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08x20 - A Faraway Cry

Posted: 02/16/22 07:30
by bunniefuu

Man: "yea,
though I walk

"Through the valley
of the shadow of death,

"I fear no evil
for thou art with me.

"Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.

"Thou preparest
a table before me

"In the presence
of mine enemies,

"And thou anointest
my head with oil.

"My cup runneth over.

"Surely, goodness and mercy
shall follow me

"All the days
of my life,

"And I will dwell

In the house of the lord
forever." Amen.

All: amen.

Man: condolences, ma'am.
All right, boys.

Come on, katherine.

Dear lord,
what am I to do?

Oh, I warned him

Against coming down
with the sickness.

I did.

We know.

But no--

Finding the gold
was all he cared about...

Even if
it k*lled him...

And it surely did...

And now little billy's
come down with fever.

If I have to
lose him, too--

Oh, now, don't think
such things.

The doctor's
due anytime.

He was due a week ago.

he'll be here.

You just try to rest
and stay warm.

Oh, why did we ever come
to this place?

Try to rest.

Now, if you need
at all--

Don't fret about me.

The both of you are
the ones that be needing...

Bringing children
into a world like this.





You try to do
too much.

Oh, seems like anything's
gotten to be too much.

Helen, I can't stand
the thought

Of losing
this baby, too.

Then go lie down.

I get so frightened,

And the doctor--
he's never been away
this long before,

And if something happens
and he's not here--

I mean, you're due
almost the same time.

Let's just pray
it's not exactly
the same time...

So's we can do
for each other.


I'm coming.

Where you been?

We just buried
arlo parker.

Well, good riddance.

Horace, how can you?

How can I what?

He was just a man,
just like you.

No. He was a fool,

And you know what
a fool is when he dies?

A dead fool.
Now, here.

Take that
and clean it up...

And next time,
fix enough

So that a man can do
a day's work.

Andy's here!

[Horse neighing]

Well, it's about time
the supplies got here.

I don't see how
anybody can call

A case of whiskey

What took you so long?

Oh, a couple
of busted wheels,
that's what.

You know, hauling
this freight

Through this muck
ain't no picnic.

Did doc henderson say
when he was coming?

Doc henderson's dead.


Andy: compliments
of his last visit
to this pesthole.

I'm getting
out of here
as soon as I can.

Horace, what are we
going to do
with no doctor?

How should I know?

But people are
sick and dying.

Let them.

As far as your
delicate condition's

You'd probably lose
this one anyway

With or without
a doctor,

Just like you did
the other two.

I've got to write
a letter.

Could you take it
to the post office
in town?

It depends how fast
you get it writ.

It's very important.

I'll give you
5 minutes.
That's it.

Thank you.

"Our situation
is desperate.

"The influenza has
already taken 8 lives,

"Including that

"Of the only
nearby doctor.

"There have been
gold strikes,

"So the men refuse
to leave,

No matter
what's happening..."

"To their families."

"I don't know
what to do.

"My friend helen is also
approaching her time.

"We must have a doctor.

Is there any way at all
you can help us?"


"As always,

"Your friend...

Louisa nolan


Can you help?

I don't know.

If I could get
the proper supplies...

Louisa was always
my best friend
growing up.

She'd never ask
for anything...

So I take this letter
very seriously.

Let me make
a telephone call.

Uh, mrs. Oleson,
doc baker.


Could you get me

In sleepy eye?

All right.

[Ring ring]

Dr. Leduke
can handle it
in my absence.

Mrs. Oleson: I have
your party, doc.

Ed, doc baker here.

How much quinine
do you have
in stock?

Yes, I'll wait.


It's been around

For over 50 years
to treat malaria.

Turns out it's
just as effective
for influenza.

Yes, ed.

Oh, that's good.

Listen, I'll need
all you can spare.

Could you
ship it out
on the next stage?

Thank you.

I appreciate it, ed.

Oh, mrs. Oleson,
I know you're there.

Would you tell nels
I'll be around later

To pick up
some supplies?


First problem is going to
be to isolate the sick.

If I could bring along
a large enough tent,

I could set up
the semblance of a hospital.

You mean like
the one they use
for the county fair?


I'll check on that.

And I'll need
a large enough wagon.

Take mine. As a matter of
fact, I'll go with you.

Baker: I could
sure use some help.

I'll go.

Oh, no. If anybody goes,
caroline, it will be me.

how are you
at childbirth?

Now, isn't that my job?

You can't be
everywhere at once.

