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22x06 - The Mark of the Rani - part 2

Posted: 11/13/04 00:43
by bunniefuu


Part Two

Original Air Date: 9 February 1985
Running time: 44:32

STEPHENSON: Are tha hurt? Harmed at all?


JACK: Hold it, Jackie.

JACK: Come on, Jackie.

DOCTOR: A trifle cramped.

STEPHENSON: Ah, tha would be.

DOCTOR: It's these straps.

STEPHENSON: Aye, I suppose. Intriguing.

DOCTOR: The straps? Oh, it's a long story.

STEPHENSON: Hey, this metal. I've ne'er seen the like of it afore. Dost know what foundry forged it?

DOCTOR: George Stephenson, I presume?

STEPHENSON: Aye, I'm Stephenson.

DOCTOR: Absolutely delighted to meet you, sir. If you'd be so kind as to undo the straps?

STEPHENSON: Of course. Forgive me. T'were metal that took me attention.

PERI: Run, Doctor, run!

DOCTOR: Stephenson, we've got to get away.

STEPHENSON: Follow me.

RAVENSWORTH: Here, take this. Round up all the able-bodied men you can find and search this pit. I want every one of those scoundrels hunted down.

RAVENSWORTH: You, pull yourself together, man, and get back on the gate. Nobody enters or leaves. That's an order!

LUKE: Mister Stephenson!


DOCTOR: Somewhat unorthodox entry.

STEPHENSON: Owner's notion.

DOCTOR: Lord Ravenswood?

STEPHENSON: Aye. He thought we'd best be prepared lest the Luddite riots started here. Seems he were right.

DOCTOR: Except these weren't Luddites.

STEPHENSON: They're not?

DOCTOR: That's what you were supposed to think.

STEPHENSON: Then why did they attack thee?

DOCTOR: Thought I was attending this meeting of yours.

STEPHENSON: For that they were prepared to k*ll thee?

DOCTOR: Afraid so. Not just me, either.

STEPHENSON: What? Tha means Davy, Faraday and t'others are in danger? I find that difficult to credit.

DOCTOR: You disappoint me. A practical man, and yet you refuse to believe the evidence of your own eyes?

PERI: It's not the first time they've tried to k*ll the Doctor.

LUKE: Aye, tis truth, Mister Stephenson.

STEPHENSON: Oh. Dost thou think we should cancel meeting?

DOCTOR: Don't you?

STEPHENSON: Pity. I suspect thee's contribution would have put cat or two among pigeons.

PERI: Oh, Doctor, now that's sorted out, don't you think we should do something about trying to get to the TARDIS?

DOCTOR: When it's safe.

LUKE: When the Doctor were att*cked again.

PERI: Yes, Luke?

LUKE: Was, did me father take part?

LUKE: I asked me mam about that red mark on his neck. She'd ne'er seen it. She knew nowt about it. Do you know what caused it?

STEPHENSON: Right, Luke, take this to his Lordship.

LUKE: Aye. Dost mind if I also seek me da?

STEPHENSON: Course not, lad.

DOCTOR: Luke, be careful. Your father's not the man he was.

STEPHENSON: Oh, I'd nay like anything happen to Luke. Lad's got great future. I was down pit at nine. Never had much schooling. But Lord Ravensworth's seen to it that Luke's been well taught. He'll outshine me.

LUKE: Hey, Tim! Tim Bass! Has't tha seen me da?

BASS: He'll want nowt to do with thee, Luke. Not as long as tha's working with that Stephenson.

LUKE: But why? He's nay objected afore.

BASS: Aye, he do now. Assistant? Traitor more like. Out of the road.

MASTER: Excuse me, young man. I've been summoned here by Lord Ravensworth. Can you tell me where I might find him?

RANI: Be careful. Josh, help him.

MASTER: Luke, I want you to swallow this very special sweetmeat.

MASTER: Splendid.

MASTER: Thomas Telford, Michael Faraday, Humphry Davy, Marc Brunel. An impressive role of honour. Luke, this meeting is not to be cancelled. Do you understand?

