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08x11 - A Christmas They Never Forgot

Posted: 02/16/22 07:07
by bunniefuu
Chorus: * deck the halls
with boughs of holly *

* Fa la la la la,
la la la la *

* 'Tis the season to be jolly

* Fa la la la la,
la la la la *

* Don we now our gay apparel

* Fa la la la la la
la la la *

* Troll the ancient
yuletide carol *

* Fa la la la la,
la la la la *

* See the blazing yule
before us *

* Fa la la la la,
la la la la *


I was afraid
you weren't coming.

I wouldn't miss
christmas dinner

With the folks,
you know that.

Oh, is it starting
to turn cold?

Would you help me?
I have some surprises
in the wagon.

I hope you didn't
go spoiling those
young uns too much.

Who said
it was for
the young uns?

Charles: now, come on.
It's christmas.

Who else is it going
to be for, huh?

I don't know,
but you--

Adam and mary:
merry christmas!


Mary! Oh, darling!

Ha ha ha!


Your ma's going to
have an attack
when she sees you.

Come on.



Caroline: charles,
what on earth...


ha ha ha!

That's why
I was late.

The snow held
the stage up.

Adam: we were afraid we
wouldn't make it at all.

Oh, it's good
to see you.

Oh, why didn't you
tell me you were coming?

Then it wouldn't
have been a surprise.

Why don't you all
get in the house
and warm up?

I'll take care
of the team.

I'll get the bags.


Charles: and stop
your crying, woman!

I will in a minute.

Laura and almanzo
are here.

Laura: mary!
Oh, mary!

Ha ha ha!

And we thank you, lord,
for bringing

Our family together
on this christmas eve

And for the bountiful
feast your kindness
has provided.

May we all be worthy.


I'm starved.

the food looks

Dig in,

you care for a roll?

Laura: oh, um...

Mmm! Caroline,
the ham is delicious.

Boy, is this
good, ma!

[Woof woof]

Well, I guess that
makes it unanimous.


[Violin and guitar playing
"o little town of bethlehem"]

You play
so well together.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

The truth is,
almanzo and I have
been practicing.

Let's do
"the first noel."

All right.

Mary: listen.


[Wind blowing]

Oh, boy, it's
really coming down.

We might not make it
if we wait too long.

I'm afraid
you're right.

Almanzo, what do you say
we hitch up the team?


Oh, what a shame.

At least have
another cup

Of coffee before
you go out in that.

I'll make
a fresh pot.

You know, it
wouldn't be so bad

If we had to spend
the night.

Be nice and cozy.

Oh, adam!

You couldn't get
through this with a sled.

Look at that
come down.

It's getting colder,

Well, we're just going
to have to make do.

Going to need
a lot more firewood.

May not be able
to get to the barn
pretty soon, either.

You know, it might be
a good idea to rig a rope
from the house to the barn.

Good idea.

I'm going
to take care of it.

Ok. Tell everybody
to settle in.


Land sakes,
look at you!

Well, it looks like
everybody is going
to spend the night.

It's that bad?

Oh, yeah. There's no
way to get through it.

Albert, get some
extra blankets out, son.

Sure, pa.

Ooh! What a night.

* you done told us how

* We is a-trying

* Master, you done
showed us how *

* Even when you was dying

* Sweet little
jesus boy *

* We didn't know who

* You was

That's very pretty,

thank you.

It certainly was,
but I have a feeling

You're losing part
of your audience.

I'll get her to bed.

-All right.

Carrie, cassandra,
time for you to turn in.

I know.

And you better get
a good night's sleep

Because you got
a lot of presents
to open tomorrow.

-A lot?

-Well, sure!

How do you know?

Well, you've been
a good girl,
haven't you?

I'm sure
santa claus will
be very generous.

Then I better
get to sleep.

All right, both
of you, up there.

that was a close one.

I almost gave it away.

Yeah, I'm kind of
sleepy myself.

Why don't you and
laura take our bed?

Albert, you fix up
a place for yourself

On the floor
upstairs and have

Hester-sue take
your bed, all right?

Oh, no. You don't
have to do that.

Oh, that's ok.
I don't mind.

I'll go get it ready.

thank you.

