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08x06 - Gambini the Great

Posted: 02/16/22 06:58
by bunniefuu
And now, ladies
and gentlemen,

For his finale,

Gambini the great

Will perform
the impossible.

Locked in chains,

He will be sealed
in a coffin

And placed
beneath a haystack

To be set ablaze.

To escape in time
would be a feat

Never before
attempted by any man.

Yes, ladies
and gentlemen,

Gambini the great
will defy death itself

Before your very eyes!

Will gambini free himself

Before he is
burned to death?

Is it even possible?

Watch and you shall see.


He should be
out by now.

No, not yet.


He's still
got time.

Stefano, in
the name of god!


Get the water!

Oh, please,
dear god, please.

How is he?

The burns weren't
nearly as bad
as I'd feared.

You can be thankful
they got him out
in time.

Even so, a few
seconds more and...

in 2 or 3 weeks

Your husband should
be fully recovered.

I think he suffered
more from smoke
than anything else.

Can we go in now?

of course.

Buono, buono.

This not
make sense.

I cannot understand
what went wrong.

You're too old
for such things.

That's what
went wrong.

Too old?


Yeah, you
could be right.

So now is the time

For the next
to take over.

Eh, stefano?

Gambini: I know
you don't think
you're ready to be

The next
gambini the great.

I'm going to tell
you the truth.

I watch you
for a long time.

I think
you are ready.

Your mama--

I think
she's right.

I am...

Maybe I am
too old.

Gambini: but sooner
or later you would
be the great...

you don't

What I don't

Gambini: what?
What? What?

I don't want to be
gambini the great.

[Speaks italian]

Since your

There has been
a gambini the great.

I know.

Gambini: and
you would break
this tradition?

Papa, I don't
even want to be
in the act anymore.

Anna: stefano!

I'm sorry.


What does sorry

Got to do
with anything?

You would
betray the
gambini name?

Mi risponde!

My mind is made up.

Then you are
no longer my son.

Papa, no.

Get out
of my sight!


Be right back, papa.


What will you do?

I don't know.

I have some money
saved, but...

It had to come.

For years, I've been
trying to tell papa.

I hate what we do.

I know.


I feel
that way, too.

I don't think
I can ever
tell papa.

Now, especially,
I think it would
k*ll him.

I'm sorry.


It took
great courage.

Let us know
where you are.

I'll send my address
to uncle carlo.

So it falls
on you,
eh, marco?

Yes, papa.

Don't worry,

We're going
to make you

The greatest
gambini ever
in a few years.


First I must
get strong.

And you must
work very hard.

Yes, papa.

As for me...

I'm still
not too old

To keep on
working until
you're ready.

Isn't that
right, mama?

If that is what
you both want.

Well, of course
that's what
we both want.

Gambini: pretty soon,
the whole world
is going to meet

The new gambini
the great.

Eh, marco?

Yes, papa.

[Bell ringing]




did you hear me?


Did you want me?


I can't understand
a word you're saying

With those nails
in your mouth.

Besides, you look
like a crocodile.


I said, don't forget
to open the case
of macaroni.

That's better.
I already did it.





Good morning.

Oh, hello,

-What's this?

It's a new show coming
our way, and I'm
helping to promote it.

Oh, that's
very impressive.

love a circus.


No, no, no,
gambini the great

Is not
a circus performer.

He's a daredevil,

A death-defying
stunt man.

he risks his life.

No, you see,
it's hardly
the same thing.

I'm sure they'll
like it anyway.

who wouldn't?

To see someone
risk their life.


You're probably right.

Anna: it is not the same.

And if you weren't
so mule-stubborn,
you'd admit it!

[Gambini speaks italian]

You don't call me

You stubborn.

The coffin act is
no more dangerous
than any other.

Anna: oh, how can
you believe that?

Because you are
gambini the great,

Everything you
think is so, eh?

Gambini: no, because
I am a husband
what I think is so.

Anna: in italy,
my brothers

Would not
let you talk to
me like this.

Che testa dura.

In italy
we would be starving.


Promise me
you will not do

The coffin act
again, please.

All right.
All right!

If only to get a little
peace and quiet.

I promise,
I promise, I promise!

Marco: mama! Papa!

It's up ahead.

Anna: calm down, marco.

Marco: the town
is just up ahead.

Gambini: marco,
look at the horse.

