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08x04 - Dark Sage

Posted: 02/16/22 06:55
by bunniefuu
All right, jenny,

You don't have
anything to worry about.

Just take it easy
from now on.

All right.

And you see that
she does, nathan,

And help her out.

If you say
so, doc.

Oh, doc, can you
come right away?

Harriet's hurt herself.

I'll get my bag.

I hope it's
nothing serious.

Oh, I don't think so.
It's just her ankle.

Well, you
tell her we sent
our sympathy.

Thank you, jenny.
That's very nice of you.


Let's go, nels.



Well, that doesn't
seem to be too
serious, harriet.

Stay off that foot
for a couple of days

And you'll be
just fine.

A couple
of days?

Thanks for coming over, doc.
I know how busy you are.

You know, it has
been busy lately.

Every day,
I keep hoping

The new doctor
will show up.

I really need
the help.

New doctor?
I didn't know

You hired
a new doctor.

Yes, in a manner
of speaking.

Dr. Ledoux.

He and his wife are coming
here from new orleans.

New orleans?


Well, I'm off
to mrs. Rucker's.

You know, that woman
would keep one
doctor busy

All by herself.

That's french.

They're french,
aren't they?

I don't know.
I guess so.

Stay off that foot.

Ledoux. Yes, ledoux.

It'll be so nice
to have someone

To parlez vous
francaise with.

[Laughs] ow!


[Knock on door]

[Knock knock]

Yes. Is there
something I can
do for you?

Yes. Are you
dr. Hiram baker?


I'm caleb ledoux.

Dr. Caleb ledoux.
I believe

expecting me.

It's nice
to meet you.
Come in.

Thank you.

Dr. Baker,
this is my
wife mattie.



Well, you must be
soaked to the skin.

Why don't you take off
those wet coats

And sit down?

Thank you.

How about a cup
of coffee?

That would be fine.
Thanks a lot.

This ought
to warm you
both up.

Thank you.

I assume
you found

My credentials
in order?

Oh, yes.

Yes, yes, indeed.

very qualified.

Thank you.

too qualified.

Why did you want
to come out here?

A country doctor
doesn't make much money.

Well, your
letter explained
the financial situation.

But it also
said that
you were looking

For a graduating

Who's willing
to work.

Dr. Baker, I grew up
in a rural area

Outside new orleans.

And I'm well aware
of the problems

Facing poor
country folk
and their doctor.

And I'm
here to help.

Just what is it that's
bothering you, doctor?

Your age.

Normally, a graduating
doctor is younger,

Ready to take
on the world.

Is that all?
Well, I admit

It took me
longer than most

To get
through school,

But I have
plenty of

Believe me.

I'm ready
to take on
the world

If you'll give
me the chance.

Well, as I said
in my letter,

Your salary will
have to come

From the patients
you treat.

I'm afraid that's
the best I can do.

That's fair enough.


Dr. Baker,

I'm well aware
of the problem--

I mean,
a black doctor

In a predominately
white community.

You don't even need
the word "predominately."

Well, all I want

Is a chance
to prove myself.

Well, that you'll get.



A nos petit village

Des la walnut grove...

Did you say
something, dear?


Bonjour. Bienvenue
a nos petit village

Des la walnut grove.

Are you gonna start
with that french
nonsense again?

It's not nonsense,
for heaven's sakes.

Dr. Ledoux
and his wife will
be very pleased

That someone
in this town can at least
converse with them

In their native tongue.

We don't even know
if they're french.

Oh, nels.

Ledoux. New orleans.
Of course they're french.

I'm going to have them
over for supper

As soon as they get here.

That's a good idea.

You can impress them
with your french toast.

Very funny. Where
are you going?

where it's quiet.
I want to read.

Nels, I want to talk.

I know that, dear.

I've known that
for 23 years.

Au revoo.

Nels, please,
on the top shelf.

I don't see
what difference
it makes.

Well, a place
for everything

And everything
in its place.

Good morning,
harriet, nels.

I brought
your mail over.

Give it to nels.
Doc baker said

I wasn't to do
anything strenuous.

All right.
Here you are, nels.

