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09x20 - For the Love of Blanche

Posted: 02/17/22 08:14
by bunniefuu
[Geese honking]

Sure do wish I was a bird.

Make this trip from sleepy eye
to walnut grove

Quicker than you can say
"apple pan dowdy."


Heh heh heh!
Yeah, you're right, zeke.

Ain't got no call
to be complaining.

After all,
you're pulling the wagon,

And I'm just sitting on it.

We'll get some rest up ahead.

Whoa. Howdy, friend.

Shush! Not so loud.

What's wrong?

I said shush.

Feel like I just drove
into a library.

Sorry to make all this ruckus
and all that.

What are you doing?
Are you praying
or something?

No. My little girl's

In the wagon yonder.

Oh. Sorry about that.

My name's edwards, isaiah.

Bill, buffalo.

Bill buffalo.

No. Not bill buffalo.

Your name
edwards isaiah?


Well, then mine
ain't bill buffalo.
It's buffalo bill.

You're not
"the" buffalo bill?

What kind of a dumb
question is that?

I just met you.
I didn't say,

"Are you 'the'
isaiah edwards?"

Well, I am.

How do you know?

My father told me.

He couldn't have known.

Hey, are you saying
something bad about my ma?

No, no, no. I'm just
saying that to be
"the" isaiah edwards

You'd have
to be the first
isaiah edwards.

You can bet that
iffin you'd look in one
of them telephone books

In the big city,
you'd find another one.

I suppose you're right.

Then you ain't
the real buffalo bill.

There you go again.

First you want
to know if I'm
"the" buffalo bill,

Now you're saying
I ain't even real!

Oh, let's drop it.

Fine with me.

You want company here,
or don't you?

Aw, suit yourself.

Never mind.

Edwards, isaiah?


You're welcome to
use my fire iffin you
got cookin' to do.

Well, thank you very much.

Well, you're welcome.

That was way back
in '36.

I only planned
on staying in africa

Till my ship was loaded,

But the country got
under my skin.

Over 40 years I stayed.

I learned the language,
lived like a native.

You don't mean to tell me--

-You mean you can
talk like a native?

Go on. Say something.


-What's that?

Well, I'll be. Jambo.

That's "how are you."

Oh, fine.


-Why'd you move there?

-I didn't.

Missouri means
"I'm fine."

Oh, I see
what you're saying.

If you loved africa so much,
how come you left?

Well, I missed
my country, my people.

So I packed up
and brought griselda
home to america.


My little girl's ma.

She passed away
3 years ago.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Me, too.
But I got blanche.

She's the spittin'
image of her ma.

Sure is a quiet
little thing.

How old is she?

Just 3.
Her ma passed away

A few days
after she was born.

Must have been hard
on both of you.

Yeah, it was.

Landsakes, where'd
the time go?

It'll be dark
in an hour.

What? How long
have I been here?

Going on 4 hours.

Well, it's too late
to try to get home
by dark.

Guess I'll sleep
under the stars tonight.

You're welcome
to join us

At supper tonight.

Well, thank you.
Tell you what I'll do.

I'll water down our horses,

If you promise to tell
me more about africa.

You don't have to bribe
an old man to get him
to talk.

Good enough.


What's that?

Good-bye, farewell.

Well, I'll be.


Weejari, horse.

* Old dan tucker,
tired old man *

* Washed his face
in a frying pan *

* Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel *

* Died with a toothpick
in his heel *

Sorry it took so long.

Got dark out there,

And durned
if I didn't get lost.

Hope I ain't too late
to help you with the supper.



What's the matter?

I--i ain't good, friend.

I'll saddle up and ride
for a doctor.

No, no. Don't leave me.

I don't wanna die alone.

Come on, now.
You ain't gonna die.

That's what the doctor
told my father

5 Minutes
before he adios'ed.

Sent ma a bill,

Let me ride for a doctor.

No, please.
You gotta listen.

I ain't got
no other kin,

No one to look
after blanche.

Promise me you'll
take care of her.

But, buffalo bill...
I mean, a 3-year-old?

Please promise me
you'll find her
a good home.

Promise me that.

