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09x01 - Times Are Changing: Part 1

Posted: 02/17/22 07:50
by bunniefuu
Laura, voice-over:
it was the spring of 1887.

It had been a hard winter
for everyone,

Especially for pa.

He had to sell the farm
and move to where
he could find work.

He settled the family
in burr oak, iowa.

Pa came back to get the last
of the family's things.

Pa pretended that moving on
would be a great thing
for the family,

But I knew how he loved
the little house on plum creek,

And I knew how much
he was hurting inside.

Sarah baked you
some biscuits
for your trip back.

Oh, that's very kind.
Thank you.

Wish you could stay
for supper with us.

I'd like to, but I got
a long trip back.

I should be
getting started.

Mind if I take one more
last look in the house?

No, not at all.


Laura: I remember
when we first moved in.

I was so excited
to sleep up in the loft...

With my very own window.

I remember it, too.

Such a baby then.

With big buckteeth.


You don't have to hide
the tears from me, pa.

Good times here.

Good times.

I know.

Jason, give
that back--now!

You want it?
You got to get it.

Man: boys,
that's enough.

Jason, jeb,
you heard me.

Well, he took
my pencil box!

he broke my slate!

Wasn't on purpose!

It was too!

Man: we'll discuss
whose fault it was later.

Right now, jason,
give jeb back the box.

Yes, sir.

Man: now, you both
wait outside.

I'm sorry.
I tried to stop them
before they ran in.

Oh, that's all right.

John and sarah carter,
this is my daughter
laura wilder.

We met outside.

In that case,
I better let you
get back to moving in.

Take as much time
as you like.

I know it's not easy
leaving a place.

It isn't, but I
have to be on my way.

You've been most kind.
Thanks a lot.

We'll take good care
of the place.

I know you will.

I'll give you
a ride home.

It was nice
meeting you both.

Likewise. We'll be
seeing each other, I'm sure.

Good luck.

Thank you.

He was crying
when we came in.

I know.

Promise me

If I can.

Promise me we'll
never move again.

I promise.

They're nice people,
the carters.

That they were.

Good blacksmith. Did a
fine job on the team.

I'm sure he is.

The missis was telling me
she's going to start
a paper in walnut grove.

So I heard.

That will be good
for the town--
paper all its own.

Never thought I'd see
a day a woman would be
running a newspaper.

Times are changing.

That they are.

You could have them
over the house,
make them feel welcome.

I suppose.

What's wrong?


Come on.
I'm your pa, remember?

I can tell when
something's bothering you.

about the carters?

I know
it sounds silly...

But I grew up
in that house,

And seeing them
all moved in...

[Sighs] it just
sort of bothered me.

You're right.
It's silly.

But I understand it.

You do?

Well, sure, I do.

I watched you grow up
in that house, remember?

Come in
for a few minutes.

I really should be
starting back now.

Oh, just
a little while.

All right.
One cup of coffee.

Then I'll
be on my way.

Where's almanzo?

He's probably
in the bedroom with
rose. I'll get him.

I'll start the coffee.



What's this
all about?

How do you like that?
We hide out in here

Like a bunch
of church mice,

Waiting to say good-bye
to an old friend,

And all he can say is,
"what's all this about?"

They have
a surprise for you.

Right in this box.

What in the world
is this?

Go on, open it.

All right,
I'll open it.

Look at that.

Well, we wanted
to get you a
going-away present.

When we heard that
you were going to work

In a fine men's store
in the big city,

We figured a new suit
might come in handy.

You can't sell fancy duds
when you look like
you just plowed a furrow.

Do you like it?

It's a fine suit.



Don't be.

Just that I made
so many friends here.

Best friends
I ever had in my life.

It's hard leaving them.

You talk like
we ain't never gonna
see each other again.

We will.

I'm kind of like
a bad penny--
always turn up.

You watch over
my family for me.

You know I will.

Proud you asked me.

All right. Let's get
back inside there and
try your new suit on.

[Harmonica and accordion

[Laughter and shouting]

Laura, voice-over:
pa stayed long into the night,

Dancing and laughing.

I could see the tears
behind his eyes,

For he knew
it would be a long time

Before he would see
his friends again.

May i? May i?



Good morning.

All right, class,
take your seats.

I know it's the first day,
and you're all excited,

But you must
take your seats.

Now, as you all know,

I will no longer
be teaching here
in walnut grove.

But I will be available
for tutoring after school
for anyone who needs it.

And now I'd like
to introduce you all

To your new teacher,
miss etta plum.

Miss plum.

Thank you,
mrs. Wilder.

