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09x07 - The Wild Boy: Part 2

Posted: 02/17/22 07:57
by bunniefuu
I give you,
ladies and gentlemen,

The wild boy

Of the north!

Stand back,
stand back.

go on, move back.

Let go. Somebody
give me my other cane.

[Boy grunting]

Ow! Ohh!

Shut up in there!

My god.

It's him.

It's the wild boy.

His name
is matthew.

He can't talk,
but he can hear.

he scratched his name
in the dirt over there.

The reason he acts
this way is because

Dr. Mcqueen keeps
him locked up
in that cage.

You'd be that wild,

Dr. Mcqueen.

Ah, ah.

Did you get--
did you get your
parties all right?

Yes, I did. I notified
the authorities
in mankato

And sleepy eye
to keep a look out,

And if I can impose
on you to tell
people around here:

I am offering
a $50-reward

For the recapture
of the boy.

- Uh, $50?
- That's right.


Isaiah, that elixir
that mcqueen's

Probably has
a morphine base.

I'd have to test it
to be sure.

all he had to do

Was to give the boy
large doses
of the elixir

And he was able
to control
his moods.

You mean, that's why
the boy was acting crazy.


I can teach matthew how
to talk with his hands.

And I can teach
you and jenny how
to understand him.

You think you can?
I'm kind of a bonehead.

I know I can.

You know, I was out
at isaiah's this morning,

And it's hard
to believe the change
that's come over matthew.

He doesn't look anything
more like that wild boy
now than I do.

it's amazing.

Isaiah wants to bring
him into town to meet
some other folks.

I thought sunday at church
might be the best place.

That sounds
safe enough to me.

Mcqueen's long gone.
I don't think he's
going to be coming back.

Yeah. Well...

I got to get going.
I got an office
full of patients.

- Well, we'll see you, doc.
- Mm-hmm.

I'm going to have $50

To spend on anything I want.

[Isaiah whistling
"old dan tucker"]

Hey! Hey! Hold on there.
What's the matter?

Oh, this?

Oh. That there's called
whistling, see?

All I'm doing is
I'm puckering up
my lips a little,

Blowing some air
out of there,
and it makes a sound.

No, no. Here.

Here, watch
what I'm doing,

"old dan tucker"]

See? You got to pucker
up your lips proper.

The whole key
to getting the right
sound is the pucker.

Now, pucker up some
there. Pucker up
your lip.

Now blow some air
through there
real slow like.


You ain't
quite got it,
but it'll come.

Remember, the most
importantest thing is
the pucker. All right?


Oh, say, by the way,
I'm taking you
into town tomorrow

For church services.

About time you met
some other folks.

But of course,
it's going to
be all right.

Don't you worry
about a thing.

It'll be fine.
I promise.




Ho! What the--

What's the matter?


Oh! You finally
learned it, did you?

Oh, yeah. You got
yourself a fine
whistle there. Fine.

Good pucker, too.

tell you what.

Why don't you go
on back to bed,

Get yourself some sleep
while there's still
some night left? Huh?


that's good.

[Still whistling]

Congregation: * yes,
we'll gather at the river *

* That flows by
the throne of god *


I must say you're
in very fine voice


No, they're
very fine voices,

You know, a voice is
a wondrous thing.

It enables us to talk
to our fellow man,

And we can express
our feelings to each other.

It enables us to praise
the lord in prayer and song.

Where would I be
without a voice?


No, it--a voice is...

Is a marvelous gift from god,

But too often it's taken
for granted.

I'd like to tell you
a story that was told
to me the other day.

It's about a young boy.

He's an orphan.

He can't talk,

But he can hear.

Now, it was due
to this inability to speak

That he was placed
in an asylum--

Not because he was demented
or mentally ill,

But just because
of the silence.

Now, about--two years ago?

About two years ago,
he was placed in the care

Of a man who promised
to help him.

Instead, he used
the boy's silence for
his own financial gain,

Displaying him
like a wild animal--

Calling him a wild
boy of the north.

Rev. Alden:
we now know that he
was not wild, just mute.

But thanks to some

Christian generosity
and guidance,

He has now learned not only
how to talk with his hands

But also how to live
a normal human life.

Now, he's here today
asking acceptance

As a member of the community.

I, for one,
want to welcome him.


