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08x09 - For the Love of Nancy

Posted: 02/16/22 07:03
by bunniefuu
Mother, I don't
want you to go.

Oh, darling, I'll only
be gone for a week.

Thank you.

Well, why do you
have to go at all?

Ahh, precious,
we've been over this
and over this.

I told you,
I have to go
to minneapolis

To order new merchandise
for the store.

I go every year.

Well, why can't
father go?


Nels, oh, my
goodness sakes, no!

He would order
all the wrong things.

Besides, he just
doesn't have the business
sense that I have.

Your suitcase
ready to go yet?

Yes, yes. Nels, here.
It's ready. Take it.

Better hurry up,
or you're going to
miss that stage.

Yes, nels,
I'll be right down,
for heaven's sakes!

don't go!

Oh, nancy, darling.

What's the matter
with you?

What if...

What if you
never come back?


Oh, darling, of course
I'll come back!

In the meantime,
your father's
here, and willie.

But they hate me.
They'll yell at
me all the time.

No one will help me
with my homework.

I'll be all alone.

Oh, nancy, darling.

Your father
doesn't hate you.

Why, he loves
you every bit
as much as I do.

Oh! Now, I will make
sure that he helps you
with your homework.

I'll tell him,
all right?

All right.


That's my
precious angel.

Oh, I just know that
you're going to be

As good as gold
while I'm gone.

Ha ha.

I'm going to pitch!
Give me that ball!

[All yelling]

get up! Stop it!
Stop it right now!

Girl: nancy started
it. She took
cassandra's ball.

I wanted
to pitch!

Well, you
didn't even ask.

Laura: quiet!

I don't
care whose
fault it is.

You're not
supposed to fight.
You both know that.

Now, clean
yourselves up.

get inside.

Right now!

Laura: everybody,
take your seats

And get out
your readers.

Mrs. Wilder?


My name's elmer.
Elmer miles.

My ma told me I
should give you these.

They're my grades
from my last school.

You've just
moved here?

Yes, ma'am.

Well, elmer,

It seems you
are a very
good student.

Welcome to
our school.


You may
take a seat

I'll bet you he
takes up two seats
all by himself.

I think you
better move.

Nancy, will you
stand up and read aloud
from page 110, please?

"An old-fashioned girl.

"Polly hoped the dreadful
boy would not be present,

"But he was, and
stared at her all
during dinner time

"In a most
trying manner.

"Mr. Shaw,
a busy-looking
gentleman, said,

"How do you do,
my dear?"

- Come on!
- Come on, let's go to ma's.

All right,
come on,
let's go.

See you,

Hey, you know
that new kid?

He's as big
as a whale.

We ought to call
him "blubber."

Come on,

Well, what would
you call him?

At my last
school, they
called me "piggy."

Uh, he didn't
mean anything
by that.

It's all right.

Everybody has to
have a nickname.

It makes you feel
like you belong.

Well, see you
tomorrow, guys.

Well, he
certainly seems
friendly enough.

All fat people
are friendly.

It's true!

Elmer: nancy!

My name's elmer.

I know.

Do you want me to carry
your books home for you?

This is my home.

Oh. Well, if you want
me to carry them home
for you tomorrow, I will.

I can carry
them myself.

Or anything,
anything at all.

I can do lots of things--
chop wood, lots of things!

Huh. See you
tomorrow then.

I've decided while
your mother's away,

We're going to give
this house and the store
a thorough cleaning.


I've made a
list of chores...


And starting tomorrow,
we're going to clean this
place from top to bottom.

Well, what do
I have to do?

Well, you're responsible
for the storeroom, willie.

I want you
to take everything
off the shelves,

Dust them,
scrub them down,

Put everything back
in its proper place.

Well, that'll
take me a year!

You've only got a week.

And you'd better
do it right.

Nels: nancy, you're
in charge of scrubbing
the kitchen floor,

Washing the windows
in the whole house,

And beating the rugs.


But I'm supposed to
watch the switchboard.

Mother said so.

You do your
chores first,

Then you work
the switchboard.

Nels: all right, starting
tomorrow, when you
get home from school,

We're going to make
this place shine.

Go ahead,
eat your dessert.

And my teacher
mrs. Wilder

Assigned us
a nature study.

Oh, what's that?

Come on, jess,
clean your plate.

I'm full!

We have to
collect leaves,
flowers, insects

And make them
into a display.

I already know what
I'm going to do.


I'm glad we
moved here, pa.

