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08x02 - The Reincarnation of Nellie: Part 2

Posted: 02/16/22 06:52
by bunniefuu
Nellie and percival
are staying back east.

For how long?


He's the only...

The only son.

And he feels it's
his responsibility

To take over
the business

For the sake of
the rest of
the family.

They want us to send
the remainder
of their things.

New york. That's
thousands of miles.

Well, if we
were in new york, I'm sure
you'd find a way to visit.

So would we.

Well, thank god
you're not.

[Caroline sighs]

We're going to be.

not tonight.

Mary, we've put it off
long enough.

What's--what's this
all about?

I just can't make
a living here.

We've put off
saying anything

Because we were
hoping things
would change.

But they haven't.

She's in a deep

I'm worried
about her, nels.

Yeah, I know.
So am i.

I don't know
what to do.

She's been talking
about how she has
nothing to live for.

I know.

This may be a premature

But have you ever
given any thought
to adopting a child?

Nels, nels, for heaven's
sakes, what are you
doing sitting down?

We've got to find her!

I have found her.

Where? Where? Where?

In the box!
She's in the box!



Oh, nancy, this is
your new mommy.

Ooh! Honey, ooh!

Ooh, I wuv you!


I was wrong, harriet.

There is another child
exactly like nellie.

Everybody, I want you
to meet my newly
adopted daughter--


Is something wrong, laura?

Uh, no.

It's--it's just

[Loud chuckle]

Yes, I know.

She looks like
my nellie.

Albert, albert!


Would you like
to come over
to our house?

We have fresh
apple pie.

Uh, no, thanks, nellie.

I mean nancy.

We have some
new suckers
in the store.

They have mints

Well, belinda has
to get home for her
singing practice.

I'll see you.

Yeah, see ya.

Nancy. Willie...

Get me some ice
from the icehouse,
will you, please?

Yes, sir.

Must i?

Yes, you must.



Your mother is not
here to complain to.

So just go along
with willie.

Nancy: oh, it's
freezing in here.

Of course it is.
It's an icehouse.

Come here. You can
carry the ice in this.

I don't see why
I have to help you.

'Cause pa told
you to. That's why.

A person could freeze
to death in here.

Well, I got locked
in here once and shut
the door by mistake.

Sure made my lips turn
blue, and I had to stay
in bed for a week.

You mean you can't
open the door
from the inside?

That's right.

Why didn't
you call for help?

I did. The walls
in here are thick.

Nobody heard me.

You were lucky.

Yeah. Come on.


I told my mother
you were going to
audition tomorrow,

And she
said you were more
than welcome

To come over
and rehearse
at our place.

Well, that's really
nice of you, but--

My mother will
accompany on our piano.

She will?

Yes. She'd love to.

I don't want
to impose.

She'd be disappointed
if you didn't.

Look, I have to
just get some ice,

And then we can go
riding and you can
sing for a while.

I don't get a chance
to sing with a piano
very often.

Come on, then.

All right.

I've never been
in here before.

It's kind of scary.

Nancy: and cold.

Oh, for heaven's sake.
I forgot the burlap
to carry the ice.

I'll be right back.
You wait here.

Willie, somebody left
the icehouse door open.

Won't the ice melt?

Of course it will.
I'll go shut it.

Good heavens!


Oh, mr. Stevens.

I stopped by your
house this morning
to walk with belinda.

Her grandmother told me.

How is she?

The doc's been
working on her.

She hasn't
come to yet.

I just don't understand
it. What would she be
doing in the icehouse?

I don't know.
I just don't know.

She's awake. It's
hard for her to talk,

And she'll have to
stay in bed for a while.

But she's going
to be all right.

Can we go in?



Belinda, honey.


You're all right.

I was so scared.
I kept yelling,
but no one came.

Those icehouse
walls are so thick.

I'm gonna talk to
nels about getting
that door fixed

So it can be opened
from the inside.

What were you doing
in the icehouse?

Nancy. She asked
me to come to
her place to sing.

And she had to
get some ice first.


Well, um, she
forgot the burlap
to carry the ice in.

So she ran
out to get it,

And the next thing
I knew, the door shut.

I wasn't scared at first
'cause I thought she
was going to come back,

But she never did.

Why would that
little girl do
something like this?

I don't know,
but I'm going to
find out right now.

You stay here
with belinda.

Mr. Stevens,
can I go with you?

Yeah. Thanks, doc.

[Singing scales off-key]

[Singing sour notes]

Nels: nancy!

What is it?