Good morning, class.

Good morning, miss plum.

I've already spoken
to a number of you
this morning,

And I know how you feel
about mrs. Wilder,

And I'll do my best
to try to earn

The kind of respect and
affection that you have
for mrs. Wilder.

Now, I believe that
willie and nancy oleson
have a presentation to make.

Miss plum, I did
all the artwork on this.

You may not be aware
of the fact that I'm the
best artist in the class,

And I never receive less
than an "e" for excellence
on my report card.

And I'd also
like you to know--

Nancy, be quiet.

Mrs. Wilder, we didn't
know what to give you

On your last day
with us,

And...well, we decided
to give you this.

It's got
all of our names on it
so you won't forget us.

I know I've been
a lot of trouble to you,

And at first I didn't like
the idea of you teaching

And telling me
what to do,

But I know you did it
'cause you really care
about me.

And I just wanted you
to know that we all
care about you.


Thank you, willie.

I thought I was
prepared for today,

But, as you can see,
I'm not.

Thank you all for this.

I'll treasure it forever.

And have no fear...

'Cause I'll never
forget any of you.

You all mean
a great deal to me.

Miss plum is
your teacher now,

And I know you're all
going to do your best

And work hard
and make me proud.

Mrs. Wilder?

Once more...
For old times' sake.

In the corner.

Yes, ma'am.

Good luck.


Now, you just hold still
for a few more minutes.


Don't be blaming me.

I'm not the one
who messed. You are.

There you go--
warm and dry.


I don't know why your ma
decided to name you rose.


How'd it go?


You don't look fine.

It was hard...

than I thought.

Oh, I knew
it would be.

Oh, manly...

I know, I know,
but it had to be.

You got the baby now.

I know.

I'll be all right


And you'll still be
teaching here,

And you'll see the whole brood
in church on sunday.

It's like
they're all my own.

I know.

Although I must say,
I'm very glad

That nancy oleson
isn't really ours.

Ha ha!

I agree with you.

What's that smell?

Oh. Rose's.


Rose's diaper.
I just changed her.

Give me that.
I'll go wash it out.

Oh, I almost

There's a letter for you
from your brother royal.

It's in my folder.

Oh. It's about time.

It's been almost a year.

I'll be right back.

Laura? Laura!

What on earth is it?

You'll never guess!

Well, if I'll never
guess, what's the
point in guessing?

Royal is coming for
a visit, and he's bringing
his daughter jenny.

I can't believe it!

They're coming on the 14th.

They're going to be here
in about 3 days.

I haven't seen him
in 10 years.

Where on earth are
we going to put them?

You're right. Why didn't
I add that extra room
like we talked about?

Well, you just
haven't had time.

You're right.
Well, I'm just going to

Have to make the time
right now.

You're gonna try
and build a room
in 3 days?

I'm not gonna try.
I'm gonna do it!

I'll not have my brother
sleeping on the floor
in the living room.

I got to get to town
and get some lumber.

I can't believe it.
My brother's coming
for a visit!


Beth, that coach
should have been here
20 minutes ago.

Manzo, the stage
is always late,
and you know it.

Now, you haven't seen
royal for 10 years.

I don't think
another 10 minutes is
gonna hurt anything.

I know.
It's just that i--
there it is!


Uncle manzo?

Land sakes! The last
time I saw you,

You were knee-high
to a grasshopper.

Look at you!



Been a long time.

Too long, brother.

Royal, jenny, I'd like you
to meet my wife laura

And our little baby rose.

It's a pleasure to
finally meet you both.

Pleasure's mine.

likewise, ma'am.

Well, you must be awful tired
after your long trip.

Now, why don't you
go get in my rig,
and I'll get the bags?

Thank you.
It's a rough trip.

Come along, jenny.

I'll be right along.

After my wife died,

Things just
sort of fell apart
for me for a while.

Just sat around
feeling sorry for myself.

Stopped working.

Hadn't been
for jenny here,

I don't know what
would have become of me.

She just stepped right in,
taking care of me.

She's quite a lady.

Oh, pa.

Don't be shy about taking
a compliment from your pa.

He doesn't hand them
out lightly.

I grew up with him.
I know. Ha ha!

How long
can you stay?

Well, I'm not real sure.

Jenny and I have
talked about it some.

There's a lot of
sad memories.

We were thinking about
maybe moving here for good.

Well, royal,
that's wonderful.

There are a lot
of fine folks--

Hold on, baby brother.

I said we're just
thinking about it.

I have to find
a place to live.

Well, we got
the extra room.