And I thought
you might
like to know

The new doctor
has arrived.

Arrived? When?

Last night.

He and his wife
are staying in

One room over
doc baker's office.

And you
wouldn't guess.

Why didn't
someone tell me?

I've got to get
right over there

And welcome
them officially.

Harriet! Your ankle!

I can't let
a little injury

Stand in the way of
doing my civic duty.



I didn't get a
chance to tell you
all about them.

What is there
to tell?

I know
all about them.

They're from new orleans,
and they're french!

They're french?

[Telephone rings]

I'll get it.


Doc baker here.

Oh, hello,
mrs. Rucker.

No, no, I can't
get out there
right now.

I've got to stop
at the pierson place.

No. Well, I'll
be over later.

Yes, I'll be there.

mrs. Rucker.


What are you
doing here?

Well, you shouldn't be
walking on that ankle yet.

You go on home and I'll
check by this afternoon.

Oh. Well, there's
no need, dr. Baker.

Maybe your new
associate could
take care of it.


Oh. You mean
dr. Ledoux.

Oh, yes.

He's right in there.

Dr. Ledoux.
Yes, that's right.


Bonjour, dr. Ledoux.

I'm harriet oleson
from oleson's mercantile.

Dr. Baker said
you could look
at my sore ankle.

Of course.
Have a seat on
the examining table.

I'll be right
with you.

Oh, all right.
Thank you.

Good morning,
mrs. Oleson.

I'm dr. Ledoux.

G-good morning.

What seems to be wrong
with your ankle?

My ankle?

My ankle--

Oh, oh, no.

No, not my ankle.
My uncle.

It's my uncle.

He had a very
upset stomach
this morning.

Uh, I'm sure
it was just...


Uh...i'm sure that
he's just fine now.

Well, it was such a
pleasure to meet you,
dr. Ledoux.


And we have our
annual picnic social
in the spring.

It's a very special outing
for the congregation.

That sounds
very nice.

Well, dr. Baker.

Reverend alden.

I have just met your new
associate and his wife,

And I'm happy
to report that

They are looking forward
to becoming

Part of our congregation.

You know, it might
be a nice idea

If you were to
introduce them yourself

To the congregation
on sunday.

-I'd be happy to.
-That's wonderful.

I'm very pleased
that you decided

To make
walnut grove your home.

Thank you,

Doc baker.

Any calls?

Yes. Jenny sherman.

Oh, yes.
I told her
I'd drop by.

[Telephone rings]

Doc baker here.


Is she lying still?

All right.
I'm on my way out

To see
jenny sherman.

I'll drop by
your place first.

There's no reason
why I can't make

One of those calls
for you.

No, I'd better--

Doctor, you advertised
for someone to help you.

Now, you haven't let
me do one thing

In the two days
I've been here.

You're right.
I'd better see
jenny sherman.

You drop by
the jensen ranch.

I'll show you
the way.

Great. I'll
get my bag.

I'm worried
about jenny, nathan.

Doc, seems
to me like

You're making a big
deal out of nothing.

Womenfolk been having
babies for centuries.

Seems like
a natural occurrence.

Womenfolk have been
dying in childbirth

For centuries,
too, nathan.

I don't want jenny
to be one of those.

Neither do you.

Of course I don't.

I'm sending
to minneapolis

For some
special medicine.

Now, meanwhile,
I want you to do

Everything you can

To make sure
jenny takes it easy.

It's important,

All right.
All right, doc.

I'll check back
the first
of next week.


You sent me out
to take care of
a horse?


I didn't study
all those years
to become a doctor

To take care
of horses and cows.


Well, you told me
you knew what

Being a country doctor
was all about.

Now, obviously,
you don't.

You see, we country
doctors, we take care of

As many horses and
cows and pigs and sheep
as people sometimes.

Now, if you're too proud
to tend to livestock
when they need it,

Well, you just
tell me.

You can go back
to the city.

Minneapolis has a
lot of fine hospitals

That would just
love to have someone

With your splendid

I guess I jumped to
the wrong conclusion.

How's the mare?


I guess when a man

Gets used
to being treated
a certain way,

He comes
to look for it.

