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08x16 - Second Chance

Posted: 02/16/22 07:23
by bunniefuu

Hyah, mules.



Excuse me!

Hi. Can I help you?

You must be
mr. Ingalls.

That's right.

I was doing some
jobs for a gentleman
in redwood falls--

Mr. Mason.

Sure. Fred mason.

He's the one.

He plumb run out
of things for me to do.

Whole town did.

Mr. Mason--he knew
I was passing through
walnut grove,

And he said that you
might know where I'd be
able to find some work.

Well, I can't think
of anything just offhand.
I can ask around for you.

Why, thank you.
I can build or fix
almost anything.

Got about every tool
you can imagine
in the back.

I tell you what. That's
my wagon parked over there.
I got a busted doubletree.

Haven't got time
to make a new one.
I just patched it up.

Well, I'd be pleased
to take care of that
for you, mr. Ingalls.

All right, fine.

Uh...i've been
told a lady named
hester-sue terhune

Might be here in town.

Sure. Yeah, she and my wife
operate the restaurant
right down there.

I'll just stop off
and say hello.
Be right back.

- All right.
- Mules!

Hester, I'll
have ham and eggs
and wheat toast.

All right,
and what to drink?

Oh, I think
I'll have coffee.

Coffee it is.



I guess I knew
you'd feel this way.

You guess?

Did you leave me
anything good to think
about you, sam?


I was hoping
you would anyway.

Well, I don't.

Now, your drinking
and gambling took
care of that.

Every penny,
every little precious
possession I ever had,

You took it.

And then when you
leave me standing there
with nothing but my pride,

You walk off
with another woman
and take that, too.

Hester-sue, I know.

I deserve all
your hatred and more.

That's why I knew
a long time ago I had
to change my ways...

And I have.

I know it shouldn't
make any difference
to you, but...

I ain't touched
a drop of whiskey
in years.

I've been
nowhere near
as a gambling table.

You're right.

It doesn't make
any difference.

I'm sorry.

Listen, would you
tell me just what
you are doing here?


I make my living
doing odd jobs.

Never one place
for long.

I guess you
might say I'm just
passing through.

Good. Then pass
on through because I
don't want to see you.

I will as soon
as I do a job
for mr. Ingalls.

Take me
a couple of days.

Then I'll be gone.


Been eating
at me for
a long time.

If there's
in the world

I could do
to make you
forgive me

a little bit,

That would be
all that would
make me happy.


Oh, hester-sue.

Oh, why did he
have to show up?


My ex-husband.

I could go on
lying to myself

As long as he
stayed a memory.

You would think
after all of
these years

And after all
of the pain,

The feeling
would go away.

Oh, how
can I love him?

But I guess
that's why I didn't
marry joe kagan.

I cannot rid myself
of the feeling
of sam.

But he'll be gone
in a couple of days,

So that will
take care of that,
won't it?

Man: hester-sue,
can I at least
have my coffee?


No, I'll get it.
I'll get it.
I'm all right.

What are you doing?

Counting our chickens
before they're hatched,
I think.

What does that mean?

Well, if myron hicks
orders as much lumber

As he thinks
he's going to,

We're going to be
ahead for once.

Oh, I hope so.
So many things we need.

Well, it looks
awful good.

- Charles...
- Mm-hmm.

I can't get hester-sue
off my mind.

She's been so hurt.

Sam can't be as nice
as you say.

Well, it's not just me,

You heard the children
go on tonight.

I had a hard time
shooing them home
after school.

There's something
about him.

He's the kind of man
you just like.

Or love...
Hester-sue's case.

The things she told me.

Well, people change,
you know.

Do you think they change
that much?

Sure. If they try
and with god's help,
they do.


It's such a pity.

She still loves him,

But she can't bring herself
to give him a second chance.

I'm not blaming her.

No matter.

I guess he'll be gone

You want some
more coffee?

Yeah, thanks.

I'll keep adding
up how rich we are.

Mr. Ingalls,
got your doubletree
all finished.

All right.

A fine piece
of work, sam.

Why, thank you.
I especially like
working with wood.

I'm glad to hear it
because I got some
good news for you.

My son-in-law's
got a plow needs
some work done on it.

And I checked with
doc baker. He's got
a porch near collapsing,

And the olesons
over at the mercantile

Have a storeroom
they'd like to redo.

That's just fine.

You said
you wanted to work.

Well, I surely did.
It's just that I
don't know if I can.

Why not?
What's wrong?

I'll give you an answer
in just a little while.

