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03x09 - Spike at Your Service

Posted: 02/17/22 11:15
by bunniefuu
Six, seven, eight, nine,
ten, eleven, twelve.

That's not that many.

Are you kidding?

How are you supposed
to read books in one weekend?

Princess Celestia
obviously thinks I can

or she would never have assigned
them to me.

I'm not planning
on letting her down.

Well, I hope you're not planning
on sleeping, then, either.

Actually, Spike, why don't you
take the day off?

- Really?
- Why not?

These books are gonna
keep me busy for a while.

I do have a long list of things
I've been dying to do!

"Touch nose with tongue."


"Play bongos on my belly."


"Smell my dirty feet."


That didn't take nearly
as long as I thought it would.

What to do?
What to do?

A hot air balloon ride!

Oh no!

Runaway balloon!


That was a close one.

If I didn't know better,

I would swear that I was in the middle
of the dark and scary Everfree forest!

What was that?!

Come on, Spike.

Just because this forest is full
of wild, dangerous animals

doesn't mean
that you're gonna see one!

Come and get me,
you big g*ons!

I'm running!
I'm running!

Wow, Applejack.
That was amazing!

I mean, you rocketed those boulders
at them like they were rockets!

You saved my life!

You... saved my life.

Aw, don't mention it, Spike.

Come on, we should be heading
on back now.

Man, am I lucky you were out here!

Uh, why were you out here?

Saw the balloon floating by
with no pony in it.

Came out here to investigate.

Guess you did too, huh?

Uh, yeah!

I was investigating
the runaway hot air balloon too!


now that the mystery's been solved,
let's get out here, huh?

Thanks for walking me home, Spike.
That was mighty kind of you!

But now I have some chores that
need tending to, so see you later.

What chores?
I'll do them!

That's sweet,
but you don't have--

It's the least I can do.
You saved my life!

I need to repay the favor.

sh**t, Spike, that's what
friends do for each other.

You don't need
to repay the favor!

Yes, I do.

Sugar, it's okay.
It's not necessary.

Applejack, you don't understand!

This is something
that I really need to do!

Well, I hate to get in the way of you
doing something you need to.

What should I do?

Uh... Apple Bloom's over yonder,
giving little Piggington a bath.

I was gonna lend her a hoof, but,
maybe you could lend her one instead.

On the double!

Applejack said I could help you!

I could use all the help I can get!

Wait till Applejack sees
how you sparkle!

Good job, you two!

is it okay if I get going?

I don't wanna be late
for my Crusaders meeting.

We're getting fitted
for water skis!

You definitely don't want
to be late for that...

Water-skiing Cutie Mark,
here I come!

Spike, you can head on out too.

I reckon you have re-paid me in full
so we are officially even-Steven.

What? Oh, no!

We aren't even close
to being even-Steven!

Please, Applejack, you must
allow me to assist you further!

I don't know, Spike.

Just don't feel right to have you
doing things for me.

- Please.
- Really, you don't--

- Pretty please.
- It's just not necessary.

Pretty, pretty, pretty please?

Oh, all right.

You can help Granny Smith
and me bake some...

Pies! Pies!

I'm helping Applejack
make some pies!

Spike, little feller,

could you get us
some more eggs?

Coming right up!

Ah, oops.
Sorry, Applejack!

Let me get something
to clean that up!

Appreciate all your help today,
sugar cube, but,

I can take it from here.

Don't be ridiculous!

It is my honor and my duty.
Today is just the beginning!

- What's that now?
- You saved my life!

According to the
"Spike the Dragon Code,"

I owe you a life debt
and must serve you.

Now, what about Twilight?

Doesn't she need your help
and such?

Huh. You're right.

I better break the news
to Twilight!

I just hope she doesn't
take it too hard...

Be right back!

Come on, Spike.

This is your personal moral, ethical
Dragon Code we're talking about.

You have to do this!

It's not like you and Twilight
won't be friends anymore.

But it won't be the same...

But it has to be done!

Twilight, Applejack
just saved my life

from horrible,
dragon-eating Timberwolves!

And, as you are aware,
I adhere to my Dragon Code

and this means I must serve her
for the rest of my natural-born days.