I promise.

Thank you.

One more...


Don't let her
see me after.

Just get me
in the ground.

Now, don't be talking
like that.






Blanche? Blanche, darlin'?

Wake up.

I got something
I wanna tell you.

My name is edwards,
and i...



Blanche, I'm gonna be
right back.

Now, you keep quiet,
you hear?

All right.

Hey, you're back.
I was getting worried
about you.

Yeah, I slept out
last night.

You all right?

Yeah. Met some fella
on the trail yesterday.

Spent some time
with him.

Wound up dying
in my arms.

What was it?

I don't know. I guess it
was his heart, I reckon.

But he
made me promise to look
after his little girl,

See if I could find
a good home for her.

She's out in the wagon.

Poor kid. How old?

She's 3, but...

Oh, it shouldn't be
too hard to find
her a place.

There are a lot of folks
moving into these parts.

I don't think it's gonna
be as easy as all that.

Why not?

Come on. I'll show you.

Blanche, I'm back.

Lord have mercy, she's gone!

Where the...

[Glass shattering]

That's her. Come on.

Nels! Do something!
Nels, nels!

Nels! Do something!

I have done something.
I climbed up here!

Blanche, blanche, here!

It's all right.
She won't hurt you.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.
You can climb down.

Blanche, you ought
to be ashamed
of yourself.

I told you to wait
in the wagon.

You mean you know
this monkey?

Oh, this ain't a monkey.
This here is some kind
of ape.

Ape, monkey, who cares?

Get rid of the thing!
It tried to k*ll me.

Oh, she wouldn't
harm a fly.

Why--why is it staring
at me like that?

Probably thinks
you're related.

Ha ha ha ha.

Hee hee hee hee.

Both: ha ha ha ha ha ha.

She does seem friendly.

Oh, she is. Here,
say hello to nels.

Oh, look at that.
Look, harriet.

I mean, she--
just like a person.

Come on over.
Come on. She's not
gonna hurt you.

Well...are you sure?

Oh, harriet. Look.


All right.

Nels: put your hand out.

It'll shake hands
with you.




So long, nels.

Blanche, you're gonna
have to start learning

To do what I say.
Do you understand, huh?

Whoa! No wonder
that old crow fainted.

You've got breath worse
than a hibernating bear.

What are you gonna do
with that thing?

I don't know.
Got to find it
a good home.

Made the old man
a promise.

It's gonna be tough
to keep.

You're telling me.

Your best chance would
probably be a zoo.

Zoo? I never thought
of that.

You could write to them,
tell them about blanche.

These apes have gotta
be pretty rare.

I'll write to them tonight.

Tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'll take blanche on home.

I'll drop her off,
let matthew look
after her

While I'm working
at the mill.

Matthew's not home.

He went to minneapolis
with john carter.

Oh, dadburn. How long's
he gonna be gone?

A couple of weeks,

That's great. Now I
gotta find somebody

To look after her
till matthew gets back.

Well, jenny could help
after school.

That would be a help.

Why don't you
take the rest
of the day off?

Go home and write
the letters,

And you can scout
around for someone

To watch her
during the day.

You don't need me to help you
unload the wagon?

No, I'll be fine,
and I'll send jenny
by after school.

Thanks, almanzo.
See you tomorrow.

See you. And good luck.







What do you mean, no?
I sounded out the word.

You sure?

I would...hope
to hear from you.

I. Edwards.


Sure would
like to get this
on the afternoon stage,

But I can't very well
leave you alone.

You tired?

You promise to stay
there in that bed
until I get back?

Heh heh heh heh.

Dang if you ain't human.


That'll be one cent,

Oh, sure, sure.
There you are.

Thank you, mrs. Foster.

You're welcome.


Oh, reverend.

How're you doing?

Just fine, if I
could find someone

With whom I could
play checkers.

Hiram's busy,
arnold's busy...
How about you?

I'm kind of busy myself.

Well, I'll see
what nels is up to.

Oh, say, reverend.

You say you got a lot
of spare time on your hands.

I've got lots of it.

Good. See, I got
this problem.

I got this little
3-year-old girl
staying at my place.

