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08x10 - Wave of the Future

Posted: 02/16/22 07:04
by bunniefuu
I'm all ready.
Where's the old lady?

How should I know?
She said she'd
be back in a minute.

Yeah, that was
an hour ago.


Oh, here she comes.

We were supposed to
sh**t the picture
an hour ago.

Oh, were
you late?

Come on, let's go!

Come along.

Stand right there.

You pushed me.

I did not
push you.

You did push me.
Say you're sorry.


All right,
I'm sorry.

It's too late
to be sorry.

Photographer: come on!

I'm trying.

All right.

Now, you'll stand here
holding this piece of
mrs. Sullivan's cake.

This is mrs.
Sullivan's cake?


Well, I don't want
to take the poor
woman's cake.

She's probably
very hungry.

You're mrs. Sullivan!

I am?


Then why did
you push me?

I give up.
Let's sh**t it!

Nice smile.

Hold up the cake.

Why aren't
you smiling?

I don't like
chocolate cake.

I like rum baba.

Well, if you give
me a nice smile,

After the picture,
I'll buy you
a lovely rum baba.

You will?


Could I have it
without the baba?

I'm ready.



I've changed
my mind.

I'm going to
have some hot tea
instead of coffee.

All right.

- Hester-sue?
- Yes?

Where's that pie?
I've been waiting
10 minutes now.

Oh, mr. Taylor, I'm
so sorry, I forgot
it, I'm so busy.

I forgot mr.
Taylor's pie,

And I have two more
orders for bread
and whitefish.

Well, we're all
out of whitefish,

I cooked the
last batch 15
minutes ago.

Oh, no. Caroline, it's
nights like this I wish
I was somewhere else.

Anywhere else.

I know what
you mean.

There's the order
of roast beef.


Caroline: hester-sue!
Mr. Taylor's pie.

Oh, hester-sue,
I want you to
meet major guffey.

This is hester-sue
terhune, one of
my employees.


Oh, my, my, my!

We're so busy.

Yeah, too busy.

Hester-sue, the
major and I will be
sitting over here.

I would like him
to have some of the
bread and whitefish.

We don't
have any more.

There you
are, ernie.

You're one customer
that never gives me
any problem.

Well, your food is
the best, hester-sue.

Thank you.

Harriet: yoo-hoo!

Hester-sue, we're
ready to order!

I'll be right there.

Mr. Taylor: hester-sue,
is that my pie?

Mr. Taylor, I'm so
sorry it took so long.

- My tea!
- All right.

I'm not going to
wait another second
for that tea.

Harriet: hester-sue,
we're ready to order!

All right.

Mrs. Foster:
more coffee,


I'm fine.


And it's clear that your
employees are being
worn to a frazzle.

They've got more
going than you
can handle.

But don't
you worry, I
have the answer.

Just remember

A restaurant is
a b*ttlefield.

A b*ttlefield?

A principle I developed
on some of the great

Of the w*r
the states.



Oh, my!
You fought
in the w*r!

Mrs. Oleson,
I'm not much of
a fighting man,

But I do like to
think I helped to
win those battles.

You see, an army
travels on its stomach,

And I fed the army.


30 Years.

Oh, my!

Major guffey: I had
to feed thousands
of troops at a time.

Couldn't afford
a slipshod operation.

Efficiency, that
is the key word.



You have troops
to feed, too.

The more efficient
mess hall, the less
work you have to do,

And the more money
you can make.

Harriet: oh!


Less work, more money.

I have applied
the principles of
military efficiency

To the restaurant

My company has a
chain of restaurants

Throughout the west,

All of them taking
advantage of the most
up-to-date techniques,

Eliminating waste,
cutting costs,
increasing profits!


It's the wave
of the future.

Well, now, if
you'll just sign
this contract.

A mere formality
we require.

Don't jump
into anything.


It's the answer
to our prayers!

Well, I think
we should talk
about it.