[Wind blowing]

Just listen
to that.


Caroline, I was just
noticing your necklace.
Is it new?

Oh, no. I've had it
for a long time.

It's quite unusual.

Yes, it is.

I don't remember
ever seeing it before.

I only wear it
at christmas.


Oh, tell her
the story, ma.

Adam hasn't
heard it, either.


Hester-sue: please do.

All right.

You know, I wasn't
much older than carrie
when my mother remarried.

I simply couldn't get
accustomed to the idea,

Especially with the pain
of my father's death so recent

And the memory
of him so vivid.

I'd never felt so lonely
as that first christmas eve

With a stepfather
I couldn't accept.


It didn't help that it
was raining instead of snowing.


Darling, I can't
stand to see you
feeling this way.

I miss pa so bad.

I know. So do i.

No, you don't.
How could you miss pa?


How could you
miss him at all and
marry somebody else?

Your stepfather is--

Don't call him that!

He'll never be
my stepfather.

-I hate him!
-Don't say that.

I do! I hate him!

The other children
don't feel that way.

Yes, they do.
They're just
afraid to say it.

That's not true!
Frederick is a fine man!

I'm absolutely...


Chorus: * yet in
thy dark streets shineth *

* The everlasting light

I'm so sorry.

She'll get over it.

I'm not sure she will.

What are we
going to do?

I can only try
to talk to her.


Caroline: go away.
Please, go away.

This is the most
terrible christmas

I can imagine
for a child.

You hardly know
a stranger

Being where your
father used to be.

I'd surely feel
the same way.

On top
of everything,
it has to rain.

I don't want
to talk to you.

Maybe it is all wrong.

Maybe your mother and I
shouldn't have married.

A man like
your father,

The likes of me
could never begin
to take his place.

Not a man like him.

He was the finest
I ever knew.

We were friends.

I guess you
remember that.

I don't know if he
felt the same way;
probably not,

But I thought of him
as the best friend
I ever had.

When he passed on...

I cried.

God, I cried.

He gave me
something once,

Something I always admired,
and he gave it to me.

I decided
you should have it,

And instead of waiting
till tomorrow...

Maybe now's the time
for you to open it.

Will you?

Well, as you please.

It's an ivory watch fob.
I just put a chain on it.

Like I said,
I always admired it.

One birthday, he just
up and gave it to me.

It has a mother and child
etched on it.

They call it
a nativity scene.

Hope you like it.

Chorus: * o little town
of bethlehem *

* How still we see thee lie

* Above thy deep
and dreamless sleep *

* The silent stars go by

* Yet in
thy dark streets shineth *

* The everlasting light

* The hopes and fears
of all the years *

* Are met in thee tonight

* Yet in
thy dark streets shineth *

* The everlasting light

* The hopes and fears
of all the years *

* Are met in thee tonight

* In thee tonight

Love her
like my own, lord.

She's so much
like her ma.

Please help her
to understand how I feel.

I can't stand to
see her little face
streaked with tears.

Bring her joy
this christmas.

I love her so.


Merry christmas.

Merry christmas,

Merry christmas.

* How silently,
how silently *

* The wondrous gift is giv'n

* While mortals sleep,
the angels keep *

* Their watch
of wondrous love *

* Ooh ooh ooh

* Ooh ooh ooh

Caroline: I soon came
to love him,

Almost as much as
the father I'd lost.

Perhaps as much.


And so every christmas,
I put this on

So papa holbrook
will know i...

I haven't forgotten.


mary was asleep

As soon as her head
hit the pillow.

Laura: I'm not
the least bit tired.

-I sure am.
-Me, too.

I'm afraid that's
the best I can do.

It's ok.

get a good
sleep, boys.

-Night, pa.
-Good night, everybody.

I'm like laura.
I'm not tired a bit.

Well, it's not
all that late.

I guarantee
grace will be

The first one
awake christmas

which reminds me,

We've got to get
those stockings stuffed.

I almost forgot
about it. I'll
take care of it.

Caroline: I just can't
imagine christmas morning
without little ones,

All excited about
their stockings
and their presents.

your stocking
is still in there

If you'd like me
to hang it up
for you.


