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02x26 - A Canterlot Wedding Pt. 2

Posted: 02/17/22 11:09
by bunniefuu
Princess Celestia cordially
invites you to the wedding of

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza,

my brother?!


Ah, I've missed you, kid.

How dare you not tell me in person
that you were getting married!

A threat has been made
against Canterlot.

Princess Celestia asked that I help
provide additional protection.

But I'm still pretty ticked you're marrying
somepony I don't even know.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is Cadance.

Cadance is only the most amazing
pony ever!

I hope I'm not interrupting
anything important.

Cadance, it's me! Twilight!

And I think I should wear it.

Are you disagreeing with me?

She's evil!

I saw her put a spell on my brother
that made his eyes go all...

Cadance hasn't been
casting spells on me,

she's been using her magic to heal me.

If I were you, I wouldn't show up
to the wedding at all.

I just lost a brother.
I'm sorry.

You will be.


Is anyone there?

Where am I?

The caves beneath Canterlot.

Once home to greedy unicorns
who wanted to claim the gems

that could be found inside.

And now, your prison.

Help! Help!

It's no use. No one can hear you.

And no one will ever think
to look for you, either.

Most ponies have forgotten
that these caves even exist.

Which is why they are the ideal place
to keep the ones who try to interfere

with my plans.

Plans? What plans?

The plans I have for your brother,
of course.

Don't you dare do anything
to my brother, you...

Over here!

over here!

No! Wait!

Please! Don't hurt me!

Twilight, it's me!

Please, you have to believe me.

I've been imprisoned like you.

The Cadance who brought you
down here was an imposter.

Likely story!

Sunshine, sunshine,
ladybugs awake.

Clap your hooves...

...and do a little shake.

You remember me!

Of course I do.

How could I forget the filly
I love to sit for the most?

We have to get out of here.

We have to stop her!

This day is going to be perfect

The kind of day of which
I dreamed since I was small

Everypony will gather round,
say I look lovely in my gown

What they don't know is
that I have fooled them all!

This day was going to be perfect

The kind of day of which
I dreamed since I was small

But instead of having cake,
with all my friends to celebrate

My wedding bells they may
not ring for me at all

I could care less about the dress

I won't partake in any cake

Vows, well I'll be lying when I say

That through any kind of weather,
I'll want us to be together

The truth is I don't care for him at all!

No, I do not love the groom

In my heart, there is no room

But I still want him to be all mine!

We must escape before it's too late,
find a way to save the day

Hope, I'll be lying if I say

I don't fear that I may lose him,
to one who wants to use him

Not care for, love and cherish
him each day

For I oh so love the groom

All my thoughts he does consume

Oh Shining Armor,
I'll be there very soon

Finally the moment has arrived

For me to be one lucky bride

Oh, the wedding we won't make,
he'll end up marrying a fake

Shining Armor will be...

Mine, all mine.

Mares and gentlecolts,

we are gathered here today
to witness the union of

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza
and Shining Armor.

We're never going to save him.

We will.
We just have to find...


You're not going anywhere.

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor,

it is my great pleasure
to pronounce you...


Why does she have to be
so possessive of her brother?

Why does she have
to ruin my special day?

Because it's not your special day.

It's mine.


But how did you escape my bridesmaids?

I want it!

Clever. But you're still too late.

I don't understand.
How can there be two of 'em?

She's a changeling.

She takes the form of somepony
you love and gains power

by feeding off your love for them.

Right you are, Princess.

And as queen of the changelings,
it is up to me to find food

for my subjects.

Equestria has more love than
any place I've ever encountered.

My fellow changelings will be
able to devour so much of it

that we will gain more power
than we have ever dreamed of!

They'll never get the chance!

Shining Armor's protection spell
will keep them from ever even reaching us.

Oh, I doubt that.

Isn't that right, dear?

Don't wanna go back to the caves,
now do you?

Ever since I took your place, I've been
feeding off Shining Armor's love for you.

Every moment he grows weaker,
and so does his spell.

Even now my minions
are chipping away at it.

He may not be my husband,
but he is under my total control now.

And I'm sorry to say, unable to perform
his duties as captain of the royal guard.

Not my Shining Armor!

Soon, my changeling army
will break through.

First, we take Canterlot.
And then, all of Equestria!


You won't.

You may have made it impossible
for Shining Armor to perform his spell,

but now that you have so foolishly
revealed your true self,

I can protect my subjects... from you!

Princess Celestia!

Shining Armor's love for you
is even stronger than I thought!

Consuming him has made me
even more powerful than Celestia!

The Elements of Harmony,
you must get to them...

and use their power
to defeat the queen.


You can run, but you can't hide!

Go, go!

Looks like we're gonna have
to do this the hard way.

How did you...?

They're changelings, remember?

They're changelings, remember?

Don't let them distract you.

We have to get to
the Elements of Harmony.

They're our only hope.

OK, this is just gettin' weird.

Real me! Real me!

Do me! Do me!

I've seen better.

You won't get away with this!

Twilight and her friends will...

You were saying?

You do realize the reception's
been cancelled, don't you?

Go! Feed!

It's funny, really.

Twilight here was suspicious of
my behavior all along.

Too bad the rest of you were too
caught up in your wedding planning

to realize those suspicions were correct.

Sorry, Twi.
We should've listened to you.

It's not your fault.
She fooled everypony.

I did, didn't I?

This day has been just perfect

The kind of day of which
I've dreamed since I was small

Everypony I'll soon control

Every stallion, mare and foal

Who says a girl can't really have it all?

Quick! Go to him while
you still have the chance! the wedding over?

It's all over!

Your spell! Perform your spell!

What good would that do?
My changelings already roam free.


My power is useless now.

I don't have the strength to repel them.

My love will give you strength.

What a lovely but absolutely
ridiculous sentiment.

Don't worry about me. I'm fine.

You have a real wedding
to put together.

Seriously, though.

I get why the queen of the Changelings
wanted to be with you, but how did you

get someone as amazing as
Cadance to marry you?

I told her she wouldn't just
be gaining a husband,

she would be getting a
pretty great sister too.

Mares and gentlecolts,

We are gathered here today
to celebrate the union of the real

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza...

Princess Cadance is fine.

The union of Princess Cadance
and Shining Armor.

The strength of their commitment
is clear.

The power of their love, undeniable.

May we have the rings, please?

I now pronounce you mare and colt.

This is your victory as much as theirs.

You persisted in the face of doubt.

And your actions led to your being able to
bring the real Princess Cadance back to us.

Learning to trust your instincts
is a valuable lesson to learn.

Rainbow Dash, that's your cue.

Best. Wedding. Ever!

Hello, everypony.
Did I miss anything?

Let's get this party started!

Love is in bloom

A beautiful bride, a handsome groom

Two hearts becoming one

A bond that cannot be undone because

Love is in bloom

A beautiful bride, a handsome groom

I said, love is in bloom

Starting a life and making room

For us
(For us)


None of this would've been
possible without you, little sis.

Love you, Twilie.

Love you too, B.B.B.F.F.

Ready to go?

Oh! Almost forgot.


Now this was a great wedding.

Oh yeah?

Just wait until you see what I have
planned for the bachelor party!