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02x08 - Jacuzzi

Posted: 02/16/22 17:07
by bunniefuu
CURTIS: Gonna have some adventures

in this baby, huh, you guys?

- ANNA: Yeah.
- CURTIS: Yeah?

ANNA: Mm-hmm.

I can see the moon.

Me too.

It's pretty cool.

ANNA: I wonder if it's
different in, like, Florida.

CURTIS: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

It's gonna be fun.

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

♪ People are out on the streets ♪

♪ Saying, "Hey" ♪

♪ Walking towards me all of the day ♪

♪ I don't know you, sir ♪

MAYA: ♪ But I wish
that I could know you ♪

♪ So I could say, "Hey, hey" ♪

♪ You say hey back to me ♪

- ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Back in the day, hey, hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

Dad, are we gonna be there soon?

- Curt, what time is it?
- Dad.

Can I use your camcorder?


Wow. Beautiful, no?

Why, yes, it is, Curt. It is beautiful.


MAYA: Whoo! We here. Florida, baby.

- Whoo!

Dad, what are you doing?
You're getting further away.

CURTIS: I'm not gonna park
the car next to other cars.

That-that's how you get scratches.

You know that, right?

Doors open and ding the car.

- ANNA: Dad.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

CURTIS: Come on, Maya.
Don't play with the buttons.

This is vacation.

ANNA: Maya, get me. Get me.



- MAYA: Hi.
- What's up?

MAYA: Pose.


Whoa. Just recording.

ANNA: We miss you, mom.

KATHY: Yeah, but I wish
I was there with you.

The only vacations we went
on as a family were...

Were to Grammy and Grampy's
condo in Florida, I know.

But now you get some alone time too.

You get a break from the kid.

KATHY: Is your dad's pink earring

sparkling in the Florida sun?


ANNA: Mom, you're on
speaker. I love you.

I gotta go. We wanna swim.

MAYA: Whoa. Can't wait to jump in there.

KATHY: Put Maya on with you, please.

I've gotta go, though.

KATHY: I wanna talk to both of you.

Hi, Kathy.

KATHY: Hi, Maya. Listen.

Both of you need to remember
you're in a strange place.

We have a map.

KATHY: Don't interrupt me, sweetheart.

Sorry, Kathy.

KATHY: Girls are getting
kidnapped in Florida.

- Mom.
- KATHY: If you see a cop,

sometimes they have fake badges

and pretend to be cops
to get you in their car,

so just, you know, be careful of that.

- That's not gonna happen.
- Wait, Kathy.

But if we do meet someone

that wants to do that to us, should...

KATHY: Well, you should run

and use the whistle I gave you.

Okay, Mom. Okay, I wanna go swim.

Love you. Bye.

Bye. Love you, Kathy.

KATHY: Love you too.

Okay, Maya, let's go.

Okay, let's go.

Hey, hey. No. No, no, no.

You can't go in the pool
when there's thunder.

Are you serious, Dad?

No one is letting us
start our good time.

Oh, my God.

CURTIS: Hey, careful with that!

C'mon, let me see that.

You're not respecting it.


Okay, be back for dinner at : p. m.

- : .
- CURTIS: : .

You're walking around.
That's it. No bodies of water.

ANNA: Okay. We have to
go, Dad. We have to go.

We have to go.

Okay. Wait, wait,
wait. Hold it. Hold it.


Take... well, just a second. Take this.


No, wait a minute, take...

ANNA: Dad!

CURTIS: Take this.

MAYA: Oh, my God, Curt.

CURTIS: Now, that's all you get
for the whole trip, okay?

- Thank you, Dad.

So spend it wisely.

- Thank you so much.
- Are you sure?

Don't buy expensive water and stuff.

- Thank you. Love you.
- CURTIS: Okay?

We'll be careful. Love you.

- We'll be economical.
- MAYA: We have our map. Bye.

- Don't get ripped off.
- ANNA: Love you. Bye.

Love you, too.

MAYA: [LAUGHING] Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God.
- That guy's looking at me.



MAYA: [SNORTS] C'mon, Anna. So cool.

Stop, stop, stop, stop.


Do I look okay?

Maya, can you tell us
what we're getting?


This is umbrellas.

This, um, Canada Dry.

And this...


ANNA: Ooh, whoa.