I, uh...

I misjudged you.

I'm sorry.

Ready to go?

Yeah, almost.

You've been
chewin' on something

Ever since you got
home yesterday.

Want to tell me
what it is?

I don't know...

I guess I put
too much stock
in coming here.

After all those
years of

Working and going
to school,

I guess I thought
this was gonna be
like paradise.

It may not be paradise,
but it is nice.

It's going to be
a lot of hard work,

More years
of struggling
trying to get

People to believe
in me.

Before long, you're
gonna have more patients

Than you know
what to do with.

Well, I wish I
could be as sure
as you are.

What else
is bothering you?

How did you know?

A woman can't
live with a man

As long as I've
lived with you

And not know when
he's wrestling
with something.

It's doc baker.

He's been acting
awful strange

It's almost like
he doesn't
want us here.

That's just
your imagination.

We are going over
to the church,

And he is going
to introduce us
to the congregation,

And you will see
that he is

Tickled pink
to have us here.

All right.

And another thing.

What's that?

You look very
dr. Ledoux.

Well, madame ledoux,
I believe it's time

We go down and add
a little color
to this town, hmm?

[Both chuckling]

* Bringing in the sheaves,
bringing in the sheaves *

* We shall come rejoicing

* Bringing in the sheaves

Before our closing hymn,

I would like to introduce

Some new neighbors
in walnut grove.

I'd hoped dr. Baker
could be here
to do this,

But as usual,
he's out

Caring for one of
our neighbors.

His workload should
be eased considerably

Now, however,
since we have

A second man of
medicine in our town.

Let's give a great, big
walnut grove welcome

To dr. And mrs.
Caleb ledoux.

Caleb, mattie,
would you stand, please?

Thank you.

Now, let's all
turn to page 58

For our closing hymn.

And let's stand.

Can't sleep?

It's just one
of those nights.

I've got a hundred
thoughts jumping
in my head.

You're still positive that
dr. Baker missed church
this morning

Because he didn't
want to introduce you?

Yes, I am!

Oh, caleb.

Mattie, his rig
was sitting down

By the corral
when we came out
of church.

Is there a law
that says the man
can't walk

To wherever
he's going?

No. But I know
he didn't

And so do you.

I know no such thing,
and you're not gonna know

One way or the other
unless you ask him.


Oh, sure.

Just say, uh...

are you bothered

By having
a black man
as your partner?"

That's right.

You can't expect
a man to be honest
unless you are.

Just ask him.

All right.

First thing
in the morning.

Dr. Baker?

He left a note.

He's on his rounds.
He'll be back
this afternoon.

doctor, mattie.

Mrs. Foster.

This medicine
just arrived
from minneapolis.

Thank you.
I'll see that
dr. Baker gets it.

Have a
nice day.

-Same to you.
-Thank you.

This is the medicine
for mrs. Sherman.

Why don't you
take it up there?
Save him a trip.

Maybe I don't
want to save him
a trip.

You're convicting
that man

Without giving him
a fair trial, caleb.

All right, woman.
I'll take the medicine
out there.


A doctor just
isn't a doctor

Without his
black bag.

Maybe one of these days I'll
have a reason to open it.


What do you want?

This is the sherman farm?

What of it?

Well, I have some medicine
for mrs. Sherman.

You can deliver it
to her around back.

Mrs. Sherman?


Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean
to startle you.

Oh, that's
all right.

Is there something
I can do for you?

He brought you some
medicine from doc baker.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

You working
with dr. Baker?

We work together.

I'm dr. Ledoux.

Well, you thank
dr. Baker for
me, will you?

Yes, I will.
Oh, mr. Sherman,

You could drop
that line a little.

Your wife shouldn't
be reaching or
lifting that high,

Not in her condition.

I don't need
the likes of you

To tell me how
to care for my wife.

Nathan, the man
did us a favor

Bringing out
the medicine.

Well, this colored's
got no business
giving me advice.

Nathan, he's
a doctor.

I know what he is.
Tell me something.

I hear tell took you
17 years to become a doctor.

If you're so smart,

How come it took
you so long?

Well, I wanted
to be twice as good,

So it took me
twice as long.