It's my

Major guffey: mrs.
Oleson, take your time.

I'm on a swing north.
I'll be back
in 3 or 4 days.

Major guffey: you
talk it over, and
I'll stop by then.

There's no doubt
in my mind about
your decision.

A good product
sells itself.

Oh, nels, for heaven's
sake, we should have
signed it tonight.

You're just
causing a delay.

Have you read
the contract?

No, I haven't read
the contract, it's
just a mere formality.

That's what major
guffey said.

The whole thing
smells funny to me.

Nancy, must you
bang on that piano?

Harriet: nels [indistinct].

Nels: well, tell her
not to play like that.

You hate me!

See what
you've done?

No, darling, he
doesn't hate you.

No, just play!
Honey, it's lovely.

Nels, where
are you going?

Insane, I am
going insane.

Now, we haven't
finished the discussion
of the contract!

Harriet, as you said,
it's your restaurant.

You do as
you please.


And just by cutting
down on the size
of the tables

And turning
them crosswise,

You have increased your
seating capacity by 22%.

- Major, perhaps you've been--
- oh, good morning, harriet.

Oh, good morning,
mrs. Foster.

When will
you be open

We'll be open in
a couple of days,
dear, do come back.

Oh, I will!
I will!

Yes, I know,
I know.

Good morning,

Good morning,
mrs. Foster.

Mrs. Oleson, the
chairs are ready.

Oh, what adorable
little chairs!

Where are
the backs?

It's one of
our secrets.


Well, you don't
want people to get
too comfortable,

Just sit around
the tables, do we?



Well, the more
the more business.

The more business,
the more profits.

Ah! What an
interesting idea.

I'll get the
rest of them.

Oh, thank you,

Where do you
want these,
major guffey?

Ah, the accessories.
Just put them down.

Oh, there's more.


curtains, napkins,

Plates, flatware,

We didn't
order all
that stuff!


All the troops use
the same supplies.

in the ranks.


This color
green, I hate
this color green!

The best of all--
because we buy these items
in such huge quantity,

You only have
to pay just a
little above cost.

We have to buy
this stuff?

Major guffey: I'm
afraid it's laid
out right here.

Article 4,
paragraph 3 of
your contract.

Yes, right here.

"And all items necessary
to the maintenance
and operation

"Of the signature's

Will be purchased
from the parent


Well, it's right
there, right in
the contract.

But can't we
do something
about that green?

major guffey, you want
to check the new sign?

Major guffey:
oh, the new sign!

- New sign?
- Oh, my.

Harriet: nels, it's
exciting, a new sign.

Who's paying
for it?

well, I don't know.

Isn't that

I designed
it myself.

Major guffey, i--

Major guffey: every time
I unveil one of these,
I get all thrilled!

I know this must be
a proud moment for
you, mrs. Oleson.



Yes, indeed,
yes. wasn't in my
understanding that we
were going to change

The name of
the restaurant.

It's called

And I think we
should probably
consult with her.

Mrs. Oleson.

Close your eyes.


Picture, if
you will, a
lonely traveler,

Footsore, hungry,
far from home,

Alone in
the night in a
strange country,

Aching in
body, depressed
in spirit.

Major guffey: he
forces one foot in
front of the other,

in the cold,

Lonely in
the darkness.

And then...
And then...

What does he see
in the distance, like
a beacon in the night?

What does he see?

Mrs. Sullivan's

Major guffey:
his pace quickens,
his heart lightens,

Because he knows
what mrs. Sullivan
has waiting--

The same green

The same green
and white dishes,

The same
efficient service,

The same
pan-fried steak!


The traveler
enters, grateful,

Because he knows
without a doubt

That this restaurant
is exactly like
the one at home.


So, let's get
this operation
whipped into shape.

- Get the troops marching!
- Yes! Yes!

- Shoulder to shoulder!
- Oh, nels! Yes!

The same
pan-fried steak?

