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03x13 - The Anniversary

Posted: 02/18/22 08:40
by bunniefuu
Okay, guys,
this is dress rehearsal.

- Ready, Cherie?
- Ready!


Ready when you are,

Okay, sheriff,
you come out first.

Howdy, sheriff.

Have you seen Snake Eye Johnson?

He should be here any minute.

I ain't afraid of you,
Kid Brewster.

I'm the meanest, toughest,
orneriest hombre

west of Disney World.

I'm calling you out, Snake Eye.

Say your prayers, pronto!

Oh, you're mad
because I shot your mother

and kissed your horse.


I mean, shot your horse
and kissed your mother.

Is it true that you
gunned down your own parents

when you were seven years old?


Why weren't you hunged?

I asked for mercy on account
that I was an orphan.

Sheriff, I'm gonna fill
Snake Eye full of holes.

Is that okay with you?

Look alive, Snake Eye.

You're gonna eat lead,
you cactus-sucking varmint.

No, please don't do this!

Whose voice is that
coming through the air

like a lonesome tumbleweed?

Sounds like
the poor Widow Kramer to me.

Stop, you two!

Oh, me! Oh, my!

This town has seen
enough bloodshed.

what's with the fur stole?

You're supposed to be
the poor Widow Kramer.

Punky, I have an obligation
to my adoring public.

They expect superb acting,

breathtaking beauty,
and dazzling clothes.

I cannot appear
in a potato sack.

Hey, Cherie, wanna change
the end of the play?

I think I know
what you have in mind.

- Eat lead, Margaux!
- Eat lead, Margaux!

Hold it! Hold it!

Punky, stop sh**ting
your friends.

Oh, it's Margaux.

Well, stop anyway.

Now, are you girls ready
for some good news?

- Yes.
- Yeah, sure.

The circus is back in town.

Anybody want to go to see it?

- Yeah!
- Lions.

- Tigers.
- Trapeze artists.

- When are we going?
- Tomorrow.

- Terrific!
- Perfect!

I can't go.

You... you can't? Why not?

I just can't go. That's all.
You guys go ahead without me.

But, Cherie,
you can't miss the circus.

Don't you wanna see Hagmar,

the Human Trash Compactor?

I can't go, okay?
I wanna be alone tomorrow.

- But, Cherie!
- Will you just get off my back?



I don't believe this.

I owe you bucks.

- Henry, are you busy?
- Not really.

I'm just playing Gin
with this stupid dog.

He can't be too stupid.

You owe him bucks.

Oh, did I say ?

I meant .

Henry, I've been thinking about
how weird Cherie acted today.

Oh, it's not weird
to want to be by yourself

once every so often.

I know, but look,
this is my diary from last year.

May th, Cherie disappeared.

Tomorrow is May th.

Exactly one year later.

- I see your point.
- Do you see my point?

I see your point.

So, the big question

is why does Cherie disappear

May th, every year?

Psst, psst, think
she's working for the CIA?

I sincerely doubt it.

There must be
a more likely explanation.

Like she's being blackmailed!

And May th every year,
she has to pay off

the slimy, sleazy crook,

so nobody will find out
her secret.

What secret?

Henry, if we knew,
she wouldn't have to pay

the slimy, sleazy crook anymore.

I don't think that's it, either.

Well, I'm gonna find out
what it is.

Cherie is my best friend

and if she's
in any kind of trouble,

I have to help her.

Punky, don't forget your diary.

Guess she didn't hear me.

I heard you.

Cherie, wait up!

- Punky, is that you?
- Come on, we got to talk.

How dare you walk so fast?

- What's going on?
- That's what I'd like to know.

Why have you been walking around
in circles all day?

You were following me?

I was trying to.

First, you go to the park
and scare away the pigeons.


I sat on a bench.

While I was waiting,
a little old lady

made a pass at me.

Then, while you were hitting
a stupid tree

with a stupid stick,

I got att*cked by
a three-legged German Shepherd

that hates beards.

I'd attack that beard, too.

Now, I wanna know why you
led me on a wild goose chase.

Hey, you had no right
to follow me.

I told you I wanted
to be alone today.

It hurts my feelings to think
you're keeping secrets from me.

Can't you tell me
what's going on?

It's none of your beeswax.

We're best friends.

We're supposed to share
our beeswax.

Will you just please
leave it alone?

No, you went off by yourself
last year too. How come?

Punky, it's private.

- But, Cherie...
- Stop it!

No! What's the big deal
about May th?

It's the day my parents died!

Henry, have you got a sec?

I guess, but make it fast.

I wanna sharpen up my Gin game
and win my money back

from this flea-bitten
card shark.

How much did you end up losing?

$ !

And what's worse,
he insisted on cash.

I followed Cherie today
and found out

why she wanted to be alone.

'Cause today is the day
her parents died.


