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09x08 - The Return of Nellie

Posted: 02/17/22 07:59
by bunniefuu
I tell you,
I didn't do it.

How can you accuse
me of something
I didn't do?

You did do it.
Now, stand
in the corner.

No. It's not right.
It's not fair.

Nancy, I saw you
sh**t the spitball
at jason.

Why would I
say that if it
weren't true?

Because you hate
me, that's why.

In the corner.

I won't, not
for something
I didn't do!

Nancy oleson...

I said no!

How come the rest
of us have to
stand in the corner

When we do
something wrong,
and you don't?

Nancy: mind your own business.
Miss plum: children!

Listen, I saw you
sh**t that spitball.

Is that so?

Yeah, that's so.
A whole bunch
of us did.

So why don't you
just do as you're
told for once?

I tell you what
I'm going to do,
willie oleson.

That's what
I'm going to do!


Children, stop
it! Children!
Turn around!

nancy, I'm going
to k*ll you!


Nancy: mother!



What in the world
is going on?

Nancy, you're
not getting off
this time.

protect me!

Let me at her!
Let me at her!

All right,
calm down.

I just want to get
my hands on her.

I said calm down.

I can't calm down
till I get my hands
around her throat.

You see? He wants
to k*ll me!

You'd better go
to your room.

Why should I go
to my room?

Nels: it's just
better that way.

- You're already
on the other side.
- Just go!

I knew you would be!
I knew you would!

You hate me!

[Door slams]

It looks like
the olesons are
popular today.

more bills.

Not all of them.


Oh! From
my nellie!

Oh, thank you,
mrs. Foster.


"Dear mama, I'm go--"

Oh, my.

Oh, my!

Harriet: nels!

Oh, nels, you'll
never believe--

[Glass breaking]

Good grief.
What on earth
is that?

Harriet, you are
finally going to have to do
something about that child.

I don't know what,
but during the
last two weeks,

She's gotten almost
as bad as when she
first came here.


Oh, nels.

Wh--what's she done now?

Well, among other things,
she poured ink all over
willie's head.


Oh, that poor child.

Well, nels, you know,

She probably
isn't getting
enough attention.

Not enough attention?
That's all she gets
is attention.

Something has
got to be done!

Something will
be done, nels.

The solution
is on its way.

What solution?


What about nellie?

Nellie's coming home.

She's--she's com--

Harriet: yes!



Ha ha!

oh! Oh, nellie!

Nels: where is she?

There she is.

Nels: nellie?
Harriet: oh...


Harriet: oh!

It's so good
to be back!

Nellie, my baby!
My baby.

Oh, my little girl's
all grown up and
looks so chic.

Nels: nellie!
Oh, darling, it's so
good to have you back!

Same here.

Willie: sis!


Welcome back.


And you must
be nancy.

Oh, why, you're
absolutely right.

Why, she's just
the picture of
me at that age.

I've seen pictures
of you at my age.

We don't look
at all alike.

I'm way prettier.

Oh, nancy.

oh, thank you.
Thank you.

Come on, let's get
home, I want to
hear all the news.

not until we eat.
I'm starved.

supper's all ready.
Come on, darling.

Oh, she looks
so beautiful.

Nels: come
along, nancy.

Nellie: we've all
worked very hard

To get used to
running the store
after papa cohen died.

We couldn't have
done it, either,
without mother cohen.

She's a very
strong woman.

I'm sure
she is.

Harriet: yes.
Well, peasant stock.
They're always strong.

You ready
for dessert?

Not just yet.
I'm stuffed.

Oh. Well, why
don't we all wait
till later, hmm?

Well, why don't
we all relax in the
living room, then?

Very good.

Nels: whose turn is
it to clear the table?
Willie: nancy's.

Nancy: it is not.
Willie: it is, too.

I cleared them
last time.

That's because you were
making up for the 3
other times you didn't.

That's a lie!

oh, now, nancy.

Nancy: it is!

Must we go
through all

No. I don't want
to have nellie's
visit wrecked,

So I'll do it.

- Aw...
- Well, thank you, willie.

- Shall we?
- Yes.

Oh, I can hardly wait
to see the pictures
of the babies.

Oh, it's such a shame
that the little darlings
couldn't come along.

Nellie: oh, I know, but
percival thought I needed
a complete change.

Well, he's
probably right.

Here they are.

Ah, let me see.
I can't wait.

Oh, look. Oh!

- Look, grandpa!
- Aren't they just adorable?

Oh, they're

little th--


What is it?

