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08x07 - The Legend of Black Jake

Posted: 02/16/22 06:59
by bunniefuu

It's like taking
candy from a baby.

Georgie, we've got to
sit down and figure out

Where we went wrong.

I think
we're going to have us

A lot of spare time
to do just that, max.

This being
the fourth time

I've put
max and georgie
behind bars,

You might think
they might be

Moving out of
me neighborhood.

Let's go.

I think we must've
passed it already.

don't be ridiculous.

We'd have seen it
if we passed it.

Oh, sure.
Just like we'd have seen

That police paddy wagon
if it'd been anywhere
near that bank.

I told you,
don't ever mention
that paddy wagon.

Don't mention
the paddy wagon.

Don't mention the time
we tunneled into
the warden's bedroom.

Anybody could have
made that mistake!

If we'd gone to
the left instead
of the right--

Don't mention the night
that we tried to rob
rosie's dance hall.

You act like I should've
known that was the night
of the policemen's ball.

All I know is, max,

Sometimes your ideas
sound a whole lot better

Than the way
they work out.

Matter of fact,
most of the time they do.

Yeah, well, it was my idea
to buy old paint here,
wasn't it?

That's exactly
what I'm talking about.

Just exactly
what I'm talking about.

Our luck is about
to change, georgie.

Just wait and see.

Hey, look at that.

What's it say?

to walnut grove.

Shop at oleson's..."

Ooh, boy.


Walnut grove--
that's on the map,
isn't it?

Yeah, yeah,
here it is.

According to this,

Lefty's hideout's
right outside
walnut grove.

I told you our luck
was going to change.

I guess you're
right, max.

I'm sorry.
I never should've
doubted you.

Should've never
doubted you.

Don't do it again.

old paint.


Now, according
to lefty's map,

That hideout ought
to be right in here

Exactly what kind
of hideout was this,

Lefty said it's
an old deserted
mine shaft.

Uh-huh. You see
anything that looks

Like an old deserted
mine shaft to you?

It's here,
it's here.

Oh, it is?
Well, excuse me.

Perhaps I just
didn't see it
right off.

Would you care to
point it out to me?



I told you
not to trust
that lefty.

And I told you
not to buy this
stupid map, too.

But do you ever
listen to me,
just once?

No, never.

This is just exactly
like that time

We got lost when
we went to rob
that orphanage.

I told you never
to mention
that orphanage!

Orphanage! Or--



Max, where'd you go?

I won't mention it
no more! Max! Max!

I'm in here!


Max! Ha ha!

You did it!
You found
the hideout!

You found
the mine shaft!

Oh, max,

I guess I should have
never doubted you.


I got to tell you
this much, max,

I have my doubts
about that mine shaft.

what, are you
kidding me?

We'll hole up there
by night.
By day we strike.

First walnut grove,

Then sleepy eye,
then mankato.

As word of our daring
exploits grows,

No one can find us.
Before you know it,

We're as famous as
the hole-in-the-wall

Hey, there's
that mer-can--mercan--

-The store!
-There it is!

First we case it,
then we strike.

That sure is
a beauty, nels.

It's called
pure gold.

If you ever use it,
you'd know why.

Trout go after
this thing

Like it was
some kind of
a fish magnet.

Nels oleson, you always told me
you caught more fish
than anybody else

'Cause you were
a better fisherman.

You never told me
you had a better lure.

Well, everybody
has to have something

That he does better
than anyone else.

Even if he does
have a little help
along the way.

That's the truth.

Here, let me carry
this out for you.

Oh, thank you.

See, I don't
see any reason

To say anything
about this...

Little secret of mine
to anybody else.

Your secret's
safe with me, nels.

As long as you let
me use pure gold

Next time I go

-It's a deal.
-All right.

Going back to
the same place

You struck it
rich last time?

Sure. No point in finding
a new place

When I got my own
private gold mine.

That's the truth.

You take special care
of that pure gold, now.

Hey! Thought
that was our
private secret.

Nels, my lips
are sealed.

Heh heh!

-Good luck.
-Thank you.

Come on,
let's go!

Pure gold.

I told you our luck
was about to change.

I never should've
doubted you, max.

Let's go.