Oh, no. I appreciate you
letting us stay here now,

But, uh, I don't think
a young married couple
needs company all the time.

Yeah. Maybe you're right.

What about
jenny's schooling?

Well, I hadn't really
thought too much about that.

Hmm. Well, the new year
started last week,

And if you're gonna
stay, you should
get enrolled now.

Would you like
to start right away?

Yes, if it's
all right!

Laura: I'd be glad
to take her into
town tomorrow.

Well, that's
very kind of you.

Not at all. It would
be my pleasure.

Well, now, as soon as
I get my strength back,

I'm gonna start
looking for some work.

Kind of let myself go
this past year.

You know, it might
be a good idea

To see doc baker,
have a checkup.

No, no. It's not

All I need is to start
eating proper again.

You get old very fast
sitting in a rocker.

Well, that's all
behind you now.

Beth's cooking will
fatten you up real fast,

And I'll see to it
you don't spend
too much time a-rocking.

All right, boys,
nice and easy now,

Don't let it
get to swinging.

Go on, nice and steady,
nice and steady.

That's it, that's it.

Ah, you're
doing good work.

Don't let it
get turned on us.

mr. Edwards.

Good morning,

I'd like you to
meet almanzo's niece
jenny wilder.

Isaiah edwards.

Pleasure, ma'am.



Lemon verbena.

Any lady that wears
lemon verbena is
a friend of mine.

What's going on?

Mrs. Carter's
new printing press.

It's hard to believe,
isn't it?

Walnut grove's gonna
have its own newspaper.

Run by a woman no less.

What's that
supposed to mean?

Oh, nothing.
Nothing at all. Nope.

Times are changing.

Sure are.

Sad, ain't it?

Come on, jenny.
We best get you
enrolled in school.

meeting you.

Say, if you ever want
to learn how to spit,
you come see me.


I'll explain it
to you on the way.

See you later!

Oh, good morning,
laura, jenny.

mrs. Oleson.

How did that woman
know my name?

That's mrs. Oleson.

She knows everything
that goes on
in walnut grove,

And what
she doesn't know,
she makes up.

Mind, you don't want
to scratch the paint.

mr. Edwards!

Yoo-hoo yourself.

Isn't it exciting,
having a newspaper?

Well, it is
if you can read.



Oh, sorry about that.

See, if I swallow
them juices, it makes me
belch something awful.

I don't want
to hear about that!

Where's mrs. Carter?

Upstairs in the office.

Oh. Thank you.

You're welcome.


That woman
would make a train
take a dirt road.

How's it look?

Oh, it looks
just fine.

We'll get the rest
of your furniture.

Thank you.

Excuse me.


Mrs. Carter?

Oh! Yes.
Can I help you?

Oh, heaven sakes,
you don't remember me.

I'm hurt.
I'm mrs. Oleson.

We met in the church.

Oh! Oh, certainly.
Mrs. Oleson!

I'm so sorry.

That's all right.

I just thought I'd come over
and offer my services.

Well, I used to dabble in
the newspaper business myself.

Oh, really?

Oh, yes, yes, yes.

I had my own column--
"harriet's happenings."

Oh, is that a fact?

Oh, yes, yes, yes.

Course, I have
a very busy schedule,

With the store
and the restaurant,

But I thought that perhaps
you might need some help,

And, well, what are
friends for, huh?

Well, that's so true.

What kind of help?

Well, uh...

"Harriet's happenings."

You see, believe me,

I am the one that knows
what's happening in this town.

Oh! I have a very juicy
bit of gossip.

Hot off the lips
of miss foster.

Don't you love that,
that expression "hot off"?

It's just such
newspaper talk.

Well, mrs. Oleson,

I'm afraid there's
no room in my paper
for a gossip column.

No gossip?


Well, what on earth
are you going to
put into the paper?


News?! Well, how dull!

Man: where
do you want this?


Right over here,
thank you.

Right against
the wall.

Right there,
thank you.

We'll get
the rest of this.

Thank you.

Mrs. Carter.

call me sarah.

Oh! Sarah.

Isn't there something
that I could do
on the paper?

Only if
you were a puppy.


Mrs. Oleson.

Oh, please.
Call me harriet.


I'm afraid that
aside from a few ads,

The paper will
consist of news stories
and the weather.

So you see--

The weather! But I
could do the weather.

It's really not that--

Please! Oh, I can
just see it now.

"Harriet's forecast."

Ha ha! And I have
a farmer's almanac at home,

So it will save you
the trouble of looking it up.

That may be true,

That's just wonderful!

I'll get started
on it right away. Yes.

