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09x02 - Times Are Changing: Part 2

Posted: 02/17/22 07:52
by bunniefuu
Laura, voice-over:
it was the spring of 1887.

It had been a hard winter
for everyone,

Especially for pa.

He had to sell the farm
and move to where
he could find work.

He settled the family
in burr oak, iowa.

Pa came back to get the last
of the family's things.

Laura: I remember
when we first moved in.

I was so excited
to sleep up in the loft...

With my very own window.

I remember it, too.

Such a baby then.

With big buckteeth.


You don't have to hide
the tears from me, pa.


What on earth is it?

You'll never guess!

Well, if I'll never
guess, what's the
point in guessing?

Royal is coming for
a visit, and he's bringing
his daughter jenny.

I can't believe it!

They're coming on the 14th.

They're gonna be here
in about 3 days.

I haven't seen him
in 10 years.

After my wife died,

Things just
sort of fell apart
for me for a while.

Just sat around
feeling sorry for myself.

Stopped working.

Hadn't been for jenny here
taking care of me,

I don't know what would
have happened to me.

She just stepped right in.

She's quite a lady.

Oh, pa.



I can't...

Dear lord, what is it?

I don't know. I'm going
to get the doc.

It's all right, royal.
I'm gonna get the doc.


Now, when you're
feeling better,

We're gonna get you
to minneapolis

So you can
have some tests--

Almanzo, I've had
all the tests.

I'm dying.

What are you saying?

I'm a young man
with a very old heart.

Nothing can be done,
believe me.

Jenny mustn't know.


You still doing chores?

Just finished.

I hope so.
Saturday's half over.

Where's your brother?

He went into town
to play ball.

He do his share
of the work?

Yeah, mostly.
He was kind of anxious
to get to the game.

Well, I don't want
you doing his work.

He's got to learn
to pull his weight.

I know. He did fine.

Good. Now, why don't
you get into town

Before that game's over?

Nah. I think
I'll go fishing.

All right.

Wish I could go
with you, but I got
a lot of work left.

I'll tell your ma

To hold off cooking
till you get back,

Just in case you
catch supper, ok?

I'll do my best.

Here you go. Lots of ice
and lots of sugar,

Just the way you
like it.

Thank you, darling.

Aunt laura,
you sure you don't
want some lemonade?

No, thank you. You know,
it's real strange,

But the more I drink,
the thirstier I get.

Last night at supper,
I drank so much that
when I went to bed,

I couldn't
even see my feet.

Willie: hey, jenny!

We're going
swimming at wyler's.
You want to come?

Not today.

It's awful hot,
and the water
will feel good.

Some other time.

Suit yourself.

Why don't you
go with them?

Wanted to stay
with you today.

And do what? Watch me
read a book? Go on.

Are you sure?

Get...before I
take a belt to you.

Thanks, pa.

You see why
I can't tell her?

I do.

Nice and sweet.

[All talking and laughing]

Willie: hey, jeb,
you should've been
there this morning.

We had a good game.

Jeb: I had chores.

Nancy: come on.
We're going swimming.

I promised my pa
I'd catch us supper.

Well, you might
as well swim.

You're not gonna
catch anything with
all of us splashing.

Jeb: I don't have
anything to swim in.

That's right. He'll swim
another time. Come on.

Willie: come on.
Let's change.

By the way,
you like my outfit?

It's from paris.

It's all right.

All right?!
It cost $5.00.

So what?

Why don't you swim
with your pants on?

They're only work pants.

Well, I don't
feel like it.

Can't you swim?

Of course I can.

Then let's see.

I told you, I don't
feel like it.

Guess what!

Jeb doesn't know
how to swim!

I do too!

Then let's see.

He doesn't feel
like it, nancy.
Leave him alone!

I dare you to show us
how you swim.

I dare you.
I double dare you!

Well, go on, jeb.
Show her!

I said,
leave him alone!

Nancy: you see?

jeb can't swim!

Jeb can't swim!

All right!
I'll show you.

What are you doing?

You'll see.

Anybody can swim.

I'm gonna show you
how to dive.

Jeb, you don't have
to show her anything.

Shut up, jason.

jeb: ow!

Jeb! Jeb!

Ah! My arm.
I think I busted it.

You see what
you made him do?

Don't blame me.

I didn't ask him
to climb a tree.

We'd better get him
into doc's.

I'll take him.

I'm sorry you
got hurt, jeb.

Thanks, jenny.
I'll be all right.

Let's go.


I'll take
your clothes in.

That'll be sore
for a few days,

But it set real fine.

How long will he have
to keep that on, doc?

