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09x17 - Home Again: Part 2

Posted: 02/17/22 08:10
by bunniefuu
I'm afraid
it's the boy again.

Dear god. What now?

Stealing again.

The shopkeeper,
Mr. Gibson...

If he doesn't
press charges...

He will.

If he doesn't,
what happens then?

Well, you can
take him home.

If I were to drop
the charges

against your boy,

what would you do?

To be honest,
I don't know.

I think if I was you,
I'd take him home...

To your little town.


I missed you so much.

I missed you, too.

Breathe deep.


Deeper, zeb.

If I could breathe
any deeper,

I wouldn't need you
to check me.




All right.
You can relax.

Relax? I spend most
of my life lying in bed.

How relaxed
can you get?

How is he, doc?

How the heck
would he know?


He's a doctor.
They don't know nothing.

Sticking that dumb thing
in his ears

just so's he can tell
if my heart's still beating.

You'd think he could tell that
just by asking me to set up.

If I don't, I'm dead.
It ain't beating!

I'll know you're dead, zeb,
when you stop complaining.

He really has been hurting
awful bad at night, doc.

Sometimes he cries.

Del, why are you
telling him that?

Because it's true.

Well, it's true
you got gas sometimes,

but I don't go around
telling folks about it.

Shame on you, zeb.
I'd best be going.

When you coming back?

Friday, as usual.

Yeah? Well...

Don't forget.

I won't.

I wish he wouldn't talk to you like that,

He really
doesn't mean it.

I know that.

He really has been hurting awful bad,

Well, I brought some
more morphine for him.

I wish there was
something more I could do,

but the body's
like a machine.

it just wears out.

It just seems like one
thing after the other:

Pains through the chest,

arthritis, diabetes.

Sometimes I get scared
something will happen to me

and I won't be able
to care for him.

Don't let him
wear you down.

I won't.

There you go.
Just like before...

One powder at bedtime
for the pain

and one during the day
if he's really hurting.

Thank you, doc.
Oh, wait a minute.

I baked you
a pie... apple.

That's my favorite.
Thank you, Adele.

I'll be back Friday.

my chest hurts something awful.

Coming, colie.

How are you, John?

Sorry, doc.
I'm fine.

I'm not out here looking for
business. How's the family doing?

Everybody's well.

Oh, I'd like you to check Jason's
eyes when you get a chance.

Miss plum thinks he might
be needing some spectacles.

Sure. Anytime.

Well, sooner the better.

This could be the reason
why his grades are so poor.

Hmm. Well,
he could drive into town with me now

if you pick him up
in an hour or so.

That'll be fine. Jason!

Yeah, pa?

Doc's going to
drive you into town

and check
your eyes.

Oh, good. I need glasses,
Dr. Baker, real bad.

We'll find out
soon enough.

I know it for a fact.

Do you mind if I give you
a second opinion?

Ha ha! I'll see you
in a little while.

Come on, hippocrates.

All right, Jason,
put your hand over your left eye.

Gently, now.
Don't push on it.

All right.
Now, start from the top.

"C... f..."


Um... uh...

That's only the third
line. Can't see it?

It's awful fuzzy. You better
give me some eyeglasses.

Let's try
the other eye first.




That's it.
All fuzzy.

I like those big,
round eyeglasses.

Well, let's see
what we got.

Jason, I usually give candy to
my patients after an examination,

but I must be out. I don't see
any on the shelf over there.

I see it.

You do? Where?

Over there.
Can I have a piece?


What do these pink ones
got inside?


Oh, my favorite.

Can I have two? You
examined both my eyes.

Sounds fair.

All right, Jason.
Let's try these.

Sit on up there.

Yeah. They're the ones.
Look just like...

Like what?

Just like... The ones.

How do they feel?


Let's try
the chart again.

"C, f, s, e,
u, h, o, t, d, l."

Whew, boy, that seems
to have done the trick.

Sure did. I'll be
smart as a whip now.

John: Doc.

Adele just came by my place.
She asked me to get you. It's colie.

What's wrong?

She doesn't know. He's
awful sick and in a lot of pain.

Better get on out there.

I gave the boy some
glasses. We'll talk about it later.


How do I look, pa?

Very... scholarly.



You look real smart.

I know.

How is he?

He's sleeping now.

Oh, thank the lord.

I didn't know
what to do.

The pain
was so bad.

I... I know
I shouldn't have,

but I gave him another
packet of medicine

about a half-hour
after the first.

He was hurting so bad.