Can I hold the money?

It's more mine 'cause it's my dad's.

Anna, he gave it to both of us, so...

I know, but you've had it
for a little while,

so I just want a chance to hold it.

Anna, and I'm gonna pay
for it, so hold on.

Like, let me hold it.

Okay, whatever.

$ . .

Okay. Do we need all three umbrellas?

We do, right? Anna? Anna.

C'mon, Maya. Hold on.

Beverly, I'm sorry. Sorry.

How much did you say this one is, again?

Um, Canada Dry is $ . .

And the Cherry Coke?

- $ . .
- Oof.


Can I...


'Na... take the biggest gulp.

Wicked good artist.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.



We need that.


PERSON: So pretty.

PERSON: Wow, I love that.

Excuse me, how much
would it cost for one of these?

Two for $ . .


That's the exact amount we have.

'Kay. Adaria, here you go.

ANNA: Maya, we're not gonna
have any money left.

- MAYA: So pretty.
- Thank you.

I have to have it.

Okay. We'd like to two, thank you.

Thank you. We're gonna go next. Okay.

You sit... okay.

- ARTIST: Don't move.
- Sorry.

Anna, don't move.

I'm not.

I'm sitting still.

You do? This is amazing.



ARTIST: Okay, done.


Take a look.


MAYA: 'Na, what?


Stop filming, Maya. Please.

MAYA: You liked it before. Sorry.

Please, please.

MAYA: Okay, okay.

I don't... I don't
look like this, right?


Right, May?

No, not at all. Do I?

Oh, my God. Honestly, not at all.

- I didn't know...
- MAYA: Do you swear?

ANNA: No, you don't. Not at all.

CURTIS: Hey. How was it, you guys?

- Good.
- I'm pooping.

Oh. Morning, Will Robinson.


You know, I like the town.
It's a tourist trap.

I went for a run. Bottle of water?

- ANNA: Hide it. Hide it.
- CURTIS: $ . .

- MAYA: I am.
- ANNA: Okay.

CURTIS: Don't get bamboozled here, okay?

Bamboozled? No. No.

[WHISPERING] Put it in the thing.

- Put it away. Okay.
- It was not worth it.

Where? Beneath. Like, at the bottom.

MAYA: Oh, my God.



MAYA: Are you awake?

ANNA: Yeah. Are you?

MAYA: Yeah.

What are you thinking about?

I don't know. I guess I'm just awake.

MAYA: Yeah.

ANNA: Um...

sorry it's not fun yet.

MAYA: No, it is. I swear, it really is.






'Na? 'Na!

ANNA: Yeah? What?

- What's...




CURTIS: Honey, it's sunny.

It's a beautiful day.
It's calling our name.

- Dad. Turn it off.
- MAYA: Please, Curt, please.

All right, all right, all right.

ALINE: How are you liking everything?


You happy with the sausage patties?

Did you try dipping them in the syrup?

Uh, I-I have in my life,
yeah, but, um, I haven't here.

I'm gonna do that. That's great.

Hi there.

You don't have a lot on your plate.

Need something?

I'm fat.

Anna, tell Maya it's not true.

No, I am too.

[MUMBLING] I wanna stay inside.

- CURTIS: Huh?
- I want to stay inside.

I-I guess I know now why
they call 'em teenagers, right?

Are the waters free?

No. Enjoy your day.

Thank you.

Hey, what's with the faces, you guys?

You were dying to go out yesterday.

Don't leave your dear old dad lonely.


Don't you wanna get those
hair braids she's rocking?

You happy with the sausage patties?

MAYA: Mm...

CURTIS: It's on me.


Am I tan yet?

No idea. Am I? My face feels huge.

It's not. It's not. Is my...

- No. No.
- Yeah.

She's pretty.

Water, water, water. $ . .

Looking sweaty. Cool down.

- ANNA: Are you thirsty?
- MAYA: Yeah.

SELLER: It's a good price.
Cheapest on the block.

- ANNA: We don't have any...
- Money, yeah.


It's hot.


That's how it's supposed to look?

Hmm. Thank you.


I'm telling you, she
tried on this swimsuit,

and I swear...



The beach. Anna, oh, my God.


- ANNA: The beach!
- MAYA: Go, go, go.

