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08x17 - Days of Sunshine, Days of Shadow: Part 1

Posted: 02/16/22 07:25
by bunniefuu
Land sakes!
You really are
hungry this morning.

Come on. Stop it.

honey, we're back!

Aren't they
beautiful? Aren't
they beautiful?

Oh, manly, yes.

Babe, we're in
the horse-breeding
business at last.

It's like
a dream come true,
a dream come true!

Laura: can we afford it?

Once that wheat crop
is harvested, we
can afford it easy.

It's almost
being so happy.

And look here,
two months from now,

I'm going
to be a father.

Just make sure
you two don't start
calling me "gramps."

almanzo: okay.

You've got time
for a bite?

Oh, I'd like to, darling,
but I've got an order
to finish at the mill.

Thanks a lot
for your help.

My pleasure, they're
fine-looking animals.

See you
in church
on sunday.

Will you come inside
for lunch?

Well, I'm kind of
anxious to get back
to clearing our land.

I'll bring it
out to you, then.

You sure
you don't mind?

Fresh air and exercise
are good for me.

Doc baker said so.

Now, you go to work.

Yes, ma'am.

Come on.


Good. Whew!

I'm starved.

The fog sure
came in suddenly.


Hmm. You know,
it's getting
real damp.

You sure
you're warm enough?

Would you stop
worrying about me,

how's it coming?

it's just fine.

3 More acres
to farm, money
in the bank.

I hope so.

I know
it sounds silly,

But sometimes I get
to thinking about buying
so much on credit.

You're right,
that is silly.

Well, it's the way
I was brought up.

Pa can't bring himself
to buy anything unless
it's paid for in full.

You know, he tried
not to show it,

But I know he wasn't
feeling too good

About me putting
just down payment
on those horses.

He's been that way
since before I was born,

Ever since a cloud of
grasshoppers destroyed
his biggest crop.

It took him years
to pay back
everybody he owed.

Beth, you know I never
criticize your pa.

He's not wrong in how
he looks at things,
only different.

I know.

Okay. As soon as
I harvest that crop,

Everyone gets paid
off, and I become
just like your pa.

It's cash
on the barrel head
from then on.

Oh, manly.

Oh, I love you.

I love you, too,

You're going
to work all night?

Is it that late?

The children
have been asleep
for an hour.

I guess I lost
track of time.

This is going to be
very special.

Well, it should be special.
It's for my grandchild.

Besides, I've got
plenty of spare time
to make it special.

Something wrong?

Ah, things are just slow
at the mill, that's all.

The order I filled today
was the last one
for a while.

Things will pick up.
They always do.

I guess. It's just
that two more children
to feed and clothe,

Now's the time
we need more money
coming in, not less.

I know.

I even thought
about taking a job
with that labor g*ng.


Well, they're building
a new railroad spur
up north, looking for men.

I thought you weren't
going to do that kind
of work anymore.

It just crossed
my mind, is all.

Well, don't let it
cross your mind.

Must be
a hundred men k*lled
and injured there.

Caroline, caroline,
relax. I'm not
going anywhere.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You think we'll ever
see the day we're not
fretting about money?

Charles ingalls,
we're no different
than anybody else.

Oh, yes, we are.

We're going to have
a grandchild.

Oh, my back.

Do you want me to rub
some liniment on it?

No. I just
want to sleep.


Manly, aren't you
overdoing it a little?

well, maybe,
but I don't mind.

I want everything
just right for when
the baby comes.

I talked to mrs. Oleson

About filling in
for me at the school.

She said she would,

But I don't think she's
looking forward to it.

Mrs. Hastings
said she'd take
care of the baby

After I go back
to teaching.

She needs the money.

There's just one thing
that worries me.


Are you sure
it's all right for me
to go back to teaching?

I know you said it was,

But I want you
to be really sure.

Sure, it's
all right, honey.


I almost forgot.

You know how we're
having so much trouble

Agreeing on a name
if it's a girl?

Well, cassandra
brought me a rose today,

And I thought...
"That's it...

Rose wilder."

I love the sound of it.

What do you think?


Rose wilder it is.

Looks like rain.

That's good.
Maybe it'll soften up
that field I'm plowing.

Just don't get
caught in it.

You have
plenty of work
to do in the barn.


Are you
feeling all right?

Yeah, sure. Why?

Just look a little
tired, that's all.

No, I'm fine.
You go on.

