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03x12 - Games Ponies Play

Posted: 02/17/22 11:18
by bunniefuu
You absolutely sure
you can do this?

Of course! Wouldn't have
agreed to it if I couldn't.

Piece of cake!

Speaking of cake, I got a little
something I need to attend to.

Yeah, like keeping an eye
on a house full of critters.

Uh, yeah, that was totally
what I was talking about.

Relax! Go to your welcoming
thing in the Crystal Empire.

Spike's got it all under control.

Hurry up, Twilight!
We can't miss our train!


Oh, this is gonna be a real treat.

Princess Cadance said she'd never seen
the Crystal Ponies so excited.

Of course they're excited.
They're up for the Equestria Games!

It's only the biggest sporting
event in all of Equestria.

Didn't Cloudsdale host
the Equestria Games one year?

No. Cloudsdale should have
hosted the games one year.

I'll never forget
when we got the bad news.

The Equestria Games go to...

the city of Fillydelphia.


These Crystal Ponies lost a thousand
years to an evil King's curse.

They've had enough bad news.

No way we're letting them experience
the pain of losing out on these games.


Princess Cadance is counting on us

to do our part to convince
the Games Inspector

to choose the Crystal Empire.

And we are not gonna
let her down. Are we?


What? I was just answering
Twilight's question.

Four, three, two, one,
the Crystal Empire, that's the one!

Okay, everypony, great job!
Sounds like we're ready.

One more time, from the top.

Oh, please.
I think that was perfect.

Well, we've run this like
twelve times already.

I think we got it.

Cadance said the Games Inspector

really puts folks through
the wringer on her visits.

There's no margin for error here.

And this time we need
to practice the steps.

On a train car?

You heard the pony!
On your hooves!

Two, four, six, eight--

Crystal Empire, ladies!
Watch your step leaving the train!

Probably should've watched our step
while we were still on it, too.

The Crystal Empire
looks crystallier than ever!

They must have every pony
in the Empire out sprucing it up!

This must be why we are asked to handle
the welcome committee routine.

And it's probably also because
we'll be awesome at it!

Princess Cadance was right.

These ponies
do look pretty darn excited.

Yup, I remember that feeling.

But not as much as I remember

the crushing wave of disappointment
that came when things didn't work out.

That right there!

That is the face
I do not want to see.

We're here.

There are my girls!

Sunshine, sunshine,
ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves
and do a little shake!

Oh, my.
This is spectacular.

Please, everypony, stand back!
I need air!

Go ahead and try whatever you like.

It's all complimentary
for the welcome committee.

That over there
is a crystal mud bath,

which relaxes your body
and rejuvenates your coat.

Now, I realize it can be kind
of strange to climb into mud,

but if you'll just give it a chance,
I'm sure--

Pinkie, no!

Ah, so relaxing!

Pinkie Pie, honestly.

Go ahead, have a good time while
I get my ceremonial headdress done.

Ceremonial... headdress?

When meeting
with important guests,

it was tradition for
rulers of the Crystal Empire

to weave crystals into their manes
in a very specific way.

The Games Inspector is known
for doing her homework.

She'll certainly be expecting my look
to reflect the importance of her visit.


If I may have a word,
I have two pieces of news for you.

First, your mane stylist has the flu
and won't be able to make it

for fear of you catching it, too.


I hope she's better soon.

Do any of the other
stylists here know

how to do the traditional
royal ceremonial headdress?

Just a small detail.

You're trying to land
the Equestria Games here!

There is no such thing
as a small detail!

Rainbow Dash!

I suppose...
I could give it a shot.

Oh Rarity,
you would do that for me?

Way to step it up, Rare!

Fortunately, I have all
the precise instructions right here.

Oh my.

You sure you're up to this?

Working on the hair of royalty
on such an auspicious occasion

is the opportunity of a lifetime!

I will give it
everything I've got!

See? No worries!

Besides, the Games Inspector
isn't expected for several hours.

I'll have plenty of time to figure out
exactly how to... do... this...

Oh, Rarity, that's wonderful!

You said
you had a second bit of news?

Yes, quite.

The Games Inspector, Ms. Harshwhinny,
will be arriving on the... next train.

What!? You couldn't have
told us that news first!?

That's fifteen minutes from now!

How long before Cadance is ready?

I'm sure to find some shortcuts.

Can you have her back at the castle
when we're done?


Okay, we'll be fine.

Everypony, just look out for the pony
with the flower print luggage.

Easy peasy, pudding in the freezy!

We'll bring the Games Inspector
back to the castle,

put on our big welcome committee
how-do-you-do and then...

Put the pudding out to thaw before
you eat it or you'll crack a tooth?

I'll just ignore that.

