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09x19 - The Last Summer

Posted: 02/17/22 08:13
by bunniefuu
Now, here, laura.

Here's some new fabric
that just came in.

Here. Look at that.

That's beautiful.

well, I never.

Laura: pardon me?

Uh! That woman
at her age

On that horse
a sidesaddle.

I tell you,
it's a disgrace.

Who are you
talking about?

Miss leland,
of course.



I don't believe it.

Laura ingalls.

Well, let me
look at you.

You are
so beautiful.

It's laura wilder now.
I have a baby.

A baby.
How wonderful.

And a very handsome
husband, too,
I'll bet.

Well, I think so.

Is there something that
I could do for you today,
miss leland?

Yes, mrs. Oleson.
I have a list.

Dewey will be by
to pick it up later.

If there's anything
you can't supply,

Will you just make
a note?

Oh, no.
I'm quite certain that
we can take care of it.

Thank you.

Well, I can't get
over it.

How long
has it been?

6 Years.

Thought you were
never coming back.

Oh, I couldn't
stay away.

Summer here is like
no other place on earth.

Well, I'm glad
you couldn't.

How long are you
going to stay
this time?

At least for the summer,
maybe longer.
Till I get homesick.

Dewey would like to spend
the year around here.

Dewey? Is he still
working for you?

Yes. He's opening up
my summerhouse now.

I remember
how he and pa

Used to sit up
all night long
just talking.

Pa missed that.

So did dewey.
But there will be no more
late nights this time.

There is more work
than dewey counted on.

Oh, by the way,
you don't know

Of a young boy
I could hire, do you?

The carters have a boy.
I'm sure he could help.

Carters. I don't
remember that name.

Well, you can't miss
their place.

They live
in our old house.

Thank you.

And when I get organized,

You're going to have to
come over and visit

And bring that baby.

I will, ruthy.

Laura: bye.

Take care.

[Clicks tongue]

That's one woman who
sure can sit a horse.

Harriet: nels.

Yes. Coming, dear.


I said, I'm coming!

If you men
will excuse me,
I have a hen setting.

Sure, ma.
We'll clean up.

on a saturday?
I don't believe it.

[Door closes]

Pa, did you get
ma's present yet?

We still have
3 weeks left
till her birthday.

There's plenty
of time.

In a week, I'll have
enough money to get ma
what I picked out.

It's a bird feeder.

That's real nice, son.
You sure you're going
to have enough money?

Jeb: sure, pa.

Mr. Stover
saw how I whitewashed
mr. Burns' chicken coop

And wants me
to do his.

Jason, what are you
going to get ma
for her birthday?

I don't know.

Oh, we'll think
of something.

You can always give her
a new washboard.

That's what I
gave her last year.

that's all right, son.

We'll find her something
nice to give her
from both of us.


I wish I could
get a gift myself,

Like jeb.

Well, when you get
a little bigger,

You can get a job
like your brother.

Uh...why don't you go
digging for worms?

I hear the fish
are biting.

Yeah. I guess I'm
big enough for that.

[Door closes]

Good morning.

Good morning.

Is that
the carter residence?

The carter what?

Is that
the carter house?


Well, then you must
be master carter.

Master carter?

You probably mean
my brother jeb.
I'm jason.

Oh. Is he home?
I'm looking
for a young man

To do some work
around my summerhouse.

You're talking about
a real job?

Heavy work
for real wages.

I can do a lot
of heavy stuff.

Oh, well,
it's very heavy work.

I think I need
somebody older.

Jeb's older.

But he already
has a job.

My ma says I'm
small but I'm wiry.


There's a lot
of lifting and moving.

I moved my bedroom
around once.

And cleaning.

I clean the barn
every week,
and that's cleaning.

It's clean now.
You want me
to show you?

Oh, no. No, I believe you.

I can even take care
of your horse.

I know a lot
about horses.

All right.
I'll give you a try,

But only
on a trial basis.

Just give me a week.