Okay. Have a good day.
Come on. Come on!



I just don't
believe it.

Beth, will you
calm down?

It's only a little cold,
I've had it before.

in the rain!

All right!
So maybe it was
a dumb thing to do.

Can we
forget it now?

I'm sorry I'm making
such a fuss.

I just don't want you
getting sick, is all.

I'll be fine.

Did you ask albert about
coming over to help
groom the horses?

He and james
are coming home from
school with me tomorrow.

They sure are
being helpful.



Forgive me?


Now eat.

It looks good,




I sure will be glad
when laura has
that baby.

Me, too.
I can't wait.
I hope it's a boy.

I don't care what it is,
just so long as laura
can be our teacher.

That mrs. Oleson
talks too much.

how do you think
mr. Oleson must feel?


Albert, look!

what's wrong?


One of you go up,
unhitch the horse,
and bring him down.

I'll do it.

What's the matter?

Help me
to the house.

Albert: laura! Laura!

What on earth?

I can't breathe.

Oh, my god,
you're burning
up with fever.

Get doc baker.

Tell me exactly
what you're feeling,


Never felt so weak.



More like...

Something stuck,
closing it up.

It's hard
to breathe.

Almanzo, you're
going to have to be
very careful.

Stay in bed and keep
covered, no matter
how warm it gets.

How long
will I be...

For as long
as it takes,

Couple of weeks,
maybe longer.

But the harvest.

You won't be doing
any harvesting,
young man.

I'll take care
of that.

Just do what
the doc says
and don't worry.

It's urgent
that you stay
in bed, almanzo.

I'll see
that he does.

I'm so tired.

Dr. Baker: then sleep.

It's the best thing
for you right now.

What is it,

It's highly

Where would he
pick that up?

Who can say?

There's a mild epidemic
going around.

If almanzo were
weakened by a cold,

He'd be particularly

Are you saying
he's in real danger?

Laura, I'm as concerned
about you and the baby
as I am about almanzo.

As I said,
it's highly contagious.

I think you should
get someone else
to look after him--

No, I couldn't
do that.

the doctor is right.

Pa, I can't help it.
I'll take care of him,

And I'll be careful.

All right.
But you're not to sleep
in the same room with him.

And I want you to boil
every cup, saucer,
or utensil that he touches,

Every change of
clothing or bed linen.
Is that understood?


I'll be back later
with some medicine.

I still wish
you'd reconsider.

So do i.

I'm not leaving him.

[Rain falling]


[Loud pattering]

My god!

what is it?

My crops are going
to be destroyed.

What are
you doing?

That wheat is
our whole future.
I've got to save it.

Manly, you can't
go out there!

Manly, please
don't go out there!


Manly, please stop!

you can't save it.

- I have to!
- No! Don't!

Leave me alone!

Manly, stop!



Please! Oh, god!

Oh, dear god!



He's coming around.



I can't... arm!

I can't feel...
My leg.

Easy, son. Easy.

Almanzo: [breathing hard]

Doc baker,
what is it?


His left side is paralyzed.

He suffered a stroke.

Help me...beth.

Help me, beth.

Almanzo: [grunting]

Come on, almanzo.

Try, try
to make a fist.

Try harder.


no more. I can't.

- Try.
- I can't!

Try harder!

That's it.

That's it.

Come on.

Almanzo: [grunting]

That's it. Good. Good.

Hi, darling.

Hi, pa.

How's my girl?


How's almanzo

The same. Come on.
Doc baker's upstairs
with him.


Well, I suppose
I can say

There's a small
bit of good news.

Almanzo's left side
isn't totally paralyzed.

There's a little
movement, not much,
but it can only improve.

Will he...

Will he ever
get back to...

Dr. Baker:
laura, I don't know.

It's possible,

But I don't know
a great deal
about this thing.

You see,
a stroke generally

Leaves part of
the brain damaged.

In this case,
it's the part that
controls certain...

Motor functions:
arm, leg movements.

Now, the idea is
for the undamaged
part of the brain

To relearn
these functions.

It's a lot
like teaching

A right-handed
person to write
with his left hand.

Now, what
almanzo is facing

Is much more complex
and difficult.

But it's not impossible.

With time, patience...

And a great deal
of love.

About that, I haven't
the slightest doubt.

Is he awake?

No, he's gone
to sleep.

Laura, if you want
to continue to care
for almanzo yourself,

I'd suggest setting
things up down here.

