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09x21 - May I Have This Dance

Posted: 02/17/22 08:15
by bunniefuu
And as we march
through those doors tonight,

We should not think
of this as an ending,

But as a beginning.

Our school years have given us
the skills that we need

To become...
Un--unperfidious citizens.

[All laugh]


That's a very
interesting word, willie,

But what exactly
are you trying to say?

Well, you know.

Hard working
and responsible.

That's good. That's
what you ought to say.

Our school years
have given us the skills

That we need to become
responsible citizens
of walnut grove.

Thank you.

[All applauding]

Very nice, willie.

That's an excellent
graduation speech.

I hope that
when the parents are here

You will all sit quietly

And listen to what willie
is saying.

Miss plum?


Don't you think
it would be nice

To open
the graduation

With my reading
an essay?

Nancy, you're not
in the graduating class.

Oh, I know. But it's
a wonderful essay.

I wrote it
for sunday school.

It's entitled:
"why jesus loves me
more than most."


It does
sound wonderful, nancy.

Perhaps some other time.

All right. I'll see you all here
for the graduation ceremony.

Class dismissed.

Oh, willie, please
tell your mother

I'd like to see her
for a few minutes
this afternoon.

Yes, ma'am.



Uh, I was awful,
wasn't i?

No. Why do you say that?

'Cause I was so nervous.

Well, you're supposed
to be a little nervous.

It hardly showed
at all, really.

You sure?


But if you're worried
about it,

And you want to practice
it some more,

I'd be glad to listen.

I--i--i gotta get over
to the restaurant.

I promised ma
I'd seat the
supper service.

Will I see you later?

It--it might be late.

I don't care.

Me neither.

I'll, uh,
I'll see you tonight.

Ha ha. Oh, laura.
You should have
seen william's face

When he found
those old love
letters of mine.

Oh, he was so jealous.

He made me promise
that I'd burn every
last one of them.

Oh, what a shame.

What was?

That you had to destroy
those letters.

I said I promised.

I didn't say I did it.

Laura, never destroy
a love letter.

You never know--
it may be your last.

Oh, would you like
some more tea?

No, thank you. I really
should be going.


There's something

Been meaning to talk
to you about.

You know, uh...

I've been alone
in this rambling house
for quite some time now.

When william
built it for me,
it was quite something.

I guess
the house and I
are a lot alike.

Once beautiful,

And the talk
of walnut grove...

Now old...
Falling apart.

William and i...
Always thought that we

Could pass this house
down to our son

And then on
to his children.

That was
our fondest dream.

Of course you know
that our--our son
died very young

And...we never had any--
any more children.

I know.

When william died,

I cast around
in my own mind

Who I could turn
the house over to.

There was never
any question.

It had to be you
and almanzo.

Oh, mrs. Flannery.

Oh, please, laura,

Say that you'll talk
about it to almanzo.

Oh, i--i can't
bear the thought
of strangers

Moving in here,
or worse yet,

lovely work
being torn down

To make room
for something else.

It's all I have,

I truly want
to give it to you.

Well, of course
I'll talk to him.

But you're still
gonna be living here

For a long, long time.

you talk to him...


I will.

Now, you get some rest.
I'll see you tomorrow.

You kiss that darling
baby of yours for me.

I will.

Willie? Oh! Well,
we waited dinner
for you, darling,

But everything
was starting
to get cold.

Oh, it's all right.
I ate at the restaurant.

Oh, good.

Must have been busy.

Second night
in a row.

Folks seem to love
that rabbit pie.

I'm glad you found
the recipe.

So am i.
I'll get you a plate.

Oh, no. I'm not hungry.

Uh, I have to go out
for a little while.

What on earth for?

Hmm, well,
it's a surprise.

Oh. For me?

Yeah. Yeah,
it'll surprise you.

Well, I have a surprise
for you, too.

I had a very
interesting talk
with etta plum today,

And she's arranged
for you to take
the entrance exam

Next week
in sleepy eye.

She says
you're gonna have
no trouble whatsoever

Getting into
the university.

Well, don't you have
something to say?

I mean,
aren't you pleased?

Oh, I am.

Yes, i--i did want
to go to the university.