Would you come
down here, please?

I'm practicing
my singing!

Come down here now!


There must be a simple
explanation for this,
mr. Stevens.

There's no reason
for nancy to dislike
your daughter.

Land sakes,
she hardly knows her.

Did you want me, father?

Yes, precious.
Come in here.

This is
mr. Stevens.

Mr. Stevens.

I've just come
from dr. Baker's.

My daughter was locked
in the icehouse all night.

Oh, no. Is she
all right?

She will be,
thank god.

How did it happen?

She said you and she
went in there together.

Yes, we did.

Then she said you left
and closed the door.

Oh, I left. I had
to get some burlap
to carry the ice.

But I didn't
close the door.

are you sure?

Of course.
I remember perfectly.

I went into the kitchen
to get the burlap.

I didn't see it,
so I opened the icebox
to look for it there.

That's when I saw
the icebox was
already full of ice.

What did you do then?

I went back outside
to get belinda.

We were going
to sing together.

Then I saw
the icehouse door
was closed.

Well, I just thought
belinda had changed her
mind and went on home.

But you're sure
you didn't close it.

Very sure.

There. You see?

Nancy, why would anyone
want to shut the door?

I don't know,
father. I--

Good heavens.

-Oh, I just remembered.

When I was coming
into the house to get
the burlap, I saw willie.


Well, I asked him
if the ice would melt
if the door was open.

Well, I don't know
anything about icehouses.

Do you think
he could have shut it?

Nels: willie, are you out
in the kitchen?

Willie: yes, sir?

Come in here, please.

Hi, mr. Stevens.


Willie, did you go
anywhere near the icehouse
yesterday after school?

Yeah. The door was
open, and I shut it.

Ah! There.
There, you see?

It was an accident.

You didn't think I did
it on purpose, did you?

Oh, no,
darling, no.

You did, didn't you?

You're like all the others!
You're against me!

You hate me!

Oh, nancy! Nancy!

You have to excuse
her, mr. Stevens.

But she's such
a sensitive child.

She's been through
a great deal!
I have to go to her!

[Harriet crying]

I'm sorry about
all this,

And I'll see that
a latch is installed

On the inside of that door
before the day is out.

Should have
been done before.

Thank you, nels.

And i--i'm sorry
your daughter
got so upset.

Oh, she'll be all right.
You give my best to belinda.

I will.


Well, boys, you best
get on to school.

Yes, sir.

What was that
all about?

Belinda was locked
in the icehouse
all night.

I thought nancy
did it on purpose.

Didn't nancy know
belinda was in there?

Sure, she did,
but when she saw
the door was shut,

She thought belinda
had shut it herself
and gone home.

No, she didn't.
She knew I shut it.

Are you sure?

Sure, I am.
I told her I'd shut it.
She saw me go do it.

She saw you
shut the door?

Well, I can't be positive
of that, but I know she knew
I was going to shut it.

Why would she want
to hurt belinda?

Who knows with her?
She'd like to hurt

It's like having
nellie for a sister
all over again,

Except the only good part
is I can beat her up.

[Bell ringing]

We better get inside.


All right, class,
settle down.

Come on,
take your seats.

I said, take
your seats now!


Belinda stevens
won't be coming back to
school for a few days.

She's sick. I'll tell
you about it later.

I'm sorry I'm late,
mrs. Wilder.

All right, nancy.

Now, class, before we start
our lessons, I want to take
down the names of the girls

Who will be auditioning
for the pageant
after school today.

The boys will
audition next week.



It's a shame
belinda's sick.

She'll miss
the audition.

Laura: mavis.


Oh, well, there's
always next year.

Laura: come on, now.
That's only three.

Albert: now we know why
she'd like to hurt belinda.


Laura: allison.

Anyone else?

That's all, then.

All right, class.
Open up your

To chapter 27.

Good night, pa.

Did you finish
your homework?

Yes, sir.

Have a little snack
before you turn in?

No. I'm not hungry.

You're not hungry?
What's wrong?


Oh, come on now.
If you're not hungry,

Something's wrong.

Come on.
Out with it.

Well, remember
this morning

When we talked
about me shutting
the icehouse door?


Well, when you asked me
about it, I didn't know
belinda was in there--

Oh, I hate doing dishes.
I absolutely hate it.

Oh, come on, willie.
Kiss your father good
night and get into bed.

In a minute, harriet.
Willie's got something
he wants to tell me.

Go ahead, son.


Say it. Out with it.
Hurry up.

I just feel bad about
being the one who shut
the icehouse door.