You know better
to race him into
a lather like that.


Guess I'm just
anxious to get there.

It's a town just
like any other town.

With children
and a school.

Ah, you're going to
be working too hard

To worry
about school.

Yes, papa.

Besides, you mama,
she teach you
to read and write.

-That's good enough.
-The boy needs friends.

The boy
has a family.



Marco, you walk
the horse.

If the horses are
sick, they cannot
be in the show.

Yes, papa.


It's all right
if you go to school.

Just so long as
it don't interfere
with your training.

Oh, it won't.


Then there's
chapters 18,
19, and 20.

They'll bring
you pretty much
up to date.

I'll try to read
them tonight.

don't overdo it.

I know how difficult
it is starting

But you've done
remarkably well
in just a few days.

Thank you.

I'll see
you tomorrow.


Oh, hi, amy.


You're albert,

Oh, that's right.

I'm still busy
getting all
the names straight.

Oh, that's

I mean, you only
just started.



Your folks took over
the old miller place,
didn't they?


Well, that's right my way,
I can walk with you...

I mean,
unless you mind.

I don't mind.



What do you
want, willie?

Ma just told me
the stunt people
came into town today.

They're going to
be practicing up at
coogan's pasture.


Don't you want
to watch? We're
all going up.

Not today.

Aw, come on.

They're going to be doing
all kinds of things.

And they've got this
great, big cannon
gambini gets shot out of.

A cannon?

Yeah, maybe he'll
do it for us.

And ma says they're going
to be practicing every day
until the show opens.


-You want to go?
-All right.

Great, come on!

Mrs. Oleson,
this is not the show.

This is only
a practice
for the show.

Because it's for
us and not for you,

Maybe it's not
going to be so
exciting to watch.

Maybe we make
a mistake.

But that's why
we practice,

So we no make
a mistake in the show!
Ha ha ha!

No, I understand,
mr. Gambini.


Ready, marco?

Ready, papa.

He's kind of
fat, ain't he?

-Gee, ma!

Well, suppose
he heard you.

it's true.

Oh, if you can't control
your mouth, go home.

look at that!

It's scary.

I wish I
could do it.



I can't wait till
the night of the show.

He won't be
using a net then.

I'll be there,
that's for sure.

Harriet: ah! That
was just wonderful,
mr. Gambini.

Oh, thank you,
mrs. Oleson.

I couldn't believe
you did all those
tricks being so--ohh!


Oh, no, I don't
think that's
what he meant.

There are
many kinds of
a compliment.

This young man,
he just gave me
one of the best.

Yes, he just told me
I'm much better than I look.

-Oh, yes, yes.
-But I wasn't going to say

You were too
old, I was
going to say...

Ah, come along,
darling, we have
to get home.

I really should
be getting home.

Oh, sure. I just want
to talk to mr. Gambini
for a minute.

Hi, I'm marco.

I'm amy.

How'd you
like it?

It frightened me.

It frightens
me, too.

He your

no, we just met.

He asked if he
could walk me home.

I'll walk
you home.

If he's got
papa talking,

He'll be
a little while.

All right, then.

I'll get your books.

this chicken is good.

Sorry I'm late.
I'll wash up.

Charles: just a minute,
little man.

Yes, sir?

you mind telling me
where you've been?

School was over
4 hours ago.

I'm sorry, pa.

I got to talking
to mr. Gambini.

Mr. Gambini?

gambini the great.

That's the man
I told you about.


Albert: yeah, he's
going to teach me
some stuff, pa.

Yeah, well, anything
you have to learn,
you can learn at school.

You be sure to come
straight home tomorrow.

Oh, pa, couldn't I just
spend a little time
with him tomorrow?

you've got chores,
you've got your homework...

Well, just an hour,
that'll give me

Plenty of time to do my
chores and my homework.


All right,
just an hour.

Thanks, pa.
I'll wash up.

Albert the great.


Gambini: ready, marco?

Marco: ready, papa.

Gambini: fire!

[Audience gasps]

Oh, I'd give
anything to
do that.


Have you
ever done it?

A couple of times.
Not tied up, though,

That's something new
papa's added.

You mean this is
the first time
he's ever tried it?

Well, from
the cannon, yeah.


Oh, don't worry.

Wasn't that
wonderful when he
flew through the air?


