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02x21 - Dragon Quest

Posted: 02/17/22 11:00
by bunniefuu
C'mon, Fluttershy, it'll be fun!

There's nothing fun about dragons!

Scary, yes.
Fun, no!

Fluttershy, the great dragon migration
happens only once in a generation.

Do you really wanna pass up
a chance like that?

Now that you put it that way,


Aw Fluttershy,
we just don't want you to miss out.

Miss out on what? Dragons?

Big, scaly, fire-breathing dragons?

Well... yeah!

Thanks, but... no thanks!

Look, Fluttershy, I watched that
boring butterfly migration with you,

so now it's your turn to watch
the dragon migration with me!

You owe me!

I said... no!

Okay, I guess
I'll let you off the hook this time.

Dragon Quest

I don't see any dragons.

Me neither.

Me neither neither.


You don't think we missed them, do you?

No, I don't think so.

We're just a little early,
and I'm glad we are.

This way, we can watch
every moment of the migration

without bringing any unwanted
attention to ourselves!



What do you think?
Am I the toast of the trench or what?

You'll be toast alright!

When the dragons see you
parading around in that getup...

You look very nice, Rarity.

But could you maybe look nice
down here in the trench with us?

Nice is an understatement.
I look fabulous!

Who says camouflage has to be drab?

Ahoy, maties!

Dragons ho!


Pretty lame move.
Is that all they've got?

What do ya think of that move,
Rainbow Dash?

The word 'fierce' comes to mind.

And 'formidable'.

And 'super-duper scary'!


Us dragons are definitely
a force to be reckoned with.

Yeah, right, Spike.

That's one of the scariest aprons
I've ever seen!

What's wrong with wearing an apron?

You won't be laughing when you spill
blueberries all over your scales.

Feathers. That's one tough stain!

One tough stain against one lame dragon!

You leave him alone, Rainbow Dash!

Spike's style is unique.

He doesn't have
to look like other dragons.

Or act like them.

My little Spikey-wikey
is perfect the way he is.

I don't act like other dragons?

Oh, not even close!

But why would you want to, Spike?

Yes, you've got something those dreadfully
fierce dragons can only dream of.

What's that?

The cutest widdle chubby cheeks!

Cute?! Dragons aren't
supposed to be cute!


Oh, sweetie, you are turning
the most delightful shade of red...

It it is most becoming.

Oh, isn't he adorable
when he waddles off in anger?

Waddle?! Arrrgggh!

What am I?

Where am I from?

Who am I supposed to be?

I don't know!

For the last time, Spike,
you were given to me as an egg.

I don't know who found you,
or where they found you.

Seriously? That's all you know?

I'm sorry, Spike.

That doesn't tell me anything
about who I am!

I need answers!
I feel like I'm...

I'm looking at a complete stranger.

Oh, Spike.

Why don't we do
some late-night research?

See what we can find out.

Really? You'd do that?

Of course!
I'm sure we can find something.


Nothing in this one either!

Nothing at all about dragons?

This is getting ridiculous!

I know! It's hard to believe, but ponies
know next to nothing about dragons.

Apparently they're too rare and too scary
to try to talk to us or study!

I wonder if dragons cry...

Aw, Spike.

It's okay, Twilight.

I'm gonna discover who I am
if it's the last thing I do!

Hey guys!

Good morning!

Ya wanna join us for breakfast?

That sounds great.
I'm famished.

Count me out.
I've gotta get an early start!

An early start?

Yes! I'm going on
a quest of self-discovery!

I need to learn what it means
to be a dragon!

And the only way I'm gonna do that
is to join the dragon migration!


Spike, that's nonsense talk!

I know that you're a dragon,

but those dragons mean business!

They're big, and tough, and scary...

And I'm small, and meek...
and I like to wear aprons. See?

This is exactly why I need
to spend time with them.

All I'm saying is that
you could get hurt.

Darling, this time I really do have
to agree with Rainbow Dash.

I don't want those big, ugly,
nasty dragons to hurt one little scale

on your cutsey-wutsey head!

I'm sorry,
but I've made up my mind.

Quick, do something!
Stop him before it's too late!

Give it back!

Hold it!


Don't tell me you think he should go!

Yes, Spike. I couldn't
answer your questions.

My books couldn't either.

I understand why you want
to look elsewhere.

I truly believe you need
to go on this quest.

And we have no right to stop you.

I suppose not.

I still say you're nutty, but hey,
I've done lots of nutty things.

We know.

Well then,
I guess this is goodbye, Spike.

We can't wait to hear about it,
when you return.

Yeah, we hope your trip-


-your quest answers some of
your pesky "who am I" questions.

Thanks, everypony. I know it will.

Goodbye, Spikey-wikey!

Go get 'em, big guy!

We have faith in you!

- We're following him, right?
- Of course.

teenage dragons!

Now that's more my speed. And size.

I'm telling you,
we'll never pass for a real dragon!

Oh, pish-posh! This costume is fabulous.

One of my finer creations.

We'll never pass if they hear
three voices coming out of one dragon!

Now come on,
let's go!

Um, excuse me?

Um, hi.
I'm Spike.

You sure your name
is Spike and not Shrimp?!

No, it's Spike! I'm not,
I mean, I'm sure about that...

You look more like Peewee to me.

Hey guys, come on, seriously.

Leave him alone, or he might fly away.

That is, uh, if he had any wings!

You fly in on your mommy's back
during the migration?

Not exactly...

No, no, can't you see
baby Spike just hatched?

