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09x14 - The Older Brothers

Posted: 02/17/22 08:07
by bunniefuu
[g*nf*re continues]





Prison didn't
do us any good.

20 Years is
a long time.

We ain't the younger
brothers anymore.

We're the
older brothers.

Well, what are we
going to do now?

Well, we ain't going
to sh**t nobody,

That's for sure.

Man: now, wait
a cotton-picking

Now, just wait
a cotton-picking

Now, what are we
all so down in
the mouth about?

We never shot nobody
before, did we?

Well, did we?

No, but
in the old days,

People was
afraid of us.

They was too scared
to try anything.

Yeah, but after
all these years,

They'd probably forget
to be scared of us.

If they were scared of
the younger brothers once,

They can be scared
of them again.

Now, all we have to
do is build up our
reputation again.

Well, now, how are
we going to do that

getting k*lled?

We start small.

Remember that little bank
over there in silver hill?

Cover me.

Man: you can stop
covering me now.

Give me a hand
with my foot.


Easy, easy.

Second man:
boot's caught.


your boot,

Come on in
there and check
on that safe

While I
put my boot
back on.

Dad-burned feet.

Swell up like crazy
in this heat.

When we make
a big score,

I'm going to get me
the best boots.



Are you
all right?


Are you
all right?


As all right
as can be expected

After being blown halfway
across the street.

now let's get going
while the going's good.

That expl*si*n
is bound to bring
the town down on us.

Let's get going!

Cole: the town fathers will
look down on us after that.

Oh, here's
a real
sad one.

"My dearest

"I feel as though
you have been
gone forever,

"Even though
it has been
only a few days.

My tears are--"

Will you stop
reading that
dumb mail?


It wasn't so dumb!

It was kind of sad!

"It was kind of sad."

Well, I'll tell you
what's sad--

The younger brothers
putting on their first
holdup in 20 years,

And all we end up
with is a bagful
of dumb mail!

That's sad!


cole, uh...

Can I stop having
my eye peeled?

It's getting
real tired.

You just do
as you're told!

I just hope
nobody finds
out about this.

Well, I don't
think nobody seen us
over at silver hill.

I sure hope not.

Well, no sense
crying over
spilled milk.

What we got to do
is we got to find
a bank

That's just
of cash.

We got to get us
some horses, too,

Because my feet is
getting all swolled
up in these boots.

I thought I told
you to quit reading
that dumb mail!

Well, this
ain't so dumb.
Just listen to it.

- "Dear mr. Ed'ards--"
- "edwards."

"I am sure by now
you have received

"My bank draft
for $500.

"I will be needing
more lumber

"In the near future,

"And I hope we can
do business again.

Yours truly,
james parker."

Let me see that.

this ed'ards
fellow is--


I bet you there's
a whole lot of money

In that bank
of his, and he's
got horses, too.

Where's the envelope
for this?

"Isaiah edwards,
walnut grove,

That's the one.

And you're going
to head north,
past barton.

Then you're going
to take stoner road
straight east

Until you get to
glover's place.

Got it.

Shouldn't take you
more than 8, 10
days round trip.

Don't let
talk you

Any higher
on that
lumber price.

- He's got a way about him.
- Don't you worry about a thing.

- Good luck.
- Yeah, see you next week.

Almanzo: I hate to have you
carry all that cash, isaiah.

It's just glover won't
deal any other way.

I told you not to
worry about a thing.

Can't help it.
That's all the
cash money

We've got
in the world
right now.

Will you fellows relax?

There ain't an outlaw
g*ng in the country

Take that money
away from me.

See you later!

All right, let's go.
Hee-ya! Get on up.

Hee-ya! Hee-ya!
Let's go.

We sure ain't going
to make it all the
way to walnut grove

Unless we get
some money for
food and horses.

I believe
you're right.

[Wagon approaching]

Bart, go down and check
to see what that is.




[In low voice]
it's a stagecoach.


it's a stagecoach!

Hot diggety.

That's something
to rob.

Grab that rope.



Give me that.


You run across
the road there.

When that stage gets
right up to here,

You give this a pull
and stop the stage.

Cole: and then stay
hidden and cover us.


Take the end of
the rope with you.

Now, lonnie!

Lonnie, now!


Cole: all right, raise
your ha--hands...

Uh, like that.

This is cole
younger speaking.

Bart younger says

Toss down that
money box.

We ain't got
no money box.

[horses neigh]

Don't fire that
thing so close
to my ear.

Now, look.

We ain't going
to hurt anybody.

Just throw
them sacks
down here.

Well, it ain't
nothing but mail

That's headed
for walnut grove.


You ain't fooling
nobody, mister.

