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08x05 - A Wiser Heart

Posted: 02/16/22 06:56
by bunniefuu
I came to walk you home
on your last day of school.

I'm about as ready
for a vacation
as my students are.

We got a real interesting
letter from eliza jane.

Oh, what she
have to say?

She's going to
a new college in arizona.


She's going to take
a class there
this summer.

And she'd like you
to consider taking
the class, too.


She sent along this
outline for you.

"Great american

Walt whitman,
mark twain..."

look at this.

"Ralph waldo

"In person, to
deliver a lecture
to the student body."

Ralph waldo emerson!

I think that if we
can manage it,
you ought to go.


You heard me.
Your eyes lit up
like it was christmas,

The fourth of july,
and your birthday

All wrapped up
into one package.

Can you imagine?

I mean, actually
sitting there
and listening to

The real, live
ralph waldo emerson.

Well, actually, laura,
I can't imagine it.

But if you can,
I think you ought
to be there.

I'd love to, manly,

But we can't afford
to send me all
the way to arizona.


Eliza jane said
there'd be part-time
teaching jobs,

And you two
can room together.

Well, we'll have
to think about it.

I mean, we're
going to have
to sit down

And go over
our finances.

And then we're going
to have to discuss

The benefits and
the drawbacks...

And then pack
my suitcase
so I can go!


Did you have
a good sleep?

Yes. headed
to arizona?


Mort carstairs
is the name.

Laura wilder.

Let me guess.

Laura wilder...

Happily married,
dedicated teacher

About to embark on
an exciting adventure--

A summer
away at school.

How did you know
all that?


You mean, I'm right?


See, I was hoping
I was wrong

About the happily
married part, heh.

Well, in that case,
we'll just have
to become

Close friends
and confidants.

Is this your first
time at summer school?


Hardly my first.

I do this about
once every
two years.

You must
like school
an awful lot.

Oh, no,
not really.

You see, I go to
summer school

When I get fired
from a teaching

You'd be surprised
how many contacts

You can make at
a college seminar.

You just got
fired then?

Afraid so.

I don't know
what it is
about me.

is going fine,

And all of
a sudden, wham--

It happens.

I open
my big mouth

And I insult

Why do you do that?

I don't do it
on purpose.

In fact, sometimes
I don't even know
that I've done it

I get fired.

Then I pack
my bags and

I go to school,
get another job.

It's not a bad way
to live once you
get used to it.

You want
something from
the butcher boy?

Yes, a cup of
coffee with cream.

Okay, I'll be
right back.

[Bell chiming]


Oh! I can't believe
you're here!

I was so afraid
would come up

That would stop
you from coming.

But here you are!

I can hardly
believe it myself.

[Clears throat]

Oh. This is
mortimer carstairs.

He's going to be
taking our seminar, too.

Mortimer, this is
my sister-in-law,
eliza jane wilder.

-How do you do?
-How do you do?

Mort just got fired.

Now, laura, let's
not hit her with all
my charms at once.

You don't want
to overwhelm her.
Heh heh.

I'm very pleased
to meet you,
miss wilder.

We better get you
to your room.

Let me
carry your bag.

Thank you.

Eliza: cabby!


We'll go to
our room first,

Then we'll check on
that job you
wrote me about.

You'll love the school.

It's very different
from walnut grove,
you know.

I guess we'll
see you later.

Certainly looking
forward to that.

200 Main street,

Laura wilder?


Well, I'm miss ott.

We spoke
on the phone.

How do you do?

I am so sorry,

But right now there
are no tutoring
positions available.

But you said there'd
be no problem.

Well, when a job
comes in,

I'm sure you'll have
no problem filling it.

When do you think
that will be?

Well, I can't
exactly say.

But why don't you
check in with us

Thank you.

I'm sure something
will turn up
right away.

It'll just take
a day or two.

Come on, I'm taking
you to dinner--
my treat.

That should take
your mind off work
for one night.

[General chatter]

Ladies, your
table's ready.

I wish almanzo were
here to see this.

You should enjoy
every moment--


I'm so sorry.

Are you
all right?

Eliza jane?

I think
she's in shock.


No. I'm fine.

clumsy of me.

Can you
forgive me?

No harm done.

As long as you're
all right,

I'll leave you, then,
to your dinner.

your table.