Come on, old paint.

We ain't going
to catch him.

I'm poking him
hard as I can.

What are we
going to do now?

We'll cut across here
and head him off.

[Donkey braying]

Hold it!

Right there,
right there.

Give us your gold
and nobody gets hurt.

I don't
have any gold.

Oh, a wise guy, huh?

Get it, georgie.

You're welcome
to anything I have.

Thanks a lot.
We'll just take
the pure gold.

I'm just going to
blast this lock off.

Aah! Ugh!

this ain't gold!

Who you
trying to kid?

I told you I didn't
have any gold.

Doggone it, georgie!
Why'd you take your hood off?

Now he's seen your face.

We can't take a chance
on him talking.

I won't say a word
to anyone, I promise.

We can't
just let him go.

I know that.

You think
I don't know that?

I--i won't say a word.
You've got my word.

We can't take him
with us.

I know that!

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

Why not take him
with us?

Him? No.

We take him with us,

We send a ransom note.

And we're what?


Rich, you idiot!

We get money.


Was that your store,
the one you was locking up?

Yes. My wife and i--

You've got to be
worth a fortune.

Georgie, this could be
the big one

We've always dreamed about,
right, georgie?

Oh, max, this could be
the big one! Argh!



Ow! Ooh!


Oh! Heaven's sakes.

What was that? Oh!

What on earth?






A hundred dollars ransom?



can you hear me?



She's coming around.



We've read
the note.


Oh, that note!

That ridiculous note!

what am I going to do?

Well, we can't
take any chances,

Not as long as
those kidnappers
have nels.

As soon as
you can get
the $100 together,

I'll take it out
to this hollow log
they write about.

Charles, that seems
very dangerous.

Oh, no, I'll--

No, I'll take it to them.

I can't let you
do that.

I think
it's too dangerous
for a woman.

No, no, no.
No, he...

He's my husband...

And it's my money.

I'll...i'll just
take the risk.

Mother, are you sure?

Yes. I'm quite sure,

They sent the note to me.

I'll...i'll take it to them.

"And furthermore,
you don't expect me
to believe

"That you would release nels
if I did pay you the ransom,
do you?

"It's bad enough
to lose my husband.

I do not intend
to lose $100 as well."

I can't believe it!

I can't believe she's not
going to send the money.

That's harriet's
handwriting, all right.

How can she
not send the money?

Doesn't she know the rules?

We give the ransom note,
she gives the money.

That's the way
it's always done.

You know, I've been
thinking about this.

I think we asked
for too much.

Why don't we send her
another note we ask for
$50 instead of $100?

Don't be an idiot.

Kidnappers don't give
half-price sales.

It was just a thought.

"Just a thought."

All right.
We send another note.

This time we say
it's the money or his life.

"Not one red cent
for swindlers.
That's final.

Please give my love to nels.
Sincerely, harriet."

I can't believe
she's doing this to me!

This, uh...

Places me in a rather
embarrassing situation.

Now, don't do
anything hasty.

I mean, I've never
k*lled a man before.

But a threat's a threat,
you know what I mean.

I mean, it wouldn't
look good if I
backed down now.

Suppose I help you
get the money?

You could do that?

I think so.

I think
I've got an idea.

I don't know.

I say let's give
him a chance.

What have we
got to lose?

Why would you
want to help us?

Two reasons--
one, I want to live,

And two, I'm angry.

I think my life
is worth more than
a measly $100.

He's got a point.

All right.

But this is absolutely
your last chance.

Mr. Anderson!
Mr. Anderson!

We need some more
ransom money, fast!

But why?

been kidnapped.

I found a ransom
note in the store.

Who knows what
they'll do to her

If we don't get them
the money?

I know she sent
them the $100 already
for father, but--

Nancy, nancy, slow down.

Your mother
never sent them the $100.

What are you
talking about?

I thought she told you
about this.


Well, she felt it was
wrong to go along

With the kidnappers' demands,
so she never sent them
the money.

Oh, my goodness.

Mr. Anderson,
I'm sure mother
had her reasons,

But I think
we should send them

The money right away.

We can't do that.

So you won't give us
the money?

I'm sorry.
She's the only one

Who can draw money
out of the oleson account.

