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09x12 - Marvin's Garden

Posted: 02/17/22 08:04
by bunniefuu
Man: just look
at him, marge.

Sad sight, isn't he,
drooping down?


Wanting to die,
I'll wager.

Well, let me tell you
something, my fine plant.

You've got a lot of
good years left in you.

A lot of good years,

But you got to want
to take advantage of them.

You got to stop thinking
just of yourself.

That gets tiresome.

You got a lot of
my friend, same as me.

We need each other,
you and i.

I breathe out
carbon dioxide.

You give back oxygen.

We need each other.

I'm pulling my weight.
I expect you to do the same.

Woman: dr. Haynes?

Out in the garden,
miss conley.

Mr. Thoms is here.

Bring him out.

I'll be through
with this patient
in a minute.

I have
another patient.

You think over
what I just said.

You've got
a lot of years.

Use them.

Good morning, marvin.


How are you
this morning?

Well, if I was feeling
good, I wouldn't be here.

Well, set you down.
Let's find out.


Bless you.

Why do you have
to examine me
out here?

Beautiful day.

it ain't to me.

All these daggone
flowers around
give me the sneezes.

You only sneeze when
you're in a foul mood,
and you know it.

Come on. Out with it.
What did the world
do to you today?

Well, I'll tell you.

I went down
to the mercantile
this morning

To get some tea--
a little box of tea,

And you know
what happened?

They were all out.

No, no, no.
They weren't all out.

They tried
to charge me double.

You hear that?

Of course I hear.
You're the one
that's deaf, not me.

No, I ain't deaf.

Bend over.

I'm just dang mad.

Maybe a little of both.
Sneeze again.

-Bless you.

I mean, all I want
in this world

Is just a little cup
of hot tea,

But they're charging
so much for it I can
barely afford it.

I tell you,
them there indians
in boston

Never would
have throwed all
that tea overboard

If they'd have
knowed what it was
going to be worth.

are going to have to
start charging double

Just to read them in
the bottom of the cup.

It's up.
It's up, ain't it?

My blood pressure's up.


Every time I get
riled up, up it goes.

Then don't get
riled up.

Old people got
to get riled up.

Nobody listens to them
unless'n they shout.

I think you're
confusing being heard
and being listened to.

Yeah? Well,
I suppose, maybe.

Pop it in.

Tell me when
you got enough.


Ha ha ha ha!

Lord knows
I've shouted enough

At that lazy, no-good
grandson of mine,

And he never listened.

Left town this morning.

Moved out lock,
stock, and barrel.


Land sakes of mercy.
What's he going to do
out in california?

He don't know.

That's why he's going.

Young folks
like to go someplace.

If they already
know what's there,
no adventure.

Little later in life,
no fun going unless
you know what's there.


Yeah, i--i suppose.


Bless you.

Taking your medicine?

Of course I'm taking
my medicine.

Gives me
something to do.

Take it at 9:00,
2:00, and 7:00.

Gives me something
to look forward to.

You can roll
your sleeve down now.

Wish you felt
a little better.

I could sure use
some more of
your flower boxes.

Well, they got them
in plenty down
at the coopers'.

I know,
but for some reason,

My plants don't
seem to do well
with them.

Never have any luck
except with the ones
you make for me.


I suppose if I get
to feeling better,

I could whip up
a couple for you.

I'd appreciate it.
I really would.

All right.

All right.
I'll try to get at it.

I guess I owe you
that much.

Good-bye, martha.

Good-bye, mr. Thoms.

Oh, doc, about
them flower boxes--

How many you fixing
on needing?

Many as you
can make.

Oh. Well, all right.
All right.

Flower boxes?

Have you any idea
how many flower boxes

You've got stored
in that shed out back?

Certainly I have.
I'm not senile,
just old.

A man needs
to keep busy.

I'm a lucky man,
miss conley.

I'm a doctor...

And I'm not alone.

They're going fast,
old man.

You talking
to yourself now, marvin?

Yep, but I'm
not arguing.

How have you been?

Just fine.

I was wondering
if those medicines
came in I ordered.

I've got them
right here somewhere.

Harriet oleson:
thank you, dr. Baker.

You're welcome,

Sorry I wasn't able
to give you better news.

Oh, that's perfectly
all right, dr. Baker.

I'll get a second
opinion, thank you,
in minneapolis,

Where they have
real doctors.

Good day, marvin.

Ha ha ha!
Land sakes.
She's upset.

What's wrong
with her?

That's why she's upset.

Oh, she'll find a doctor
somewhere that will tell
her what she wants to hear.

Folks are funny.


Huh. There it is,
right in front
of my nose.

Better check it.

Your eyes getting
worse, marvin?

No. About the same,
I'd say.

How long has it been
since you've been

Checked over by
a doctor, doctor?