Ah, my troops
are ready.


Oh, 5, 4,

3, 2,

1, Battle stations!

Harriet: ah, welcome
to mrs. Sullivan's

We have
a lovely menu.

We have
pan-fried steak

And roast chicken.

Hi, ernie,
you come in and
sit right there.

How do you like
the new restaurant?


How do you like
the new restaurant?

Oh, great! This
sure is fancy,

I reckon I'll look
at a menu, see
what the drill is.

Well, we don't
have menus.

We don't need any.

We have three meals.

We have pan-fried
steak, beef stew,

And roast chicken.


Pan-fried steak,
beef stew,
and roast--


Ernest, it's
part of our new
efficiency program.

You see, you'll
always know what
you're getting,

You know
that we're never
going to run out,

And you also know
that we're going to
save you some money.

See, it's called the
wave of the future.

It's what?

It's the wave
of the future!

Oh, well,
that sounds all
right to me.

I reckon I'll
have the stew.

Beef stew,
all right.

One stew.

One stew coming up.

How are you doing
so far, caroline?

Well, it really
is much simpler
this way.

mostly cooked,

It's just a matter
of putting it
on the plates.

Oh, very good, how
about you, hester-sue,
any problems?


Good, good,

Isn't it wonderful?
It is, it's just
working out

Exactly the way
major guffey
said it would!

Well, how do
you like it?

The best beef stew
I ever tasted,

Bar none.


May I help you?

mrs. Oleson?


I'll have
the beef stew.

All right, now.
Here, just a moment.

Harriet: beef stew, uh-huh?

Customer: and my wife
will have the steak.

The stake...
Oh, excuse me
just a moment.

Nels, look at
all these people!
Now, you've got to help!

I haven't
eaten yet!

Well, neither have i!

I'll get you a pad
and an apron.

Harriet: I'll be
right with you!

well, was it good?


Good night.

Good night,

Good night.


Nels, that's the
most we've ever
made in one day!

Oh, everything
that the major said
is coming true!

Well, it might
pay for the new
dishes and the sign.

Well, $24.40,

Now, just think.
In one week, we
will be rich.

Harriet, I know
that we did very
well tonight.

There's no
denying that.

But the whole idea
of this scheme was
to lessen our workload.

Now, we worked
harder tonight than
we have ever worked.

And that's both of
us and caroline
and hester-sue.

Well, I know,

Well, major
guffey said that
the workload

Would start
to decrease.

I believe him,
everything he's
said so far

Has come true,

Oh, nels,
everything's going
to be all right.

I just know
it is.

Trust me?


Ohh, that
feels so good.

Ahh, I've never
seen so many people.

We took in
almost $25.

Bet harriet and
nels were happy
about that.

I'm not too
sure about nels.

Charles, I have
got to lie down.

All right,
I got some soup
on the stove.

I'm bringing
it to you.

That would be nice.

One good thing,

At least you
won't have to
work tomorrow.

I forgot
to tell you.

What's that?

Caroline: we're
open tomorrow night.

You're going to
work on sunday?

Caroline: that's
the new policy.

Mrs. Sullivan's
open 7 days a week.

Well, I think
it's ridiculous.

It's not healthy
for a body to work
7 days a week.

Poor, tired baby.

Harriet: and sunday
night we did almost as
well as well over $20!

Major guffey:

Harriet, you're
a real trooper.

I'm mighty
proud of you.

And mrs. Sullivan
will be, too!

Oh, did you
hear that, nels?

Mrs. Sullivan will
be proud of me.

Yes, dear.

The time is not
far off, harriet,

When you are
going to be a very
wealthy woman.


No doubt about it.

Right up through
the ranks.

And now we're ready to
go to the next stage
of our campaign--

Phase two.

Phase two?

Major guffey:
yes, that's right.

In phase two, we go into
continuous operation.

The restaurant
will stay open
from breakfast,

All day right
through supper.

All day?