I see.

Well, it wasn't your
fault. You shouldn't
blame yourself.

No. It's not your fault.
Your father's right.

Come on, kiss your
father good night.

Good night, pa.

Good night, son.

[Harriet yawning]

He didn't kiss
you good night.


Willie. He didn't
kiss you good night.

Ah, well, boys.
You know when they
get to a certain age

They think if they
kiss their mother
good night

It's going to make them
look like a sissy.

He kissed me
good night.

So? Is that supposed to
mean that he loves you
more than he loves me?



Well, it's not
important, I guess.

Where is it?

Where's what?

My homework paper
that you took.

I did no such thing.

Yes, you did.
Now, give it back!

That's mine.
You ripped it!

You ripped
my homework paper!

That's right, and I'm
going to rip your lips off
if you don't stop lying.

Now, give me back
my homework paper.


Mother! Mother!

What, darling?
What's going on here?

She took my
homework paper.

He ripped
my homework paper.

-Because you took mine.
-I didn't.

Now, that's enough.
Both of you.

Well, willie,
what happened?

Why does he get
to talk first?
Because I'm adopted.

No, because I said so.
Go ahead, willie.

She took my homework
paper from my room, and
when I asked her for it,

She said she
didn't take it.

-I didn't.
-Did you find it?

No. But it's here
somewhere. I know it is.

Well, let's
find it.

They hate me.


Make them stop, mother.
Make them stop.

Oh, darling, no.
They don't hate you.

Nels, I don't
think it's fair--

Fair to what?

Willie's homework?

Willie's homework.

Give me that paper,

He put it there
so you'd blame me.

-He hates me.

Nels, I don't think it's
fair to take one child's
word over the other.

Why not? You've
been doing it ever
since nancy came here.

That is incorrect!

So are
these papers.

Problem 3 on willie's
paper is incorrect.
Also on nancy's.

Problem 7 is
incorrect on both.

Problem 11 is
incorrect on both.



If you're going to
copy somebody's
homework paper,

You better pick someone
who's good in math.
Your brother isn't.

He took my paper
and copied it.

He hates me.

Stop lying.

I'm not!

Willie's paper is finished.
Yours isn't.

He can't copy something
that isn't there.

Now, you owe him
an apology.

Tell him
you're sorry.

come on, honey.

Tell him you're sorry.

All right, willie,
you can go to bed now.

Harriet, I'll see
you downstairs.

Nels, what are
you going to do?

I'm going to spank
this child.

I'll run away!
I will!


Don't let him!

Oh, nels, no,
you can't.

I have to--

Nels, please, please,
let me talk to you
first, please.

All right, all right.

I'll be back,
young lady.

All right,
darling, all right.

Now, you listen to me,
nels oleson. You are not
going to punish that child.

Harriet, she took
willie's homework,
and she lied about it.

Now, who knows what else
she's lied about.

But, nels, you hurt
her, she'll run away.

If that's what she wants
to do, let her do it.

-I mean it, harriet.

You can't go through
your whole life being
afraid of your own child.

She is using you!
Can't you see that?

Oh, but, nels, nels,
no! I've already
lost nellie!

Please! I'll lose her!

All right, harriet.
Stop crying
and listen to me.

I don't want her to run
away, but we've got to
start being firm.

But, nels, you heard
her. She'll run away.

All right, all right,
I won't punish her.


But she's going
to have to start taking
responsibilities around here.

Like what?

Like helping out
at the restaurant.

-It did nellie a world
of good, didn't it?

Well, didn't it?

But she's
only a child.

It's either that
or I punish her.

All right, all right.

She'll help out at
the restaurant, but
I am going to tell her.


I don't know, uh...
In a few weeks.




It's all right, honey.
It's just me.

Is he going
to hit me?

Oh, no. Of course not.
He didn't mean that.

Yes, he did.
He hates me.

Oh, don't say that.
He doesn't hate you.

No, honey. He just wants
you to work a little bit
in the restaurant.


I don't want to work!

Well, honey, you're going
to have to. Otherwise
he's going to punish you.

You see?
He does hate me!
He does!

He does!

Oh, darling, don't cry!

Don't cry. Ohh.

Just think of all
the money you're
going to make.

I'll get paid?


How much?

Well...a dollar
a day?

A dollar?


Can I work
every day?

Oh, ha ha!
Well, we're not
open on sundays.'s not
your fault that we're
not open on sundays,

So I'll pay you anyway.
All right?


Ha ha ha!