Let me see.
Let me see this.


Oh, well, of course,
they're just
darling, but, uh...

What's wrong?

Well, it's
the shape of
their nose.

Of course...

What about them?

Well, I mean that--
I understand that

The cohen side
of the family...


Nels: harriet, I think
if you look carefully

You'll see that
the twins have
your nose.

Nels: oh, yes.

Nancy: I'm sorry,
but I'm falling
asleep sitting here.

Nancy, darling,
did you change

The sheets on
your bed like
I asked?

No, they
weren't dirty.

Well, maybe
they weren't
dirty for you,

But you can't
expect your
sister nellie

To share your
bed without
clean sheets.

Share my bed?

Harriet: mm-hmm!

You never said
anything about
sharing my bed.

Well, darling, you
can't expect nellie
to sleep on the floor!

I don't care.

I've had about
enough out of you
today, young lady.

But, father, i--

Nels: you get upstairs
and change those
sheets right now.

You love her,
but you hate me.

oh. Oh, nancy...

Well, I know I
was temperamental
at her age,

But I wasn't
that bad.

Was i?

[Sputtered laughter]

Nellie: oh, nancy,

I can't tell you
how good it is
to be back home.

All the memories
I have in
this room...

Sleeping in my
old bed again...

All the years
of growing up...

exactly the same,

Except everything
seems so much
smaller now.

I remember the day
I got this bed.

I'd grown way too
big for my crib.

I was over two
years old then.

I remember the day
the bed came.

- It seemed enormous.
- [Snorting]

I don't remember much
back at that age,

But I sure
remember that.

[Nancy snoring loudly]






What do you think
you're doing?

I had to
wake you up.


Because you
were snoring.



I don't snore.

Nancy, you do!

I'm telling you,
I don't snore.

Well, I'm
not lying.

Yes, you are, and
I'm not putting up
with it, either.

Nellie: nancy!

[Door slams]


[Harriet yawning]

More coffee, dear?

Oh, yes.

Nellie: you didn't
sleep at all?

Oh, she finally
quieted down
around 4:00.

That doesn't
give you much
to go on.

Well, we're
going to
be late.

hurry up!

Nancy: I'm coming.

Harriet: oh, my,
don't we look pretty
this morning, nancy?

Honey, aren't you going
to say "good morning"
to your sister?

I'm late for school.

I guess I'd
better sleep
on the couch.

Oh, you will do nothing
of the sort, it's out
of the question.

It certainly is.

No, really,
I don't mind.

Willie: sis?

You could
have my room.

Well, I can't do that!

Well, why not?
I could sleep
on the couch.

I mean, it'd
be kind of

Nellie: you
really don't mind?


All right, then.

I appreciate that.

Well, better
be going!


Looks like I'm
not the only one
who's changed.

I'll clear
the table.

[Yawning] oh,
honey, I'm going
to give you

The best birthday
party that you
have ever had.


Uh-huh, but first, I'm
going to go back to bed
and have a little nap.

Doc baker:
yeah, you sure
fooled me.

But when laura
found out, all
of a sudden,

There you are,
rolling down


Oh, reverend

It is so good
to see you.

It's so good
to be back.

Doesn't she
look wonderful?

Thank you.

Mr. Edwards!

Well, I'll be!


Now, look at you.
You're all grown up.

Hello, almanzo.


Welcome back.
We heard you
were coming.

It seems like ages.
Where is laura?

She's inside
with the baby.

I can hardly
wait to see her.

Laura: nellie!

Oh! Oh!

Oh, laura,
it's wonderful
to see you.

Welcome home.

Just look at you,
all grown up.

Well, so
are you.

I missed you.

Oh, I miss you, too.

I can't believe
we're saying this
to each other.

Do you remember how
we used to fight?

I sure do.

I wonder if
you can still
beat me up.

I don't know.
Want to fight?


But first I want
to see the baby.

Okay, come on.

I'd like to remind all
of you that your essays
are due in two days.


Miss plum: you all
have had one week
to write them,

So I will
not accept
any excuses.

All right, class
is dismissed.

Nancy: willie!

Willie, you have
to help me.

With what?

- My essay.
- What's wrong with it?

It hasn't been
written, that's
what's wrong.

Mother said she'd
help me, but she's
too busy with nellie.

Well, I can't
do anything
about it.

Mine's only half done,
and I got to help
decorate for the party.

What am I
supposed to do?

Figure it out!

Gertrude foster...

Laura and
almanzo wilder...

Don't forget
isaiah edwards.