It really gets
under my skin

When I think of
how many good men

Like my brother
died fighting a w*r

Just so the likes
of you could
go to school.

Nathan, please.

I'm just saying
what folks in town
are thinking.

Mr. Sherman,
I'm very well aware

Of how many good men
died in that w*r.

646,392 Good men
to be exact!

Good day, mrs. Sherman.

Dr. Ledoux.

Hi. How are you?
I'm charles ingalls.

We met briefly
in church
the other day.

Oh, yes,
I remember.

And who do we
have here?

This is
my daughter

She had a little
run-in with
third base.

My, my.
I hope you
were safe.

I was.

Good. Then it was
worth it, huh?

Come on.
I'll fix you up.

Will it hurt?

You want the truth?

Yes, sir.

No, it won't
hurt a bit.



Yes, I'll
tell him.


Dr. Baker in yet?


Any calls for me?


Well, young lady,
let's head

Right in this
doorway, ok?

All right,
sit right there,
young lady.

[Telephone rings]
mattie: hello?

No, I'm sorry.
Dr. Baker's not in.

Phone never stops
ringing, does it?


Been pretty busy,
have you?

Matter of fact,

This is my
first patient.

Let's clean this
wound, ok?

Human patient,
that is.

It takes time.

Folks get set
in their ways.

Remember, doc baker's
been here for 20 years.

Yeah, I know.

Can you hold this
for me, sweetheart?

Old habits
are hard to break.

So are old prejudices.

Yeah, I suppose.

Now, that didn't hurt,
now did it? Huh?

Nope, not a bit.


All right, now,
I want you to keep
this wrap on.

It will keep
the dirt out, ok?

Thank you,

-You're welcome, sweetheart.
-Appreciate it.

How much do
I owe you, doc?

Oh, there's no charge.

Anybody could've
cleaned that scratch.

That's very kind
of you.

Hope I can
return the favor.

Well, you can.

If somebody
in your family

Gets anything
more serious
than a scratch,

You can let
me treat them.

Well, let's hope
that never happens.

But if it does,
I guarantee

You'll be
the doctor.

Look...i'm sorry.

That was uncalled for.

It's just been
one of those days.

Forget about it.
We all have them.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

Come on.
Let's get you
back to school.

Oh, doctor,
I was just wondering.

Are you and your missus
free for supper on friday?

I don't know.
I, uh...

Just offhand, I'd say
our social calendar

Isn't entirely
booked, caleb.

We'd really
enjoy the company.

Especially my
older son.

He's got his heart set
on being a doctor.

We'd enjoy it
very much.

How about 7:00?

That'd be fine.
Thank you.

All right.
See you then.

Thank you.

You're welcome,

Bye-bye, now.

He's nice,
wasn't he?

Morning, charles.

Hi, doc.

What happened here?

Got a little
baseball injury.

Doc was just fixing
it up for her.

You want me
to check it?

No. It's just
a scratch.

Well, have
a good day.

Don't play so rough,
young lady.

Let's get you
back to school.



Caleb. I just saw
your patient leaving.

Don't worry,

She'll survive
my treatment.

Where were you
on sunday?


I mean,
you weren't
at church.

Well, I gave reverend
alden my apologies.

I had a call to make.

Oh, to whom?

Mrs. Rucker again.

I swear,
the slightest complaint

To that woman
is a catastrophe.

You weren't
at mrs. Rucker's.

She lives
4 miles out.

And your buggy
is at the livery.

That's an awful
long walk, doctor.

Why didn't you
want to introduce

Me in church?

It's not that, caleb.

You have to
understand something.

I'm not familiar
with your work yet,

And I can't recommend
you until I am.

These people
trust me.

But you yourself
said that I was

I know, but...

But I'm black,
you see.

That has nothing
to do with it.

And I think it's unfair
of you to bring

Your race
into this discussion.

I don't see how I
can leave it out.

You don't?

No, I don't.

I have practiced
medicine in this town

For over 20 years.

I have treated

and negroes

Without any thought
to the color of
their skin.

And I won't allow you
to accuse me
of prejudice.