You gave him
two packets,

and he was still
in pain?

Yes. I was afraid to
give him more than that.

That's when I ran
to the Carters'.

Where's the medicine
I gave you, Adele?

Here in the cabinet.

Adele... I'm going to take
all this medicine with me.

I'll give you
something else for zeb.

It's the same thing,
only in liquid form.

All right.

Was there
something wrong

with the other
medicine, doctor?

I'm not sure yet.

Yes, yes, yes.
I'm coming. I'm coming.

Don't open until 8:00.

Oh, doc, come on in.

Have you got
an emergency?

Yes, I do.

That shipment you
sent me the other day.

Yes. What about it?

Part of it was packets of morphine.
Some of it I gave to zeb colie.


It was sugar.


Sugar, powdered sugar.

Somebody substituted
sugar for the morphine.

Was there... could there have been
some mistake at the manufacturers?

No. I don't think so.
Company's too reliable.

It had
to happen here, nels.

Well, that's

Was the box left around
the store anywhere?

Could it have
been tampered with?

No, no,
no. It arrived with some other items,

and it never
left my sight

until I gave it to
Albert to take to you.

Thank you, nels.

Edwards: Morning.
Sorry, doc. I ain't sick.

Ha ha ha!

Why does everybody
tell the same joke?

can I speak to you a minute in private?

Sure. Come on in the
office. Be right back.

What can I
do for you, doc?

How's Albert
been feeling?

Why? He hasn't
been sick.

I mean his moods.
Is he happy, sad, both?

Up and down. More up
since we've been home.

Working hard in school, and he's
away from that bad bunch in the city...

Does he sleep a lot?

Yeah, he sleeps a lot. He's a
growing boy. What's this all about?

I have a suspicion. It's only a suspicion,
mind you, but...

Well, come on, doc,
out with it. What is it?

Someone tampered with
a shipment I received,

a shipment of morphine.

Oh, come on.

I know my son's been in
his share of trouble, but...

Albert wouldn't
do anything like that.

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

Sure enough
to search his things?

Yes, I am.

He's in school now,
isn't he?

All right. Let's get this
nonsense over with right now.

Albert's things are
in the top drawer.


What about the closet?

Sour balls.
They're his favorite.

What about the shoes?

Oh, hiram...

I want to be wrong,


As you can see,
there are some serious results

when the drug
is withdrawn:

Tremors, insomnia,
vomiting, even collapse,

depending on how heavily
the drug has been used.


Why would the boy get
himself into something like this?

Only the boy
can answer that.

But it does
explain his trouble:

Stealing, loss
of interest in school.

But since we've been home,
he's been like his old self again.

Doc, it's just
so hard to believe.


It's 5 after 3:00.
School is out.

I better
get over there.

You want me
to go with you?


I think it's best if it's just
between the boy and me.

Did you
lose something?

Uh, no. Uh...

Don't you
lie to me, Albert.

Lie to you
about what?

About the morphine.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm talking about

the morphine that
you took from Dr. Baker.

Now, don't lie to me. You took it,
didn't you? Didn't you?


I took it.

How long
you been taking it?

I don't know.

How long?!

A few months.

How much?
Once a day, twice a day?

How much?

I don't know.
Once in a while.

Why? Why?!

What do you care?

What do I care?
You're my son. I love you.

Then why did you
bring me back here?

To try and help you.

You were going
to leave me here.

That's not true.

Yes, it is!

You were going
to leave me here.

You want me
to tell the truth,

but you don't.

All right.

All right, I was
going to leave you here.

But I wanted to get you
out of that city.

I wanted to get you away
from people like the morgans.

I swear to you I did it
because I love you.

listen to me.

Now I know
what's wrong.

It's the drug. We can
both face it together.

We can do something
about it.

Son, let me help you.

Oh, pa, I'm sorry.

God, I'm sorry.

I don't know
why I started.

Rif Morgan, he said, "try it.
Everybody's doing it."

Then he made me steal
to get money for more.

I only did it
a couple times.

You sure?

I swear.

I swear to god.

All right.

All right, then,
it's over.


You promise me
no more?

I swear.

I swear to god.

don't leave me.


I wouldn't
leave you.

I wouldn't
leave you, son.

I still don't
understand, doc.

Why give the boy glasses
if he doesn't need them?

Because he thinks
he needs them.

What harm can it do, especially if
it helps him with his schoolwork?

None, I suppose.
He sure does like them.

I had a hard time getting them off
him last night when he went to bed.

