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03x08 - Apple Family Reunion

Posted: 02/17/22 11:15
by bunniefuu
Ah, found them!


Why, thank you, Applejack.

I still can't believe
it's been almost moons

since our last
family reunion.

Oh, I remember it
like it was yesterday.

Well, you have been talking about it
pretty much every day since then.

Apple Bloom, how are them
RSVPs coming along?

Who's showing their muzzle
at the reunion?


Feathers on a goat.

Are you sure?

Well, I got RSVPs from

Apples from Yonderhill,
Hollow Shades,

Galloping Gorge,
Foal Mountains,

Apples from Fillydelphia,
Tall Tale Town,

and all the Apples
from Appleloosa.

Oh, and how could I forget?

Babs is coming.

I get to see my favorite cousin!

I think we're gonna need
a bigger cider trough.

Looks like the family's grown tenfold
since the last reunion.

I'm gonna be busier than
a worm in a rotten tomato

trying to get everything ready.

I could always help out.

- Me too!
- Eeyup.

Oh, I sure would appreciate that.

Granny's a little rustier
in the giddyap

since the last time
the Apples all got together.

You may be a tad old, Granny,

but you're as feisty
and full of spark as ever.

Who you calling old?

I-- I just meant,

why don't you let me take over putting
the reunion together this time around?

Then all you'll need to worry
about is enjoying yourself.

All right, young 'un.

You got yourself a deal.
You are in charge.

I won't let you down, Granny.

You just tell me what the reunion needs,
and I'll take care of the rest.

I'll do better than tell you
what the reunion will need.

I'll show ya!

We've been hosting these things
at Sweet Apple Acres every moons

since we first planted roots
here in Ponyville.

Hey, who's that?

That'd be your great great
Auntie Applesauce

when she was just about your age.

Now she used to
go by another name,

but everypony
started calling her Applesauce

after half her teeth fell out
when she was making apple jam.

Yeah. Never did find
them teeth in all those jars.

Hey, that's you, Granny!

Sure is.

Apple family's been working
on that same old quilt

since our first reunion.

I can do it!

Oh, fingle-fangle!

Well, nopony told me I actually
had to knot the end of the thread!

Okay, so I'll need to get
new quilting materials.

Fabric, needles, thread.

You've really been working on
the same quilt since the first reunion?

Surely have.

I don't think we're ever gonna
finish that doggone thing.

Hey, what's going on here?

Well, you know us Apples
enjoy a good fritter.

Hot, hot, hot!

Hey, where'd all them
apple fritters go?

And, who are you, little one?

I'm Applejack.
More apple fritter?

That's how we figured out
your sister had the appetite

of a full-grown stallion.

Better get twice as much
honey and flour, then,

more buckets of apples,
more oil, wood for the fire.

Now, stick an apple in my mouth
and roast my rump!

This one sure
brings back memories.

You know how Babs
is your favorite cousin?

Well, Apple Rose is mine.

The two of us entered the
seven-legged race every reunion.

We're gonna win this one,

You bet your hot diggity
derriere we are!

Come on, cousin,
speed it on up!

Never won a single one
of them races.

Races. We'll need
cloth ties, a finish line.

Not much to a seven-legged race.

And of course we can't forget
to take the big family photo.

We always snapped a photo
in front of the barn

at the end of every reunion.

It lets us see how
our family's grown.

Photo in front of the barn, got it.

You sure have some great memories
of these reunions, don't you?

Indeedy, and I'm looking forward
to making more at this one.

Oh, I'm sure everypony is,
and I do mean everypony.

We got the whole family
together this time around.

Who knows if they'll all be
able to make the next one?

That's true!

Busy as everypony's lives
are getting these days,

chances are pretty slim we'll
be this lucky next time around.

Don't worry, Granny,

I'm gonna make sure this is
the most memorable reunion

we've ever had.

I better get started.
I've got some planning to do.

Oh, hootenanny, would you look
what your second cousin

is wearing on her head.

Apple Bloom,
what are you doing up?

I was gonna ask you
the same thing.

I can't sleep.

My gears are turning in my head
about this reunion.

Yeah, I can't wait
to see my cousin Babs.

