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09x18 - A Child with No Name

Posted: 02/17/22 08:12
by bunniefuu
Doc baker!

Doc baker!

Jenny: the baby!

Laura, voice-over:
last december, we knew we
had two things to celebrate:

Rose's birthday
and christmas.

Then came the wonderful
surprise that I was going
to have another child,

And we had that
to celebrate, too.

So, in the late summer
of 1889...


You're the father
of a fine, healthy son.

[Baby cries]

Uncle manzo.

A son?


She's fine.

Well, can I see her?

Just for a minute.
She needs her rest.

[Baby crying]

Beth, we have a son.

We have a son.

[Baby crying]

Ha ha!

What's funny?

You two, that's what.

Child's barely a week old,
and you've had me examine
him 3 times already.

Well, it was laura's
idea. I knew all along
he was doing just fine.

It's just that
boys don't run much
in our family.

I grew up knowing
how much having
a son meant to pa,

And when he
finally had one,
the baby died.

I'm sorry, laura.
I should have been
sensitive to that.

It's all right.

I just want to
make sure my baby's
healthy, that's all.

Ha! He's as fine
and healthy a boy
as I've ever seen.

Let me take him,
doc. There we--
there's my son.

I'll look in on you
in a couple of days.

Thanks, doc.

Now I would like
to take this opportunity

To welcome the newest member
of the wilder family to
his first sunday in church.

If the parents ever
get around to providing
a proper name for him,

Perhaps we'll be attending
a christening.

Reverend alden:
may the lord bless
and keep you.

May the lord make
his face to shine on you
and bring you peace. Amen.

All: amen.

[All talking quietly]

Want to kiss
your baby brother
good night, huh?

Come here.

Come here.
Look up.

Give your baby
brother a kiss.
Come on.

Give him a kiss.
Give him a kiss.
Come on.

Kiss your--
give him a kiss.

Give him a kiss.

Be nice. Give him
a kiss. Give him
a kiss. Come on.


All right.
There's a girl.

Here's the next
list of names.

Oh, jenny,
it's getting awful late.

Uncle manzo,
we can't just let him go
without a name anymore.

It was so much easier
when we were sure it
was going to be a girl.

Well, the problem is,
I can't think of a male name
similar to elizabeth.

Here's my favorite:

But everybody's
going to call
him nate.

How did that
all get started,

I mean, no one
ever called
my pa "charlie"

Or james "jimmy"

Or albert "al."

Well, you never
minded "beth."

Well, that's


Because only you
call me that.

it's pretty.
I wouldn't mind

Having beth
for my real
first name.

I still think that
there's nothing wrong
with..."Almanzo jr."

Well, I wouldn't mind
that either, jenny,

If I was sure
he was going to be
a farmer like me, but...

Suppose he wants
to be a doctor.

I think he should have
something more special,
like--like "theodore."



Laura: everyone
will call him teddy.

And what kind of
a name is that?
"Teddy wilder."

This is getting

No matter what anyone
comes up with, there's
always something wrong.

[Tears up paper]

All right.
We got to settle on
something for right now.

We know his last name's
wilder, and we know
he's a baby,

So until we can
come up with a name
we all really like,

Let's just call
him baby wilder.

Oh, no!

That'll really make
us want to find
a name fast.

But until then,
"baby wilder" it is.

[Rose coos]

Oh. All right, now.
Come here.

It's time for bed.

Huh. Let me
kiss the baby.

Mmm. Good night, baby.
All right, rosy-posy.

It's time for bed.


I guess nobody
can help it.

I guess not.

Say good night.

Good night.

There we go.
There you go.

There we go.
There you go.

You sleep tight,
baby wilder.
I love you.


[Baby coos]

[Rooster crows]

Manly, wake up.


Come on! Wake up.

You said you want
to get started early.

Wake up!

Huh? Oh. Yeah.

You sleep well?


Me, too. Baby wilder
didn't make a sound all night.

Heh heh heh.
Out like a light.
Ha ha ha ha.

Hey, you.

Time to wake up
and greet the morning.




Beth, what?

There's something
wrong--there's something
wrong with the baby.


Oh, god.

Jenny: aunt laura,
what's wrong?

Oh, my god.

Aunt laura?

Dear god.

He's dead.

Almanzo: our baby is dead.