All right.

When can I start?

Well, next week.

You get a good
night's sleep, now.

Yes, mother.

Oh! Don't tell your father
anything about being paid,
all right?

All right, mother.

Good night.

[Bell ringing]

What did they say?

It's fine with them.
How about you?

Oh, good.
Everybody agreed.


It'll probably
upset laura.

She loves putting on
these shows.

I know. But we
got to teach
nancy a lesson.

You're right.
Sure hope this does it.


Before we begin,
I'd like to take down

The names of all the boys who
wish to try out for the pageant.

Auditions will be
after school today.

Just raise your hands.

Now, come on.

A lot of you boys were
in the pageant last year
and really enjoyed it.

Albert, I thought you
were looking forward to it.

Well, I'd rather
play ball after school.


I--i'm too shy.


All right.

I guess the girls will
just have to put the pageant
on all by themselves.


I can't be in
the pageant, ma'am.
I have too many chores.

Neither can i,
mrs. Wilder.

Do you mind
if I ask your reason?

I just changed
my mind, is all.

Laura: I see.

Is there anyone else
who's changed their mind?

I see.

I must say I'm really
disappointed in all of you.

I thought this pageant
meant something to you.

Guess I was wrong.

So be it.

Mavis, will you pass out
the test papers, please?

Now, we're gonna go over
all the answers

And discuss some of
the mistakes you made.

All in all,
the class did very well.

Although you all seemed
to have a little trouble

With question number 3.

It's jealousy.
That's all it is.

It's just
plain jealousy.

They don't want to be
in the pageant with you

Because they know
that you have more
talent than they do.


Well, it's
true, nels.

Well, they're not
gonna get away with it.

I've written pageants
for the school before.

I can do it again.

This time,
I'll write something
for two people.

Harriet, there
aren't two people.
There's just nancy.

Nonsense! Willie
can do it with her.

No, I won't.

Nancy's your sister.

You owe it to her.

No, I don't.
I'm not doing it.

I'm telling you
you are!

I'm not!

Nobody's jealous
of nancy.

Nobody wants to be
in the pageant

nobody likes her.

-It's true.

She's mean,
and she's nasty,

Nastier than
nellie ever was.

She knew belinda was
in the icehouse when
I shut the door.

She wanted her
to get sick

So she'd get the lead
in the pageant.

-That's a lie!
-It's true!

How dare you make up
a story like that?

You go to your room.

Didn't expect you
to believe me.
I'm only your son.


Nancy, what willie
just said about belinda...

Is that true?


How can you
say such a thing?

Of course
it's not true.

just jealous.
They all are.

No, they're not.
They hate me.

Well, I don't care.

I don't want to be
in their pageant anyway.

They can have it
without me.

Oh, darling,

It's all right.

I'm used to it.

My mother hated me.

That's why she left me.

Nancy, honey...

If you'd just maybe
try a little harder to
make people like you.

I tried to make
my mother like me.

But it didn't do
any good.

She left me anyway.

I cooked, and I sewed.

I took care of her
as best as I could.

But all she did was
beat me and yell at me.

Then she left me
on a street corner...


May I go to my room now?

Oh, yes, certainly.


Oh, nels.

We were in such a hurry
to adopt that we didn't
even look into her past.

Oh, that poor child.
How can a mother
be so heartless?

Oh, nels, I know that
she's done some things
that she shouldn't have,

But maybe, maybe,
if we just have a little--

Yes, yes,
I understand.

It's understandable,

Her mother
rejecting her...


But, harriet...

What are we going to do?

Be patient.

Oh, she starts work
tomorrow in the restaurant.

Maybe it will help.

I don't know, nels.
We just have to be
patient with her.

All right.

All right.


All right, class,
settle down.

before we begin,

Nancy oleson has
something that she'd like
to say to all of you.

I know that the reason
no one else wants to be
in the pageant

Is because
you don't like me.

Well, I don't blame you.

And anyway, I don't want you all
to miss it because of me.

So I'm taking my name off
the list for the pageant.

Mrs. Wilder, may I get
a drink of water?


I know how some of you
feel about nancy.

But I just found out
this morning

That her mother left her
standing alone

On a street corner...

Just a few months ago.

She loved her mother
very, very much.

And she did her best,

But her mother
just deserted her.

Now, just imagine
how you would feel.

Imagine all the anger
you would have...

And the pain.

I mean,
just think about it.

I was the one
who asked you all

To quit the pageant
because of nancy.

And now I think
we ought to ask her
to be in it with us.