I remember a christmas
morning I'll never forget.

Tell us about it,

You see, my folks
were awful good people,

But they were awful
strict, too.

Kept us on our toes,
I can tell you.

The closer christmas got,

The more careful we were
not to make any mistakes.

Christmas eve was
an especially nervous time.

-Ha ha ha!
-I was only 6.

Well, there was
my older brother royal

And my sisters
eliza jane and alice,

And we all had lots
of chores to do,

And the thought of
not doing them right
was a real worry.

We scrubbed and we
polished all day long.

By the time supper
was almost through,

We could barely keep
our eyes open,

But the house was so clean,
it fairly sparkled.

Ha ha ha!

finish your plate.

Yes, sir.

Is it all right
if I go to bed?
I'm awful tired.

So am i.

Me, too.

Not good
for a body to sleep
with a full stomach.

'Sides, you ain't fed
the stock yet.

I'll do it now.

you can help.

Yes, pa.

You girls can start
clearing the table.


We better not forget
to leave some milk
and cookies out tonight.

What for?

Santa, of course.

You still believe
in santa claus?

Of course. He's real.

He is not.

He is, too, and you
better not talk like that,

Or he won't leave you
any presents.

Pa already got
the presents for us.

That's a lie.

Is it? Come here.

See? I found them

Come on. Let's
get back to work.

Stock's fed and
the stalls are clean.
I'm going to bed now.

-Where's your brother?
-He's still in the barn.

Why didn't
he come in
with you?

I don't know.
Good night.

I'll get him.

Land sakes, boy!

What are you doing
out here?


Well, you'd best get inside
and into your bed.

What if old
santa claus comes,
and you're still awake?

He's not coming.

What are you
talking about?

no santa claus.

No santa claus?

Where'd you get
a crazy idea like that?

From royal.
He told me you got
all the presents.

Hmm. Well, that
just goes to show you
how little he knows.

He showed me
the presents.

What presents?

The ones that you put
under the canvas.

Under the canvas?

Oh, pa, you know that's
where you put them.

I don't know
any such thing,

And neither
does your brother.

Now, you listen to me.

How big
is santa's sleigh?

I don't know
for sure.

Well, I'd say it was
about from right here

To, uh...

Right here.
Yeah, that's about right.

Now, didn't you
ever wonder how santa
could get all the toys

For all the boys and girls
in that one little sleigh?

I never thought
about it.

I can see that.

Well, the only way
he could do it

Would be
to have toys hidden
all over the world,

Just like he hid them
under the canvas.

You mean it?

Of course I mean it.

Makes sense, too, don't it?

It sure does. I'm going
to go tell royal.

No, no.

You'd best just not
say a word.


Well, santa might be
real angry at royal

For sneaking around

And poking into places
he don't belong.

I didn't poke in.
He showed me.

Oh, I know, I know.

I just think
it's best to forget

It ever happened,
all right?

All right.

Ok. Off to bed then.

I love you, pa.

I love you, too.

And I'm sure glad
there's a santa claus.

Me, too!

* ...lowly in a manger

* There he lay, the undefiled,
to the world a stranger *

* Such a babe
in such a place *

* Can he be the savior?

Almanzo: there were
lots of presents
christmas morning,

But none for royal.

I was sure
my pa was right,

And santa had
gotten mad at royal
for poking around

Where he shouldn't have.

Royal never said there
wasn't a santa claus
after that christmas.

That was about the best
christmas I ever had.

When did you
stop believing
in santa claus?

I never have,

And you better not
go poking around.



[Glass shatters]

I'll get
that glass up.

Pa: all right.

Boy, that wind's
really whistling
through these shutters.

Get plenty of firewood
in here.

We're going to freeze
to death.

-I'll give you a hand.
-Come on, almanzo.

Carrie: ma?

It's all right, dear.
Go back to bed.

Is santa going to die
in this storm?

No. Santa's
used to this.

He lives
in the north pole.

Are you sure?

Of course I'm sure.
Now, back to bed.

Hey, look.

It blew the door
right off the barn.

Going to have
to get it fixed.

It's not going to be
easy in this storm.

I can't leave it
that way.