Of course, if you could
get harriet's signature

Authorizing you to sign...

How are we
supposed to do that?

Oh, yes.
I see your point.

What are we
going to do?

I don't know.

Here you go.

You better eat
yourself somethin'

I'd rather starve!

I'm telling you,

That'd take
a real long time.


You've got
to let me go.

I can't stand this
any longer!

Sorry, lady.
You leave when the boss
says you leave

And not before.

Well, where's
your boss, then?

I want to talk to him.

Black jake?


You don't talk to black jake
till he's ready to talk.

I want
to see my husband.


Yes, nels.

What have you
done with him?
Where is he?

Heh heh heh heh heh!

I don't know what
we're going to do.

Me neither. You don't
know how to cook

And I'm starving.

Is that all you
think about--eating?

No. I'm getting
kind of thirsty, too.

But I think there's some
apple juice in the icebox.

Willie oleson,
you don't care about
mother and father at all.

That's not true.

But I can't help them
if I'm starving
to death.

I'd do anything
to get them back.

I'd be willing to...

Look at this.

Hey, yeah.
Those are delicious!

Will you
listen to me?

It looks real.

And it's good.

Will you stop thinking
about your stomach
and listen?

We'll rob the bank.


It's the only way we can
get the ransom money.

I don't think mr. Anderson
is going to let us rob the bank

With a licorice g*n.

He won't know
it's licorice

If you wave it around
and act crazy.

You're good at that.

What do you say?

I don't know.

You want to get mother
and father back, don't you?


All right.

We'll rob the bank
when it opens tomorrow.

That's the last of it.

You sure didn't
get very much
food, georgie.

I didn't want
to spend all
of our money.

I only had

You paid for
this stuff?

Sure, I
paid for it.

Why didn't you
steal it?

Max, I never
even thought
about that.

What do you think
we do for a living,

I thought we was
kidnappers now!

What's this?

My only bottle
of whiskey.

I gave her a sip
when she came to.

A sip?

A sip?
She drank it all!

Why did you
let her do that?

She started talking.

It seemed like a good
thing to do at the time.

All right. We're going
to keep watch outside,

Make sure nobody
sneaks up on us.

You keep an eye on her.

[Harriet snoring]

[Ghostly voice]



How could you allow
this to happen to me?



Nels, I tried to get
the ransom money here on time.

Honest. Honest.

"Not one red cent
for swindlers"?


Oh, you didn't
believe that,

Did you, nels?

I was just
stalling for time.

You're not going to
hold that against me, nels.

I'm just trying
to buy some time.

It's not just
the ransom, harriet.

What do you mean?

You should have
treated me better

When I was
still on earth.

What, nels?

I've already
filed my grievances.

You'll have a lot
of explaining to do,

When you
get up here.

When I get there?

Which will be a lot
sooner than you expect.


going to m-m-m--

I'm going to d-d--

Sooner than you think.

Ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha...

Get black jake's
and hurry.

This fresh outdoor
air really gives
you an appetite.

I could eat
a horse.

Wait a minute.

Where's old paint?

Old paint?

Uh...well, he's right
over there. Why?

Just checking.

Oh, boy. I thought
prison food was bad.

Oh, well, we'll be
getting that ransom
money in a few hours,

And then we're eating
like kings. Ha ha!

Ransom money?

What ransom money?

It was black jake's
idea, really.

We sent a ransom note
to your daughter nancy.

As soon as she goes
to the bank,
we get the money.


What's the matter?

Oh, no, nancy can't get
any money out of the bank!

I'm the only one
who can get money
out of our account.


But I didn't know.


[Pounding on door]

[Rattling doorknob]

This isn't
a holiday, is it?


Well, we'll just
have to come back later.

All right.

I can't
understand it.

Mr. Anderson
should have opened
the bank

An hour ago.

You brought
the g*n, didn't you?

Willie, you brought
the g*n, didn't you?

I'm talking to--

I got hungry

What you don't want to do
is get black jake mad.

Me, I kind of like him.

But he can get
awful mean sometimes.

So just tell me,
who's got another key
to the bank besides you

So we can send them
a ransom note?

t-t-to the bank?

That's right. Who's
got a key to the
bank besides you?