What for?

Major guffey:
for the increased
profits, of course!

Consider the

We educate
the troops and
their stomachs

To know that
at any time
of the day,

Be it 10 in
the morning or 4
in the afternoon,

Mrs. Sullivan
is ready!

Major guffey:
whenever the rumble
of hunger is heard,

We'll be ready
to fill them up

And get them
marching again!

Major guffey: before
11:00, scrambled
eggs and pancakes.

After 11:00, steak,
stew, and chicken.

And there's more!

Major guffey: to
let the world know of
this bold innovation,

You are going to take
out advertisements
in all the newspapers

For 50 miles around.

We've already
written them
for you.

And we pay for them?

Of course!

Major guffey, you can
take your advertisements
and put them right away.

We are not
going to open this
restaurant full-time!

I beg
your pardon?

It's too much
work as it is!

We got into this in the
first place because you
said it would run itself.

But look at the money
you're making, and
you're just beginning!

The future
is boundless!

You're going to be
generals in mrs.
Sullivan's army!

Well, I don't think we
want to be generals in
mrs. Sullivan's armies.

We'd rather be
privates in our own!

Article 9,

Paragraph 7.

"All policy
decisions are up to
the parent company."

And it's
standard policy

For mrs. Sullivan's
kitchens to be
open all day.

I'm afraid you're
going to have to
follow orders, nels.

Really? And
if we don't?

If you don't...

Then we'll sue you for
everything you've got...

Major guffey:
and then some!

When I come back next week,

I expect to find
a full-time operation

Going at full march!

I did the cooking
last night. I'm not
doing it again tonight!

Me, neither!

All you
cooked were
the potatoes!

I did everything
else! I'm not cooking
anything tonight.

Me, neither!

Yes, and it was
the night before last
I did the potatoes.

Last night, I
did everything!

Whoa, you two,
what's going on?

Well, ever since
mom's been so busy
at the restaurant,

I've being doing
all the cooking.

It's albert's

I've done more than
you, and you know it.

Hey, let's not start
this ruckus again.

It seems to me that I
have done the lion's share
of the cooking this week,

What with
breakfast and lunch.

Yeah, at least your
food is fit to eat.

His isn't.

Look who's

I told you not
to start it again.

I think I've
got an idea.

From now on,
I am going to cook
the evening meal.

all right?

But if anybody doesn't
finish everything
on their plate,

Or they complain
about anything,

That person will do
the cooking the next
evening, and so on.

It's a deal?

- Yeah.
- I guess so.

It's okay
with me.

All right, then,
everybody outside,
get me some stove wood,

I'll start cooking.

I guarantee you I'm
going to make you a
meal you won't forget.

You're going
to love it.

Very special.

Get lots of wood!

Grace, we've got them!

From now on, they're going
to do all the cooking!

One more pot
of delicious
food coming up!

I've outdone myself.

Come on, dig in, dig
in, I want you to eat
it while it's hot!



Bean and cheese

Yeah, with mushrooms,
lots of big mushrooms.
Yeah, look at them.


Yeah, I made that
specially for you!

Yeah, let me
have your plate.

Good? Everybody
enjoying this?

Oh, it tastes

It sure is.

I think I'll
have seconds!


I hope I
made enough.

Want some of this?

What's the matter
with you?

I thought you were
pa! I'm getting
rid of this.

I don't know
how you can eat
all that stuff.

I didn't.

What are we
going to do?

We can't

Well, there's
only one thing
we can do.

What's that?

Get bigger pockets.


-And $1.00.
Thank you very much.
- Thank you.

Nels, it's
almost 11:00!

That's nice.

Well, the restaurant's
been open for hours!

That's nice.

Well, aren't you
going over there?

I'm not going
over there.

Nels, for heaven's
sakes, caroline
and hester-sue

Can't run that
all by themselves!

Now, I've
got the store
to take care of.

Harriet, you said it
was your restaurant.