See, her daddy died,
and I promised to find her
a proper home.

Oh, that's very
christian of you,

Yeah. Uh, well,
my problem is,

See, I got no one
to look after her

While I'm working
at the mill.

It's a shame she's
not a little older.

She could
go to school.

Yeah, that is a shame.
What I was wondering is,

Maybe you could keep
an eye on her.

I don't mean the whole day--
jenny's gonna watch her
after school.

I'd love to.
Who's with her now?

Now...uh, well, nobody's
with her right now.

She's taking a nap.

Isaiah, you can't leave
a 3-year-old alone
like that.

Well, she's kind
of special.

I don't care
how special she is.

At 3, you gotta
watch them.

Come on. We better get
over to your place
right now.

Good, good.

Poor child.
How's she taking
her father's death?

Well, she hasn't said
anything one way
or another.

Keeping it all
inside of her.

I've known them
like that.

Does she have any
other relatives?

Well, yeah,
but they don't live
in this country.

An immigrant,
all alone in this--

Isaiah, I'm so glad
I can help.

Oh, yeah, yeah.
Me, too. Me, too.

It might be a good idea

To bring the child
into church.

Maybe we better wait
a while, reverend.

It seems to me that
the sooner she adjusts

To her new environment,
the better.

We always give newcomers
a warm welcome.

Oh, sure, sure,
no question about it.

Oh, will you look
at this place!

All right, blanche.

Come on, get up
out of there!

Now, isaiah, don't.

The child's only 3.
She didn't mean
to do this.

Didn't mean to do it?!
Will you look at this place!

All right, blanche.

Come on. Get up
on out of there,
or you're gonna get it!

Isaiah, please?
Let me handle it.

Uh, reverend, uh--


I'm reverend alden.

Nobody's gonna hurt you.

Now, you can come out
from those covers.

Come on. It's all right.


Like I said, she's kind
of special.

Hi, reverend.


I don't care
what I promised bill.

You mess up one more time,
you're on your own!


to you, too.

Uncle almanzo said you--
what happened?

She happened.

You were telling
the truth.

You do have an ape.

You're telling me.

Oh, mr. Edwards.
She's so cute.

What are you gonna do
with her?

Well, I figure to get her
a nice home in a zoo.

Sent off a letter today
to the minneapolis zoo.

Figured they'd jump
at the chance to get her.


There's no zoo
in minneapolis.


As far as I know,
there's no zoo
in the whole state.

They're talking
about one in st. Paul,

But nobody knows
when that'll be.

Aw, dadburnit.

Figured a city as big
as minneapolis

Would have everything.

You're gonna have to write
to chicago or new york city.

By the time they get my letters,
my house'll be gone.

I'll watch her for you.

Yeah, after school.
But what am I gonna
do up till then?

Well, guess I could
lock her up.

Oh, no!
You can't do that.

Well, then what?

Wait a minute.

Maybe miss plum will let me
bring her to school,

Then all the kids
could keep an eye on her.

You think she'd let
you do that?

She's awful nice,
and she loves animals.

Well, when can you ask her?

I could go over
to her place right now.

We'll be right here.

Be back as quick
as I can.

All right.

Well, blanche, looks like you
might be going to school.

you go to bed.

Now, go on to bed.

Oh, yeah?
Well, pbbblt,

And go back
to bed.

You got school




[All talking]

Hey, look at that!

[All talk excitedly]


It's a gorilla!
Miss plum, k*ll it!

Nancy, quiet down.

Class! Class,
take your seats.


Nancy, sit down.

Class, this is blanche.
She's an orangutan,

One of the smartest
of the ape family.

It's a gorilla!

No, nancy,
believe me,

I wouldn't have
a gorilla in class.

Orangutans are much
smaller than gorillas,
and much smarter.

Why is it here?

We're gonna try
a little experiment.

As long as
blanche behaves,

She can
sit in the back
of the classroom.

All: yay!

Just a minute, now.

Blanche can only stay

As long as you go
about your work
as usual.

Is that understood?

All: yes, miss plum.

All right. Jenny,
you can sit back
there with blanche.

