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09x06 - The Wild Boy: Part 1

Posted: 02/17/22 07:56
by bunniefuu
Man: attention!

Attention, citizens
of sleepy eye.

Follow me for the chance
of a lifetime--

A chance to rid
yourself of ailment,

A chance for the weak
to be strong,

A chance for--

A chance for the sick
to get well.

Follow me.

Follow me right now,
citizens of sleepy eye.

Yes, my friends,
every healing property
of my wonder elixir

Is the result of many years
of dedicated study,

So whether it's a foot-ache
or a toothache,

My wonder elixir is
exactly what you need.

Now, you're going
to ask yourself,

"How do I know
it'll work?"

Well, I ask one of you

To step up here
and let my wonder elixir
demonstrate to you

That for a mere 50 cents,

Your life can turn around.

Step right up.

Somebody with an ailment,
step right up.

[Man coughing]

I'd like--i'd like
to give it a try.

That's quite a cough
you got there,
my good man.



Land sakes! My cough
is all gone!

My throat feels
clean as a whistle.

Thank you, sir.
Thank you.

Thank you.

Here you go,
ladies and gentlemen.

Step right up
and get your own bottle.

Certainly no house
should be without one.

Thank you. There you go,
sir. There you go.

Step right up. Thank you.
Drink in health.

Only a few more.
Step right up.

Thank you. Thank you.

One more. Thank you.

And now, my friends,
may I have your attention?

For the additional price
of a single dime apiece,

I offer you the opportunity
to see for yourself

A creature unknown
in the world today.

But I must give you
a little warning.

For those of you
who are faint of heart,

The experience that lies
inside that tent

May be too much for you.

Here's my money.

Ain't nothing that scary.

Well, sir, you'll
soon find out.

So will anybody else
who feels like him.

Step right up,
ladies and gentlemen.

See for yourself one of
the wonders of the world--

The wild boy of the north!

Have your dime ready
and step right in. That's it.

Thank you. Thank you.
Have your dimes
ready. Thank you.

Man: just take
your place in there.

Glad to have
a few men here.

ladies and gentlemen,

May I have your absolute
attention, please?

What you're about to see
may make your blood curdle.

Yes, sir.

Ladies, hold on
to your men.

You're about to see
a terrifying sight--

Part-animal, part-human.

It was found deep, deep, deep
in the black hills of dakota,

Living in filth with
a pack of wild dogs.

Heathen, pagan, savage.

Captured by trappers and
brought back to civilization,

Where, fortunately, I
was able to acquire him.

Ladies and gentlemen,

You are among the very few

Who are going
to see this demon

And live to
tell about it.

I give you,
ladies and gentlemen,

The wild boy
of the north!

Stand back,
stand back.

Come on. Move out.

[People gasp]

Let go! Somebody get me
my other cane.

Woman: oh!

[Boy grunting]
- shut up!


Ladies and gentlemen, that,
uh, concludes our show.

If you'll kindly file out
as quickly as possible.

[Crowd murmuring]

Don't forget to
tell your friends.


Stinking animal!

Don't you ever
try that again!

Maybe that'll
cool you off!


What you want,

The horses are
grained and watered.

I just wondered
what you want me
to feed the boy.

After what he done
today, the scum
deserves swill water.

You, uh, were pretty hard
on the boy today.

You know, just because
you keep him in a cage

Don't make him an animal.

Watch your mouth,
old man.

Going to treat him
the way I see fit.

You don't like
the way I run things
around here,

You can get out.

It's easy to find
an old bum for a shill.

Oh, luther, why don't
you just do your chores

And mind your
own business?

Boy, I know you
can't understand me,

But I need to tell
you that I'm sorry--

The life
you got here.

It ain't my doing
that you're kept
in this cage.

I just wish you
could know that.

Ah, mcqueen. He
don't want to hear
what I got to say.

Oh, uh, here.

It ain't much,

But then I ain't
supposed to be
feeding you at all.

I'll be gone
by morning.

I just wish things
weren't this way.

Child: come on.
Let's go!

[Children talking excitedly]

Mcqueen: and so I say to you
good people of walnut grove,

For 50 cents--
that's two quarters,
5 dimes, 10 nickels--

Which of you can afford
not to have in your home

A bottle of dr. Mcqueen's
wonder elixir?