Ha ha! I don't
trust doctors.

Now, seriously,

Why don't you
let me check you?

You've got to have
a physical sometime
pretty soon.

Your license has
to be renewed.
You know that.

Next week or so.
Not today. I'm too busy.

I'll put you down
for wednesday--
wednesday afternoon.

No doctor's busy on
wednesday afternoon.
They're all fishing.

All right.
I'll see you wednesday.

And don't break your
appointment like
you did last time,

Or this time I'm
going to charge you.

I won't.
See you wednesday.

Dr. Marv!

What brings you out here?

I, uh, missed jenny
at school.

I, uh, had something
I wanted to give her.

Well, she's not here. She
went straight from school
to the swimming hole,

But I'll give it
to her for you.

Well, maybe I'd better.

What is it--

or licorice?

Neither one,
I swear it.

Ha ha!

I thought so.

Well, laura,
you know,

Kids like a few
sweets now and then.

Besides, that child
gives me more pleasure

Stopping by,
chatting with me,

Telling me about
what young folks are
about these days.

You know, you don't have
to bribe her to do that.

It's not a bribe.
It's a reciprocation.

All right. I'll give her
your reciprocation for you.


A little candy?

Ha ha ha ha!

Say hi to her
for me.

I will.

-Bye, now.

Come on.
Jason, push over.

Jenny, don't let
the little guy
get you down.

One more time.

That's enough, jason.
My neck's broken.

Come on. You're going
to let a girl beat us?


Jenny: it must be
getting late anyway.

I got to help
aunt laura
with supper.

Jason: we would have
won you this time.

That's why you quit.
A girl--yuck!

My chain.

I lost my chain
with the locket.

It must have come unloose
while we were playing.

Why didn't I
take it off?
I've got to find it.

Jenny, it's no use.
The water's too murky.

But I've got to try.
It's got my pa's
picture in it.

Jenny, it's no
use, I tell you.

I got to find it.


I got to help her.

But she's never
going to find it.

Well, I got
to help her anyway.

She's been down
a long time.

Danny: I know.

Come on!


Nancy, get to
the wilders' quick.

And tell them
to bring the rig.

Then get
to doc baker's.

-Is she all right?
-I don't know. Come on. Hurry.

Laura: doc baker said
jenny was lucky to be alive,

But she had suffered
some damage due
to lack of oxygen.

She could walk
with some effort,

But she had very little
use of her hands

And a great deal
of trouble speaking.

Baker: I wish I could see
some sign of improvement.

She just went too long
without oxygen.

Surely there's
something, someone.

Oh, in the city,

I can give you the name
of a few doctors,
highly respected.

We'll leave

Hmm, you mustn't get
your hopes up, laura.

Doctors can only
do so much.

I understand.

And it could be
very expensive.

We'll manage.

All right.

I'll contact them,
let them know you're coming.

Thank you.

Remember what I said about
getting your hopes up.

I will.

That goes for jenny, too.

Man: here we are.
All finished.

Jenny, you just
wait out here.

I'll wait here
with jenny.

[Door closes]

how was it?

all right.

What do you say,
after we're done here...

We go get some ice cream?
Would you like that?

I wonder...

What...he's saying.

I don't know,

We're going to find out
soon enough.


Beth, it's time
to go home.

Now, hold on,

You had an appointment
with me, and you're
gonna keep it.

Let's get that
physical over with.

Maybe next week.

Last monday, your
license to practice
medicine expired.

Didn't they notify you?

I'm a little behind
in my mail.

This is no laughing
matter, marvin. Now,
let's get on with it.

I can't, hiram.

I can't pass
the physical.


Your eyes.



You're going to have to
take your shingle down.
You know that.

I know.

I'm sorry.

Well, there you are.

You have an appointment
with silas matthews at 10:00.

Cancel it.
Cancel all
my appointments,

And refer
all my patients
to dr. Baker.



I'm not a doctor

I got a doctor's mind,
a doctor's hands,

But I don't have
a doctor's eyes.

I can't make out
the expression
on your face,

But I'm sure
it's one of pity.

And believe me,
miss conley,
I don't need it.

I worked hard
my whole life.

I'm ready to relax

And enjoy
my golden years.

You'd better get
to the telephone now

And make
those cancellations.

Miss conley?

a wonderful nurse.

The best.

I'll miss you.

By god, I'll have
this cut up for you in
a couple of days.

when did you get back?

Last night.

One trip for
nothing, I'm afraid.

How's jenny
handling it?

A lot better
than I would
have figured.

That child's got
real spunk.

She wants to try
and get back
to school,

Try and do as
many things
as she can.

That's good.
As soon as she
gets back

Trying to lead
a normal life,

The better off
she's gonna be.

That's what I keep
trying to tell laura.