I'm sure you understand.

It's... been an honor... being
your faithful assistant.

Sounds good.

She said it was okay.

- Really?
- Really?

So with Twilight's blessing,

I am free to follow my code
and serve you until...

Well, until... forever!

Listen, sugar cube, I completely
respect your Dragon Code,

truly I do, but I just can't cotton
with you permanently serving me.

Please, Applejack.
My Dragon Code is a part of me!

I have to be true to myself!

If you don't let me do this,
I won't be a noble dragon anymore!

Oh. Well, I can't have you feeling like
you're not a noble dragon, now can I?

Great! Then from here on in,
your wish is my command.

Huh. Okay...

I would like you to...

Help me take some of the pie
you made to--


Sure. Why not?

I helped bake it!

You even look good
when you're chewing!

Who looks good
when they're chewing?

Aren't you gonna have some more?

I had a big lunch!

It's in the morning.

A big breakfast.

Oh. Okay!

Maybe you could take her plate
back to the kitchen and wash it off?

As you wish!

What was that all about?

I saved Spike from some Timberwolves
in the Everfree Forest

and now he thinks
he has to serve me forever!

What I wouldn't give to have
some pony forever in my debt!

I'd get them to organize my closets,

and give me pedicures
and help me with my sewing--

Okay, I get it.

Having somepony to do things
for you would be a dream come true.

But I don't feel right having Spike
thinking he owes me something.

And you tasted that pie.
Sometimes his help isn't that helpful.

Do you have a broom I could borrow?

A.J., Rarity!
What's happening?

Applejack saved Spike's life
and now he has to serve her forever.


What are you having him do?

Wash your laundry?
Clean your room?

Help you with
your unfinished novel?

Mine's about this awesome Pegasus

who's the best flyer ever and becomes
the captain of the Wonderbolts!

How ever did you come up with that
ingeniously woven, intricate plot line?

Just came to me.

Thing is I don't really want him
to serve me forever.

But I don't know how
to get him to stop.

That's easy!

Just make him help you with
something really, really hard!

I don't know.

I don't want him to get hurt!


He'll quit way before there's
even a chance of getting hurt!

Leave this to me.

So, Spike,

Applejack was gonna
help me stack some hay

so I could practice smashing
through it,

but I'm feeling extra,
extra powerful today.

- You are?
- Yeah, I am.

So instead of hay,
I'm gonna smash through rocks!

- Rocks?
- Yeah, a huge tower of rocks!

And you're gonna build it!

- I am?
- Yeah, I mean,

unless you don't want
to help Applejack...

I do!
It is Spike's Dragon Code!

Then get to it!

Trust me.
This is gonna work like a charm!

I was sure he'd give up
after like three rocks.

Oh, goodness.
If it'd been me,

I'd have just pretended I didn't
have anything for him to do.

Why didn't I think of that?

Is this high enough?

That's plenty high.
Come on down, Spike.

Bad news: he actually ended up
building the whole rock tower!

Good news:

I've got a rock tower
to knock down!

You can do it!

All right! Yeah!

That was awesome!

Wanna do it again,
Rainbow Dash?

Applejack can re-build it for ya!

And when I say "Applejack",
I of course mean me.

Sure. Why not?


I mean, I don't think Rainbow Dash
needs any more of your help.

My help.
She doesn't need it!

Right, Rainbow Dash?

I guess I'm good.

- For now.
- And so am I.

I just can't think of one more
thing I need help with.

So you don't have
to do anything else!

What do you mean you can't think
of anything else I can help with?

Exactly that.
There's nothing else.

I don't want you to do anything.

If I don't help you,
how will I know I'm a noble dragon?

Well, huh--

Maybe there's things
you need help with

that you don't even realize
you need help with!

If she needed help,
I think she'd realize it.

Maybe not!

Maybe Applejack needs help
realizing what she needs help with!

Like, maybe your back itches.

That does feel good!


Or... you might need help
remembering your favorite song!

The dragon is
the finest creature ever

There's more to him
than just guarding treasure...

I don't think
that's her favorite--

Or... you might
need help breathing!

I certainly do not--

See? There are plenty of things
I can help you with.