Now isn't the time
for you to be climbing
stairs all day.

I'll take care
of it, doc.

Fine. I'll be by
later this evening.

I want to thank you
for everything.

Charles, see that she
takes care of herself.

I will.





I don't know why,

But almanzo is alive,
and he's going
to get better.

I pray you're right.

Our crop is ruined.

We have
so many debts.

I can't even work.

You must have
some money.

A little.

I could get
some people
to carry us

If I kept up
the interest

For how long?

2, 3 Months.

Well, by then almanzo
could be all recovered.

You'll be fine.
We'll help you
in any ways we can.

At least your house
is free and clear.

what I thought.

Without even
telling me,

mortgaged it
for $500.

Well, the bank will
just have to wait,
that's all.

It won't.

Mr. Anderson
was by yesterday.

Oh, pa, we're going
to lose the house.

Oh, now,

How could almanzo
do this to us,

Getting us
so deeply in debt?

Hey, now, just a minute.
Don't you start
blaming almanzo.

I never saw
a man work harder
than he has.

His crop was only a few
days from being harvested

When that storm hit.
It's not his fault.

Look, you've had
a setback,
and a bad one,

But it's not
the end of the world.

I'll talk to anderson
at the bank.

I know we can
work something out.

The important thing is
you take care of yourself
and your husband...

And my grandchild.

You promise
me that?

I'll go see anderson
at the bank right now,

And I'll see you later.



Thank you.

Thanks for being
my daughter.

Look, bill, the boy
is hurt, his crop
is destroyed.

Charles, it was
only on the basis
of the crop coming in

That the bank
held out this long.

I'd extend the loan
if I could,
but I'm powerless.

The board of directors
simply won't allow it.

That's the most
heartless thing
I ever heard.

Well, I agree
with you.

That's how it is.

If the loan isn't
brought up to date
by the end of the week,

We have no choice
but to begin

Isn't there some way
you could raise
the money?

Well, come on, you know
I'm as strapped
as I've ever been.

Well, then...

All right. They need
about 3 months to get
back on their feet.

If the loan could be
paid up to date and paid
3 months in advance,

How much
would that take?

Well, let's see.


Close to $100.

That much, huh?

I'm afraid so.

All right. What would
it take for the bank
to loan me that?

A lien on
your property,

But I would not
advise it, charles.
Times are hard.

You could be placing
your entire family
in jeopardy.

Bill, part of
my family
already is.

I'm not going
to let my kids
lose that house.

How soon can you
have the papers
drawn up?


All right,
then do it,

And don't say
anything to anyone,
especially laura.

I'll just say the bank
gave an extension.

You have my word.

I wish there
was another way,
but there just isn't.

But the railroad...
It's so dangerous.

But that's why
they pay so much.

You'll have
to miss the birth.

I'm afraid so,
but at least
my grandchild

Will have a roof
over its head.

Charles, I want you
to promise me

You won't stay on that
job one day longer
than you have to.

Caroline, I'm going
to be all right.

Not one day longer.

I promise.

Now, look, those children
think I'm going on
a great adventure.

If they see you
taking it like this...

They won't.

If I lost you,
I don't think
I could go on.


Oh, don't
even say that.

I'm coming
back to you.
I love you.

You're the man
of the house now.

I'm counting on you
to take care of things
while I'm gone.

I will.

I know you will.

Good-bye, son.

Good-bye, pa.

[Door opens]

Manly, you didn't
even finish
half of your soup.

I'm not hungry.

But doc baker said
if you want--

I said...

I'm...not hungry.

Very well.


I'm sorry.

I just never felt...



How could things...

Turn out so bad?

They'll improve.

You've just got to get
your strength back

And start exercising
that arm and leg.

You think
these are going
to get better?



What you're
married to.

Stop that!

I've already
ruined my life.

Now I have
to ruin yours.

If that's
what you think,
I have no answer.

What's true
doesn't need one.


I love you.

That's what's true.

Now, get back
under the covers.

You look so tired.

Try and get
some sleep, please.

I'm going to go
wash up these dishes.
Be right back.

I'm ready
to turn in myself.


Why don't you
sleep upstairs?


There's plenty
of room down here.

Just for a while.

I don't know...

I just...feel...

Like being alone.

If that's
what you want.

It is.

Doc baker: come on, almanzo,
get up. Come on.

You can do it.

Put all that weight
on your right side.

That's it.

Help me, doc.

Good, good, good.