Excuse me, mr. Ingalls.

You must
be mrs. Ingalls.

- Yes.
- I'm sam terhune.

Mrs. Ingalls,
I wonder...

I'd like
to have a word
with hester-sue

In private.

Well, mr. Terhune,
hester-sue has told me--

It's awful
important to me.

It will only
take a minute.

Well, I can't
very well stop you.

Thank you.

Now, listen,
I thought I told--

I know, but I got to
ask your permission
about something.


I want to respect
your wishes.

I told you I'd
be leaving town
in two days,

And I will
if you say so.

See, mr. Ingalls--
he found me
some more jobs.

I never knew
a time I didn't
need the money.

But I won't
take them if...

It's up to you.

Listen, don't
put that on me.

Now, you said two days,

But then you never
was a man to keep
your word, were you?

I'll be leaving,

Now, you hold it
a minute.

I will not be accused
of keeping you from
making an honest living.

Now, you take the work
but keep away from me.

Anything you say,

And I do thank you.

Oh, get out of here.

Oh, my.

Oh! Well, this
is marvelous!

Well, it
certainly is!

Thank you.
I'm so happy
you're pleased.

Oh, yes,
we certainly are!

I'm almost embarrassed
to give you the money
we agreed on.

Nels! That's all we had
in the budget, remember?

The price
is just fine.

I still think there
ought to be a little
something extra.

No, no, no.
It's just fine.

I have it.


Sam, come with me.

[Harriet laughs]

Come on, sam.
Don't dawdle.
Hello, everybody.

Sit down, sam,
right here.

Now, I have decided
to reward sam

For doing such
an extra-special job
for us,

So for the next
two weeks,

He will eat here
every single meal
at half-price.

Uh, mrs. Oleson--

Now, now, now. I don't want
any arguments from you.

Thank you,
mrs. Oleson.

Well, you're more
than welcome, sam.

[Harriet laughs]

Well, bon appetit. Bye.

[Caroline sighs]

[Door closes]

Would you take
his order for me,

Thank you.

Good morning,

Good morning,
mr. Benson.

Woman: good
morning, sam.

Good morning,
miss foster.

Good morning.

Thank you.

Well, here
we are again.

We don't miss
a meal, do we?

Only be
another week.

Now, I don't want to
hurt mrs. Oleson's

When do you plan on
leaving walnut grove,
if ever?

I did offer
reverend alden
I'd fix up

Some things
at the church,
not for money,

But it seemed to me
like a proper way

To partly pay back
the town for being
so kind to me.

Oh, yes, and how
could the town resist
such a noble deed?

You've just about won
the hearts of everybody
here with your charm.

People look at me
and say, "why,
she must be crazy

To leave such
a fine, upstanding--"


What do you want
for breakfast?


Drinking--it makes
a man like me
what he ain't.

That's why I don't
touch it no more.

Now, I ain't trying
to fool folks
about me.

I'm just being me
is all.

Your order, please.

I'd like
the ham, eggs,

Fried potatoes,
and some coffee,

Ham and eggs
and fried potatoes,

And I'll get him
some coffee.

- Sam?
- Yes.

Want me
to serve him?

Oh, no.

Caroline, you know,
I don't know what's
wrong with me.

I've become so mean.

It just doesn't feel
this right to be mean
to even sam.

Then why are you?

I don't know
how else to be

After all that man's
done to my life.

But if he really
has changed...

Ach. I don't know.

It's none
of my business.

Please go on
and say it.

Well, it seems
like life

Has given sam
a second chance,


Doesn't everybody
deserve that?

I'll give him
his coffee.


Certainly is
looking sturdy.

Yes, sir, reverend.

You know, this old building
has certainly taken its
share of getting used.

It's a church, a school,
a town council.

It's a small miracle
it's held up as well
as it has.

Sam, I hope we're
not keeping you
from a paying job.

No, sir, reverend.
I guess I already got
what work there was.

Fact is, once
I'm finished here,
I'll be moving on.

I'm sorry to hear that.

You'll be missed.

Thank you, reverend.

Reverend alden:
well, hello, hester-sue.

Reverend. Good
morning, sam.

Well, I guess I better
finish my sermon
for tomorrow.

Well, I guess
you'll be leaving.

I suppose.

Well, sam, I can't
live with the idea

That I've
driven you away.

I thought about
what you said,

And it's wrong
of me to treat you
the way I have.