Louisa's condition
is very delicate.

She needs somebody
who can be with her

Every minute,
just in case.

Charles, this is
someone who was
my best friend...

Who's cried out
to me for help.

All right.


You've got to look
at my boy!

My wife's going to die
if she don't get treated.

All right!
Please, please,

Now, everyone
is going to be
taken care of.

I guarantee it.

But I want
and I need

The cooperation
of all of you

To make this work.

Now, right now
I want some
able-bodied men

To set up a tent
I brought with me
in this wagon.

That's going to be
our field hospital.

Now, you ladies set
some water to boil.

I also brought
some cots, blankets,
and medicines.

Now, let's
get started.

I'm ready
to pitch in.

- Count me in.
- I'll go get
my husband.

Well, now,
now, hold on.
I want the tent

Set up in
an isolated spot

Not too far
from camp.

I know
just the place.

Baker: good.

Thank you, caroline.

Are you caroline?


I'm helen andruss--
louisa's friend.

Is she all right?

She's awfully sick,

But she hasn't lost
the baby.

Ah. Can we go
see her?

Why, I think we owe her
that first visit.

We'll go over as soon
as I see to the tent.

I'll check you over, too,
mrs. Andruss.

Thank you.

Follow me,

Git. Ho!



Yes. Oh, caroline,

I never dreamed you'd come.

Oh, I wanted to.

I'm so grateful.


You say you lost
two infants

Just into
your eighth month?


How active
were you then?

I don't understand.

Well, were you

Under any unusual
physical strain?

Nothing but the usual--
cooking, washing.

How did you
feel then?

A lot like I do now.

Mr. Beckwith.


I'm doc baker.
This is caroline ingalls.

- Hello.
- Your wife--

Horace: how come you
ain't got supper ready?

I--i'm sorry, horace.

First you don't fix

Now you don't fix

I'll see to it.


Louisa, you're to do
nothing of the sort.

Mr. Beckwith, your wife
is a very sick woman.

Well, she ain't
too sick to cook.

I'm afraid she is.

Her life and the life
of your baby

Depend on her remaining
absolutely quiet

Until the child
is born.

Well, maybe
you can tell me

How I'm supposed
to get fed.

No, I can't--

mr. Beckwith...

I'll see to your meals.

Fine. I'll be back
in an hour.

You have
something ready.

Well, now we know

How she lost
the other two.

Louisa: horace wasn't
always like that.

Hard times
changes people.


I don't
want you moving

Out of this bed

We--we brought
two extra tents.

I'll pitch mine
right here.

You won't have to worry
about a thing.

All right.

Whatever you say.

[People coughing]

Even though influenza is
a high contagious disease,

Most of you
won't catch it in the city.

But you can carry it
back with you

And give it
to somebody else.


Now, remember that

When you think about
breaking the rule

On visiting a loved one.


You've all been given
a supply of quinine.

It's very important
to take it regularly.

One after breakfast,
one after supper every day.

We'll need more sheets,
more blankets,

And more nightclothes.

And I'll need someone
to assist me.

Now, one of you ladies
who's been in close contact

With a member of your family
that's been sick is

Probably the most immune.

But you won't be able
to return to your family

Until after
this epidemic is over.

Keeping that in mind,

Would someone like
to come forward?

Woman: my husband is
one of the patients.

Baker: fine.

Baker: now,
if we work together,

Cooperate, we can stop
the spread of this disease.

Thank you.


Not too much.

All right.
Just lie back.

That's good.


Arnie's worse--
much worse.


My eyes--

They hurt
something terrible.

Doctor, I don't
understand that.

It's one
of the symptoms.

It goes along
with pain

In the lower back
and loins.

Just try to keep him

As warm and as comfortable
as possible.

Doc? Doc baker.

Helen--she's getting
these awful stabs of pain.

They never happened

[Patients coughing]


Baker: I don't think
you're starting into labor.


This will help
with the pain

And help you to relax.

That's it.

I'm so frightened.

Now, now, it's just
that youngster of yours

Getting a little
overanxious to visit us.

Here. Drink it
all down.

That's it.

How is she?

She's sleeping
a lot...


I don't know.

I've never seen
anyone so exhausted.

[Baker sighs]



It's about
the worst thing

That could happen
right now.

We had two deaths
this morning.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I wish there was
more I could do
to help you.

Oh, caroline, you've
been wonderful.

You may have to stay
with helen andruss, too.


But she was doing
so well.

Not anymore.


I'd best be
getting back.