You go over there.

Oh, nels,
I'm tired.

So am i, but I'm
not a general in
mrs. Sullivan's army.

You go feed the troops.

I've never seen
anyone so lazy!

Hester-sue, I'm
here, you don't have
to worry anymore.

Praise be.

Here, let
me have this.
Yes, thank you.

Now, may I have
your order?

You know
something, caroline?
We just started

And I'm tired

We can't keep
working these hours.

Harriet: orders,
orders, orders!

The troops
are starving.

Isn't it

We're just so
busy, busy, busy!

Harriet, I'm glad
things are going
so well for you--

Yes, it's just
exactly the way major
guffey promised it!

I have to
talk to you.

All right, what
is it, caroline?

The job, I can't
handle it.

I'm here all day,
I stay late.

Caroline: I'm worn
out when I get home
in the evening,

I never even
see my family.

I don't want to put
you in a tight spot,

But I have to
give my notice.


Oh, please...

Oh, please,
caroline, please.

I beg you, I beg
you, don't leave me.

I can't do
it all alone.

I'm sorry, but--

But nels, I have
to do it, I have
to prove to nels

That I can do it!

I don't want to
make things hard
for you, but i--

Money, I'll give
you more money!

No, it isn't money,
it's my time!

No, I'll give
you a percentage
of the take!

No, harriet,
it isn't--


Please, caroline,
please, I beg you.

don't leave me.

Please, just stay
a little longer.

a little longer.

I'll make things
easier for you.


I'll talk it over
with charles.

Oh, caroline!

Thank you.

Thank you.

Harriet: here, I have
some orders for you.

3 Pan-fried

And, uh...
2 Roast chicken...

And, uh...

Oh, heaven sakes,
I can't read
my own writing!

I'll be right back.

You sure told her.


Whatever it is,
it smells awful!

It sure

Charles: somebody's
saying something bad
there about the cooking?

- Oh, no!
- No, pa!

- You sure?
- Yeah!

All right, I think
they're done.

There you go,
my love.

Why does
she get the
good ones?

Wait, is there something
wrong with yours?


There you go,
my darling.

Charles: here, let me
have your plate, darling.

How's yours, james?

Hmm! Great, pa.
I love it.

Well, good, because
I'm going to make
you a lot more.

And I told her I
wanted to give notice,


Charles, I felt
so sorry for her.

Well, she's
trying so hard.

And there's
so much work!

I'd feel just awful
leaving her right now.

You can understand.

Yes, I can

I wish I

I knew you'd

It will only be
for a little while.

All right, but
when this is over,

You know what I want?
I want a turkey.

I want a turkey
with bread and
potato stuffing.

And sweet potatoes.

And hot rolls
with butter.

And a pie.

No, I want two pies.

I want a mince
pie, and I want
a pumpkin pie.

There you go,
promise to make that.


$108, $109,
$110, $111.

banner week!

Mrs. Sullivan is
pleased with you.

Harriet, you're
a good soldier.

Thank you.

In fact, we're
ready to move
into phase 3.

Phase 3?

Our top-notch
battle plan.

This is your
opportunity to become
part of a business

That is always

Well, I don't know--

All you have to do is
talk to your friends,
your relatives,

Persuade just two
of them to take out
their own franchises

On mrs. Sullivan's
kitchens in their
own communities,

And you
will supervise
the operation.

Well, how can
I do that?

those two will
persuade two more.

And before you
know it, we'll
have an army

Of mrs. Sullivan's

All over
hero township.

Major guffey, I can
hardly get away from
the restaurant now.

If I had that
to do--i mean, I
don't exactly know

How I can do
all of this...

I'll expect those
two names when I
call by next week.

Good day,

Good day.

Albert, hitch
up the team.

Yes, sir!

Where are
we going?

We're going to
get something
decent to eat.

Well, what are
we going to have?

Pan-fried steak,
roast chicken,
beef stew, anything.