Oh. Yes.

Eliza jane,
are you sure
you're all right?

Oh, yes.

Do you believe
in love at first
sight, laura?

I suppose.

I think this
is going to be

The best summer
of our lives.

And then, by
the time I was 12,

I knew that what I
really wanted to be

Was a great inventor.

Imagine my

When I discovered
that everything
I wanted to invent

Had already
been invented.


Am I late?

Not yet. Well,
did you get a job?

Washing dishes.

Well, there's nothing
wrong with a little
honest labor.

Only I don't get
paid for 3 weeks.

On the other hand,
there's nothing wrong

With a little
honest cash.

Well, don't you worry
about a thing.

I bought the books
you'll need.

You'll just share mine
until you get paid.

-Thank you.
-Laura, it's him!

It's him!

Maybe he'll
take our seminar.

Come on.

Wait for me.

[General chatter]

He's teaching
the seminar!

"Great american

I beg your pardon?

Is this the great
american writers

That's right.

And you're
the professor?


Don't I know you
from somewhere?

We bumped into
each other last night
at the restaurant.

Oh, yes.
Of course.

be seated.

There goes
the ball game.


Oh, nothing.

Good morning,
ladies and gentlemen.

My name is
professor woestehoff.

That's 3 syllables.
Do your best.

Welcome to "great
american writers."

I was 14 when I first
discovered novels.

Knowing for a while
there nobody could get
my nose out of a book.

I was convinced that I
was destined to become

One of the great
american writers.

It took to me 3 years
to realize that all I
was going to be was

One of the great
american readers.

Well, I must leave you,
fair ladies, for my
next class.

When you're looking
for a job, you can't
meet too many people.

-Good luck.

Laura, I want
to ask you a favor.

You know I wouldn't
ask you a favor

Unless it was
really important.

Sure. What is it?

I want you to invite
william to join us
for dinner.

Eliza jane...

I'd ask him myself, but
it wouldn't be proper.

You're married. It would
be perfectly all right
for you to invite him.

Besides, you have such
a nice way with people.

I'd just stammer and make
a mess of it, I know it.

But we don't
have a kitchen.

How can we invite
anyone for dinner?

We'll go to
the restaurant.

I can't
afford that.

It's my treat.

I don't know.

Oh, please, laura.
Just one meal.
What could it hurt?

I guess it'll
be all right.

Oh, thank you, laura.

It will
be all right.

It'll be wonderful!


There he is.

Go on.

What did he say?



Thank you.

I don't know why
we had to ask mortimer
carstairs to join us.

I think he's
very nice.

He just never
stops talking.

Oh, good.
You're back.

Anyway, as I
was saying,

Who knows what
the effect of steam
engine will be,

Say, a hundred
years from now?

Who can ever
know that?

If you want to
stand in the way
of progress,

Go ahead and try.

I don't want
to stop progress,

Just slow it down
a little.

[Laura laughs]

I can't remember
an evening I've
enjoyed more.

How did you ever get
ralph waldo emerson
to speak here?

Are you friends?

Yes, indeed. We've
spent a good deal
of time together.

and he'll be here
in just 3 weeks.

Well, I hope you
didn't come just
because of emerson.

There's going
to be a good deal
of class work

Before he arrives,
and after he leaves,
for that matter.

How would you
like to go to

The art exhibit
on friday afternoon?

I work afternoons.

Well, it's open late.
We could go
in the evening.

I guess we could.
Eliza jane?

We accept!

I might have known
you would appreciate

Fine art, william.

Well, you know,
I'm no expert
in the area myself,

But I don't mind
tagging along.

That's great. I'm
sure we'll all have
a wonderful time.

I'll get the check.


I guess you
didn't know
I did birdcalls.

-I didn't know that.


I do lots of them.


[Knock on door]

Come in.

Shut the door.

Mrs. Pierce?

I'm laura wilder,
your new dishwasher.

You don't look
very strong.


Follow me.

Better get
started out on these

Before the lunch dishes
start coming in.

These are just
the breakfast dishes?

If you can't
do the work,

You'd better say
so right now.

I don't carry
any slackers
on my payroll.

I can do the work.

All right.

You get paid
at the end of
the first 3 weeks

And then again,
at the end of
the second 3 weeks.