He sure has been
under a long time.

How long
does he take?

a minute.

But it's
that now.

it's too long.

See him?

I'm going to go in.

[Cheering and applause]

Help me out.

mr. Gambini,
that was swell!

oh, it certainly was!

Ah, you was
scared, eh?

A little.

how about
you, marco?

I knew you could do it.

Ah. Ha ha ha!

Mr. Gambini, do you
think I could ever
learn to do that stunt?

Well, it takes
a lot of strength,

And you've got
to train very hard.

Gambini: come on,
I dry off, and I show
you a new trick.

Hey, marco,
do these things take
a lot of gunpowder?

Oh, not much.
You saw the keg of
powder behind the cannon.


Well, one keg fires
about 3 times.

Thanks a lot.

[Piano music]

When is
supper, ma?

Oh, it's not
for an hour yet.
Are you starving as usual?

No, not really.

Have you
seen the cat?

It's not
the cat,
it's my cat.

Have you seen
your cat?


I just want to
play with it,
that's all.

You leave
my cat alone!

It certainly
wouldn't be in here
with that going on.

-All right, harriet.

Let's not
get into it.

Harriet: we are into it.

father, why do you
hate me so much?

Nels: I don't hate you!

Nancy: you do! You do!
[Music stops]

Ever since the moment you
first set eyes on me...

Here, kitty cat.

-You hate me! You do!
-Come on, pepper.

-I don't! I don't, nancy.
-Come on, kitty cat.

-That's not true!
-Come on.

Harriet: nels,
your abuse of that child...

You're going in
a little a trip, kitty.

You're going to be a star
like gambini the great.

Are you ready?

There we go.
Come on,
get in there.

Get your
back leg in.

There we go.
Wait, oh,
pepper. Oh!


She can't learn
if she doesn't

She's got all day
to practice.

Why does she have to
wait till I sit down
to read the newspaper?

I told you
he hates me!

Oh, nancy, darling!

Oh, now just see
what you've done! Oh!

Yes. I got it
quiet in here.

Oh, darling,
don't cry.

Oh, my goodness.

I can't
help it.

Oh, honey,
don't cry.

What can mommy
do to help you?

Get me the dress
I showed you in
the catalogue.

Uh...yes, darling.
Anything you want.


Ah, good heavens!
What on earth...

Willie! Willie,
where are you?

Willie, where--

Gee, I wonder
what went wrong.

Are you
all right?

I think so.

Oh, willie,
what on earth
were you doing?

Well, I made
a cannon, see...

A cannon?

Willie: well,
I didn't know it
was going to be...


Oh! Oh, my...


He k*lled pepper!


You k*lled her!

how ghastly!

You k*lled her!

that's not pepper.


Well, what on
earth is that?


Oh, that's
my muff!

my fur muff!

Gee, ma.

Oh, you get

I'm going to give you
everything you deserve!

Nels: oh, and
I'm going to help!

Huh, you sure
are lucky, marco.


Are you kidding?

Getting to
travel all over,

Doing all
the stunts
with your pa.

Yeah, I guess.

You like it,
don't you?

Hmm, some, maybe.

To tell you the truth,
I'd just like to go
to school for a while,

Be with kids
my own age.

Maybe we ought
to trade places.

You don't
mean that.

Oh, yes, I do.
[Bell ringing]

Come on, we'd
better not be late.

I'll race you.

than me.

Well, I'll race
you anyway.


Oh, ouch! Hey!
That ain't fair!

good morning, nels.

good morning,

I heard about willie.
It looks like he came
out of it all right.

Oh, yeah, not
a scratch on him.

But you ought
to take a look
at my storeroom.

What on earth
was he doing?

the great gambini.

He had
a regular cannon
built in there.

I tell you, charles,
I'm not sure that man
isn't a bad influence.

Oh, why's that?

Oh, there's
just something
about it all.

I was out there
the morning that
they arrived.

I was watching
them practice
on the trapeze.

A lot
of other folks
out there, too.

But I wound up
watching them more
than gambini.

Why was that?

It was the look
on their faces.

Arnold haskins said to
me that he couldn't
wait for the show

Because there'd
be no net.

It's like people
want something
to happen.

I never thought
about it that way.

-Oh, nels!
-Coming, dear!

Yeah, it's been
coming back to me
ever since then.

after yesterday.