Come on, get
your coats.

All right, kids, order
anything you want.

I'll be right back.

I think I
want chicken.

Albert: I want steak.

Me, too.

where are you...


Nancy: where's supper?
I'm hungry!

Willie: me, too.

It's coming.

Nancy: well, I don't
like to eat this late.

Have some bread.

Nancy: willie already
ate all of it.

Ahh, good heavens!

I run the store
all by myself,

I do all the
cooking by myself.

It's got to stop.

It's just got to stop.

[Knock on door]

Will any of you
get that, please?

I'm eating!

Me, too.

[Knock on door]

All right,
all right, all right.

- Charles, what are
you doing here?
- Nels, good evening.

Let me ask you a
question, are you tired
of working all day

And cooking
all night?

I sure am!

Well, so am i, and I
think it's time we did
something about it.

But what?

Nels, my friend,
that is why I'm here.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

Good morning.

Oh, charles,
what time is it?

Don't worry, the
children have all
had breakfast.

I'm sorry, you should
have gotten me up.

It's all right,
I'll drive them
to school.

I'm going to be a
little late tonight,
I've got to work.

So, after school
the children will come
over and stay with you

And I'll pick you up
when the store closes.

What work?

It's a surprise.

What is it?

Well, you don't want to keep
working the hours you've
been working, do you?

Of course not.

If only harriet hadn't
signed that contract.

I feel so sorry
for her.

she could lose
everything, charles.

Well, don't worry,
that's all part
of the surprise.


No questions, just trust me.

I can almost taste
that turkey now.


Never mind, it's
part of the surprise.

Listen, I told you
all, just stop
running in here.

They keep
chasing me!

I'm not
chasing you!

Well, just
stop running.

Children, what is this
squabbling? I can hear
you in the kitchen.

It's her


Why did charles
leave the children
here today?

He said he
had to work.

Children, in
the kitchen.

Well, mr. And
mrs. Matlock.

When did you get
back from your
trip back east?

We figured
a month was long
enough to be gone.

That's about as
long as I could do

Without some of
caroline's lemon
meringue pie.

Mr. Matlock: we stopped
here right on our way

From the stage so
that I can get some.

Well, I'm
awfully sorry,
but we don't serve

lemon meringue
pie anymore.

Harriet: no, you see, we've
changed the whole thing.

And now we have
mrs. Sullivan's very own
delicious chocolate cake.

Everyone loves it.

No lemon
meringue pie?

Oh, I'm
sorry, dear!

Maybe we could try
that new restaurant
across the street.

They might
have some.

We'll be
back, harriet,
another time.

New restaurant
across the street?

Hello, mrs. Oleson,
would you like
some lunch?


my furniture?

And where is
my husband?

The furniture's
upstairs, we needed
some more room,

Your husband's
in the kitchen,

Shh, people
are eating.

Shh? Don't
you shush me.

Nels, what
are you up to?

Hello, harriet.

Answer me, what
is this all about?

The free-enterprise


Harriet, I want
to give you a
piece of advice.

You'd better get
back and tend to
your restaurant.

You've got

Are you out
of your mind?

What are you doing?

For heaven's sakes,
nels oleson, will
you stop that?

Will you stop
that this instant!

Harriet, I figured
if I'm doing all
this cooking,

I might as well
get paid for it.

After all, that's
the most important
thing in the word,

Isn't it,
making money?


And you're going to
be sorry that you did
this, nels oleson.

Sorry it took so long,
I had to feed the stock.

Charles, I have
to talk to you.

What about?

What about?

About the
of course.

I didn't want to say
anything in front
of the children.

Caroline, if nels
wants to open up
a restaurant,

I think that's
his business.

What for? Just
to hurt harriet?

My darling, here's a
copy of the contract

That harriet signed
with major guffey.

Just take a look
at article 12,
paragraph two.

You think
it'll work?

I told you...

Trust me.

