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08x22 - He Was Only Twelve: Part 2

Posted: 02/16/22 07:32
by bunniefuu
Come on, leon.
Just relax.

You want it all,
don't you?



We're getting out now!

I'll keep you covered.

I'm afraid
it's quite serious.

How serious is it?

I must tell you
the truth.

There's more than an even
chance he won't make it.

All clear!

There's a grave out back.
Fresh dug.

Let's dig it up.

Box of matches.

Printing on it
is kind of worn.

"Wooden nickle saloon"
in hobbs.

Where's your friend?
I said where's your friend?

Hold it!

You won't need this

That's him!

That's the one
that shot james!


My son.

The boy in the bank.

You mean the kid that
came running in on us
at the bank?

Is that what this
is all about?

You three come running after
us on account of some kid?


Let him go, charles!

In god's name,
let him go!

Laura: james
survived the operation,
but remained in a coma.

Pa brought him home,
never doubting that
his son would recover.

But the weeks passed,
and james remained the same.

Doc baker
came by twice a week,

But only because
pa asked him to.

It was always the same--
no change.

No change.

I wish I could give you
some hope, charles.

Doctor, sometimes when
I'm talking to him,

I know
he understands me.

There's a look
in his eyes.
I know he understands.

You want to believe that.

The damage is done.
It can't be undone.

You've got to begin
to accept that.

I can't accept that,
and I won't.

You have to.

God isn't going
to let my son die.

What happened
in sleepy eye has
nothing to do with god.

It was a bank robbery.

Your son happened
to be there at that moment.

There's no one to blame
except the man who shot him.

What am I supposed
to do, then?

Sit back and watch
my son waste away
and die?

At least
he'll be in no pain.

James is not
going to die.


Go away, hiram.

I'm trying to be--

Go away, hiram.

What you're asking
for is a miracle.

I've spent my whole life
believing in god's word.

Why shouldn't
I ask for a miracle?

I didn't even
hear you come in.

I know. I stopped
by the house. Caroline
told me you were here.

She says you've been
coming every night.

That all she said?

Just that she's
worried about you.

It's so hard to explain.

At first, I asked god
to spare my son.

I thought perhaps
he was being punished
for something I did.

I told god I'd try
to be a better person.

This is just
so hard to explain.

Try, charles.

I just
began coming here...

Thinking about
god and jesus...

His teachings.

I began to feel

Something inside me


Believe in me, and all
things are possible."

I feel a presence
when I'm here alone.

Reverend, I know god
is going to save my son.

Charles, there's
no way that you can be
absolutely sure of that.

But I am.

I am, just as
I'm sure jesus made

The blind to see and
the crippled to walk.

Miracles happen.

Yes, I'm sure
they do, but--

But what?

I've never seen one.

In my 30 years
as a minister,

I can't honestly say
that I've ever seen one.

But the bible
tells of them.

The word "miracle,"

Why would there be
such a word if
they didn't exist?

my son is alive.

I'm not asking god
to bring him back
from the dead.

If he was in heaven,
I could accept that.
He'd be in peace.

But he's alive.
If god wanted him now,
he would have taken him.

All the doctors
have told you--

I don't care
what they've told me.

My son will live. God
will show me the way.

And if he doesn't?

He will.

Charles, one of
the reasons that we pray
is for strength,

Strength that will
carry us through the
tragic times of our lives.

And when you lost
young charles,

We prayed together.

We asked god's help.

For ourselves.

For ourselves,
to help us go on after
we've lost a loved one.

There's more to it
than that, reverend.

let me help you.

Let's pray together.


Reverend, you don't
feel what I feel.

This is between
god and me.

And he will show me
the way.

He will show me
the way.

That tube
dr. Baker gave us

Makes it a lot easier
to get the broth down.

Took almost
the whole bowl.

Looked at me
all the while
while I was feeding him.

I know he understands
when I talk to him.
I can tell.



Cassandra. Oh.

Why does pa keep talking
like he's getting better?


Because he wants it
to be true.

But it's not.

I can't
watch him anymore.

Day after day,
I can't watch him die.

Please, ma,
let me go away.

Let me stay
with laura. Please!

I love james, but...

I can't.

It's all right.

It's all right.

I'll talk
to your pa.

It's going
to be all right.


Now, you go inside
and get your schoolbooks

And tell the others
it's time to go.

Charles: caroline,
listen to this.

It's about a place
called lourdes in france.