I shouldn't have forced her
to tell me.

I was out of line.

- I see your point.
- Do you see my point?

I see your point.

I wonder why Cherie
never mentions her parents.

She doesn't even have pictures
of them up in her room.

Well, maybe it's
too painful for her.

Henry, I remember
when my mom abandoned me.

I didn't want to talk about it,

but you kept on encouraging me.

And when I finally
did get out my feelings,

I felt a lot better.

Well, it wouldn't hurt
if you let Cherie know

you're available
if she does want to talk.

I'll ask Mrs. Johnson
what she thinks

when she gets home.

Thanks, Henry.

You're welcome.

Alright, Brandon.

Let's play Gin.

Just one thing.

Since you have all my cash,

if I lose, would you carry me
till Monday?

- Hey, Punky.
- Hi, Mrs. Johnson.

- Are you waiting for Cherie?
- No, for you.

Oh. Well, come on up, honey.
And we'll talk.

No, Cherie is up there,
and this is kind of private.

Better if we sit right here.

Sitting is no sweat.


Getting back up is the problem.

- Tired, huh?
- Exhausted.

A day like today makes me wonder

why I decided
to stop being a housewife

and start being a nurse.

Seems like I just traded
dishpan hands

for bedpan hands.


what's on your mind, sweetheart?

Cherie and her parents.


I found out that today
is the anniversary

of their death.

Well, I'm surprised
that Cherie told you.

Well, she didn't exactly
tell me.

She let it slip out

at the top of her lungs.

Cherie was devastated
when she lost her mom and dad

in that car accident.

So it's hard for her
to talk about them?

She never talks about them.

Not even to me.

In fact, she's never gone
to the cemetery.

Why not?

Everybody handles grief

in their own way.

I cried for months when I lost

my son and daughter-in-law,

but Cherie has kept
all her sorrow and pain inside.

I don't think that's good.

I wish she could find a way
to let it out.


What's going on?

Oh, nothin', honey.

Punky and I
were just chewing the fat.

Good Lord!

Child, does Henry know
you're bouncin' his head?

Punky, I'm sorry
I yelled at you.

No. I was wrong to follow you.

It was all my fault.

That's true.

- Wanna walk and talk?
- Sure.

What do we talk about?

Uh, your parents?

Only if you want to.

I'm a good listener.

It's gonna be a slow night.

They're all slow around here.

What do you say
we grab a couple of winks?

Why not? None of these folks
are gonna tell on us.

Besides, there are signs
all over the place

saying, "Rest in peace."


Punky, I don't know
if I can do this.

Look, if you want,
we'll go home right now.


But... I think
you'll feel a lot better

once you talk
to your mom and dad.

After all, you've never
said goodbye to them.

Hi, mom.

Hi, dad.

It's me, Cherie.

I brought you some flowers.

There are mums, lilies,

and tulips for you, mom.

I remembered
how you always loved tulips.

Looks like you guys
got a great spot here.

Really pretty.

H... how do you like heaven?

Do you live in an apartment...

or do you have your own cloud?

Have you met
any famous dead people?

Oh, God.

Want to introduce me?

Mom, dad,

this is my best friend,

Punky Brewster.

Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.

You sure have
a terrific daughter.

She's smart and pretty.

Everybody at school likes her.

Except for Elaine Simons.

That's 'cause you
stole her boyfriend.

Oh, I did not.

He put a rubber spider
in my lunch box,

so I hit him
with a water balloon.

The next thing I know,

he's telling everybody
he loves me.

- Boys.
- Boys.

Well, it was nice to meet you.

Give my best to God, okay?

Punky, I don't know what to say.

Just say what you feel.

Say what I feel.

Hi. I... it's me again.

Gee, there's so much
I want to tell you.

I hardly know where to start.

Oh, mom,

I've been trying
to eat my vegetables...

but it's hard sometimes.

Every time I even look
at a Brussels sprout, I gag.

Uh, dad, remember how you wish

you had gone to college,
become an architect?

Well, that's what I decided
I'm gonna do when I grow up.

I'm gonna design
big, beautiful buildings.

And grandma says
I have a decent shot

because I'm good at drawing.

You know,

I miss you guys real bad,

but you shouldn't have died!

I needed you.

And sometimes at night,

when I'm in bed,

I get really mad at you
for leaving me...

because a little girl
shouldn't have to go

without her parents, you know?

But then when I think...

it's not you I'm mad at,

it's me...

because your accident
would have never happened

if you weren't on your way
to pick me up from school.

I just want you to know

that I would have traded places
with you if I could.

Anyway, I'm sorry I took so long

for me to come and see you.

I just felt so bad
that I couldn't.

But I'll be coming
more often now with grandma.



I love you.

Thank you.


Are you still around?


- Cherie?
- Hey, keep it down!

Yeah, we're trying
to sleep here!

Oh, Lord!