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03x04 - One Bad Apple

Posted: 02/17/22 11:13
by bunniefuu
Oh, what to wear?
What to wear?

Oh, what to wear?

Scoot your boot, Apple Bloom.

It's not like it's
the Harvest Day Parade.

We're just going
to the train station.

Oh, too casual.

Too summery.

Your cousin isn't gonna care
what you're wearing.

Just pick something.

This is my first time
meeting her.

And she's from Manehattan.

I want to make
a good impression.

You know what would make
a good impression?


Being on time to pick her up!


You got nothing to worry about,
sugar cube.

Y'all are gonna
get along great.

You already have
something in common.

Oh, yeah?
What's that?

Neither of you have
your Cutie Mark.

What?! How could you forget to
tell me something like that?

- Well, I--
- Oh, this changes everything.

Meet you at
the train station.

I gotta tell Sweetie Belle
and Scootaloo.

You know your cousin
is supposed to sleep in here!

You really think
she'll want to join?

She doesn't have
her Cutie Mark.

Of course she'll want to join
the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

I'm just so excited
I could burst.

Is that the train
from Manehattan?


That's her! Oh, wait,
no, no, that's not her.

Oh, wait. No, that's her.

Um, no. Wait.

That's not her either.

Apple Bloom, you've never
met Babs Seed, remember?

Oh, heh-heh, yeah.

Ah, that's her.

Babs! Babs!

It's me, your cousin,
Apple Bloom.

And this is Sweetie Belle.
And this is Scootaloo.

And we are so, so,
so glad you're here.

Thanks, I'm happy to--

This is going to be
the best week of your life!

Sure hope it's gonna be--

Seriously, we are
gonna have a blast.

The Summer Harvest Parade
is going on while you're here.

We get to ride in a float.

Really? I've never been
on a float before.

And we've got a really big
surprise for you.

Yeah. Uh, a surprise?

I give you...

...the Cutie Mark Crusaders

The Cutie Mark Crusaders?

A club devoted to helping ponies
get their Cutie Marks.

We're its founding members.

we're its only members.

But we're always
looking to expand

and you seem like
the perfect candidate.

I do?

Well, yeah.

Since you don't have
a Cutie Mark and all.

Oh. Yeah. That.

Allow me to show you just
some of the highlights

of our clubhouse, should
you choose to join us.

This is where
we do our roll call.


This is where
we eat our lunch.

Sometimes we stand here
and think up great ideas.

Yeah. Uh...

Uh, could you excuse us
for a moment?


Thought she'd be
more impressed.

She's from Manehattan.

If we want to impress her
we need to really wow her.


Ah! The float.

She can ride with us on our
Summer Harvest Parade float.

That's perfect.

This really is a good spot
for thinking up great ideas.


Here it is.

The official Cutie Mark
Crusaders float

for the Summer
Harvest Parade.

As a member of
the Cutie Mark Crusaders

you'd be able to ride
on it with us.

It'd be totally fun.


More like funny...

Looking! Ha-ha-ha!

What is that thing?
A giant orange?

It's a pumpkin!

More like a lame-kin.

Who's the new blank flank?

She's my cousin, Babs.

She's from Manehattan.

Manehattan, huh?

Well, I guess you have
that going for you.

Suppose you're gonna join
their little club?

What's it called?
The Cutie Mark Crusaders.

More like
the Cutie Mark Crybabies.

- Hey!
- Ooh. Big city attitude.

I like it.

Oh, yeah? Well, there's more
where that came from.

Check this out. Unh!

Oh, no, she didn't.

Looks like somepony's pumpkin
just got squashed.

When I tell Applejack--

You gonna tell
Applejack what?

Well, you know, uh...

What are you, a snitch?

Come on, Babs.

You should hang with us.

You know, the cool ponies.

Not these babies.

What just happened?

I think Babs just
went to the dark side.

We have to tell Applejack.

No. We're not snitches.

And we're not babies.

Then why do I
feel like crying?

I still can't believe
she ruined our pumpkin float.

I still can't believe
I'm related to such a big stinking bully.

What are we going to do?

We're gonna build a new float,
that's what.

Why bother?

She'll probably just
ruin that one too.

We could always
tell Applejack.

What are you, a snitch?


We're not gonna be
a bunch of tattletales.

Besides, she's only here
a couple of weeks.

We'll just avoid her like
the plague until she goes home.

Avoid her. Yeah.
How hard can that be?

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah

First we thought that Babs
Was so really, really sweet

A new friend to have

And it seemed like
Such a treat

But then we found the truth

She's just a bully
From the east

She went from Babs, yeah
To a bully and a beast

Everywhere we turn
She's just a step ahead

Babs Seed, Babs Seed
What we gonna do?

Got a bully on our tail

Gotta hide
We gotta bail

Babs Seed, Babs Seed
If she's after you

Gotta run
We gotta flee

Gotta hurry
Don't you see

Babs Seed, Babs Seed
She's just a bad, bad seed

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah

Hiding from a bully
We know it isn't right

But the Cutie Mark Crusaders

We aren't lookin'
For a fight

Oh, she'll go home soon

And then we'll have
Some peace again

But for now we're stayin'
Out of her way till then

Everywhere we turn
She's just a step ahead

Babs Seed, Babs Seed
What we gonna do?

Gotta a bully on our tail
Gotta hide, we gotta bail

Babs Seed, Babs Seed
If she's after you

You gotta run
We gotta flee

Gotta hurry
Don't you see

Why so mean?

Why so crude?

Why so angry?

Why so rude?

Can't you be nice?

Can't we be friends?

Isn't it sad
Is this how it all ends?