Now, take a step.

Take a step.
Come on.

I can't.

Yes. Yes, you can.
Come on.

No, I can't.
I can't.


nothing there.

I can't.

[Door knocks]

- Hello, laura.
- Eliza jane!

Oh, how is he?

Doc baker is in
with him right now.

This is
such a surprise.

You didn't think
I could stay away.
Can I see him?

Well, doc baker
will be through
in a minute.

Come on, let's
go in the kitchen
and talk.

I'll make us
some tea.

The school gave me
an indefinite
leave of absence,

So almanzo will have
all the care he needs.

Eliza jane...

And you will, too.
Just look at you.

If I didn't know
any better, that baby
could be coming tomorrow.

It must be
very difficult

To have such
a responsibility
at a time like this.

It's really not
all that bad.

Now, don't be brave
for my sake.

I know what you must
be going through.

just relax and leave
everything to me.

I couldn't do that.


the baby comes

I'm perfectly
capable of taking
care of almanzo.

Nonsense. With me here,
you won't have to.

Eliza jane,
I appreciate
your concern.

You know I do.

After all,
he's my brother.

And he's my husband.

It's very important
to both of us

That I be the one
to take care of him.

Couldn't I just help?

We'd only be bumping
into each other.

Laura, I've got
to do something.

of course.
There is something.

You could take over
the school.


Mrs. Oleson's
been filling in,

And it's
the mercantile's
busiest time of year.

It's a terrible
strain on her.

She hates it.
The children hate it.

I feel really awful
about the whole thing.

If you could
take her place...

Laura, I didn't
come here for that.

You said you
wanted to help.


say you will.

All right.
If that's what you want.


What happened?

He had
a little fall.


All right.
Try it again.

Almanzo: no.

- Come on.
- No.

Dr. Baker: come on,
it's the only way.

Help me back
into the bed.

That's not going
to do you any good.

Nothing's going
to do me
any good!

How long is it going
to take for everyone
to realize that?

I'm a cr*pple,
and that's how
I'm going to be

The rest
of my life.

Now help me
back into
the bed.

Maybe one of us
should sit with him.

Dr. Baker says he needs
to do more for himself.

He needs to get
out of that bed.

But, laura--

Eliza jane,
it hurts me, too.

Now, he should be
at the table here
with us.

We offered,
and he said no.

I'm not going
to encourage his
staying in bed

By going in there
and sitting with him.

Do you want
some more coffee?

Thank you.

I'll go make
a fresh pot.


You again?
Come here. Come here.

Ah, hello.
Do you want some milk?

[Cat meowing]

You want some
milk? Here.

Here you go.

Look out. Oh!

That chicken
is delicious,

And you haven't
even touched it.

Well, I'll just
have to do what I did
when you were little.

Open wide, manzo.

Come on, open.

I don't want the neighbors
seeing your skin and bones

And thinking I'm not
feeding you properly.


That's my
little brother.

I guess big sister
will have to feed you

Until you get
your strength back.

Oh, laura,
you're in bed already.

It's after 10:00.

I got almanzo to eat
all of his chicken

And most of
his vegetables.

That's good.

I want to take him
an extra pillow.

He asked
if I'd stay with him

Until he fell asleep.

He asked
or you offered?

He said he'd like it,
if that's all right.

By all means.

Good night, laura.

Eliza jane...

Your brother hasn't been
afraid of the dark
for some time now.

Laura, voice-over:
the weeks passed into months,

And there was no
change in almanzo.

He gave up
his exercises completely.

The less he did for himself,
the more eliza jane did for him.

Here you go.




I've made a decision
about something.

I'm going to ask
doc baker to get me
a wheelchair.


We have to face
the fact

That I'm not going
to get any better.

It's the best thing.
At least I could
get around.

It would be
much easier
for him.

When charles
gets back,
he can--

Eliza jane,

Laura, manzo
is my brother.

And he's
my husband!

You don't need
a wheelchair.

You could only walk
if you tried.

We've been
all through this.

You don't know
what it's like.

And you don't know
what it's like for me

To watch my husband
just give up!

I think you want
to be a cr*pple.

What kind
of a thing
is that to say?

The truth,
that's what.

Beth, you know
that I have tried.

Oh, yes.
Just long enough
to give up!

Doc baker gave you
exercises, and you
won't even do them!

They don't work.

Can't you
understand that?

No, I don't!