If I don't do good,
you don't
have to pay me.

You can even fire
me if you want.

Very well, mr. Carter.
We have a deal.

My house is down
past the stream.

The one
with the bars
on the windows?

The very one.

And I will expect you
monday afternoon.

Hey, wait!

Your worms.


I got myself
a job!

Ma, I got a job!
A job, ma!
A real job!

Who for?

I don't know exactly.

But you do know how
much you'll be paid.

I forgot to ask.

And it's a real job?

Oh, yeah. Moving,
cleaning, and fixing.

All kinds of stuff.
Real heavy work.

Now, jason, working
for someone else is
very important.

It's not like
working around here.

I'll still do my chores.
Pa has a job, and he
still does his chores.

That's true, but--

Then it's ok?

Yes. It's ok.

Thanks, ma. I got a job!

I got myself
a job!

I hope that young man
you hired gets here soon.

I could sure use a hand.

After 6 years, this place
is falling apart.

Oh, he'll be here,
and he's very

Well, he won't be
after I show him

All that needs to be
done around here.

I think you'll have to go some
to scare this one off.

Here I am,

to work.


Can i, uh...

Can I ask you
just one question?

Is this your help?

Dewey, this
is master carter.

Mr. Dewey,
a pleasure, sir.

Now, dewey will
show you your duties,

And if there are
any problems,

Please talk to me.

Well, what do you
want me to do?


Hi, ma.

Did everything
go well?

Great. Just great.

Jeb and your father
are out in the barn.

Why don't you run up
and change shirts?
I'll hold supper.

Yes, ma'am.

Sarah, I'm so hungry,
I could eat a horse.

Where's jason?

Oh, he'll be down
in a minute.

Jason, come on down.
I'm starved.

Come on, jason.


Sarah: you two wash up.
I'll get him.

All right.


You must know
how much she's
paying you.

You've been working
for almost a week.

Everybody pays
on saturdays.
You know that.

I know, I know,
but nobody works
for free.

Five cents a day,
30 cents a week?
Come on, jason.

I told you,
I'm not sure.

What do you
need the money
for anyway?

Ma's birthday.

Pa told you.
He's getting
a big present

And you can put
your name on it.

It's not the same.
I want to buy
something myself.

Well, you can't get
anything out of
the catalog.

I already ordered,
and it takes
two weeks.

Doesn't matter.
I'll work till
I have enough

To buy her something nice
at the mercantile.

How do you know if
you don't even know
how much she's paying?

I just don't want
to talk about it.
You don't know anything.

All right, all right.

Jason: this is
my first time on
a real horse by myself.

My pa used to lead
the way.

That's all
a rider does, jason,
just leads the horse.

Loosen up on your reins
a little bit there.

That's-a boy.

How am I doing,

You're doing
just fine, jason.

You're doing just fine.

Jason, are you sure
there are fish
in this stream?

Oh, sure.
Lots of fish.

I'll put
the worm
on for you.

I use flies.


How do you
catch them?


This kind of fly.

You take a fly...

Tie it on, like this.

And you tighten it down.


All right.

Um, ruthy...

I hate to
tell you this...

But you're never going
to catch anything until
you get your line wet.

I'm not having
much luck, am i?

Maybe I should try
your pole.

Come here. Let me show you
how to work the fly.

Now, you take it
right there.

Take the line
in your hand.
Hold the line out.

Do I have to
throw it
way out there?

That's called casting.

Casting is the most
important part when
you're fishing with a fly.

Ok. Pull it back


Not so good.

Not bad, not bad.

Now, I have something
that will help
your rhythm here.

When you pull the line
back, you say...

I love to fish
in walnut grove.

Well, what
if you don't live
in walnut grove?

Well, then--then
you change it to, um...

I love to fish
with jason carter.

Now you try it.

I love to fish
with ruthy leland.



I've never caught
a fish on anything
like this before.

He's as good as caught
and in the pan.

Come on. Reel him in.
Keep the line straight.