Well, I'd say that he
won't be able to do any...

Any swimming
for at least 6 weeks.

Jeb, it's got to be
bad luck with you.

Last summer,
it was his ankle.

Ran right off
the barn roof.

Dr. Baker:
you better stop being

Such a daredevil,
young man.

Yes, sir.

There you go.

Thanks, doctor.

Thanks, doc. Pay you
the first of the week?

That'll be fine.

All right.

Come on, jason.


How's your arm

It's throbbing a little.

Were you gonna jump
in the pond today?

Of course I was.

No, you wasn't.

I was too.

What do you think,
I broke my arm on purpose?

Yeah, I do.

That's just dumb.

As dumb as it was to
run off a barn roof?

What are you
talking about?

I'm talking about
the day you ran off
the barn roof,

The day school was
supposed to have
swimming races.

You did that on
purpose then, too,
didn't you?

No! Now, leave me alone.
My arm hurts.


I said, leave me alone!

Laura, voice-over:
the weeks passed,

And jenny made
more friends all the time.

I knew why royal
didn't want her to know

About his illness,

But it still worried me.

It worried me to think of
what a shock it would be

When the end came.

Royal: this picnic basket
weighs a ton.

Almanzo: she's
used to packing
lunches for me.

Jenny: see you
around suppertime.

Laura: have fun.

Royal: we will.

Almanzo: he seems
a whole lot better
these last few days.

I know.

Maybe the doctors
are wrong, maybe.

No false hopes, manzo.

You'll only make it harder.

I know.

[Royal laughing]

Jenny: she tells
everybody how much
everything costs.

If you say that
you like her hair ribbon,

She says,
"well, you should.
It cost 25 cents."

Ha ha.
You're fooling me.

No, I'm not. She's
just like her mother.

I've never seen
two people so much alike.

I have--
you and your ma.


So much alike
in so many ways.

There's something
about your mother.

People took to her
right off.

You're like that.

Look at how many
friends you have

In just
the short time
you've been here.

You like it here,
don't you?

Yes. I was scared
at first, but...

I'm glad
we settled here.

Your aunt and uncle
are real good people.

They care for you
a great deal.

And I for them.

I want you
to be happy here.

I'd be happy anywhere
with you, father.


Oh, no! Not on
our picnic day!

I'm afraid so.
We'd better pack up.

Jenny: hurry!
We're getting soaked!

Getting soaked?
We ar soaked!

We're almost there.
Come on!


Papa! Come on!


Papa! Papa,
what's wrong?


I'll get help!
I'll get help!

[Door opens]

He'd like to see you.

He--he's gonna
be all right,

Isn't he, doctor?


Your father's been
very ill for some time.

He didn't
want you to know.

You'd better
go to him, child.


My jenny.

I'm here, papa.

So much like your ma.

I'm gonna be
with her soon.

No. No, papa!


It's all right.

You have
a good home here.

People who love you.



I want to be
with you, papa.

You will be...



There's no pain.

[Sobbing quietly]

Reverend alden:
and he also said,

"Let not your heart
be troubled.

"If ye believe in god,
believe also in me.

"In my father's house
are many mansions.

"If it were not so,
I would have told you.

"I go to prepare
a place for you.

"And if I go to
prepare a place for you,

"I will come again
and receive you unto myself,

That where I am,
there ye may be also."

Would you like
a cup of tea?

I k*lled him.


I k*lled him.

He was running
that day, trying
to keep up with me.

Why didn't you tell me
he was sick? Why?!

Jenny, your father
asked us not to.

You should've!

This never
would've happened
if you had told me!

Now, jenny,
you listen to me.

Your father
was a very sick man.

Doc baker told you that.

But I could've
taken care of him--

helped him live.

But instead
I k*lled him!

Jenny, you didn't
k*ll him. You--

Leave me alone!

Get out and
leave me alone!


Mrs. Wilder?

Hi, jeb.

Is jenny
gonna come back
to school soon?

I don't know.

I was afraid
to stop by.

I didn't know
what to say to her.

How's she doing?

Well, I wish I could
say she was better,

But I'm afraid I can't.

Well, do you
think she'd like
some company?

Maybe. You could try.

She spends most of
her time down at the lake.

I'll stop by and
see her after chores.

How's your arm doing?

Almost as good
as new. Sling
comes off in a week.

You better be
more careful from now on.

I will.

I better get.
Bye, ma'am.


[Clicks to horses]


If you want to be
alone, just tell me.

I wanted to work
one of my pigeons.

You said you wanted
to see one.

I've got him
right here.