Thank you, miss plum.

Later on, we'll discuss
the apes in more detail,

But right now I'd like nancy
to pass out the test papers.

I'd like grades 1-4
to draw or read

During the duration
of the test.

You have 30 minutes
to take the test.

Now, if you have
any problems solving
the questions,

Then go on
to the next one.

It certainly is ugly.


Ew! It slobbers!

How can you sit next
to it?

I sat next to you,
didn't i?

Nancy, come take
your seat.

[Children laughing]



All right, class.
You may begin.


Look at her.
She's just like a girl.

I know. Watch this.

Throw the ball.


Let me try it.

Throw me the ball.

Right here.


My turn.

Throw me the ball.


Throw me the ball!

I said give it to me,





I'm telling my mother!

It wasn't
blanche's fault.

We'll see whose fault
it was! We'll see!

It was your fault.
You hit her first.

What do you think
her mom'll do?

Nothing nice,
that's for sure.


"'What are you doing,

"Cried the princess.

"'I am spinning,
my pretty,'

"Replied the old woman,

Little thinking
she was speaking
to the princess."

Ain't you asleep yet,

Want some more?

Here I go.

"'Oh, how amusing
it must be,'

"Cried the princess.

'I should like
to try. Pray...'"

Don't play with the book
when I'm reading.

"'Oh, pray show me how
to set about it.'

But no sooner
had she..."


What's the matter?

"'What are you doing,

"Cried the princess.

"'I am spinning,
my pretty dear,'

"Replied the old woman,

Little thinking
she was speaking..."


"To a princess."

"'Oh, how amusing
it must be,'

"Cried the princess.

"'I should like to try.

Pray, show me how
to set about it.'"


Whoa. Howdy.

Good day to you.

Am I on the right road
to walnut grove?

Sure are.
About 11 miles on down.

We don't see
many prison wagons
in these parts.

Is there trouble?

Aw, some kind
of a wild animal
loose in town.

Already att*cked
a little girl.

I gotta k*ll him
before he hurts
somebody bad.

Is that so? Well, I hope
everything goes all right.

Thanks. Giddyup.

Mr. Edwards,
mr. Edwards!

Jenny, what is it?
What's wrong?

It's blanche.

Mrs. Oleson notified
the sheriff.

She said that blanche
att*cked nancy.

The sheriff's come
to k*ll her!

Lord have mercy!

She wouldn't
hurt anyone, sheriff.

You have to believe me.

I'm sorry, ma'am,
but that's a wild animal.

It already att*cked
one child.

Harriet: that's right.

She could have
been k*lled.

Hold--hold on here!

What are you doing
pointing that r*fle
at her?

Who are you?

My name is edwards.
This here ape's mine

Very temporarily.
I'm gonna have to
put her to sleep.


She's dangerous.

Oh, hogwash.

Edwards, that there's
a wild animal,

And it's against the law
to have her. I'm sorry.

As soon as I get
an answer from the zoo,

She's gonna have a home.

I'm sorry, but the law
is the law.

Now, ma'am, you just take
the children outside,

And I'll get this
over with quick.

Please, sheriff, don't--

Ma'am, I'm the sheriff.
Now, you're gonna have
to do as I say.

Hold on now!

Edwards, I don't want
any trouble from you.

You ain't gonna get any.

Blanche here is kind
of my responsibility.

I feel like I ought
to be the one that
does it.

Take her out back
in the trees.

You sure
you wanna do it?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Well, all right.

No, mr. Edwards!

Sorry, jenny.
Got no choice.

Come on, blanche.

I'd like to be alone
with her for a moment.

Well, I'll have to see
that it's done.

I know.

[g*n fires]

Ugh! Well,
good riddance.
Come along.


I'm sorry it had
to be that way.

Yeah, me, too.

Just doing my job.

I'm sorry for what
my mother did,
mr. Edwards.

I know you are, willie.

I'll help you
with the burying.

Come on.

It's all clear, blanche.

[All cheering]

Hold it, hold it,
hold it now!

Now, listen. This here's
gotta be our secret.