Wind's howling
through there.

Snow's starting
to pile up inside.

Well, it's not
going to take us long.

-I'll give you a hand.
-No, with that city coat on,

You wouldn't last long.
Bring some firewood in
to them.

Let's go, pop.

Follow me, son.


Chorus: * good king wenceslas
looked out *

* On the feast of stephen

* When the snow
lay round about, deep and... *

Pa: getting worse
all the time.

Good thing you put up
the rope.

Chorus: * ...brightly shone
the moon that night *

* Though the frost was cruel

* When a poor man
came in sight *

* Gathering winter fuel

They must be
freezing out there.

I just hope they
can find their way
back from the barn.

You know,
it's taking them
a long time.

It frightens me.

I've seen what can happen
in a blizzard like this.

You wander a few feet
from the house,

And you're lost,
you don't know
which way to turn.

Oh, thank heavens.

Charles: oh. Don't grab my arms.
They'll break off.

We have to take
a little time

Before we can get those
presents out of the storm.

Let me get
some coffee.

Charles: thanks.

Ha ha ha!

What's so funny?

You two look like
twin santa clauses

Coming in here
like that.

What does this
remind you of?

Laura: what?

These two,
coming in

All covered
with snow?

Mr. Edwards!

Our first christmas
in kansas!

Ha ha ha!

Well, if it's that
funny, why don't you
tell us about it?

Well, all right.

Well, that christmas,
I was 7--

No, 8 years old.

And it was
terribly cold,

Almost as cold
as it is now.

And the snow
was coming down,

Not quite as hard
as it is now,

But next to it.

Anyway, we were
all waiting for
mr. Edwards' arrival,

And we were starting
to get a little worried,

All except ma.

She didn't like
mr. Edwards very much,

Mainly because
he taught me to spit.



You want
some turkey?

You like it? Hmm?

I'll give you a big
bunch of it, ok?

Laura: when
can we take down
our stockings, ma?

After dinner.

Half the fun of
presents is looking
forward to them.

[Door opening]

Mr. Edwards,
you came!


* away in a manger

* No crib for a bed

* The little lord jesus
lay down his sweet head *

Hey, some more
hot coffee?

Oh, thank you,
thank you.

It seems like an awful
lot to go through just
for christmas dinner.

Well, it weren't
just for dinner.

Not that it won't
be welcome, ma'am,
but you see, um...

I had this here
errand to do for santa.

Santa claus?
You know him?

Well, you might say
I made his acquaintance

When I was coming out
of the saloon--uh...

When I was coming out of
the hotel in independence.

You went all the way

To independence
in this blizzard?

You got to be mad.

It's been said before.

Well, anyway,
there he was.

There he was,
just a-standing there
with his pack mule.


Oh, he uses
a pack mule out here.
It's more practical.

Well, I recognized him
right away,

Recognized him by
his big white beard

And big round belly,

Although he wasn't
jolly enough

To be doing any

Well, the old gent,
you see,

He just brightened right up
when he seen me.

"Hello, edwards,"
he says.

He said, "you remember
them pair of red mittens

I gave you that christmas
when you was just
a sprig in tennessee?"

"Oh, kept me warm
many a winter," says i.

He says, "hear
you're living down

On the verdigris river now."

I said, "yeah."

He said, "you don't
happen to know them
ingalls girls, do you?"

And you said yes!

Sure did, right away.

Well, to make a long
story short, you see,

Old santa
said he's mighty worried

About being able
to cross the creek,

You know, what with
the weather being bad

And him not
being so spry anymore,

So he asked me to fetch
your presents to you.

That there's
what's in the bag.

Can we see
the presents
now, ma?

Please, ma?

All right...

All right, now you
close up your eyes now.

We can't have
no peeking.

Come on.
Close them tight.

You ain't peeking,
are you?

Can't stand
for no peeking.

Here we go.

All right. You ready?

All right.

There you are.

Ha ha!

We each got our
own cups now!

Thank you,
mr. Edwards.

Now, lookee here.
Look at this here.

There's one for you,

One for you,

And one for you.

I'm going to save mine.

Not me.

Oh, ma'am, i, uh...

