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03x07 - Wonderbolt Academy

Posted: 02/17/22 11:14
by bunniefuu
I wish the mailpony
would just come already!

I can't wait another minute to find out
if Rainbow Dash got in or not!

Pinkie Pie, you're more nervous
than Rainbow Dash!

I'm not nervous at all!

When I get into
the Wonderbolt Academy--

If you get in!
If you get in!

Don't jinx it!

I'm telling you,
it's in the bag!

Don't jinx it!

She is the best flyer in Ponyville.

In Ponyville?

I'm probably the best flyer
in all of Equestria.

I wouldn't be surprised

if they just went ahead,
and made me a Wonderbolt

on the first day.

Got a letter here
for Rainbow Dash.

I... didn't get in.


You guys are so gullible.
Like I wasn't gonna get in!

I'm just sooooooooo
happy for you!

Uh... thanks?

Pinkie Pie?
I kinda need to get going.

Okay. I'm done!

Sooner I get there,
sooner I get to show off my stuff!

See you guys in a week!

Good luck!

Won't need it!


Do you think she heard me?

Oh yeah!
This is gonna be sweet!

Well lookie what we got here.

Bet y'all think you're
Wonderbolt material, don't ya?

Yes ma'am!

Think you got what it takes
to be an elite flyer?

Yes ma'am!

Well then.
Let me be the first to tell you.


If you had what it took
to be an elite flyer,

you'd already be
a Wonderbolt!

Still think
you're something special?

No ma'am!

Ya think you're hot stuff?

You look like you're the worst flyer
in the whole academy!

You'll probably quit
after the first day!

No ma'am!
I'd never quit, ma'am!

What about you?

Bet you couldn't fly past the
first flypole without getting winded.

Try me, ma'am.

What's that?

Let me show you
what I've got, ma'am.

You want a chance
to prove yourself, huh?

Yes ma'am!

Well then,
now's your chance.

Give me five hundred laps!

All of you!


Lap four-hundred and ninety-nine!

One more lap to go!

You're on!

Five hundred!

Not bad!
For a couple of newbies...

- Name's Lightning Dust.
- Rainbow Dash!

Wanna grab some grub
in the mess hall?


Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash hasn't
been gone twenty-four hours yet.

Give her a chance
to settle in first.

Why don't we just go see
what Twilight's up to?

I hear Princess Celestia's got her
working on some new spells!

New spells, huh?


If I'm not here when
Rainbow Dash's letter arrives,

I won't be able
to read it right away.

And if I don't read it right away,

I won't be able to write
her back right away.

And if I don't write
her back right away,

she might think
I didn't get her letter

and then she might worry
it got lost

and if she's worried about her letter
she'll be distracted,

and if she's distracted then
she won't do well at the academy,

and if she doesn't do well at the academy,
then she'll get kicked out

and if she gets kicked out, she'll never
be allowed to be a Wonderbolt,

and if she doesn't get
to be a Wonderbolt,

all her dreams
will be crushed!

And it will be
all... my... FAULT!

So in other words,
you're stickin' by the mailbox.


Suit yourself.

The Wonderbolts are the fastest,
best precision flyers in the world.

But spinouts can still happen.

And when they do,

a Wonderbolt must
be able to recover quickly.

This... is the Dizzitron.

It's gonna make you very,
I repeat, very dizzy.

Your task is to try and recover,
and fly straight again.

As soon as possible.

Once you have recovered,
you must come in for a smooth landing.

Now, who's first?


- You're up.
- Me?


- Ready?
- Yes ma'am!



Fifteen seconds.

But I wouldn't go
writin' home about it!

Who's next?

All right, Rainbow Dash.
Let's see what you got.

Yes ma'am!

Okay, go!


Six seconds?!
That's an academy record.

You made it look so easy.

I make everything look easy.

Okay, Lightning Dust,
you're up.

Ma'am, can you put
the Dizzitron at maximum speed?

I wanna push my limits.

You sure about that?

Yes ma'am!

Okay. You asked for it.


Six point five seconds.
Not bad.


Nopony even came close
to six seconds!

They should make us
Wonderbolts right now!

Yeah, they should!

Listen up!

For the rest of the camp,
you'll be working in pairs.

Tomorrow morning,
I'll post the teams

including who'll be lead pony,
and who'll be wing pony.

Good luck.

- Like we're gonna need it!
- Heh, yeah!

So, which one of you lucky gals
gets to be my wing pony?


You might wanna check the wall.

A wing pony?

They made us a team!
Isn't that awesome?

Permission to enter, ma'am.

What is it Rainbow Dash?

I had the best time on the Dizzitron!
Only six seconds!


And you made me a wing pony!

Because I believe you and Lightning Dust
will be an unstoppable team.

Do you not think
you'll be an unstoppable team?

Yes ma'am!
I mean, no ma'am!

I mean... We'll be
an unstoppable team, ma'am.

Then what's the problem?

I think I should be lead pony,

And I think Lightning Dust likes to push
herself a little harder than you do.

That's why I made her lead pony.

- Got it?
- Yes ma'am.


Today you will all be participating
in the flag hunt.

We'll divide you into two teams.

Red, and blue.

Whoever finds the most flags
of the opposing team's color wins.

Oh, this is gonna be
so much fun!

If you think this is going to be fun,
you are sadly mistaken.

This is for training purposes.

This is not recess.

Lead ponies and wing ponies
must fly together.

If any pair splits apart,
they will be immediately disqualified.

Do you understand?