Pretty, isn't he?
He's my best one.

He is pretty.

Do you want
to hold him?


Just put
your hands...there.

Yeah, that's it.

Now, you hold him,
and I'll write
a note to pa.

[Pigeon cooing]

The lake.

Be home...

In time for supper.


Now, you just
keep a hold of him,

And I'll tie the
message on his leg.


All right. All set.

Now watch.

He's something,
isn't he?

Does he ever get lost?

No. He never has.
If you wanted,

I can bring him by
your house sometime

In a little cage.

And if you wanted,

You could
write me a note

And send it
to my place.

Well, I got to be
getting back.

Miss plum's
been giving us
a lot of homework.

I hope you come
back to school soon.

We all miss you.

I miss you.


Thank you.

You're late for supper.

I'm sorry.
I stopped by
to see jenny.

Did you get
my message?

Yeah, but it said
you'd be home by supper.

I know. I guess
I got to daydreaming
on the way home.

I used to do a little
of that at your age, too.

How's jenny feeling?

She's not good.

I don't know
how to explain it.

She's real distant,
real sad.

Well, it was nice
you tried to help.

I don't think
it did much good.

But the important
thing is you tried.

I suppose.

I'll go wash up.


Yes, sir?

I want to talk
to you before
you go in.

About what?

Sit down, son.

Did I do
something wrong?


I was talking to
your brother today.

You both argue
a lot...

But you know
he loves you.


He told me about
the swimming.

He promised.
He promised he wouldn't!

He's worried
about you.

I would've done
the same thing
in his shoes.

But he lied to me.

And you've been
lying to me.

I haven't.
I never told you
I could swim.

You pretended
you could.

That's the same thing.

You haven't been
honest with me.



'Cause why?

'Cause you didn't
want me to find out

You were afraid
of water?


You think you're the
only boy in the world

That's afraid of it?

I couldn't swim a lick
at your age.

You couldn't?

Scared to death.

Didn't learn
till I was 17.

But I had
a better reason
than you did.

My pa couldn't swim.

He couldn't
teach me.

But I can teach you.

But, pa, I'm afraid.

So was i.

Believe me,
we'll take it slow,

And you
won't be scared.

Now, you get
that arm out of
that sling,

And we'll give it
a try, all right?

All right.

And please don't
be afraid to tell
me anything.

Folks have to talk
to each other

If they're gonna
help each other.

I mean, I hate
to think I'd have
a problem

I couldn't come to
you and talk about.

All right.
Now, you go wash up.

Thanks, pa.


Now, you
get out of here.


Don't hold a grudge
against your brother.

He loves you.

I know.

All set?

Yeah. How does she look
in her new sunday bonnet?

She's pretty
as a picture,
just like her ma.

Well, thank you,
kind sir.

I'll tell jenny we're
ready to go to church.

I sure wish
she'd come with us.

So do i, but--

I want to go to church
with you this morning,

If it's all right.

Of course
it's all right.

You haven't had
breakfast. I'll go
fix you something.

I'm fine, really.
I'll eat later.

Well, let's get
started, then.

Ha ha ha!

Here, papa.

Here's rosy-posy.
There we go.

there we go.

There we go.

I'd like to talk
to reverend alden
for a while.

Is it all right?

We'll wait.

I don't know
how long I'll be.

Why don't you go ahead?

We don't mind

No, it's all right.
The walk will do me good.

suit yourself.

I'll see you
at home.

See you.

* Blessed be
the tie that binds *

* Our hearts--

Reverend alden?

Why, jenny!

I wondered if I could
see you for a minute.

Well, certainly.


Now...what do you
have in mind?

Heaven. You talked about it
in your sermon today.

Yes, I did.

Are you sure?

Are you really sure
there's such a place?

I am very...

Very sure.

My father's there now
with my mama?


They're together
for eternity.

Now, we grieve when
a loved one dies,

But it's only
for ourselves

Because we miss them.

But when our time comes,

We will see them again.

And that knowledge
gives us the
strength to go on.

And you're sure?

You will
see your father

And your mother again.

Thank you, reverend alden.
Thank you.

There you are.
It's such
a pretty day out,

We thought we'd
all go picnic up
at kennedy meadows.

How does that sound?

You go ahead.
I think I'll stay
around the house.


This morning
when you wanted
to go to church,

It made
your uncle manzo
and I very happy.

We thought
you were starting
to feel better.

But I do feel better,
aunt laura.

Really, I do.

I had a very good talk
with reverend alden.

Then why won't
you come with us?

'Cause you two haven't
had any time together.

You been too busy
worrying about me.

