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08x19 - A Promise to Keep

Posted: 02/16/22 07:28
by bunniefuu
Start the singing, isaiah.
You're always the one who--

Where did
your father go?

Out to the barn.

Should I
blow them out?

Yes. Don't forget
to make a wish.

You couldn't even
wait for the cake.

I'm inside trying
to make carl's birthday
a happy occasion,

And you're sitting
out here getting drunk!

I'm not drunk,

Just got
to thinking

About birthdays
and john, jr.

This letter he
sent us--i just
had to have a drink.

I got to reading it
over, and guess I
couldn't help myself.

You know, it hasn't
been easy for me
getting over this.

Getting over this?
It's been a year!

How long are you going
to use our son's death

As an excuse
for your getting drunk?

I don't look for
excuses to drink.

Don't you accuse
me of that.

I can quit
any time I want.

Well, then,
why don't you?

Isaiah, I can't count
the number of promises
you have made me

That you were
going to stop.


I'm sorry, grace.

I'll do better.

I just--i need
a little more time,

Just a little
more time.

I am so tired
of hearing that.

The cake's
beautiful, ma.

Thank you.
I know chocolate's
your favorite.

Isaiah: * old dan tucker's
a fine old man *

* Washed his face in a--


Happy--happy birthday!

Isaiah, please.

Please what?

Going to wish my son
a happy birthday. Come on.

Come on, get up here!
Ha ha!

Pa, don't!

What, are you
getting too big
to be hugged by your pa?

Come on. Give us
a hug like a man
and not a boy.

Pa, stop it.

You're drunk!


You're as bad
as your ma!

I've had a drink,
but I'm not drunk.

Alicia. Alicia, do
you think I'm drunk?

You think I've had
one too many?

Isaiah, why don't
you go and lie down
for a while?

Nah! We're going
to celebrate!

Now we're all
going to celebrate, here.

Isn't that right, alicia?
Come on. Come on, darling.

Come on up here.

- Pa, please!
- Here we go.

* Old dan tucker
was a fine old man *

* Washed his face
in a frying pan *

* Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel *

Stop it!
Isaiah, you're drunk!

Damn it, grace,
I told you to stop!

Pa, why you got
to go and ruin


I'm sorry, carl.

Don't start apologizing
for pa the way ma does,

Because I don't
want to hear it.

I wasn't.

I just wanted you
to know I feel
as bad as you do.

I couldn't even

Invite my friends
for my birthday

Because I knew--

I knew he'd
be drunk again.

I hate him.

don't say that!

You don't
really mean it.

I do hate him,

I hate him!

Isaiah, I want you
to pack your things
and leave.


I've had enough,
and so have the children.

Just pack your things
and get out of here.

This is my house!

Do you hear me?
This is my house,

And I'm
not leaving!

What are you going
to do? Hit me?

Because that's the only
thing left you haven't done
to me and the children.

Isaiah, you said
this was your house,

But you were wrong.

I moved in here
with a man--

Someone that I loved
with all of my heart.

He was a wonderful father,

But he went away
and left you behind.

Please, just go.

For your own good
and for ours.

[Door shuts]

What do you say we
take a break, huh?

That's fine with me.

Boy, am I bushed.

Can't blame you.

We got to get
one more wagonload
for the day,

Then we're done.

What do you
say there, charles?

What on earth!

Oh, it's good
to see you.

Well, you're quite
a sight yourself.

Almanzo--this is my
son-in-law almanzo.
Isaiah edwards.

mr. Edwards.

I've heard
a lot about you.

So, that's him, huh?
Almanzo wilder.

You're the one that
won half-pint's heart.

Yes, sir.

Kind of ugly,
ain't he?

Hey, be careful.
That's the father of
my granddaughter rose.

Oh, that's right.
Half-pint's got herself
a baby girl, doesn't she?

Oh, she's a beauty.

Where are grace
and the kids?

Oh, they're still
back home.

We were doing
some hard thinking

About moving back
here to walnut grove.

I thought I'd come
check things out.

You know, find a job,
place to live,

And all that, you know.
Look things over.

Oh, that's wonderful.
Caroline will be so
happy to hear that.

That'll go double
for laura.

She and the baby are
over at the restaurant.
Can I take you down there?

Tell you what. Why don't
you let me surprise her?

Almanzo: all right.

Fact is, I'm going
to get over there now.

I'll see you out.

Hey, isaiah, I was
just thinking.

Almanzo's got
some freight runs
to minneapolis

And rochester.
He's going to be
gone about a month.

Why don't you
take his place here?

Might not be much
at first,

But it might work
into something

Thank you, charles.
I appreciate that.

Tell you what,
why don't I go down
and see half-pint

And see that new sprig
of hers, grandpa?

Go on.

Hey, isaiah!

It's good to have you
back in walnut grove.