"Harriet's forecast."
No, wait!

I've got it! "Hurricane
harriet predicts."

Oh, that's--no! Oh!

Oh! "Harriet's
weather or not."

Ha ha ha!
I love it!


Hee hee!


Class, I'd like you
to meet a new student--
jenny wilder.

Let's all welcome her.

Class: hello, jenny.

Take these books
and sit right over there.

Thank you.

Oh, she'll be fine.

I better get going
before I forget myself

And send willie
to the corner.



Miss plum: let's open
our books to page 31.

Jeb, you may begin.


Jeb carter.


"Yes, miss plum,"
not "huh?"

Oh, yes, miss plum.

Your reader, page 31.

Oh. Yes, ma'am.

"The beaver.

"The beaver is found
chiefly in north america.

"It is about 3 1/2 feet long

"Including the flat,
paddle-shaped tail,

Which is a foot in length."

The baby's crying.


How's a man supposed
to get a day's work done
around here

When he's got
to be a mother, too?

I could have taken
jenny into town.

It's not your fault.
Beth should have
been home by now.

I guarantee you she
stopped to chew the fat
with hester sue.

Well, here, let me
take over for you.

Don't overdo it, now.

I'm the one used
to bend you over
my knee, remember?

You go in and
change the baby, ma.

Yeah! Ha ha!

Has my husband got
you working already?

[Breathing heavily]
just...helping out.

Almanzo's inside,

Changing the baby.

Uh-oh. I better go
inside. I'm late.

Warm and dry.

Now, I want you
to get some sleep,
young lady.

[Door opens]



Sorry I'm late.
I stopped to--

Talk to hester sue.

How'd you know that?

Woman's intuition.

I get that
from being a mother.

Are you angry?

Of course not...

If you give me a kiss.


Listen to royal,
chopping away.

He already wants
to see if he can outdo
his younger brother.

Well, don't
let him overdo.

No, I won't.
What's for supper?

Is that all you
ever think about?

No, but it's
a little early
to be thinking

About what's
for breakfast tomorrow.

Roast chicken.

Mmm. Well, I guess
I better go out

And work up
a good appetite.

I thought you'd
have all this chopped
and stacked by now.

Oh, that's enough.
Let me take over.

I can do it.


I'll finish.

Maybe you're right.
Hot out here.

Why don't you
sit down a minute?

hey, who wants
to go swimming?

Kids: I do!

Meet you
at wyler's pond.

All right!

I'll get
my bathing towel.
It's from paris.

Who cares?

It's all right.
You go on.

You sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Just don't be
late for supper.


You gonna
go swimming?

Me? No.

It's awfully hot.
Come on.

Another time. I got to
take care of my pigeons.


Yeah, homing pigeons.
I got 4 of them.

I'd like to
see them sometime.

Sure. Anytime.

Willie: hey, jenny,
you coming?

You sure you don't
want to go swimming?



See ya.

Yeah. See ya.


Willie, finish
your supper.

I'm not hungry.

Who, you? Not hungry?
Don't be ridiculous.

Maybe your son isn't
hungry for leftovers
from the restaurant.

I know I'm not.

Oh, for heaven's sakes.

I didn't have time
to cook supper tonight.

I had to finish my column.

Your column?


I thought you were supposed
to do a weather report.

Well, I am, but someone
with my talent

Can't just write down
"clear and sunny."

Well, what does someone
with your talent write down?

You want to hear it?

I'm going to anyway.

weather or not."

isn't that catchy?


"The sun
will be shining today,

"So harry gorman
won't have to bring
an umbrella

When he visits
the widow bates."


Well, let me finish!

"It will be very warm,

"Almost as warm as
the looks in church
on sunday

"Between sylvie brooks
and arnold farnsworth.

I wonder if arnold's
fiancée notices."

that is not weather!
That is gossip!

Well, who cares?

That's why I call
the column "harriet's
weather or not."

Some of it's weather.
Some of it's not.

If you didn't spend
so much time gossiping
on the telephone,

You'd have time
to fix supper.

Oh, for heaven's sakes,

There you go
about supper again.

Where are you going?

I have to get the column
over to the paper.

It goes to bed

Hmm? That's
newspaper talk.

It's going
to go to print.

So you do
the dishes. Bye.

Harriet! Harriet!


First she can't cook
the supper.

Then she can't
wash the dishes.

Nancy, you wash.
Willie, you can dry.

Mother didn't
ask me to do them.
She asked you.

Well, I'm telling you.

I can't.
I don't feel well.

A girl upset me
at school today.