I don't understand
anything about you

Oh, my god.

what is it?

Get me inside.

Beth? What's
the matter,

Almanzo: beth!

Get doc baker.

Dr. Baker!
Dr. Baker!

What's wrong,

It's laura.
She needs you
right away.

I'll get my bag.
Stop by the restaurant
and pick up caroline.


That was a good one.

Here we go again!

Doc baker:
that's right, laura.
Bear down.

Heck! Yell
if you want to!

Oh! Oh, no.

I don't want
my baby hearing me
yell first thing.


I want her
to hear me laugh!

[Door opens and closes]

oh, my, yes.

- Oh!
- [Laughs]

How is laura?

Oh, just fine.

And so is your
new baby daughter.

meet rose wilder.

Isn't she beautiful?

It's a good thing
it's a girl.

A father can't very well
play ball with a son
when he's a cr*pple.

[Whistle blowing]

Some jerky, friend?


Some jerky?

Oh. No.
Thank you very much.

you were a million
miles away.

I guess I was.
I was thinking.

Yeah. When young folks
stare into space,

They call it thinking.

When old folks do it,
they call it senile.

I've got a passel
of children. They all
think I'm senile.

They say that's
why I talk so much.

Oh, I'm sure they
don't mean that.

Yeah. Where are
you heading?

I'm going home.

Oh, you've
been gone long?

Long enough.

Had a granddaughter
born while
I was gone.

Land sakes.

Thank you very much.
7 Pounds, 6 ounces.

Who cares?

How much she weighs,
who cares?

I mean, what
difference does it make
how much she weighs?

I don't know,
I just never
thought about it.

Yeah, that's the trouble.
Folks don't think.

The minute you
tell somebody
you had a baby,

First thing off,
they say, "how much
does it weigh?"

That's nonsense.

First things folks
should ask is,

How many arms and legs
did it have?

Is the head round
or shaped like
a sweet potato?

And then the next dumb
question folks ask,

"Has it got
a lot of hair?"

You want a lot of hair,
you get a dog.

You know,
I had a dog once.

We called it fearless.

Don't know why we
ever called him that.

Scared to death
of everything, it was.

And I tell you,
a horrible thing
happened one day.

He got hit,
and they had to
take his leg off.

Well, they put
a wooden one on.

Laura, voice-over:
it should have been
a joyous time:

Pa was home,

Baby rose was a ray
of sunshine in our lives.

Yet for all our blessings,

Almanzo could not seem
to find his strength again.

It was if that hailstorm
k*lled all his dreams
along with his wheat.

You ought to
sit down and let us
finish up here.

No, I'm fine.

Are you sure?

You shouldn't be
pushing yourself
so hard.

Ma, it's important
to me to have
everyone over.

I want to celebrate
pa's homecoming.

I know it is,

I just don't
want you to wear
yourself out.

I won't.

I'll take this,
and you can
bring the rest?

I think
we can manage.

It's good
to see you so
full of energy.

Somebody has to keep
their spirits up
around here.

I brought you

I suppose now
is as good
a time as any

To give it to you.

What is it?

Open it.

My mother gave it to
me when I had you,

And I always
promised myself
I'd give it to you

When you had
your first child.

Oh, ma,
the bread plate!

You never let us touch it.
You said it was special.

It is.

Thank you.

I'll take good
care of it.

I promise.

Well, we better
get this food
on the table.

Come on, everybody.
Time to eat.

I'll get almanzo.

I want
to sit by carrie.

Laura: you sit where
eliza jane told you to sit.

She's worked this all out.

I'll be right back.

What you've
got there?

It's my new crop.
Broken geraniums.

Did such wonders
with the wheat,

I thought it was
time to branch out.

You're being a little
hard on yourself,
don't you think?

Am i?

Well, come on,
supper's ready.

Here it is,
mrs. Oleson.

Oh, honestly.
More advertising.

I tell you,
the postal service is
just going to be ruined

If they keep
sending this stuff
through the mail.

- True.
- Good afternoon.

Oh, hello,
eliza jane.

I'd like to mail
these letters.
When will they go out?

First thing

That'll be fine.

Well, my, my, my,
you must miss all your
friends in minneapolis.

Well, sometimes
distance is--

How long do you
think you're
going to be here?

Would you think
you'll go back soon?

That all depends
on the outcome
of those letters.


I've written to
everyone I know
in minneapolis

Who might be able
to offer almanzo
a job,

A sit-down job.