He can't be!
No! No!



My baby.


Shall we begin?

I'm sorry, laura.
I had an emergency.

Doc baker...

I won't have you present
at the burial of our child.

Beth, please.


Not when our baby
is dead because of him.


Go away.

Laura: you're
not wanted here.

perhaps it's best
for the moment.

You can begin now, reverend.

[Band saw whirs]

Isaiah: hey, doc!

I haven't seen
you lately.

Well, I haven't
felt much like
leaving the office.

Seems I'm not
the most popular
figure in town.

That bad, huh?

I haven't had
a patient in two weeks.

They go to redwood falls
or sleepy eye or springfield,

Wherever they can find
another doctor.

Ain't fair.
Just ain't fair.

Well, that's
the way it is...


I'll see you.

Hello, doc.



What can I
do for you?


Can I help you?

I seem to...seem
to have run out of
just about everything.

Well, yeah.

I'll pick it up later,
if you don't mind.

Nonsense. I'll send
willie over with it
when he gets out of school.

That'll be fine.





Don't ever
do that again.

Not dust the shelves?

You know perfectly well
what I'm talking about.

You deliberately
snubbed doc baker.

Oh, did i?


He's a fine man,
and he's a--

He's a quack!

That's what he is.

He's a friend
of mine!

And as long as
he is, you will
be civil to him.

Yes, that's so!
Is that so?

Please keep your totally
irresponsible opinions
of him to yourself!



That man should
thank his stars that
he's walking around free,

Instead of behind bars
where he belongs!

Why, he as much as
m*rder*d laura's child!

That's not true,
and you know it!

It I true!
And laura herself
believes it!

Laura is
a disturbed person!

A woman in her condition

Has got to have
somebody to blame.

Time will
bring her around,

But you have no excuse
for it at all.

You listen to me,
nels oleson,

And you listen
with both of your ears!

The town has turned
against doc baker--

With no small thanks
to you, I'm sure.

Because he's incompetent,
that's why!

Can't you get it
through your head?

I will never--
and the children
will never, ever--

Go into his office again,
because if we do,

That's irresponsible!

Ooh, you!

Oh! Oh!

[Knock on door]

Oh, hello, floyd.

I hope I ain't
disturbing you.

No, not at all.
Come on in.

Uh, I won't be
but a minute.

Your lumbago
acting up again?

Oh, no worse
than usual.

Mind if I set?

Oh, I'm sorry, floyd.
Sit down.

Thank you. Oh!

Oh, fumadiddle.

You know, just
walking over here
from the restaurant

Got me plum
wore out.

Ain't got enough
strength left to
bend a smoke ring.

It does seem
like a man ought
to be rewarded

In his old age
for a lifetime
of hard work.

you get punished.

Seems all backwards,
wouldn't you say?

Yeah, I'd sure
say that, floyd.

What can I do for you?

Well, it's florence.

She's got me



My mule florence.

Of course. Florence.

Yeah. She ain't
acting right, doc.

She ain't eating
right, neither.

Can't be hard work
because she don't
do nothing no more

keep me company.

If you could see
your way clear, I'd
be appreciating a visit.

Suppose I drive over there
in about an hour?

Oh, would you?
Oh, good. I...

I appreciate that.

I guess it--
I guess it seems odd

That the only family
a man's got in the whole
world is a sick mule.

That's the way it is.

I'd sure hate
to lose her.



Hello, isaiah.

What's the matter?

You been swilling
this stuff?

It's just a little
mixture I put together.

Raise a blood blister
on a rawhide boot.

Don't recall you
drinking before, doc.

I ain't had
time before.

Now I got
lots of time.

Look, I know things
have been bad for you...

It's been two weeks
since the burial,

And the only patient
I've treated is
a dying mule...

Named florence.

It's all over.

What are you saying?

Got to leave here.

Got to leave
walnut grove.

* bringing in the sheaves

* We shall come rejoicing
bringing in the sheaves *

Reverend alden: ahem.

My friends, before we
conclude, I'd like to say
a few parting words.

As pastor of this church,

It's my responsibility

To bring forth
the word of our lord, to...

To counsel those
in difficult straits,

To assist in the celebration
of marriages and births,

And to serve whatever
way I'm called on as
a minister of god.