Ladies and gentlemen,
this is matthew,

And he would like to say hello
to the people of walnut grove.


Well, before we conclude
today's service,

I had one more thing to say.

[Congregation laughs]
I promise you,

It's not going to be long.

Some months ago,
there was talk of a reward.

Well, my friends--

you didn't say
anything, did you?

Today, I say the wild boy

Does not exist anymore.

Now, would you all stand
and turn to page 34
for our closing hymn?

Come on, jeb,
there's hundreds of them.

Thousands, maybe.

No, tad-poling
is for kids.

Bounced a rock
for 10 times

You ever done
that, matthew?

Caught me an 8-pound
catfish once, too.

What do you think
of that?

Matthew's never
been fishing.

Ain't skimmed a rock?
Ain't been fishing?

How about arm wrestling?
Ever done that?

Well now, let's see
if you can beat me
at arm wrestling.

Don't be silly!
Matthew just said
he doesn't know how.

I'm showing
him how.

Jeb, come on.
You're just being
a show-off.

All right.
Get a good grip.

Now, when jenny
says "go," you try
and pull me down.

I'll try to do
the same to you.


Jenny, you say when.

On your mark,

Get set,

Jenny: jeb carter,
you're about the
rudest person I know!

[Jeb laughs]
you did that on purpose!

Well, now,
no hard feelings--

You think that's
pretty clever,
don't you?

What's he saying?

"I may not be able
to fish or skim rocks,

But I just caught a 110-pound
boy and bounced him twice."

What do you say--


Oh, don't you dare!

Isaiah, by my count,
that finishes up
this order.

Oh, glad to hear that.
Feel like I've been
cutting for a week.

Don't stop now, we
still got the johnson
order to fill.

- You're not serious?
- I'm afraid so.


[Saw starts up]

[Saw shuts off]

- What's the matter?
- Mcqueen. He's back.

Which one of you
is edwards?

I am.

I hear you
got my wild boy
down on your farm.

I got a boy out there,
but he isn't wild,

Not anymore.

His name is matthew,
but you probably
already know that.

Not wild, huh?


You think you can lock
him up in a barn, tame him?

Look here, mcqueen,
we know all about
the boy's problem

And what you've
done to him,
so I suggest

You just turn around
and leave.

Mcqueen, you get
out of here.

That boy's got
a normal life now.

He's accepted
by everybody
in walnut grove.

You leave him be.

You're wrong there,
mr. Edwards.

Not everybody wants
an animal around.

Somebody had to call me,
didn't they?

And I'm telling you,
you get that boy up here,

Or I'm bringing
the law down on you.

Who are you to talk
about the law?

- Isaiah, let him go.
- I'm warning you, edwards.

I got legal papers
that show matthew's

give us some proof.

I'm his legal

There ain't a court
in the land that wouldn't
support me on that.

You get out
of here, mcqueen.

The boy is staying
with me.

You're a fool, edwards.


I thought I was going
to have trouble with you,

So I wired a circuit judge.

He'll be here
day after tomorrow.

So will i.

Matthew, everything
will be all right.
You'll see.

But you got to be sure.

I mean, everyone
in town is behind us.

With all those good thoughts,
how can we lose?


What on earth
is all that--

Nels, what are you--

Ah! Nels, what
are you doing?

You've destroyed
my entire stock
of elixir. Oh!

Now I've destroyed
your entire stock
of elixir.

Oh! You listen
to me, nels oleson!

No, harriet,
you listen to me!

Listen to me now.

You have done some
cruel and mean things
in the past,

But this one tops
them all!


This bank draft is what.

Mcqueen tells me
this is yours

For your part
in finding the boy.

Well, i--he--oh!

To think that you
had a part in this
and then wanted money--

- Well--
- it just makes me sick.

Harriet, I'm telling
you one thing:

If you ever mention
that name mcqueen
in this house again,

So help me, I'll--


I just hope to god that
nothing happens to matthew
after what you've done.

And that goes for you,


Oh! He's crazy!


Quiet, please.

[Rapping gavel]

Judge: will you take
your seats, please?

Thank you.

I am judge amos simpson,

And it is my duty to conduct
this hearing here today

And to rule on
the legal guardianship
of one matthew rogers.

I remind you that
this proceeding
is only a hearing.

It is not a trial.