LUKE: I understand.

MASTER: If anyone tries to prevent it, you destroy them. Is that clear?

LUKE: That is clear.

MASTER: Anyone. Anyone at all.

STEPHENSON: The key is more power. Now, if I can increase that, speed of fifteen, even twenty mile and hour will be possible. Now, power is the problem.

PERI: Doctor, there is a more pressing problem.

DOCTOR: Peri's right. I'll talk to you later, Stephenson. Come on.

DOCTOR: My dear fellow.

JACK: Ready? Follow me.


GUARD: Let the lass go or I'll blow your brains out.

PERI: Doctor!

GUARD: Jack Ward, you stay where you are!

DOCTOR: You do make a mess of that pretty dress.

PERI: But how?

DOCTOR: Peripheral vision,

RANI: At last you're back, you incompetent egoist. Give me my phial.

MASTER: This? The precious brain fluid? And I thought you were waiting for me.

RANI: If I didn't need that desperately, I'd have put light years between us.

MASTER: What better reason could I have for keeping it?

RANI: You'll play that card once to often. With you on the scene, I might be wiser to cut my losses and go.

MASTER: Perhaps this will make you change your mind. Read it.

RANI: The meeting's been cancelled?

MASTER: No, it was never delivered.

RANI: Well

MASTER: You disappoint me. A scientist and you're not thinking objectively. Davy, Faraday, Telford and others. Over twenty men of genius. Have you no conception of what we could achieve if we control them? Harness their genius, and this planet could become the platform for the most devastating power in the universe.

RANI: You're forgetting, I already rule a planet. Miasimia Goria.

MASTER: Help me, and I promise you all the facilities you need. Instead of sneaking back here in disguise, you'll be able to set up a laboratory and process as many humans as you choose. A hundred, a thousand, there are millions of them.

RANI: What guarantee would I have?

MASTER: My need. That unique box of parasites will not go far. Only you have the formula.

RANI: The Time Lords will never permit it.

MASTER: Who's going to alert them?

RANI: Indeed. We must hurry.

MASTER: Haven't you overlooked something? You can hardly take them out onto the streets.

RANI: No, you're right, I can't.

MASTER: The Mark of the Rani.

GUARD: I caught these two, my lord.

RAVENSWORTH: Only two? What about the others?

GUARD: I don't know, my lord.

RAVENSWORTH: They must have got away. Confound it.

JACK: Good luck to them.

RAVENSWORTH: Be quiet, Ward! My orders were to round up the whole lot of them.

JACK: We haven't finished yet.

RAVENSWORTH: I said that's enough.

GUARD: Drop that, Jack, or I'll blow thee to pieces.

RAVENSWORTH: Now sit on it. My mistake's been trying to deal with this rabble myself. I should have sent for the militia long before now. Tie them up.

STEPHENSON: Tha's delivered note?

LUKE: Aye.

STEPHENSON: What's his Lordship say?

LUKE: Nowt.

STEPHENSON: Shouldn't think he were too well pleased. Happen I should have gone meself, explained. In t'office, is he?

LUKE: Nay. Tha stay put. I'll fetch him to thee. Tis safer that way.

STEPHENSON: Thanks, Luke. Tha's a real thoughtful lad.

RAVENSWORTH: Ah, Luke. I want to have a word with Stephenson about this meeting.

LUKE: He's nay in t'workshop, your Lordship.

RAVENSWORTH: No? Where is he then?

LUKE: Down pit. Wanted to arrange for visitors to see demonstration. What about meeting, my lord?

RAVENSWORTH: Well, in my opinion it should be called off. All this uncontrolled v*olence. We have no right to subject these men to such danger.

LUKE: Mister Stephenson don't see any danger.

RAVENSWORTH: He doesn't?

LUKE: Going to be fair disappointed he is if meeting doesn't take place.


LUKE: Eager to show off his latest engine.

RAVENSWORTH: Well, that's somewhat selfish reasoning.