No one.

No one!

Did you hear that?

I don't believe it!

I don't believe--ow!

[Gasping for air]

What's he doing?

[Gasping for air]

Oh, my god!
He's having a
heart attack!

Oh, no, no.
I don't think
that's a heart attack.

It looks a whole
lot more like--

Oh, for heaven's sakes,
the man's dying!

You've got to get him
to a doctor, quick!

You think this attack's
on the level?

I don't know,
but we can't take
a chance.

I got to tell you, your
ideas aren't working
out very well so far.

You'd better
go get doc baker,
bring him out here.

Let's go.

I can't believe
this is happening.

First nels, then harriet,
now bill anderson.

Well, who's going
to disappear next?

Why isn't anybody doing
anything about it?

We're doing everything
we can, darling.

Almanzo and I have been
combing the woods trying
to find their hideout.

We just haven't had
any luck yet.

It's like they vanished
into thin air.

If only there were some way
we could get word to them

That we're trying
to get the money to them.

Yeah, I'm glad
that the reverend
called this meeting.

Someone in this town
must have seen

Or heard something.

Where is
reverend alden?

Last time I heard,
he was at doc baker's.

Well, dr. Baker
isn't here either.

Oh, no.

Almanzo, let's go.


[Running footsteps]

Is he here?


Doc baker's not
in his office either.

Ohh...i don't know what
you have me sweeping up
in here for.

It's never going
to come clean.
It's a dirt floor!

Oh, doc baker!

Here he is.

Right over here.


I guess you're
pretty surprised

To see the reverend
here, huh?

Well, they was together,
and old max,

He figured that
if the doc can't cure

Whatever's wrong
with the banker there,

Then at least
we'd have the minister

To do whatever it is
that ministers do

To people
that are dying.

That was real
thoughtful of him,
don't you think?

Oh! Is he dying?

Calm down, harriet.
Nobody's dying.

Bill just had
an asthma attack.

It's nothing serious,

But he shouldn't do anything
strenuous for at least
a couple hours.

Asthma attack.

I'm sorry, reverend.

I don't guess we're
going to be needing
your services

Today after all.

That's quite all right.
I'm a little late

For another appointment,
so if you'll excuse me.

Nobody goes anywhere!
You can all sit down

While me and the boys
have a little
conference outside.

First person
makes a move,
tries to leave,

Goes to his
permanent reward.
You know what I mean?

You! Make
lunch now!


What we got here
is the same old

No way to get
our hands on
the money,

And now we've got
two more people
to feed.

I guess this just
isn't my line of work.

Every idea I've come
up with seem to
have backfired.

I'm sorry, fellas.

No, no, you got
good ideas, nels.

Real good,
right, georgie?

Sure, nels.
Sometimes it just
takes a while

To get the hang
of this outlaw

You take old max
and i, for example--

I remember a time--

Forget the examples!

Maybe this ransom angle
isn't going to work for us.

There must be some other way
we can come up with that money.

All I know is
we got to come up with
something fast,

'Cause it's getting
awful crowded
in the hideout.

You know what I mean?

Listen, what--

No, you don't want
to hear any of my
hare-brained ideas.

No, no, go ahead.
What is it?

No, I've given you fellas
enough trouble as it is.

I want to hear it!


All right.

We break into the bank
and steal the money.

Yeah. I like it.
It's quick and simple,
I like it.

You got any dynamite?

No, but bill anderson
has got the key
to the front door.

The key?


-We use the key?

We use the key
to get in
the front door?

[All laughing]

I'll tell you, nels,
you've got
what it takes.

You could be a
regular jesse james.
You're so smart.

Thanks, max.

Let's go!


Oh, there you are!
Now, listen,

I can't possibly fix food
for all of these people

On these measly supplies
that you left me.

Somebody's going to
have to go to town

And get some more food.

going to town,
all right.

Oh! Well, if you're
going to go to town,

Then you might consider
kidnapping caroline ingalls.

'Cause she knows
how to cook better than I do,

And she's used
to doing domestic work.

Shut your lips!

Mr. Anderson,

You and me are going
to have a little talk.

Honestly, charles,
I just can't believe
it's come to this.