Oh, for heaven's sakes.
Do I have to invite him?

No, I
already did.

Willie: hi, mom.

Hello, willie.

Shall I invite
the carters?

Why not?

Mother, you
have to help me
with my essay.

Oh, I'm sorry,
darling. Not now.
I'm too busy.

Nancy: mother!

Mrs. Oleson,
is nellie here?

Um, no. I'm
terribly sorry.
She's not.

We expect her
soon, though.

Well, would you ask
her to stop by the
newspaper office?

May I ask
you why?

I want to do a
feature story on
her, if she'd like.

Oh, really?

Yes, "growing up
in walnut grove."

Her school years,
how she met and married
a successful husband,

Gave birth to twins,

And now lives
an exciting life
in new york city.

Nels: oh, I think
she'd like that.

Mrs. Carter:
good. Well, I'll
be working late,

So have her stop by
as soon as she can.

Oh, yes, we
certainly will.

- Thank you
- good day.

Ooh, nels,

Our nellie,
front-page news!

I think she
deserves it.

Ha ha ha!

I'll wager she's
over at laura's.

I can't wait
to tell her.

Here, take
that thing.


What about
my essay?

Well, I tell
you what.

After I finish this,
I'll take a look at what
you've got, if you like.

But, father,
I don't have
anything yet.

Well, then,
I suggest you
get started.

[Nellie and laura

[Knock on door]

laura? Nellie?

What's mother
doing here?

Harriet: laura?

Laura, is
nellie here?

Oh, nellie,
thank goodness
you're here.

What's wrong?

darling, yes.


Mrs. Carter wants
to do a story on you
for her newspaper.

On me?

Yes, isn't
that exciting?

She's waiting
in her office, so
come along, darling.

Imagine, my nellie
on the front page.

Bye, sweetheart.

Come along, honey.

I guess that
means I have
to go.

Well, we'll
see you tonight
at the party.

I feel like
a celebrity.

By the way, how
are you getting
along with nancy?

Don't ask.

That bad, huh?

That bad.

Well, if it's any
consolation to you,

She does not get
along with anyone.

I don't blame her.
It's mother.

She did it with me,
and now she's doing the
same thing with nancy.

You were never
that bad.

I was hoping
you'd say that.

nellie, hurry up!

Coming, mother!


Is this about
right, ma?

Oh, no.
Up a little bit
on the right.

There--oh, oh,
oh. All right.

Very good,


Oh, hester-sue,
what a beautiful
birthday cake.

Enough for a
small army,
I'd say.

Oh, my.

Oh, hester-sue,
where have
the years gone?

[Clicking tongue]

Hmm, my baby's
a woman now.

I'm a grandmother.

Can you
imagine that?

Oh, you don't look
old enough to be
no grandmother.

I know.
I don't, do i?

Of course not.

Oh, you've
made me feel
better already.

I'll just go
and set up
the buffet.

Oh, that's good,

Hello, father.

Well, how
did it go?

There's something
about being asked
all about yourself.

It made me remember
things I hadn't
thought of in years.


Is nancy
feeling better?

Well, I don't know.
She's been upstairs.

She's holed up
in her room doing
her school essay.

It's about
time for her

To get dressed
for the party.

Well, I'll
tell her.


May I come in?


Father says it's
almost time to get
ready for the party.

I know.

Is this
your essay?


What's it

Ask miss plum
after I've
turned it in.

Nancy, I want
to be friends
with you,

But I can't
make it happen
all by myself.

You have to
want it, too.

Would you be
willing to try?

I'm almost
finished with
my essay,

And I'd like to be
done with it before
I have to get dressed.

Do you mind?

Not at all.

[Door closes]

Would you like
some help with that?

Beth, I can tie
my own tie.

What did you
and nellie talk
about today?

Old times,

You know, it's funny
when you think back
to things you thought

Were really
important when
you were a child,

When you
thought your
life was over.

Yeah, I know
what you mean.


It's not
that funny.

I'm not laughing
at your tie.

I was just thinking
about the time that I
put apples in my dress.


Yeah. You see,
nellie and I both had
a crush on this boy.

His name was
jeremy dodds.

And I was afraid that
he would like nellie
more than me because...

Well, nellie had
filled out a little
more than I had.

So I put these apples
in my dress, and I
went to school.

You did not.

Yes, I did.

And it's one of
those days I thought
I was going to die,

Thought my life
was over.

I'll never
forget it.

I reached up to
write something
on the blackboard,

And my left
apple fell onto
the floor.