All right, don't be shy.
Step right up.

Which one's going to be
the first to revitalize
their lives?

There you go, madam.

here you go.

Drink with good health.


Oh, wait till people
try this medicine.

They'll be knocking
the door down to get
into the mercantile.

What are you
talking about?

I purchased two cases
of dr. Mcqueen's
wonder elixir

To sell
at the mercantile.

We have enough
potions and remedies
collecting dust as it is.

We certainly don't
need any m--


Mcqueen: and now,
ladies and gentlemen!

Give me your attention.

Behind the flaps of
that tent is a creature

Unseen by mortal eyes,

And for one thin dime
apiece or two nickels

Or 10 pennies to
you kids--ha ha!--

You, too, can see
this phenomenon
of the western world.

[Crowd murmuring]

All right, ladies
and gentlemen,
now's your chance.

Get out your dime
and see

The wild boy
of the north.

Mcqueen: come on.
Don't be shy.

Wild boy. Come on.
It says you got to
see it to believe it.

Boy, I'd sure
like to see what's
in that tent,

But 10 cents--

I don't know.
Sounds pretty scary,
if you ask me.

There goes mother.
She'll pay for me.

The first excited lady.

Step right in.

No, you can't.

Jenny, you know
if I had the money,
I'd take you in there.

That way, you wouldn't
have to be scared.

Pa, are you going in
to see the wild boy?

No, I don't think so.

The whole idea
of putting someone
on display

Seems kind of cruel.

Children, everyone
back to school, right now.

[Children moan]

Come on. You only
have 30 minutes
to eat your lunch.

Now, you go on
to school, all right?

Mr. Edwards,
how about you?

It sounds real scary.

Oh, yeah, it does.
Let me tell you, 10 cents

Will also buy me
a plug of tobacco.

Now, go on. Get.

Mcqueen: my friends,
step this way.

Come on. Don't be shy.

See for yourself.

Heads I go,
tails I don't.

The wild boy
of the north!

It's heads.

"All around me was
a confused maze of voices,

"But in the position
in which I lay,

I could see nothing
but the sky."

Thank you, jeb. Nancy,
would you please
continue for us?

Um, yes, miss plum.

"Aboard the good ship

Nancy, we've
already read that.

Oh. Well, I seem to
have lost my place.

Yes. I'd say you did.
Would you bring me

The paper that you
were working on?

I wish you'd put
as much effort into
your reading

As you do into
your drawings.

But, miss plum, it's just
so hard to concentrate

When one of the wonders
of the western world
is right outside.

Yes. Well, I always find
that writing things out
helps my concentration.

And I'm very sure it
will help you, too.

Copy the entire chapter
for homework tonight.

But, miss plum,
I didn't--

Would you like to
try for two chapters?


All right, children,
that's all that we
have time for today.

The class is dismissed.

Wonder how long
he's planning on
staying in town.

What's it matter?

Nobody here is
going to see what's
in the tent.

Hey, guess what!

Your mother gave
you the money.

No, smarty.
I know how all of us

Can go see
the wild boy for free.

Jenny: how?

My mother and dr. Mcqueen
have gone to the restaurant.

All we have to do
is go sneak a look.

I don't know. What
if we get caught?

Yeah. My pa's
not too keen about
that show now.

I'd hate to
have him find out.

Well, they've already
gone to the restaurant.

Since all of you
are scaredy-cats,

I guess I'll just
have to go by myself.

Can't be any harm in
taking a real fast peek.

Yeah. Just in
and out real quick.

Oh, why not?

I'm scared.

Come on.

Jeb: I think
he's asleep.

I'm scared.

Well, I'm not.

He doesn't look
very wild to me.

get back! Get away!

Nancy, don't!

You go on and get
out of here!

I'm telling mother.

Come on. Let's get
out of here.


Beth, isaiah said
that boy was shaking
those bars

And rocking that cage
just like this.

I mean, everyone was
scared to death.

Mrs. Oleson, she
practically fainted.

Sounds like you're sorry
you missed it.

Well, no, I'm not.

It's just
interesting, is all.

I'm very disappointed
in some of the people
who actually spent money

To go see that show--
especially mr. Edwards.

Jenny: uncle almanzo?

Do you think the boy's
really as wild and dangerous
as dr. Mcqueen says?