Good to be back,

Got some fresh hot tea.
Anybody want some?

I would.
Thanks, caroline.

None for me,

* Old dan tucker
was a fine old man *

* Washed his face
in a frying pan *

* Combed his hair
with a wagon wheel *

* Died of a toothache
in his heel *

Ha ha ha!

* Get out the way
for old dan tucker *

* It's too late
to get his supper *

* Supper's over,
and dinner's cooking *

* Old dan tucker just
a-standing there looking *

Ha ha ha!


how are you?


Isaiah edwards,
this is hester-sue

She works here
with me.

It's a pleasure
to finally meet you.

Isaiah: no, ma'am,
pleasure's all mine.

Laura, I didn't
think you'd remember
those words.

I'll never forget
that song.

Well, isaiah,
what brings you here?

Where are grace
and the children?

Oh, well, uh,
charles will tell
you all about that.

Right now, I want to see
this new sprig of laura's.

Well, I don't believe it.

First that fine-looking
husband of yours,

Now this pretty
little baby girl.

Hard to believe.

What happened
to my little girl?

She grew up.

Yeah, she sure
done that.

Oh, wait a minute.
Almost forgot something.


Close your eyes.

Go on, close your eyes.
Don't want no peeking.

Can't stand
for peeking.

All right.
Now, here you are.

What is it?

Go on, open it.

Lemon verbena.

Thought you might
like some.

Oh, thank you,
mr. Edwards.

Well, come on, now.
It wasn't all that much.

Hey, caroline, you got
a room for rent here?

What for? You know
charles and I want
you to stay with us.

Oh, well, uh,
thanks all the same,

But last thing
grace said to me
before I left home

Was not to put
anybody out.

Hester-sue, you got
a room for rent?

For you, the best one
in the house.


I tell you, now,
there's a real art
to spitting.

Laura, here,
she got almost
as good as I am.

really, laura?

You could really
spit a long way?

I think that's
enough talk about me.


Laura has something
she'd like to say
for the both of us.

Well, this dinner tonight

Is not just because
manly's going on a trip.

It's really
for another reason.

We talked it over,
and manly agrees with me

That the one person
outside of my own family

Who's had the most
influence on me

Is you, mr. Edwards.

I can't count
all the things
you've taught me,

All the laughter and tears
of growing up.

Well, you were
there to share
those things with me.

And I want rose to be able
to share in them, too.

And that's why we--

We want you,
mr. Edwards,

To be our
daughter's godfather.

Wait a minute, here.
Your kind would like
me as a godfather?

Sure about that,

Laura: I've been sure since
the day she was born.

And now that you're here,
it'll be perfect.

Will you?

Well, try to make
you proud.


Hey. Didn't expect
to see you at all today.

Hester-sue said you
were feeling poorly.

I'm sorry, charles.
I don't know what
it was,

But I'm fine now.

Are you sure?

I can handle this
myself, you know.

No, no, no.
I'm fit as a fiddle.

All right.


This is good.

You think grace
and the young ones
will be here

In time for
rose's christening?

Um...i don't know.

Got a letter
from her yesterday.

Said she'd be along
real soon,

Assuming everything
works out all right.

I know grace.

She finds out
you're going to be
a godfather,

She'll be here.

Yeah, that's right.

Mmm. I'm going
to get some milk.
It's in the office.

Here's to mr. Edwards,
the godfather,

Wherever he may be.

[Door opens, bell rings]

[Isaiah coughing]

Good morning, isaiah.

What can I do for you?

Listen, I wonder
if you have something

To help me get rid
of this cough.

I got a remedy.

Dr. Flagg's elixir.

Doc baker doesn't like me
to sell this stuff.

It's almost 50% alcohol.


Does it work?

Well, not really.

But then again,
if you take enough of it,

You don't really care.


Is that right?

Tell you, nels,
how many of these
you got left?

Well, I got 3 more.

I tell you what,
I'll take all 4.

All 4?

Tell you what
I'm going to do--

I'm either going
to cure this cough,

Or k*ll it.

One way or another,
I ain't going to care.

Good point.

That is 50 cents apiece.

That's $2.00
you owe me, isaiah.

Here you go, nels.

Thank you.

See you later.

Good day to you,

Albert, you've counted
that money 5 times.

I know.
Just want to be sure.

It's just that I really
want that microscope
for my science project.

I'm still almost
$2.00 short, though.

Why don't you
ask around town?

Maybe you could earn
some extra chore money.

Well, the thing is
I'm running out of time.

See, in the catalog
it says allow 6 weeks
for delivery.

The project is due
at the end of the term.

That only leaves me
two weeks to earn
the money I need.

I'll just have to do it
on something else.

I'll tell you what.

Edwards has got
a freight run into
sleepy eye on saturday.

He could use some help.