Me, too.

Well, how does
the whole class feel?


Then let's tell her.


Yes, ma'am?

Would you
come inside, please?

Nancy, the class
has decided to participate
in the school pageant.

And they want you
to be in it, too.

They do?

Yes, they do.
Don't you, class?

Students: yeah!

Thank you!
Thank you all!

May I go tell
my mother?

All right,
but hurry back.
It is a school day.

I will!

Thank you all!


Ah, mr. Ingalls.

Oh, mr. Case.
How are you?

Fine. Uh, how are
the two young ones?

They couldn't be better.
House's a little crowded,
but we love it.

Oh, you don't have to
tell me about crowded.

The orphanage is
bursting at the seams

Since they closed
the facility at bishop.

What, do they send
all the children here?

Afraid so.
I've been
spending my days

Trying to get
donations to expand.

Not easy. Well,
it's no reason to burden
you with my troubles.

Um...i am almost
afraid to ask.

How's nancy?

Well, it was pretty
rough for a while.

Now the child's started
to open up a little bit,

She's been talking
about her mother
deserting her and all...

It's helped everyone
understand her
a little better.

Her mother
deserting her?

Uh, she never
knew her mother.
She died in childbirth.

She said she lived
with her mother up
until two months ago.

Oh, that's not true.
She was raised by
her grandmother.

A sweet lady, but
she just couldn't
control nancy.

Girl kept getting
into trouble,
running away.

Poor old woman,
she just finally
gave up.

Mr. Case,
do me a favor.

Would you write nancy's
background down for me?

I think it would be
a lot easier for mrs. Oleson
coming from you.


All right, I'll finish
loading up here,

And stop by your place,
let's say, half an hour.

See you then.

Appreciate it.

Caroline: hester-sue,

We need two more orders
of pot roast,

And nancy is ready
to go to work.

All right.
There's two
ham and eggs.

And, honey, I have
a nice little apron
over there for you.

And you can start in
on those dishes there
right away.



Oh, honey...

What's wrong?
Don't, don't cry.

It's all right.

I'm sorry.
I can't help it.


It's what?

Being here in
the kitchen with you...

Doing dishes...

It reminds me
of being with my mother.

Oh, don't...

Don't cry.

Oh, what


Honey, why don't you
go and wash your face

And blow your nose.

Then you come back, ok?

What on earth
was that all about?

She just
burst into tears

And said being in
the kitchen reminded
her of her mother.

Oh, poor dear.

Listen, do you think it's
such a good idea having
her work in here now?

You may be right.

I could talk
to mrs. Oleson.

Maybe she could mind
the switchboard.

Yes. And then,
when she gets
more comfortable,

We bring her back
to the kitchen.

Oh, I'm sure
harriet wouldn't mind.

I'll go ask her
right now.

Oh, you just wait right here
with hester-sue.

I'll be right back.

She's gonna ask
your mother if you can
mind the switchboard.

But I don't know how.

Oh, it's easy.
Caroline will show you.

Wouldn't you like that?

Yes! Oh, yes,
I would.

Oh, I can't
believe it.

I just can't believe it.

That whole pathetic story.
She made it up!

Nels, she made it up!

I don't know why
you're so surprised.

It's not the first
lie she's told.

But this!

She made me cry!

My eyes were so swollen,
I had to put ice on them.

Well, she's not gonna
get away with it anymore.

I am gonna
put my foot down.

it's about time.

Yes. She'll be sorry.

She'll go to bed without
any dessert tonight.

That's the punishment?

You think
it's too harsh?

Good heavens!
The child has
got to be punished.

But, nels, I can't.
She'll run away.

Laura: mrs. Oleson,

What if there were a way
we could teach nancy

That she can't
get away with lying,

And do some good for
others at the same time?

Well, that sounds
wonderful, but how?

Trust me. Don't
say anything to her

About what we found out
at the orphanage, not yet.

All right.
But are you sure?

Just trust me.

So I got to thinking...

That this year,
instead of a pageant,

We could have a bazaar.

It would be fun for everyone,

And we could donate
the money we make to
the orphanage in sleepy eye.

What do you all think?


All right, now...

We're gonna have to make
a list of all the booths.

Starting, of course,
with the most important booth,

The mermaid booth.

Now, who'd like to be
in charge of the construction?

All right, albert,
you're in charge.

My pa can donate
all the supplies.

Oh, that's wonderful,

Now, we need a volunteer
to be the star,

The beautiful mermaid.

-Oh, me!