We need to remember that
the Games Inspector arriving early

is probably part of a plan
to psyche us out.

What do you mean?

You said it yourself, she's got a rep
for catching hosts off-guard.

Just to see if we can handle
the kind of massive pressure

that comes with hosting
the Equestria Games!

Oh, no...
We're gonna blow it...

Not if we always stay one step ahead
and don't fall for any of her mind games.

Anything she throws at us,

we just needs to remember
she's testing us and roll with it.

Excuse me, ma'am?

Yes, what is it?

- Oh, no!
- Be cool.

Well, I know you're not expecting us,

but we're here to personally
welcome you to the Crystal Empire.

The whole lot of you
came to do that?

Uh, well, um, yes!

Well, darn tootin',
ain't that the cat's meow!

Y'all didn't need to do that.

Why, I hardly expected
anything like this.

The Princess wouldn't have had it
any other way.

The Princess? Princess Cadance?

None other!

Well, tie me up and throw me down,
this just keeps gettin' better and better!

- Can we help you with your bags?
- Don't mind if you do!

Ooh, I love flower print!


Our first stop is the castle,

where we got a razzamatazzy
welcome planned for you!

The castle? Are you kidding?


See that?
We just gotta roll with it

until the Princess gets there
and we'll be just fine.

So, uh... how's it going so far?

Oh, I'm so sorry...
It's just... so complicated.

- I can fix it!
- Fix what?

Well, I was looking for shortcuts
and I thought step twelve was optional!

But it's not!

My golly, the crystal castle!

I've seen pictures but I never expected
to see it with my very own eyes!

From the inside...

Oh my gosh, she's so nice!

You're letting her lull you
into a false sense of confidence.

Watch that.
It's all part of the game.

Oh my, I'm so excited.

Please, have a seat, won't you?

Mind if I take
a quick run outside first?

It was an awfully long train ride
and my legs could use a stretch.

Oh, well...
We were just about to start.

Oh! Never you mind.
You go on ahead. I'm listening.

She was probably testing us to see

if we could remain in control
of a complex situation.

Looks like we passed.

We'd like to thank you
for this opportunity

to introduce you
to this wonderful kingdom!

Oh, well, the pleasure is all mine.

And since we're not even
from here ourselves,

who better than us to let you know
just how welcoming this place can be!

Two, four, six, eight!
Name a place that's really great!

One, two, three, four!
Keeps you coming back for more!

Two, seven, nine, three!
The place that we all wanna be!

Four, three, two, one!
The Crystal Empire, that's the one!

I tell ya!
I have travelled far and wide,

but I have never ever
been welcomed anyplace

in the fashion y'all have
done here today.

That's fantastic!

Princess Cadance
will be so glad to hear that!

Honestly, I'm surprised
she knows anything about me at all!

Of course she does!

She's been looking forward
to your visit for weeks!

Oh, goody! Is she here?

Where the heck is she, anyway?

Wasn't she supposed
to be here by now?

Oh, that's alright.

Maybe-- I'll just take
my little run outside now.

Or, if you like, we could
give you a tour of the castle!

That way you could be learning
and stretching all at the same time!

A tour of the crystal castle...
I'd love that a whole heap.

Dash! We've hardly
ever even been here before!

It's just another test!
We gotta roll with it, remember?

Lemme give the tour!
I'lldoit, I'lldoit, letmeletmeletme!


You all start giving her the tour
and I'll go see what's keeping Cadance.

- Hello there!
- Hello yourself.

First hello of the day--

Wha-What are you doing here?

We finished
the welcome committee song

and we just wanted to introduce
Ms. Harshwhinny to--

No, no!

Princess Cadance isn't ready.
Something's gone terribly wrong!

- I need to speak to the Princess.
- You can't! You musn't!

She's in the middle of
a delicate conditioning rinse

that must go perfectly
if there's to be any hope for her hair!

Come on, how bad can it be?

Imagine her mane
turned into a porcupine.

Please, I will bring her back
from the brink of tragedy,

but you have got
to buy me some time!

There's no other way!

So, you see this here?
This, um, this is, um...

a big, round room.

It's known for its roundness.
And bigness.

And did I mention that it's... round?

I think they call it a rotunda?

A small, confining, rotunda...

Round is round, am I right?

Easy, Pinkie,
let's play this safe!

We got her in a good mood,
so let's not do anything to ruin that.

You know...
I love this sort of architecture,

I detect a neo-gothic
inspiration in the design, yes?

Hey! Look at me!

And not a moment too soon.

Where's Cadance?
Please tell me she's right behind you.

There's a bit of a problem
with her headdress.

How's it going here?

I, uh, hate to be a bother,

but the legs are cramping up on me
with all this standing around...

She's getting bored.

And we have
to buy Rarity some more time.