Who upset you?

That awful jenny wilder.

I hate her!

Oh, I met jenny. Seemed like
a very nice girl to me.

That's it!
Take her side!

You hate me!

Nancy, now, listen to me!

I don't hate you!
I just--

It's all right.

Stick up for that
awful girl instead
of your own daughter!

I don't care!

Oh, nancy!

What on earth did
jenny do to upset
your sister so?


Well, something
about jenny upset her.

She's pretty.

That's all?

That's enough
for nancy.

Well, I'll wash.
You can dry.

No argument.

That understood?

[Door closes]

[Jeb crying]

Jeb, what's wrong?


Come on.
You don't cry
for nothing.

You do if
you feel like it.

It's because
of today, isn't it?

The swimming.


Ain't no use
lying to me.

I'm your brother.

I wish we never moved
to minnesota.

The land of 10,000 lakes,
and I can't swim a lick.

You could if you
just try.

It's easy.

I don't want to try.

Jeb, you got to
stop being scared.

I can't.
I can't help it.

Pa will teach you.


You don't say
nothing to pa.

I don't want him
knowing I'm scared.

But he's bound to
find out sometime.

No, he won't,
and you swear not to tell,

Not anybody.

I won't.

Swear it.

Oh, jeb,
that's silly.

Swear it!

All right.
I swear it.

You go on back
to bed now.

Jenny go off
to school yet?

Mm-hmm. She wanted to
get there early

So she could play
for a while.

You know she just
chattered on like a magpie
about school last night.

She loves it.

I wonder if
I ought to wake royal.

I was going to ask
him if he wanted to
go into work with me.

Maybe you should let
him sleep for a while.

He didn't look
so well last night.

He's so tired.

Well, he's just
being stubborn.

You know, chopping wood
like he did yesterday.

[Glass breaks]



Dear lord, what is it?

I don't know. I'm going
to get the doc.

It's all right, royal.
I'm gonna get the doc.


It's all right.

It's all right.
It's ok.

That woman! Oh!

That woman! How dare
she do this to me!

Calm down.

Oh, calm down

How dare she
do this to me?
I hate her!

What woman? What
did she do to you?

What woman? Mrs. Carter,
that's what woman!

Look what she's
done here. Read this.

Just read that.

weather or not.

Sunny and hot."

Sunny and hot.

Uh! Sunny and hot!

She took my whole
column out and left
"sunny and hot."

Did you ever read
anything so stupid?


No, harriet,
I never read

Anything so stupid
in my life.


Yes, yes.

Hold on, miss rucker.

It's my brother royal.
It's bad. He's sick.

I'll have
to get back to you.


Well, he can't breathe.
He keeps holding his chest.

Sounds like
his heart.
Let's go.

How do you feel?



From the sound
of that heart,

I'd venture to say
this isn't the first
attack you've had.

Am I right?

Have you seen a
doctor before this?

Didn't he give you
any medicine?


Ran out.

Laura, if he
has any chest pains,
give him one of these.

Yes, doctor.

How bad is he, doc?

It's very bad,
I'm afraid.

If he knew how bad,

He never would
have been without

He was near dead
when we got here.

Dear god.

Keep him very still.

And make sure
he understands
how serious it is.

I will.

When he gets stronger,
you may want

To take him to st. Paul
for some tests.


I'll be back tomorrow.

I'll drive you
back to town, doc.

Oh, no,
there's no need.

You stay
with your brother.
It stopped raining.

Anyway, I could
use the exercise.

Thanks, doc.

You gave us quite
a scare, brother.

I'm sorry.


That's all in the past.
I'll be fine.

I don't want
to be in bed when jenny
gets home from school.

No, no,
you're gonna be.

That's doctor's

listen to me.

you listen to me.

I don't know
what your doctor's
been telling you,

But you're
a very sick man,

And rest is the only
thing you really need.

When you're feeling
better, I'm gonna
take you to minneapolis.

You're gonna
have some tests.

I had all the tests.

I'm dying.

What are you saying?

The truth.

I'm real sorry.

I know I should have
told you before now,

But I wanted
jenny to get a chance
to get to know you,

And you, her.

You're the only family
she'll have.

Now, I want you to
stop talking like that

'Cause you are
still a very young man.

I'm a young man
with a very old heart.

Nothing can be done,
believe me.

Jenny mustn't know.

She knows
I haven't been well.

I only have a short time
left with her.

I don't want to spend it

With a daughter who cries
every time she looks at me.

I want our time
together to be good.

You understand that?


I don't want
a little brother

Who cries every time
he looks at me, either.