Well, isaiah and
the others seem

To think so,
but I can't say.

But I sure don't want
to be the one to test him.

Well, I'll be glad when
this medicine show leaves--

Come on--

And all of this
wild talk can stop.

[People murmuring]


Gentlemen, of course
the boy must be
caught at all costs,

But I ask you--

Please do not sh**t
at the boy.

Remember that he's
as afraid of you
as you are of him.

After what I saw,
mcqueen, I find that
pretty hard to believe.

I mean, if a cage
can't hold him--

Please, please.

Man: dr. Mcqueen.

We all heard you tell
us how dangerous he is,

And now you're
telling us he's not?


I did say that, didn't i?

But I have medication
to handle the boy's

Now, you just find him,
and I'll take care
of the rest.

And I want to
remind you-- ha ha!

$20 Gold piece for the man
who does the job.

Well, all right!
Let's stop all this
talking, huh, boys?

Please, do not
harm the boy.

I don't give a hoot
about a $20 gold piece.

I just don't like
the idea of this
wild boy running loose

With womenfolk
and kids around.

Yeah, I know
what you mean.

Probably do better
if we split up.

I think you're right.

Tell you what,
john, why don't
you and steve

Head north for a while,
then circle back?

Almanzo and I will
cut across here
and then move south.

Good enough.

We'll meet up
at tilly's pond.

See you.

Let's go.

Jason and me
will walk you home.

I'd sure like
that, jeb.

Come on, you two.
Let's get going.

Jason, if you keep moving
your head around like that,

It's going to spin
clean off your neck.

Yeah? Well, somebody's
got to be on the lookout.

The lookout for what?

Why, that wild boy's
probably halfway
to minneapolis by now.

Well, I ain't taking
any chances.

Jenny, I think nancy
was right about one of us.

Jason, you are
the scaredy-cat.

And I suppose
you two aren't?

Well, no.

I figure I could
outrun him,
if need be.

So while you run,
jason and I will beat
him off with a stick.

Jenny, I didn't mean
that I would just run.

I mean that I could--

Oh, never mind.

Thanks for
walking me home,
both of you.

You're welcome.

I'll ask my aunt
if she can give
you a ride.

No, that's all right.
We'll be fine.

Isn't that right, jeb?

Yeah, you're right.

Well, let's go, jason,
and don't lose your stick.

- Hi!
- Hi, yourself.

We were just on our way
out to meet you.

Hester-sue told me
about the boy escaping.

I was worried.

Oh, I had plenty
of protection.

Jason and jeb walked me
all the way home.

Good for them.

Your uncle
and mr. Edwards are out
trying to find the boy.

Glad you're back.
I can get supper
started now.

I'll put the horses up
and be in to help.


Take this off?


[Door shuts]


What do you want?

Can you understand me?

Can you hear me?

Can you talk?

Do you have a name?



My gosh! You can't
talk, can you?

You're not
a wild boy
at all.

You're a mute--
just a mute.

[Horses approaching]

It's all right.

That's my uncle
and mr. Edwards.

They're friends.
They won't hurt you.


All right.

I won't say

You stay in here
and hide for now.

I'll bring some food
for you later.

will be okay.

I promise.

Real fine cup of
coffee, half-pint.

Well, thank you, sir.

Is there anything
anybody else wants?

I couldn't eat
another bite.

Beth, you really outdid
yourself with this meal.

Now, if you could just
do something about
these saddle sores.

Ha ha! Yeah, I feel
like I was rode hard
and put away wet.

Are you going
back out tomorrow?

No. The boy's probably
long gone by now.

Leastways, he's out
of hero township.

Does that mean that
dr. Mcqueen will
be leaving town?

I can't say for sure.

He sure was mad
when everyone came back
without even a sighting.

Maybe the boy
ran off like that

Because of the way
dr. Mcqueen was
treating him.

What makes you say
that, jenny?

Oh, I don't know.

I mean,
mr. Carter said
how it was cruel--

You know,
the cage and all.

It was just
a thought I had.

Got to agree
with you there.

After seeing the way
mcqueen treated that boy,

I'm almost glad
we didn't find him.

Aunt laura, uh--

What is it, jenny?

I just wanted to be
excused, is all.

Of course.

I'll start clearing
the things.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Thank you, jenny.