We let you have one
meal a day here--
only the special.

And you are
to remain on duty

Until every last
dish is sparkling.

Hi. I'm laura.

I'm pam.

Mrs. Pierce:
miss wilder.

Do you need
an invitation
to start working?

emerson was one of
the few literary men

To find merit in
whitman's strange book.

In fact, he was the only one
who read it at the time
it was first published.

But he's given it
great praise.

And I therefore feel
it is worth our
consideration as well.

The assignment for today
was "song of myself."

Laura, what can you
tell me about this poem?


Did you read it?

I started.

[Bell rings]

Well, for next time,
finish "leaves of grass,"

Begin twain's
"huckleberry finn,"

And read emerson's
"an american scholar."

It would be nice
if some of you

Were conversant
with his work
before he arrived.

Class dismissed.

Laura, I'd like
to see you
for a moment.

Laura, I'm sorry
I took the book
with me this morning.

I thought you
had finished.

That's all right.
You had to read it, too.

This book-sharing
idea isn't working out
very well.

I'll wait for you

I'm sorry
I was late today.

I started a new job
and had no idea.

I'll be with you
in just a moment.

Why don't you
sit down?

Well, I don't know
if you've noticed,

But we seem to have
become a foursome.

the art exhibit.

Oh, if you'd like to go
to the exhibit alone

With eliza jane,
I understand.

To tell you the truth,
I could use the time
to study.

You don't know
that it's you
I want to see?

Mr. Woestehoff,
I'm married.

Last night, we talked
about my husband
at dinner.

I don't understand
the problem.

I'm married, too.

Please, don't look at me
af if I just asked you

To sell your soul
to the devil.

I just want us to
have a candlelight

Or two,

Enjoy each other's
company in
a romantic setting.

I can assure you it
would be quite harmless.

I couldn't do that.

You are just on
the verge of awakening.

But you've got to
put your small town
values behind you

And learn all
the wonderful things

That the world has
in store for you.

I'd like to teach you
some of those things.

That's not what
I came here
to learn!

So, you turned out to be
a provincial after all.

If there's
nothing else...

I think that you'd
be well advised

To give this matter
some more thought.

It'd be a shame
for you to spend
so much time

And effort on your
schoolwork only
to fail the seminar.


If you change
your mind, you
know where I am.

Leave the door open
on your way out.

[Door slams]


Eliza jane,
what are you
doing here?

If mrs. Pierce
finds you, she'll
have your scalp.

What do you mean
what am I
doing here?

What are you
still doing here?

You're going
to make us late
for the art exhibit.

I'm not going.

What do you mean?
Of course
you're going.

You have to go!

I can't go.

But you promised.

I didn't promise.
I said I would go,
but I can't now.

It's all
there is to it.

I don't understand
what's come over
you, laura.

Mrs. Pierce:
miss wilder.

This is not
a social hall!

You know you are not
supposed to have
guests while at work!

I'm sorry,
mrs. Pierce, i--

-Why won't you go?
-Because I don't want to.

I am speaking
to you, miss--

Don't worry,
I'm leaving!

Eliza jane!

I've never
known you to be
so selfish, laura.

It's no wonder it
takes you so long
to do the work.

I had thought
that you were just
naturally slow,

But now I see
that you've been
entertaining guests

On my time!

I haven't been
entertaining guests!
I just--


And breaking
my dishes, too,
I see.

Well, we'll just
have to deduct that
from your pay!


I stopped kicking
that sink a long
time ago.

I hate this summer!

Don't feel so bad.

You only
have to do this
for the summer.

I got to do it
all year round.

Is she always
like that?

No. She was bright
and cheery once.

I think it was
on a tuesday.

Somebody she hated
just died.


How goes
the working class?



You look like
you could use
some cheering up.

I have a present
for you.

Books you need
for class.

You shouldn't have.

I don't want to hear
a word about it.

You need these
books now,

Not someday
down the road
when you get paid.

You just put them
to good use.

I'll pay you as
soon as I get paid.

You do nothing
of the sort.

They're a present.
Come on. I'll walk
you halfway.

So, I understand we're
not going to the art
exhibit after all, huh?


That's too bad.

Well, not that I care
that much about art,

But I do so enjoy
talking to eliza jane.