Jenny, we'd love
to have you with us.

I'll be with you
a long time.

Now, it's not fair
to either of you

To have a niece
tag along all the time.

But, jenny--

No buts about it,
uncle manzo!

I'm fine now,
so stop worrying
and have a good time.

I'll probably go
into town and play
with some of the kids.

All right,

But you're welcome
to come along.

I know.
I love you both.

Now, off you go.

We'll be back
around 6:00.

to eat something.

I will.

Ok...come on.

Come here,

Here we go.

Bye. Have fun.

We will.

Jenny, voice-over:
dear aunt laura,

I want you to know how much
I love you and uncle almanzo.

Sorry about the way I've acted.
I felt so lost and alone.

I want to be with papa and mama
more than anything.

I know now that I can be.

Please try to understand,

And remember that we'll
all be together again someday.

Good-bye for now.

Love, jenny.

[Knock on door]



Who is it?

It's me. Jeb.


Hi. Me and jason

Were going into town
to play ball,

So I thought
I'd drop off my pigeon

In case you want
to send a message.


He could use
the exercise.

All right.

You remember
how to do it and all?


Ok. Oh...

You wouldn't want to come
and play, would you?

There'll be other girls.

Not today.
I have some things
I have to do.

All right.

come on, jeb!

See you later.

Jason: how's
the arm feeling?

A little weak,
but it's ok.

Better not overdo it
first day.

I won't.

When's pa going to start
your swimming lessons?

Next week.
And don't talk
about it to nobody.

Come on. You know me
better than that.


Dadburn it!

What's wrong?

I forgot to give
jenny the cylinder.

You go on.
I'll catch up.

If we choose up,
you want to be
on the same team?

Yeah. That way,
we won't argue as much.

Jenny, it's me.




There you are, pigeon.
I forgot to leave this.




Where would she go?

The pond!


Jenny, no!


Jenny, no!

She's asleep.

How is she?

She's fine...physically.

The carter boy swallowed
more water than she did.

Oh, thank god
he found her.

I'm going out there now
to check on him
one more time.

Thank him again
for us.

I will.

Thanks, doc.

How did I get here?

Jeb found your note.

He saved your life.

Why didn't he let me die?

That's what I wanted!

What you wanted?

Well, maybe
it's about time
you started thinking

Of someone else
besides yourself.

I want to be with them.

I love them!

If you love them
like you say you do,

You'd never do
anything like this--

To hurt them
like this.

Jenny, your parents
loved you

More than anything
else in the world.

They wanted you
to have everything.


Your own family,


Their grandchildren!

But because
of your self-pity,

You'll deny them

That's not true!

Yes, it is!

You talk about god
and love.

God put you on this
earth for a reason,

Just like all of us.

You're strong
and healthy,

And you should get
down on your knees

And thank the lord
for what you've got!

But instead, you just
throw it all away,

And you nearly caused
an innocent boy
to lose his life.



Jeb carter
nearly drowned

Trying to save you!

His father told me

He couldn't swim
a stroke,

Yet he jumped
into that water,

And he somehow
got you out.

Now, I don't want
to hear any more

About what you want.

You start thinking

About what your parents
would want for you...

If you love them
like you say you do.

Was I too hard on her?

I don't think so.

Maybe we should've
done it a long time ago.

I hope to god
you're right.

[Door opens]

I saw your light
under the door.

I want to start
school again.

I want to make
my parents proud of me.

And I want them
to have grandchildren.

And I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry!


Oh, it's all right.

Everything's gonna be
all right now.

I love you.

I love you.

You'll have 15 minutes
to read the chapter.

Afterwards, you'll--

Sorry I'm late.

That's all right...

This time.

You may take your seat.

As I was saying,

You'll have 15 minutes
to read chapter 6.

Afterwards, we'll have
an oral quiz. You may begin.

Jeb, we're going
swimming. Want to come?

Not today.

I told you
he can't swim!

jeb can't swim!

Jeb can't swim!



Go jump in the lake.

[All laughing]

How are you feeling?

Good. I want
to thank you.

None of the kids know.

Thank you
for that, too.

Well, I better
be getting home.

Say, you wouldn't want
to go swimming, would you?

Do you?

Yeah. I do.

Let's go, then.

[All talking and laughing]

Nancy: well,
look who's here.

You going fishing, jeb?

I'll bet he doesn't
jump in. Ha ha!

jeb can't swim.

Jeb can't swim.

Jeb can't swim.

Jeb can't swim.

Ha ha ha!

Jeb can't swim.

Jeb can't swim.

Jeb can't swim.

Jeb can't swim.