You're welcome.

Isaiah, did I show you
that shotgun I bought
from bill pearson?

Edwards: no, but I surely
heard enough about it.
Like to have a look.

That's just what I had
in mind. Hold on a minute.

Laura: scares me
to death.

What? You were never
afraid of g*ns!

Well, this one's

It's got a kick
like a mule,

And the sound
could split
your eardrums.



It's all right.
It's only me.

Sorry I took so long,

But they kept
talking and talking.

Do you have a name?




Your name
is matthew.



My name is jenny.

It's nice to meet
you, matthew.

Jenny, watch out!

It's all right!

Get away!
Get away!

I said, get away
from him.

Edwards, get out
here! Hurry!

Edwards: what's
all the hollering about?

Oh, my god.

It's him.

It's the wild boy.

But he's not wild.

I said, keep away
from him.

no telling what
he's going to do.

Please. Won't you
just listen to me?

He's not wild,
I tell you.

He's a mute.

A mute?

It's all right
now, matthew.

They won't hurt you.

His name is matthew.

He can't talk,
but he can hear.

He scratched his name
in the dirt over there.

The reason he acts
this way

Is because dr. Mcqueen
keeps him locked up
in that cage.

You'd act wild, too.

I can't believe
anybody would do
something like this.

What I can't understand
is how he got here.

Jenny, how long
you known about this?


Just today.

See, some of us
sneaked into
that tent to see.

We were just going
to take a quick peek
and leave, honest.

Nancy started
teasing him

And hitting him
with the cane.

Well, I stopped her.

When I was putting
the cane back,

He reached out
and touched my arm.

I felt real scared,

But he had this look
on his face that--

Well, now I know
all he wanted was
someone to help him.

And he followed
you home.

Uncle almanzo,
do we have to tell
dr. Mcqueen where he is?

All he's going to
do is lock him back
in that jail!

I'm afraid
you're right
about that, jenny,

But I don't know
what else to do
with him.

Can't he stay here?

I don't know, jenny.

With your uncle almanzo
gone so much,

And we have rose
to take care of...

Well, to be honest
with you, I'm just afraid.

But he's all right.

You can all see
how calm he is.

We just can't send
him back.

Almanzo: I'm
sorry, jenny,

But I'm going
to have to agree
with beth.

he can stay with me.

you really mean it?

Well, probably crazy...
Why not?

I mean, I live alone.
Lord knows
I got enough room.

Looks like matthew
here might need
some cleaning up.

Might just take
a firm hand
to get that done.

Thank you. Thank you.

Well, matthew, looks
like it's going to be
me and you for a while.


Dr. Mcqueen.

Did you get
your parties all right?

Yes, I did.
I notified
the authorities

In mankato
and sleepy eye
to keep a lookout,

And if I could
impose on you

To tell the people
around here

I am offering
a $50 reward

For the recapture
of the boy.

Uh, $50?

That's right.

Oh, yes, yes.
I will. I will.

I'll tell mrs. Carter
to put a notice
in the newspaper.

That's good.

Now, here's a list
of the places
I'll be staying,

So if anybody sees
or knows anything
about the boy,

I'd like you
to contact me
night or day.

All right. Yes.

Now, mrs. Oleson,
I'd just like to
thank you personally

For your

Oh, it was my pleasure,
dr. Mcqueen.

Thank you.



That'll buy me a nice
new dress from st. Louis.


Hold on there!

Come here.

This here's
washing water.

Go on. Get in
there. Go on.

Oops! Whoa!

Oh, no, no, no.

Whoa! Whoa!
Stay there.




All right. All right.
We'll both wash
with our clothes on.

All right now,

You'll hold real
still, will you?

Because I ain't used
to scalping folks.


This here's the best stew
this side of mankato.

There you go.

Here! Here! Don't be
eating like that.

That's how hogs eat.

Here. Use your
eating iron.

Here. Now, see?
You just scoop it

Right in there like that.

Then you put that
into your face.

There. All right.

Go on.


Mcqueen's voice:
now, ladies and gentlemen,

Give me your attention.

Behind the flaps
of that tent

Is a creature
unseen by mortal eyes.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the wild boy of the north!

Ha ha ha ha!



[Matthew sobbing]

[People laughing]

[Glass breaks]

Matthew, what is it?