And you don't even have
to trouble yourself with thinking of them.

No. I'll think of them!
Let me think of them!

As you wish!

Twilight are you there?


I didn't mean to scare you.

No, it's okay.

I need to take a break anyway.

What's going on?

I know Spike told you that
he was gonna follow his Dragon Code

and serve me forever for saving
him from the Timberwolves,

and that you were okay
with it, but--

Wait. What?

He said he told you
all about it.

I'm guessing maybe you were
a little distracted when he told you.

Maybe a little.

Should've realized you wouldn't
have let him go so easily.

Well, now that you know
what's going on,

maybe you could talk
some sense into him.

Oh, Applejack, I wish I could,

but this is the Dragon Code
we're talking about.

Surely you know how important
the Dragon Code is to a dragon?

I sure am starting to...

There's only one other way Spike

is gonna fulfill the debt
he feels he owes you.


, , , , ...

All right, y'all,
here's the deal,

Spike needs to save my life.

And you want us to sh**t you out
of a cannon toward a hornet's nest,

and give Spike a butterfly net
so he can catch you mere seconds

before you hit the nest and are stung
by a thousand angry hornets!

I'll wear this moustache.


I am gonna be att*cked
by a Timberwolf!

Can I still wear
the moustache?

When I give the signal,
Pinky Pie and Rarity

will come running out of the woods,
being pursued by the Timberwolf.

I'll start to run too,

but then pretend to get
my hoof stuck.

I'll ask Spike
to help me dislodge it.

And he will and I'll be able to get away
from the terrifying Timberwolf.

Having saved me
from certain doom,

Spike will then
consider us even!

Everybody get it?

I'll do my best!

Just one question.



Suit yourself.

We're all ready
to play our parts,

but are you sure you're ready
to play yours, Applejack?

What do you mean?

Show us your best
damsel in distress move.

How's this?

Absolutely horrendous!

Okay, this needs
some serious work!

Now, first you must lift your foreleg up
to your forehead like so.


No time.
Here he comes!

Uh, over here, Spike!

You said you had something else
you needed me to do?

Oh. Yes, I was just hoping
you could maybe, uh,

sweep up all those leaves
for a compost pile.

But, of course.

Oh, by the way,

there are exactly , ,
blades of grass at Sweet Apple Acres.

I can't believe you counted
every single one of them!

You asked me to.

And as a noble dragon and follower
of my Dragon Code, I--

That was very convincing!


We are doomed!

See? Like that.

Oh, no! I seem to have got
my hoof caught in between two rocks!

I cannot run away!

I am a damsel in distress!
Help me, Spike!

Wait a minute!

No, no.
Don't wait a minute!

Save me from
the terrifying Timberwolf!

Well, he would be terrifying
if he wasn't... a fake!

You got the clomping
of his claws.

The roar was spot on.

And the detail on his face
is pretty good.

But you forgot one thing.

His breath!

You can smell a real Timberwolf's
breath from a mile--

Too late!
I'm already on--



Applejack, come on!

I can't.
I'm really stuck!

No more messing around!

Let's go!

Come on!

Forget it, Spike.
You gotta get out of here!

Would you just forget
your Dragon Code already and go?


I have to save you!

Let's get out of here!

What happened to you
guys back there?

Thought you were right behind us!

My hoof was stuck and that Timberwolf
was coming right at me!

Wait, you were actually stuck?

But Spike picked up a pebble,

and rocketed that thing right
at the huge Timberwolf's mouth!

And saved my life!

Ah, it was nothing.

It was something all right!

'Course I wouldn't have needed help
if I hadn't been trying to stage a fake

Timberwolf attack
in the first place.

What was that all about?

I know this code thing's
important to you,

but if something like this
comes up in the future,

think maybe we can
go back to my code,

say that's what friends do,
and leave it at that?

I promise I won't think
of you as any less noble.

Sounds good to me.

But maybe let's just try
to avoid situations where one of us

actually needs help the other one
to save their life?

You got yourself a deal!

- Thanks, Spike.
- Happy to help!

Don't know what I'd do
without you.

No, really.

I'm really, really, really
happy to help you!