
something I have to tell you.

Oh, I already know,
but go ahead.

I wanna hear you say it.

- Well...
- I'm adopted! Eee!

Punky. Punky.

I can't adopt you.

I don't understand.

Don't you want me?

Oh, honey...

I want to adopt you more than
anything in the world.

The thing is, I can't right now.

Where will I live?

Fenster Hall.


Please, let me stay with you!

Punky, it...

It'll only be for a little
while, three short days,

and then, with any luck,

you can stay
with Mrs. Johnson and Cherie

until I come back home again.

Oh, come on, Punky.

Chin up.

Just remember...

even though we may be separated
for a little while...

our hearts will always
be together.

Henry, you were right.

I'm almost starting
to enjoy this experience.

It's an adventure.

That's the spirit.

From now on,
things can only get better.

Boy, this must be a first.

What's that?

Building a snowman
in the living room.

Who'd have thunk?

This is fun.

We've had lots of fun
together, Cherie.

We sure have.

You remember when we
painted your room?

Two chocolate chippies.

I'll see your chocolate chippies

and raise you a macaroni.

Aces and tens.

Not so fast.

Three jacks.

Hey! I'm in the cookies.
I'm in the cookies.

He's got a full house.

Kings over sevens.

Okay, the dishes are done.

Hey, Brandon, how's the floor
polishing coming along?

Missed a few spots.

But you did good,
considering you're a dog.

I know house cleaning's
hard work,

but if we're gonna stay
with Henry

until my mom comes back,

we're gonna have to earn
our keep, okay?


Well, let's see.

I think everything in here
is clean.

Oops, I forgot
to wash that window.

Okay, that's done.

Henry, what are you doing?

Making sure the pipes
aren't frozen.

They're not,
so everything's fine.

Henry, I love you.

Mm. I love you, too.

How come this sudden burst
of affection?

Oh, I don't know.

Every so often,
it hits me how happy I am.

Now that I'm with you, that is.

I assure you,
the feeling is mutual.

Remember the first time we met?

Ah, I'll never forget it.

♪ She's a maniac
maniac on the floor ♪

♪ Dancing like she's never
danced before ♪♪


Who are you?

I'm Punky Brewster.

And who are you?

I'm the manager of this
building, Henry Warnimont.

Nice to meet ya, Hank.

I'm not a Hank.

I am a Henry.

What are you doing here?

My husband and I
are looking for apartments.

- Okay, cut the charade.
- Stop!

It's only fair warning

that this is an attack dog.

If you get near me,

he'll chew you to pieces.

Give me a break.
That dog couldn't chew soup.

Uh, God, it's me, Punky.


Could you please

help me find my mom,
and really quick?

And in the meantime,
thanks for sending me Henry.

When he takes me down

to the Service Department
for Children,

will you give me a sign that
everything's gonna be alright?

Is that a yes or a no?

When we went to court,

I was afraid the judge
wouldn't let me adopt you.

You convinced him, Henry.

You always believe things
will turn out okay, Punky.

No matter how bad
it looks at the time.

That's what I call Punky power.


Dr. Frankel's
gonna give you something

to make you stay asleep,

and when you wake up,
you'll be in heaven.

Brandon, you're my best friend
in the whole world.

I'm really gonna miss you.

No, Brandon!

This isn't right.
I can't give up.

I'm not gonna let you die.

You still have squirrels
to chase and bones to bury.

You're gonna be around
for a long, long time!

But first, you've gotta wake up!

Brandon, wake up!

Please, Brandon.

I love you. I love you.

I love you.

I love you.




We've got electricity again.


And we've got heat, too!

Thank the Lord we survived.

Now, I really appreciate

the importance
of electric light bulb.

Maybe it will illuminate

the importance
of a good decorator, too.

Well, come on, Margaux.

Cherie and I will walk you home
if the wind has let up.

I'll go with you.

You kids actually wanna go out
in that terrible weather?



Let's go.

I hope we have another blizzard.

Well, Brandon,
everything's back to normal.