As soon as
something turns up,

We'll sell the house,

And almanzo and
laura will move to
minneapolis with me.

It's the perfect

Laura and almanzo move?


Sometimes the answer
to your problems
is so simple

It just stares you
in the face.


Well, I promised
laura I'd look after
rose this afternoon.

I'd best be going.



It's just like
nellie and percival.

It just seems like
all of our young people
are moving away.

Poor caroline.


Laura is getting
ready to ride back
to town with you.

She wanted me
to remind you.

She's already reminded
me 4 times herself,
how could I forget it?

This ramp should be
sturdy enough.

Only temporary.
Won't have any
trouble taking it up

Once you get out
of that chair.

I don't think I'm
going to be getting out
of the chair, charles.

That's ridiculous.
Of course you are.

Doc baker gave you
some exercises.
How are they coming?


What's wrong
with the exercises?

Nothing if they work!

How many times do I
have to fall on my face

Before I convince you
and everybody else that
I am not going to walk?

You think I like
being in this chair?

I'm beginning to wonder.
You worked with your arm,

Now you have almost
full use of it.

I'm not even
going to try
and convince you.

I'm having
a hard enough time
accepting it myself.

Rose is asleep.

I need you to keep
an eye on her until
eliza jane gets back.


You ready, pa?




Thanks a lot for
putting in the ramp.

I really do
appreciate it.

You're welcome, son.

Mind if I ask you
a personal question?

Of course not.

How are things
between you and almanzo?

As good
as can be expected,

What do you mean,

I sleep in one room.
He sleeps in another.

He hasn't kissed me
in months.

Every time I try,

He just ignores me.

You tried
talking to him?

It's always
the same, pa.

He says it's nothing,
he's just tired.

Always tired.


I can live
with his illness...

But not his silence.

It's like there's
a wall around him

And no one's
allowed inside,
not even me.

It's like
I don't even exist.

The only one
he spends time with
is eliza jane,

And that's just
because she does
everything for him.

I wish she had never
come back here.

Not much
of a homecoming
for you, is it, pa?

What are you
talking about, girl?

I came home to
a new granddaughter,
didn't i?

You're never alone,

Not ever.

I know.


You're sure you
don't want me to
give you a ride home?

I'm going to go
talk to ma for
a few minutes,

Then I have to pick
some things up
at the mercantile.

I'll enjoy
the walk home.

- Thanks, pa.
- Bye, darling.



Well, I just think
it's strange that
laura didn't tell you

That they are moving.

Well, maybe that's
because they
aren't moving.

Eliza jane told me
that they are.

Hi, ma.

Ah, good. Laura.
Tell your mother.

Tell your mother
that it's true.

What's true?

That you and almanzo

Are moving
to minneapolis
with eliza jane.


Ah! It's a secret,

And I'm not
supposed to tell.

It isn't a secret.
It's just not true.

You see?

Well, perhaps you
had better discuss it
with eliza jane.

Obviously somebody
is confused.


Excuse me.

She must have
heard wrong.

She must have.


Hi, doc.

Eliza jane tells
me you're moving
to minneapolis.

I'm going
to miss you.

We're not moving.


Well, I'm glad
to hear that.


Woman: oh, laura!

When are you moving
to minneapolis?

When it snows
on the 4th of july!

Eliza jane?

In here, laura.

I'm glad you're
back, laura.

Almanzo and I
were just

Your moving
to minneapolis
with me.

It seems you've
discussed it with
the entire town.

When were you going to
let me in on the plan?


Don't you think
I ought to have
any say in this?

- Of course.
- Well, then I say we stay here.

Laura, I'm sorry
if my enthusiasm
carried me away.

I suppose I should
have discussed this
with you first.

I suppose so.

It's the perfect
solution to our

It may be the perfect
solution to you,

But I love walnut grove,

And I have no intentions
of leaving it.


As far as I'm concerned,
the subject is closed.

[Door closes]
oh, dear.

I guess I
didn't present
this very well.

I'll go talk
to her.

[Cat meowing]

What do you want?

You can get down
by yourself.
Come on.


Come on.
Stop it.

You always were one
to jump right in
and get things done.

You used to be
that way yourself.

Almanzo, what's
happened to you?

You know as well
as I do what
happened to me.

You're giving up
too easily.

You've always
believed in
changing things,

Fighting for
what you want.

I believe in changing
what I can.

I can't change
this, beth.