We gotta find a place
for her to stay

Until I can get a zoo
to take her.

Where are we
gonna hide her?

At our place. Please,
uncle almanzo.

It won't be for long.

Hold on, jenny. We gotta
ask beth first.

She'll say yes.
I know she will.

Well, what do you say,

Well, what else
can I say? All right!

Jenny, you're sure you can
handle everything tonight?

Very sure. Don't worry
about a thing.

Are you sure blanche
is gonna be all right
with rose?

You've seen her,
aunt laura.

She's just like
another little girl.

Beth, we'll be back
right after supper,

If we ever leave.

I'm coming.


Say hello to the carters
for me.

We will.

Hope everybody's hungry.

There you go.


Oh, no.
All out of milk.

You two go on and eat.

I'll be right back
with some milk.

Sorry to bother you
at this hour, nellie,

But we need a little milk
for supper.


Sorry my hands are cold.

[Rose crying]

Come on. Won't you
cooperate a little?


What on earth?

[Rose crying]

Thank you, blanche.
Thank you.

She saved her, all right.

Maybe the house, too.

If blanche hadn't
yelled out,

I don't know how long
I would have been
in the barn.

Wow! Blanche
is a real hero.


That's what I said.

When I told mrs. Carter
what happened,

She wanted to write
it up in the paper.

But I told her
she would have to wait

Till blanche was safe
in her new home.

Yeah, we can't have nancy
or mrs. Oleson finding out.

Mrs. Carter agreed,
but she did send the story
off to the eastern papers.

She said they'd get
a big kick out of it.

[Bells chime]

Better get inside.
I can't wait to
tell miss plum.

Mother! Mother!


Look at her
with a dumb grin
on her face.

I wish it was all right
to hit girls,

'Cause I'd sure like
to take a poke at her.

Yeah. I'd like to take
a poke at her, too,

But she can beat me up.

I wonder what's going on
in there.

Maybe mr. Edwards
talked him out of it.

He didn't the first time.

You heard what
these people told you.

Including me.

Yes, including you!

Now, listen,
that wild animal saved
a little baby's life.

Almanzo told
you about that.

Mr. Edwards...

Just let me finish.

The animal
hasn't hurt anybody,

Wouldn't hurt anybody.

It's only a matter of time
when I hear from the zoo,

And the baby'll be safe
and sound.

Mr. Edwards, I have
a complaint here,
all legal-like,

And it's against the law
to keep that animal here!

But I told you--

I know what you told me,

And I know what you told me
last time I was here!

Now, you lied to me once,
and you'd lie to me again.

Now, where have you got
that animal hidden?!

It's at the wilder's.

Is that true?

I don't know
where she is.

Oh, he's lying.

Edwards, I'm gonna
give you one minute

To tell me where
that animal's hidden.
If you don't,

I'm gonna put you
in that prison wagon

And take you to sleepy eye
for obstructing justice

And lying to a law officer!
I mean what I say. tried. We all did,
but it's no use.

You can't go to jail, isaiah.

She's at our place.

I'll follow you out.


But the law is the law.

I'll ride out with you...
Say good-bye to her.

Nothing we could do.

Children, it's time
to go back to school.




Give me a few minutes.

Take all the time
you need.

Tried everything
I could do.

Just didn't do no good.

I hope god has a place
for you.

You just happen to be
one of the nicest
folks on earth.

I'm gonna miss you.

Come on.

Why don't you take her
out back.

Jenny: mr. Edwards!

Mr. Edwards!

Mr. Edwards!

Jenny, what--
what's going on?

Mr. Edwards,
this is mr. Paine.

He's from the chicago zoo.
They want blanche.

[r*fle fires]

Edwards? That dadblamed ape
ran off into the bushes.

Now you get up there
and get her,

Or I'm gonna take you in!

[Kids cheer]

Mr. Paine, you talk
to the sheriff, all right?

Come on, kids.
Let's find her!



I'm coming, blanche.

Come on.

Blanche? You got a home.


blanche left walnut grove

At the end of the week.

Though we knew she'd be happy
in her new home,

We all felt sad
to see her go.

Blanche was a very,
very special little person.