I've never met a woman
with so many opinions.

Mort, can I ask
you a question?


It's sort of
a "what if"


Well, what if you
had this friend,

And this friend
was in love
with someone,

And that someone



And you didn't want
to be around them

But your friend
thought you were
just being selfish.

What would you do?

What would I do?

Well, it sounds
kind of complicated.

But I would talk it
over with my friend.

I mean, there's
nothing that
you can't solve

If you're willing
to talk it over.

It's awful hard
to talk about.

Yeah, I can see that.

But if you want to
save your friendship,

I think you've
got to try.

Yeah, I guess
you're right.

Now, let me ask
you a question
about eliza jane.

Does she like flowers?


Of course she does.

I think daisies are
her favorite.

Why do you ask?

Oh, well, you see, I'm
still working on a plan
to get her to notice

What a truly spectacular
person I am.

But since
arrived here,

It's taking
a concerted effort,

Let me tell you.

Well, I think you're
a truly spectacular

I wish eliza jane
would take a lesson
or two from you.

I'm glad
you're here.

I'm not. I'd
much rather be
at the exhibit

Than sitting here
in this tiny room
by myself.

Eliza jane--

I've been thinking
all afternoon.

And your behavior
doesn't make any sense.

I know I didn't
explain things
very well--

You have everything.

A husband
who loves you,

A teaching position
near all your family
and friends.

You've never spent
a lonely moment
in your life.

That's not true!

Why you would want
to come between me

And my chance for
a little happiness
is absolutely beyond me.

I don't want to come
between you and your
chance for happiness!

If you want to spend
some time alone with
william, go ahead.

I just don't want
to go along.

You know as well as I do
william is too much
of a gentleman

To spend time
with me alone.

It would compromise
my reputation.

I don't think he's
half the gentleman
you think he is.

I won't stand here
and listen to you
insult him.

I just don't think
you're looking at him
very clearly.

How I look at william
is my own business.

Where are
you going?

I have an engagement!

So much for talking.

Ladies and gentlemen,
it's time, please.

Take your seats
as quickly as possible.

Thank you very much.

Laura, were you able
to get around to the
reading assignment today?

Yes, sir.

And what does mr. Emerson
have to say to us

About the role
of the scholar?

He says that the
scholar's purpose

Is to observe life
and to help others
see the truth

When things get
a little confusing.


And that...
Trusting yourself

Is the first step
to understanding

That's a very simple
view of the essay,
isn't it?

It's my view.


Ralph waldo emerson

Is the most cosmopolitan
of american writers.

His style is allusive
and his allusions are
to a body of literature

Which is known to
but a few.

And certainly
his thoughts,

His messages
are appealing

To the commonest
classes among us,

But understood...

only by a few.

Someday, laura,
when you're older,

And you've had
more experience,

You may see
for yourself

How simplistic
your answer really is.

I'm not paying you
to read, miss.

Oh, I'm not reading.
I'm washing.

I mean, I'm washing
and reading,

But I can do both
at once.

You call this
plate clean?

I'm sorry. I'm sure
it's the only one.

Well, I guess we just
won't take that chance,
will we?


You can pick
your book up
after work.

And I've a good mind
to dock you

For the time
you've wasted

What are you looking at?


Then get back to work.

"Wake them
and they shall..."

I didn't mean
to wake you.

It's all right.
I had to finish

Laura, I'm sorry
for the way I've
been treating you.

I've been terribly rude
and there's simply
no excuse for it.

You tried to explain
to me why you wouldn't
go to the art exhibit,

And I wouldn't
even listen.

Well, I'm ready
to listen

If you still
want to talk.

Of course I do.


This isn't
easy for me.

The other day,
when I had to
stay after class--

[Knock on door]

Who on earth?

Eliza jane wilder?


These are for you.

Oh, thank you.


"Your secret admirer."

They're from william.


Are you sure?

Of course, who else
would send them?


Oh, don't be silly.
If they were from mort,

He would have just
signed his name
flat out.

Mort? But william...

William understands

The subtle art
of courtship.

Eliza jane...

The other day,
when william kept
me after class,

He didn't
want to discuss
my school work.

He wanted to talk
about candlelight dinners.

Just william and me.

That's not true.

I swear it is.

Laura, you

You're from
a small town.