Thought you might
like to have these
with your turkey.

Like to?

Oh, I can't recall
the last time we
had such a treat!

Thank you.

Chorus: * deck the hall
with boughs of holly *

* Fa la la la la,
la la la la *

* 'Tis the season to be jolly

* Fa la la la la,
la la la la *

I thank you
for making this

a fine christmas
for the girls.

Oh, well...

Can we look in
our stockings, ma?

We already got
some presents.

Ha ha!
Might as well.

* See the blazing yule
before us *

* Fa la la la la,
la la la la *

* Strike the harp
and join the chorus *

* Fa la la la la,
la la la la *

* Ooh ooh ooh ooh...

* Follow me
in merry measure *

* Fa la la la la la
la la la *

* While I tell
of yuletide treasure *

* Fa la la la la,
la la la la *

Laura as child: we each got
a shiny new penny

And a cookie
made like a heart

And sprinkled with white sugar

And red mittens
like mr. Edwards got

When he was a sprig
in tennessee.

It was the best
christmas ever,

Not only because
we got grand presents,

But because ma took kindly
to mr. Edwards.

* Deck the halls
with boughs of holly *

* Fa la la la la,
la la la la *

* Troll the ancient
yuletide carol *

* Fa la la la la,
la la la la *

Where did
the time go?

It seems like
just yesterday.

It was a hard life
in kansas,

But it was a good life.

It was.

Laura: well, I think
I'm finally ready for sleep.

You coming, manly?

Not just yet.
You have a good sleep.

I will.
Good night.

-Good night, darling.
-Good night, pa.

-Good night.
-Good night.

It looks like
the ranks are
thinning out.

I'll take care
of the fire for you,

If you want to get
some sleep.

Couldn't sleep
if I tried,

to that storm
out there.

Hope those poor
animals will be
all right.

Well, they will
be if the barn
holds together.

It will, won't it?

All we can do
is pray.

Looks like those two
are in dreamland.

You're still
not tired?

I'm getting there.

Why don't you two
go get some rest?
I'll watch the fire.

Adam did say
he'd spell me.

I'll wake him up
when it's time.

You sure
you don't mind?

Not a bit.

With all of the memories
of christmas,

I have a few of my own.

Good ones, I hope.


There is one that
I can't seem to forget.

Tell us.

Well, it's kind of sad.

Come on. We'd love
to hear it.

It was during
the civil w*r,

The early part.
I was about 10.

And emily,
the daughter of the man
that ran the plantation

Was my best friend.

I'd gone to town
with momma

Because it was
the day before christmas

And emily had to talk
to santa claus.

Of course, I had to
wait outside while
momma took her in

Because blacks
couldn't buy anything
in that store anyway.

But I didn't care.

It was fun just looking
in the window.

Boy: lookit there.
See that train?

It runs on steam,
just like the big ones.

Oh, I wish I had that.

Wishing's all
you can do.

How you know?
I've been good.

You think santa claus
cares if you're good?

Sure he does.

When you get bigger,
you'll find out.

He don't bring
nothing that good
for black children.

Them's for white folks.

How you know?

Just look at him.
He's a white man.

He take care of his own.

* let ev'ry heart

* Prepare him room

* And heav'n
and nature... *

Ha ha! Land sakes!

Will you listen
to master hayes' voice?

He sings louder than
any man I've ever heard.

Must have gotten
to the christmas
punch pretty early.

Oh, you should have
heard him tonight,

All dressed up
like santa,

Handing out presents
to grownups!

Oh, and he gave
the missis a ring

With a stone
in it the size
of a robin's egg.

Well, bet she
liked it, huh?

She hugged his neck
for 20 minutes.

Bet you'd like
to have one.

Land sakes, what
would I do with it?

I think it's silly.

'Sides, I don't want
to have nothing

I gots to worry
about losing
all the time.

Ha ha ha!

You ain't got
nothing to worry
about losing,

At least not yet.

not ever.


We ain't never
going to get
nothing like that.

Now, how do you know
that, young lady?

'Cause I know,
'cause santa claus
is white.

Well, how do you
know that?

everybody knows that.

I don't.

I saw him today
in the store.

That wasn't
the real santa.