We've never had
to lock our house

Maybe when this is
all over we can
take it off.

In the meantime,
I don't want to
take any chances.

I don't want anyone
going in or out
of the house

Until almanzo and I
get back from the bank.

What makes you think
they'll rob it?

They haven't got any
money yet. They should
be getting desperate.

At least that's what
I'm hoping for.

I hope you're wrong.
You could get hurt.

We'll be fine.
Don't worry.

Be careful.
Both of you.

We will, darling.
Let's go, almanzo.

Here we go.

I don't see why they
have to guard the bank.

They'll look out
for each other.

All right.
Go over the

Go to the right
3 times,
stopping at 6,

Go to the left
2 times,
stopping at 2--

-Go to the right one time.
-All right!

These are your
black hoods.

They'll make you
invisible in the dark.

You got the key
to the front door?

-It's right here.
-All right, good.

You got the combination
to the safe memorized?

Go to the left
3 times,
stopping at 6,

Go to the right
2 times,
stopping at 2--

Go to the left
one time,
stopping at...7.

That's it.

You know, I
don't understand

How come we're
sending them.

Why don't we
just go in there?

Because if we
went, we might
get caught.

Well, what
if somebody
catches us?

If you see somebody
coming, take off
your black hoods.

Everybody in town knows you.
Tell them you're going
for a walk.

And you better be
convincing, because
if anything goes wrong,

Your two friends here
are going to join nels
beyond the pearly gates.

going to go wrong.
You can count on us.

Go to the right
2 times,
stopping at 6--

Don't worry,
we'll be just fine.

Get out of here!

[Wagon wheels]



-It's them.

[Fiddling with key
in door]

We got 'em.
Light the lamp.

Let's see
who we got here.

It's reverend alden.

Check your man.

oh, no.

Reverend alden.

Reverend alden.



Let me help you up.

What happened?

Reverend, I feel so bad
about hitting you.

I thought you were
one of the bank robbers.

The bank...

Oh, yes.

Doc baker?

Yes. How are
you feeling?

You were out
for quite a while.

I'm a little

Reverend, I feel so awful
hitting you like that--

A man of the cloth.

Oh, no. You were
just doing your job.

It's awful good of you
to take it that way.

Doc told us
what happened.

The important thing
is now we get the money

Out of the safe
and back to
those kidnappers.

You're absolutely right,

We've been gone
too long as it is.

You've got the
combination, reverend?

The combination?

Yeah, doc said you
had the combination.

I have it?

You memorized it.

Don't you remember?

Oh, dear.

I'm afraid that punch
knocked it right out of me.

It's all right.
Just relax.
It'll come to you.

Now, let me see.
It is, uh...

It's 3 times left...




Reverend alden:
it's no use. I can't
remember a thing.

What do we do?
We can't give up now.

We're not going
to give up.

If the reverend can't
remember the combination
to that safe,

We're just going to have
to figure out another way

To get that money
to them.

Where are those
guys, huh?

I don't know.

I didn't know when you
asked me 10 minutes ago,

And I don't know now.

They've been gone
a long time.

You think
I don't know that?

Listen, I'm just saying--

Do me a favor.

Don't just say anything!

They'll come back!

They better come back.

Hmm. This looks pretty good
with this pillow in here.

I'm sorry, reverend.

You know, harriet's
going to k*ll us
when she finds out

That we borrowed some of
her brand-new merchandise.

I don't think
the kidnappers
will believe you're us.

Well, it's the only
chance we've got.

With these hoods on,
I think we'll
get away with it.

You got the bag?

Yeah. Right here.

Are you sure
that you can pass

Crumpled newspaper
for money?

If we can just get inside,
I think I can distract
them long enough

For almanzo to get harriet
and bill out of there.

It seems like
a very risky plan,

It's the only plan we got.
All right, let's go.

It looks like
they're all inside.

Listen, I want you
to keep the r*fle with you.

You stay close by
in case we need you.

We'll be
right behind you.

Be especially careful
of the one they call
black jake.

He doesn't say much,
but it's obvious

That he's the most
dangerous one
of the group.

Got you.

Okay. Ready?

-Ready as I'll ever be.
-Let's go.

So far, so good.
They're inside.