All interested parties
will have ample opportunity

To state their case
and to be questioned,

And upon the completion
of all testimony,

I will then study
the statements

And render my judgment

I call, uh,
isaiah edwards.

- Your honor.
- Mr. Edwards,

Would you
kindly explain

How it is that matthew
first came to live
with you?

Yes, sir. The first
time I saw matthew,

He was in mcqueen's
medicine show
in a cage,

Being treated like
a wild animal.

Isaiah: it was downright
cruel the way that boy

Was being treated.

Well, did he look
or act wild to you?

Yes, sir, he did,

But later
I found out

When was that?

It was after
the escape.

We'd been looking
for him all day long,

Only to find him
in the wilders' barn.

Their niece, jenny,
made friends with him,

And that's when we found
out he was mute.

I decided to help him,
give him a chance,

So I took him in.

Did it ever occur
to you that you might
be breaking the law

By not returning him
to mr. Mcqueen?

No, sir, it didn't.

After seeing the way
mcqueen treated that boy,

I figured the best thing to do
is just keep him away.

Mr. Mcqueen, do you
have anything to say?

I do, your honor.

I'd just like to ask
mr. Edwards if he ever
saw a violent outbreak

During the time
the boy stayed with him.

Answer the question,
mr. Edwards.

Yes, sir. Matthew
did go kind of crazy--

In the beginning.

But then doc baker
knew what caused it.

Dr. Baker:
it was a moderate case
of morphinism--

At least, that's what
I believed it to be.

And after I'd tested
mr. Mcqueen's elixir,

Found it to have
a morphine base,

I was sure
my diagnosis
was correct.

Dr. Baker: your honor,
it is my opinion that
mr. Mcqueen not only lied

About the healing powers
of his elixir,

But he used
large amounts of it

To sedate and control
matthew's behavior.

Your honor, I have
more than 50 affidavits

Signed by people stating
that my elixir has healed them.

I would imagine that
would outweigh the opinion
of one country doctor.

Laura: I've been
teaching matthew to
talk with his hands.

Ever since then,
he's been so eager
to learn about everything.

Matthew is a bright
and kind boy.

He's just trying
to adjust to a normal
way of life.

Now, certainly,
your honor,
you can see

That these aren't
the traits of someone
who's deranged,

Someone who is
supposedly wild.

Mrs. Wilder,

Even a wild dog
can be tame for a while,

But that doesn't mean
you want him

Living in your home
with you, does it?

Now, isn't it true
that your niece

Is the first person
who has become a friend
of matthew's?

Yes, it is.

Jenny was the one
who found him
in our barn.

She's also the one
who showed us how truly
gentle he really is.

Well, if he has all these
wonderful traits as you say,

Would you mind telling us
why it is that he

Isn't living
in your house now?

Well, your honor,

I have a daughter,
and she's just
a year old.

- And I thought it would be--
- mrs. Wilder, isn't it true

That you're just scared
of the boy?

Well, I was--
at first.

Thank you.
That's all.


You don't

matthew is a good boy.

Please, you've got
to believe us.


[Judge raps gavel]
judge: quiet, please.


Now, before I hear
any more,

I'd like to have
matthew brought in.

Your honor, I'd like to call
luther abbot to the stand.

He's a former business
associate of mine,

And he can verify
everything that I've
been saying here today.

Luther: yes, sir.
Considering how
violent the boy was,

Mr. Mcqueen
treated him
as best he could.

He was fed good
and clothed,

And he was cared for
real proper.

Mr. Mcqueen only put
him in that cage
for the show,

That's all.

And, uh, at night,
he slept on a cot.

And before I decided
to stop traveling
with the show,

It was my job
to care for the boy,

And, well,
I did that job
real good, too.

Thank you, mr. Abbot.
You may step down.

Your honor,

It pains me
to say that...

Before you sits
a wild and deranged boy,

In constant need of care
and control.

Now that's not true.
Judge, you can see
that the boy is calm.

I must admit, he doesn't
seem very wild to me.

Judge, you can wash
him up and put him
in some new clothes,

But that doesn't alter
the fact that he can become
violent at any moment.

Now, mr. Edwards here
has said he was violent once.

I wonder how many other times
he didn't tell us about.

There haven't been
any other times!

I tell you,
the boy is fine.

Mr. Edwards, lower
your voice, please.