Good. So all
you have to do

Is pass
the entrance exam.

Yes, but...

We're very proud
of you, son.

Well, thanks.
Well, I gotta go.
I won't be late.


Just think. Hmm.

Our little willie.

Gonna be a college student.

You're gonna break
the window.

How was work?

Fine. We did real
good business.

Are you sure that's
what you wanna do,
work in a restaurant?

Yeah. I like it,
and I'm good at it.

Is there
anything wrong

With a husband
that wants to work
in a restaurant?

No, I just want you to be sure
that's what you want.

It is.

Are you gonna talk
to my pa?


You're not afraid,
are you?


A little.

But nowhere as near
as afraid as I am

To talk
to my mother.

Think it'll be bad?

When I was 6 I told her
I kissed amy horton,

And she was bedridden
for 2 weeks.

Yeah, it's easy
for you to laugh.

I'm only laughing
'cause I'm so happy.

So am i.

Man: rachel?

I'll go out the back.
See you.

Man: rachel?

Coming, pa.

Beth? It's mrs. Flannery.

Doc baker says
she's asking for you.

You better get
over there right away.

Is she...

Reverend alden is there.

I'll watch out for rose
till jenny gets home.

Take as long
as you need.

Mrs. she...


Leave us alone together.

I'll be outside
if you need me.

I thought she was gone.

She was holding on
for laura.

Mrs. Flannery.

Did you talk to almanzo
about the house?



Tell me you'll take
the house.

I want to know that...

Rose and jenny's
laughter will...

Fill the house
as they grow up.

That's what the house
was built for.

It was our dream.

Don't let it die.

I promise.

Alden: we grieve
for mae flannery

Because she's no longer
with us,

And at the same time
we rejoice,

Because mae is in heaven.


All: amen.

I'll miss her.

Me, too.
She was always
good to us kids.

Can you come over
for supper tonight?

No. That's what
I wanted to talk
to you about.

I have to go
to sleepy eye
this afternoon.


Yeah. I have
to take a test.

What kind of test?

It's an examination
for college,

But I'm only taking it
for mother.

No matter what happens,

I'm not going on
to school.

Then why take it?

Trust me. I know
what I'm doing.


Coming, ma. Trust me.

That'll be $1.58.

I forgot. I guess we need
a small bag of flour also.


I wish that you
would try to remember

that you need at once.

This is the third time

That I have had to go
back into the storeroom.

She's hanging around
hoping to see willie.

I was just wondering
how he did on his exam.

You think
he'll be back soon?

Oh! There they are now!
Willie, willie!

Well, did you pass?
I want to hear
all about it.

Give the boy some room
to breathe.

Oh, come on, tell me.
I want to hear about it.
Did you pass?

Well, at first I was
kind of nervous.


But then I read
over the exam.

I knew exactly
what I had to do.

So you passed it?
Did you pass?

Willie, I'm talking to you.
Did you pass?!

Harriet, they'll send
the notices out

In a week or two.

They've got to grade
the papers first.

Oh. Well...

Well...oh, I'm sure
you'll pass.

Oh, I'm so proud of you.
My little willie. Oh!

I've got to get over
to the restaurant
and open up.

Oh, well, that's all right.


Come in.

You can't
sleep either?

It's been
a long day.

I'm just not tired.

Is something


You sure?

You seemed very
quiet coming back
from sleepy eye.

I guess I just
have a lot on my mind.

You worried about
the test?

Kind of, I guess.

Well, you did your
best, didn't you?


Well, there's nothing
else you can do.

And there's
no use worrying
about the grade,

That's done.

I just don't want you
to be disappointed in me.


Now wait a minute.

I'm not gonna be
disappointed in you.

I'm very proud
of you.

The kind of grade
that you get on

A test is not gonna
make any difference

One way or
the other.

You understand that?

Yes, sir.

All right, then.

I don't know about you,

But I gotta get
some sleep.

See you in
the morning.


I'll see you in
the morning.

Good night.


Half pint?


I'm in here.

Well, well, well.

Well, excuse me
for smiling, ma'am.

You see,
I know somebody

Who looks just
like you...used to.