I really don't
want any more.

I know that,
but you have

A responsibility

To keep
your strength up.

Now, take this.
Come on.

That's good.

Please, caroline,
no more right now.

Maybe in a while.

I'll see to that.

Remember when we were
girls and used to talk

About the lives
we might lead?


I dreamed of meeting
a man from the city--

Maybe chicago
or new york--

And we'd be rich
and happy.


I remember.

The minute
I set eyes on horace,

That all changed.

He seemed
the most wonderful man

I could ever imagine.

Kind of wild, I guess...

But that made him
all the more exciting.

He was never what you'd
call real affectionate,

But I was sure
he loved me...

And I know
he wanted a son.

Maybe more
than I could guess.

When I couldn't even
give him a girl...

I suppose he started
losing respect for me.

Things got worse
and worse.

And here we are...

Winding up
in a place like this,

As far away from
that girlhood dream
as a body can get.

Now, listen...

You just keep
thinking about
having this baby.

It'll make a world
of difference.

I hope so.


Did your life turn out
any way you expected?

In some ways, yes.

In other ways,
not exactly.

I never dreamed

We'd have
so little money.

It's made things
very hard at times.

How well I know.


Used to have
more schemes.

He's had his
all right.

But as long
as the family
held together...

I think we've had
a happy life...

As long as there
was love.

Do you still love

Maybe it's crazy,
but I do,

Especially when I remember
how he used to be.

just hang on to that.

Keep loving him.

He'll come back
to himself.

I wish I could
believe that.

Of course, he has
found some gold.

I don't know how much,
but between that

And actually
having his baby...

You just keep
thinking that way.

Is the influenza
better or worse?

It's no better,
but it's no worse.

Arnie cramer
died this morning.

Doc baker didn't
expect him to make it.

The doctor's just hoping
the weather will hold.

It's been a week now
with almost no rain.

Oh, I wish
you could see

What a beautiful
day it is.

So do i.

I think I have
to sleep a little.

Go ahead.



Thank you.

Just sleep.


"I am the resurrection
and the life, saith the lord."

[Man coughing]

"He that believeth in me,
though he were dead,

"Yet shall he live.

"And whosoever liveth
and believeth in me

Shall never die."


All: amen.

What were you doing
in the cramers'
tent, mr. Cutler?

What business is it
of yours?

We have to look out
for each other here.

Time to leave--

I'd like an answer.

Man: hey!

What's going on?

He was
in your tent, nora.

Nora: what?

Are you
all right?

I'm fine.

Nora: it's gone!

He took our gold!

Cutler: prove it.

Now, give it
back, cutler.

Give what back?

give it back.

Nora: that gold is
everything I have
in the world.

It cost arnie
his life.

Cutler: well,
that's just too bad.

Are you going to let him
get away with this?

Sure, they are.
See anybody around here
man enough to stop me?

You people can't
just ignore this

Because if you do,
it can be any one
of you next.


The lady
is right.

Give back
the gold.

Are you figuring
to take me on,
preacher bob?

Does this answer
your question?

You ain't the law
around here,

Just like you ain't
no real preacher.

Well, this g*n
makes me anything
I say.

Now give mrs. Cramer
her gold.

What makes you think
I got it?

How do you know
somebody else didn't
get there before me?

[Cocks g*n]

I ain't asking you

Now you got
exactly 15 minutes

To pack up
and clear out.

If I see you
after that time,

I sh**t you
on sight.

That's showing him.

thank you.


Now getting
everything all clean
and neat, huh?

That's right.

Louisa's still

She ever do
anything else?


Louisa's very sick.

That's her problem.

Horace, can I ask you
something personal?

I don't promise
any answers.

Do you love louisa?

Love her?


Ha ha!

She still loves you
very much.

She told me.

Well, that's
her problem, too.

I'm trying
to understand.

Did you ever
love her?


Well, then why did
you marry her?

Well, it's a little
hard to understand

Looking at her now...

But she used to be
kind of pretty.

I know exactly
how pretty she was.

Oh, yeah.
I keep forgetting.

And still is.

That's your opinion.

But being young
and pretty...

It's no reason
to marry her.

It'll do for a start.

There were
other things, too. wanting her
to give you a son?

No. No.

Like having somebody around
to cook and clean up.

I never wanted
any kids.

I still don't.

It was louisa
that wanted the kids.

That's the truth of it.

Losing those other two
was a blessing.

Losing this one would
be a blessing, too.

I never heard
anybody say anything
so terrible.