LUKE: Not if he's convinced they'll come to nay harm, your Lordship.

RAVENSWORTH: He's convinced, you say?

LUKE: Aye.

RAVENSWORTH: Yes, well, George Stevenson has always enjoyed my complete trust. On his head be it. However, be sure to tell him what I say.

LUKE: Aye. I will.

PERI: Oh, Doctor, you can't be serious. You've only just escaped from there!

DOCTOR: The victim returns to the scene of the crime.

PERI: Look, Doctor, let's be sensible. Concentrate on getting the TARDIS out of the pitshaft, instead of shoving our necks into the noose again.


PERI: Look, what if the Master and that awful Rani are inside?

DOCTOR: They won't be.

PERI: How can you be so sure?

DOCTOR: Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once.

PERI: And what about that other piece you're so fond of quoting? Discretion is the better part of valour?

DOCTOR: Hmm. Interesting fellow, the Bard. Must see him again sometime. Ah ha!

DOCTOR: Control panel? Most unsophisticated. Not worthy of the Rani.

PERI: Is he? The Master.

DOCTOR: No, more likely the Rani's handiwork. No, don't come any further. The Rani's quite capable of leaving some very unpleasant surprises behind.

PERI: Well, where do you reckon she's gone?

DOCTOR: Not far. The Master will ensure that. He has something she wants.

PERI: That red mark. What was she going to do to me?

DOCTOR: Drain the substance from your brain that enables you to sleep.

PERI: The result. Those poor men. Hasn't she any conscience?

DOCTOR: Like many scientists, I'm afraid the Rani simply sees us as walking heaps of chemicals. There's no place for the soul in her scheme of things.

MASTER: Why the devil did you bring us to this miserable dump?

RANI: I didn't bring you. You chose to come.

MASTER: Why here?

RANI: Because this was my original base.

MASTER: Did we have to walk? Couldn't we have used your TARDIS?

RANI: My TARDIS is performing a more important function.

MASTER: Is it too much to enquire what that function might be?

RANI: Yes.

PERI: How come you know the Rani?

DOCTOR: Same way as I know the Master.

PERI: But he's an exiled Time Lord.

DOCTOR: Exactly. Two of a kind. Odd. Very odd.

PERI: What is?

DOCTOR: Now, I would have said Turner's too passionate for the Rani's sterile taste.

PERI: Well, I guess she must have thought so too, since she hasn't taken it with her.

DOCTOR: Ah ha.

DOCTOR: Shall we?

PERI: Shall we what?

DOCTOR: See if we've misjudged the Rani.

DOCTOR: Dichlorodiethyl sulphide!

PERI: Dio what?

DOCTOR: Mustard gas. It's a k*ller!

PERI: I know.

DOCTOR: Don't breath it in. Whatever you do, don't breath it in!

DOCTOR: Masks.

PERI: Masks?

DOCTOR: The Rani's assistant.

DOCTOR: Thank you. Thank you, Peri. Street door.

PERI: Street door?

DOCTOR: Open it. Ventilation. Quickly.

PERI: Okay.

PERI: Hey, that's the key to the TARDIS!

PERI: But suppose the Rani's in there! Oh, no.

DOCTOR: Hmm. Embryos of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. She must have popped back to the Cretaceous age and picked up a few. Nasty creatures. Vicious teeth. Bite your leg off, chew it all up, bone and all, all in one go. Wonder what she wants with them?

DOCTOR: Peri, get out of here!

PERI: But you

DOCTOR: Don't argue. Move!


PERI: Doctor! Oh. Oh, now where's he gone?

DOCTOR: Incredible. Absolutely incredible. A TARDIS linked to a Stattenheim remote control. The Rani is a genius. Shame I can't stand her. I wonder if I was particularly nice to her, she might? No. No, no, of course not.

MASTER: Brilliant. You've discovered the means of operating a TARDIS by remote control. In tandem, you and I will rule the universe.

RANI: Shall we go inside?