You don't understand

The way more
people talk.

I understood

You're married!

You're lying!

Eliza jane!

Mort: laura!

Where are you off to?

I was just coming
over to see if
my flowers arrived.


What's the matter?

Did I do
something wrong?

No. I just want
to go back to my room.

I know what it is.
I should have sent
you some flowers.

I'm sorry. It
didn't dawn on me.

Sometimes I can be
so insensitive.

No. It isn't that.

All right. Okay.

All right, tell me.
What did I do wrong?

It's not you.
It's me.

I've done
everything wrong.

I mean, I insisted
on coming here,

Even when we didn't
have the money.

Now I'm exhausted
at work,

I can't even keep up
with my studies,

And eliza jane
isn't speaking
to me anymore.

I just want
to go home.

I see.

But if I go home,
everybody is going to
think I'm a failure.

No one is going
to think you're
a failure.

Just because
you want to go
home, laura.


Not a soul.

Well, not a soul
except you.

You know
what I think?

I think that you're
bright enough

And determined
enough to succeed

If you just
keep trying.

Besides, what
about emerson?


You can't leave
till he gives
his lecture.

I hope I can last
until he gets here.

Well, I guess
you're the only one
that can decide that.


This is
more like it.

I see you're
finally getting
the hang of things.

Very nice.

Thank you.

Here's your pay
for the first 3 weeks.

Of course, I have
taken money out for
the dish you broke.

But I didn't deduct
anything for the time

I caught you reading
on the job.

Thank you.

You know, now that
you have finally learned

How we do things
around here,

I think you're going
to be very happy
working in the kitchen.

I'm sorry,
mrs. Pierce.

But you're going
to have to find

Someone to
replace me.


I've found that I
just don't have time
for my school work.

And to keep a job, too.

You can't quit
halfway through.

I came here
to go to school,

Not to spend
all of my time
in a kitchen.

I can do that
in walnut grove.

Don't you get
impudent with me,
young lady!

mrs. Pierce.

Just a moment.

I said that you can't
quit until I find
someone to replace you!

Let go of my arm!

Not until I'm finished!

You are finished!



Bye, pam.


Good luck to you.

Would you
like to dry?

Shut up.


Mort: laura!

So mrs. Pierce
decided to let her
slaves out, huh?

Oh, no. I now have
total freedom.
I quit my job.

Wait a minute. That
doesn't mean it's
time to go home, isn't it?

I made it this far.
I guess I can make it
to the final exam.

Good! Shall we?

We shall.

Oh, look,
there's eliza jane.

Maybe we could
sit with her.

I doubt it. She
hasn't spoken to me

Since the day those
daisies arrived.

That was two weeks ago.
She hasn't spoken to
you in two weeks?

That's right.

Come on.

Ladies and gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure
to introduce to you today

The greatest of all
american writers,

Mr. Ralph waldo emerson.


Thank you,
mr., Uh...


Of course.
Mr. Woestehoff.

I thought william
said they knew
each other.

I wouldn't take much
of what william says
at face value.

Men are all inventors

Sailing forth on
a voyage of discovery.

The power and resources
of man are benefited

By the observation
of every triumph

Of man over nature,

By every opportunity
of seeing that wisdom

Is better than strength.

To think I almost
missed that lecture.


I'm glad you
decided to stay.

Me, too.

You know, I've been
doing a lot of figuring
since we talked.

And if I'm
very, very careful,

I ought to be able
to make it through
the rest of the seminar

On the money
I've earned so far.

I've got to spend
more time on my studies

If I want to get
a passing grade.

You know, you got
a much better grasp
on the material

Than most people
in the class.

That's not
what william says.

Yeah, I know.

I don't know why
he turned on you
like that, laura.

You should know that it
has nothing to do with
the work you're doing.

Take it from me.
I used to teach
this class.

I just hope I pass
the final.

I wonder if I might
have a word with you.


I just wanted
to thank you
for the daisies.

The daisies?

I know I should
have said something

When they first arrived,

But I'm a bit
on the shy side

When it comes
to married men.

-Miss wilder, i--
-please, let me finish.

I know you're married,

But I've decided
it doesn't matter,

Not when you really
care about someone.


I didn't realize you
were having a conference.

Emily, I'll be with you
in just a moment.