Now throw them
sacks down here now.


All right.

Excuse me.

gentlemen, I said,
"excuse me."

Now, if either
one of you move,

I'm going to fill
you so full of holes,

They'll never be able to
find your bellybuttons.



Do you think that
the younger brothers

Is dumb enough to
put their g*ns away

And not have somebody

a bead on you?

lonnie, fire a shot
for the gentleman.

Uh, lonnie!

Right, do it now,



Driver: the bluff
don't work, younger.

Now, get your hands up
and get over here on
the side of the coach.

come on, now, move!


Whoa! Whoa!

I'll be dad-burned.
A holdup.

There was
more of them.

Let's get out
of here, jake.
Come on!

Well, looks like
I got here

Just in
the nick of time.

You certainly

Them robbers didn't
hurt you fellows
none, did they?

No. Thanks
to you, mister...

Isaiah edwards.

Uh, sawyer's
my name.

This here's
my guard,
mr. Finn.


Here, let me
give you a hand
with these bags.

Oh, no, there's
no need to.

Isaiah: oh, no,
that's all right.
I ain't in no hurry.

I'm going to stop over
in barton tonight.

Have a nice, hot bath,
good night's sleep.

How far you
travel, stranger?

Oh, from walnut grove.

That's where
we're headed.

Isaiah: yeah, that's
what I figured.


Why, I don't know
how to thank you.

Oh, well, that's
a pleasure, see?

It's a citizen's duty
to see that the mail
goes through.

You boys have
yourselves a nice trip.

Cole: same to you.
Isaiah: all right.
Get on out. Go on.

Well, it's
a small world,
isn't it?

I guess you
better go find

That stupid brother
of ours.

Right, cole.

- Excuse me.
- Shh.

Got him!

Those were the days.

What can I do for you,

I was kind of

Where I could get
a hot bath.

Yeah, you could sure
use one all right.

Just around the corner--
the barton bath & bed.
Best bath in barton.


I don't
believe it.

We robbed a stage,
we robbed a bank,

And all we got
to show for it

Is a bunch
of dumb letters.


I'm kind of hungry now.
I was thinking that...

Lonnie: we could probably--
cole: shut up!

And you
quit reading
them letters.

Quit reading
the letters.

Quit reading
the letters.

Quit it!

I ain't doing
no harm, cole.

For 20 years,
I was in jail, and...

I never got no letters.

They ain't to you.

Neither were the ones
that I didn't get.


We got to get us
some money.

Maybe we could sell
this stagecoach.

It's in good condition.



That's not a good idea.

Hey, listen to this.

It's another letter
to that ed'ards fellow.

"dear mr. Ed'ards,
just wanted you to know

"That there is
some other companies

"Looking at my stand
of timber,

"So you better
get here quick.

"Sorry about you having
to carry all that cash,

"But I'm a old man, and
I can't change my ways.

All the best,
harvey l. Glover."

"All that cash."

"All that cash."

That fellow who
helped us yesterday

Rode off
with all that cash,

And we rode off
with the dang mail.

well, cole, you know
how you always say,

"Don't cry over
spilled milk--"

- Shut up.
- "Might run into a bear

- Or some kind of thing--"
- shut up.

- "Maybe a tree will
fall on you, the--"
- shut up.

"Lightning will hit
you or something."


Spilled milk.

That fella edwards
said he's going to be

Spending the night
in barton, right?

Spending the night
in barton. Right.


Ain't nobody
seen you yet.

You just ride
on into town there.

Find out where
edwards is, and...

We'll all
go pay him a visit.


[Isaiah humming]



* Old dan tucker
was a fine old man *

* Washed his face
in a frying pan *

* Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel *

* Died with a toothache
in his heel *

* Oh!

Don't try
to draw.

That's him,

I'd never
forget that face.

He's one of
the younger


Isaiah: now,
for the 15th time,

I told you my name is
not isaiah younger.

It's isaiah edwards.

And for the 16th
time, younger,

We got two eyewitnesses
who swore they saw you

A-riding and a-sh**ting
and a-helping

Them brothers of yours
rob the u.s. Mail.

I told you,
that was a mistake.

I hope to shout
it was a mistake,
and you made it.

All you got to
do is contact
walnut grove.

They'll tell you
who I am.

Look, younger.
Two eyewitnesses is
good enough for me.

I ain't a-wasting
the taxpayers' money

Sending a deputy
over to check on that
phony story of yours.



Can I help you?

Uh, maybe.
Have you got good beds?

Barton bed & bath's
got the best beds
in barton.


Sign here.

Business looks kind
of slow, you only got
one customer today.

Yeah, ain't got him now.
He's in jail.

His real name
ain't edwards,

It's younger.