I will not have
this hearing degenerate
into a shouting match.

Your honor,

The boy's been here
for barely 3 months.

I took care of him
for almost two years.

I'm telling you
that before you sits

A violent and deranged
human being,

Capable of exploding
at any moment.

he is a wild animal--

I'm telling you,
an animal.

Woman: oh!
Mcqueen: get him!

Get the wild boy!
Get him!


You scum!

order! Order!

Your honor,

I rest my case.



Matthew, are
you all right?

Are you all right?

I was really worried
I wouldn't find you.

Uncle almanzo's
looking for you, too.

You had a right
to be scared.

Mr. Mcqueen
was very cruel.

It's only natural.

You're not crazy and wild,
so stop talking like that.

You're a wonderful human being.

Do you hear me?

I know you're
not deaf.

I'm sorry I yelled.

whatever happens,

I want you to know
that I think you're
someone special.

We better get back.

now, at the outset
of this hearing,

I stated that
the legal rights

Of joshua mcqueen
would be upheld

Unless absolute proof
to the contrary
could be made.

Now, today--ahem--

I've heard both sides
of a very difficult

Emotions have run very high.

But the facts remain
in favor of mr. Mcqueen.

Now, I must herewith order
that the young man be placed--

I lied.


It was all
a lie.

What's this

Your honor,
that there's the money

That was given
to me by mcqueen.

He paid me to come
and lie for him.

Your honor, don't
listen to this man.
He's nothing but--

Mr. Mcqueen,
you've had your
chance to speak.

Now sit down!

Your honor, everything
that's been said

By these good people
about mcqueen is true.

I know, I was there.

Mcqueen called me a...

"Business associate"?

Maybe I was,

Playing the shill

To get folks
to buy his elixir.

Money is the only reason

He wants that boy back.

Putting him in a cage

Turned mcqueen's show
into a gold mine,

And he treated him
like dirt--

Beating him
with that cane,

Starving him.

And it was my job
to keep him all

Drugged up with bottles
of mcqueen's medicine.

Paying me $50
and offering up a reward--

Don't that tell you
what kind of a man he is?

I've been a loser
all my life.

I done some things
that was pretty low,

But the shame I feel

For being a part
of that man's cruelty

Will stay with me
to my grave.

can keep his money,

And you can do with me
what you want

For all the lying
that I did,

But just...

Don't make matthew
go back with him.

That's all I ask.

As a--ahem--

Result of these
new facts,

The court hereby rules that

Joshua mcqueen has

His role as guardian
for matthew rogers.

he has cruelly
and intentionally

Taken advantage of
matthew's misfortune

For his own personal gain.

The court feels that
this treatment was to
have continued unchecked,

As evidenced by
the bribery attempt

To ensure
a satisfactory decision.

I revoke mr. Mcqueen's
rights of guardianship
concerning matthew rogers.

[Talking and laughing]

[Judge raps gavel]

if I may finish.

It is also the judgment
of this court that

Matthew rogers
is an unstable
and volatile boy,

As witnessed
by his actions
here today.

Judge: he's not ready to
assume life in this or any
other community at this time,

And I therefore order
that he be returned to the
minnesota asylum in rochester

Until such time
as they can find
him to be normal.

But, your honor,
listen, he's--

Can't you give
him some help?
I mean, the boy's just--

Mr. Edwards,
I've made my decision.

Now, the hour being late
and tomorrow being sunday,

I hereby order that matthew
be remanded to my custody

Immediately following
church services.

I will then personally
transport him

To the appropriate

Ladies and gentlemen,
this hearing is
hereby concluded.

How could that man hear
all that he heard

And then send the boy
away like that?

Isaiah, we all
feel the same
as you.

We were all so worried
about him going back
with mcqueen,

We never figured
this could happen.

Aunt laura, isn't
there something
that we can do?

I'm afraid not.

Well, there's
something I can do.

Matthew, get your bag.

Isaiah, what
are you doing?

I'm going to make sure
that boy is not sent
back to an asylum.

Matthew, I said
get your bag.

Mr. Edwards, how do you
plan on keeping him
out of that place?

By leaving.

Matthew and I
are getting out of here.

Isaiah, that's crazy.

It's no crazier than
sending that boy to
a place he doesn't belong!

We'll just keep moving
around. We'll start fresh
somewhere else.