Jess, you put
your arm down and
finish your supper.

Don't you want
to grow up to be
big and strong

Like your pa?

I don't know what
to do with him.

He's skin and bones.

Come on, jess.

I'll show
you how.




Oh, come
on, jess.

Good, huh?

More food.



I don't understand
my arithmetic.

Could you help me?

Well, yes.
I'd be happy to.

the problem?

Well, we have to do
everything on this
page and on this page.

All right,
let's see.

Well, it's just
addition and

That shouldn't
be difficult.

Good. I knew
you could do it.

Well, just
a minute.

Where are
you going?

To bed.

What about
your homework?

Aren't you
going to do it?

Of course not!

Mother always
does my arithmetic!

Oh, I can't
believe that.

I told her you
wouldn't help me.

Helping you
is one thing,

But to do the work
for you...

Don't bother!
I'll just fail!

I hope it makes
you happy!

[All yelling]

Put that

I saw you take
james' homework.

Put that back!

You didn't
see anything.

A fight!

Get her,

Come on, get her!

Get her, cassandra!

Stop it!
Now, what has
gotten into you two?

She stole
james' homework.

I was only
borrowing it.

Here, take
it back!

Nancy, what are
you doing with
james' homework?

She stole it because
ma's not here to do
her arithmetic for her.

That's not true!

Laura: nancy!

I want to see
you after school.

Everyone, inside.


Very good, elmer.

You got every
one right.

Arithmetic is
my best subject.

Laura: now, don't
forget there's
a spelling bee tomorrow.

Class dismissed.

Laura: nancy!

I'd like
to see you.

I have to
get home early
today, mrs. Wilder.


Father needs
me to help out
with the chores.

We have to talk
about your homework.

I'm very concerned
about you.

I'm really sorry
about what happened
today, mrs. Wilder.

I won't ever take
anybody else's
homework again.

I promise.

If it does
happen again,

I'm going
to have to
punish you.

Do you

Yes, ma'am.

Can I go now?

All right.




I thought you wanted
to carry my books.


I didn't know
you were so good
at arithmetic.

I'm pretty good
at most of it.

But arithmetic's
my best.

I don't understand
it at all,

But nobody
will help me.

I'll help you.

Would you, elmer?

I'd be glad to.

I told you
I'd do anything
for you!


Will you do
mine tomorrow?


Thank you.

See you tomorrow.

[Bell ringing]

Elmer, did you
do the arithmetic

Oh, yeah!
Here's your copy.

Thank you.

Only thing is,
I don't think
I should be doing

Your homework
for you.

Nobody will
ever know.

Oh, I don't know
what I'd do

If you wouldn't
help me out
like this, elmer.

Well, I guess
it's okay.


All right.
Who did this?

Albert, erase
it right now.

I want you all
to sit down.

I don't know what's
gotten into you.

Lately, all
you've done

Is fight and pick
on each other.

It seems as if all of you have
forgotten how to be friends.

I want each and every
one of you to write
an essay on friendship.

We're going to read
them out loud in
class next week.

Maybe if you think
about it for a while,

You'll remember
what friendship
is all about.

Now...take out
your spelling words.

Hey, it looks
pretty good, huh?


What do you got?
You got a lot.

Albert: mmm!
Hey, sandwiches!
I'm starving.

me, too.

Hey, willie,

Is that all
you brought
for lunch?


Are you going
to eat all that?

I'll bet
you a nickel

I can finish
all mine before
you finish yours.

You got a bet.

Come on,

Oh, willie.

Hurry up!

Come on!
He's winning!

- Hurry up!
- Hurry up!

- Hurry up.
You're not going to win.
- Hurry, willie, go!

hurry up!
Eat it all!

hurry up!
He's winning!

Boy: come
on, willie!
Come on!

Hurry, willie!
Come on!

come on, willie,
you can win!

[Kids cheering for willie]

hurry! Hurry!
He's winning.

Oh, come on,
willie, hurry up!

Albert: willie,
hurry up! He's done
with his sandwich!

He's starting
on the cake!

Aw, come on,
willie, go!

I feel awful.

I can't
eat any more.

I'm stuffed.

- [Laughs]
- okay, willie.

You owe me
a nickel.

Way to go,

All: yay!

James: hey, albert,
aren't we going
to play ball?

Yeah, we're

Elmer, you
want to play
on my team?

No. I think
I'll just...


I shouldn't
have done that.

I want to bat.