I bet he still sucks his claw at night!

No, I haven't sucked my claw in months!

Well if you weren't just hatched,

how come we haven't seen
you around before?

Well, y'see, I live in Ponyville and-

Ponyville? That explains it!

I knew there was something
vaguely pony-ish about you!

If I didn't know any better,
I'd say you were part pony!

Who, me? I'm not part pony!

I'm all dragon, see?

Or maybe you're a pony
in a dragon costume.

A pony in a dragon costume!

Ahah... yeah... hilarious...

I am a real dragon!

Oh yeah? Prove it.

- Well... how?
- By acting like one!

Who's up for a little belching contest?!

You think you can beat that, Peewee?

From the desk of Princess Celestia...

Dear Spike, please... Ha!

Get this, guys! Spike's penpals with
a namby-pamby pony princess!

How can he just throw that away?!

That letter could be something important!

We can't worry about that now,
Twilight, we're here to help Spike!

I know, I know!

There's no reason to disrespect
Princess Celestia that way!

Maybe tail wrestling is more your speed.

Ready... go!

The winner!

Good old tail wrestling...

We can't let little Spikey-wikey
wrestle one of them!

He'll get clobbered!

Let's go!

I challenge Spike to a tail wrestle!

Who's this weirdo?

I think he's Crackle's cousin.

That would explain it.


Spike's the winner!

Nice going, little Spike!
Maybe you are a dragon after all!

Yeah! Maybe I am!

Rainbow Dash, I can't believe
your silly plan actually worked.

Alright, who's next?

Getting a little cocky, huh?
I like that.

So how about you wrestle... him!


So Spike, you haven't exactly proven
yourself as a dragon yet, have you?

But... I get an A for effort?

Huh, maybe.

Let's see how you do
in this next contest.

King of the hoard!

This is my chance.

Not so fast!

King of the ho-whoa!

Looks like this is another
fail for you, little Spike.

Can't wait to watch you fail
at lava cannonball too.

Whoever makes the biggest lava splash
is the ultimate dragon!


Spike's on his own this time.


What's wrong, Spike?

You afraid the lava would hurt
your soft pony hide?

Was I... that bad?

No, dude, that was awesome!

Nopony could live through
a belly flop like that!

You're one tough little dragon.

Spike, by belly flopping so hard,
you have proven yourself worthy.

I hereby dub you 'rookie dragon'.

And will now perform
the initiation ritual.

Now let's party dragon style!

Man, was that a great party.

Great, huh?
Maybe by Ponyville standards.

Stick with us, Spike.

We still got plenty to teach you
about being a dragon.

I'm not going anywhere.
The way I feel right now,

I could hang out with you guys forever.


Spikey-wikey is going to stay
with these awful dragons? Forever?

Oh no, this is terrible!

I should've stopped him back
at the library when I had the chance!

No, Rainbow Dash, this is all my fault!

I encouraged him to go!

Y'know, Spike, I think you just might
be ready for a real dragon raid.

There's a nest full of phoenix eggs nearby,

and we're gonna swipe 'em!

Aren't you totally psyched
to go on this raid?

Oh yeah, I'm excited.

I mean, I'm psyched.

Alright then. Let's fly!

Sorry guys! Guess I'll meet you
back here at the crater!

After the whole raid thing's over?
We'll totally hang then!

Oh no, they took Spike!
We've gotta go after them!

Rainbow Dash, stop! We can't fly!

And you're ruining my fabulous costume!

I'm sorry, but we gotta help Spike!

Well, we're just gonna have to hoof it!

Alright, Spike,
since you're a rookie dragon,

you get to lure the parents
away from the nest.

Huh... lucky me...

Well go on, then!

Hey Mr and Mrs Phoenix!

I was hoping I could have a word with you?

I'd like to ask you
some questions actually...

We haven't got all day, Spike!

Hey, you bird brains! Come and get me!

What the...

The eggs have hatched.

What do we do now?

We take the hatchlings, of course!

Get 'em!

Get them!

They got away! I hate that!

What have we got here?

What happened?

They got away!

You stole an egg?

I guess the raid wasn't
a total waste after all.

Nice going, Spike.

Well, what are you
waiting for, Spike?

Smash it!

- Smash the egg?
- Yeah!

Yeah, throw it on the ground
as hard as you can!

Smash it! Smash it! Smash it!
Smash it! Smash it!

No! It's just a defenseless egg,
like I was!

And I'm not gonna let you hurt it!

- What did you say?
- I said, no!

No one says no to me.

Nopony's gonna lay a claw on him!

That's right!

Fighting's not really my thing,
I'm more into fashion,

but I'll rip you to pieces if you touch
one scale on his cute little head!

Ooh, scary!

Spike, are these namby-pamby ponies
your friends?

Yes, they are. And they're better friends
than you could ever be.

Now, if you don't back off,
you'll see what us ponies do

when confronted by
a huge group of jerky dragons.

Oh yeah?
What's that?

Run away!

That was a close one. Thanks you guys.

Of course. What are friends for?

You're more than friends.
You're my family.

Dear Princess Celestia,

seeing the great dragon migration made me
wonder what it meant to be a dragon.

But now I realize that who I am
is not the same as what I am.

I may have been born a dragon,
but Equestria and my pony friends

have taught me how to be kind,
loyal, and true!

I'm proud to call Ponyville my home,
and to have my pony friends as my family.

Yours truly, Spike.

Hey, welcome to the family, Peewee!

Stick with me, I've got plenty
to teach you about being a pony.