Keep the pole up,
the line smooth.

That's right,
you've got him.

Keep coming.
Keep coming.

Here we go.
We got him.

Look at that.
Is he a beauty?


What do I do
with it now?

You take the hook out.

Jeb always
takes them off
the hook for me.

Well, that's before
you were a working man.

That's right.

Hmm. Here.
There you go.

Just get him behind
the gills there.

Do you know, ruthy,
everything's easier
when you grow up.

Almost everything.

Ma, you'll never
believe it.

The fish just
loved those flies.

I thought ruthy
was crazy,

But she's not.

She's a great
fisher lady.

I'm sure she is.

She could ride, too.
You know what
she told me?

That you were going to be
a good horseman someday.

How did you know?

Because that's
the fifth time
you've told me.

Now, say your prayers
so you can get some sleep.

All right.

Dear lord,
bless ma and pa,

And try not
to be too angry
at my brother

When he
treats me mean.


Sorry, ma.

Bless jeb...

And please make
a special blessing
for ruthy.

a wonderful lady.

You'd like her,


Good night, ma.

Good night, jason.



I wonder how long
ruthy's going
to stay here.

I don't know.

I hope
she never leaves.

Good night, ma.

Good night.

[Organ playing]

Don't forget.
I'll see you

At prayer meeting
wednesday night.

We'll be there.
See you then.

I hope you're coming
over for dinner later.

Sarah, you
know how I love
your peach pie.

I wouldn't miss that
for anything
in the world.

Jeb: jason, you put in
2 dimes back there.

You know you only
have to give 1/10
of what you make.

I can do fractions.

That lady
gave you $2.00?

You weren't supposed
to watch.

Jeb: yeah,
but $2.00?!

Jason, I hope you're
not running off.

Reverend alden is
coming over for dinner.

Darn! I promised
ruthy I'd meet her.

Father: oh,
let him go, sarah.

He's been over there
every day this week.

Yeah, but he's
having fun.

All right. Just don't
be late, jason.

I won't. Thanks, ma.

Jason: hi, ruthy.

Hello, jason.
Ready to give it
another try?

There are sandwiches
in the basket
if you get hungry.

We're having
reverend alden over.

I got to be home

Oh. Well,
then you better
get to fishing.

Don't you
go to church?

I used to.

This is
my cathedral.

But it's not a church.

No, and that doesn't
mean you shouldn't
go to church.

It's just that,

Well, I come here


This is
my special place.

The good lord knows

Where to find me.


Yes, jason.

Are you old?

Well, what do you
call old?

I don't know.

Well, would you say

Your father is old?

Yeah. I guess
he's old.

Then yes, jason,
I am old.

Then I want to be
old, too.

You have plenty
of time to be old.

Am I working tomorrow?

You want to?

Yeah. It's my mom's

And I want to get her
something nice.

You know, just from me.

Your mother's

A worthy cause.

Yes, there's plenty
of work to be done.

Your mother is
a very lucky woman

To have
a son like you.


Jason, I'd like to talk
to you for a moment.

I'm helping dewey
with the roof.

Go on, jason.
I'm all right for now.

[Door closes]

So, have you decided
what you're going
to give your mother

For her birthday?

No. Not really.

Well, I've
been giving it
some thought.

I think I have
just the thing.

It's beautiful.


Only what?

Only...i want to buy
a present myself.

Oh! Don't
misunderstand me.

This is strictly
a business deal.

Now, how much money
have you saved?

Is that enough?


Oh, my gosh.


all right. Keep
your eyes closed.

No fair peeking.


Oh, john!
Where did you get it?

Laura made it,
candles and all.

Oh, it's so pretty.

Well, make a
wish and blow it

Before you get
another year

Happy birthday, ma.

Oh, jeb.

Oh! Jeb,
it's beautiful.

You really
like it?

Oh, I love it.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Oh, john.

John: I couldn't
figure out
how to wrap it,

But that's
from jason and me.