I hope nothing
goes wrong.

Let's get closer
to the mine entrance.

Maybe we can
hear something.


You'd better
give me the r*fle.

I'm a better shot
than you are.

I don't have
the r*fle.

You don't have
the r*fle?

I thought
you had it.

You mean you left it
in the rig?

I'm not used
to handling g*ns.

The bible
is my w*apon.

Ohh. I better go back
and get it.

I better
go with you.

Hold it!

Oh. I didn't
recognize you guys

Without those
black suits on.

Hey! I knew
you'd come back!

Where's the money?

The money?

The money, yeah!


The money?

The money,
the ransom,
the smackeroos!

-It's in the rig!
-It's inside--


-It's inside--
-in the rig--

Ha ha ha ha!

Hey, that's good.
Ha ha ha ha!

You guys are funny.

All right, black jake's
going to be happy you're back.

We better go tell him.

Let's go!

Oh, wait till
max sees this!

We've finally done it!

We committed a crime
and we got some money!
Ha ha--


Look what I found!

I told you
they'd come back!

who are those guys?

Who are those guys?

Who are
these guys?

Wait a minute.

Take them masks off.

You're not
the reverend.


Look at this!

You didn't
get the money?

No, we didn't
bring the money.

I think
it's about time--

I forgot
the combination--

I told you we should
go down there ourselves!

[Everyone shouting at once]


[b*llet ricochets]

All right, georgie.

Tie everyone together!

And then you
and black jake

Come down to the other
end of the tunnel.

We got to talk!

All right, everybody,
you heard him.

Come on, now, let's
move close together.

Come on, move it.

Move it!


Why does it always
turn out this way?

I'm starting to doubt
myself, god.

Oh, i...

I know you probably
don't like what I do
for a living, but...

Heh. You got to admit,
I work hard.

Well, i...i'm only following
in my father's footsteps.

God rest his soul.

Couldn't you just once...

Let me pull off a job?

Couldn't you?

[Thunder crashes]

I'm sorry I asked.

Okay, you guys,
hurry up!

Uh, coming, max.

You tied 'em
up good?

Don't you worry
about anything, max.

They'll never get away.

You know, nels,
georgie and i,

We've never been
too successful
at what we do.

We've always been
what you'd call
"small potatoes."

Oh, once...

We got away
with a bundle--

Almost $11

But when you
average that out
over the years

We've been working
at it, it don't
add up to much.

I thought out here
maybe things
would be different.

Maybe out here
we'd get our big break.

But things...

Aren't going our way.

Now all our
money's gone.

We got no food.

6 People besides us
know where
our hideout is.

I'd say...things
aren't working out.

What are you
planning to do?

Well, I've got to do
something, nels.

That's the thing.

What about harriet
and the rest of them?

Well, they seem like
nice enough folks,
as far as that goes,

But they know who we are

And they know
where we are.

And if we want to stay
in walnut grove,

We can't afford to have
any witnesses.

I'm afraid there's only
one thing we can do.

Run away.

I knew something
terrible had happened

When they didn't come
home this morning.

We never should have
let them come here.

Mrs. Ingalls,



Thank heavens!

we were so worried.

We had it under control
the whole time, beth.

Oh, mother,
we were so worried.

Oh, my darlings.

Well, I'm all right.

Where's father?



Oh, my nels!

My father...

Where's my father?

Where is he?

He was gone when
we got there, child.

oh, charles.



We'll get
your mother home.

No, no, no.
That's all right.

We'll be all right.

I want to be alone
with the children.
Thank you.

Poor harriet.

I can't go up,

I can't walk
by his room.

Me neither.

I know.

Oh, I know
how you feel.


Life must go on.

[Whistling a tune]

Hello, harriet.

I caught a beauty of a
rainbow trout this morning.

Want to go fishing?

You bet I would, son.

you ever been
to mexico before?

Max: no.

Then how do you know we
didn't pass it already?

You see any other people
wearing sombreros,

Riding burros?

Well, no.

All right, then,
trust me, huh?

Sure. I trusted you

When you said, "let's
kidnap nels oleson."

I told you, don't ever
mention nels oleson!

Georgie, our luck's
about to turn. Ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha ha!