They'll have the law
after you.

Then we'll just
keep moving around.

Maybe we'll head out
to califor--

Matthew, where's
your bag?

what's he saying?

"It's wrong what
you're trying to do.
Very wrong.

"It's not your fault
that I came here,

And I won't have
you breaking the law
to help me."

Matthew, listen.

"No. You listen.

"You can make me go,
but I'll just run away.

"The judge said
that I have to go
back to the asylum,

"And that's where I'll go.
Nowhere else.

"Thank you for trying,

"But I'll be all right.

Really, I will."

Go on, harriet.



I, uh...

I don't know
what to say.

It's just that I'm...

Very, very sorry.




Reverend, um, matthew
would like to say a few words

Before the services,
if that's all right.


Let's go on in.

I'm sure that you're all
aware of the hearing yesterday

And the decision
that was reached.

Rev. Alden:
matthew here will be
leaving us after today,

And he would like
to say a few words.


Matthew has asked me
to be his voice
here today,

If that's all right.

"I want to thank you all

"For allowing me to become
part of your town.

"I made many wonderful
friends here:




"You're all
true friends...

That I have grown
to love very much."

I can't.

"Even though my time here
has been very short...

"It is something that
I will always remember.

"It is my dream to
someday come back here...

"And I hope that you
will welcome me then

"As you have now.


Rev. Alden: if we could--
isaiah: excuse me, reverend.

I just--i--i find
this whole thing

I mean, a boy
like matthew

Can say more
with his heart

Than most of us
can ever say
with our mouths.

You know,

This boy was judged
to be unstable--

Not normal.

See, um, I haven't had
a whole lot of schooling,

So I don't quite understand
what that means.

Maybe somebody
could explain it to me.



Um, maybe I'm
not normal.

Judge, you know what I wanted
that boy to do yesterday?

Isaiah: I wanted him
to run away with me.

He refused.

You know why he refused?

Isaiah: because he didn't
want to get his friend
in trouble with the law.

And maybe you can tell me,
which one of us
was acting normal?

I mean, how many of us
fit that description?


Isaiah: I recall you helping
almanzo plow his field

After working
in your blacksmith shop
all day long.

And a lot of people
called you crazy for that.

Dear old nels.

Isaiah: two years ago,
when we had the drought,

You extended credit
to every man in this room,

And half of them
haven't paid you back yet!

That's not normal, nels.

Not normal at all.

How about you, reverend?

Isaiah: what do you get
for all the things
you do for us--

Besides a invite
to a sunday supper?

And the right to hear
all our problems?

You, doc--

You took care of this boy,

You gave him your best
medical care, your best.

Isaiah: who's going
to pay for that?

You know what you
ought to do, doc?

You ought to just wander
around this room right now

And gather up all the money
everybody owes you.

You don't do that, do you?

Isaiah: you just accept
a dozen eggs,
a basket of turnips.

And, laura,
you know

That you taught a wild boy

How to speak with his hands.

I mean, that's crazy.


I tell you
what we ought to do.

We ought to take this
little girl right here,

And we're going to send
her along with matthew

'Cause she met this boy,

this "not normal,"
this "wild" boy,

And she made a friend,

A friend, judge.

You know what you
ought to do?

Ought to get yourself
a long piece of rope,

And you just hitch it
round this whole building
and haul us all along--

All along with matthew,

Because we don't act
any more normal
than that boy there.

I mean, there's
something wrong here,

terrible wrong.

I love that boy.

I'm sorry for taking up
the time, reverend.
I'm through.

Well, mr. Edwards,
that was, um--

Quite an interesting
argument you made
in there.

I think maybe
you ought to become
a lawyer.

Thanks, judge,

I couldn't defend
a law that doesn't

People's feelings.

Well, you think
you could do me
a favor by, uh--

Transporting matthew
to the authorities?

You want me
to do that?

My own schedule
won't allow me to take
the boy myself, so...

If you could deliver
him to the asylum
in say, uh...

20 Years,

I think that'd be
just fine.

20 Years?


Look, just make believe
that I was never here.

All right?


And good luck to you
and matthew.

Matthew, you don't
have to go back.

You hear me?

Simpson's gone.

You don't ever have to
go anywhere you don't
want to ever again.

[Everyone clapping
and shouting]