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03x11 - Maternal Instincts

Posted: 02/16/22 07:52
by bunniefuu
Remember how it looked
the last time we were here?

What a difference
a year makes, huh?

One year, two months
and twelve days.

But who's counting?

It'll be fine.
You'll see.

After all that Kaleipus has done to
make this happen, I certainly hope so.

I'm not talking about
the treaty, Xena.


Solan, you dirty rat!

I almost had you!
I've been practicing!

Very impressive.
Don't you do it again.

What do you think, Gabrielle?

Some tracker, huh?

He's a natural.

- Hi, Solan.
- Hi, Gabrielle!

Wait till you see! I got
a staff just like yours!

Really. That's great!

Sounds like you've been pretty
busy since we were here, huh?

He's learned a lot.

He's clearly had
a good teacher.

- Hello, Kaleipus.
- Xena.

It's been a long time.


- Thank you both for coming.
- We should be thanking you.

This treaty-- it could be the start
of reuniting the Centaur nation.

That's why the delegates
brought their children,

so they can appreciate
the legacy we're leaving them--

a legacy of peace... and hope.

Hey, what are we waiting for, huh?

Solan, I'll race you
to the edge of the village.

On your mark, get set--

- Go!
- No fair!

- That's cheating!
- You'll never catch me!

Kaleipus, you should know
that nothing's changed.

I didn't come back here
to claim Solan.

And besides, you're more a father
to him than if he was really yours.

I just came back here to give
him a chance at a safer future.

Thanks to you, the future's never
looked better-- for everyone.

A child.

I've always wanted a child.

In a time of ancient gods...


...and kings...

A land in turmoil
cried out for a hero...

She was Xena...

a mighty princess,
forged in the heat of battle...

...The power...

...The passion...

...The danger...

Her courage will
change the world...

[font color="#d "]Maternal Instincts[/font]



I can't believe this.


Why didn't you send word
that you were coming?

And spoil the surprise?

Besides, as a Centaur prince,
this treaty's important for Xenon.

Why don't you two go play?

Give Gabrielle and me
a chance to catch up, huh?


Nope. Sorry, Sweetie,
but you might lose him.

Lucas will be here when
you get back. Now scoot!

Come on, Xenon.

Gabrielle, what is it?
What's wrong?

It's pathetic.

Both the totems are on fire!

What do you think you're doing?

Just sending a message
to an old friend.

I can't believe it's only
been a couple of months.

Feels like a lifetime since
Xena and I were in Brittania.

Word was Xena helped
Boadicea defeat Caesar.

That's true.

While we were there,

I, uh--

I got into a,
a very bad situation.

What do you mean?
What happened?

I had a child.

And, sh--

She died.

I named her Hope.

That's what she was.

She was my hope that, um,

despite everything,
that had happened,

this child was,
was worth it all.

You can't blame yourself
for her death.

Only the Fates know why
sleep steals a child's life.

I'm so sorry.

Cut those men down.

I want the group
responsible for this.

It wasn't a group.

Look. There's no footprints.
Nothing's been disturbed.

It could be a god--

Ares maybe--

- angry over the treaty.
- No, it's not his style.

There's only one who would
relish something like this.

But unless the impossible's
happened, she's trapped for good.

- You sure you'll be okay?
- I'll be fine.

Now go, or you'll be
late for your meeting.


don't forget Lucas.

This wolf--

it's by Senticles, isn't it?

Xena gave me a wooden
lamb last winter solstice.

I gave it to Hope.

Why don't you get some rest?

I will.

Whoever you are,
I know you're there.

So come out.


I'm sorry.

I-I'm not gonna hurt you.

What's your name?


Are you Xena,
the warrior princess?

No, I'm not Xena.
I'm Gabrielle.

Xena's a friend of mine.

- Maybe I can help you.
- It has to be Xena.

The monster lady made me promise.

Monster lady?

She said she'd hurt me if
I told anyone else. And she can.

She's a god.

Fayla, this monster lady,

did she tell you her name?


I sensed it earlier.
But how could she escape?

This message she told you
to give me, what is it?

She told me to tell you that...

she knows your little secret, and
she's gonna take it to the grave.

That's all.
Now can I go?


Callisto knows about Solan.

But how?

Whoever freed her
must've told her.

But who that is,
or how they know--

Doesn't matter.

Bottom line is
protecting Solan.

What about hiding Solan
in the Ixion caves?

Should be safe there.

Maybe we should
take Fayla too.

How about it, Fay--

Tell me again how Xena
looked when you told her...

that I'd take her precious
little secret to the grave.

Like she'd been stabbed through
the heart with her own sword.