ANNA: I'm gonna splash your ass.

Ah, bad news.

Storm off of St. Lucia
brought in the jellyfish.

- ANNA: You're too slow.
- CURTIS: Guys. Guys.

Jellyfish. No swimming today.


- Bummer.


Ow. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.

Oh, shit, I forgot something.
Um, it's in the room.

I'll be right back, okay?

Ow, ow. Ow.

It's a tan, right?
'Cause you look burned.

So do you.

Ow, Maya, it's not
ready to come off yet.


- RALPH: Yeah.
- FREDDY: Yeah.

Naño couldn't get a ball if he tried.

Okay, and Ray Rogers can?

He's a joke player, okay?

Feels like we'd all eat
pepperoni pizza together.


Are you hot?



- Oh, hey.
- Hey.

Are you... on a mouse?

[LAUGHS] JK. Are you on vacation?

Yeah. Are you?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

What room are you in?

- K .
- K .

That's close to K , right?

Like, as in dogs?

My brother's a K cop,
and, uh, it smells for dr*gs.

[SILLY VOICE] Arrest me.



I love dogs.

- Me too.
- Yeah.




Where are you guys? What floor?

We are in, uh, L .


- Four, four, four.

Four, four, four.

You two are cute.

You really are. It's, like, crazy.

You've been to In Da Club?

♪ In da club on a late night ♪

BOTH: ♪ Feeling right
looking to have fun ♪


- ♪ I can take home ♪
- ♪ Home ♪

- ♪ I can take ♪
- BOTH: ♪ Home ♪


[CHUCKLES] That's awesome.

But have you guys been to that club?

It's tonight, for and under.

Say hello, you guys.

Dad. Dad, stop.

- Your dad.
- Dad, stop.

CURTIS: Wave. C'mon.

- Seriously.
- Oh, my God.

- Peace.
- Peace.

Wait, what are your names?

- Ralph.
- Freddy.

- We're Anna and Maya.
- Bye.

Bye. Later. Peace.


- Oh.
- Dad!

Come on... lighten up.


- ANNA: L .
- MAYA: Shh.

- ANNA: Sorry.
- MAYA: Go.

ANNA: Maya loves you.

- MAYA: Oh, shit! Anna!
- ANNA: Shh.

- Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah!

Boo, boo, boo, boo!


[WHISPERING] I'm gonna pee my pants!

Um, Anna and I wanna have your babies!

Maya. Stop. Are you serious?

Wait, do I look okay?

Yes. Oh, my God. Do I?



Okay. Shh.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Um, is Ralph here, please?

Or is Freddy, please?

You don't have the right room.


- Um, this is L , right?
- Yeah.

Oh, or maybe they're in In Da Club.

Oh, yeah. In In Da Club, you're right.

ANNA: Okay.

- Sorry.
- Sorry.

ANNA: Go, go, go, go, go!


Wait, wait, wait!

So you're... you're not responsible

for picking out the
ice machine, are you?

- 'Cause this one...
- It's a nice one.

- It's great.
- Dad.

Can we go to the town?

And chase the boys?

- Dad.
- We want to explore the town,

and I have my whistle, so, like...

- So it's all good.
- Yeah.

We just wanna explore the town.

A-line... Aline, right? Aline?

Um, is it safe for them
to just, you know, hang?

Oh, yeah.

There's a lot of
kid-centered activities.

I say yeah.

Okay. Well, be back by : .

Okay, love you. : .

Love you. : .

- : sharp.

Have fun, you guys.

- Kids.


Okay, this is crazy,

but, like, what if one
of use marries them?

- Or both of us. Like...

I know. I know this is crazy,
but I sort of feel that.

- Right?
- ANNA: I know!

They said that they think we're cute.

Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.

But, like, they are, though, you know?

And they're, like, so nice,
which is crazy. Like...

They're so nice. And so cute.

So, so cute, and so nice, like...


Let me see your ID.


oh, I, um, don't have one,
but, um... do you, Anna?

I'm, um, only , so no.


Right answer.

Well, right this way, then.

Thank you so much, sir.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

Something to drink?

No, thank you.

If you wanna stay in In Da Club,

you have to order something.


We'll be right... yeah,
we'll be right back.

[LAUGHING] 'Cause we
don't have any money.