I didn't accuse
you of anything,

I just
simply asked
you a question.

And I answered it.

I know it's difficult
for you right now.

But in time...

I have to earn
a living.

I know.

we can change

The financial

I can give you
a small salary.

I don't want money
for doing nothing.

I'm a doctor.

And I want to
practice medicine.

This smells
good, darlin'.

Pass your plates.
I'll share some of this

Fine-looking roast
with you.

You can pile it
on my plate, pa.
I'm starving.

Me, too.

Caroline: albert,
I don't know
where you put it.

You eat and eat

And nothing
sticks to
your bones.

I don't know, ma.

I guess I'm just
a growing boy.

Blessing first.

Better hurry up
and say it

Before he starves
to death.

Dear lord,
we thank you
for this

Bountiful feast
you've placed
before us.

We thank you for
our good health.

We thank you, too,
for bringing

A new doctor
to walnut grove.

May you give him the strength
to stay with us. Amen.

Pass me your
plate, honey.

Why did you
say that about
dr. Ledoux?

It's gonna be hard
for him to get folks

To let him treat them
for a while, that's why.

Why? Isn't he
a good doctor?

He's a very good doctor,
but he's also a n*gro.

A lot of folks aren't
ready to accept that.

Why not?
Joe kagan
was accepted.

Why should
dr. Ledoux be
any different?

Because joe kagan
did what black folks

Are supposed to do--

Farming, labor work.

Caleb's a doctor.

A lot of people think that's
just white man's work.

That doesn't
seem fair.
I mean,

He worked a long time
to become a doctor.

And he's
good, too.

When he says
it won't hurt,

It doesn't.

Well, let's just pray he
doesn't get discouraged

Waiting for folks
to come around.

Come on, now.
I worked hard

Making this supper.

Let's eat it.


Caleb, dr. Baker was
just trying to help.

I told him

I wouldn't
take money,

Not for
work that
I haven't done.

-Caleb, i--
-mattie, I don't want
to talk about it.

Come on, let's
have breakfast.

Enjoy yourself.

Good morning.


I'll have some
ham and eggs.

All right.
What about you,

The same.

Oh, and mrs. Oleson
wanted me to ask you

If you could be here
at 11:00 for the noon meal.



What happens
at 11:00?

That's when I
start my new job.

What new job?

You mean you got
a job working here?


Doing what?

Doing what I do best--

Cleaning rooms
and washing windows.

Mattie, I made
a promise that
you wouldn't

Do that kind
of work anymore.

Now, what are
you doing?

Caleb, I know
what you promised,

But we need
some money.

Mattie, I didn't
bring you here to
be a washer woman.

Caleb ledoux,

As for my
cleaning rooms,

Well, you just
convince these folks

That you're the best
doctor around,

And I'll stop.

Caleb...i've worked
too long

And loved you too much
to give in now.

Please, don't
quit on me now.

Oh, mattie.

What would I do
without you?

Here you are,
doctor. Mattie

There's one thing I forgot
to mention about this job.

What is it?

It includes meals.

-[Both chuckling]

So, he was genuinely
pleased to find out

That his freckles
were only on the outside.


The innocence
of children.

I can't wait to
go to college
and study.

Medicine is
so much
more interesting

Than laura's
history class.

Oh, I'm sure your
sister will be

Very happy to hear
you say that.

In the meantime,
get yourself ready for bed.
It's late.

[Knock on door]

come on in.

Nathan sherman called
asking for doc baker.

Apparently, jenny
has gone into labor.

I told him
that doc was
in sleepy eye.

I don't know what
time he's coming back.

That's when he asked me
to come and get caroline.

I'll get
my shawl.

There's something wrong.

Jenny's not
supposed to deliver
for another month.

I'd better go.

Charles: let me
hitch up the wagon.

Albert, you keep an eye
on the children.

Yes, pa.

Jenny: oooh!




[Horse neighs]

That will
be caroline.

That will be caroline...

-Hurry! Hurry!
-I'll be right back.


-Come in.
-How is she?

Not good.
What are you
doing here?

I thought maybe
I could help.

I don't need
your help.

Caroline will
do just fine.