Why, he lives
in the north pole,

Way far off.

Then who's that
in the store?

Just a man,

Why, nobody knows what
the real santa claus
looks like.

Yes, they do.
He's fat, and he's jolly,

With a white beard
and a white face.

That's why
we ain't never gonna
get nothing good.

* ...little lord jesus
asleep on the hay *

Singing's over.

It's time to
clean up that mess.

* noel, noel

* Noel, noel

* Born is the king
of israel *

You could use
a shave, james.

Evening, sir.

Evening. Glad I got
to see you 'fore
I go to sleep.

Got something here
for hester-sue.

Thanking you, sir.

Oh, don't thank me.
Thank santa claus.

Emily asked him
to bring something

for hester-sue.

Well, that's
mighty nice of her.

Here you go.

You have a merry
christmas, james.

You, too, sir.

Good night.

Oh, sir? Um...

I'll have the missis
press your costume

Before you
store it away.

Why, thank you, james.
That would be fine.

Chorus: * angels
we have heard on high *

* Sweetly singing
o'er the plains *

* And the mountains
in reply *

* Echoing
their joyous strains *

* Glo-o-o-oria

* In excelsis deo

* Glo-o-o-oria

* In excelsis deo

* Ooh ooh ooh ooh

* Glo-o-o-oria

* In excelsis deo

* Glo-o-o-oria

* In excelsis deo

* In excelsis deo

Thanks, santa!
Thank you!

Thank you for being you!

* Ooh ooh ooh ooh

* Ooh ooh

* Ooh ooh

You know, I never
knew that was poppa

Until years later,
after he was gone.

And I still
have that doll,

Wrapped and put away.

It's something
I'll never give up.

I can see why
that's a christmas
you'll never forget.

And so
is this one

Because I'm
with people I love.

Pa. Pa!


Carrie, honey,
what is it?

It's time to wake up.
It's christmas morning!

Carrie, honey, it's
pitch black outside.

Now, I know you're
anxious to open
your presents,

But you're going
to have to wait
until morning.

It's morning.

Carrie, it's the
middle of the night.

Pa, look!

What in the world...

* o come, all ye faithful

* Joyful and triumphant

No wonder
I thought it was night.

Hey, wake up, everybody!
Come on, wake up!

Charles, what is it?

Why, it's
christmas morning, darling,

And we're
snowed in.

-There's no presents.

Santa couldn't
make it through
the blizzard.

Don't worry, carrie.
I'm sure he couldn't get

In the house, so he left
them all in the barn.

But we can't get
to the barn to find out!

I wouldn't
be so sure of that.

Almanzo, give me a hand.
Morning, darling.

Laura: morning, pa.
Merry christmas.

Same to you!

what's going on?

Well, we're trying
to get to the barn.

* ...adore him

* Christ the lord

You know something,

This is going
to work.

Albert, get the snowshoes
out from under the bed.



Bring me my hat
and coat, darling.

What on earth for?

It's a beautiful
morning. I'm going
to take a walk.

* Glory to god

Come on, pa!
You can do it!

Be careful!
Be careful!

Oh, come on, pa!

Don't fall!

* ...adore him

* O come,
let us adore him *

* O come, let us...

Yeah, get
our presents, pa!
Come on, pa!

Hurry, pa!

* Christ the lord

* O come, let us adore him

* Christ the lord

Merry christmas!

[All cheering]

* silent night

Oh, manly!

* All is calm

* All is bright

* Round yon virgin...

-Look what I got.
-Oh, that's pretty.

Let me see.
Let me see.

* Holy infant,
so tender and mild *

Charles: here you go.
That's the last of it.

Thank goodness!

The children are
already opening
their presents.

You know something?

I'm glad we got
snowed in.

I mean, what can
a man ask for?

A beautiful morning,

House full
of loved ones,

And a brand-new scarf.

Charles ingalls.

Ha ha ha!

-You peeked!
-Of course I did.

You're always telling me
I act like a child.

You proved that
this morning.

* Glories stream
from heaven afar... *

Merry christmas, ma.

Merry christmas, pa.

* Christ, the savior,
is born *

* Christ, the savior, is born

* Amen