It's like when you get a new
suit or your wife gets a new hat.

You look good,
so you feel good.

Now, Jason thinks he
looks smart in them glasses,

and maybe
they'll help him be smart.

All right, doc,
you sold me.

Sure is hard to figure
young'uns out sometimes.

Yeah. Well, I'll wager they say
the same things about their parents.

Ha ha ha!

Have a good day,

You, too, doc.

Charles: Hey, doc!

Charles, how did it go
with the boy?

It went just fine. Everything's
out in the open now.

He promised me he'd
never touch it again.

I hope
he's being honest.

I'm sure that he is. Thank
god we caught it in time.

Said he's only used it
once in a while.

Well, if that's true,
it's a blessing.

How was he this morning?

He was quiet,

but he had
a little toast. Why?

I was just wondering.

If he has any symptoms,

like extreme irritability or
loss of appetite, let me know.

I will,
but I'm sure it's over.

I want to thank you
again for everything.

No need to thank me.

Well, I better
get back to work.

- Charles.
- Yeah?

Remember, let me know

if he has any of
those symptoms.

I will, doc.

15 carry 1 is 21,
carry a 2 is 14,

carry a 1 is 11,
and the answer is 11,615.

Jason, that is
very, very good.

Thank you, miss plum.
It was really quite simple.

Albert, would you take the last problem,

Uh... 15...

Carry a 1... 22...

you forgot to carry the 1.


In the first column,
15 carry a 1.


All right.

Uh, 15 carry 1...




In the second

you forgot
to carry the 2.

It's a lot easier
if you wrote them down.

maybe you ought to borrow Jason's glasses.



Miss plum:

Stop it, Albert!

Stop it!

Mr. Ingalls!

Miss plum,
what's wrong?

It's Albert.
He went wild.

He started beating up
on Jeb Carter,

and I tried to stop him,
and he hit me.

Dear god.
Where is he now?

He went out of the school.
He ran into the woods.

Isaiah, we got to find him.
Miss plum, I'm sorry.

Dr. Baker:
Any luck?


Like looking for a
needle in a haystack.

I should have listened to you,
doc. I thought it was over.

You wanted it
to be over, Charles.

You wanted
to believe the boy.

It's obvious his
problem with morphine

is more serious than
he led you to believe.

Now we've
got to find him.

I have a feeling
he'll find US.

What do you mean?

He's an addict.

I have morphine.

No more running, son.

No more.

I want to thank you again
for the use of your place.

Sure you don't want me
to stay on here with you?


No. Just
me and the boy.

You heard what doc said.
It's going to get bad.

I know
we'll be all right.

You need anything, you give me a holler,
you hear? Anything.

I will.

Aaah! Aah! Aah!

Albert, I'm here.
I'm here!

Albert, I'm here.
Look at me.

It's all right.
I'm here.

I'm here, son.
It's all right.

It's all right.

Where are we?

We're at Edwards',
Edwards' place, remember?

It's all right.

Oh, god, I hurt.
Oh, god, I hurt.

Pa, just give me
a little bit, please,

just a little
to take the pain away.

I can't, son.

Just so the pain
will go away.

I can't.

Please, pa!

I can't. No.


Pa, I can't breathe!

you're all right.

I can't breathe!

You're going
to be all right.

I'm going to die, pa.
I need air.

I've got to go
outside, pa. I need air.

All right.
All right. Come on.

Come on.
We'll get some air.

Come on. Come on.
Come on, son.

You're going to be all
right. Just take deep breaths.

That's it.
Deep breaths.






You got to let me go!
Let me go!

No! We're going back.
We're going back!


Pa, listen.

Take me to doc baker's.
He's got some.


Pa, please!
I'll die if I don't!

You'll die
if you don't stop!

Why are you
doing this to me?

I didn't do this
to you. You did!

I didn't put that
poison in you. You did.

You understand?
You did!

Pa, please!

And you can cry

and you can beg
and you can plead,

but it's
not going to work,

not with me...

Not with me.


How's Albert?

He's asleep.

I'll get you
a cup of coffee.


There you go.

How are you?

I'm fine.

Oh, god,

it's so hard what
he's going through.

It's so hard,
and I can't give in to him.

I know.

Last night,
he begged me.


I talked to almanzo.

I can stay.


No. The worst
hasn't happened yet.

How bad is it
going to get?

I don't know.

I just don't know.

Oh, god!

Help me!

God, help me.
God! Oh, god!


Laura, I want you to go.

Pa, he's
my brother...

Do what I say!