I'll see
if Shining Armor can come help.

Can't one of you other ponies
take over in the meantime?

I got this.

Wanna stretch your legs, huh?

Well, whatever you need,
I'm sure we can provide.

Let's just make our way
to the castle's gymnasium.

Our tour will now be headed...

this way.

And we're walking,
and we're walking...


Hello there!

Shining Armor,
you've gotta help me.

Everything okay?

I left the other ponies behind
giving the Games Inspector

the worst castle tour ever.

Come on, g*ng!

Are we gonna gallop,
or are we gonna trot!?

Castle tour, huh?

I'm pretty sure
I can give you a hoof with that.

Let's move, move, move!

Everything's gonna be okay.

I know, I'm not worried.

I'm not worried... it worked!

I'm outside!

Feels so good
to stretch the old legs!

Uh, what the--

Turns out the crystal castle
doesn't have a gymnasium.

Watch it!

Make her stop!

Wait, that's the Games Inspector!
Let her do her thing.

Oh, these hooves! I'm outside!

- Why would she do that?
- I have no idea.

But, that's why she's in charge
of choosing who gets the Games,

and we're not.

Oh, get me outside for a run!

Look out!

Yeah, okay, we need to stop her.

Where's she going in such a hurry?

Closer... closer...

I think we've got her!

Oh, that felt good!

Nothing like a great run to shake
the cobwebs off these old bones.

Hey there, speedy.

Ah, these wide open spaces
y'all got here remind me of home.

This is great!

Oh! So you're...
enjoying your visit?

Well, I'm so... glad!

Oh good golly, yes, I just love
to travel and see new places.

Such a beautiful spot
you got here, too!

Why... thank you so much!
I'm Shining Armor.

The Prince!

- What's going on?
- From the looks of it,

just locking up the games
for the Crystal Empire is all.

Ain't no thing.

My oh my...
I never met a Prince before...

I'm surprised.

I'd think in your line of work,
you'd meet princes all the time.


Just an ordinary
wild mustang from Mustangia

here to enjoy a little vay-cay.

Never thought I'd also
be meeting royalty to boot.

You are Ms. Harshwhinny,
the Equestria Games Inspector,

aren't you?!

Inspector what-now?

We got the wrong pony?!


I mean,

Oh, please still be here...
oh please oh please oh please...

There's got to be another pony

with flower print luggage
around here somewhere...

Except that there isn't!

We've gotta find her
before Cadance finds out

what a mess
we've made of things.

Okay, here's what we do.

We split the Empire up
into five sectors.

Each of us search a sector.

Well... Except for the spa.

What's the point of checking there?
That's where Cadance is.

If Ms. Harshwhinny is there,
well, then, game over, right?

Every city and empire
wants to host the Equestria Games!

So, I have to go through all the
big phony-baloney song and dance,

though of course, I'm never
getting the real inside scoop.

Oh, golly I've been having
a swell time since I got here!

I'm actually thinking of extendin'
my stay.

And what exactly
has made your visit so special?

Gosh, where to start?

There she is!

We're in luck!

I don't think either of them knows yet
that the other one's here!

Wonderful news, look!

Princess Cadance,
better than new!

Princess Cadance?

So, this is where you've been!

I will have you know

this is by far the worst welcome
I've had in all my years!

I-I can't believe it...

What was wrong
with your welcome?

There wasn't one!

What is going on?

Princess, we gave our welcome
to the wrong pony.

Left the right one
waiting at the station,

and completely ruined everything.

Cinnamon bun?

When I was a little filly,

I wanted so badly for Cloudsdale
to win the Equestria Games.

But, it didn't happen.

So I thought I could make up
for that disappointment

by helping the Crystal Empire win
the chance to host the Games.

But it looks like
I ruined your chances instead.

Not so fast, speedy.

I just finished hearing about how this pony
was just treated to the warmest,

finest, most fabulous reception
she ever had.

Darn tootin'!

Courtesy of these fine ponies
right here.

Which, in my expert opinion,
amounts to the first ever

unvarnished, unrehearsed,
and unbiased appraisal

of a potential host
of the Equestria Games.

Which can only mean one thing...

The next host
of the Equestria Games is...

the Crystal Empire!

We did it!

Congratulations, crystal ponies!

You know,
it feels good to help others

get something you always wanted
but never had.

Almost as good as getting it yourself.


We'll still be able to come back here
and watch the games when they're played.

You're right. That'll rock!

Oh, my goodness.

All aboard!

Bummer Spike
had to miss out on all this.

He woulda' had fun here.

I'm sure he's having a great time
watching all the critters back at home.

Think he's still got
a handle on things?

If he's staying calm
and collected,

I bet he's doing
a terrific job as a leader.

You all hear that?