Don't get me wrong.
I still blame you
for what happened,

But that was
a long time ago,

And I've lived
through it,
and so have you,

And I just
want you to know

I'm not going to be
treating you mean

Hester-sue, hearing
you say those things
means a lot to me.



I'd better get back.


I think what I said
to hester-sue made
some difference.

It sounds
like it to me.

Anyway, sam's there
for every meal,

And I'd almost swear
that hester-sue looks
forward to it.

You think they'll
want to get
back together?

Well, it's a long way
from that, but...

Who knows?

Well, I got to
get some sleep

If I'm going to
make that haul to
sleepy eye tomorrow.

You've been
working so hard.

Ah, but it's for
a good cause--us.


Good night.
I love you.

Sleep well.

More dessert?

No, thank you.
I'm full up.

Can I ask you

Depends on
what it is.

I won't be coming
in here much
from now on.


Been so little work.
I have to stretch
my money.

After tonight, I have
to pay the full price.

I guess I forgot
about that.

What I was
thinking is,

The only time I can
count on seeing you is
coming in here for meals.

Could we...

You suppose we
could see each other
someplace else?

I don't know, sam.

It's just that
I know I'll miss
seeing you a lot.

We could try it once,
and if you don't feel
right, I understand.

I'll have to think
about it, sam.

That's good enough.

I'm off tomorrow
at 3:00.

When the state took
over the blind school,
I was offered this job.

Do you mind
not teaching anymore?

I would be lying
if I said no,

But most of
the people that I'm
close to are here,

So that sort of
makes up for it.

It's getting
chilly out here.

Are you
still sleeping
on a bedroll?

I don't have
no place else.

But with
the weather changing
like this...

I'll be fine.

I'll be fine.

Hey, what about
that old parkins'

What's that?

An old shack
that need a lot
of fixing, but...

Well, it has
a good roof on it.

Well...i can't
pay much.

Oh, it's cheap.
It's abandoned.

Come on, and
I'll show you.


What do you think?

Needs a little
fixing, all right.

Well, I could lend
you a hand,
and I know

There's plenty
of old furniture
in the city

That you
could repair.

A lot of fixing.



- Fine supper, hester-sue.
- Thank you.

More coffee?

No, thank you.
It's getting late.

I almost can't believe
what this place
has turned into.

Me neither,
but then...
You're very handy.

No more than you.
We'd make a good...

I think
I'd better go.

Hester-sue, could you
stay just a little while?

There's something I've
been wanting to tell you
for a long time.

Are you sure it's
something I want
to hear, sam?

I think it is.

When I run out on you,
it wasn't for another woman.


What was she, then?
My imagination?

No. She was just
somebody I didn't
care about.

She liked me, had
a little money, but I
didn't care about her.

I don't think I want
to hear this, sam.

Please. After what
I had done to you,
I was so ashamed...

So ashamed.

I would have used
any excuse in the world

Not to have you
have to spend another day
with me in your life.

Can you
understand that?

I never in my life
ever loved a woman
but you, hester-sue.

But the drinking
and the gambling...

I couldn't
seem to stop.

And through it all...

You kept
standing by me.

But that's what
made me most ashamed.

Finally, I knew
I had to leave
any way I could.

Afterwards, every time
I took a drink,

Lost money gambling,

I'd see your face
and the hurt in it.

And a day came along
that I had to stop.

Well, I did.

Oh, sam,
what do I say?


If you could...

That you forgive me,
even a little.

You've hurt yourself
much more than you've
ever hurt me.

Of course
I forgive you.

You're a fine,
decent man
that I still...

Is it possible?

Could it be that you
still love me, hester-sue?


If there's any chance
at all that we could...

You know I ain't
the man I was.

I'd work like a mule
if we could...

Be married again.

Mr. Ingalls--
he said I might
start freighting

If the work
keeps coming in.

I could build us
a fine house.

Oh, hester-sue,
think about it.

I don't have to have
an answer right now.

Think about it.

I think
I'd better go.


Sam, I don't have to
think about anything.

I love you so much.

So much.

The job couldn't have
come at a better time,
mr. Ingalls.

There should be a lot
more work the way these
orders are piling up.

Yes, sir. Of course,
I'll have to take off
some time next week--

My wedding.

I'll see if I can
arrange it. Ha ha!


Charles: hester-sue.

Hi, charles.
Listen, the general
store just called,

And the supplies
are in.

Would you pick
them up for me?

- Of course.
- All right, there's the money.

Be back before dark.

- Bye, darling.
- Take care, sam.

Sam: mr. Ingalls.