I think you just might
earn enough money to get
that microscope.

Do you mean it?

Charles: sure I do.

It's going
to be a long,
rough trip.

Oh, that's all right.
I'll do it, I'll do it.

All right.
In the meantime,

I'll advance you the money
for the microscope.

Oh, you don't need
to do that.

I can wait until
I get back on

No, no. This way you can
send your mail order off
right away.

And put an end
to your counting.

Ha ha ha!

Thanks, pa.

You're welcome.

Here. Take this over
to the general store,

Have it filled,
bring it back here.

Yes, sir.

Listen. I got a couple
of errands I want
to run myself.

Be about an hour.

Good enough.

Woman: place your bets.
All bets down.

[Piano playing]


I'll be
right with you.

Anyway, I told him
I'm not working--

I ordered whiskey.

I said I'd be
right with you.


Leave the bottle.

Excuse me. Do you
know what happened
to mr. Edwards?

Yeah. I saw him
go down the street
towards the saloon.


Ready to lose now,


Tell you what
I'm going to do.

First, I'm going
to take you,

And then
I'm going to take
all your friends.


Hear that, boys?

He's going
to whip us all.

Now we get serious.

Just try me.


All right.
I'll go again.

Boys, we're going
to eat steak.

[Men shouting]

Now, you ready
to lose again, punk?

All right, let's go.
Quit your talking.



Mr. Edwards!

Are you all right?

I'm all right.
Just leave me be.

You okay?

Just leave
me be, boy.

I'm going to teach
these weasels a lesson.

[Loud thump]

I want no problem
in my bar.

Now, you've had
enough, friend.

You come back
another day.

Come on. Let's go,
mr. Edwards.

Just a minute.

And I mean it!

[Scattered laughter]



All right.



[Laughing] Edwards,
would you like me
to drive

So you can take it
easy and rest?

What? You think
I can't drive them?

I'll give you a lesson
in driving.

Yah! Yah!

Yah, yah!

Yah! Yah!

Mr. Edwards, stop!
Slow down!

You ain't seen
nothing yet.





I don't like the looks
of it, charles.

How bad is it, doc?

It's a compound fracture,

But the injury
was aggravated

Because he wasn't taken
to a doctor right away.

What does that mean?

He could lose his leg.

[Door opens]

Caroline: charles?

Charles. Mrs. Foster just
told me. What happened?

An accident.
I don't know yet.

Dr. Baker: I've given him
some morphine to ease the pain.


Albert, we're here, son.


Can you tell us
what happened?

Mr. Edwards had been
drinking, and--

And he wouldn't
let me drive.

He was going too fast,
and he lost control.

And then we went up
onto the sidewalk...

And I was thrown off.

That's all I remember.

Why didn't isaiah
take him to a doctor
in sleepy eye?

Because he was drunk.

Because he was drunk,
and he panicked.

[Door slams]



Charles, uh...

I was just going to
have a drink, charles.

What with everything
that's happened,

You could probably
use one as much
as me.

My son could lose
his leg because of
your drinking.

It was an accident,

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

Isaiah, what's
happened to you?

What's happened?

I lost my son,
my wife.

Grace sent me
on my way.

Says she don't
want me near her
or the children.


Because I drink.

I drink.

I can't find whiskey,
I drink cough remedies.

I drink.

Then why in god's name
don't you stop?

Because I can't.

Don't you
understand that?

I can't!

All I understand
is that your drinking
cost you your family

And almost cost me
my son's life.

Go away, isaiah.

I don't want you near me
or my family again.


I was hoping I'd be able
to catch up with you.

How's albert doing?

Doc baker says he's
going to be fine.

Did your pa
send you out here?

I came out here because
I thought I might be
able to help you.

Well, I'm not
worth helping.

Mr. Edwards,
I can't just let you
leave like this.

You mean too much
to me.

You are a very special
man in my life.

You were always there
when I needed a friend,

And that's why
I'm here now.

Everything is lost.

Grace and the family...

Now your pa.

Then what's
the use in it?

Maybe I am the only one
who still cares,

But if I'm willing
to help,

You should at least
be willing to try.


Why are you doing this?

I owe you one.

You taught me how
to spit, remember?

Come on.

Laura, voice-over:
the weeks passed,

And mr. Edwards worked
as hard as he could.

He hadn't had a drink
as far as we knew.

Pa was angry
that I'd taken him in

And wouldn't even come by
the house to visit.

It wasn't easy
for any of us,

But I knew it would
be worth all of it

If mr. Edwards
would be well again.

Whoa. I'll tell you,
I'm double tired tonight.

Feels kind of
good, though.

Well, pa always says
honest sweat strengthens
the soul.

Can't tell you
the last time

My muscles quivered
from hard work.

Well, you look
good, though.
It's a good sign.

