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03x06 - Sleepless in Ponyville

Posted: 02/17/22 11:14
by bunniefuu
Nice moves, kid.

Nice moves?
Rainbow Dash thinks I've got--

nice moves!

...then, all of a sudden,
I'm airborne!

And Rainbow Dash looks over,
and is like "Nice moves, kid".

She really said that?

I mean, it's like she practically told me
she wanted to take me under her wing,

teach me everything she knows,
and become like my big sister!

I dunno about all that.

It was a really nice
compliment and all, but...

I know, I know.

But all that stuff I said
could happen, right?

- Sure
- Absolutely.

I just need to find a way
to spend some time with her,

y'know, so she can see
more of my awesomeness!

Applejack and I are supposed
to be camping up

at Winsome Falls
this weekend.

Maybe I could get my big sis

to invite Rainbow Dash,
and then you could come too!

- Really?
- Sure!

I wanna go...

Well, duh...
of course you can go!

And I'll get Rarity to come too!

Rarity loves camping!

I despise camping!

All of that... nature.

Applejack's going
with her little sister!

But, y'know,

if you don't wanna
spend time with me...

All right!

Ooh! Of course,
I will need to find an outfit

more appropriate
for 'roughing it'.

Told you she'd wanna go.

- You packed bug spray?
- Yup.

- You got the canteens?
- Yup.

Looks like we're all set then.


Gee Rarity,
did you remember to pack?

Well, let's see
who gets the last laugh

when you're absolutely desparate
to curl your lashes,

and you realize you didn't bring
your eyelash curler.

Well, looks like
we're all set now.

But what about Rainbow Dash?
Isn't Rainbow Dash coming?

'Course she is, sugarcube.

She's gonna meet us up
at our first campsite.

Alright, y'all,
let's move 'em out!

Oh, are we there yet?

The last thousand times
you asked that,

the answer was no.

This time, it's actually yes.

There's Rainbow Dash
up there right now.

Alright, Scootaloo,
just play it cool.

Hey, Rai--

Hey, Rainbow Dash!
What's up?

What took you guys so long?

Well, some of us didn't pack
as light as the others.

So we were slowed down a bit.

Looks like you'll be sharing
a tent with me, huh?

If that's okay with you.

Sure! As long as you don't snore.

You don't snore, do you?

Nope. No way. Not me!

Never snored a day
or a night in my life.

Then you and I are
gonna get along just fine.

You've got to be kidding me...

Sweetie Belle,

do be a dear and see if you can find
some fresh flowers for my bedside vase.

Hey, Scootaloo,

do be a sweetheart and see
if you can gather some firewood.

Seriously though.

Can you get us
some wood for the fire?

Of course!

Okay, everybody get comfortable.

'Cause I'm about to tell you
the best story you ever heard.

Is it about the time
when Rarity had wings,

and then they got ruined,

and then you saved her
from plummeting to her doom?

Okay, maybe it's the second
best story you ever heard.

But probably still the scariest.

You like scary stories, right?

It all happened on a night,

just like this one.

In a forest,

just like this.

...and then,
the olden pony asked,

"Who's got my rusty horseshoe?"

Not me!

You do!

Something in my throat.
I wasn't scared at all!

Good story!

Knew you wouldn't be scared.

The way you jumped
that cart the other day...

you were like me, fearless.

Yeah. Fearless.

Don't worry, Rarity is here
to keep you safe and sound.

Think it's about time for me
to hit the straw.

Don't you worry, little sis.

There's no 'olden pony' in our tent.

That sure was funny, wasn't it!

How they were all afraid
of the olden pony...

but not me!

That's because you're tough,
just like I was when I was your age!

I'm hitting the sack.

Come in whenever you feel like it.

It's, it's nothing...
Just my imagination...

And that isn't the thundering
stamp of the olden pony...

I-Is anyone out there?

Who's got my rusty horseshoe?

Who's got my rusty horseshoe?

Rainbow Da--?

You do!

What's that noise?

Is there a bug in here?

I dunno about you,
but I slept like a filly.

Best night ever!

Glad you're rested up, because
we've got a long trek ahead.

Totally gonna be worth it
when we get to Winsome Falls.

Yeah... Totally...

Am I sweating?
I think I'm sweating!

But it's absolutely worth it to get
to spend time with my little sister.

It just feels like this cart
is getting heavier all the time!

I don't care if that cart
is heavy as a pack of mules.

If we don't get a move on, it'll be dark
before we get to the campsite!


I'll just ride ahead
to make sure the path is clear.

Now we don't wanna be
out here after dark, right?

Doesn't matter to me.

Well, y'know...

it's for the scaredy-ponies.

Don't fall asleep now...

I've got to get to
that campsite before dark...

Don't come this way!

Take the path!
It's... aheh...

way better than going
through the bushes.

You're more nervous
than a worm in an apple

on cider making day.

What gives, Scootaloo?

Just thought I heard something.

You sure you're okay?
'Cause you seem a little jumpy.

Just getting my exercise!

You know how important it is
to stretch out those hindquarters

every so often!

Uh, do you need a little help?

That's so sweet, thank you.