Hester-sue, I've never
seen you look so happy.

I am happy,

And I'm dying
to tell somebody.

You know that land
on the far side
of the river?

Sure. I wish
I owned it.

It's too late
because I've just put
a down payment on it.

That's wonderful!

But don't tell sam.
It's a surprise.

I won't say a word.
I promise you.

Thank you.

We can live in that old
shack until he gets
the new house built.

I can't wait
to see that.


And I'd better
get back to work.


Mr. Hicks...

I dropped off your lumber
down at your yard.

Your foreman
signed the invoice.

Good. Did ingalls say
when the next order
will be ready?

Yes, sir. Wednesday.

There's a bonus, then,
if he makes it sooner.

This town's growing
like a mushroom.

I guess I've got every
supplier in the county
working for me.

- Here's your money.
- Oh, thank you, sir.

Now, hold it.

Count it. Make sure
it's all there.

Yes, sir.

There's only one way
to do business--
the proper way.

It's all here.

Fine. Just so
we both know it.

Mr. Hicks,
could you direct me
to the general store?

Down the street
on the corner.

Thank you, sir.

[Piano playing]

[Crowd talking]

Man: okay, gentlemen,
everyone get
your bets down.

And a 3.

Man: come on,
come on.

Be sweet,
be sweet.

There you go.

Come on,
come on.

And a 3.

No winners this
time, gentlemen.

Get your bets down.
Get your bets down.


Croupier: table's closed.


Just one.

Croupier: 31.

[Men laughing
and talking]

Why not?

Croupier: get your bets down.
Get your bets down.

all bets down.

Croupier: number 27.
You lose.

Hicks: whiskey, jim.

Mr. Hicks, you just
missed the excitement.

That fella there had
himself quite a run.

[Piano playing]

Number 4. You lose.

You know, some folks
just don't know
when to quit.

I ain't quitting.

Put it all
on number 12.

all bets down.
Here we go.

[Ball spins]

Number 5.


I was so sure.

I was so sure.

Make room at the table
if you ain't playing.

I'm playing.

- Lexi.
- Yes?

Let me know if that
turns out the way
I think it will.

I can't stand
to watch.

Yes, sir,
mr. Hicks.

Croupier: okay, gentlemen,
get your bets down.
Here we go.

Round and round
she goes.


What am I going to do?

They can't find out.

They can't find out.


I don't know
how they knew.

They must have seen
mr. Hicks paying me
the money.

There was 3 of them
laying in waiting
on my way back.

I tried to fight,
but they took

It could have happened
to anybody, sam.

All your supplies
and mr. Ingalls'

I'm just glad
you weren't k*lled.

That's right.

As it is, you took
a severe enough beating.

How bad is it, doctor?

It's a serious
enough concussion.

He'll just have
to rest quiet
for a few days.

Well, should we
postpone the wedding?

No, no, no.

No, I don't
think so.

He just needs
a lot of rest.

You can go
home now, sam.

I'll drop by
in the morning.

Thank you, doctor.

Yes, sir. Thank you.

Miss foster: charles!

miss foster.

A letter for you.

Oh, thank you.

Doc baker tells me
sam is doing
just fine.

Real well.
Anxious to get
back to work, too.

I'm very glad
to hear that. Have
a good day, charles.

Same to you, dear.

Who'd have told you
a thing like that?

Then you're
denying it?

I told you what
happened, mr. Ingalls.

Sam, myron hicks has
a slightly different

Of what happened.

Take a look.

You see, he was
in the saloon

When you
started gambling
with my money.

Now, just how much
lying have you been
doing in general?

Mr. Ingalls...

I didn't know
what else to do.

I mean, this whole thing

Just snuck up on me before
I knew what was happening.

I swear to you,
it's the only time
in 7 years

That I've touched
a drink or been anywhere
near a gambling table.

You got to believe me.

What I believe
isn't important.

It's what
hester-sue believes.

You ain't going
to tell her.

I don't know if I'm
going to tell her, sam,

But I think
she ought to
know, don't you?

Oh, please, mr. Ingalls.

You can't...not
with the wedding being
only a few days away.

It would wreck

Don't do it.

I'll tell her myself
in time, but...

Look, I made
a bad mistake.

Does it mean my whole life
has to be ruined?

What about
hester-sue's life?

It won't be.

I swear. Please don't
tell, mr. Ingalls.


Oh, what a
wonderful surprise!

Well, hello,


I brought
your lunch,

But you've got
to stop and eat
it right now,

Or it will get
cold. Steak.