Of course,
daisies are my
favorite flower.

That's fine.

I'm glad
you like them.

I really can't keep
miss powers waiting
any longer.

So if you'll
excuse me.

Of course.

You did send
the flowers,
didn't you?

Miss wilder...

I don't have the
slightest idea what
you're talking about.

Excuse me.
I'm sorry.


I thought
I'd find you here.

You know,
laura is worried
half sick about you.

I suppose I should have
left her a note.

I suppose so.

You want to tell me
why you're leaving town
in such a hurry?

It's complicated.

Try me.

you had a friend,

And you thought
this friend had done
a terrible thing,

And you were rude
and awful to her,

And then you
found out you
were the one

Who had done
the terrible thing
to begin with.

Wouldn't you want
to go away?


I've been so
terrible to laura.

I don't even know
what to say to her.

You know, eliza jane,
you've never been

At a loss for words
around me.

You'll think of something.

You will.

Laura, I've behaved
absolutely abominably.

And I would understand
if you never wanted to
speak to me again,

But I hope
you'll forgive me
so we can be friends.

I've missed you.

I'm so glad
to see you.

You were right
about william.

He was never
interested in me.

I made such a fool
out of myself.

I don't know how I
can ever go back
into that classroom.

We're going to go
back together.

And we're going to
work hard and study,

And we're going
to pass that final.

You're not going
to let him ruin our
summer, are you?

No, I'm not.

I'm going to pass out
your final exam papers.

Some of you did very well.

If you have any questions,
I'll be happy to answer them.


Yeah, a little.

I don't think I did
very well at all.

I don't care how
I did as long as

He recommends me
for a job.

A "b."
That's not so bad.

How'd you do, laura?

Mr. Woestehoff,

I'd like to talk
to you about my grade...

After class.

If you have
questions, laura,

You may
ask them now.

I don't

That's correct.
You don't.

You don't understand
whitman, you don't
understand emerson,

And from your
final exam,

It's quite clear
that you do not
understand mark twain,

Which is why
I had to fail you.

Uh, excuse me.

But I think you
made a mistake.

I've made
a what?

Uh, well, see, I was
just looking over
laura's paper here,

And, uh...

Well, it's perfect.

I don't know
how could you say

That she doesn't
understand twain.
I mean--

Certainly entitled
to your opinion,
mr. Carstairs,

But I am
the professor

And, I might remind
you, a graduate of
yale university.

Oh. Well, that
explains it.

See, I'm a harvard
man myself.


And I did my
work at cambridge.

Oh. I was at oxford.

I think it's
pretty clear that

I know more about
this than you do.

Captain of the
debating team--

Two years.

Literary magazine--

Editor, 3 years.


Perhaps you'd like
to step outside and
settle this like a man?

Not really.

I thought not.

But I will.

Students: oh.

Well, I guess
I insulted him.

We've got
to stop him!
He could get hurt!

Mort, don't do this.
It's crazy.

I've made up
my mind.

Hold my coat.
Oh, my glasses.

I hope this is going
to be a lesson
to you, carstairs,

Because you're
an insufferable,
odious lout!

Uh, I may be
an insufferable,
odious lout,

But I'm one heck
of a boxer.

It goes without saying
that you'll be getting no
recommendation from me!

Yeah, of course.
It's the story
of my life.

Students: aww!

I'm real sorry.

Don't worry.

will turn up.

There's a position
open at my school...

If you don't mind
moving to minneapolis.

Will you be there?

Of course
I'll be there!
I teach there!

Then I'd be honored
to apply for the job.

And I'd be honored
to recommend you.

Laura, I do hope
you're not sorry
that you came.

I wouldn't have
missed this summer
for the world.

Even though
you failed
the seminar?

Well, it would have
been nicer if I've
gotten a better grade,

But learning is more
important than grades,

And I have learned
a lot.

All aboard!

I do hate leaving
you here all alone.

My train leaves
in just an hour.

You better go.

Good luck in
minneapolis, mort.

I have a feeling

Everything's going
to work out just fine.

-Good-bye, laura.


Laura, don't
forget to write!

I won't!

I'd like one ticket
to walnut grove, please.

Would that be
a round trip ticket?

Oh, no. One way.
I'm going home.

[Steam whistle]