You can't bat.
It's james' turn.

you're not even
on the team.



I want to bat first,
and they won't let me.

They're just picking
on me because they know
I'm your girlfriend.

You are?

Of course I am!

If you want
me to be.

Sure I would!

Would you like
to have supper at
my house tonight?

I sure would.

Then make them
let me bat first.

Willie: come on, hit
that ball, james!

- Come on.
- Come on!


What'd you give
him the bat for?
You were up first.

look at him!

Would you fight
him for the bat?

Thank you,

It's okay.

Nancy was
bossy before.

If she gets elmer
on her side...

Oh, boy!

Here we are.

Why, elmer miles,

You're getting to be
as handsome as your pa.

I know, but
the clothes, they
seem kind of small.

Oh, you're just
a growing boy
is all.

You look fine.

Now, what about
this nancy?

Tell me
about her.

Well, she's real
pretty, ma.

She's nice...

Most of the time,

And she wants to
be my girlfriend.

But of course
she does!

And you're going
to have lots more
girlfriends, too.

Now, I told you it
was going to be
different here,

Didn't i?

You sure did, ma.

All right, then.

Off you go.

You don't want
to be late.

Bye. Have
a good time!

Elmer: bye!

[Crickets chirping]

Well, I hope you like
fried chicken, elmer.

There are only two
things I don't
eat for supper--

and lunch.


That's plenty.

How come
you're not
eating anything?

This is

You should
see him.

He can eat more
than anybody
you ever saw.

Go on, elmer,
show him!

I don't
think so.

Willie, let our
guest eat what
he wants to eat.


He wants to
eat everything.

Don't you, elmer?


Please? I love
to watch you eat.

- Nancy, i--
- oh, don't act so bashful.

Show him.

Go on.

watch this.

He can really
pile it in.

[Nancy and willie laugh]

Isn't that great?

Isn't that just
the funniest thing
you ever saw?

[Nancy and willie
continue laughing]


Did you have a
good time, dear?

Oh, yeah, ma.
I had a great time.

I had them rolling
on the floor.

That's good.

Well, good
night, dear.

Good night, ma.

Elmer's mother:
elmer, are you
all right?

Let me in!

[Knocking on door]


Leave me alone.


Just leave me alone!

We'll put your starting
weight right down
here on this card.

Then, whenever you
want to see how much
weight you lost,

You just look at it.

I figure if
I watch what I eat,

Run to school every day,
keep doing my chores,

It ought to be easy
to lose weight.

Good boy!

Now, whenever you
want to weigh in,
you just drop in.

Thanks, dr. Baker.

Oh, no, you don't.

Oh! Good
morning, father!

I was just leaving
for school.

You were trying
to sneak out without
my seeing you.


Now, I don't want
to hear any more
excuses, nancy.

When you get home
from school today,

You are scrubbing
the kitchen floor

If I have to stand
over you all the time.

you understand?

I was planning to do
it this afternoon.

I'll be
waiting for you.

[Mocking] I'll be
waiting for you!

For goodness sake!

hi, nancy!

Good morning,

Would you like
to come over to my
house after school?



Nancy, when you
finish that--

Nels: elmer!

Yes, sir?

What are you
doing scrubbing
our kitchen floor?

I'm helping nancy.
It's hard for her,

Being allergic
to soap and all.

I see.

You don't happen
to know where nancy
might be, do you?

Woman: well, you know,
she and her sister

Haven't spoken
to each other for
almost 20 years.

So, when I found
out her sister was
coming to visit,

Well, all I can say is

You could've
knocked me over
with a feather.

And confidentially--


You come along with
me, young lady!

But, father!

I have told you,

I will not allow
you to listen in on
people's conversations.

Now, you're going to
finish up your chores

And then you're
going to your room.

but, father!

[Indistinct chatter]

Cassandra, look
what I found.

A bird's nest.

I bet that's
the best thing
anyone will find.


Help me find



Elmer, would you
please get me that...

Thing out there?

Do you really
need it?

I want it.

Can you believe that?

With nancy,
I can believe

Oh, you dummy!

Why do you keep
doing stuff for her?

Because she's
my friend.

She sure has got
a strange way
of showing it.

Besides, why aren't
you getting stuff for
your own project?

I already
did mine.

You did?
What is it?

- Promise you
won't tell anyone?
- Sure!

Come on,
I'll show you.


Elmer: aren't
they beautiful?

When I get them back
from mrs. Wilder,

I'm going
to mount them
in my room.