-Yes, dear.

See you later,

I'll see you
later, nels.

I'd like to say
this to everybody.

It seems we have
not one but two
new students

Who are as hardworking
as any I've ever seen.

First there's amy cassidy
and now marco gambini.

They should be
examples to all of you.

I'm very proud
of both of you.

Thank you.

Amy's been
working with me
after school.


Laura: that's enough.

Time for lunch.

Willie: hey, marco, how
long did it take you to
learn all those tricks?

Oh, I don't know.
Since I was a baby papa's
been teaching them to us.


My brother,

Where is he?

Well, stefano...

He left the act
a little while ago.

I've been wondering,
which is harder,

Getting shot
out of the cannon

Or getting free
of the ropes?

Oh, the ropes,
no question.

The cannon,
that only takes

Physical strength
and concentration.

No, the ropes
are most difficult.

that's funny.

Marco: why?

Well, it's just
that when I was
a little kid

taught me how
to do that.



Oh, no, but it
was pretty much

Just how your
father was tied.

In fact,
I think I could
do it myself.

Did you hear that?
Albert can do
the rope trick.

Well, I can.

that's a laugh.

Albert, it takes many,
many years of practice
to learn how to do that stunt.

I mean,
I know it can
look easy but...

Albert: you don't
understand, marco.

I really can do it.

I'm not trying
to pretend that I'm
something I'm not.


Well, if you can do it,
what are you sitting around
here talking about it for?

Just do it.

There's a bunch
of rope behind
the store.

All right,
I will.

Come on, I'll
get the rope.

don't do it.

Take my word.

Water makes
a big difference.

It can be
very dangerous.

No. That kind of thing
really makes me mad.

Come on.

How long can you
hold your breath?

I don't know.
Way more than
a minute.

It'll be less when
you're working
on the ropes.

Even so,
take your time.

All right.

Are you sure
you can do this?

Yes, of course
I'm sure.
Just watch me.

All right.
Do it in
shallow water.

Well, then it's
not dangerous.

I want
to show them.

That you can
do the trick?

What difference does it
make if you do it in
deep water or shallow?

-None, I guess.
-All right, then.

Yeah, let's go.

The water is so murky,
I can't see him.

What if he
can't make it?

I tied the rock
real loose.
The water's shallow.

I can get him out.

It's been too long.

No, I knew guy once who
could stay underwater
for 5 minutes.

Marco, something's
got to be wrong.

I'll get him.

[Cheering and applause]

We knew you
could do it,

You did it!

You ok?

Yeah, I'm fine!

I'm great!

I'm great!

I don't believe it.
I just don't believe it.

And what made you do
a thing like that?

I just knew
I could.

You also know you
could have died?

Oh, it was
shallow water.

Charles: it was
plain stupid!

Well, what's
stupid about it?

I did it, that's
the important thing.
I did it.

And if you didn't?
You could have died.

Now, that may not
seem important to
you, but it is to me.

let's let albert

Get out of these
wet clothes,
then we can talk.


The boy hasn't got the brains
to blow himself up with.

Gambini: don't hold
the pole so tight.

Just let it lay
in your hands.

That's it.
That's it!

When you feel
the rhythm,

You just go
slow and steady.

Slow and steady.

Don't grip
it so hard.

Let the pole
help you balance.

I'm sorry.
I don't know
if I'll ever

Make it across
in one try.

Oh, you will,
you have
the feel for it.

You see, it's like
everything else.

It takes practice,
practice, practice,

And then, soon,
there will be
nothing to it.

And then, one day,
you will go up there
for the first time,

And it will be
like you were
born there.

I'm afraid that day
is never going to come.

Albert: pa.
You've been
here long?

I've been here
long enough.

Mr. Gambini,
we haven't met,
I'm charles ingalls.

Nice to meet you.

Ah, mr. Ingalls,
there is a problem?

Well, I'm
trying to
avoid one.

Did my son tell
you that he almost
drowned yesterday

Trying to
imitate one of
your stunts?

-I didn't.
-He told me he succeeded.

By a matter
of seconds.

With us, it's
always seconds.

And you don't care
that you influenced
a 14-year-old boy

To risk his life?

Pa, you don't

I'm talking
to mr. Gambini!

Gambini: please.

Mr. Ingalls,
I mean no disrespect,

But I must agree
with your son,

You don't understand.