It says in 1858
a girl named bernadette

Saw a vision
of the virgin mary.

Since then, there have been
miracles reported there.

People have even left
their crutches behind
as evidence.


You all right?

I'm all right.
I'm all right.

What is it?

I can't help it.

Our son
is upstairs dying,

And you keep
talking about miracles.

Cassandra was
just outside crying,

Begging me
to let her go to laura's.

It's too much
for all of us.

Now, the doctors
have all told us
the same thing.

If you could
just accept it--


I'm not trying
to hurt you,

But for your own good,
for the good of the family--

[Door slams]


3 Cans of peaches.
Anything else?

No. That'll do it.

Let's see.
That's, uh, $1.38.

Gets higher
every week.

Yeah, I know it.
It's got to stop soon.

You know coffee is
up to 12 cents a pound?

[Door chimes ring]

Afternoon, charles.

Nels. Doc.


Doc, I almost forgot.
I got those file cards
you ordered,

But I haven't
had a chance to
uncrate them yet.

I'll wait.
You go ahead
with charles.

I'm in no hurry, doc.

No, no, no. I'll
just browse around.

Well, what can I do
for you, charles?

I was wondering what you
could give me on this watch.

Your father's watch.

Yeah. You said
you always admired it.

Charles, you don't
want to sell this.

I mean,
if you need credit--

I'm going away for a while
with my son james.

I won't be working
until he's well.

I need some money
for my family.


It's all right. Just
whatever you think it's worth.

Well, it's a fine watch.


The watch isn't worth $50,
and you know it.

Well, it is to me.

Don't be telling me
my business.

Thank you.

It's all right.

Just credit my account,
all right?


[Door chimes ring]


Evening, charles.

I'd like you to meet
an old friend of mine
from sleepy eye.

Dr. Stanfill,
charles ingalls.

Hello, doctor.

Hello, mr. Ingalls.

Well, what is that
you're working on?

It's a backrest
for my son.

We're going
on a trip.

I thought it would
make him a little
more comfortable.

Yes. Hiram told me
about your boy.

I'm truly sorry.

I take it this
isn't a social call.

Mind if I ask what
this is all about?

Charles, I asked
dr. Stanfill to come
here to talk to you.

What, about james?

No, mr. Ingalls,
about you.

I'm afraid
I don't understand.

Well, you see,
I'm a psychiatrist,

And it's
a fairly new field,

And you might not be aware
of the type of work I do.

Yeah, I read
something about it
in the paper.

Folks pay you
to listen to them
talk, I believe.

Well, I guess you might
put it that way, yes.

Well, I'm afraid
you're wasting
your time.

You see, doctor,
I'm not crazy.

I've no intention of
paying anybody to
listen to me talk.

I've got a whole
houseful of folks

Who'll listen to me
talk for free.

No one's suggesting
you are crazy, mr. Ingalls.

Then why
are you here?

Charles, I know
I should have discussed
this with you first--

That's right, doc,
you should have.

I'm leaving
first thing
in the morning.

Got a lot of work
to do, so if you two
will excuse me...

Mr. Ingalls,
what makes you think
your son can be healed?

I don't think it,
doctor. I know it.

How do you know it?

God told me.

God spoke to you?

Not in words.

Faith is a wonderful
thing, mr. Ingalls,

But when
it's carried too far--

Are you saying
a person can have
too much faith, doctor?

I'm saying a person
can be avoiding the truth

By believing
god is speaking to him.

It's a shame
you weren't around

2,000 Years ago,

You could
have saved moses

That long climb
up mount sinai.

Mr. Ingalls--

Doctor, I'm sorry

You made this long
trip for nothing.

Good night.

Good night, charles.

There we go.

It's not as good
as your ma makes,

But it's not so bad,
if I do say so myself.

There we are.

That's it.

Soon as we get some
of this broth down you,

I'll take you down
to the lake and wash you up.

It'll be good to get
some of that trail dust off.

[Birds squawking]

Oh, that's
a beautiful sight...

Geese in flight.

When I was a boy, I wanted
to fly just like a bird.

I suppose
all young 'uns do, but--

James, you can see.

You can see.

Look at me.

Look at me, son.

You understand me.

I told them.

Thank god,
he understands me.

He understands me.

"And the lord said
unto moses,

"Thus thou shalt say
unto the children of israel.

"Ye have seen that I have
talked with ye from heaven.

"Ye shall not make
with me gods of silver,

"Neither shall ye make
unto you gods of gold.