You know, I got wind
as how you got
old preacher bob

To stand up to amos.
Ha ha ha!

Lord, I sure would
love to have seen
that old boy's face.

He never could
do anything right.

Took a lot of spunk, too,
I'll give you that.

I always did fancy me
a woman with spunk.

Don't you ever
touch me.

Ain't no woman
ever slapped me
and got away with it.

You'd really do it,
wouldn't you?

Like I said,

A lot of spunk.


Oh, I really thought
mr. Caldwell would recover.

He would have,
if it wasn't
so cold and wet.

When is it
going to stop?

Boy: doc...

Yes, son?

It's worse...

Not just
in my hands...

All over.

And my throat.

Dr. Baker...


Am I going to die,
like mr. Caldwell?

Don't you even
think such thoughts.

[Patients coughing]

But I feel so...

Jeffrey, listen to me.

You're young,
and you're strong,

And I'm going to see you
play that accordion again.

Do you understand?

All right.

You rest now.


his quinine dosage--

One more,

What's that?

I'm moving in
till louisa
gives birth.

You can use
my tent.

Oh, is that a fact?

It's simply

I'll be back
for the whiskey.

[Moaning softly]

[Man coughing]

Well, what's this?

Hello, doctor.

And a good morning
to you.

How do you feel?

Weak, like I could still
sleep for a month.

Fever seems
to be gone.

I just noticed...

My hands almost
don't hurt at all.

Could you eat something?

You know,
I think I could.

I'll take care of it.

Now, don't get
too frisky.


Keep those covers
over you.

What were
the intervals?

About 20 minutes.



I want you

To breathe easily,

That's right.

When the next
pain comes,
don't fight it.


I don't have
any strength left.

Don't think
about that.

Don't think
about anything

Except what you
need to do.

It'll all be
behind you

Once the child
comes.'s helen.

Now, she's in the worst pain
I've ever seen.

Can you come, please?

If it has to be,
it has to be.

I'm afraid
there's no choice.

Dr. Baker, this isn't
a new experience for me.

I know that.
I'll be back just
as soon as possible.

She's just got
to be all right, doc.

She's just got to be.

Sherman, I want you to stay
out here while I work.

I'll do everything
I possibly can.

Anything, doc.

save her.


Louisa, let it be.



[Baby crying]

It's all over now,

Now you can rest.

Louisa died.


But the baby's
just fine.

It was a breech.
Not 5 minutes ago.

Just trying to bring myself
to tell the father.

Is helen...

She's all right.

Let me see this one.




He's as fine and healthy
a one as we'll ever see.

Oh, doctor...

I wish helen and sherman
could have him.

We couldn't do that.

Oh, I'm not
asking you to.

It's just that...

Louisa was
my best friend...

And having this baby
meant everything to her.

He doesn't even
want this baby.


Louisa's gone now.

She can't save
this baby,

But we could.

Caroline! We can't.

[Baby crying]

Is it a boy?

My god! I got
myself a son.

And my wife?

Doctor, my wife.

She's fine.

Can i, ma'am?

[Sherman laughing]

Well, helen, helen,
wait till you see

What a fine, fine boy
we have.

[Accordion playing
"camptown races"]

That was wonderful,

Do you really
mean it?

Land sakes!
Of course he does.

Do you really
have to go?

I'm afraid so.

Nothing to keep

An old country doctor
around here anymore.

You're fine.
You're all just fine.

Thanks, doc.

Take it slow, now.

I will.

That goes for
the rest of you.

- Ok, doctor.
- Thanks a lot.

God bless you,

Bye, doc.

Children: bye, doctor.

Man: god bless you,
doctor. Thank you.

Dr. Baker...

We'll never forget
what you've done for us,

Never--both of you.

Caroline: thank you.

We couldn't
have accomplished
nearly as much

Without you, nora.

Nora: go on
with you, now.

Bob: doc...

Doc, we took up
a collection

To pay you for
all you brought

And to show
our thanks

For what you
and mrs. Ingalls
here done.

A lot of lives
would've been

If you
hadn't come,

And, well, uh...


Yes, sir.

There's a lot more here than
what we need to pay for.

Well, it's what
we collected,

And it's what we
aim to give you.

I expect
there are ways

A doctor
can find
to spend it.

It could be
a help to still
other folks.

That's true.
Thank you.

Thank you all.

Whoa! Giddyap!


- Bye!
- Bye!


Bye, doc!

Have a good trip!


Have a good
ride home.

Thanks, doc!