Oh, no, no.
Now, wait a minute.

I can't just pick one person.
It's too important.

We're gonna have to have
nominations and voting.


I nominate
nancy oleson.

I second
the nomination.

Well, are there any more
votes for nancy oleson?

[Students talking at once]

Well, looks like
it's unanimous.


You're gonna be our mermaid
at the bazaar.

[Students talking excitedly]

Nels: harriet, will
you look at this jar--

Oh, nels! I've seen
jellybeans before.

We ordered 10 times
more of these things
than we ever sell.

Now, don't tell me
the children haven't
been helping themselves.

Why is it always
our children?

I ask myself that
question many times.


Yes, sweetheart?

You have to
make me a costume.

A beautiful
mermaid costume.


Yes. We're having
a bazaar at school,

And the whole class voted
that I be the mermaid.

It's the most
important booth.

Mrs. Wilder said so.

Why would they
vote for you?

Because they want
the prettiest girl,
of course.

I have a picture book
with mermaids in my room.

I'll get it.

Mermaid booth?

Have you ever heard
of a mermaid booth?


But I can't wait.


Laura, voice-over: the day
of the bazaar finally arrived.

All of the children worked hard
to make it a success.

Albert and willie
worked in secret.

They wanted the mermaid booth
to be a special surprise.

A very special surprise.

Nancy: are you almost done?
It's getting late.

Mrs. Oleson: yes,
just a minute.

Willie wouldn't
even let me see
the mermaid booth.

Oh, I hope
it's pretty.

Oh, I'm sure
it will be.

Can't you hurry?

Yes, yes, yes.

I'm done.

Oh, ma, I look
so beautiful.

Oh, that belinda stevens
will be sick with jealousy.

She hates me because
I'm the mermaid.

Oh? Well, I thought
willie told me that
she nominated you.

Of course she did,

Because she never
thought the class
would vote for me.

Oh, but they wanted
the prettiest girl.

Aren't you ready yet?
Everybody's waiting.

Oh, yes, yes, yes.
I'll get your father.

How do I look, willie?

Like a 90-pound guppy.

I hate you, you know.

Yeah, I know,
but it's all right.

I'm used to it.
I had another
sister, you know.

Mrs. Oleson:
come along.

Nancy: mother, it's so hot out.
I hope my flowers don't wilt.

Mrs. Oleson: well,
I'm afraid we can't
water them, dear.

Oh, yes,
we can.

What if somebody
told her and she's
not gonna come?

I don't think so.
I mean, who'd tell?

Willie wouldn't,
I'm sure of that.

But mr. Oleson knows.

I guarantee
he wouldn't tell.


Here they are now.

Come on.
Let's get you
in the booth.

Folks are waiting.
We'll get you in
around back.

All right,
honey. Have fun.


No, no, no,
let them go.

Well, I just want to
fix her flowers once more.

They won't
need fixing.


Oh, it's hard to see.
Can't you take
the canvas off?

Oh, no. See,
it's like a curtain.

This is
the big attraction.

You wouldn't want
to give it away,
would you?

Ok, here,
get on the swing.

All right.


Oh, hurry up.
I can't see a thing.

It'll just
be a second.

Everybody with tickets
for the mermaid booth,

Line up! It's ready!


[Crowd cheering]

Albert: step right up.
3 Balls a penny.

Get a bull's-eye,
and make the mermaid swim.

Nancy: you let me
out of here now!

Nope. You wanted
to be the mermaid.

You lied to me!

You're the last one
to talk about lying.
3 Balls a penny!

All I ever told you
was it would be
the most popular booth.

Look around.
Did I lie?

Hey, give the lady
some room.

I'm sorry you got sick,

Crowd: oooh!

It was willie's fault.
He shut the door.


That's the honest truth!
Cross my heart! Hope to--

[Crowd laughing]

I'm glad I got willie
to lock you in the icehouse,

And I'm glad you got sick!


Harriet! You promised
not to interfere.

Give me those balls!

Make willie go to bed
without supper!

It's my turn!


That's right!
I am your mother!

And you won't...

Lie to me...



I'm going to tell
you something else.

I love you!

I love you, too.

Oh, baby...

All right. Go on,
back up there. Go on.

Laura, voice-over: nancy sat
in that booth the whole day,

And a lot of kids said
she was a good sport to do it.

Well, we knew she'd still be
nasty, but she'd be better.

'Cause she knew folks cared
enough about her

Not to let her get away
with things she shouldn't.

So, just remember that
the next time your folks
punish you.