And that's exactly how she'll
feel too... when Solan dies--

stabbed, stabbed through the heart.

That hurts.

Pierced to the soul
with such exquisite pain.


Oh, I wish I could've seen it.


You'll get your chance.

Why do you think I freed you?

To make her suffer.

To make her stop.

My father's kingdom
is at hand.

The age of darkness,
when Dahak will

snuff out the people
Xena loves...

till he's crushed her very soul.

And as she goes, so goes the world.

No way.
I'm not a baby!

None of the other
kids have to hide.

You're not one of
the other kids.

Kaleipus, do you mind
if I talk to Solan alone?

What's with him anyway?

He's worried about you.


I can take care of myself.

He is your father.

Maybe not by blood, but he couldn't
love you any more if he were.

And when you are a parent...

and your child is in danger,

that is the scariest
feeling in all the world.

You're saying he's scared.

I'm saying he loves you.

And though you might not
understand the reason,

you have to trust that someone
who loves you that much...

is only trying to do
what's best for you.

- Right?
- I guess so.

So do me a favor.

Cut him some slack, all right?


But you owe me.

Big time.


Where did you get this?

I didn't steal it. It's mine.
It's always been mine.

The people who found me said so.

Found you?

They said it was in
the basket with me.

All I remember is
lots of water,

me crying for my mom.

But she never came.



Xena says to hurry.
They're ready to go.

Is there something wrong?

No, I'll be right there.

Look, um, there's something
that I have to do here.

So I want you to do
a favor for me. Okay?

I want you to wait in
my hut till I get back.

And this way,
I-I'll know you're safe.

I don't see why you care.

You will.

Do you promise?

I promise.






I smell burning.

Really, Xena?

Is that any way to
greet an old friend?

Especially considering the warm
welcome I just gave you.

How'd you do it, Callisto?
Who helped you?

That lava pit should
have held you forever.

Well, that's for me to know
and you to find out.

But I didn't come here
to talk about me.

I came to meet your
precious little son.

Solan, isn't it?

Flesh of your flesh.

Bone of your bone.

Blood of your blood.

Can't wait to see all that.

Hurt my son and I swear
by any god you name, I'll--

You'll do what?

You're gonna make my life
a living hell?

Old hat, dear.

You did that years ago,
when you barbecued my family.

But now it's my turn
to host the cookout!

And where is
the guest of honor?


Solan, dear.

Come meet your Auntie Callisto.



Clever you--

fooling me with
the old "bait and switch."

Good plan.

After all,

even I can't be at two places
at the same time now, can I?


I thought I told you
to wait back there!

Zeus's child,
what are you doing here?

I don't understand!

Even Callisto can't be
in two places at once.

She's not working alone.
She as good as said so.

- What?
- Someone is helping her.

I just don't know who.


Kaleipus, Kaleipus,
what happened?

Where is Solan?

- Where's Solan?
- Safe.

Went for help.

Who did this?

Th-The child.

What? I can't hear you.

Raise him.

I'm so sorry.

Kaleipus was one of
the finest people I ever knew.

Like my father, and my mom.

Why does everyone I love die?

- Is it me?
- No.

No, of course not.

Then why are they dead?

Everyone who ever loved me.

They're not.
You still have m--

Many, many friends.

And they've all said how
much they love you

and want you to come
and live with them.

But I don't want to.

I want to
live with you.


I won't be any trouble.
I promise.

I'll catch my own
food and keep up.

And I'm hardly ever sick.

- Solan, I don't think--
- Please.

My uncle always said,
if anything happened to him,

you'd be there for me.

And he was right.

But all your ties are here.

Don't you wanna be with
someone that you know,

someone that you care about?

Yes. You.

You said we were friends.

And real friends are
like family, right?

Like family.

Then take me with you.


Don't leave me.

When all this is over,
you be packed and ready to go.

We've got a lot to talk about.
We might as well do it on the road.


Are you here?

Hope, what's happened?

That half-assed old man.

He caught me coming for Solan.

So you had to k*ll him.

And look what it's
done to you--

meek as a little kitten.

Which means Solan is mine.


You have to get
me out of here.

Leave me now, and join
the rest of your puny gods...

when Dahak
destroys them.

Lose everything I promised--
everything Dahak brings.

Well, what is a little more time?

And when you're well,

- we'll obliterate them all.
- No.

Better to crush their dreams.

Destroy their future.

We'll k*ll what
they love most--

their children.

Come on, boys!

Quickly now! Hurry! Quickly!


Where have you been?

I have been looking
all over for you!

You said that you would
wait here. Remember?

I'm sorry, but she wouldn't let me!