Now, remember,
you promised
not to tell.

Oh, don't worry,

Your secret's
safe with me.

Nancy: elmer!

Did you find
anything good?

I found
something great.

How would you
like to help me

Teach nancy
a lesson?



- Hello?
Willie: albert?


I'm glad I found you.

I need you to do
me a big favor.

I haven't started
my nature study yet,

And it's due tomorrow.

Albert: well, I don't know
what I could do for you.

Willie: elmer was
going to sell me his,

But I already spent
my allowance.

And I need you
to lend me 50 cents.

Albert: 50 cents?

Willie: oh, please, albert?

Oh, all right.

Albert, what
are you doing here
talking on the phone?

Oh, I'm just
playing a little
game with willie.



12 Pounds.

You've lost
12 pounds, elmer!

- 12? Really?
- Yeah!

dr. Baker!

No, no, don't thank me.
You're the one
who did it.

Keep up
the good work.

I will.
I will!

Nancy, guess what!

Elmer, I want to buy
your nature study.


Your nature study.

I didn't do mine,
and I need yours.

Here's the 50 cents.

But...i won't have
one to turn in.

You know mrs. Wilder
will excuse you.

You're new.

She hates me.


Elmer: nancy,
don't you notice
anything different?


I lost 12 pounds!

So what?

You'd have to lose
100 before anybody
would notice.

Have you
seen elmer?

It's too
late, willie.
I got it.

Hey, everybody, look
at my collection.

I bet it's
the best one!

Albert: what do
you think, nancy?

Isn't it something?

Nancy: it's just
a collection of leaves.

Albert: yeah, but they're
all different colors.

All right.
Everyone take your seats.

Mrs. Wilder,

I'm sure mine
is the very best.

[Students murmuring]

All right, nancy.

We'll look
at yours first.

- [Gasps]
- [laughter]

Is this your idea
of a joke, nancy?

Mrs. Wilder,
I had no idea!

What do you mean?
Isn't this your homework?


I mean, yes!

It is, but i...

In the corner!


In the corner!

[Students laugh]

Albert, will you
please get these...

in their box?

[Indistinct chatter]

Elmer: nancy!

Nancy, wait!

There's got to
be some mistake.

Don't ever talk
to me again,

You big, fat slob!

Oh, all right.

Oh, driver,
don't forget the
packages in there.

I know, I know.

Here you go, lady.

Oh, well, fine...

Well, if you will
just carry these
things in for me,

And I'll get
the little bag.

Lady, I have
a schedule to keep.

Well, it's only going
to take two minutes
of your time!

I'm going to report
you to your company!

Oh, for heaven's

Hello! Everybody,
I'm home!


You're home early!

Oh, well,
I thought perhaps

You couldn't manage
too well without me.

You missed us, huh?


Nancy: mother!
You're home!

really home!

home, ma!

I know,

Oh, you're
so sweet!

Oh, my

My, everything
looks so nice
and clean.

Neat as a pin,
isn't it?

Yes! Well,
I couldn't
have done


Well, we all
just got in
there together

And decided to
give you a coming
home present.


Speaking of presents.
Here. Nels, for you.

And willie, dear.

and for my precious
little girl...


Nels: didn't you get
anything for yourself?

Oh, well, that
must have cost
a pretty penny.

No, it didn't cost
that much at all.

Here, darling,
let me help you.

Oh, pipe

Oh, well,
it's a new brand,

And I thought maybe
if you like it,

We'll carry it
in the store.

Gee, thanks, ma!

Yes, honey.
You're welcome.

Oh! Oh, it's


Thank you,

Oh, I left
the beans on
the stove!

Oh! Let's go
on upstairs now
and try it on.

Come on. Come on.

- Ma?
- Yes?

Can I go out and
play until supper?

Yes. Oh, but first you
have to bring my bags
upstairs, all right?

Now, every girl
in walnut grove

Is just going to be green
with envy when they see
you in this new dress!

Ah! You look
like an angel!

What's the matter,

Don't you like
your dress?

Oh, yes,

Very much.

Well, then,
what's the matter?

Oh, nothing,

Oh, come, come,
come, darling.

You can
tell mother.

Well, I don't
want to complain.

Father and willie
really did their best.


But, of course,
I ended up

Doing most of
the house cleaning.

And father never did
help me with my homework.


Well, I'll talk
to him about that.

Oh, no.
Don't blame him.

He really was
awfully busy.