Pa, what's


do something!

Make it stop,

Pa, what's happening?

You'll be all right.

Pa, what's happening?

You're going
to be all right.

Pa, do something!

Make it stop, please!
Pa! Pa!

What's happening?
God, what's happening?

Oh, god,
what's going on?

God! God!
Do something, pa!

Pa! Do something,


Oh, god, pa,
make it stop, please!

You're all right!

Oh, god,
I'm going to die!

going to live!

I'm going to die!

You're all right.

You're all right.

You're all right.

Oh, god.

You're all right.

Oh, god.

Let it out!
Let it out!

Let it out!

That's it.

That's it.

Oh, god.

That's it.

Oh, god.

That's it.
That's it.

Let it out.
Let it out.

Yeah. You have
to let it out.


Oh, god.

I'm here.

- Pa.
- I'm here.

Oh, god, it's starting
all over again.

Oh, god. God, help.
Oh, god.

God! God!

Do something, pa!

Pa! Do something,

Hello, Isaiah.


How's he doing?

It's been a rough week
for Charles and the boy.

They've been
through the worst part.

Thank god.

Now the hard part

It won't be easy
for the boy.

What are the chances of him
starting in again, hiram?

He's got a family
who cares.

That gives him a better
chance than most.

Isaiah, Charles
wanted me to tell you

he's moving back
into the hotel tomorrow.


Will you do me
a favor?

Drop by Laura's
and let her know.

I'll do it.

There you go.

What do you think?

I think I can eat.




I'm really scared.

About what?


Come on.
It's all right.

I don't want you
to be disappointed in me.

I won't be as long as
you're honest with me.

I'm really scared

because I think if
there was some morphine here

and I was alone,
I'd take it.

I know that.

But you're not alone.

You've got me, and more important,
you've got yourself.

It's going
to take time, Albert,

and you're the only one
that can do it.

But what happens
when you go back...

When you leave me?

I'm not going
to leave you.

You're my son. I'm
not going to leave you.

I'll make you
proud of me, pa.

I am proud of you.

I'm damn proud of you.

Well, that's tight.
Ought to stay.

Take a nor'easter
to bust her loose.

Wish you were staying.
We're going to miss you.

I'm going to miss you,
too, friend.

All set, pa.

All right.

Do I have time to go to
the school just for a minute?

We don't leave for 10
minutes. You go ahead.

Well, come on.

I've only got a few minutes
left with my granddaughter.

Come on, baby.
Come on to granddaddy.

Mm-hmm. Yes.

Class, today
we have a new student.

I want you all
to welcome tami cook.

Children: Hello, tami.

Tami, why don't you take that
seat right over there next to Jason?

Yes, ma'am.

Tami's from California,
and later on she's going to tell US

some of the interesting
things about our 31st state.

We'll begin our
ciphering this morning

with problems
1 through 6 on page 59.

And the younger children,
I want you to start your work on page...

May I come in?

Certainly, Albert.

My pa and I
are leaving today.

I just wanted to say
how sorry I am for what I did.

There's something else
I wanted to say, also.

I acted that way
because of a drug,

a drug called morphine.

I started taking it
to be one of the boys.

I thought
I was real grown-up.

Well, don't let anybody
fool you.

dr*gs aren't grown-up.

Nothing that makes you
lie and steal

and hurt your family
is grown-up.

I could have died from it,

but I was lucky.
I got another chance.

A lot of people
aren't that lucky.

All I'm saying
is don't be dumb.

Don't throw your life away because
you want to be like somebody else.

You're better off being you.

Well, good-bye.

Good-bye, miss plum.

Good luck, Albert.

It took a lot of courage for
Albert to speak to US like that,

and I hope
you don't forget it.

Now, who would like
to take the first problem?


13 carry a 1,

11 carry a 1,

22 carry a 2,

and the answer
is 18,213.


Miss plum: That's
very, very good, Jeb.

would you like to take the next problem?

12 carry a 1,

22 carry a 2,

19 carry a 1,


That's very, very good, Jason.

would you take the next problem?

I don't really
wear glasses.

They belong
to my brother.

Your brother?

Nancy: 14 carry a 1,
19 carry a 1...

your glasses, Jeb.

My what?

Just take them.

Nancy: And the answer is 20,094.

Miss plum:
Very good, Nancy.

Who would like to
take the next problem?

Laura, voice-over:
Years later,

Albert Ingalls
returned to walnut grove,

and we were all so proud to
have Dr. Albert Ingalls home again.