MASTER: Do I detect a lack of enthusiasm?

RANI: Grandiose schemes of ruling the universe will mean nothing if that dilettante Doctor is still at large.

DOCTOR: (quietly) Dilettante?

RANI: The dratted man.

MASTER: Don't tell me you've botched something. What did you do, leave a trap for the Doctor? Is that why we couldn't use your TARDIS?

RANI: Here, take these.

MASTER: It's power was needed to operate the

RANI: Be careful.

MASTER: What are they?

RANI: Well, let's say that they'll change the Doctor's lifestyle.

MASTER: How? Will he suffer?

RANI: Well, I can promise you he'll never be the same again.

MASTER: Excellent. Why not k*ll two birds with one stone?

RANI: Who's the other one?

MASTER: George Stephenson.

RANI: How will that thr*aten the Doctor?

DOCTOR: How indeed?

RANI: I saw you give my parasites to Stephenson's assistant. I presume you gave him enough?

MASTER: Yes, he's completely under our control.

GUARD: Doesn't seem right, does it, my lord, seeing Jack Ward like this.

RAVENSWORTH: No. That Doctor fellow, he was on to something. Strange sort of chap. See if you can find him.

GUARD: Right, my lord.

GUARD: No sign of that Doctor, my lord, but I met his bonny lass.

RAVENSWORTH: Devil take you. It's the Doctor I wanted to see.

PERI: Well, that makes two of us.

RAVENSWORTH: You must have some idea of his whereabouts.

PERI: Oh, must I? He could be anywhere in the universe.

RAVENSWORTH: Make sense, girl. Calm down and think. He can't just have disappeared.

PERI: Oh, can't he?

RAVENSWORTH: The man must be found. We need his help.

PERI: I've more reason to find him than you have, otherwise I'm going to spend the rest of my days prancing around in these ridiculous skirts.

GUARD: I'd better go with you, lass. They'll never let you past the gate.

PERI: Don't bother. I'll take the back way to the old pit. It's the one place he'll have to return to, if he has any choice.

RAVENSWORTH: No, leave him be, leave him be. Get back on duty. And if you see young Luke, tell him we've got his father here.

GUARD: Right-o, my lord.

STEPHENSON: Oh! Tha startled me, Luke. You should know better than to creep up on folk. Tha's been wandering off a lot today, Luke. Why is that?

LUKE: It's Mister Faraday. There's been an attack.

STEPHENSON: Faraday? He's here in pit.

LUKE: Nay, his coach were overturned.

STEPHENSON: Is he hurt?

LUKE: Scared more like. Hiding out in Redfern Dell. Reckon tha should go to him, sir.

STEPHENSON: Tha dost? Make g*n ready, Luke.

PERI: I could have been stuck in the eighteen hundreds for ever.

DOCTOR: Did you really believe I'd abandon you?

PERI: So, what happened?

DOCTOR: Later. Where's Stephenson?

PERI: Haven't got a clue, but Lord Ravensworth wants to see you in his office. Ask him.

STEPHENSON: Give me that, Luke. Go to office. Tell his Lordship I'm off to Redfern Dell. I want as many men as he can spare. Make haste. Tis urgent.

DOCTOR: There's nothing I can do. These men need rest.


DOCTOR: They've been robbed of the power of sleep.

RAVENSWORTH: Robbed of the power? Oh, confound it, man, I don't understand what you're talking about.

DOCTOR: I haven't got time to explain now. Peri, stay here. See what you can do.

DOCTOR: Ah, Luke. I'm looking for Stephenson. Do you know where I can find him?

LUKE: Nay, sir.

RAVENSWORTH: Didn't he give you any idea where he'd be?

LUKE: Nay, my lord.

RAVENSWORTH: None at all?

LUKE: He never said nowt.

RAVENSWORTH: Now what's he up to?

DOCTOR: You expecting trouble?

STEPHENSON: Like as not. Got a message from Faraday. He's taken shelter in Redfern Dell.

DOCTOR: Message?