[BOTH LAUGHING] He's so cool.

Ew, Anna. You're, like, grinding.


Do you know Freddy or Ralph?


- Hey.

Trying to be Black much, Blondie?

- What?
- Huh? What? Nothin'.

- What?
- Jenny, Venice.


ANNA: Oh, his friends.

Want me to take your picture?

Do you want me to take your picture?


Thank you.

Thanks. Um, you're pressing the flash.

It's the button on top.

Wow, you're so pretty.


I just got a new straightener.


We're trying to meet up with these guys

that we might go out with, but...

Oh, really? It's still early.
This is Ben. He's single.

That is not the truth.

Are these the girls
you were talking about?

- Maybe.
- That's so mean.

They're not that bad.

He calls girls butt ugly all the time.

It's so messed up.

VENICE: Well, he's
never called you that.

He's obsessed with you.

JENNY: He has. He has before.

I didn't mean it, though.
I was mad when I said that.

You're hot.

Oh, my God, you made them sad.

Look, you girls aren't ugly at all.

He's just an assh*le.

I don't care what that fool thinks.

He looks like he wipes his anus
with toilet bowl brushes.


Oh, my gosh.

I'm waiting to meet some real men.

- Okay.
- You're so funny.

Sorry, you have to drink with us.

He has a tiny d*ck.


You guys are like
the little sisters I never had.

BOTH: Aww.

- We look like you a little.
- BOTH: Yeah.

- We do.

- ♪ Sister, sister ♪

- ♪ Never know how much ♪
- BOTH: ♪ I miss her ♪


♪ I ain't ever gonna
let you go ♪


Three virgin strawberry daiquiris.

Thank you, ma'am.

Two more, please, for my girls.

Thank you so much.

Oh, my God. Thank you.

ANNA: Oh, my God.

Give them some.

There's only a little left.

C'mon, think about how funny it'll be.


Here, take that. Take that.

Here, here. Hurry up, hurry up.
You're going too slow.

- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.

That's so much.

Whoo! [LAUGHS]

Oh, yo, even this song?

Venice, dance with me.

Yeah. Okay.

The weather's really nice.

So, um...


Oh, my God.

I've always wanted to do this.

Yeah. Yeah.

I've... yeah, I've
always wanted to do that.


BOTH: ♪ Oh, whoa ♪

I am the candy man!

BOTH: ♪ Oh, whoa ♪

Coming from Mounty Land!


Oh, my God. Maya.

That guy is looking at
you. You're a hottie.


BEN: He looks way too old to be in here.

Get him to buy us nips, slut.

I don't know him, psycho.

Oh, my God, I do. I
know him. I know him.



♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Hi, again.

So you don't know Ralph
and Freddy, or you do?

Or are you related?

What do you want me to say?

- That you know them.

[LAUGHS] I don't.


Our friends want you to buy them, um...

uh, never mind.

- Alcohol?
- Yeah.

I don't care. Sure.

Oh, my God, what just happened?

Got it!

Go, girl! Go, girl!

Got it! Got it!



Hi, ugly.


- VENICE: There she is.

Anna! Worm with me.


Where were you? I got us alcohol.

The bathroom. I feel, like, sad.

Oh, no.

Okay, Anna needs to catch up, you guys.

Ben, give Anna the rest of your drink.


More is coming 'cause of them.

Anna. Oh, my Go... whoo!

Yes! Go!

Oh, my God, you're gonna be wasted.

I usually hate the taste of alcohol,

but I love fermented strawberry.

I could have, like, so much.

Oh, my God, drink mine too.


Don't laugh. Don't laugh.
I just want her to have it.

Okay, alcoholic.

Thank you. I have a
big mouth. Thank you.

Love you guys. Love you so much.

You okay, 'Na?


[GASPS] You're drunk!

You are.

He's back. Your friend is back, Maya.

He's kinda creepy.

Ben, go talk to him so we don't have to.

Oh, my God, Ben's hot.




You got it?

Yeah, he got us so much.

But he was just kicked out of here

'cause your friend is, like, .

Ew. He's so old. Good job, guys.

Lower, lower.

I love you guys.

Oh, my God. Anna, no.

Babe. No.

Sorry, there's a lot
going on in my life.

[SOBBING] And the guy
I like didn't come.