I was sure
I was going
to die.

That's how I
feel right now.

Let me
tie that.

Who was this
jeremy dodds?

Just a boy.

Well, you must have
thought a lot of him to
put apples in your dress.

I never tied
his tie.

Now, come on.

We're going
to be late.

[Laughter and chattering]

Laura: that's it.

Harriet: oh,
that pretty paper.

Crowd: oh!

Nellie: oh, mother!

It's beautiful!

Oh, yes. Look,
I knew you'd
like this.

It's all
the way
from paris.

Harriet: oh, well,
nothing's too good
for my baby.

Nels: we were going
to mail it to you,

But then we got
your letter and
didn't have to.

Nellie: it's
all so wonderful.

I only wish
percival could be
here and the twins.

Yes, precious,
so do we.

Nels: if I may,
I would like to
propose a toast.

I don't think
any father could
be more proud

Or more happy
than I am
right now.

Having nellie
back with
us again,

However short
a time,

Has given me
more joy...

Than I'm
quite able
to describe.

So, here's to
you, nellie.

Happy birthday.
Happy life.

Oh, nels!

All: happy birthday, nellie!

Happy birthday,

Nellie: thank you.
Thank you all.

Crowd: oh!

Harriet: make room, stand
back. Let him come in.

Here. Come on, get the things
out of the way, quick.

Nels, help him!

Don't drop it.
Willie, willie, oh.

Oh, there, go
brush yourself off.

Nellie: I've never
seen such a cake.

Oh, yes. Isn't
it beautiful? I
made it myself!


Well, with
the help of

All she did was
stick her finger
in the icing.


Now, close
your eyes and
make a wish.


Got it.

Nels: hey...

[Laughter and applause]

Nels: well,
where is the knife?
Willie, get the knife.

Nellie: I want a rose.

[Laughter and chattering]

[Door bell chimes]

[Dance music playing]

[Door bell chimes]

[Laughter and chattering]

Morning, nels.

Hey, good
morning, isaiah.

Some shindig
last night,
wasn't it?

It certainly was.
Glad you could come.

Well, I'd better
get to getting.
I think I'm late.

Ha ha!


Good morning.

Good morning, darling.
Did you sleep well?

Like a baby.


I thought you'd
sleep until noon.

Not a chance.

I can't get
over how willie
has grown.

Oh, yes.
Oh! Willie?

Willie: yeah, ma?

Come on, darling.
Make sure that
nancy's awake.

I don't want her to
be late for school.
You, either.

Willie: I will.

Nancy--i don't
understand why
nancy's so tired,

Slipping out of
the party like
that last night,

Going to bed.

Well, she was
working awfully
hard on her essay.

Maybe it's a good
thing we didn't have
time to help her.

Willie: ma! Pa!
Come up here!

What's wrong?

just come up!

For heaven's
sakes, come on.

- Well, yes, what is it?
- Nancy's gone!

Gone? What do
you mean, gone?

- Wh--oh, my goodness.
- See, ma?

Look what
she's done.

Her bag
is missing.

What's this?

It's nancy's

"Why I hate my life,"
by nancy oleson.

Oh, nels.

I'll hitch
up the team
right away.

I'll see if I
can get some help
while I'm at it.

Nellie: I want
to go with you.

All right, I'll
see you downstairs
in a few minutes.

Willie: me, too.

No, you stay here
with your mother.

oh, this is terrible.

This is just terrible.

Sure, count
me in.

We'll take
the south

Why don't you
and nellie
head north?

I sure do
appreciate it.

We'll find her,
nels. Don't worry
about a thing.


[Nancy screaming]



You really ought
to eat something.

I know, but
I just can't.

If we only
had some clue,

Just anything to tell
us we're going in
the right direction.

Do you think
she would have
left the road?

I don't
think so.

She's too
afraid of bugs
and creatures.

No, I think
that the road
is our best bet.

I can't stop
thinking about
that essay.

Nancy really
sees herself as
a helpless victim

by people who
hate her.

Every day we prove
just the opposite.

How could
she seriously
believe that?

I don't know,

But mother's always
saying how much she
reminds her of me.

It's true.

Well, maybe she thinks
that's the only reason
you adopted her.

Well, I admit it started
out that way, but it's
not true anymore.

Then I think you
have to prove
that to her.


I'm not sure.

But she did get
ignored a lot
since I arrived.

She did?

Think about it.

I guess maybe
it was the time

When we should have made
an extra effort to pay
more attention to her.

Well, we'd
better move on.


I'm lost.