STEPHENSON: He's been att*cked.

DOCTOR: Luke brought you the message.

STEPHENSON: How'd you know that?

DOCTOR: Stephenson, it's not safe for you out there. Let me go.

STEPHENSON: But Faraday?

DOCTOR: If he's out there, I'll bring him to you. I promise.

STEPHENSON: Tha'd best take this.

DOCTOR: Oh, no thanks. I've given them up. g*ns can seriously damage your health, you know. Another thing. I can't explain but it is important. Don't trust Luke.

LUKE: Perhaps sleeping draught's the answer.

PERI: Well, at least it would sedate them.

RAVENSWORTH: Could you prepare one?

PERI: If I had the right herbs. Trouble is, I know absolutely nothing about the plant life in this area.

RAVENSWORTH: Well, I might be of some use to you there. I'm something of an amateur botanist myself. Ah.

RANI: If you value your miserable skin, keep clear.

PERI: That's what I need, valerian. Do you know it?

RAVENSWORTH: Valeriana officinalis. Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. It's an indigenous herb.

LUKE: Happen I can assist, my lord? Take Miss Peri to collect herbs?

RAVENSWORTH: Excellent idea, Luke. Just be careful where you go.

PERI: Yes, we don't want to bump into any of those

RAVENSWORTH: Quite, quite. But don't worry, young lady, you'll be in safe hands with Luke.

LUKE: I was thinking of Redfern Dell, my lord.

RAVENSWORTH: Splendid, splendid. I couldn't have suggested a better place myself. Now off you go.

PERI: Oh, will you tell the Doctor where I've gone?

MAN (OOV.): Hurry, lads. Here we are. Come on, then.

MASTER: How much longer are you going to be?

RANI: Be patient. Stay calm.

MASTER: I've waited too long for this moment to be calm. If you knew how often the Doctor's gone out of his way to sabotage my plans.

RANI: Except on this occasion he didn't go out of his way, did he? You contrived to get him here. Force the TARDIS off course, did you? Overrode the controls?

MASTER: Do you think this plan will work?

RANI: I don't make mistakes.

MASTER: If that were true you'd still be on Gallifrey. Ugh.

RANI: Experiments are always subject to the unexpected. They can be capricious.

MASTER: Capricious? Turning mice into monsters?

RANI: A marginal error, quickly corrected.

MASTER: The Time Lords didn't think so.

RANI: Petty spite on the part of the Lord President, just because they ate his cat.

MASTER: Took a chunk out of him, too, I remember. Pity it wasn't the Doctor.

RANI: That will soon be remedied.

DOCTOR: Will you come into my parlour? Said the spider to the fly. I think not. Doesn't feel right.

MASTER: I'd feel happier if I could see him.

RANI: A sentiment he'd reciprocate. We stay here, out of sight.

PERI: Can't go wrong if you match the leaf.

LUKE: Aye, but let us not waste time here, Miss. I'm sure I've seen it's likeness in Redfern Dell. This way, Miss.


MASTER: So much for your arrogant superiority.

DOCTOR: A characteristic you both share. Underestimating your opponents. Well, I got your message. I'm here. What obnoxious fate have you devise?

RANI: Why me?

DOCTOR: Because he blamed you for its failure. Not this. (the TCE) Far too simple. No, you'd have brewed something much more malignant. Perhaps the answer's down there in the dell, where I was supposed to go.

MASTER: No! An accident. It wasn't intended for him.

DOCTOR: And you're so warped, so callous, you think that justifies it? First you turn an innocent young man into your acolyte, force him to betray his friends, and then you do this monstrous thing to him.

RANI: Oh, stop being sentimental. What's happened? Animal matter has been metamorphosed into vegetable matter. So what?

DOCTOR: You'll be telling me next he's better off.

RANI: As a matter of fact, he is. A tree has four times the life expectancy of a human being.

DOCTOR: They should never have exiled you. They should have locked you in a padded cell. Now move, before I forget my abhorrence of v*olence and use this.