A pretty little slip
of a girl.

Name is laura
ingalls wilder.

Seemed like
she always used
to have time

For her old friend
mr. Edwards.

Is that so?

Oh, yeah. One day she
just up and disappeared

Into a big house.

Vanished without a trace!

Well, maybe when she's
all done with her work
she'll reappear.

Well, I'm counting
on that.

Did you bring me
my window sash?

Yeah. It's out
in the entry.

Want me to stay
and help put it in?

Oh, I can do it.
If I have any problem,
I'll let you know.

Sure have got this place
looking good.

It's coming around.

You and almanzo are
sure gonna rattle around
in this big old house.

Well, you know, I was
thinking about that.

I thought maybe it would
be a good idea

To turn this place
into a boarding house.

A boarding house?!

Yeah. That way lots of people
can enjoy the house,

And the money we make

Could help pay
for its upkeep.

Boarding house.
Sounds like

A pretty good idea.

Landsakes, my little
half pint's

Gonna be
a businesswoman.
Well, I'm off.

Will you promise
to come back

And see the place
when it's finished?

All you gotta do
is whistle.

See you later.

See you.

Nels: * la la la la
la la la *

* La la la la la
la la la la **

For heaven sakes, nels!

Nancy, have you done
your homework yet?

Oh, I never have
any time to relax.

You'll have plenty
of time to relax

After you've done
your homework.


I almost forgot.

You got a letter today

About the exam you took
in sleepy eye.

You forgot?!
How could you forget?

Here, let me see this.

Oh, willie, willie,

Our willie
the college student.

Minnesota state
review board.

"Dear mr. Willie oleson,

We are sorry..."

Failed?! How could you fa--
how could you fail?

Well, there must be
some mistake.

There's no mistake.

Well, how could you
do that to us?!

Oh! Good heavens!

Everybody knows in town!

What am I gonna
tell everybody?

How on earth could you
possibly expect

To get into the university

If you can't pass
the entrance exam?!

I don't expect to get
into the university!

I expect to stay here
and run the restaurant.

Oh, good heavens! You will
do nothing of the sort!

Oh, for heaven sakes!

Well, nobody can know
about this.

Let's see. We'll, uh,
we'll, uh...

Ah! We will hire a tutor
for him,

And I will talk
to etta plum,

And then she can
arrange for you

To take the entrance exam
over again.

And this time,
you will study hard!

Mother, I failed
the exam on purpose!

I'm not gonna
take it again!

I'm gonna stay
in walnut grove,

And I'm gonna run
the restaurant,

And I'm gonna marry
rachel brown.

Failed on purpose?

And that's all
there is to it.

"I'm gonna marry...
Rachel brown"!


Oh, mother!

I don't know how he could
do this to you, mother.


It's funny
the places you pick

To get your thoughts

I've spent quite
a few hours alone
in here myself.


I don't know.

I should have just
come out and told you

How I felt
in the first place.

I know how ma felt

About me going
to school and all.

You're right.
You should have.

You don't think I'm doing
the right thing, do you?

Son, if it feels right
to you, then it's right.

You've gotta live
your own life,

Not your mother's or mine.

You mean that?

Of course I mean it.

And congratulations.

You've picked yourself
a fine young lady.

I know.

Well, I better get back
to your mother.

She's gonna need
some smelling salts.

I just thought of something.

I could become
a grandfather again
before long.


[Deeper voice] mr. Brown.
Mr. Brown. Brown, rachel
and I were wondering...

If--you can't--
I can't say that.

That's--that sounds--
it's too poor.

That's--that's awful.
That's awful. That's awful.

Oh, hi, mr. Brown.

I was thinking that, uh...

I'm gonna be sick.


Huh?! What?

Pa says you can
come right in.

Don't worry,
he won't bite you.

I--i--i'm--i'm gonna
go talk to him.

Sit down, willie.

My, uh, daughter says
you'd like to speak
to me.

Um, oh, yes...sir--

That is, mr. Brown.

I, uh, uh, um--

Rachel and i--well,
I mean to say that

Uh, uh, rachel
seems agreeable

To the idea
that we should--

That is, if you--

I understand you're not going
to the university now.