I've tried.

That's why I think that
we ought to take eliza jane
up on her offer.


I can't work
this farm!

I can't provide
for my family!

Now, at least
in minneapolis
I can earn a living.

Oh, manly.

Let's at least
think about it.
All right?


All right.

I'll think about it.

[Cat meowing]

There you go.

See you in the morning.



You can't sleep?


Me neither.

There's so
many things
to think about.

I know.

Eliza jane makes
it all sound
so wonderful.

She sure does.

It's so hot
upstairs tonight.

You know, there's
no breeze at all.

It's not so bad
down here.

Do you mind
if I sleep down
here tonight?

Beth, please.

Manly, talk to me.

Tell me what's wrong.
Don't shut me out.

I'm a cr*pple.
You want to lie
next to a cr*pple?

I want to lie
next to my husband.

He doesn't
exist anymore.


Maybe things
will be better...

In the city.


Farm life is
just too hard
for him right now.

In the city,
he could get a job
in an office.

He'd be with his
family a lot more.

No more 16,
17-hour workdays.

Our livelihood
wouldn't be at the
mercy of the weather.

And think of rose.

We could put her
in the best schools.

Oh, come on now.
You don't have
to convince us.

If you feel this
is what's right,

You know we'll be
behind you.

I only wish I could
be sure it is
the right thing.

Pa, I know I don't
want to leave,

But I have to do
what's best
for all of us.

What do you think
we should do?

Well, if I could
see into the future

As well as I do the past,
I'd be able to answer
that question.

the important thing is

To keep discussing it
with almanzo

And not make any
hasty decisions.

You're right.

I guess I don't
have to pack my
bags tomorrow.

I'd better
get back.

I don't want to
leave him alone
too long.

He still needs my
help quite a bit.

I'll walk you out.

Would you like me
to dry?

They all have to
leave the nest.

Oh, now, come on.

They haven't gone yet.
They might change
their mind.

You know, I've
got a good mind
to go over there

And give that
almanzo wilder
a good shaking.

Well, you're going to
have to get in line,

Because I've got
a little shaking
I'd like to do myself.


Unfortunately, we're going
to have to let them
live their own lives.

Oh, I know.

I know.

See how much quicker
a job gets done

When two people
do it together?

- Yep.
- Hello, you two.

Well, no mail yet,

But I'm sure something
will turn up
in a few days.

I wonder where people
hang their clean clothes
in minneapolis.

Oh, laura, they
have clotheslines
in the city, too.

You know, it must seem
a little all distant

And frightening
right now,

But you're going
to love it right away.
I just know you will.

I'm sure
you're right.

There's a beautiful lake
where we can take rose
on the weekends.

And, oh, almanzo,
there's this little place
right outside the city

That has the most curious
geological formations.

I know you'll like it,

And there's
the college.

You can continue
your studies, laura.

I'll watch
after rose.

Eliza jane.

I asked almanzo
to help me.

that's all right.

I've got a lot of other
things I've got to do.

We can't always do
everything for him.

He needs to
feel useful.

You think his handing
your clothespins
makes him feel useful?

Having a job, earning
a living, that will
make him feel useful.

Mr. Walsh: hello there!

Oh, that must be
mr. Walsh.

He said he might come
out and have a look
at the property today.

I'll get almanzo.

I can handle it.

It's our house
that's being sold,
eliza jane.

Of course.

I'm so glad you could
make it, mr. Walsh.

there's someone here
to see the place.

I think you should
show them around.

Can't eliza jane
show him?

It's our house.

I'll be out
in a minute.

Crops have been
good lately?

Eliza jane: very good.

Laura: well, that's
not exactly true.

We haven't had
a decent crop
since we moved here.

- Laura.
- Well, it's true.

I mean, just when we
thought our wheat field
was money in the bank,

A hailstorm
came and took it
all away from us.

Eliza jane:
but that happened
to everyone.

It wasn't just us.

Laura: our well
runs dry pretty fast.

You're going to have
to dig a new one.

And there's a whole
other field we haven't
been able to plant.

Too rocky.

I see.

Well, perhaps
I'd better think
it over some.

But you haven't
even seen
the house yet.

I'll let you know,
miss wilder.

How could
you do that?

Beth was just
telling him the facts.

You two act
like you don't
want to sell.

From now on,
I'll show
people around.

You're probably right.
I'm sorry, eliza jane.

Give me strength.

Dear god,
give me strength.