No. I got
my own gift.

birthday, ma.

Why, thank you, jason.

What's the matter?

Don't you like it?


A brooch like this...

It's far
too expensive a gift.

Ruthy said it was
a business deal.

It cost me
everything I earned.

Don't you want me
to pin it on you?

Please try to understand.

I think
it's beautiful, jason.

The thought is beautiful,

But I just can't
keep it.

But why? I worked
so hard for it.

I know.

But this belongs
to miss leland.

Not anymore.

I bought it.

Jason, you could never
afford to buy

Something this expensive.

You can take your money
to the mercantile

And pick out
something there.

I can't
take it back now.

Ruthy will feel bad.

I think it's
more important that
you do what I say.

But it will hurt
her feelings.

Sarah: if you're
that worried about it,
I'll take it back.

Jason: but, ma--


We'll talk about
it later, son.

We should cut
the cake.

Jeb: yeah, come on, ma.
Let's cut the cake.

Sarah: all right.

Jeb: hurry up.

I'm coming.
I'm coming.

Sarah: this looks delicious.

Jeb: it does.
All big pieces, ma.

Sarah: big pieces?
All right.

John: look at
all those candles.

Get some of
those candles
off there.

Sarah: oh, my!
There it goes.

[Laughter and indistinct

Mrs. Carter,
I don't understand why
you can't accept the brooch.

John and I have
tried to raise
our sons

To know the meaning
of a dollar.

And this...

Well, it just
confuses them.

Well, the brooch
was for sale.

I set a price on it,
and jason made
his decision.

It was a fair deal.

Miss leland,
you can't afford

To sell
a priceless piece
like that

For a couple
of dollars.


A son's gift
to his mother
is priceless,

But the value is
gained in the giving,
not in the purchase.

Miss leland, I won't
forbid jason to work
or do as he chooses,

But I cannot
accept that.

Mrs. Carter.

You're not worried
about the brooch.

You're not
even angry
at jason.

You're angry at me.


Jason has
a grandmother,
miss leland,

And he has a mother.

I can see he has
a very fine mother.

You have no reason
to be jealous.
Jason is my friend.

I hope he considers me
to be his, that's all.

I'm not jealous,
miss leland.

I do think
the boy spends

A little too much
time here, however,

I'll remedy
in the future.

I hope you
my position.

Good day,
miss leland.

[Door closes]


Yeah, mom?

the big hurry?

I have to change.

I'm still helping dewey
with the roof
on ruthy's house.

If it rains,
it's going to
leak like thunder.

Jason, I think
your time might be

Better spent
around here.

The barn's a mess.

But, ma, my job.

The job
was temporary.
Now it's over.

It's time for you
to do your job here.

After the roof,
there's really not
that much that I could do.

I mean, I don't think
she's going to need me
much longer.

Jason, don't put me
in the position

Of having to choose
for you.

Now, we agreed

That keeping
the barn clean is
your responsibility.

All right?

All right.

I'll clean the barn.

Can I tell dewey
that I won't be
working with him anymore?

All right.
But come right back.

Yes, ma'am.

Ruthy: I'd like you
to fill this for me
if you will, dr. Baker.

let's see, now.

Miss leland...

How long have you
taken this?

Long enough to know
when I need it
and when I don't.

When were you
last examined?

I have my own doctor
back home.

My diagnosis has been
confirmed by specialists.

You must be in
a great deal of pain.

If you know that,
dr. Baker...

Then you also know
this is my last summer.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

It's been the best
summer of my life.

Then I'll get
your medicine.

Hi, mr. Dewey.

Well, you come
to help me finish
the roof, huh?

Not exactly.

I can't work here


My ma said
I have to take care
of the chores at home.

Well, I'm sorry
to hear that.

You were
a good worker.

I'll miss you.

We'll both miss you.

I'll miss you, too.

Can I say hello
to ruthy?

She had to go
into town, son.


Maybe you can
come by the place

If my ma will let me.

Mr. Dewey...