Yes ma'am!

Then let's go!

- Ready to rock and roll?
- Ready.

- You spotted any flags yet?
- Not yet.

Oh! There's one!

Good eye!

We should slow down.

It doesn't look like both of us
can make it at this speed!

Lightning Dust and Rainbow Dash
found the first flag!

Come on!
Let's find some more!

Uh, sure.
Just give me a second.

Oh, you're fine.

Yeah... totally.

She's still at it.

I just wish we could help her!

Help me?

The only thing that could possibly help me
is a letter from Rainbow Dash!

It's been three days already.

Right now, she probably doesn't
even know our names anymore!

She probably can't
remember our faces!

"Pinkie Pie?
I never heard of a Pinkie Pie!"

"Who is Pinkie Pie?"

If you're so worried, then
why don't you send her a letter first?

That's a great idea!

Oh wait!
I got an even better idea!

How about we send Rainbow Dash
a care package?

You know,
before she forgets all about us?

Although, come on,
let's face it.

It's probably too late for that.

But, maybe it'll jog
her memory somehow!

Pinkie Pie, I'm sure Rainbow Dash still
remembers our faces and who we are.

But I think sending her
a care package is a great idea!

A care package it is!
We'll send it through the mail!

That won't work at all!

Why not?

Because what if the package
gets lost in the mail?

What if somepony else
gets the package by accident

and then she remembers us
instead of Rainbow Dash

and then she becomes
our new friend,

and then the real Rainbow Dash
wouldn't ever know that

she used to have friends
and she forgot them!

Is anypony else following this?

I've got it!

We'll deliver the care package
to Rainbow Dash in person!

- I wouldn't mind a little trip.
- I'll go!

- Count me in!
- Me too!

Me five!

But don't be upset if
she doesn't recognize you at first.

It may take a while for her
to get her memory back.

Today we'll be doing
our famous air obstacle course.

The object of this exercise
is to work on your precision flying

under extreme circumstances.

And don't worry about winning.
It's not a race.

Now everypony,
get on your marks!

Ugh, can't they go any faster?

It's no good,
I can't get around them!

It doesn't matter!

We can still fly completely in sync
and blow Spitfire's mind with our moves!

I guess...

What are they,
a couple of snails?

It's just a little weather.

Now's our chance
to pass these slowpokes!

Not bad!
And in record time, too!

Definitely made the right decision
making you two a team.

The others seem
to have had a little trouble

with the precision part
of the exercise.

I'd better go help
sort them out.

Why don't you two
go hit the mess hall early?

Yes ma'am!

Thank you ma'am!

Um, Lightning Dust?

Next time, maybe we don't
cut the other teams off like that?

Hey, you snooze, you lose!

Besides, Wonderbolts are supposed
to be able to recover from a spinout.

You saw them on the Dizzitron!
They could use the practice.

I mean, it's not our fault we're
so much better than those other guys!

Not every pony is destined
to become a Wonderbolt.

Only the best of the best, right?

Yeah, I guess you're right...

'Course I'm right!
Now let's go fuel up.

Kicking all that tail
has made me hungry.


I have an idea about how we can
literally blow away our competition.

But we're already way ahead.

Are you in, or not?

Lightning Dust likes to push herself
a little harder than you do.

That's why I made her lead pony.

I'm in!

Follow my lead!

I can't control it!

It's a twister!

Hold on!


Are you guys okay?

Pinkie Pie!

You... remember me!

Well... yeah,
of course I remember you.

But what are you all doing here?

We wanted to bring you
a care package.

Didn't realize you'd be in the middle
of some crazy tornado drill.

That... was... awesome!


My friends could have been
smashed to pieces!

Yeah, but they weren't, right?

Can't say the same for the clouds.

We totally wiped them out
with that tornado.

The other cadets will have
to be up there for days

to bust as many as we did.

A hoof bump?

You made me clip my wing,

you sent half of our class into serious
tail spins on the obstacle course,

you unleashed a tornado
that nearly demolished my friends!

Yeah? And?

And I get that
you wanna be the best.

So do I!

But you're going about it
in the wrong way.

The Wonderbolts
don't seem to think so.

After all, Spitfire did make me
the leader and you the wing pony.

You're right. She did.

This better be important.

You're supposed to be up there
busting clouds with your partner.

We're done with that, ma'am.

That's an academy record!

Explain your methods.

That's why I'm here ma'am.

Lightning Dust decided to use
a tornado.

A bit excessive for cloud-busting.

But judging from your time,
it was obviously an effective tactic.

Yeah, well that "effective tactic"
nearly took out my friends!

No disrespect ma'am,

but there's a big difference between
pushing yourself as hard as you can,

and just being reckless.

And if being reckless is what
gets rewarded around here,

if that's what it means
to be a Wonderbolt,

then I don't want any part of it.

What are you saying, newbie?

I quit.

You did what?

Being a Wonderbolt
was your dream!

Not anymore.

Sorry, Rainbow Dash.
I know how much this meant to you.

Rainbow Dash!

How dare you storm out of my office
without giving me a chance to respond!

The Wonderbolts are looking for
the best flyers in Equestria.

You were right,

being the best should never come
at the expense of our fellow ponies.

It's not just about
pushing ourselves.

It's about pushing ourselves
in the right direction.

You've shown that
you're capable of doing just that.

You're no wing pony,
Rainbow Dash...

you're a leader.


Now get out there
and give me twenty!

Yes ma'am!


You didn't even get to open
your care package!