Uh...uh, yes, sir.

That is, yes, sir.

I--i'm not going.


Mr. Brown, um...

Rachel seems to be...

Will you be working full-time
at the restaurant, willie?

Um, oh, yes, sir.

It seems like we've
got more business

Than we can handle,
but I don't mind.

No place I'd rather be
than in the kitchen.

My pa says I kind of
come by it naturally.

I spent most
of my time raiding
the cupboards as a kid.

I guess I just, uh, feel
right at home there.

I see.

Uh, anyway, I think
I could do real well
with the restaurant,

And I have
a lot of new ideas
for improvements.

Which is why i--
I feel that, uh...

That rachel and i...

We should be able to...


I'm sure you'll provide
very well for her.

Oh, yes, sir. I, uh...

Y--you are?!

That is, if you ever get around
to asking me for her hand.

Oh. Her hand, um...

Uh, I would very much like
to have your permission

To marry rachel brown,
uh, rachel.

You've got it.

I--i've got it!

You've got it, willie.

I got it.

Thank you, mr. Brown.


I guess you, uh, might as well
start calling me dad.

Thanks, dad.

Well, it just makes
good business sense,

If willie is running
the restaurant
at a profit,

We ought to keep him on
over there.

Yes, that's right, nels.
He should run the restaurant.

Yes. And we could
let him have

Nellie and percival's
old room

Over the restaurant.

He and rachel can use it

Until they need
something bigger.


Oh, harriet.

Absolutely not.

Now, you're being stubborn.

Oh, well, you can just
call it what you want.

I will not be a party
to it.

If willie wants
to ruin his life,
that's his business.

But I am not going
to help him.

Her pa said yes!
He said yes!

She'll come around.

I'm very happy for you, son.

Thanks, dad.


Hi, willie, rachel.

The house looks great.

Well, thanks. It's been
a lot of hard work.

Oh. There's something
we've been meaning to
talk to you about.



I brang you something.
You might call it

Sort of
a housewarming gift.

What is it?

Well, close up
your eyes there.

And no peeking.
Can't stand for no peeking.

All right.

Oh, mr. Edwards.

You like it?

It's beautiful.
All we have to do
is put it up outside

And wait for
our first boarder.

Uh, that'd be us.


That's what
willie wanted to
talk to you about.

See, we were hoping,
after the wedding
and all,

That we could
move in here.

Oh, willie, we'd love
to have you here,

But won't your ma
get kind of upset?

Doesn't she want you
to stay at the hotel?

Believe me,
that's no problem.

Well, then, welcome
to wilder's room
and board.

It'll just take me
a second to whip
up some lunch

If you want to stay.

Thanks, but I gotta get
back to the restaurant,

And rachel has to get

These wedding announcements
to the post office.

Seems like pa has
1,000 relatives,

And they all live
back east.

But don't worry,
we'll be eating you

Out of house and home
soon enough.

We'll see you later.

See you.

Seems like they're growing up
faster every day.

Next thing, little rose'll
be getting married.

Oh, no, you don't.

You're not marrying off
my daughter

Until she gets a chance
to see the world.

They all say that.

Well, let's get started
on that lunch,

And then you can
help me hang the sign.

Aaagggghhh! Don't do that.

Ooh, my golly. Never mind that.
I'll have that.

Can't wait, can you?

It's just so exciting
having wedding plans
in the air.

I'm sure you must be
thrilled, harriet.

Thrilled?! I'm devastated.

What do you mean?

Why, rachel brown
is such a lovely girl.

Oh, yes, yes,
for somebody else maybe,

But certainly not
for my willie.

Why, that girl is ruining
my son's chances

For a happy life.

If it weren't for her,
he would be going
to the university,

And his future
would be assured.


But would he listen
to his mother?

Oh, no, of course not.

Why, without an education,
what kind of a future
can he have?

But does she care
about willie's future?
No, only her own.

Well, I can tell you
one thing.

If there is going
to be a wedding,

I certainly am not going
to be there.


Good day, mrs. Foster.

Good day, harriet.

I don't believe it.

You can't just call it off
without giving me a reason.

Willie, I've told you.
It's just better this way.