When we take
a performance,
is always a risk.

Well, you risk your
life, mr. Gambini.

My son is going
to be a doctor,
not a patient.


I don't want to talk
about it anymore.

Put the pole down and
get your shoes on!

Mr. Ingalls,
I understand.

It is
a father's duty

To do
what is right
for his child.

I will not
oppose you
on this.

I thank you
for that.

Come on, you've
got chores.

Sorry I'm late,
papa, I had some
schoolwork to finish.

I'm really sorry
I'm late, papa.

I know it's not
the first time.

Guess you must be
pretty mad at me.

No, marco,
I'm not mad.

Go check the rigging,
we have much practice.

I heard.

The man is right.

I lied to myself
for a long time

About stefano
and marco.

Then I see
the excitement,

The spark in another
man's son and...

Fatto male.

I am the last
gambini the great.

Yes, I have
known that
a long time.

That means I have
to work harder
than ever before.

Anna rosa, amore,
I have to break
my promise to you.

I am going to put...

I'm going to put
the coffin act
back into the show.

Rudolpho, no.

Don't worry.

I figured out
what went wrong.

This time
it will work.

Harriet: nels!


Isn't this

-Very nice.
-Yes, dear, try it on.

There's no
need to, I'm not
going to use it.


I'm not going to
be the ringmaster,
that's all.

But why?

For the same
reason I don't
attend hangings.

All anybody
wants to see are
injuries or death.

Nels, what on earth
are you talking about?

That man is
a dangerous

And I don't want
any part of it.

A lot of people
agree with me, too.

reverend alden,
doc baker...

What on earth
am I supposed to do?

Now, I have all I can
do to try to get help
with the band and...

what am I supposed to do
for a new ringmaster?

I don't know,
I'm sorry.

I'll do it.

Young lady,
I don't want
to see you

Anywhere near
that show.

Nels oleson,
you can go so far
and no further.

Why, that's
an absolutely
marvelous idea,

And she will do it.

Come along,

We'll cut the coat
down right now.

How long?

One minute,
12 seconds.

Ah, too long.
We have to get
under a minute.

Come, we try again.

It looks like you
kind of let your
chores pile up, huh?

Come on, son,
don't ignore
me like that.

I've got nothing
to say is all.

-Fair enough.


Can I at least go
see the show tonight?


No, I'd rather
you didn't.

Be ready
in a minute.

Papa, I don't want
you to do the flaming
coffin tonight.

Don't talk

You were
too slow today.

You know it
and so do i.

I will be quicker.

Papa, you're
too old to be
risking your life...

I'm not too old!

I am gambini
the great.

Risking my life
is what I do.

It is all I
know how to do.

Honey, have you
seen albert?


He's not in the barn.

You don't
suppose he went
to that show?

I think that's
exactly where he went.

I'll be back
as soon as I can.

[Drum roll]
and now, ladies
and gentlemen!

For his final
act of daring,

That fearless
daredevil without peer,

Gambini the great,
will perform

The incredible
flaming coffin!


[Applause and cheering]

Can gambini free
himself from being
burned alive?

Is it even

Watch and you
shall see!

[Applause and cheering]

May I have volunteers to
help me cover the coffin?

Charles: mrs. Oleson,
have you seen albert?

No, no, no,
I haven't.

Oh, isn't it

They're getting
ready to burn him.

Marco: gentlemen,
we are ready.

Light the stack.

This is the most
exciting thing
I've ever seen.


It's too long.

[People yelling]



Rev. Alden:
earth to earth,

Ashes to ashes,
dust to dust,

In sure
and certain hope

Of the resurrection
to eternal life

Through our lord
jesus christ,

Who shall change
our vile body

So that it may be likened
unto his glorious body,

According to
the magic workings

Wherein he is
able to subdue

All things
to himself.


I'm so sorry,
mrs. Gambini.

Anything we can
do to help...

I can't believe
he's gone, pa.

I never thought
anything could
happen to him.

He was gambini
the great.

He could
do anything.

He was...

He was a hero.


There's another
hero in walnut
grove, you know?

Doc baker.

Every time he saves
a human life,
he's a hero.

Oh, I'm sure he
doesn't think of
himself that way,

Other folks do.

I'm going to
be a doctor, pa.

The best
I can be.

Let's go home, son.