She's got to let
the child do for

Doesn't sound
like half-pint.

I know. I know.

I still think
she feels guilty
for what happened.

I've told her
over and over again

That that's just

Isaiah, I don't
think I'm getting
through to her.

Well, you will.
It's just going
to take some time.

Well, we're not
getting any work
done just sitting here.

You got any new orders?

Yeah. They're in
the office on a clipboard.

About done with this one.

I think the next one up
is the madden order.

I'll get on it.

Back one day, and that
husband of yours

Has got you
slaving away already.

No rest for the wicked.

What about jenny?
She keeping busy?

Not much she can do yet.

Who says?


Who says
there's not much
she can do--

You or jenny?


Just a minute. Let an old
man talk for a while.

If there's one thing
I learned in all my
years of doctoring,

It's that when
a patient's down,

You got to
get him back up.

I'm sure in time--

Now. Now's the time.
I'm telling you, laura.

The more they do,
the better off they are.

I've had patients that
doctors gave up on because
they didn't have time.

You got to push folks.

Give them love,
but push them.

Give them encouragement,

But push them.

I'll try as hard
as I can.

Let's both try
as hard as we can.

I've retired
from doctoring,

So I got a lot of time
on my hands.

I could use some
help at my place,
gardening and such.

Nothing like work.
Good therapy.

Who knows what
can be accomplished?

All the doctors said
the same thing.

I'm telling you, laura,
I've seen it.

[Running footsteps

Jenny: dr. Marvin!


I've missed you, child.

It's hard to find
folks willing to
talk to an old man.

I missed you, too.

We were just
talking about you.

I was wondering if you
could take some time

To come to my place
and help me.


Just for a while,

Till you start
back to school.

C-c-could i?

All right, but just
for a little while.

Good. When do you
want to start?


Tomorrow morning it is,
bright and early.

Oh, you better take
this bag of licorice
in the house

Before the sun
melts it.

Laura: I'll take it
inside for you.

She's got it.

See you tomorrow.

Jenny: see you.

I'll drop her off
at 8:00.

8:00 Is fine,
but let her walk.

And let her eat
some of that licorice.

Chewing's exercise.

Ha ha ha ha!

[Bird chirping]

Don't worry.
I won't hurt you.

Dr. Marvin
will help you.

Marvin: aha.

There you are.

Marge, I'd appreciate it

If you'd have a little
talk with the lord.

I mean, not that
I'm one to tell him
he's made a mistake,

But if he'd
just made bugs
a little larger,

Old folks
could see them.

Dr. Marvin?

Look what...i found.

Well, what have
we here?

Now, now.
Don't be afraid.

What's wrong with it?

It seems as if we have
a broken wing here.

Well, can you...fix it?

We could
give it a try.

Don't need a license
to mend a bird.

Ha ha ha ha!

Come on.

Will it be all right?

I hope so.

You know, when we're
finished here,

We've got to get
to making a cage

For this bird.

I'll help.

You'd better.
You found the bird.

It's your
responsibility now.

Um, you finish
what i--see what
I'm doing here?

Tight. Tight.
Keep it up here.

I'll fix the tape.

I'm glad I got

To work here.

Me, too.

I love

Aunt laura, but--

But what?

Well, she seems

Awful sad all the time.

She cries.

I hear her at night,

And I know

It's because of me.

She loves you,
that's why.

Got to be patient
with her.


You know...

This bird's going
to be with us
for a long while.

We'd better
give it a name.

We can't just keep
calling it "bird."

Ha ha ha!

Well, is it boy

Or girl?

Well, it's kind of
hard to tell

About some birds.

Kind of hard for
people, that is.

Birds know.

How about robin?

Well, robin's a good
name for a bird.

And it's good

For boys and girls.

Robin hood,

And there's
a girl in school

Named robin.

All right.
Robin it is.

Here. You take robin.

We'll go out
into the garden

And start building
that cage.

I love you, robin.

I don't think
it's a good idea

For jenny to spend
so much time
at marvin's.

Why not?

Well, you saw
her tonight.
She's exhausted.

She could hardly
keep her eyes open
at the table.

She hardly even
ate anything.

I just don't think
it's a good idea.

Beth, how many times
in the past

Has that child
come home so exhausted
from playing

She could hardly keep
her eyes open?

It was different then.


She was all right then.

How do we know this isn't
making her worse?

All that walking...

it's good for her.

She's having fun.

Don't treat her
like an invalid.

You said you were
going to give it
some time.

All right?

All right.

Ha ha ha ha!

I have food.

You're hungry.

I'm going
to miss robin.

I know
what you mean,

And I'm going
to miss you.

Miss me?

That's right.

Time you got back
to school.

I'm not ready
for school.

Sure you are.

You've gotten
a lot better
these past weeks.