Rachel brown, you're not
leaving this kitchen

Till you tell me
what I did wrong.

Willie, it's not you.

You haven't done
anything wrong.

Then what is it?

It's your mother.

She says that
I'm ruining your life

Because now you won't
have a chance to go
to the university.


Maybe she's right.

Come on!

Where are we going?

To see mother!

Time to open
the restaurant.

Better get over there
until willie gets back.

Mm-hmm. Now see.

See what?

It's that girl.

First she convinces him
to fail that exam,

Now she's keeping him
from doing his proper
work at the restaurant.


Well, they're probably
off somewhere kissing.

[Exasperated] oh.

Mother? I have something
to say to you,

And I'm only gonna
say it once,

So I want you
to pay attention.

Willie, there's nothing
that you have to say--

Mother! I'm talking!
You're listening!

You've been complaining
to me and to father

And to anyone else
in walnut grove

That'll listen to you
that rachel is ruining my life.

Now, I've kept quiet
about it

Because I thought you'd
realize how wrong you are,

But I'm not gonna keep quiet
about it any longer.

If anyone is ruining
my chances

For a happy life
around here, you are!


Yes, you!


Rachel is my best chance
for a happy life,

And I don't ever wanna
hear you say another
unkind word about her.

Now, we are going
to open up the restaurant,

And you can stay here
until you accept the fact

That rachel and I
are getting married,

Because that's exactly
what we are going to do.

Oh, fine, fine, fine!
Go ahead, marry her!

Marry her. What do I care?!

I won't be there.
I promise you that!

Fine! That's your decision.

Oh, by the way. Mr. Edwards
is going to be my best man.


Oh, there you see?

You see what that--that wench
has done to him?!





This is one that you
just are not going to win.


Please. Please just
get dressed

And come with me
to the wedding.

Absolutely not! If you
really care for your son,

You'd try to talk
him out of this.

Suit yourself.




You don't have
to scream.

I can hear you.

Oh, nancy, precious.
Get mother's...

What is that?
What are you wearing?

My bridesmaid's dress.


Rachel asked me
to be her maid
of honor.



You promised me that you
wouldn't go to that wedding.

I'm sorry, mother.

The maid of honor
is very important.

Everyone in all
of walnut grove
will be there.

I just couldn't say no.


But what about me?

I'm sorry, mother.
You'll just have
to stay home alone.

But what about me?


Nobody cares about me!

Almanzo: laura.

Isaiah, I don't think
I've ever seen you
in a tie before.

Alden: put yours
on this up here.

Almanzo, put this one
right here.

Now, a little bit more
this way.

Now turn it around.

Aren't they beautiful?

They are.

Well, everybody's



I guess...

I guess it won't
be long now.

Oh, little darling.

Don't you worry
about anything.

You and willie are gonna
be very, very happy.

He's a fine man.

Oh, pa. I'm very,
very happy already.

I love you.

My little girl.

They're ready for us.

Do I look all right?

They'll all be looking
at me, you know.


[Organ music plays]

Wilt thou have
this woman

To be thy wedded wife?

To live together,
after god's ordinancy,

In the holy bonds
of matrimony?

Wilt thou love her
and comfort her,

Honor and keep her,

In sickness
and in health,

And forsaking
all others,

Cleave thee only
onto her,

So long as ye both
shall live?

I will.




May I have the ring?

Repeat after me...

With this ring...

With this ring...

I thee wed.

I thee wed.

And with all
my worldly goods...

And with all
my worldly goods...

I thee endow.

I thee endow.

[Woman sobs]

I now pronounce you
man and wife.


And whom god hath
joined together,

Let no man put asunder.




You may kiss the bride.

Glad you could make it
to the wedding, harriet.

[Music playing]

Brings back memories,
doesn't it, harriet?

Remember how upset
my mother was?

She didn't want me
to quit college
to get married.

I believe she said that
it would ruin my life.

Well, she was wrong.

Marrying you was
the smartest thing
I ever did.

Do you mean that?

If I had it
to do over again,

I wouldn't change
a thing.

Oh, nels.


Our little willie.

He's not so little anymore.

May I have this dance?