Nels, I have
something that I
want to say to you.

And when I'm
finished, then
you may reply.

What you are doing
is the cruelest thing
you have ever done.

And I want you
to know that you
will be sorry.

And you will
get nowhere with
your restaurant.

I will fight you

You're not just
attacking me, nels.

You're attacking
mrs. Sullivan's army!

Are you through?


- Well, in reply, I would--
- oh, shut up!

I hope my reply was
not too long-winded.

over here!

Two dinners for
the price of...

Would you like to
have two dinners
for the price of one?

Two dinners for
the price of...

Oh, uh, would you like
to have two dinners
for the price of one?

Well, uh, here we go,
just look at this, sir.

We are going to have
two dinners for
the price of one.

You can bring your wife
or your girlfriend.

Excuse me, sir--
excuse me, you
dropped your coup--

[Violin playing]

Anybody wants some
pan-fried steak?



Don't cry,

Everything is
going to work out.

Everybody likes
nels' cooking!

Not everybody.

Look at ernest.

Caroline: isn't
it good, ernest?

Oh, yeah, best roast
lamb I ever ate.


It's pan-fried

Pan-fried, huh?

Oh, well, don't make
much difference to me one
way or another no more.

I ain't tasted
nothing for 5 years,

Ever since that thrasher
ran over my neck.

Deaf as a post,

And he can't
taste anything!

What's this?

Casualties on
the front lines?


There's a restaurant
across the street,

And it's stealing
all of our business!

Sounds like a
strategic maneuver.

Have you suffered
heavy losses?

Here are
the receipts.

This is

Have you
the troops?

Major guffey, I
don't know what
you're talking about

Most of the time!

Have you established
new franchises yet?

How can I establish
any franchises

When I'm trying to
save this restaurant?

I knew it was
a mistake to let a
woman command a post!

Well, mrs.
Sullivan's a woman,

And she commands
the whole thing.

There's no such person
as mrs. Sullivan.

We picked that
old lady off the
streets of chicago

And paid her $2.00 to
pose for the picture.

There's no
mrs. Sullivan?

The company
is run by men,

The way
it should be.

Article 12,
paragraph two,

is revocable
at any time

At the discretion
of the supervisor."

That's me.

You have disgraced
us, mrs. Oleson!

I'm drumming you
out of the ranks!

We'll be by tomorrow
and pick up the sign.


Nels, it's all
your fault!

You've ruined

And now the major
just tore up
the contract!

Yes, I know, isn't
it wonderful?

What do you mean,
"isn't it wonderful?"

Well, now we can
forget all about mrs.
Sullivan's kitchen.

The people of
walnut grove made
it very clear

What kind of
food they want--
home cooking.

A family
restaurant, the way
you used to do it.

Well, you've got all
the business here.

Not after tonight.
We're closing.

We just did it so
you could get out
of your contract.

It was charles'

Oh, nels!


Oh, I know.

I know.


- Good morning, ma'am.
- Good morning.

You in
charge here?

Yes, my husband
and I are.

I wonder if I
can interest you in
a business proposition?

A business

I'm opening a number
of restaurants

Which will devote
themselves to
just one meal,

The most succulent,

fried chicken

That ever passed
your lips.

One meal? Just
fried chicken?


Something I said?

Oh, no!

No, I'm sorry.

But you see, we
tried to make a go
of the restaurant

By just serving
3 meals.

So, I can't quite
see somebody coming
to a restaurant

For only one meal--
fried chicken!

I'm sorry you're
not interested.

Frankly, I think it's
the wave of the future.

Well, I'm
terribly sorry,

But I think you're
wasting your time.

time will tell.

Time will tell.

Who was
that man?

Some silly old
man with an idea

About having
a restaurant

That only
serves one meal--

Fried chicken!

That's all?

That's all!


How about having
a piece of lemon
meringue pie?

I don't mind
if I do.

Fried chicken!

Can you
imagine that?