He's one of
the younger brothers.

Here's your, uh...

A younger?

They call that
a younger?

He don't look
no more like
a gunfight--

[Ringing bell]

Give me this!

Never mind.

We got to get
into this jail

And get that money.

Well, that'll sure
be a new one for us.

For 20 years,

We tried to
break out of jail.

Now we've been out
for one week,

And you want
us to try and
break back in.

Broad daylight.

It sure is.

It's hot, too.


That's when
we're going to do it.

We'll just come
right on in on them,

Big as life.

Let's ride.

Put down that mail
and let's go.

Let's ride.

Sometimes I can't
believe we're kin.





I'll cover you
from out here.

Make it quick
and quiet.

Who is it?

Who am i?








Lock the door.


We come to get you,
old partner.

No, you fellows caused me
enough trouble already.

Well, you don't stand
a chance at no trial.

You stay,
they'll hang you.

You don't come...

I'll sh**t you.

Oh. Well, if that's
my choice, I'm coming.

All right,
where's the money?

What money?

The cash
you carry on you.

And don't lie.
I read your mail.

Sheriff's got it.

Bart: where?
Isaiah: the money belt.

the money belt?

He's wearing it.

Oh, no.

Cole's going
to skin me alive.

You really
the younger brothers?


You look older.

hey, bart?

We better
get out of here.


What do you want me
now for? I ain't
got no money!

We'll think
of something.

Go on,
open it.

- Give me the key.
- Key? For what?

For the lock.


You put a lock
on the door?

You told me to.

I told you
to lock it,

Not put
a lock on it.

I just meant
bolt it shut.

Lonnie: then you should have
just said, "bolt it shut."

Now how are we
going to get
out of here?

Oh, I know.






Lonnie: are you
all right this time?


If I ever get my
hands on that guy

I stole a cigar

Cole, let's
get out
of here!

[Imitates g*nsh*t]

[Imitates g*nshots]



Feeling any
better, cole?

No, I'm
not feeling
any better.

Bart: I wish there was
something we could do.

You've done
enough already.
Thank you.

I'm hungry, cole.

Why don't you go out
and blow up a rabbit?

I told you that was
a mistake, cole.

It wasn't your
mistake, lonnie.

It was ma and pa's

About 35 years ago!

Oh, thanks for not
blaming me, cole.


Think nothing of it.

You know, these ropes
are sure tight.

Yeah, well, a couple
more days without food,

And they'll
loosen up for you.

I wish you'd stop
talking about food.

I wish you'd stop
talking at all!

I'm trying to think!

Cole, what
are you thinking?

I don't know.

I don't know,
I haven't had
enough quiet yet!

I got it!


You sure do.

I wish I had some ice.

That's going to swell
up something fierce.

No, not--get
your hands off me!

I'm talking about
how we can get us
some more money.


Edwards here
had a lot of cash
money on him, right?

Yeah, and
we're awful sorry
about that, cole.

Would you--

Stop crying
over spilled milk.

Now, in that old
letter you read,

Some fellow there
sent his partners,

Carter and wilder,
$500, right?


These fellows deal
in a lot of money,

And I'll bet
they'll pay plenty

Just to see their
friend here again.

Almanzo? John?

What's wrong,
mrs. Foster?

This poster
just arrived in
the mail shipment.

Almanzo: well,
the younger brothers.

I thought they were--

I don't
believe it.

Saddle up, we're
going to barton.

Tell our wives
we got to go.

- We'll wire from barton.
- I will.

Mrs. Foster:
good luck!

Cole: howdy.

- Howdy.
- Howdy.

I wonder if you
could help me.

I'm looking for
a couple fellows

Name of carter
and wilder.

That's us.

Well, my, my.

I am in luck.

You are, too.


My name is
cole younger.


And I bring regards

From your wonderful friend,

Isaiah edwards.

50, 60, 70,
80, 90, 500.

There you are.

Thank you
very much,
mr. Anderson.

I'm surprised
to see you two
borrowing like this.

I thought things
were going
pretty well.

We just had a
temporary setback.
Thanks again.

- Here it is.
- Thank you.


I hate to take
money this way.

You understand?

It seems so...


You know
what I mean?

But we've just
had a terrible
run of bad luck.

You promise you're
going to return
isaiah safely?


I always say,
if you can't take the
word of cole younger,

Whose word can you take?

I'm sure you
always say it,

But do you
always mean it?

Your friend cuts
me to the quick.

Now, I told edwards

That as soon
as I come back
with the money,

I was going
to let him go,

And that's
exactly what
I'm going to do.

All right.
We trust you.

Uh, well...

Well, i...

be riding on.


Dag-nab it.