We're gonna do
so many fun things together.

Fun? That's just
the beginning of it.

Granny Smith handed me
the reins of this reunion,

and I'm gonna make
the most of it.

Apple Bloom, I've got
so many things planned,

you won't even have
a minute's rest!

Trust me, little sis.

This reunion I'm putting together
is gonna be worth the wait.

Rise and shine!
We don't have much time!

Don't forget the glitter!

- Think that'll do it!
- And just in time too.

They're here!

Apple Rose!

Oh, this is more exciting
than when it rained frogs!

Howdy, y'all!

And welcome
to the Apple Family Reunion!

My name's Applejack,

and I just wanted to let y'all know
that I got a real big day planned for you.

We're gonna start off with an
obstacle course for the young 'uns

and some fritter making and quilting
for the not-so-young 'uns.

And there's lots more to come
after that.

Hope y'all enjoy it!

Where is she?

- Babs!
- Coz!

I know it's hasn't been that long
since we've seen each other but--

- It felt like forever!
- It felt like forever!

I can't wait to tell you
about my new school!

I can't wait to hear all about it!

Jeepers, where do I start?
Okay, so first day--

So glad you could come.

What am I, gonna miss out on
spending time with my favorite cousin?

Forget about it!

Why don't you two head over
to the obstacle course?

We kinda want to catch up
a little bit first.

Don't you worry.

There'll be plenty of time
for family bonding

while you're racing against
your other cousins!

All righty, ponies,
ready to have some fun?

Wow, is that the finish line?!

It's like a mile away or something!

Actually, that's just the marker

where you go on to
the next leg of the race.

- There's more?
- Much more. Trust me.

I have put together something
you are never gonna forget!

After the seven-legged race,

you're gonna want to hurry up
and head over here

where you'll be bobbing for apples.

Then you'll run around
these trees times

until you're real good and dizzy.

Then you'll jump
these big wooden hurdles,

and then there's the final leg

where you'll balance plates
on your head while saying,

"pappy pony picked a pluck
of pickly pluffnuggets"

over and over and over again.

The last pony standing wins.


Seriously. Come on, y'all, let's
start making some memories.

On your mark, get set, go!

Looking good, everypony.

Better go check on the quilt.

How long you had those new
chompers, Auntie Applesauce?

A lady never reveals
the age of her teeth.

Don't you roll your eyes at me,
Miss Apple Rose.

I imagine you two think
I have forgotten

what you did to my
parasol six reunions ago!

We were just using it to help
break open that pinata!

Applejack, delightful to see you.

Are you gonna join us
in some quilting?

Sorry, Auntie Applesauce,
I am busy, busy, busy.

Y'all should get started though.

We couldn't find
our rocking chairs.

I got rid of them
to make room for these.

This is the year y'all are finally
gonna finish that quilt.

Finish it?

Won't that be exciting?

What's that?

I said, won't that be...


I suppose,

although I have been told
that too much excitement

can wreak havoc on this
youthful complexion of mine.

That's the spirit!

What did she say?


Good gracious!

Golden Delicious?
I think he's racing with his cousins.

How is Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle?


You all right?

So dizzy...

You've got eight now, don't ya?

Oh sure do.

Tell you what, my Apple Tart
may just be a baby, but he is a hoot!

- Having fun?
- Sure are!

Better pick up the pace
on these fritters though, huh?

Roll, fold, crimp, slide to the left.

Roll, fold, crimp, slide to the left.

Now you try!

That's it! Gotta keep this
assembly line moving, gals.

We want every Apple here
to get the chance

to taste the best
darn fritters in Equestria!

Pappy pony picked
a pluck of pickly pluffnuggets!

Any other blankflanks
at your new school?

Yeah, two.

Pappy pony picked
a pluck of pickly pluffnuggets!

- Do they want to be Crusaders?
- Totally!

Great! Pappy pony picked a pluck
of pickly pluffnuggets!

Pappy pony picked a pluck
of pickly pluffnuggets!

I can't feel my tongue.

Me neither...

All right, Apples, break!


Ooh, can't forget to capture
all these memories for Granny's album!