Babs Seed, Babs Seed

She's just a bad, bad

Babs Seed, Babs Seed

She's just a bad, bad

Babs Seed, Babs Seed

She's just a bad, bad seed

Babs may have
run us out of town,

but at least we still
have the club--

Hey! What are you doing
at my clubhouse?

Your clubhouse?

This is our clubhouse!

Well, it was yours.
And now it's mine.

And mine.

And mine.

That's not fair, Babs.

We never did anything to you.

And let's keep it that way.
Now scram, crybabies.

Bump, bump
Sugarlump, rump!

That Babs has really
gone too far this time.

Kicked out of
our own clubhouse.

And my own bed.


Super seriously.

We need to talk
to Applejack.


- Rarity?
- No!


No, no, no.

We need to fight back.

Yeah, fight back!

How are we gonna do that?

By making her the guest of honor
at the Summer Harvest Parade.

Yeah! Wait. What?

When you look up "embarrassed"
in the dictionary,

her face will be there.





Are those from
the Carousel Boutique?



Luster dust from
Sugercube Corner.

They use it for
decorating cakes.

That must be what Rarity uses
on her emergency edible boots.

The gears and bands for
the moving mechanism,

my tools and stuff.

Did you bring the thing?

From the place?

What's that?

Granny Smith's
kitchen timer.

What's that for?
You'll see. Heh-heh.

Come on, y'all.
Let's get to it.

We only got a few hours
before morning

and this thing
has to look so good,

Babs won't be able to resist
wanting to ride in it.

Is this it?

I think we're a go.

Good, because we better get out
of here before Babs finds us.

Cutie Mark Crusaders, ho!

Hot carrot crepes!
Get 'em here.

Get 'em hot!


Isn't it smashing?

No, I didn't mean smash.

I mean, isn't it a hit?

No, no hit! No hitting.
I mean---

Well, don't even think
about riding it, Babs.

You had your chance.

See you later,
Cutie Mark Crybabies.

The timer set?

Teach her to fool
with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Y'all are lettin' Babs ride
in your golden apple float?


We thought she deserved to be
the center of attention.

Well, that's just
super sweet of y'all.

Makin' Babs feel so special.

You know after all the heartache she's
been having in Manehattan.


Well, I didn't say nothing because
I didn't want her to feel singled out,

but there's been some bullies
back in Manehattan

just been teasin' her to pieces
for her blank flank.




She came out to the farm to get away
from all her problems back home.

I'm so proud of y'all.
You done a good deed.

So that's why she jumped in when
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon

started giving us
a hard time.

She didn't want to be
bullied like at home

so she decided to
be a bully instead.

And now we've turned
into bullies too.

What'll we do?

Nice float, Babs.

Snagged it from those
whiny-baby blank flanks.

Too cool for mule, Babs.

We gotta stop that float.

Applejack. Quick, you have--
( band playing loudly )

Quick, you have to help us!


We booby-trapped it!

Babs. Bully. Payback.
No time to explain.

We've just got to get
Babs out of that float.

Oof, my popcorn!
Sorry! Excuse me!

Excuse me. Ow! Whoops.

Pinkie Pie, let us in.

Funny joke.

No, really.
Let us in!



Babs, you gotta
get out of that float!

You're not getting your
float back, crybabies.

But it's booby trap--

- Veggie salad!
- Huh?

Veggie salad!

Veggie salad.


Hey, don't leave me!

Ha-ha! "Leave" me!

What the--?



Oh, sweet apple sauce!

Maybe we'll get our cutie marks
in "Stupidest Ideas of All Time."

Are y'all okay?

Yeah, we're fine.

No sweat.

After I'd been so mean to you,
you saved me.

Uh, about that...

I don't get it.
I saw it all happen.

You pushed me out
just when the float

was about to head
into the lake.

Except we were the reason
it was headed into the lake.

We booby-trapped the float.

You see, Babs,

we were trying
to get you back

for being a big bully.

But then Applejack told us

about how you were being
bullied back in Manehattan.

And we figured out
you were just doing it

to avoid getting
picked on in Ponyville.

But by then, we were
the ones being bullies.


Oh, why does life
have to be so ironic?

Guess what we're
trying to say is...

We're sorry.

I'm sorry too.

Ah. You know, this all
could've been avoided

if y'all just came to me
in the very beginning.

That's what I
kept on saying.

So can we start over?


We, the Cutie Mark Crusaders,
elect Babs Seed to join us

as a sister, friend, confidante,
ally, bosom buddy, gal pal,

compadre, chum of chums--

Well, you wrote this.

Oh, uh, yeah.

Homegirl, amiga...

Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Oh, yes, here.

And fellow
Cutie Mark Crusader!

You are solemnly sworn in
here this day

in witness
of your fellow sisters,

friends, confidantes,

bosom buddies, compadres--

Congratulations !

Gotta remember
to revise that.

So you promise
you're going to start

our Manehattan branch of the
Cutie Mark Crusaders, right?

Yeah. And I promise
to keep talking

to my big sis about
the teasing back home.

Good, and if you have any problems,
we've got your back too, you hear?

So you're leaving, huh?

Great. Now we're stuck here
with these lame blank flanks.

Hey! That's not
how you talk to my friends.


Yeah, you got a problem
with that?

Well, what if I do?

What are you gonna
do about it?

Tell your mothers about
your bad attitudes.

I'm sure gonna miss
that bad seed.

Bad seed?

I thought y'all
were friends now?

No, see, first
we called her "Bad Seed,"

as in actually
a "bad seed."

But now she's "bad"
as in "good." Get it?

Yeah... No.