DOCTOR: Don't move, Peri! Don't move! The tree won't hurt you!

DOCTOR: Now perhaps you'll accept there are more things in heaven and earth than are ever dreamed of in your barren philosophy.

RANI: And perhaps you'll accept that you face a dilemma.

MASTER: More of an impasse?

DOCTOR: Wrong on both counts. There is no impasse, and the dilemma, Rani, will be solved by you. You laid those evil contraptions in the dell, so you can lead Peri out. Refuse, and I won't hesitate to use this.

MASTER: She can't remember. She's probably set them at random.

DOCTOR: I doubt if the Rani ever did anything at random.

MASTER: But if she has, what then?

DOCTOR: Then you're nominated as understudy. I should think you'd turn into a laburnum tree.

MASTER: Laburnum? Why?

DOCTOR: The pods are poisonous. Be patient, Peri. Stay absolutely still.

RANI: Come to me. Keep an absolutely straight line.

PERI: I don't understand.

RANI: Stop bleating and do it.

DOCTOR: Keep exactly in her footsteps, Peri!

RANI: Incompetent fool! You're worthless!

DOCTOR: Not to me, she isn't. You'll do well to remember that.

PERI: She was going too fast.

RANI: Can you jump without falling on your face?

PERI: Sure.

RANI: Well, copy me and you're out of danger.

PERI: What was that all about?

DOCTOR: You wandered into a minefield of the Rani's making.

PERI: A minefield? In there? But Luke? What about Luke? Where is he?

DOCTOR: He just saved your life.

PERI: What?

DOCTOR: I'll explain later. Right, move, you two. I want you off this planet before you commit any further atrocities.

PERI: Doctor, look.

RANI: They're easily disposed of.

DOCTOR: Give me that.

RANI: If they see you, they'll have no mercy.

DOCTOR: Maybe not.

PERI: Doctor, they're heading towards the dell.

MASTER: The wood's about to become populated with new trees.

RANI: Another dilemma. One of morality.

MASTER: And we all know the Doctor's dedication to morality.

PERI: Oh, Doctor, you've got to stop them.

PERI: Don't worry, I won't have any qualms about using this.

DOCTOR: All right. Take them to the old mine working, straight along that path. Wait for me there.

PERI: Okay, you got it.

PERI: Now hurry. Okay, you two. Let's get going. And don't try anything, either of you.


BASS: Mister.

PERI: Okay, that's far enough. Now don't move. We'll wait here for the Doctor.

DOCTOR: You must listen. You are making a terrible mistake. I am not your enemy.

BASS: You hear that, lads? Mister Inventor says us are making a mistake.

MASTER: I believe an apology is in order, Miss Brown. I meant you no harm. My quarrel's with the Doctor, not you.

PERI: What about Luke?


PERI: Did you mean him no harm?

MASTER: That was her idea.

RANI: Oh, stop grovelling. No one's going to believe you've got a conscience.

MASTER: You can see what she's like. It was her doing. I didn't even know what she'd planned.

PERI: Put that away or I'll use this. The Doctor said you'd try to hypnotise me.

RANI: Oh, so that was what he whispered before he left.

BASS: Over there.

DOCTOR: Turn back! Turn back! You're walking into a trap!

PERI: Keep your hands by your side.

RANI: Just getting a tablet. I must have a tablet.

MASTER: She'll have a seizure. I've seen it happen before.

PERI: Oh, for pity's sake, get the tablet. But carefully. No tricks.

DOCTOR: Stay calm. Stay calm. It's only a matter of balance.

MASTER: Wait. I refuse to run away and let that crack-brained freak win again.

RANI: Then stay, but without me.

MASTER: Have you no pride?

RANI: Pride? I'm a scientist. I've calculated the odds, and they and not idiotic pride dictate my actions.

MASTER: You intellectual microbe. sl*ve to a computer? He'll be back. He won't abandon the girl.

RANI: You'll never learn, will you. Give me the brain fluid. I'm off.

MASTER: When I'm ready, not before.