What are friends for?

No need for tents tonight, y'all.

We'll just take shelter in that cave.

All right!
A deep, dark cave!

Perfect for the story
I've got for tonight.

All we need is a campfire,
and we're good to go.

Uh, of course...

I'll be right back with loads
of firewood from the deep,

dark, not-scary-at-all forest!


Okay. I can do this.

On the count of three,
I get those branches.

One... two... three!

Here, branches branches branches...

It's colder than
a timberwolf's toenail.

Where's that Scootaloo?

Here you go!

That's it?

It's all I could find,
'cause, y'know...

there aren't that
many trees around here!

It's all we need.

Why don't you sit with
Rainbow Dash for a while?

Now, where was I?
Oh yeah!

The scary part...

Hey, I have an idea!

How about I tell tonight's story?

Alright, just make sure
it's a horrible one.

There once was
a really really nice pony

who lived in a bright
and sunny land,

where there are
rainbows every day,

and lots and lots
of happy friends, and--

No offense, but,

it's not a real campfire story
unless somepony's shaking.

I've been told that
these very woods are haunted...

by the headless horse!

It gallops only at night.

If he doesn't have a head,

then how in tarnation does
this pony know where it's goin'?

It's headless, not brainless.

...looking for little lost ponies.

So where is its brain?

Fear was dripping from the air...

...and they were never heard from
ever again!



Don't worry, you'll be safe
with me tonight.

- It's not time for bed yet, is it?
- 'Fraid so, Scootaloo.

Uh, but we haven't sung
any campfire songs yet!

You don't have to ask me twice!

Ninety-nine buckets of oats
on the wall,

ninety-nine buckets of oats!

Take one down,
pass it around,

you got eighty-one
buckets of oats on the wall!

Forty-one buckets of oats!

Take one down,
pass it around,

you got forty...
buckets of oats on the wall!

Take one down,
pass it around,

you've got zero buckets of oats
on the waaaallll!!

- Good night, y'all.
- Good night, y'all.

Sleep tight.

Oh, just one more song!


How about a dance contest?

I know you love to cut a rug,

so how 'bout
we mess up a cave floor?

I have a brilliant idea!

Hide and seek, who's with me?

Maybe tomorrow.

Seems like you don't really
wanna go to sleep tonight.

Is there some reason why?

Pfft, of course not!

I just love camping and hanging out
with Rainbow Dash so much

that I don't wanna waste
a single minute with sleep!

Silly sleep.

That's cool and all, Scoot.

But this pony needs her shut-eye
and she needs it now!

This is so unfair...

I'm falling asleep...

If the headless horse catches me,

I'm never gonna be heard from again!

And I wanna be heard from!

It's all over!

A warm welcome to you, Scootaloo.

Princess Luna!

I thought you were
the headless horse!

You were mistaken,
but I hope not disappointed.

You are so, so much better
than the headless horse!

But what are you doing here?
Shouldn't you be in Canterlot?

I am the princess of the night.

Thus it is my duty
to come into your dreams.

Oh yeah... wait.

This is just a dream?

But it feels so real!

I assure you that you are asleep.

But when you awake,

the thing that frightens you most
will still exist.

The headless horse?

Is the headless horse really
what frightens you the most?

I'm afraid Rainbow Dash
will find out I'm not as tough

as she thinks I am.

Everypony has fears, Scootaloo.

Everypony must face them
in their own way.

But they must be faced,
or the nightmares will continue.

Face your fears!

Princess Luna?!

It was just a dream.

But the headless horse isn't!

Rainbow Dash said it lives here,
in these very woods!

It's the wicked whinny
of the headless horse!

So, it's a horse without a head...

which means
it doesn't have a mouth...

and if it doesn't have a mouth,

it's not a horsey pony
but a horse...

but still...

it's a horse... without a head!

Is anyone out there?

Anyone except the headless horse?


I gotcha!

Rainbow Dash! Is that you?
Thank you, thank you!

What were you doing out here
in the middle of the night?!

It is time for you to face
your real fear, Scootaloo!

I'm so, so sorry,
Rainbow Dash,

I just wanted you to hang out
with me and see how cool I was

so you'd take me under your wing
and teach me everything you know

and become like my big sister!

But then you started telling
those spooky stories and I got scared!

I thought I heard the headless horse
so I ran out here by myself, and...

Well, I guess you know the rest.

Hey, I'm gonna tell you something,
but if you ever tell anypony else,

I'm gonna deny it.

First time I heard those stories...

I was scared too.

- You were?
- Sure!

I mean, I got over it
because I realized pretty quick

that if there was such thing
as a headless horse,

I could totally take it on!

So, you're looking for somepony
to take you under their wing, huh?

Yeah, I might be up
for something like that.


As long as you don't go falling

into any more rivers
in the middle of the night.

It's a deal.

I call sister teams!

Last pair to make it to the falls
is a mouldy carrot!

Ugh, if you insist.

It is so on!

They think they can beat
the two of us?

Who's got my rusty horseshoe?

Here it is, for pony's sake.

Now take it and stop
all your moaning.

Thank you, and have a nice day.