I can't begin to count
the number of times

That I'd drink just for
the sake of drinking.

I mean,
I'd toast anything.

Toast the sunrise,

And go out and drink
with the moon.

You know, I had bottles
stashed everywhere.

Even had one
in the outhouse.

Guess I figured
if nobody saw me,
it made it all right.

I was always taught
that no matter

What you do to hide
things from people,

There's always
someone who knows
what you're doing.

I just want you
to know...

That I'm proud of you.

Proud that you've
come this far.

I really am.

Well, I guess if I'm going
to put in another day
for you sl*ve drivers,

I better get out to the barn
and get some sleep.

Good night.

Laura: good night.

Um, what you were saying
about hiding things,

I don't want
to do that anymore.

I want you to know

I still think
about drinking.

Just wanted you to know.

[Door closes]

Isaiah: don't have
to worry none at all.

I'm going to take care
of everything.

you know how long-winded
mrs. Oleson is.

Between her
and the superintendent,
I may be a while.

Well, then,
you don't need to worry.

The godfather'll take
care of everything.


Should be ready
in just a minute, now.

There ain't no call
for all that fussing.


Yep, think you're
going to like
this relief.

Here you go.
Here you go.

Put that there
in your face.
Go on, now.

* Get out the way
for old dan tucker *

* It's too late
to get his supper *

* Supper's over,
and dinner's cooking *

* Old dan tucker just
a-stands there looking *

[Knock on door]

Ain't that the way of it?

Folks always showing up
when you're eating.

All right, now.
Don't go away.


Mrs. Foster. Listen, uh,
laura went into town.

I know. I passed her
on the road.

She said you were in.
I have a letter for you.

For me?

Yes, indeed.

Well, uh, thanks
for bringing it by.

Have a nice day.

Thank you.


Grace, voice-over: dear isaiah,
I hope this letter reaches you.

I didn't know where to write,

But I felt you might go back
to walnut grove.

I have met someone
that I care for a great deal.

His name is nathan sims.

He's a good man and very loving
to the children.

I have filed
the necessary papers

For the dissolution
of our marriage.

I will send you
a copy of the papers

As soon as I receive them.


Mrs. Oleson makes me
so furious.

She makes me drive
all the way into town

Because she insists on
having a meeting today,

And then I get there,

And she tells me
that it's scheduled
for next week.

Are you all right?

Oh, uh, yeah.
It's, um...

Just got a little bit
of a headache.

Hey, you, uh, mind if
I borrow the buckboard
to go into town?

I'd like to pick up some
headache powders.

Would you like me
to go get some for you?

Oh, no, no.
It's not that bad.
I'll get them.

I won't be long.

[Rattling doorknob]

They're not open.


They're closed at 2:00
on saturdays.

Thank you.


I know I don't have the right
to ask for no favors,

But I have to.

You see, uh...

I hurt a lot of people
with my drinking, and, uh...

Lost my wife...

And my friends.

You see, there just
ain't no way
I can undo it.

Laura's taught me that I can
get along all right without it.

And I want to.

I want to more than anything
in the world,

But I'm scared.

I'm scared.

What I'm asking you for

Is just a little of your help

To keep me strong.

Please, god.



Reverend: amen.

Sorry. I didn't mean
to startle you.

It was a fine prayer,

I'm sorry you had to
hear it, reverend.

Isaiah, don't be afraid
to ask god's help.

That's why he's here.

Ashamed to ask.

Why would he want
to help me?

I asked myself
that question once.

over 30 years ago,

I was exactly
where you are now.

I'd lost everything.

Whiskey had you, too?

God helped me.

He gave me
the strength.

He made me work
for it...

But he held my hand,
and I held his.

take his hand.

I want to.

I truly want to.

Take it.



I wonder if I could
talk to you for
a minute.

How you been doing?


I've been doing good.

Reverend alden came
over to my house


And I'd like
to ask you
to forgive me.

Me forgive you?

I love you, friend.
I missed you so.

I missed you, too,

Reverend: is it your will

That rose be baptized
in the faith of our lord?

Isaiah: it is.

Then I baptize thee
rose wilder,

In the name of the father
and the son

And the holy ghost.

By the gift of god

Through water
and the holy ghost,

We are reborn
into everlasting life.

In his goodness,

May he continue
to pour his blessings

On his daughter,

And may he send his peace

On all who are
gathered here today.

In christ jesus,
our lord, amen.

I would just like to say
a few words

Before we all step inside
to enjoy some wonderful food.

As you all know,

Baptism is
a washing away of sin.

It's a forgiveness.

And on this wonderful day,

I think it's important
that we examine ourselves

To make sure we accept
the cleansing of one's soul

No matter how and when
it may occur.

We should do
as god does--

Forgive and be ready
to start life anew...

With more love
and fresh understanding.

Would you like to hold
your goddaughter?