"An altar of earth
thou shalt make unto me,

"And shalt sacrifice
thereon thy burnt offerings
and thy peace offerings,

"Thy sheep and thine oxen.

"In all places
where I record my name

I will come unto thee,
and I will bless thee..."

"And if thou wilt make me
an altar of stone,

"Thou shalt not build it
of hewn stone,

"For if thou lift up
thy tool upon it,

Thou hast polluted it."

If thou wilt make me
an altar of stone.



I'll build
the altar, lord.

It's finished, son.

It's just as
god wanted it to be.

He'll come to us now.

I know he will.

James. Son, you have
to try to eat something.

Come on, just a little.

He's getting weaker,

I don't know what to do.

I don't know
what you want me to do.

Please show me.

Help me.

Give me some sign of hope.

Man: good day, friend.

Oh, I don't
want to interrupt.

Say, that's
really something,

A cross up there
like that.

I never seen
anything like it.

You build it?


What for?

I had my reasons.

Oh, don't mean to pry.

Old folks just tend
to get nosy, I guess.

I see you got a pot
on the fire there.

just some broth,

But you're
welcome to share it
if you'd like.

Thank you. I could
use something hot.

I'll dish you up
a bowl.

[Pots rattling]

Is that
your boy there?


Doing mighty poorly.

He's very ill.

Oh, I see.

That explains the cross.

Kind of looking
for a miracle, hmm?

Yeah, you might
say that. Here.

Oh, bless you.

Mmm, it's fine soup.

Wish I could get
the boy to take some.
He's just so weak.

Mind if I try?
You know
how young 'uns are.

Sometimes they'll do
something for strangers
they won't do for their own.

I've tried,
believe me.

Let me try.

All right.

He can't drink
from the bowl. He has--

Sometimes a stranger
can work a miracle.

You must eat, too,
my son.

You need
all your strength.

God be with you.

Oh, it's a fine

Old man!

Old man, i--

I was just
bathing the boy
down by the lake.

How did you find me?

Heard some folks
on the stagecoach
talking about that.

Why, charles?

I don't know.

Something inside me.

A voice that said
build it.

A voice?

Don't ask me
to explain how I feel.

Had to, charles.
I don't understand.

The family
doesn't understand--

Worried sick about you.

Charles, why don't you
bring the boy home,
pray for him there?

I can't.

How is he?

He's the same.

Charles, come home.

No, isaiah.

You're not
thinking right.

Why? Because
I don't believe
as others believe?

an old man came
to me this morning.

He talked to me.

He gave james
some soup--

Not from
the glass straw
dr. Baker gave me.

James drank
from the bowl.

What's that
supposed to mean?

That he was sent.


He was sent, isaiah.
No mortal man can
tell me otherwise.

You won't
come back with me?

Go home, isaiah.

Please, go home.

What do you want me
to tell caroline?

Tell her
that I love her...

And to have faith.

I will not leave
this place, lord.

You found them.


Up north--other side
of kennedy meadows.

He doesn't
want to come back.


Strange, caroline,
very strange.

He built an altar.

Says an old man
came to him,

That he was sent.


charles believes that
old man was sent by god.

We've got
to bring him home.

I know.

That's not going
to be an easy job,
believe me.

Will you
go back with me?


You can use almanzo's rig.

I'll tell the children.

Albert can take care of them
while we're gone.

I'll pick you up
at your place
in about an hour.

There's a storm
brewing. Going
to be cold tonight.

You better
dress warm.


Are you sure you don't
want me to come with you?

I'm sure.

If caroline can't
change his mind,
none of us can.

I suppose you're right.

Edwards, I want you
to let us know
as soon as you get back.

I will.

Good luck to you.


[Storm stops]

Don't go out to him
tonight, isaiah.

What are you
talking about?

Tell caroline
to go tomorrow.

Wait a minute. How
do you know about this?

Who are you?

A friend of charles'.


Wait a minute.
Who told you we were
going out there tonight?

Oh, it's not important
how I know.

It's more important
that you do not go tonight.

What's so important
about tonight?

You'll see.

Wait a minute.
I want to know how you--

[Storm starts again]


It's tonight,
isn't it?

I felt it all day.

What shall I do?

Go to the altar.

Will he save my son?

Only he knows.

And if he doesn't,
will you lose your faith?


Then go to the altar,
my son.

James: pa?


Are you all right?


Oh, james.


There he is.