Oh, yes.
I'm sure he was.

It's just...

I never had time
to write my essay
on friendship,

And it's due tomorrow.

I don't know what
I'm going to do.


Well, sweetheart,
don't worry about it.

We'll figure
out something.


[Knocking on door]

You're up kind of late,
aren't you, honey?

I've got to
finish this essay
by tomorrow.

Adams' new york
rubber gum?

Where'd you get
all this stuff?

At the mercantile.

Well, you do have to
keep your energy up

While you're doing
your homework.

Try to get to bed
pretty soon, hmm?

Good night, dear.


Harriet: I'm here,

Where's my essay?

I'm almost

You're doing
her homework
for her?

Well, yes,
it's only a tiny
little essay.

She's so busy.

You can't
expect her to
do everything.



There, there.

"My best friend--


Oh, that has
such a nice
ring to it.


Good morning,

You want to stop
and weigh in?

No thanks.
Not today, dr. Baker.

Nancy: "and besides
being so pretty,

"She has a very
sweet disposition,

"Which is why
I hope to grow up

To be just like
my best friend--
my mother."

thank you, nancy.

That was...very nice.

Oh, it was
all right.

you're late.

I'm sorry.

do you have your essay?

Yes, ma'am.

This will be
a funny one.

"What friendship
means to me.

"Friendship means
not calling someone names

"Or laughing at
the way they walk or eat

"Or anything.

"It means liking someone
just the way they are.

"It means laughing
at someone's jokes,

"But not expecting
them to joke around
all the time.

"It means knowing
that sometimes you laugh

"Just so you won't cry.

"Friendship means
not pushing other
people around

"And not letting
them push you around.

"It means wanting
to be around people

"Just because
you like them.

"Trouble is

"I never met
anyone who wanted
to be around me

"Just because
they liked me.

"I figure that's
because I'm some
kind of a...

"A misfit.

"And that's why
I'm not coming back
to school anymore.

You all belong
together. I don't."

Well, something
must have happened to
make you want to quit.

Jess, I don't
know how you became
such a picky eater.

I don't want to
talk about it, pa.

I'm afraid you're
going to have to
talk about it.

You're a bright boy.
You need your education.

I want you
to eat the rest
of your supper.

Why can't you
be like elmer?

Why don't you just
leave him alone?


Why do you
make him eat
all the time?

You want him
to get fat
like me?

You want all
the kids to
laugh at him

And not have
any friends?

Is that what
you want?

Well, maybe he's
just not hungry.

What on earth
has gotten
into that boy?

Sounds like
good sense to me.


They can't
make me go back.

You can at least
listen to what
they have to say.

Listening never
hurt anybody.

Hello, elmer.


We've got
something we'd
like to say to you.

I hope you'll
hear us out.

This afternoon,

You sort of said
that we've been
laughing at you.

We haven't been
laughing at you.

Elmer, we've
been laughing
with you.

The only thing
is we were
so stupid,

We didn't notice
you weren't

Albert: the thing is,
you're no more a misfit
than the rest of us.

We all have
our faults

That nobody much
likes about us.

Yeah, like I play
dirty tricks on people

And everybody
gets mad at me.

- They do?
- Sure.

Joey: I called
everybody nicknames.

I used to call
willie "hog"

Until he practically
beat me up.

He could eat more
than anybody

Until you
came along.

I didn't know that.

Yeah, and I always
thought calling you
"blubber" was mean,

But you seemed
to enjoy it!

Maybe if you
would've told
us to stop,

Things wouldn't
have gotten so bad.

oh, I'm not
blaming you.

I'm just saying,
we all have
our faults.

Isn't that
right, nancy?

Mother and I talked
for hours trying
to think of one,

And we couldn't come
up with one single
solitary fault.



Albert: all we can do
is work together and
accept each other--

Faults and all.

I hope you'll
give us what we
never gave you--

A chance.

Won't you come back
to school, elmer?

Won't you, please?

I guess
I wouldn't mind.

Nancy: give me that ball!
Carrie: no!

Nancy: I said give it to me!


Well, if you won't
let me pitch,

I want to be
the captain.

You're not
on my team!

I want to play!

Not on
my team!

Oh, we'll just
see about that.


Elmer, albert
won't let me--


Sorry, nancy,
you'll have to
work things out

For yourself
from now on.

oh, boy, albert!
Let's go play!

hey, everybody
out on the field!

- Willie! Willie!
- Sure.