Oh, that's fine.

Did I interrupt?

You both seem
in the middle
of something.

No, no. Actually, I just
came out to see how sam
was getting along.

I was on my way out.
Enjoy your lunch, sam.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.

Mr. Ingalls.

Thank you.

You bet, sam.

Would it be so wrong
for hester-sue to know
the truth?

No, but I think
he should be the one
to tell her.

If hester-sue has to
go through all this
all over again,

Well, I don't know
if she could take it.

Caroline, what if it
is a one-time binge
like the man said.

It can happen.

We can't risk
ruining a marriage

That may be
everything hester-sue
wants it to be.

I'm just so worried.

I know.

So am i.


Does it really
look all right?


I am so excited,
I could almost faint.

There will be
no fainting at
this wedding.

Now, that's
an order.

All right.
[Knock on door]

I'll get it.


I'd like to speak
to hester-sue terhune.

She's occupied
at the moment.

it I important.

Who is it?

Are you
hester-sue terhune?

Why, yes, I am.

My name is
naomi terhune.

I am sam's wife.


I haven't come
to make trouble,

But I do need
to talk to you...

In private.

I'll stay with you
if you like.

Well, no, i...

Come on in.

wait out here.

Would you like
some lemonade?

How do you expect me
to believe you?

One of the few things
he didn't take...

Our wedding picture.

I'm sorry to put you
through this,

But I thought he would
try going back to you.

It took a while
to trace you.

But you should know,
it's not sam I want.

It's what
he took from me:
my money, my jewelry,

And whatever else
he could to support
his drinking and gambling.


All the time.

How long
has he been gone?

Over 2 months.

But if it will
make you feel
any better,

I have filed
the divorce papers.

I just want
what's mine.

But he doesn't
have anything.

Believe me,
he doesn't have

Up until last week,

He couldn't afford
to keep a roof
over his head.


I had held out
some hope.

I guess I'd just best
get on with my life

As best I can.

At least
he won't be in it.

Like I said...

I'm sorry.

You do look
very pretty.

Nels, I can't
imagine marrying
the same man twice.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Sam, where
are you going?

It's bad luck to see
the bride, now,
before the wedding.

It don't count
second time around.

the wedding's almost
ready to start.

How come you're
not dressed?

Close the door, sam.

I'll wait

No, please don't.
You wait and be
a witness.


Naomi was
just here, sam.


She showed me
your wedding

All right, so I was
married to naomi,

But I divorced that woman
a long time ago.

You ran out
on that woman
two months ago,

And she's filing
for a divorce now.

Well, that's a lie.

She also says
that you took
all of her money

And all
of her precious

And gambled
and drank them away.


Yes, just like
you did me.


Are you going to take
the word of a liar
over mine?

Now, I swear,
as god is my witness,

I have not touched
a drop of whiskey
in almost 4 years,

Not to mention gambling.

Now, I will swear
to that on the bible.

Sam, that's a lie!

I can't stand by
and let you swear
to a lie

To hester-sue
on your wedding day.

Oh, hester-sue...

I hope you can
forgive us for not
telling you sooner.

Charles and i...

We didn't think
it was our place.

Sam didn't lose
that money because
he was robbed.

Did you, sam?


And drinking?

Would you wait
for me outside?

Of course.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Seems like...

No matter
how hard I try...

And I was really
trying this time...

I can't seem
to change.

See, all I could hold on

Was that maybe
if we got married again,

I'd be able to.

I probably was
lying to myself

As much as
I was to everybody else.

I'm so sorry.

I know you are.

And I feel
so sorry for you.

Oh, sam, I would
have made you
a good wife.

But it's
all over now.

And I do feel that
I understand you.

And maybe
I can rid myself

Of this feeling
I've had for
so many years.

You mean,
you don't hate me?

No. I would
have to still be
in love with you

To hate you.

I'll pack my stuff
and be gone in an hour.

Bye, hester-sue.


I really do
wish you well.

I'll go over
to the church.


That's my job.
I'll tell them.

Thank you.

[Crowd talking]

[Crowd quiets]

I'm sorry to get you
all dressed up so fancy
on a saturday,

But as you can see
from my dress,
the wedding is off.


Well, land sakes,
don't get so
down in the mouth.

Sam and I just had
a change of heart--
well, cold feet.

Anyway, there's
a lot of fine food
in the restaurant,

And I am in the mood
for a party,

So why don't you
follow me?

[Crowd talking]

Come on, caroline.

It's not every day
we get a party.