Yet with all this,
I am not the conscience
of this community.

It is not my place,
beyond spiritual considerations,

To...insist or even
suggest that I'm right
where others are wrong,

And I'll not do so now.

I'm bound, just as you are,

To respect the sanctity
of the opinions of others
and their feelings.

This gives me,
therefore, a--a wholly
individual identity,

And I wonder if you would
permit me to say something,
purely for myself alone...

And it really
is not very much.

Early tomorrow morning...

A citizen of this community
for 20 years will be leaving
walnut grove permanently.

Now, he's not
in the congregation today,

And I'll not even
mention his name,

But I would just like to say,
for myself alone...

He has been
my honored friend.

I will honor him always.

And I'll miss him...


[Rose crying]

No. That's all right,
hon. I'm awake anyway.

She's been
crying so much lately.
Maybe there's something wrong.

It's probably just
a stomach ache.

[Rose crying louder]

Hey, rosy-posy.
What's the matter?
Come on. Come here.

[Crying stops]

There we go.

There she is.

[Crying starts again]

There is something wrong.

Shh shh.

Aunt laura?

Beth, you want
to hold her?

Come here,
come here. Shh shh.

My god,
she's burning up.

Shh. It's ok.

What are you
going to do?

[Crying stops]


Beth, I'm going
to get doc baker.

No, you can't!


I will not have
that man touching
this child.

he's all we have.

No. No. We can
go into sleepy eye.

With a fever like that?

Yes! We have to!

Now, you listen to me.
Rose is my child, too,

And I'm not taking
any chances
with her life

Just because of
your hatred for
doc baker!

I said I won't allow it!

What is wrong with you?

Are you so blinded
by your own feelings

That you can't stand
the idea that you
might be wrong?

I'm not. Manly,
you can't do this!

I'm going to get
doc baker.

[Rose cries]



Here you go, doc.

The important thing is
to get the fever down.

Dr. Baker: until we do,
somebody has to be
in constant attendance.

Almanzo: I understand.

I mean around
the clock, almanzo.
We'll take shifts.

Doc, do you know
what it is that she's got?

Rose has
all the symptoms
of smallpox.

Laura, we have
a chance to cure rose,

But I want you to know
the seriousness
of this illness.

There's no
known medicine.

We can only do
what I know to do.

Can you accept that?

I'll have to.

But I want you
to know one thing.

No matter
what happens...

Nothing's gonna change
my feelings about what
happened to my baby boy.


All right. So be it.

My only concern is
to help rose now.

Doc, I don't

Where could she have
picked this up?

Have you taken
her anywhere outside
of walnut grove?

not recently.


We visited the millers
at redwood falls.


About 3 weeks ago.


What's wrong?

That's about
the incubation period

Before the fever
breaks out.

a smallpox epidemic
in redwood falls.

I heard about it
a few days ago.

Then why don't
we have it?

I don't know
that you don't...
Any of you.

Far enough, isaiah.

What's the matter?

Rose has smallpox.

Oh, my god.
Is there anything
I can do?

Yes. I've set
myself up in the barn
for as long as necessary.

I'll need some changes
of clothing from my place.

And tell nels I'll need
several bottles of alcohol,

Enough ice for
a few more days,
and blankets.

You got it.
How's laura?

Holding up.

All right. Hyah!

[Rose whimpering]

It's not working,

The fever's
as high as ever.

We can only do what
we've been doing, laura.

Keep giving her fluids,
as much as she'll take.

From now on, we practice
a strict routine.

Everything that touches
the child must first

Be washed
in boiling water...

Especially after
the blisters appear.

We wash our hands
in soap and water,

Then in alcohol...

Before and after we
handle the child.

That's to prevent
the disease from

to any of us.

Doc, the blisters...

If we're able to get
her through this,

Is she going
to be scarred?

That'll depend on how
completely they heal.

And above all, once
the blisters appear,

Don't allow her
to touch her face.


I want you and almanzo
to get some sleep.

All right.

You've been up
all night.

I want you rested.
Do as I say.

Beth, doc's right.
It's time to get some rest.

Come on.

Yah! Yah!





The fever's broke.

Thank god.

Any sign of
the blisters?

Well, I think so.
Just a spot or two.

Let's have a look.