It's okay.

The guy I like didn't come.

Aww, you're a sad drunk.

My parents hate each other. I'm stupid.

You got me though. You got me.

- Ay-ya-ya!
- Oh, she's a fun one.

I'm pissed, too, they didn't come.

They're assholes.

Don't say that, Maya.

Maybe it's still early. What time is it?

: .

Damn, we're supposed
to be back at : , Anna.

- No.

Be careful of the old guy
on the way back.

I would go with you,

but I don't wanna leave those two alone.

- f*ck you.
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Okay.

Jenny, Venice, Ben, love you.

Bye, guys. Love you.





Get off me. I'm good.

Okay, okay. Get up. Get up.

- Is this the right way?
- Oh, my God. Be normal.

Be normal, Anna.


Anna. Anna, is that the guy?


Oh, my God. Oh, my
God. C'mon, Anna. Shh.

Please, please get up, please.


♪ ♪


Shit. Shit. It's a cop. It's a cop.

Oh, my God, but it could be a fake cop.

[Anna moans]

Come on, come on, come, come.

Look, when we see your dad,
don't say a lot, okay?

And if you, like, need to lean on me,

then just say you hurt your ankle.


[SLURRING] You're my uncle.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

- MAYA: Shh, shh.

Be quiet. Your dad.


Okay, c'mon.



MAYA: Are you okay?

Did you hurt yourself?


I'm ugly.


I'm ugly.

Anna, no, you're not. I am.
Why would you say that?

No, you loo... you're perfect.

God made my... made me, like...

like he was on crack.

Forgot he was doing a
human, not a mountain.


My nose is like a wedge of cheese.

No, I am the cheese, Anna.
I'm, like, a whole round of it.

I'm a whole round of
it. Do you understand?

My face is literally
as round as the moon!

Do you get that?

You get that in your thick skull?

I have a freaking round face,

and my face is hairier than a bat!

I have a hairy, fat, round face

like a freaking fat, hairy bat moon!

How would you feel?

Oh, my God, where'd you go?


Oh, my God. Get up. Okay.
Get up. Get up. Get up.

Throw up.

Oh, God.


[WHISPERING] Shh. Shh. Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Lay down.
Lay down. Lay down. Lay down.



ANNA: Hmm.

You okay? Are you feeling okay?

She's sick, I think. Um...

CURTIS: Oh, okay.

You don't have a fever.

Anna. Are you drunk?

Dad... f*ck you.


You're not my mom, I get it.

Maya, what... what happened?
How could you let this happen?

Um... um... yeah.

The... these younger kids, um,

were, like... they had alcohol and...

Okay, tell me.

They were going home and they told us

- to hold it for them.
- Okay.

And then, like, Anna
sipped the tiniest bit

just to, like, see if they
were gonna be okay on it.

- Yes.
- MAYA: Um, and we were, like...

we were just, like,
really scared coming home.

And then, like, you weren't here,

and so we were scared
and, like, we just...

Just... I'm gonna call .

- I'm scared.

CURTIS: Hello. Um, yeah. Hi.

This is Curtis Kone.
I'm at the Tropicana Hotel.

And, um... [SIGHS]

My daughter is, um, drunk.

She's... she's .

Yeah, at the Hotel Tropicana, yes.

Don't press charges.

Anna, how... Maya, how much did Anna...

Anna, how much did you drink?

f*ck you.

Um, a couple, um, sips.

CURTIS: Okay, just...
just, um, a couple of sips.

Oh, okay.

Right. All right.


maybe it's mixed in with
food poisoning, I don't know.

Okay, thank you. Thank you.

You can't get alcohol poisoning
from a couple of sips.

Wh-what's that?

CURTIS: When you've
had too much to drink

and you have to go
to the hospital to get it out.

Anna? Sweetheart?

You're in trouble. But I love you.

You'll feel better after getting it out.

[ANNA GROANS] Don't tell him.

Anna. Anna. I just told your dad, okay?

You have to remember.

Some younger kids came with alcohol.

We were trying to help them... Anna.

We were trying... Anna, I didn't
ask the guy to buy it for us.



♪ ♪

Anna. Anna. Anna.

Anna. Anna.


When we wake up, your dad is
gonna ask us where we were.

Remember what we were saying?

- What?