Uh, but--

No buts.
I'm the doctor.

Your reading's
100% better.


And you can hold
a pencil in one hand.

Young lady,
you're ready to go
back to school.

I don't know
if aunt l-laura will
let me go yet.

Sure she will.

You're mighty good
at persuading.

Uh, bring her back
a nice flower.

Flowers work wonders
with women.

Good idea.

Wait a minute.

Time you tried it
with one hand.





I did it!

Of course you did.

Now, go talk
to laura.

All right.


I'm going
to miss her, marge.

I'm going to miss her.

Second graders,
turn to page 86.

Third graders, I want you
to turn to pages 43...

And the seventh graders,

I'd like you
to turn to page...


Jenny, you're back!


Well, come on.
I got to tell you

Plum: class, I know
you're excited, but let's
take our seats, ok?

-Come on.

We've missed you,

Welcome back.

We are all very happy
to have jenny back
in class with us again.

Can jenny tell us
what it was like,

Almost drowning
and all?

Student: yeah!
Come on, miss plum.

Class. Class.

I'm not sure jenny
wants to talk about it.

We want to hear.

Yeah. My pa said
when you almost die,

You see things,
almost like
you're in heaven.

Jenny, if you want to talk
about it, that's fine,

And if not,
that's fine, too.


I didn't really
see anything.

I don't remember
what happened

After I reached
for my...locket.


Just went black.

And next thing

I knew...

I was in...bed.

My aunt laura

Told me...

What happened.

I guess I'm lucky

To be alive.

Hee hee!

I'm not

All better yet,

But I'm getting better

All the time.

I still--

Thank you, jenny.

And again, welcome back.

All right. Let's open up
our "mcguffeys,"

And I'll let you read
silently for a while.

And then we'll discuss
the chapter.

[Children playing]

Oh, I hate running
in these shoes.

They pinch my feet.

It's a shame
you can't play.

It must be awful.

You were the best
girl player
in school.

I don't think
I'd want to live

If something like
that happened to me.

I couldn't
believe it

When you started
talking this

I mean, we all
knew you weren't
feeling well,

But do you really
think you'll get

Willie: nancy,
you're in the outfield.


Oh, my feet.

You're lucky
you can't play.

Jenny, is that you?


I thought you were
starting school today.

I--i did,

But I left.

Dr. Marvin, it was awful.

They acted so different,

And then nancy
said things

That hurt me.

I don't ever want

To go back there again.

I want to stay
here with you.

All right.
All right, now.

That's enough tears.

So you went
back to school,

And they acted
different to you,
is that it?


And you weren't

You weren't any
different from the way
you were before?

Of course you were.

But they made me

Feel uncomfortable.

That's because they
were uncomfortable.

They didn't know
what to say to you.

Land sakes,
you got to give
people a chance.

But n-nancy said--

Nancy said
mean things to you.

Didn't she always?

Didn't she?

Well, yes, but--

But what?
She shouldn't be
mean to you now

Because of what
happened to you?
That's nonsense.

You're upset at
the other children

Because they acted

You're upset
with nancy

Because she
acted the way
she always does.

I thought
you would understand.

What are you going
to do now?

Go home and feel
sorry for yourself?

That will do you
a lot of good.

Y-you don't understand.

You pretended
to be my friend,

But you don't care.

You don't care at all!

That's it. That's it!
Get angry!

It's good for you.

I do it lots of times
because I'm a doctor,

And I'm going blind,

And that makes me
damn angry

Because I'm still a good
doctor and I can't
help people anymore!

I do understand,

And I do care.

If I didn't care,

I wouldn't have told you
to go back to school.

I didn't want you
to, you know.

I wanted you to spend
your days here with me.

I couldn't wait for you
to come every morning.

You made me feel
that I was still able
to help someone,

That I was useful.

And I wasn't
quite so frightened

With the coming

Because you were

Jenny, you're
my last patient,

And you're
getting better.

You're getting better
all the time,

And you can still
keep getting better

As long as you fight.

You got angry today.

Use it.
Fight this thing!

Show nancy!
Show them all!

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, here.


Ha ha ha ha!

I won't be able
to come by till saturday

Because of school.

I'll be here.

Ha ha ha ha!

Jenny, where
have you been?

I went by school
to pick you up.

What happened?

Sorry, aunt laura.

Are you all right?

I'm fine now.

I-i just had

To get angry.

I'll tell you
on the way h-home.

You don't have
to drive me to
school tomorrow.

I'm going to walk.

It's an awful long way.
Are you sure?

I'll make it.

Believe me,
I'll make it.

and make it she did.

In a few months,
jenny was running to school.

And by the end
of the year,

It was as though the accident
had never happened.

It's a yellow daisy.

Jenny was dr. Marvin's
last patient...

And he was proud.