She'll finally
be able to sleep

Dr. Baker: yes, they're
the first blisters.

She'll be
extremely contagious

For the next
10 days or so.

When will we know
when she's well?

When the blisters
are healed...


We've got
a ways to go.

At least
the fever's gone.

That's the real
potential k*ller.

She has a chance now.

A chance.

Morning, isaiah.

Nels, harriet.


Well, what can I
do for you?

I need 3 more bottles
of alcohol.

That's about
my entire stock.

Use a lot of it,
working around the clock
the way they are.

Well, I should be able
to get some by the time
you need it.

And I need
3 bars of soap.

Doc ain't slept a wink.
Never seen a man work so hard.


Course, some folks
don't care

If he kills himself
trying to save that child.

Whatever it costs him
to do that, mr. Edwards,

Can never make up
for what he didn't do.

I'll get your order.

Like talking to
a chinese pack mule.

What did you say?

You heard me!

Uh! You're rude!

And you're ugly!


It's over.

She's gonna be fine.

Come on, beth.

You can sleep now.

I thanked god...

And I want
to thank you, too.


[Rose gurgling]

Oh, look at this
little sweetheart!

She sure got her
appetite back fast.

Where's doc baker?

He left last night.

I was planning
to talk to him.

He's gonna leave
on the afternoon stage.

He's not still gonna
leave walnut grove?

Of course he is.

You told him
nothing would change

No matter what
happened with rose.

Manly, I've been
such a fool.

I've been a fool.

We've got
to do something.

You go out,
hitch up the team,

And I'll hurry up
and get dressed.

Jenny, you keep
an eye on rose.

Mrs. Foster?


Place looks like
a ghost town.

Where is everybody?

I don't know.

Man ought to have
some friends to
tell him good-bye.

Toss that bag up here,
and we'll get on out.

What is all this?

We were having
a meeting.

Should have been there,
doc, it was a pip.

I don't understand.

We have something
to say...all of us.

There's no need.

Oh, yes, there is.

Almanzo: we have
a real good town here.

We've all lived together
a long time.

We've been through
a lot together.

Good times and...

Bad times.

In a lot of ways,
we're like a family.

Like all families,
sometimes we get
off track...

We do something
to hurt someone
we care for very much.

We don't mean to.
It's just that we
get scared.

We're scared of things
that we don't know about.

I know.

Driver: mister?

We better get going.

We're running late.

Doc baker...

I wanted to talk
to you this morning.

But by
the time I woke up,
you'd already left.

I'm so ashamed.


No. Please...

Let me say this.

I've known you
most of my life.

You've always
cared for us.

My family...
The town.

And we took for granted
that doc baker would
always be there.

And you were...

Until the baby.

I couldn't believe
that something like that
could just happen.

I hurt...

And I had to strike out
at something.

I hurt you so much.

But you see...

You know
all about healing.

And we don't.

So, we expect
miracles from you.

The kind of miracles
you expect from god,

And when you
don't deliver...

We get cruel.

I know you had
nothing to do

With the death
of my baby.

I've been watching you
take care of rose,

Making sure that
everything possible
was done.

She is alive today

Because of how much
you care.

You've always cared.

Please don't go.

Please don't leave
walnut grove.

We need you, doc.

Everybody here
wants you to stay.

This town won't be
the same without you.

Hiram, they really mean it.

We're all
behind you, doc.

We're thinking about
having another baby.

It wouldn't be
the same without you.


What do you think, doc?

Will somebody get
my bag off?

[Laughing and cheering]

hey, everybody...

Man: welcome back!

This here calls for
a celebration!

Everybody into
the restaurant.

Everything's on
mrs. Oleson.



Florence and me
have been by several
times to see you.

She's all well again, doc.

She just wanted
to thank you personally.

Well, you're
very welcome, florence.

Floyd, we're having a party.
Come on in and join us.

Harriet: I don't care
what you say, nels oleson.
We can't feed the whole town!

That is absolutely--

That is the least
that you could do
under the circ--

I don't care
if he stays, but--

I am going inside.

Nels! Tell hester-sue
not to give them everything!



And he's got
a jackass for a patient.

That's right.
He's got you
and the mule, too.

Oh, shut up,
you old reprobate!

Ha ha ha! Hey,
you're still ugly!

You shut up!

Ha ha ha!