You asked the old guy to buy it for us.

And then we drank it. We drank so much.

No. No. Try again.

Kids had it, and we drank it
to protect them.

- So who got it for us?
- You did.

No. Anna. Try again.
So who got it for us?


ANNA: Are you gonna say something?


I-I... I don't even have the words

for how disappointed in you I am.

I didn't think you were
that kind of a kid.

Yeah. Yeah.

Dad, can you please focus?
Like, not on your date? Please?

Aline and I are just friends.

Oh, yeah, you didn't kiss her?

Don't tell me. I don't wanna know.

I don't wanna know.

- I did.
- ANNA: Dad...

It made me feel really bad.

And I will do things
differently next time.

And young lady, I hope you do too.

Yes, of course.

Any little amount to drink is wrong.

And it's a cruel lesson
that you got the stomach flu,

Anna, on the same night
as your bad behavior.

So what happened, again?

You didn't drink anything, Maya?

Just Anna did?

We were going home.

Little kids gave us their alcohol.

They were so little.
I was really nervous over them.

And she tasted it just a little

to see if they would
get too drunk, and...

CURTIS: So it didn't have
anything to do with those boys?

Bad influences?

Dad, we never saw them again.

But when... when we did,

they were... they were
perfect gentlemen.

They ditched us
probably 'cause I'm butt ugly.

No, it's my fault.
Maya, you're gorgeous.

My nose is, like, so disgusting.

My face is so big and ugly.

You guys are both gorgeous.

- Thanks, Curt.

CURTIS: They ditched you, huh?

I'm trying to think of something to say

to make it better, but, uh...


But, you know, we had
a little experience together.

Didn't we?

And we're better off
than we were, right?

MAYA: Not really.

No, I really like them.

So that's an easy answer.

Give them the benefit of the doubt.

And if they screw you over
again, f*ck them.

Be the Anna and Maya I know you are.

Curt, how? We're leaving today. Like...

CURTIS: Aline said we can
use the pool till : .

Maybe they'll come back.

Okay. We have a good time here, huh?


Mm-hmm. Thanks, Dad.

We didn't even get their screen names.

ANNA: Yeah.

CURTIS: For the email messages?

f*ck 'em.

- It's called AIM.
- Oh.

It's not email.

- Sorry.
- Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.

That's... that's them. That's them.

ANNA: [GASPS] Oh, my God.
MAYA: Oh, my God, that's them.

One sec. Dad, dad, dad. One sec. Stop.

Stop just for a second.


♪ ♪

Be chill. Be chill.


Oh, my God, hey.

Whoa, what are you
guys, like, doing here?


Nothing. What are you looking for?

Yeah, my earring dropped.

It's in your ear.



Freddy, we hoped we'd see you guys again

- in, like... in In Da Club.
- Yeah, we went your room too,

but maybe we, like, heard
the number wrong or something.

- Maya. Maya.
- FREDDY: No, no.

I thought about it all night.
I couldn't sleep.

- Like...
- Same.

We felt like we were
supposed to be with you.

Make sure you were okay.

But, like, um, he got grounded

'cause his mom found out
we used the jacuzzi again.

So stupid. Not her.

- BOTH: Oh.
- The situation.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

We aren't actually staying here.

Yeah. Uh, we just live nearby.

Not here. So our bad.

Yeah, but we've waiting out here

'cause maybe you'd
walk by and we say hi.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Like, now we're leaving.

f*ck it all, like...

Um, can we have your
screen names, maybe?


- Sorry.
- Okay, yeah.

Don't lose them.

Oh, my God, they're gone. JK.

You ladies are funny.

I don't wanna leave you, hon, like...

Yeah, hon, me too. I
really, really don't.

You have the gum to remember us by.

[GIGGLES] You're, like, the shit.

Can we have something of yours?



♪ ♪

- Here.
- Here.

I'll treasure it, babe.

Forever, baby.

Enjoy it, baby. Think of me.

Stay safe, okay?


Bye, hon. Bye.

Bye, babe.


I can see it on your face.

You got a perfect ending.

- Smile.
- Dad, stop.

Oh, my God, Curt.

- Stop.
- Please, stop.

I know, it's annoying.

But you'll look back on this
and really, like... maybe.

♪ ♪

You'll get that someday, sweetie.