What's wrong?

Matthew, what is it?

What's the matter, boy?

It's all right.
It's all right.

Calm down. Calm down.
Calm down. Calm down.

It's all right.
It's all right.

It's all right.
It's all right.

Okay. Okay.
All right. All right.

It's all right.
All right.

Mr. Edwards?


What's wrong
with matthew, doc?

I don't know
for sure, jenny.

Mr. Edwards,
what happened?

The place
is in shambles.

It's hard to say,

Just woke up last night,
started going crazy.

Dr. Baker: isaiah,
get me some water, please.

All right.

Isaiah: what's
he want, doc?

I'm going to
give him something
to make him sleep.

You all go out
into the other room.

I'd like to stay
if it's all right.

He'll be asleep
for quite a while, jenny.

You go on.

He'll be just fine.

Well, doctor, what's
wrong with him?

[Sighs] I think matthew's
suffering from morphinism.

It's a condition that
affects normal behavior--

Thank you--

Due to the extended use
of morphine.

I saw quite a bit of it
after the w*r.

Well, how would
he have gotten
that way?

My guess is that mcqueen
has been using his elixir
to keep the boy sedated.

Sorry, doc. I don't see
the connection.

Isaiah, that elixir
that mcqueen's peddling

Probably has
a morphine base.

I'd have to test it
to be sure, but--

Anyway, all he had to do
was to give the boy
large doses of the elixir,

And he was able
to control his moods.

You mean, that's why
the boy was acting crazy.

Exactly. When he wants
the boy to go wild,

All he has to do is
withhold the solution

Just long enough for
the boy's need to
bring on the v*olence.

How could anybody
do that to a boy?

Aw, jenny, that and worse
may have been done to him.

I examined matthew's throat.

At some time in his life,
he swallowed some lye.

That's why he can't speak.

I hope to god it wasn't
done deliberately.

Mcqueen left town yesterday.

Good riddance.

Dr. Baker: I agree.

You aren't going to
tell anybody where
he is, are you?

Jenny, I never cared much
for flimflam doctors,

And that goes double
for mr. Mcqueen.

Thank you, dr. Baker.

Now, jenny, will you
get me that pitcher
of water over there?

Yes, sir.

Isaiah, I want you
to fill this with water,

And I want you to give
matthew a teaspoonful
of that in a cup of water

3 Times a day
for a week.

After that, cut it back
to once a day.

He should be all right
in a few weeks.

I'll check back
in a couple of days,

Make sure he's
doing all right.

Thanks, doc.
Appreciate it.


Thank god he's
going to be all right.

We're planning
for him to be more
than just all right.

Isaiah: what?

Well, that's
why we came here.

These are my
sign language books.

They can teach
you how to talk
with your hands.

They can?

It's the way
deaf people talk
to each other.

Matthew can hear
just fine.

But he can't talk,
can he?

No, that's right.
He can't.

Trying to understand
that boy is about as easy

As scratching your ear
with your elbow.


I can change that.

I can teach
matthew how to talk
with his hands,

And I can teach you
and jenny how
to understand him.

Wouldn't that be

You think you can?
I'm kind of a bonehead.


I know I can.

All right.

Laura: this is

It's like
you're grinding
and pouring.

Very good.







Now, wait here.
What are you
talking about?

"C," "d," "e."


Very good,

Do it again.




The boy looks
real good, isaiah.

How's his appetite?

Oh, it's big,
doc. Big.

Eats like a horse.
Works like one, too.

That's good to hear.

Laura tells me
you both turned out
to be "a" students.

You and matthew
talking some?

Talking some?

I practically have to
tie up his hands
to keep him quiet.


Almanzo: hey, doc.
How you doing?

Well, fine, almanzo.
Just fine.

You know, I was out
at isaiah's this morning,

And it's hard
to believe the change
that's come over matthew.

He doesn't look anything
more like that wild boy
now than I do.

Yeah. It's amazing.

Isaiah wants to bring
him into town to meet
some other folks.

I thought sunday at church
might be the best place.

Well, that sounds
safe enough to me.

Mcqueen's long gone.
I don't think he's
going to be coming back.

Yeah. Well...

I got to get going.
I got an office
full of patients.

Well, we'll
see you, doc.


I'm going to have $50
to spend on anything I want.