Nothing all that memorable there.

Or there.

Or there.

Come on, Applejack, think.

You gotta kick
this thing up a notch.

I get that my big sis

wants this to be like
a super awesome reunion,

but that was ridiculous!

I thought we'd never get
a minute to just hang out!

And your minute's up!

Your fellow Apples are waiting
for you to join them.

Applejack, I haven't had
any time with Babs!

We were so busy with
that obstacle course

we didn't even get to talk!

There'll be plenty of time to bond
with Babs when we do the hayride.


All right, everypony,
step right up, take a seat,

and leave the driving
to these stallions.

Now, I know y'all have been working real
hard making some awesome memories,

and in all of our past reunions,

we always had a nice and relaxing
hayride around the farm.

Which is why I decided
to change things up a bit

and try something
just a wee bit more exciting.

So let's get this show
on the road!


I just had those
professionally polished.

Where in the world
does that girl have us headed?

The west orchard?


What?! I was joking.

Why, we haven't
tended those fields

since all the trees went
and got filled up with--

Wowsa! I've never seen
real fruit bats before!

Everypony, jump out!

Ruined. Everything is ruined!

Oh, Granny, I'm so, so sorry...

Oh, it's all right, child.

But it's not all right.
Just look at this!

The barn, and all my plans
for the perfect family reunion

are completely destroyed!

Maybe that's a good thing.

How can that possibly be
a good thing?

Applejack, you've had us
so caught up in all the doing,

we haven't had a second
to enjoy the company of the folks

we've been doing it with!


Oh, Granny Smith,

here, you let me be in charge
of creating great memories,

and the only thing anypony's
gonna remember about this reunion

is that it was the worst one
we ever had.

Hey, now, everypony's
still here, ain't they?

Still plenty of time
to make good memories.

You just gotta give everypony
a chance to actually make them.

The family photo!

Guess we can't take it
in front of the barn this year.


I have one more activity!


Trust me, Granny Smith,
this'll be one we'll remember

for all the right reasons.

Raise this barn
Raise this barn

One, two, three, four

Together, we can raise this barn

One, two, three, four

Up, up, up
Go the beams

Hammer those joints
Work in teams

Turn 'em round quick
By the right elbow

Grab a new partner
Here we go


Come on, Apple family!

Let's get to it! Whoo-hoo!

Raise this barn
Raise this barn

One, two, three, four

We can raise this barn

One, two, three, four

Finish the frame
Recycling wood

Working hard
You're doing good

Turn 'em round quick
By the right elbow

Grab your partner
Here we go


Raise this barn
Raise this barn

One, two, three, four

We can raise this barn

One, two, three, four

Slats of wood
Come off the ground

Hold 'em up
And nail 'em down

Turn 'em round quick
By the left elbow

Grab a new partner
Here we go

Come on, Apples!
Get her done!

Look at us
We're family

Working together thankfully

We Apples
We are proud to say

Stick together the pony way

Bow to your partner
Circle right

Get down
If you're scared of heights

Forward, back
And twirl around

That barn's gonna be
The best in town


Yee-haw! Attagirl!

Alright, let's get to it!

Raise this barn
Raise this barn

One, two, three, four

We can raise this barn

One, two, three, four

Take your brushes
Young and old

Paint it bright and bold

Turn 'em round quick
By the left elbow

Grab a new partner
Here we go

We raised this barn
We raised this barn

Yes, we did

We sure raised this barn

Yes, we did

Being together
Counts the most

We all came here
From coast to coast

All we need to strive to be

Is part of the Apple



I can't wait for the next reunion!

Me neither.

I mean, obviously we have
to get together before then.


Oh, you did it, Applejack.

You put on a reunion that
everypony will remember.

Just had a couple minor hiccups
along the way.

Yeah, just a couple.

That's a good one.

Dear Princess Celestia,

today I learned a great lesson
about family,

which if you think about it,

is really the first group
of friends you ever make.

Turns out that when you are
with folks you care about,

you don't have to do much
to make that time memorable.

Even the simplest of activities
can take on a whole lot of meaning,

and you'll find that
you remember the who

long after
you've forgotten the what.

Your humble subject,