Jenny: nooo!


Doctor, I just
checked jenny.

She isn't doing well
at all.
You better come in.

No. He's not
to touch her.

he's willing
to help.

No n*gg*r's going
to touch my wife!

Listen to me.
Your hatred's gonna

Cost that baby's life,
maybe even jenny's!

My god, man,
he's a doctor!

I said no!

All right, doc.
Go on in.

Jenny: aah!

[Breathing heavily]

I'm barely getting
a heartbeat.

I've got to take
the baby.

come in here!

get some sheets
and make bandages.

We're gonna
need plenty.


Get some light.
Once this morphine
takes over,

I'm gonna need both
of you to assist.

Nels left a note
on my door.

She's in there.
He's with her.

[Baby cries]

Oh, yes, this baby.

Yes. [Laughs]

Woman: oh, my.

Better late
than never, doc.

I had to take the baby.

Do you want to take over?


No, doctor.

You're the surgeon.

You have
a beautiful baby girl.

How's jenny?

Jenny's fine.

Dr. Ledoux's
putting a dressing
on the incision.

The incision?

He had to
take the baby.

Otherwise, they both
might have died.

You can thank god
it was dr. Ledoux.

He's a fine surgeon.

She isn't
to be moved.

I don't want
the incision
to reopen.

Nathan: doctor.

I guess I should
say thank you.

Don't you
thank me,
mr. Sherman.

You thank
charles ingalls.

If he hadn't
been here,

You would
have surely
let them die!

Come on, mattie.
Let's go home.

Want a ride,

No, thanks,
We'll walk.

I could
use the air.

[Dog barking]

You were

I am
so proud of you.

We're leaving
here, mattie.

What did
you say?

I said we're
leaving here.

Caleb, I don't

You did

You saved
jenny's and
her baby's life.

You don't understand.

Mattie, you
saw what happened!

Charles had to
fight the man

In order for me to
help save his wife!

Look, mattie, this town
is not ready for change.

We're just gonna have to
go where we're accepted!

Oh, caleb.

Mattie, there's
a coach that leaves here

Sunday afternoon.

I'll tell doc baker
in the morning.


The lord said,
"love thy neighbor."

I think he meant
also for us

To help
our neighbor.

To care for him

During times
of stress and need,

To comfort him
during the sorrows
of death,

To be a brother,
a sister.

For truly,

We are
the family of man.

Now, before
our final hymn,

Dr. Baker has asked
to say a few words
to you. Doctor?

Thank you, reverend.

Two weeks ago,
a new doctor

in walnut grove.

You're all
aware of that.

Dr. Ledoux
and his wife mattie

Were introduced to you
by reverend alden

In this church.

I was to make
that introduction...

But I didn't.

I told reverend alden

That I had
a house call to make.

That was not
the truth.

I also told dr. Ledoux
that I felt

It was wrong
to recommend him to you

Until I had had
a chance to see his work.

That, too, was untrue.

I had no reason
to doubt the ability of a man

Who had studied 17 years
of his life

To become a doctor
and a surgeon.

No reason except one--


It was very
difficult for me

To admit that to myself.

You see, I'd always
thought of myself as...

A good christian...

A decent, fair
human being.

But the truth
of the matter was

I didn't believe
that a black man

Could become
a good doctor.

A good man, yes.

A good farmer,

But a doctor?


That territory belonged
to the white man.

So I avoided
introducing him to you

And I didn't recommend
that you see him.

Two nights ago,

Dr. Ledoux saved the lives
of jenny sherman

And her newborn child.

It took a doctor...

A surgeon of his skill
to do that.

I don't have that skill.

Yesterday, dr. Ledoux told me
that he was leaving walnut grove

To practice in a place
that appreciated him.

A reasonable decision...


That I feel
responsible for.

So I want to publicly
apologize to dr. Ledoux...

To his wife mattie,
and to all of you

For bringing it about.


I have no right
to ask this of you...

But this town needs you.

Give us a chance
to show you how much.

Well, doctor, we all
have some prejudice.

Believe me, we do.

But if this
town needs me...

I mean
really needs me...

I'll stay.

Thank you.