I tried to get away, but she--


Who, Callisto?

I have this power...

to move things.

I don't know why.

She says it's 'cause I'm evil.

That is a lie.

You are not evil.

Never believe that.

My mother thought so.

She tried to drown me in a basket.

She wanted me dead.

She wasn't trying
to drown you.

She was trying to save your life.

You weren't there!
You don't know!

I do.

The basket is all there was.

I-I had to put you in it or
I had to watch you be k*lled.

No, I had no choice.

I loved you.


You loved me?

I-I prayed that the gods
would protect you,

and they did.

They brought you home.

We have to go.

I'm sorry, Mommy.
It was me.

I helped Callisto get out.

And now she's
coming for the kids.

- We have to go! Come on. Hurry!
- No, wait, wait, wait.


Xena has to know this.
No, Xena hates me!

She doesn't hate you.
She just doesn't understand.

Now she will see what
I've known all along--

that you can fight your
dark side, just like her.

But I'm scared.

If Callisto finds out I told,
she'll k*ll me! She will!

She will not find out.

I will take you to the safest place
there is until we can go. Okay?

The safest place?

You promise?

I cross my heart.

Don't be afraid. Okay?

Now come with me.

Let's go.

- Almost ready.
- Solan?

That's right.

Safest place there is.

The children?

She's targeting the children?

She's coming from the south.

I'll round up the kids--
get 'em to the caverns.

What makes you think
you can trust this child?

What makes you
think that we can't?

Xena, she gave us
Callisto's plan.


Callisto wouldn't tell her anything
she didn't want us to hear.

The child's probably
a pawn or worse!

That is not true.

Xena, you were always so quick
to blame her, weren't you?

Well, she is not evil!
She's not!


The child is Hope?

I'm sorry.
I never meant to lie.

Xena, I couldn't k*ll her.

She's my daughter.

You're a mother.
You know this!

- I had to save her.
- Maybe it's not too late.

She's young. Poison will k*ll her
if her powers aren't mature.


- Xena, she is my child!
- She is not a child!

She is a body, a vessel,
an instrument for evil.

- That is all!
- You are wrong!

Xena, Hope is the victim here!

That is why I sent
her to Kaleipus's hut,

so she would be
safe from Callisto.

You sent her to
Kaleipus's hut?



Hey-- Hey, Solan.






Get out.

- Xena.
- Go!


Solan, please.

I'm here now.

Your mom is here now,

just like you always wanted.

Xena, it's Ephiny.

Xena, please.

Go away.

Xena, Callisto's coming.
We need your help.

Go away.

I said get--



What are you doing here?

I thought I told you to
wait in Kaleipus's hut?

I know. But it was awful.
I couldn't stay there!

I was scared!


- What did you do?
- I ran.

As soon as I got there and saw
that boy dead, I ran and hid.


are you saying that he was already
dead when you entered the hut?

I thought Callisto did it,
so I got scared and ran away.

Of course.

It had to be Callisto.

You said that she's
after the children, right?

She is.

So, please,
can we go now?

I don't wanna die like Solan.

How did you know
his name was Solan?

You said so. Remember?

Now, please, can we go?


Yes, we'll go.

Hurts, doesn't it,

losing your family?

Rips out your heart,
and your guts.

Your feelings.

All that's left,
is the pain, right?

Welcome to the club.


Fall back!

Go! Take cover!



Stupid fools.
I'm doing you a favor.

You'd like to k*ll me.

Wish you could.

Why drag this out?

Can't you see I bring you
the gift of oblivion?

Come out, come out,
wherever you are.

I promise it won't hurt...


Dead end.

You got that right.

It all ends here with me.

You don't seem to get it,
do you?

You've won.

All these years I've spent
living to destroy you,

thinking that only if I could give
you the same pain that you gave me,

I'd be rid of it,

and life would go on.

And then I do,

and nothing changes.

I don't feel better,

just empty.

So you let me go, Xena.

You can't win this battle.

And you've already won the w*r.

It's not that simple.
I won't let it be.

I'm warning you, Xena.

You're nothing to me now.

You're breaking my heart.

Walk away.

Go to Tartarus.

Get down!


You'll trap us both!

That's your plan.

To trap me here while
my pain keeps growing

and growing and you
die and yours ends.

You're wrong, Callisto.

You let your pain
k*ll you years ago.

I'm gonna live with mine.

Look out!

It's okay.


If I had just done
what you said...

when you told me to do it,
then they would still be alive--

Kaleipus and Solan.


Don't you even speak his name.



No, you lied to me.

I trusted you,
and you lied to me.

And now Solan is dead.

My son is dead...

because of you.

I love you, Xena.