DOCTOR (OOV.): Peri?

DOCTOR: Peri. Peri!

PERI: Oh, the Rani. Tablets. My, my fault.

DOCTOR: Never mind about that. Are you all right?

PERI: Yes, I'm fine.

DOCTOR: Shush. Listen. Typical. He's decided to stand and fight. Why couldn't he just leave? All right, come on. We've got to get those two into the Rani's TARDIS.

PERI: Any chance of an explanation?

DOCTOR: Later.

PERI: Doh, later. That's all I ever get. Later.

DOCTOR: There was a loose one.

PERI: Where?

DOCTOR: Further in.

PERI: All these mines look the same to me. What does that solve?

DOCTOR: Stay back, Peri.

MASTER: Quickly! You'll destroy us both.

RANI: I will? You blame me?

RANI: You wouldn't be told.

MASTER: What is it? What's wrong?

RANI: It's our speed. It's increasing.

MASTER: Then reduce it!

RANI: You asinine cretin, what do you imagine I'm trying to do?

PERI: But what's to stop them materialising at the other end of the village?

DOCTOR: While I was in the Rani's TARDIS I made an adjustment or two to the navigational system and velocity regulator.

PERI: But they're Time Lords. They'll repair the TARDIS.

DOCTOR: Not before they're beyond the Milky Way. For that matter, beyond most galaxies. I've heard that conditions are very primitive in the outer reaches of the universe. Hardly the setting for an harmonious relationship.

MASTER: It's growing!

RANI: It's the acceleration! Time spillage!

MASTER: We're trapped, you blundering woman!

DOCTOR: And where are you going?

PERI: The sleeping draught, remember?

DOCTOR: Taken care of. I managed to

PERI: Pick the Master's pocket when you bumped into him.

DOCTOR: Exactly. Take this to Lord Ravensworth, will you?

PERI: Well, let me deflate your swollen ego and remind you of something we don't have. The TARDIS.


RAVENSWORTH: I wonder what the blazes this thing is?

STEPHENSON: Ask the Doctor.

RAVENSWORTH: Have you ever tried asking the Doctor a question?

DOCTOR: Ah! Battered but not bowed. Thank you.

STEPHENSON: Had to get it out manually. No easy task. Forty of us.

PERI: Ah, there you are. The sedative you wanted.


PERI: Well, haven't you any questions?

RAVENSWORTH: Would there be any point?

DOCTOR: Not much.

STEPHENSON: Oh, as a man of science, Doctor. This valve's a problem.

DOCTOR: You'll find the answer.

RAVENSWORTH: My sentiments exactly.

DOCTOR: And when you do, your invention will take off like a rocket, Stephenson.

PERI: Oh, those puns get worse.

DOCTOR: Really? I thought they were improving.

RAVENSWORTH: I will venture just one question, Doctor. What precisely do you do in there?

DOCTOR: Argue, mainly.

STEPHENSON: Where've they gone?

RAVENSWORTH: Where indeed? You know, I always said he was a strange sort of fellow.

The Doctor
Colin Baker

Nicola Bryant

The Master
Anthony Ainley

The Rani
Kate O'Mara

Lord Ravensworth
Terence Alexander

George Stephenson
Gawn Grainger

Luke Ward
Gary Cady

Jack Ward
Peter Childs

Richard Steele

Tim Bass
William Ilkley

Edwin Green
Hus Levent

Sam Rudge
Kevin White

Martyn Whitby

Young Woman
Sarah James

Older Woman
Cordelia Ditton

Pip & Jane Baker

Assistant Floor Manager
Penny Williams

Dinah Collin

Paul Trerise

Film Cameraman
Kevin Rowley

Film Editor
Ray Wingrove

Incidental Music
Jonathan Gibbs

Catherine Davies

Production Assistant
Carolyn Mawdsley

Production Associate
Sue Anstruther

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Don Babbage

Studio Sound
Keith Bowden

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
David Barton

John Nathan-Turner

Sarah Hellings