Tell ruthy i...

I miss her.

I will, son.

I will.



Thank you, dewey.

Pain bad?

Honestly, yes.

The medicine doesn't
seem to be doing it

I think we should
go home, dewey.


It's a beautiful

It was...

And now it's over.

I know what's wrong.

You miss the boy.

Oh, nonsense.


This is me...


You love that boy,
don't you?

Yes, I love
that boy, dewey...

But I'm being
a selfish woman.

I have no right
to clutter up
other people's lives

With the end
of my own.

Oh, ruthy.


Now you're just
feeling sorry
for yourself.


No. I'm being honest.

We're going home, dewey.

Whoa, there.

Good morning,
mrs. Carter.

I'm dewey.
I work for mrs.--

I've heard a great deal
about you, mr. Dewey.

Oh. Good, I hope.

Well, jason gives only
the highest recommendation.

Would you like
a cup of coffee?

Thank you,
no, ma'am.

I've just come
about the boy.

I, uh...

I hear
you told jason

He's not to come by
the place anymore.

That was my decision.
I'm afraid I'll
have to stick by it.

If only we can
see him again.

The fact is,
ruthy and i,

going back home.

I'm afraid for the good
of all concerned,
mr. Dewey,

We should leave things
as they are.

Now, ruthy
would sh**t me

If she even knew
I came out here,
but, uh...

I know that you two
had differences
about the boy.

We did.

Mrs. Carter...

Ruthy's dying.

Now, your boy jason
is just about

The best thing
that's happened
to her--

To both of us--
in a long time,

I'd hoped that
before we left...

You see,
ruthy believes
her last days

May be messing up
that boy's life.

But I don't.
That's not so.

I've seen her
and jason together,

And it's
something good.


it's something...


I've had my say,

And i--i guess
I'll be going.

Come on.

Miss leland...

I am truly sorry.

You have no reason
to be sorry,
my dear.

But I am.

I was terribly
wrong about you.

You weren't wrong
about anything.

I guess i...

Was just...


And for good reason.

Jason is the finest
young man

I've ever known.

It's just that...

I love him so much.

We both do.

Would you like a cup
of tea, sarah?

I'd love some, ruthy.

[Indistinct conversations]

Sarah: jason.

Ma, I was headed
right home.

I know, son,
but ruthy wants
to speak with you.

She's leaving,

She wants to say


She said you'd know
where to find her.

It's ok, son.

Go ahead.

Thanks, ma.

[Ducks quacking]

My ma said
you're leaving.

Come over here
with me.

You're really leaving?

It's time for me
to go home.

The summerhouse
would make a good home.

Yes, but it can
never really
be home to me.

What about
your cathedral?

Well, you'll
just have to
tend it for me,

Won't you,

Now, I want you
to have
the fly rod.

You might need it.

There's no place
to use it
where I'm going.

it seems to work
better here.

And you'll
need these.

I can't
take the brooch.

You know what
my ma said.

I know.

I have a feeling
she's changed her mind.

I love you, ruthy.

I love you, too, jason.

You saw ruthy?

Yeah, ma.

Look what she
gave me.

Her fly rod.

It's beautiful.

That's not all.

You're going to
have to keep these
away from your father.

one more thing.

Please wear it.

I'd be proud to...

If you still want me
to have it.

Laura, voice-over:
in autumn of that year,
ruthy leland died,

And dewey sent jason
a letter that she'd written

That last summer day.

Ruthy's voice: "you once said
that you wished you were old.

"Well, jason, don't be
in any great rush,

"But live every day
as if it were your last

"Because the last ones
can be so precious...

"As precious
as you made mine.

"Jason carter...

"I will cherish forever

"The memory of the summer
I spent with you.

"I hope you will, too.

Love, ruthy."

I love to fish
with ruthy leland.


Ruthy's voice: careful, now.
Let him come to you.

Ruthy's voice: reel smoothly.
You almost have him.

I got him, ruthy!
I got him!