How do I get
out of here?



I'm lost.

Help me.

Anything down
that way?

Not a thing.

We'd better
check up in
through there.

We're going to
have to turn back.

Otherwise, we're
going to get stranded
out here in the dark.

Well, maybe
she's been
found already.

Maybe isaiah and
john found her,

Or maybe she's
just decided to go
home on her own.

Well, I hope so.
Let's get back.


Well, let's
check it out.

Is it hers?

Yes, it's
nancy's bag.

What on
earth could
have happened?

It looks like
some kind of
a wild animal.

You don't
think she could
have been--

No, there
would've been

I don't see
any signs of any.

she was probably
frightened away.

Come on,
let's go.

These are fairly
fresh tracks.

They look
about her size.

Come on.



Come on, this way.
We'll go this way.



Nellie: nancy!




Nels: nancy!

Nellie: nancy!





Nellie: nancy!

It's going to be dark
in another half-hour.

We might not be
able to make it
back out of here.

I know.

Maybe we should
split up while
there's still light.

All right. But we'll have
to be back here by the
time the sun gets down.

Why don't you
go that way?





Nancy: nellie?

Yes! Nancy,
where are you?

Nancy: I'm here.

I'm here!

Keep calling!

Keep calling!

I'm here!

I'm here!

I'm here!

It's all right.

It's all right.
You've been found.

I didn't think
anybody would
come for me.

Hush. You'll
be all right.


Come on. We've got
to get back while
we can still see.


It's way
past midnight.

Staying up won't
make them come
home any sooner.

Oh, I know,

I just...

I can't go to sleep
until my babies
come home again.

[Harriet sobbing]

All right if
I turn in?

Yes, darling.
Yes, go to bed.

I just can't seem
to keep my eyes open.

Oh! Oh,
my baby!

Oh, my baby.

Oh, baby, you
gave us such
a fright.

Are you all
right, nancy?

Yes, mother.

You mean you
really missed
me that much?

Oh, nancy.

How could you ask
such a question?

I'm so glad.

Nels, take
her upstairs.

Quick, I think
we'd better call
doc baker,

Have him take
a look at her.


Poor little thing.

She woke up,

And she started
clinging to me

And telling me
how wrong she was

To feel that
nobody loved her.

Well, if
she finally
understands that,

We may have
a changed child.

It could have all
been worth it,

If that turns
out to be true.

Poor little thing.

Oh, nels, she
just cried and
cried and cried.

She all right now?


I told her that
I'd get her a nice,
new doll from paris...

Harriet: and she
just went right off
to sleep again.

Harriet, you don't
give a child a prize
for running away!

Oh, heaven's
sakes, nels.

Do you think I
don't know how to
raise children?

Look at nellie.

I'm going to
go back upstairs,
sit with her,

Take her an
apple in case she
wakes up again.

You go to
bed, darling.

Thank you.

Remember, I said
it could have all
been worth it.


Nellie: where
does the time go?


Oh, nellie, darling,
it's so hard
letting you go.

I know.

good-bye, sis.

It's really
been great.

Thanks, willie.

It has for
me, too.

Good-bye, nellie.
I'll miss you.

I'll miss you,
too, nancy.

I'll never forgive
myself for the
way I've acted.

Just remember,

The whole secret of
getting people to like you

Is for you to start
liking yourself.

You've been such
a help to me.

Oh, bye-bye.

Good-bye, willie.

Oh, darling.

Your father and I
will come visit you
next time, all right?

Come on.
Let's go.

There we go.

Bye-bye, darling.

Good-bye. I'll write
as soon as I get there.
And percival, too.

Nels: you give our love
to the whole family.
Nellie: I will!

Kiss the

Nellie: I will.
Nancy: bye, nellie.

Harriet: you drive
carefully, young man.

Driver: yes, ma'am.
Hyah, sam! Hyah!

- Bye!
- Bye! Bye!



It sure was
nice while
it lasted.

Oh, nancy,
honey, you were
so nice to nellie.

Did you really mean
it when you said that
you would miss her?

Oh, yes, mother,
ever, ever so much.


That's a
good girl.

You see there?
I do, too, know how
to raise children.

Yes, dear.

Well, come on.
We've got a
store to run.

I hope she can
come and visit
again, don't you?

What for?

What do you
mean, what for?

You just said
you'd miss her.

I lied.

I'm telling

She won't
believe you.

I'll just say
you hate me, and
I'll start to cry.


Well, go ahead,
brother dear.

Tell mommy.

nancy? Willie?