Boy, I tell you,

You got
a lovely town here.

Makes a man wonder

If maybe honesty
isn't the best policy.


It's hard to change,

Once you get
late in life.

Well, don't worry
about your friend now.



Think we ought
to follow him?

No, I don't want
to take the chance.

As long as he's got
isaiah prisoner,

I think we got
to trust him.

I suppose
you're right.

I'll tell you
what we can do.

Ride over to barton
and take care of this
thing with the sheriff.


Hand over
the bag.


I--i don't suppose you
fellows would believe

That all I got in here
is a bunch of dumb mail.

I don't suppose
you believe that.

Take more
than that to fool
the james brothers.

Now, hand
over that bag.


Let's ride,


I don't believe it.

What is this
world coming to?

we got

just a

Sheriff, this
is rather

I'm almost

It's got to
do with this
wanted poster.

You have information
about these men?

We certainly do.

This fellow here
is our partner.

Is that a fact?

that's a fact.

That is not a fact.

Sheriff: it is, too.
You said so yourself.

I said he's
our partner,

If he's your partner,
and he's a younger, that
makes you a younger.

It don't take no genius
to figure that out.

We don't look
a thing like the
men in the poster.

Some folks
just can't draw.

You take me,
for instance.

I draw a horse,
and it ends up

Looking like
my mother-in-law.


His name's edwards.
My name's wilder.
His name is carter.

Will you just
wire walnut grove?

If he ain't a younger,

How come your other
kin bust in here
to take him out?

We've already
been through that.

They wanted
the money,
the $500.

Then how come
they didn't take it?

They made a mistake.
I don't know!

They made a mistake.

The younger brothers--
the most notorious robbers
in the old west--

Break in here
to steal $500,

And just plum
forget to take it?

What do you take
me for, younger?

I got it!
I got it!
I got it!


- I got it!
- What?

What is it we've
done wrong so far?



What laws have we broken?
We haven't hurt anybody.

We still got all
the letters we stole.

Now, what about the money
you took from my friends?

I hadn't got nothing
to do with that.

This is family!

What are you getting at?

I'll tell you what
I'm getting at.

When we got out of prison,

All we wanted was
a nice little stake

So we could settle
down, right?


Well, now what we do is
we turn ourselves in!

But they'll
put us in prison!


What? One, two years?

But when we get out,
we'll have our stake.

Stake? What stake?

The rew--

The reward!

The $500 reward.

if we turn ourselves in,

It's just like catching
ourselves, ain't it?


Well, of course it is!



Cole, I'll go
back to prison

For the rest
of my life

If I can get
something to eat.


Untie him, we'll
head back to town.



Untie him.

They're coming,
They're coming!

Simmer down.
Now, who's

The y--youngers--
whole g*ng of them.


Your friends are
coming to save you,

But this time we'll
be ready for them.

I'll deputize every
man in this town.

Stagecoach driver:
but you can't!

- Why can't i?
- Because there ain't
no men left in town.

They all run out
when they heared
the youngers was coming.

Then it's you and me.

Raise your right hand.

Sheriff, don't
be a fool, let
us out of here!

No, younger.

Years from now,
this day will
be written about

In the pages
of this magazine.

The sheriff of barton
will be remembered

As the man that died
with his boots on.


Lonnie, the stage.

It's moving.


This here's
cole younger

do you hear me?

I hear you.

We've come to
give ourselves up.

That's an old trick,
cole. It won't work.


Now, why would I want
to play a trick on you?

to bust out almanzo
and john younger.

You go get out of here.

I don't know
any almanzo or
john younger.

We just want to
give ourselves up.

I told you.

shut up, younger.


Cole, you'll have
to blast your way in.

I wish you'd change
your mind, sheriff.

That's my final word.

You heard him, lonnie.

Blow away.

It's hard
to believe

What a man has to
go through to get
himself arrested.


Can't you do
anything right?

It grieves me to
think we're kin.


I told you we...

Just wanted to
give ourselves up.







you are.

$500 Reward,
plus the $500

That was in
mr. Edwards'
money belt.

I'm sure sorry
about the mix-up.

That's all
right, sheriff.
You did your best.

I just don't
think it's fair

That we don't get
our own reward.

You mean our $500
reward money.

If you put it that way--
it just don't seem right.

all right, you 3.

Next stop,
grant's prison.

In you go.

Get him
in there.

Driver: [indistinct],
peaches, brownie.
Hee-ya! Come on.

I'm sure glad
that's over.

Anyway, you give
me that $500,

And I'll
be on my way
to glover's.

Oh, no.

We'll be on
our way to

wait a minute!

What does that mean?
You don't trust me?

that's exactly
what we mean.

